The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    . i
1 5
! . v, V i siiWhav VfnRMtKirL .TAMfTAPv ii ir i r-V I 'v
witNrt,f vinri; vasUda wwfsAi
Cftrmvfc'- fT?njteW? ',nd , Eileni
Percy in "Cobra." v - '. - f I j
- -. -------t- : : - - 'a ! j
i i - i
i ruiK ---no. .lle'' with Eli
eanor Boatrdman " : - ' ; 1 ' ?
: Hugh Jlippotlrorocj'vaudoTtlle
and pictures; 1 ' f 1
i I
1 H IIHili
"Jf? Premier Shakespearian. Aj
,tor,tp : BqSeerun "Tho
Merchant of Venice!1.
A dramatic trat of. tho ?rjf
hiehost order will ho. offered I otal
t heat erWoers at The I Icilijr , Thai
ire, on weanesaay -evening;, jslw
uary 13th, when America's eai
nent i Crag;edianllobert- B. Manf
teir; sappdrtedT by GenieTleVe Ilaimf
per ' and1 an' exceptionally , capable
Venice: - This play has been iheH
meuium oi aiiraciing more aliena
tion to Mr ManleU'i artistry thai
any other play In -his repertoire
"The Merchant of Venice" i has
been considered, by students i of
Shakespeare to he one of the mjost
I impressive of hi a, many plays. ' To
j revert to Mr Mantell's interpretaf
I t ion: ot .the role of Shy loek" ih
nanjfis oi ootn liopin. anu (ar
rick are the.only.onesVroupledj iQ
lh vame,,brea.tht , In thi &aury
of onspiCQpn.s charaeteizaitins
of Shakespearean, roles Mantell's
"ShyUx:k" occupieu a- prominent
place. Ajs chef support to the star
is fa'lehtea Genevieve llamoor whrt
ilirough her. excellent , worlt ! a$
. Lady Macbeth' f ' "Corrtel t
i'Ophelia. "rtosallnd,"' and. "Piori
?bas. reached an important boi
sitlon ;firiher: profession. , This is
road aniElj-thst win Jj the nlyBre
wntatjon:f ; a Shatespearan- pay
I i
r5. . w
Marion tDuniyAiptairbii
028r Low forecond
Largest Population-
-i v.";'- ' ' - j j
Fire losses in-the stat$ of,t-
gon. exclusive of . Portlana for tha
year925; aggrregated '2,94?-166.97,-
according to a "report pto
nared yesterday by W1U . Moor4,
L e state"flre marttal ThTf IreUas
t" iifor the year 125 shows-a;d
crease of approximately1 f 2pO,H,
Vhen compared witn tnat .or 1.9? f.
The largest !b'ssTbf;$S9,S12.i45
was in Multnomah county outsidle
of the city "of Portland. Thje"
-n nlallest loss of, $ li 7 2. 2 i waaj m
Tillampbk,'couBiy, ' Itood IUr,
rolijnty had th secondtlheaVlHt1
losses oi any cmmij in i.ho
during 1926.- the losses -lit
county aggregated $38,0;o. Uffi
ioi connly, wMh the second lari-
est population in tho 'stjate, lafl.
flrK losses totalling, $261,028:-)
ir"or : the month of. Ilecember,
11 ?r. tlie fire iossesJinfegA,
outside of the city of Portland, i"
irregated J17,33. i nexe wpro
tt total of 48 fires, thre tofwhfph
were classified as fucehntary
re classified as iuehdlary."h
n&i disastrous fire dulrlng flje
nath of Decemlier wa4 ai!
valljs wnere ino niem nnf
i 1 hi. Oregon acricnlturalii college
I urnedpwilhardsabf 7.000.1 T
t The decrease in "fire losses dHr-'
ingr thd year 192rwhen,oinpaHd
twith previ
by Mr. M
1 1 ion camp
ried on In
.with previous years was nrioupu
Moore to the fire preyn-
imnaien that has been car
different sectio
ns of lh
Ttte il urine the nast few years.
A a result of this campaigner.
uAore Kaid tho ' fire debartmpint
..fftctala. have made frequent itn-
V sped Ions of the property witljin
I their jurisdictions and that nutn
I rhn fire 'hazards hare been ellin-
fnated. : '. -. i Mf ill
tteports prepared, by itbo state
fim marshal indicated tfhat most
of?tIe fires were caused by ietc
tt r overheated fluea. " Rubtiifeh
I on,! marlm ; also caused a large
I mimhor of fires. Approximately
it, per 1-11111. u..n' " "-." ry-
sified as of an undetermlsnspd
irtgin, i '
t f
Monday, u?sdiy
Thrillihff Melodrama I
"Oxi the Stroke
":- ! - - .- ' - - -i " . '
; Remarkable Cast - i
, Kenneth Harlan ; -
; - Mary Ca-TiT
: VAUpEViLLEXt bLigh
.'.'Beyond' Yh7 ?TVoVder'r 4 1 farry
Carey's latest western which for
action and romance puts all his
previous pfctareff-a"yIn the back
ground. nU:ltaIMrL froatn to
day ' . ' ( - -? .
