The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1926, Page 17, Image 17

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able. depree of certainty nnnTI ITin niT
Ul IU I I P. I III' UL !
. v : ,..v;. , shows, big:increAse
Arrordins to Carl , StocV:,,
editor of Rua Transportation, on
i Juno 1, 1925, approximately GOf,
.000 busses were operated 'in tae
United , States. jat -Whici' Sllio
twero run by. .74 4 1 independent
bus eompaniea. 3,250 by electric
' railways. 1,900 by pnblio schools,
1.500 by sightseeing companies,
2.900 in industrial use arid 250 by
steam railroad, terminals, Roughly
v speaking, these busses coTer Oi,
000 ralies of route, -which -ioih-
. pares with approximately 2501.000
miles of steam railroad tracks! and
,44,000 miles of electric railway
i races. Wnile
are available, Mr 1s: estimated that
during '1924 these buhses arrifltt
approximately rl, 000,000.000 paa-j
senders. , ' - - i j
At a recent 'conTentlon. . of ,th
American 'Electric Railway asso-i
elation, held at Atlantic City "iii
October,' it was stated that where
as there were approximately 1,90 6
busses operated by electric raili
ways at the, end of 1924, the nnmi
ber on .October 1 .was 4,437, or S
substantial increase oyer the -flgi-
are given above for June 1. ;
Public opinion is what ' people
no exact ngunes say on tne quiet., j " i r
square, yards
concrete street pavement
4 - - . .
rwere laid in 1924 r
i 9 -
Economic Value : of- Good
: Roads is Demonstrated
, : by, Highway Engineer
a considerable 'degree of certainty '
Inst, when jit saves .money to build
a higher type of road." -
Having established the fact that
a paved road is Rood business tho
highway . of f icial:;must determine
the type and deslga, of the" pay
ment that will be best sotted for
the road to be improved. ' .Here
BE lii F53T Tffi
ill congestion In the city's busy dl
I It rlcta. V -v. m
again, be ihas a wealth of data to I AjaX tOVerS 480 ' MlleS , Ol
Hard Grind in 1 1 Hours
and 48 Minutes W;
guide him in making his-' decision, j
These data are the results of facts
determined - from carefully' plan
ned, exhaustive experiments. Test
roads of jail i types of pavement
were built tea a variety of designs
5 " : ' Construct ' IttifT bejtmanent
roads, that' lead Immediately, into
the 'cities at least 40,fet wld
and build many of them, j , - v.
:': . Provide, -at' intervals of not
more than 300 feet, rural high
ways" with level parking' spaces
entirely, off the . main-traveled
roads, '&:'-H:j? -'-fti'-Cl s
- Fortunately, public opinion has
already been, actively: aroused of
late tor prompt I adoption of ' all
10.00 '.CITIES! "LAID
,"There is a cash value to good werft bnili ta ' vftrlAt- nf dAalirnil Prom - Portland to Bend and
roads In the saving of. wear and and their Tperformance nnder traf-ba'lt gain a Unce of 480 miles
tear on vehicles that , cannot be f lc were cefoUy noted and tabu-l0 v hou nd 48 minute over
too . strongly E emphaslted," ;; says . la road bed notoriously, treacher-
George Hogarth. Chief! Engineer! ,.'"1,? - V " .Ions .because of i loose gravel and
of the Department of Public High- LS.T". 'J1 I Ualr-raising curves that invite
ways. Onurio. Canada. 'The ben- ""Tn ZlVt Zl J7 " disaster at every turn, was the
efits of good roads are shown by "JfSiK'S - record achievement of a strictly
the reduced cost of maintenance Tl ' " stock A jax Six touring car.
L,;,-nf.f .AmAi,u. wilted la concerned-r. He can de-l car. (
sign and. build with the assurance Tne route started with the
that he is giving the highway users JheautifurColombia ; River high-
and ' taxpayers ; the ; r pavement 1 wy suspended In the mountains.
