The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1926, Page 12, Image 12

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    ; .r.grrt;'''. ;- anaiaaaeajlaiiasa ---;..- .vM-yt a ;wiwjyua .J;ly.y;',.n" 'I'y ---rt - - -TTw-"---- CT-aU-'- -
, ; J . y ; r -,TT r: : 7 " .;. x : ' -.7 , , -',; 1 7 ,7:.. ''r'. - - ;
'" - ' XSTBOOXST . v?:: 'ft-
SCAXRHTAYIAX 15ta and 2IU Sts..
Pstrik Dahlia, pantor, . residence; 203 j
Trad St, phoa 37J. Service la Swe
dish, at H a. end EngUah at 8 d.
m.. Sunday school 10 a. , Mrs. E.
largard, aeperiatendent Toung peoples'
meetings at 7:15. Th Ladies Aid, Trill
meet ea Tuesday at 8 p. m., ia th home
' of Jtrt. Okerbery on Judtoa mad High
Sts. . Thursday 7:80 p. m., prayer nveiA-
. gtn.p Von ara all cordially invited to; our
aerviees. - "--r...-,
ier and Jefferson. Hi., -Tnomaa Achoaea,
Mktor, residence: lo;M . Hood St- Cil
ler Wrenn, assistant pastor, resident- s
1 i Kerry Bt. Honrtcea 11 a. nd
7:30 -p. m." irnon toptei : 'Appropriate
message and "I'aut tae Rnnner." ISan
tor chnr?H down aUin i li, v
Wrenn ia charge.- Cbair nambers. morn
Sag. "I Lots to TeTl the Story." Anthea
ewnins;: Mt la I." aoet. Sunday school
' V-.4Z a. .. Harry Carpenter, superinten
dent. Young peoples' aneetias; 6:30 p.
m. Epworta toagrae emce ior jitaior
hiffh, high school and senior yonng people.
Services ara fall 1 Interest aad, impirv
tioa. Others ar inriteT to attend. Ufa-
-day eTenins; ?:30 rbnrch jusiaesa meetiog
for the month, f nil attendance ( ofOo
iaT" repeated, 3iid Treeh devotioaal
serrlcea for Junior aad senior churches
at 7:15. Clasa atadiea for old and young
ineluded. The poblie will bacfdially
wdrooied at all the aarrlcaa. t. , Y,-"".
TIRST Corner of Charehs. anj -9Uta
Kta., Fred "C. Taylor, pastor,-' resiieocer
i 3ft State St, phone 87. Miss-Mary
Find ley. director of religious education,
officer 126 S. Chorck St, phone. S72.
: Wrsley Class Meeting, leader S. A. WheeJ
i jrright. Kerr ice- li a. and 7:59 p.
as. Services 11 a. d, and 7:30 P4 tn.
Sermon topic: BeaIity i ' Kdlijioa,
and National Prohibition." by Hon.
; Wn. S. Levins. . state prohibition ioai
i miasioaer. Junior Nchmrch serrice. - Mrs.
Ada Miller will apeak relative to -VSta-r
sties ia Home Missions., enndsy school
' :45, lLr" i Shankv superintendent.'
i All - three - chapters of , Epworth leagna
will aaeet. as follows": fira chapter, jead-
i' ers.. Ann Silver. aait Charles- Swan ,i(re-
- Pi ef Evaastoa convention), aeeenct
- chapter, lender. fTsther Tiobatii Third
chapter, leaders, Mias Hael MahuBtea
and Virginia Si&fcoa. Wedaesfay at 2 :S0
. -W. V. M.. 8. meeting. Thursday, kigtt
i school c('orc4x training class, teaehar,
- MiF Findley. Friday, Third Chapter
: league party ia the Annex, 7 to, 9 o clock,,
The presidents et the Lad ea Aid circle
-met Tharaday afteraoba with 4h pastor
i and to organise a more Intensive visita
. tion program for .the following weeks. . ,
, : CENTER "STi 13tk and Center ifits,
A. H.Hilsaer, pastor, resideiteet ,68
, Winter St.. phone 680. . Services. IX. a.
i m. Sermon topic: CartiCiaa Baity ;aad
1 Iktiastaa Study. Sanday school -JO a at.,
i H.-H. Grallap, saperinseadenL Epworth
- laira at 7 p. m. The eattre' evening
' will be given to the study of the Utssion
; stady book, "From Over th .Border.'