Tho stary wht Emails from
Meredith Davis, sensational mag
azine slory "Wou 'SnrtthT Meets
Smith' anG In It Carey plays the
part of a courageous officer of the
law ho faces all sorts of danger
to free an unjustly accused bandit
aqd j have. . the; - real offenders
bi'ouht to Justice.
Today's bill at the BliRh is
topped by the James Wright com
panyof three girls anl. two men.
Eachl is an artist. The stage is
set "ih a camping Sfsene in this
piecoj of whLHtling, singing, or
playijng of saxophones, accord-
banjo and gfiitar.
; Meyer and, NolanTuave a fast
number of singing dancing' ami
piano playing is 'the.' work 'or this
couple offering plenty of comedy
A-bulldog at the finish -sings'1 with'
the. fou pie!-' ... ' ' " "
Paul Tlradcn' opens the . show
with his" card act. lie has some
good tricks. t
' I.laltHbt and. HaleybtinpL'daS s
of the past. Te old-time bar
tender,'- aind -- tc ' hackman ' ga
tlj rough so mo'u1edy songs, and
hand but. "pToatjoif! laughs fo
their part' of Xle 'ahaw. ; ' ' 7.
f - Ilip " ltaynioudr-.Tand company;
close the fifll. -Ilip is d clown who
works" on l&Jl?;Til..liirnL6jj$s''
good coniedy. . :
i v "f :k! j
t Cos tianid frortr in :
trovement that'-no- otfaT fainllia 1
wl th - thesi tuatlon . C9uJ,d - tal k in.
favor of returning to tne oicf.aays;
Ic Is not possible that a decent
person would want the old condi
tions back. r . ' , - , .
XcAUulUubalo6 i of ten raised
today that rinkin:has increased.:
This -is a- gross misrepresentation.
Cvery drunk that comes to the
attention I of the police force is
arrested today. Hence, when a
man is drunk, he calta more at
tention than Tie did formerly, and
is worse' : r": ; "i -'
' As matte? -offaet, ther 1 not
one drunk today where there were
to before probibitiOft.. J There are
certain tll soaka' still living who
will d fink, no doubts till they pas?
i was.", nil t when these are gone,
the demand wilt. bo lessened, and
the,' nefarious trade of bootlegging
will diva'natttriirdcath " "
'If the fcotfdTUons ' !of;-tlie pre
1 -f.
. narry varcy
, ' . - . - j, '. ,
" ' " .IS .
' t -
; '?Beynd '.the,i;
Border" ;
"A roatrtor3R.of,1he' 1
, ,reit'Vest ' ;
rirsi. Time.. Shown,-. Hero-
i 1TS :;"-,
; Vaudeville
nissr and Better "
' ' y Tlian ETer 1 . i
i .!TIe Kntiro SliowV -.
: ,t Pictnro Prices -J-r
':. HI
I . ,,; . ' iv. III it
..4- nr
I- ? -,-":-!! '""-. 1 mi.jj" " --' " I mD don's" fncrearfes ia the j major- I C3i -'f. s : . ; . "-i T. F- v
- 7 ! - -J: i - ? . . . . Itty of rotes for prohibition in f H '? ' ;:- nA-l-ii-: Oif:"":' 'C-l. .
1 " . "f'S, t - V,7-. . VJ4. ..... .'
5 ::y.j":
. .:..K:;X;:;:. -
. H
I i;:s.w::aj:;:.:
" oBra." witn uuaoipn Valentino, Nita Naldi and Eileen Percv.
theatre and will be continued over Monday. If is said to be one of the4 mdst powerful filmfcfyef pro
duced by the JUtz-Carlton company ' and-is released under the Paramount banner. - . ' - .a
prohibition days should return to-
ay. when we- have our automo
biles, tho pit nation would be ter
rible. Co one would be safe on
ho streets.
