The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1926, Page 16, Image 16

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.1 1
- -. - " . rr . . ; i
i - 1 . - I - -
OCaEKED Silffi
r' - 1
Publicrtd' Be" Given" Oppor
Uuhity to View Entire Line "
of Improved Fords . ?
DOWN THE ROAD, w ; i , .
SO- EASILY .IGNORED -r. ,-. ..
(''"- V;-;'
. .-- ..
jcXo-;? T.r
- Thft shcvr, room of the'Valtejv
Motor compaor, local Ford deal
nr. will be just about the most
popular plare In - the ' city, this
wek. - Ford Xitlonal Show Week
which opf-n today and xwUl on
tlnua through next Ratnrdar
nin?, has Lrouiht out ihe greatest
exhibit In the history rof tho,Ford.
Motor company. ; Not pnly Is a
full line . of im prated cars : being
shown; but -the trim lines bt the
various types are - enhanced, by
riich new " appointments ' aa top
Loots, and gypsy, cnrtalns, wind
shield wines. and ; windshield
.wiper supplied by the -Ford
.Motor t- company. - This , .special
ouIpmcntr Is being exhibited tor
ttoo first time !s in, Ford National
Show - Week ' . and " should prove
mighty, interesting even to those
who are already Siting improred
Ford cars. , :' k.f .. : '
i . In addition to the cars and spc
c laHJes, representative types; of
Ford ton tracks and Fordson
tractors with both industrial arid
aerirultural eaulpment will1 be
displayed. , . , '."
Arrangement,? for , the . week's
.dUplay -here were -made by the
Portland Branch of the Ford Mo-
. tqr .company to -coincide with,ex-j
Ll'jlis in every dealer s showroom
in jho UnUed States. The pur-
' i.oso of the display Is to giro the1
1-eople of Salem an opportunity ta
- become " better acquainted with
the improved Ford cars. The dls-
, Ilay will remain open In the eve
iiIiir to accommodate thoso whose
" ;ay Is occopiedV' ' t '
In :Ford cats .which . will be
f hrfwn dutfng the. national .show
'week are incorporated
; . By BECK
rosf ;tovx xami:s4
-, . t: "
I- ' .'i i - - . "i Through Ene my, Territory ' ,,,1 ' ' '
Suitable .Identification sisns
should-be' ft part of every tow nr on
a main .TiUrhwaj. :.Tao oftdi. mo
torists are forced to stop and.. ask
the name of the town they are in
to get their bearings. A few wide
awake towns have advertised1 their
community-and at the same time
adrised motorists where they were
by means of an approprite slga o'n
the main road at either end of the
town limits. ; , , ' K ;
motorist. siiahk j
Motorist vehicle taxes in 1925
were almost one-half of the coun
try's expenditure for. road con
struction and maintenance. ;; . ,L
pionts in body design and con
struction and 'Chassis reHnements
more pronounced than, any made
in 1 the history fof the Model T
improTO-t'bassis. Although thousands of
: ' r -' - -1 used! ,: t 'g 4 :
) i priced, right;
t-:'i"fl,,'''-,.i 'W1 !'!'. ':' Si"' ' "'"" r
ji .-ir W i -i rt y" 1
. i . t3 ' ' v i "
"V. i i: t i:Vj '.'i:"V -
; 'AH7n',-';J!
. ; t ' .-: -:: f -1 - -T t . j 4 ' . l ' V 'i - '" ' ' 3 "
. . - - . . - j -,i . i - " . k . ' -
I- - ,. nil .H J rJ.l
- UL'JUU U U-U U LS Ld o ; !.
J, !, :
these improved cars are fn. opera
tion all over 'the country at the
present time, there are still many
persons who .have, jiot Jiad:tppor
tunity to view the entire line and
inspect: ? in detail thev mprove
menis which have so "greatly In
creased the popularity . of Ford
cars, . j
' The first impression of the Ford
carsi for . is- one or increaseq ;
beaity and smartness.., Ilnlies
are longer and? lower, fenders
hang- low over 1 he wheels and
c1ok1 cars are llnifihed in rich
harmonious color schemes. But
beauty is not the only quality. to
benefit by the redesigning. Riding
c omfort has been increased by
wider, lower seats "and greater
iegroouu .- New Ifeatures of 'con
venience' hav6 also been incorpor
ated in these new cars. The gaso-,
Un tank; is jiow filled from,au
kUq. thenar, and.lnvUie open types
dW at tie? driver' eft permits
entfy -or- ex ft. jwlthoat- disturbing
- 'I 1.! f K,n t,A t Laotian trtkr - 411 K
transmission -'and- T-rftar wheel
brakes ljare been enlarged. ? "s: I :,
wmw m
Ventura Stretch on taliforr
; nia Coast is Triumph of ?