: The evening service 1 will b eondneted
' ia the Knglish lanroage. , .
' v,- LESUrVr-Sootlt -fjosanierctar an My-"
era St., J. Willard IoToe, pastor, resl
: dence: 31 Myers, phaae J88J. , Services
lis. m., and 7:SO p. m. eermon tonics :
"And I Saw and Beheld a. as, and 'Mid
dle Life aad Its Trials." Solo atoning,
! Mrs. Mswra Btaho; Erealns; Itis Ea
' er Oiffenbaeh.. Suadarj tbf. 8.:5.
A. ' Khoten, snperlntendeat. Both leagnaa
at':ao. Ele Tackor, leader f senior.
Tharsdaf evening at 7 -99 .ek dayi tdr
vlra, sal4eet: frayaf' -ead John ITil
S6. 8pocial ; revival Duett in ss to- oat-
menr o y eh. 7th. Official board net
i5 Tueiday at 7 :3g p. at.- ; , h.. . .
MARftfeT 'sTICt fOESrt:iti of
K. Winter and -Market Sts., Mortimer C,
Clarke, pastor, residences 123& J. Wiater,
phonct 1336 W.' Serrieea 1 a. fan
7:30 p. an. Sarmoo topics : -VaaJ
do With Lifea BBrdea,, and -rThe
lve That Foand '-Beat."1. Soaday school
9;43, Ur. Frank 8- Sehnta. auperiatea-
I dent. ' Young- peoples. meetings 6:80jre
ceded by a half hour of prayer.' tenia:
- Spiritual iifelt Benelf U3.V u LtheT
b. . Ceoi,3eader Cottag prayaa .saeafc
ing each W'ednesday afternoon at 1 the
hnne of Mrs.. Caroline Jafkson,. 1468 S.
r Winter street.' ; Church prayat afttng
i each Thtfrsday -evening' , at f:0."iThe
yooGg people eonventiea of the Oxegoa
1 conference begins ia Portlsnd at the Cen
1 trai 'chufcX next FriaaY erenlai"Vrta 1R.
ru li. a'earsoa of California as. speaker.
The meettag wilt be held, over Suaay.
A It are invited t9 thew aee-vicoa, aad ! JC
i wtU enjoy the aplcaoul aptrtuat aimos-
iUere el taia caurca. . -
'-. .- ,' " -K '
; The regular all day monthly meeting
of the Marion Cuaty-Holifl'm ' atitw;!-,
tion will be Held at the South Ralcc.
Krtends church, KeV, Carl ktiller pastor,
eat Tuesday the , 12tb, 4 There will, he
preaching atlOrOj 3:30 and 730: gev
Vacation In
at I J
Isdi. iftxp&HMve
. .... ........... , , 1 .V . -- '
From New York i Weeks-j-xindon, Paris -..$285
From New Days-4-London, France, Hoi-
' tend, Beltf u'rri, Rhine Trip,
, r; 4v?fJjL ?" Swit2erland! .ii.ll.,..-i-.-i...-.-:.rA.I$411
From New York 15 ' DaysJ-IyOridon, France, H61
y - larid Creman Bwitecrland, Italy; -
From Ncv York 50 Days
' 'i KiW 216 Oregon
- j'-X '" "'rt- : ' -v?
r r rr r - '
oaiem i ra
Two. chfedules Daily';
A To Cajjliiirnia By r
. Hckwick Stage '
Lcare Salem A. M: ; :!.,:;
Arri've San Franciscp Up :50 P, M. next day
Leave- Salem
i Arrive San Francisco: 5 :30 Third'Day
&m Francisco .:.
RoundTrip .......
Iks Angeles .....
Round Trip ..J....
Fbr loformatiun
Aj. F.- Hilaser win'jpreaeh in tha'arorafn:
aad; Bev, Ldadley XVell 4 is ipctI . to
preach ia the at tvnon. ; A'ao Maa Alary
AJ Hill a returned missionsry front China
will he present . sit day and wilt speak.
