The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1926, Page 18, Image 18

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    ' - t ;.V-V. -: Tim Rnn-rTATrr sat:w.t.-W.fin?i . 7 . .1-. .Y-: W.- V" I ' -' : . SUNDAY: MORNING; JANUARY 1Q.;192$. ; : - -
. - - - .. -.11 , - , i 1 - -' : . -f -i-. a ' w . - .--V a ,: i
need for 'a comparatively high rate
of dischaTKri in,radio ;A'!;.Ber7
vice the;rate trdischargs is c om
paraUvely Jlow-., This r means -that
it Is possible to use thicker, heaTr
iertplatee la a radio 'A'.V battery
I REAsoys ,;TvnvnApio, . must
the i apparatus.;
and' so greauy, '- -.- -
life,,. ' - ;
Infi automobile, servicerj- oni the
other handr -ordinary fluctuations
in' voltage are not perceptible in
I'.m'M chteft blunder is -ins
so.many.jajs against .
I 1 Iirv r - 1 iJ .iS - -I i,.at TiiTt on a radio set
set no
f I matter if the set Itselt Is he; best
results- In automobile starting
own jlnjterests, K.
TV! on itheiaaxet,,VclaHhSoeeWil
3X .f I liains.-4caLWiJId. deal? r. h ;,An.
and lighting. I baUeriea-: there is
1 u . d"2V1
A ; battery mnst be i.bnlit. ror,ra-
dio, nse-i-whleh has .dUferent. re-
Zry I aulrements .than ;anwmQPu.siar-
j Unlloilted speed fr motor Te-1
les pn IMoot concreie riu-
lava tft.fli riirertlan tand ionr-1
ttwetja ub gwu x 1
ir of motor traffic cans stloa.
jlher lUes that haYliad their
traffic will find much to
n the plan that Detroit I
olved to soIto its problem.
j Thirteen thousand new
"l indtol end more than! 30 mile in j
nrth-haTeOeett. sold, eTery .day I J
lUce JJannary :!, 1924. or the
but 1925 registration or is.ouh,
) 0 0 1 vehicles,, more - than . 10,000,
ioo automobiles, motor tracks and
usesi have been placed in service j
Within the past 3C months. i Con-1
Ustion, as a result of these a'- represents the p maximum of feffi
SrtQ'us f sales, - has become steadily J cieney in mdtcirj vehicle operation.
oe; uniu nw imu,Cu,.l0!-v
stneeded it motor transportation
a to continue efficienUr, .
HI jh ways paved onlyr te
- a . V 1 4 a a1 4aI
eara aro nare ueea ujcvkw
rtffic that Is double, ' treble .and J
reanen times greater 'than that Where!V coadjtfons warrant such
Which': "was anticipated. Large crossings,-: A4-Btatons locatedev
Lltiea that formerl yfound ados, rv' one-halt 'mile apart, more or
a or so outlets sufficient to care
f.m Mhstave 4vfflAlhgt mntt nasal
ktriously eurtalls efficient move-1 traffic lane.;wiU-Jmeet the-inrer-knent
of traffic as a whole.H ' I ecttnr streets i at. erade sothat
i The
;eycrywhere kmut.i,8ee.k
I the. form of wider andmore paved
i roads. Much xopdworkas been
donq but the; uprodnctfon .ndsale
, vf motor cars continues unabated
and congestion continues to grow
more serlousi I- ..if : ' . s
; r Seeking to sdlve the problem of
it s "own dtr Detroit's Xtanid Tran -
fc'tf Commissioii chas-brought forth
atplan that maybe,lhe. means. of
relieving eongestioa in ,aU ciUes.1
As, revealed by. the;; drawinsrthe
? clan contemplates a 20.4rf oot.wWe
; uper-h!ghway. Of this,i four
; track car lines require JH ? feet.
t1 .;je 0-foot ' roadways in each
: rectioa are provided for motor
It rfic Speaking of Its plan, the
commission says: i j 5
!i V'All the services 'UlUIng 4htL;i
j rip id transit trains will operate
1 c a bne level on , the surface be-
1 1 Ma-taUens- Bat4he .rarioes j
; t tar bI.. Jan ea . will. beproperJy. -der J
1 VV'.'Vk ThirteeuUpui.traIns. .7 from
i trarelihpug2UKe.loctooad- aad( Xrom 4he.t, will
v -1 ; into tne express lane . for i
i . " j . r .4 .
i through the local: roadway
i approachicg-th.IrMdestixialWednesda Imornlng bringing del:
t: -The operation in the x -
r r J Iae wiUibe contianous Ve-
hi 23 ,wlll merge Into tand t flow
tv .
t 3 . Pcsitiyc
xnsnoirccv nt x -
r e . pParjta
V .