SrTffirWhr will best meet the needs of Pat Multnomah Falls, through
JSm nSn?be? tfthe;lbweato
used by. us since .1917, aod;191$, JiVi 1 A- Jni.:. r
1 1 1 I 1 1 IP.I1II III 1 Illl t 11 T Vi.. "J vutr meat. lv dcuu
and longer life of automobiles run
over good, roads on one hand and
bad roads on the other. One type
of ear, .with., yrhjeh you' are all ac-J
was run over the roads. In. the con
dition the highways were in when
taken over and- In. somecases the
cars were 'practically, wrecked in a
season's rear. f t??' ''
' "Wheri. turning in such cars and
renewing them we were allowed a
sum of : money; .which represented
year, m ivzi ;we turned in a
number , -of., cars' .replacement
and the actual depreciation was
over . the same
and. back again
route, . s k
Because of severe zero weather
and difficult road conditions and
the fact that part of the thrilling
run was at night, the going was
never easy, yet"even "onf the worst
averair deWfatinn '.n.jim :J-J- r x - r-Lfc curves a speed of 35 miles,waa
iMtlrVoWrper 4.tAU?lV maintained. Average .speed for
Npw Hio-h RVrnrn inour about 20 miles faster than
$125 per'ar per1, year.:
: ". it;1:
r - f
The reason i f or ;: this nai-
tion-widei popularity af
concrete street pavement
is the facjt that it j is the
finest looking-1 pavement
that mohejy can buy,' and
gives greater service val-
i if ii ' i 1
ue per aoiiar man any
other type.
Our: free) booklet, "Concrete
Streets for Your Town' "will
tell you the whole story Ask;
' tors your! copy. 1
v. i ;
i - Gasco Bailding i
I ( . . i . - '. 4
A National OrKaaization to Improve and
. . Extend 'the Use of Concrete, L.
This .fa a v- I : ' M lJanie,f9a. . -
saving in depreciation $115 per car ijy HUSSELL E. OARDNEIl.?iR. .Tabulated xeports show adtual
yer year. - . i ,fvv I President. The Gardner Motor! ruanmir ume irora roniana 10
j ;.rr f Company Inc. Jf4j. Bend. a. distance of 240 miles, was
In . Ontario; many- of which are I 'h It Is i nrettv generally aereed 1 5 hours and 53 minutes, while the
mora expensive thai the car above I now that 1926 should prove ! the I return over the same rbad 5 hours
referred fo'. and half of which are I most prosperous year n Amerl-55 minutes a total of, 480 miles
owned outside . th cities Itherelcan business historr: certainly I in 11 hours, and 48 minutes of
would bet a, saving of $15,500,000 1 every well-informed executive j in J actual, not elapsed, running time
per : year (on depreciation 'on cars the automotive Industry expects I a notable triumph for the pilots
and trucks, owned outside the cit-to see a new -high mark set for J and the Ajax Six. v ;
tea." " I tne production and sale or auto- Tturimr ih nttm so miiM nn
mobiles In fact, many, car-build-1 water was added, no tire changes
TIME TO PAVE DIRTi - !!!I!.;"rr
ROADS WHFH TRAPFIH chaaiadlustment-prjany-fcina
: iTi'fm V"V " "V . repaired. Gasoline, mileage was
llu 'IUUUC11UU ttt ll8miles ner urallon4-nusually
oecomes economical to pave that ceieraieu pce. , eddd'hiileag5 considering the rad
road as it;will save money. That I tFordj alone has already i spent hat6rt was unprotected from xero
' .'. s . . .
is the point which, up to the pres
ent time.
t Ford alone
$35,000,000 for . new - buildings
and n o-ar maihinArv anil annnnnc
v we dld not have data to es AhAt Be exwsctn to invest' a
determine. Now, we can say with 1 gim liar sum before the end of ithc
year. Other . builders ; . of low-
priced ' cars, such as Hudson-Es
sex and; Dodge, have also announc
ed the expenditure of substantial
sums for additional manufactur
ing facilities. The expansion pro
gram planned by the- Industryr- as
a whole cans for - tne investment
weather and ; the" drivers were
therefore operating a decidedly
Vcool ' motor." ; ,
(Coatioae4 from paga 1) -
of education of
numerous chambers' of commerce,
safetycouncil Tmnd - ther-'civic,
state, and national welfare organ
izations. Hence, there' 1 little
doubt that In the matter--of mak-
. - , . .