Hot' tea and coffee will be tarnished -free
toi those who brine their Tunehes. Thecet
meetings are Interdenoatinatioaal and all
are i invited to- attend.
Afhor Of l.tberty a'ad Chemeketa Sts..
ftaoday mornina; services at 11 o'clock,
Panday yrenin; at. 8. . Subject of lesson
attraiou. -"Hacrajnent.'- Sanday school
KflamoOd. roavene. at 9 :?Ofand 11 a." m.
WednKilsT evening , testimopial meeting
at f loo. lteadiB room, ?0i Maseaie
Temple, eprn every day. eeeet Sundays
aadl holiday from 11:1"? to 5:30 p. pi.;
eVery VBiilni' except Wednesday front
73p to 3; ind,Xjt&aQon, from a 1 5.
; ZVAKOEtlCAi F ' 7
I FtlRST C. C. Poling, pastor. ' Service
Shnstay next at 11 Jt asw, and -3s30rps-Tbef
pastor will prMcU at the -anoraing
aaniice and O. K. Stover in the evening.
The) pastor will be in Mils ankie aaalsting'
RrvL Farnbam hi a-evirat services.. Mom -ipg
subiect "l&srkialc Viaion," -Sunday
acbool at 9:45, Jj. Li.TborntonV auperin
tendent. Class or alt ages aad irradea,
L'hriktiaa Fjideavor meeting al :45. Jiid
wieeac. service Thamtfayrovoainf.i -Coy B.
Slofer.- leider. i"A hearty welctiae will be
glva an who artestd thc actvlce,
-The First Spiritualist eharrh'wf. Catena,
Will hold . service thia Sunday eveaiag.
Jan. 10th, at 7:30 in their balL Fraternal
building (eld Kin Btdg.) Mn. Stillwetl
Of Portland will he1 message bearer, and"
pablie ia eerdiauy invited te a Stand.
; - aULf-VATIOH ASJatT ! v:;4
241 State Look. for th six of th
red shield." . That's where evervbodv
I. MPnr-nd' koo4 (tbeer aboaada--aBd
woere yon are welcome! fnbtis, meetings
Very" Tuefcday, rThnrsdar - aad ; Saturday
at $ p. m. On; Sunday as Mlows: nors
ifgi worship. It a. is.; Snaday school for
everybody, 2 :30 : special meeting- - for
young people. 5:30; -nd evanf elUtio er
virei at 7 :30 p. at. A meeting will i held1
aj She atdte penitentiary thia Sunday.
aj; she atdte
i bvangk;
Qecf. Goehle
tTJTHEBAir V " !. "
AXOKLIfAL lath 4 SUte f?U.,
Crflehler. aastar - Rsndiv- arhnnl 4
v:zv a. m. .English aervica at 10:30 a.
-, f Lather League at ,7:00 p.' m. Thi
Brottherhood wHl.hold its annaal. meeting
Monday . night at 7:30 p. ja. ia the
church. The Dorcas society meeJU oa
Wednesday at SL..ip. nj at Msa. JJuseh,
149K) X: 4th Street. - ' -v '
llflth anil Marlnn Ku .TiT. 1 TT tfankiaa
mm, imiv. nopcina, pastors, residence:
I960 Marion street. . Service 11
ndf 7:30 p. m. .Sermon Jopies j-'Chris
More Thaa Satisfies, .and "Victory or
Defleat." Speeial music and singing at
both' eervlee oa Sunday. ' Sunday school
XI a. m.. Fraak Litwiller. superintendent.
Senior young peoples' . meaning at 6:30 Clarence Litwiller. president. .Jun
ior p; Lloyd Miller, pres
ident. Tueeday evening at T:30 meeting
of she Board of eSteward- aad Trostre-s.
Wednesday evening at 7:80 praver and
praise meeting, led by pastor. The psv
tor twill preach Sunday morning and Mrs.
Hoikina will n reach Kundav evening
L'voxj-bedy welcome to our church service.
Come and jeajoy this Mirlstiaa, fellowship.
TOVTED BEETiraErl .-'"'
CASTLTS . niAPy.L 11th and VKhrm.
lea Ave.. A, C- Hoffman, pastor, residence;
175 v N'eork Ave. Serricca II i. nH
aad 7:30 . p. m. , Sermon topics: 'The
ChJtietiasr' J-Uernal- Home,';' and "Christ
th; WonnerfuT.r Sunday school 10
m.J VT. W.- Rosebraugh, superintendent.