, 1
! (
. . '
5, 11
Q 71 i )
if KTji
j't X 1
alonc Wta jl, stream and finally
ieebnt neer. cross lit. Iltf will
pv WhelitratfK cannot cross the
V f,; grade, but
taa. ..kHftf- V tiiA.iiaif.mA
interaectisas; land. M kewise,. pedes-
' ' ! 4
"itrUn may cross DV means or ever.
aead . -of : undersrtfund. passages
IeKS expressi .motor traffic
. m k JH n
der theap4atrtosit,n4e;cpress
motor .traffic .lanei At such, (points.
Xhus the, rapf4 transit .and express
motor tservice.HWlU,,notJe,.sub-
jected to any j crossing (interfer-
ences. Thejf can atttain high
speeds. This;: is necessary- and
recognized .hjaxaiiteristi of rap-
tt .xransaifme it: snouia'eisobe
I accepted. aa aa esseaUal. feature of
the mptor. tratfie highway Jot the
wurt. . . p f , j t?
I .
H. F. BonesteeieHocal-Reto-
resen(ative, to Attend
Anhiual Meetin
, nrrio
at tae
Michigan Central
j egates to; jthe 0. Dealers' Annual
MeetiagolDodge Brothers, lnc4
andGrahafi fB rot hers. The "j ton-
Cure5& Cents
i' i
crr, ouciu,i wicuii
for aH.carsj L ;
- -
v" - "r I J , '
. . T I'll
J " jit
& -
- - .:
. 4 r
; A Sis Cylxnder 4?D.ooScdn:.witHialL-the b'eiutirind ' - " ;
.- yf-'pular-decxf Nash line ni if ; ;
- - - ! ? '
, . i ;
ar;L j.
M?i s 7 J . ;
vention, probably the "greatest' of
any kind ' to ' be , held f in , Detroit
this year,, willi brisg together' fully
2500 representative -of . Podge
Brothers, and . prahauv , Brothers,
many of whom jwlll be accompan
ied, by their, wives and other mem
betf p tithe ir, am Hies. E veryt state
In ;the; union.1 will be represented
by ; a .large Tdelegation.f and there
wilt, be a considerable representa
tion. : from far! k corners of the
world ,V J ';.''
,'H F. Bcmesteele ot the Bone-
steele i Motor,. 1 company,; galeni
dealers, for. Podge motor cars and
Graham trucks lcf tearing the
week for Detroit where . he . will
attend the contention. -
The meetingt will last three
days, combining business and en
tertainment. 'Schedules : haye
been"; .arranged! 'so that'' all f the
thirteen .special trains- will arrive
at the Detroit station .between 8
and i 8: IS t oVlock f Wednesday ,
njorning. and the program will be
continued' from 5 that time' "until
Friday . evening - when ' special
trains- bearing Dodge; "Brbthejrs
and. Graham Brothers officials and
many of. the.' visitors ,wul leave
Detroit for, the- New-York motor
sftowW, '
Immediately iupon their arrival,
the visitors will be taken! in
charge by the Dodge Brothers and
Graham -. Brothers . traffic and: en
tertainment; departments, and the
ladlea.of .the-party "Will be taken
at once to the I Book-Cadillac, and
gtatler - hotels;- where headquar
ters- for- the "meeting have' been
e8tabalisheo. ; Tor-j the men,: cars
and buses will be in waiting and
a ' parade will ;. be formed in the
Station :Tlata'5whfcTi "willroceed
through? the .business section of
the; cityr with Jt,he-Graham jBrothr-
era -plant. asvM its -firsts objective.
From Information I which !? has
come ahead, this' parade -w HI .be a
colorful' affair. i.1 Some of the or
ganizations' will1 bring t bands,
some original 'devices in banners
are. hinted at, land a'footbal('sea
son atmosphere will, be added b7
'college"! yell which -some of the
delegatl0R5 iarel. kn.0WA. to i&ave
been practicing'. There'wlllbe &
police escort for the parade i s
A -feature of the convention
will ' be A complete ; and attractive
Dodge f ' Brothers, ; and Graham
Brothers ; iexlIbit. Cpavention,
hall which vfUU4beopah to the:
convention,' guests Thursday ;from
9 al. m. . to ;' 6 p.' m. Luncheon will
be served, "and, there will be' mu
sic and other! entertainment feay
tures, - ' This exhibit, a ' complete
Lautpmobile, show, .will be throw, n
open :to the public Friday and
j -
JiiAx7H - -
' : V
- . 1 1
f r
I Insf
Saturday. s . . . . - - "
. "The annual -' dealer's banquet
will be Jield- in the ball rooms-of
the - Boo k-Cadillaa Thursday, ;eve
nlng at. SrSO iX'clock.. FoUowing
the dinner guests taken
to i theMfNewA Detroit jTheater.