"In those days, teamers would
lrive into the citifts, take. on a
complete - jag, . aiid boartl. their
wagons. They.i would., bo dead
drunk, absolutely incapable of.
driving tlsetr teams. , nut the
lorsos wouhl jaunt home, know.
ihg the way. Tlie autoniobiLes,-
liowcver, might not.Jte so familiar
wit it the lionic route ;is the, horses
w cro. r
"From nil 'information I can
gather,"" business "onditions in the
city have much improved since
In- - advent of prohibition. The
saloons made no business other
ban payLiy; license fees.
'Some people thought Salem
was doomed for bankruptcy when
rohibition set in. ..They thought
the city "would not make.a flnan-
ial go without the money taken-
n as license tees irom. saloons.
Ii tit' the city gets the same money
today, only it. takes it from the
people in taxos. Now a man
spends his inoney so that his fam-
'jik benefitted, andvlcgitimato
business" houses are given a
chance. '
Certainl y prohibition i. has
made Salem more desirable
place, to live In. In the old days,
ii' was not an- uncommon sight to
see some woman, standing outside
salodp, trying to -H her hus
band -to- come - home. ; ' : "-
1 y.. .
jG agEmenx extraordinary
-.i: -it,
mr: maNTRI :i: as
- r. Complete Scenic and
-. Prices $2?0n
.'iteKulMr Box Office Sale
'MAlIbUDKris Hl:rKIT:i NOW FKOM If and OUT of town
ARMORY - - Satm - y JANi. tt:
Address letters, checkilpost
HolC at AVmory. Include self-aadressied istamped envelope for;
safe returri. ; v yj J ; .t-' j-' . - J
i vt J ririccIncladJij:-ATai- Tax " V" - r ".
" r"rvices -Evcninjc". ' ; " " Special I6elucel Prices:
;- -rt''iv'L-Ve 'e 1 ; - Afternoon'T .
Entire lower floor.:..:.S2.20 Entire,' lower floor SI. 65
Balcony center .:.m.,S2.20t y . rialcony center'..J...SI.C5
' Balcony ; afdes-'-S-wJs j G5 - ; Balcony- Bides : Sl.lO-
!1 iJV., -
- H: - . - i
"The 'community is more pros-
perous when a greater number
ci individuals are prosperous,
than it is when only a few" have
all. i ; ..-
"Pew today are really, hard "up
in this city1. Of course, there are
fcome, and
as long as there is a
I suppose, there always
will be porne. Some are impover
ished through misfortune. Others
through their own hick of en
the population,
the city is now
It is astounding.
!riuikenps in
practically! nil.
tr think that people ever put up
with such
conditions as uyel to
"During ;t he past year. I haven't
seen morel than two men on the.i
streets of Salem that 1 could j
woar positively were unucr 1110
influence 'of in toxica i Inn: ' lf.jiior.
And each year, orunlreiu'ss lo
coming less common.
"Some Jpcople"t . comphiin that
boys Hthejmuch touted younger
rencrationi are getting drnnk
n.ore than ever. ;TheH people
.cltim theil ' Ket "their boow", get
girl friends, and hike put' for . a
uance. i '. "' : .. ':" . ". i;
"Th? reason it.lseems -there.ire
more young fellow;s drinking now
is' that! eack case is noticeable. In
the old : daVs. there wpuld be ait
loast a dozen bbys leaning over
the bars-drunk to one drunken
lad of today. j '
"Of course we can't cut off the
evil all at. once. Weimust wait
Costomici Production . '
$l.lf Sa -
Opens Monday,", Jaft.' 11, 10 a. m
Thirtl M CVntnry .Tour. of
the World'H Mofttt Huceessfinll
Musical. OrKanirjitlon
LicutCommandcr -
t, IJomluctor !' v .
ami Organization of -
- ' l.ltKrMen -
office., money order to Archie
4 v, r-
:-.-4v0-'-. .
I "
is now showing at th;n-eMn
till it dies a natural death. If all officers 'make the same effort
to en force the lawr though, there
will be a decided change imme
diately. "AVfor the talk that the people
want the old wet days back it is
so much buncombe. If you will
examine tho records you.wiirtind
that in all the states "where the
matter has come up again' !efore
? -.i i- :t' j
S: Lh Chaplin
.From fltec -. !
.v-. !
Added Attjrctiprir
; . fa ypr J3B
- ' - -- ; - -
. i t
.lA',",4s."s f
4 ! -
J yv p Al ,l hr h.?hr lv?n tre-
ineddous" increases ln the j majority-of
votes for prohibition in
compariaon to .th votfe-' that
t.rntiffht the amsqdment . Into W
fig i .-- - ... -
' "By ridditig Halem of the Ha
loons and of booze, another; evil
luis , bee n d ispensedW j t h i he red
11! lit districts. The old red 1'ghV
districts were at Front and "'Ferry'
street s"r'"and' on , Liberty) street
whore th telephone office is" at
the prosent time. The' drunk
used to patronize these places, and
raised cam "at all hours i'of the
night. ' '.' '"-' " ! ' ?'