lag roads and streets safe for both
motorist and pedestrian, the many
road and eivic authorities will co
operate. But loaders in this movie
men will need the moral Support
of every citixen' who; wishes 'to
serve, his day and generation 'In
GAIN boood no D
reached a cl the- $.mn resin?.:;
thatwherq conclitiftusi are equal,
the unanimous ppraisal oflarul
along ; h is h 1 y 1 1 m jwo v ed . r o a tl s ' s 1
considerably" "highfr 'than that
served by the inferior kind of
roads, chiefly because of greater
accessibil it y. - .. V r ; ' .
safety measuresby the thorongh-ltheausejof persbnal safetyv f 4 $37 ;lt Wifh & Classified All
See, us -for -our prices
Work done by hour or.
Barrett Bros. Garage
lOOtT North Capitol
for better roads, built faster."'
There are 138 miles of pave
ment In Marion county, with sev-
of "more than; $t00,000f0004foreral more miles to be constructed
additional manufacturing space during this year. ; ux tnis total
and new equipment. A large por-v amount, 38 miles come tinder the
tlon of (this sum has already been classification of state highway,
spent, or is now being spent." ' Itoad district 7, 1n Gervais, leads
Plans for capacity operation I all others with 8,5 miles or iave-
throughout the winter months I ment and -district 48 ' comas sec-
have already been announced byjond with 7.3 miles. The latter
at least ten leading manufactur-1 district Is ; half I way between Sa
ers, ahd this activity is already I lem and-Jefferson on the Pacific
having a stabillatng , influence! on I highway, t I
I the steel markets. The reason
i for this; continued winter produc
tion Is, of course, the early- spring
rush which is .almost, invariably
anticipated., , v.-. .. t " '
'One inoticeable feature .of the
manufacturing programs of. the
majority of makers is the propor
tion" of open' ahf closed vara on
production! schedules. The grow-
Gravel . roads lead all others - in
point of 'mileage, with a total of
14 miles. . Dirt roads are' next
with .302 miles - while there are
135 ; miles : Qf macadam in the There is a total of 1243
miles of roads in Marion county.
... ... T
Thloibwn effidencY of the sturdy, pow- j
erfiil O yerlarid t-headl motor, vith pol-:
ignitioii, superior carKuretiqn,give you :
extra riiiles from "every gtllcyii of gai. ;
sturdy ! f wearing qualities pf tlie bigr car
chassis-the everlasting Molybdenum ana :
Clirome Vanadium stelconstnictionkeep y: X
yououitlcf the repair shon. lowest first cost j;
slowest enst per milel Step in Examine it
' '&;7ILLY3 anAHCS VIMS r:
offers easy time-payment terms at the lowest cost,
at Which It:l3 possible to purchase an automobile.
Xrf ..IV
) ,k i . - !
I I t ! I 1
I J M !
V i il l ' i
Why pay moref
.i- '
Good. women seek men they can
trust; the -others seek men -they
ing popularity of the dosed car is j can work. .
expected to, continue inntii closed
xnoaeis conjuinie irpm i ; w utinrin nn i nr am
80. of all passenger - cars pro-l lucn:"UHU? J2u'
duced.! -, ' IU SAht UKIVINU
Gardner's experience Indicates I - Contianed, from pt t) , ?
the vreat t strides made by 'the I. . - ... -
cloned W during ' the past few necas.- ana pave wnn perma
years. j . ; Where fit. has not been j nent surfacing "more of the main
long since 'our total closed j carl streets. ' 4 .:.