where there , will . be an,t.unusual.
entertalnniet o andA addresses, by
several high executives. $ j,
: For.the ladles of fhejjarty the
projgran f for Thursday. evening
Includeaji dinner-, atthe,., Detrpit
Athletic 1&W and a theater,, party
Registration - of -Automobiles
Exceeds Tnat rot I ele- -t
phorres-4n America.
t Thell8.u0OiOOO-registratlon. 'f
automobiles f oc:i 9.SJL exceeds by
more than n 1.6Q 0,000, the,, total
number of .telen bones an, .use today.
As 8. general thing, the.numper of
telephones,. in ,any, t onataie .is a
goQdfJnqicauo oftthq numbecpi
automobiles ?Jn,;,useu in, tne v same
atafefi . h
The northeastern jjectiqa pf (he
country haa the f,most, .telephones
as" well. as.' automobiles;.,; while
southern .and .mountain sections , s
oi.i.neiQumry are lowosmoqiaj.
As short ago as 1912 the-telo-J i
800 per. I ceniVi the; figures ; being
more than ,,O0D, 000. telephones
against, approximately 1,000,000 1 4
carsi Five, years later .In: 1917
the difference was but 8 01 per .cent
in v f avoc olL telephones.,, ' In , 1 9 2 3
telephones and- motor-cars were
tied in - the races for . supremacy, j
use. 5vv;;r;;--'vr .
In 1994 the motor car forgebf
ahead- in th4 ,"ra,oo and,?iexceodea.
telephoneabyil.OOO&O," .while
1925 f increased the motor, car's
lead to more thanl.500,000.
'- CaUftrhiawTexas and, Ohio show
a pronounced f avpr for- cars -over
telephones, the figure tor rl924
being: CalUorniai 950,000 phbnes
agaiast 1,3 000 00 cars? Texas,
520,0 0 6 " phones against? 800,000
WQ.9A!o'.. 1.20,OOOjpnQnBa
against 1,250.000 cars, j ' ,
TT. fl
1 i
? i
-! ' '':.-' '
Some et owners -Jiave . eeni os-
automobile' 4atter les in! A"
servicer-man-of them- Tebuilt, al
though the requirements which an
automobUjp.hattery is; designed? tQ
meet are v entirely rdifferentjfrom
those .for radia.S'A'Lbattery wotlci
In gradio'A.Jiervice.ithere la Aeed
of . a -constaai voltage, otherwise,
frequent returning 1s required be
cause of ,the. sensitive, character of
i. Profit, byhf (ejp.ejrienCQv
j j orilhos.wft knov. ; ;
t - ...-. ii 4)1. i . : i ; ?
it i - i - t
- AGripiIasiTread k"
I k , Design -
rllQXK..44 X
; Saappy Becv-ce
..... -.
- J- f. I v
V : I"
Althlaiweek-?ye are showing the
finest; ind most, interesting display j
of Ford . passenger cars the : pjublic ;
has ever. seen.. .
..This, is Ford National Show Week !i
,! andfallFord Dealers, are partici- j
, pating ;
VoJleyiMotdr Cd
Runabout -Coupe
- -louring:
all rxuers r. o. b.
i. , J , . . . wt- f -.v 4.,-.-...
r J - l, i , .... . ... . . . r' - : J' . ' ' ' ;' : ' " f : A ' "r ' -'
V V. VfJ-"- rtih . -
) f i i
Coupe .
Half Ton Truck .
" Chassis' Only
OnerToi:iTruck ;
OpposHftX:iiy.Han; : . i I . . ; " Satan, Oregoa, A.: iM TiY ' A T. i'- U -Or W lG';!d S Tj
Featuring) dheEdteptrdq:::
-vr-i - ;$260; i ' - -X J :
Vr' - '520 ,';r-; ;
;:V;-;:--;:';290 , -
Nav Effective
AHPrices Fl O. BrJFlintvrMicKigarr "
. . . J ' !-V.i.'.Vi t'''; 1
In addition to an exhibiWon or the .
improved, For.carsriWere;featur-;
! ing the latest Ford equipment.v You
! will be amazed at thersrhartnec3-
and individuality of j the various -body
types we are showing.-, - '.j j
Be sure to see our display !
Come 'any time this week!
it V
a .
1 ) ft
. I.
ronoon sedan