- Tint no man' In his right mind
will patronjje suchrat; holes, ; as,
the red light districts were. Nat
c rally,' when bopze" went. out, and
tho drunks liecame sober ;for the
nost part. !hv demand . for the
painted women fell off, and they
moved on, not snt much because
of (he la'v, bnfhecnustfiy could
rot get enough trade ,1o pay. thm
for their, profession.',: .j
SE.TTLiq. Jan. 9. (Al,) Se
attle will honor the late . Judge
Thomas Burke in one of to Vays,
hy a bnilding on th4 University lof
Washington, campus or by a- sta
tue fromtthe. hands' of one of the
world's leading8culptors.1 ,
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 9.
(AP) Officers and trustees ; of
the Pacific northwest Kiwflnls dis
trict, adjourned here today after
a business session.
Safety often depends; upon a
good pair of legs more than upon
a good pair of fists.
Ignorance disregards sx; Just
as many women are fools as men.
I?ictuT45. Wi
be. Shown 1
V1 fi
m the' man whorrot th
cory of t 'RAir.- Now M
ivm audjncca r another ' rbrU
liaac dramatic ebtcrtaXiimmt,'-
An . auaazin. "rwnSuce ozVso
cirf, from MatajrVAufecM
that held-Brodiv' fprll.buond
for two yr.'
f MalcolT MacGregor
. " itmi ' f
- rI?oubIe.JeaiU3cei?i -
CUSRT : " ! .
Good1 Western
' i .
' 1
-.... . I'" - ri-; tt''
!'." ' i . 1 .' - . EI
I ' 1 '
Ansbnias Finest
delivered, for
Ilerp JaA striking -exaniplok of .thej' wayf the Burhett Thrift
Club benefits everybody- The clock sketched is delivered, for a
matter of fifty; cents. Tha, balance is paid at -the fate of-Bay
a"do!Iar'a week!' ' ' ': ''v'.,-'. -' ' I
The clpck measures aliout twenty
inches long 'and twelve .high. It' is,
of solid mahogany, with an elght-day
movement, chlmipg all th,e hours
and air the quarters on a set of soft-"
toned gongs which reproduce 'the
chimes of Westminster Abbey. Same
price 'the world' bver-r-set by the'
Ansonla Clock Co. at $5. -Cash oi,
terms, the price is always tho same,'
Pay a half a dollar and- tak . thet
'clocTt nlonjr and put It on the mantel
shelf in your -own, hotnw; pay;, for
4t at the rate of say -a dollar a
"Week: . : ' ' ; ; '-'
1. j - 1 1 1 " 1 L w -
. " . " . --"'' j ,'' . . . ' .
Electric: BevcMtims.
Ifeliver fpf
. - . . - . . I "
..'fc jr r . m. . .1 ft!
Manning-Bowman and - Unltersal
'percolators In all the new and
Ifectitesle ; OnBCihany.dlIphJ-,
fulj effects I 8hown3ln.f th,e;ketch;.
furdaV Ev.enlng TiOMu j $etsr complete
And to get 'people 'inliothe "nirieteen f
awenty alx thrjft rJiibJyoti maji
any ,set"for f0c down- Pay the
a nee a dollarror so .a, -week-,. . .
' ' ! "".",
s Community.
j. j . ..i t ,. . -i' . .- . -.- t v
: :.:si-m8&
1 DelivefetL-for
trr.i "T-Ttfc "'"'
' ' r ; " K "J ""
. "v. ; f V
"Twenty-nine piece stfts of Common- '
:ity or Itrfgers "1847". fsifver plaffl. aro"
offer.edat .tha lowest pash) prices! add .
on the easiest and "thriftiest', term.
Any sett delivered To half a
?Iay the bklanco ' 'a yoxt'ire'i&ld:''
Commnnifx 1 ITIpte. JWT?tCash ;
, , PriciO .. (20. plcc sets ), for-
t JJfKr??! -.MSr!;Silver4 Plate, (
SO" pic'iiets-i-low-esi 'cah ; price
Hnr -
i '"t . Q ' - r-' 7. " r --. ""' '
3?: . .-
Fifty, Cents
Fifty Cenf
PluiG C:zd
. . . -jh a : -,
Silver f
fiiftyiCchts- '
' l,V
I ' :' li-
dollar. .
- r '
rrlrlin a1 n ji i l .
S ."-'.. .
Pleat hers - .r......