production did. not,. exceed 25 I . 4. Build by-pass . roads for
of our entire outputs -.the pendu- through traffic, thereby relieving
lum has now swuns around i tne
other way. In 1925, : 85 of
i Gardner production was on closed
i models, and ,we expect this: ratio
t to be maintained during the com
ing year.-, " j -"' ::r ' - -1 ' -:
'.. Another encouraging sign is the
increased attention . manufactur
ers are giving to the use car sit
uation: , Some practical plans to
take care of the used; cars which
must usually be. taken in trade on
the sale of a new model, are; now
i being worked out. . "V; i r -
But there k are other ". factors
which are vitally essential to the
continued progress of the Indus-
try. Il mean the removal of; the
: present federal excise taxes,: and
expansion of .America's highway
i program. There have been some
I indications that the insistent de
mand for the removal of the e-
'ciae tax on automobiles has begun
to make itself 4 f elt and hopes anr !,
held out that this extra levy win
be eliminated before the - end: of
the ; current : year. This ..would
mean ; a saving of ; approximately
$35 per car to the icar-owner; for
in. he end, it la the rar-owner
who must bear the - burden' of
needless tax. xcnalties. t v . . ' . :
t V ' "'-1
Graveled- roads are always ex
pensive, because the upkeep ts
never ending and there is always
the possibility that it will go to
pieces under, bad rains and heavy
traf fie, but if the highways tare
made use of as a base for paving
the cost will not have been wholly
wasted. Hibbing (Minn.) ,Nevrs.
r . Wliat availeth it : a
i inari rto skimp . two'
: f bucks " and buy an'
; . inferior tire with
the - above results -'
rrthen ' she blows ? ?
. - HbhiStrcct at Trsda -
' In correcting one evil, Congress
usually creates two, new ones. ! j
.now. fortunate that ny on can
be honest without a college ededa
Upa. 'f;3
While capital and labor average
about 50-50 in winning, strikes,
the public never wlas at eJL
: Boatb Commercial
: , CSw lifi Pifl
A t "
f -
Jwtt arieas StmnHarti Sfn $993:
Dm Lux Sin $IQ9S; Dm Lmum
TmvrtntCmt $ l095-Ps-f Hyfrmute
Ftntr- Whmmf Hrrnkm inchidrd mithmut
axfra cost fricma f a s Dmtrmit.
mttrm Jmmmtt car may br murchaamd
on fira pa v men through cnt er
aa aieat IrKiin pana ini ,A raef.
T. ....... ;t .1 S r -
HERE a something new in mdtoringl It is the
keener eriyment the incomparably greater driv-
ing ease and convenience the- thrilling sense of com-
plete mastery of your car and of every traffic situation "
-that you experience in handling The New-Day '
Jewett Sedan. ' : it': X i :r -- ' ;
;V The Hew-Day Jewett is the fine' product of years of :
;W fine Paige engineeringi Innumerable refinements and -;
-new-day features ireVeal.-themselves mr everjr aiigle of'
lrforrnance--in swifter acceleration, smoother, .easier
brake action instant "response, to your guiduice, in
vision, roominess, comfort. ' And, above all, in this car's
tremendously greater useAiZness-ran abflity ta go
anywhere, tinder any conditions, at any time, that will
be new in your entire i motoring experience, .:
Proof of this awaits you in the car itself. '' u", i f ' ' .
Phone 959 .t "vjj " . " 4 OperilEvenings
oVJ nJ n J VsJ' i-v v-
J-ll - Zl " i "" ci s. ' , .. . ;
- - We .will do the. following .work and furnish all mater
ials on any four cylinder carfor $1,7.50 arid oh'six'cylinder
car (except Franklin) for $19.50. ". j "''.-
. .... .i.-'
-T i
i v .g
1 . " Grind valves. :t
2. " Tighten fan belta c
3 . Check water circulation.
4, .Tighten water pump. .
5- vCleitn and 'adjuit breaker points.
6. .. .Clean carburetor screen. .
tr.' Inspect transmission 'for grease and fill.
" fe. ; InstaHneW cylinder head gasket.
9." V Check timing. " -. ; - .
10. -Test and fill battery. ,
Cleari and adjust ip arl plugs.
Adjust carburetor. ,v' ;!
Inspect differential for grease and fill.
Remove carbon. ;-ft;tj -V-l
Drdin, flush and refill cranlccasc.
Oil and grease car all over, r
w 1,9 i
tJ . A a ,
; 15.
TPhone 3G2
f . i
,'4(ii-at- .