. Engineering "Art
- .1- VI, -
factnring and sale's, the'Moreland
Motor Truck' company of Us An
kelds, Calif., is preparing to
launch its greatest advertising
program and has jplaced its ad
vertiisine accounts with- James
Houlihan,- Inc., coaflt-wide adver
tising agkncy with headquarters
here.' . 'f, ; - ..
, Moreland tracks are sold In 11
western states ; through distribu
torn, dealers, and fourteen factory
brandies located in key paints in
PrtcJOe coast states. '
mm SocltGt PovAr'B'
Phiko Socket
owcr "B'V Eliminates
BM batteries both' dry and storage.
It Vives FULlivtfAVE i rectif icatiop. J
therefore clear, HUM-FREE unistorted
t'rf'irrrvrf fTAf irv ' A . i -,
' - Plugs permanently into a lamp or wall ; : ...
socket snaps '0N and: VOFF'.'.JAkejan t,.
electric light. . -. -I f- r'"r"'" ( ; '
Tv? Can be used bit, and will improve,' any '
set, tubci tOi burn out ncidcid to?
corrode no water
age transformers.'
f-.. For one-switch control of both radio
set and 7A" and 7B" power user ROTH Vf;
Phileo Socket Power fA"-and Socket Pow-
t6 add no highvoIU "s
POnTnANH, Jaii.tS. In view
of (recently-announced' ' price " in-
rrnaes that have affected the en
tire "world's" purchase " pfi rubber,
oatefaIs"of 'tlip Columbia Tire Cor
poration ar' congratnlating them
sel ves' on tie1 fact that; In antici
pation of a rubber hortage,' they
have already purchased .(heir1 'en
tire 1926 rubber supply. - ' j "i
rhis,' according- to Alfred t ji.
Aya,'vice president ;and- general
saca managpr,! - also 'stakes in a
material tlncreasein "production
that ;!s ltfokedl for during 19.2$,
and places tha company in an: adV
mirable' position to carry .out the
greatest program .Qf -expansion: In
their thre year history..
t Southern California, aloni.wllh
its famous sandy beaches, also
has imany miles of rock-ribbed
coast line. . - !"", s
I The cutting i of the Ventura
coast: stretch of the new .pcean
shorn - highway, juKt corapl-itxl
ranks among the outstanding high-
way-projectyxjf ;the nation,: in the
Opinion, of road engineers. , '"
vVd. & stretch-of 1. 4 mile's an. .ex
cavation of 1,213,724-cubicryardS'
fof rock and earth ' wa accom
plished.. The most expensive sec
tion was "one mile through- 'solid
rock cliffs south of Big Sycamore
canyorf,T-where 33i,086 cxblc
yards were 'removed at a co'sr of
$28.371.' Men and. Instruitrents
were let dowb with ropes ovWr"the
J rocky cMffs and: some of' the work
was done while, the - location, men
were dangling) in "mid-air above
(lie foaming" breakers of the Pa
cific.' - - ' ,; ti r ' v-
Two years were spent in work
to complete the grafting and this
spring the concrete, pavement will
be - laid. vThe peW , .road, when
opened ; in - th,ei fall of this'-. year.
will- be one, ot the; most delight-
. Many men emphasize their im:
portance when ; they , have no 'im
portance to emphasize. ' , -; "
ful drives tobe found, on the Fa
clfle coast."; , - 1 - -?
1 If
.OAKLAND,)' " Jan.-;- Racked
up 'by a program of ' great expati
sion for the year' 1928 In mnt-
4 V ' ' "A . ' '. -: ;: : :''" i
Paved -Street? System - in
'..Washington; DCCigar- r
. nes Much Motor I ravel. -
No Failing Off Jin Sales of
, Passenger Cars Predict- -jcd;
Trucks to" Gain .
.V?i S.Knudsen", "president - and
general manager of tUe qhevrojet
Motor company, predicts contin
ued prosperity for. the' automotive,.
industry during- 192C.- - - -
"My opmicn Is' that 1926 will
bo a good year, in the 'automobile
industry ke said.
'That there will M P many
passenger cars sold at retail as In
"That there will be more trnclcs
sold atT retail than in lf25.
i4,That dealers will improve
their merchandising methods fl-nd
the -dealers -wha do will:, increase
their turnover. - s &
:-! "That 'used cars will bave to bo"
treated 'as merchandise and. dealt
in. as such al .fair, prices .and in
running (Order; " '
"That dealers' Improvements in'
shops ard tools will help to reduce
the .maintenance cost ot automo-
biles. . LI
people -will nver stop
buying Auod motor
right prlce.! ' j 4
cars at - the "
Absolute riding comfort
in this new Sikf with 90
inches of Semi -Elliptic
Springs ifor thie l 07 inch
heel fease! Bigv full
cushion Balloon Tires and
genuinej Spanish leather
: Jhese GrtjFea: :
. Continental Red Seal Motor;
Dendix Four Wheel Brakes;
- Heavy Drop Frame; Force
Feed Lubrication. j
I Battery and Electrical Service -
If your car starts hard these cold mornings
, f f . t
Brinff it in and let our. electrical experts if ix jt.
Expert Bicycle Repairing H
" - . ""J : - V.r , f ,
. :. Tour. Bicycle will last many-years .longer if you
?. v . keep It in good repair i . s ' :'f
' ." ' ' ' 3 ' - ' t (; t L " t
Accessories "Bicycles r ; Children !s
. if iicci xiuuus t , - . i; ; .
i sax romT stukkt - I-
I Eight broad . boulevards' , carry
nearly all ,6l the motor traffic in
and -out of the nation's capital at
Washington, I). C. Six of these a ro
paved S 9 feet .wide from curb, to
curb, within the city's boundaries
principally (pf concrete. '
I1. Ithode Island aenue is one o
the heaviest, traveled, rhiladel
p h ia. Bal timbre and Wiim in gt o n
traffic converges and enters, the
fcity over this thoroughfare.' Bla
densburgroad provides an 6ntlet
to the northeast toward Annapo
lis Md., where the United States
naval academy Isr located1 l v
y . Connecticut r ;an4 Wisconsin
avenue received "their . '. heaviest
r J traffic dnring the tourist season.'
visitors rrom an over ine ? coun
try 'after., yiewing v the historic
tvil war battlefield at Gettysburg
and Frederick,. Md.,. made .famous
by the Barbara Frei'tsche episode.
enter, the nationaL capital over
these two boulevards.
Washington is justly proud of
4ta entire system of paved streets.
Few avenues of. traffic are less
than 60 feet ; .wide, ' while . one
Htreet boasts a width of .160, feet.
Of greatest fame perhaps is old
Pennsylvania avenue. , , It ! is ex
actly one mile long and runs in
a straight line from the cap Hoi to
the-White House. ' , : ' V1.
i . ! : '
!" ,1 t I . . ( ... S :,' '. ."i f -
Eltcry end Electrical Service
223 T J. Hi-!! : . , Telephone 20
rr. :y
- f
w;mm mem:
For!a Re-paint ' ; . 1 ::
Years of exptriencVi have proved tq us that winter paint
Jobs wear far better; than spring . and summer jobs.
t , . t - ' ' i "
- The winter rain and wind 'will riot injure
V, our UAKALL JJaCcd Finish- , J
) u . 4
219 Stal fllrcet ' 7 , .
- - -;
" lC6fttiaa4 from pig 1)?
Bellingham. Wash., in Whatcom
connty one of the greatest egg-
producing districts in the United
SUtea,. has seen Its, egg business
grow from 400 cases, weekly to
over ,2,00 0--bef ore a naved road
system Vas laid and ; afteri iCon
cre,te' roads have rightly been con
sidered one of the country's great
est assets.. ' e
Hotel, business has flourished
and elaborate.tourlsts' camps have
sprung up in towns that are on
paved highways.. . In Wisconsin
hotel keepers have declared. that
from May, nntil November 75 ler
cent of their transient guests are
motor , - r tourists. Automobile
campers, when they, strike a town
with a well-equipped tourist camp.
often spend many daya and; count
less dollars, thus bringing In. new
busioess. ; , . .
. Good roads .and the automobile.
The former may be had with a lit
tle combined effort; the latter is
already here. Together they pre
sent me opportunity for the small
er communities to grow and pros
per. . Every dollar epent tor paved
r6ads will come .winging ita way
back in the form of better busi
ness, happier home life and a gen
eral air of prosperity to the Am'er
Ifan town.
, i -r t i i i ml - ii i - i ' - -
What is the Meaning of
iiew; is what OAKLAND nieaks !-
H : Additional savinra c as rntxcli cj'
i j . KO to 6Q Because cf tlie Ncv General
More than lOO improvements
These include new Bodies by Fisher, Air - s
Cleaner, Oil Filter, FourAVheel Brake
refinements and The Harmonic Balanceran
exclusive feature Tendering the Kew Oakland
r Taortng s
ni (Old Prxe $1095)'
X (Old Prica 109S)
XOf S (Old Pnc 1215)
landau Conpe 11X5 -"(Old Prwc$12?5)
. - Xl$(CHi Price 15S)
Landau Sedan XXfS (Old Prk 1645)
AQ pHccs at factory Gmerai Mucm Time Pimral Rote, hmtom h Itmmc Im iK inJuf
mw fcmnuuUM4il Uwcr. Yw(iiiuMrMtlincjkH4U ta bi ta jrawr tunc Hijnriitcwii.
,: : V IliVh SUeei 4it Trade
' t