Xoanic peoples' meetiaa &:B0 a. as. Prayer
meetina: and Bible reading every Thursday
ejVdaing 7:30.,r. , . . . f.
I - -.
j 17th aad ChemAcea. Hut.T. W. Lau-
nn residence: 2 -N. 17th. street, phone
108W. Services 11 a. m and 7:30 p.
p. LSermoa jtopics: :VIih, 63 Chapter"
and .''Salvation.".. Suadav school 10. a.
rtuj 0.V B. Straabaach, aprinteh"dj'&t.'
sewng people' meeting,- o:at p. nt.; i.or
ihgit Com basso, leader. Mrs. F. W. Ljin
neri will have charge of services on Thurs
day evening. A prayer service will be
held 13 minutes before the Sunday scboo'
hour. All members and friends am in
T,itd. The meeting. Jil ba in ho pi a yet
rootn. -;
JsXXXAMCB ,- - -
Tabernacle 655 i'tmr St..' H.. E. aad
Mra.. Caswell, nastosa. residence : 1 73 S
Qottage t.. 1434J. "KcrviccV 3 nd 7:30
p. m. Scrmen topics: 'The Book -4.
Memembranee and "The Royal High
wt," Sunday school 2 p. m., Mr. Itoyl
sto, : superinientlcnl, louag .peoples'
meetings: Saturday j. evening T:30, Mint
Fraineis Weideear. 1 president. f Tucsdai
7r30,prajrr aad praise,. Friday: 7 :SO Bi
yto;atudyt g , . . , - r .
t..i ........$545
r -1- -.-
3:10 P.' M.
r-P ii-:-..
$50.00 .
and f Circulars Inquire '..
TV! .
J:.4,- v.v
1 A
1 A
FTJ LL COSPEL-r237i Stst St, Karph
D. Bulleeav pastor, residence:,' SSi-Mis- J
sioa St shoae 1439W. Mrry J."Mor- J
riss, assistant pastor, residence :- buvertoo
Road, ph0At 15F1A. Services 2 :30 'aad
7:80 pL an. . Sunday school 2:30 p. as.
Toung ; peoples ' . meeting Friday night- at
7 :30.. - lEvangeQstie meetings - and Bible
study fevery - aight at 7:80 except - Mon
day. ; There is no error or contradictions
la th I Bible. The -Lord i preparing a
pdppie.ifor Hi- coming. VfiHed with grace
and trttth." Come and'receive-your por
tion ot "meat In da' aeaaoa," which ts
th word of tied illuminated by the Holy
" as a
GLAll TIDINGS 343 Court Bt, C.
8. Johnen, pastor." Sunday achool l:SO
p. m.rvice at 2:30 and 7:ao p. at.
Missionary Cieorge - Hansen- of 4,'hina &
expectijd ttf .be with us kooo. Brotlttr
lisnscn i a man f -experience- aad a good
speaker... Coma and .hear hiai.
vrorar Dt Capitol h -Mafloa "SI.; H
DeofeyJ pastor, residence u86 Marion St.,
I phone I445W, English services 11 a. ra.
Sunday acnooi i.v a. m., ,x reu aruav.
aaporisjteadeat..-.-. v j'-. '-. -
. ( COSGREOATIONAL 1 1 1 1, .
CENTRAL Corner S.' 19th and Ferry
St4 if.- C?. 'Stover, minister. SaAday
FChool 10 a nt C. C. Harria, soporintea
dent. iMoraing service at 11. leli-n
Toese will sinar "More Love to The,-
Chrlstf; EHiabeth prcntias. , liuthiWoll
will- bting a tory illastrSting -Jcan
sport smsuhhip. ? Sermon &ubict. "Slight
ly SoHed,lirat!y Bednced." The senior
p. m. j In r4-t.pnse to many requests. th4
Christmas tJantata. - rite lloiy atrvuy .
by Ileary Wildermere willbe sang agata
by the cGorSs thoir, at .7 :30. The Cant Si
la includes -'eight chorus numbers5 and,
thrW-aoioaV The sol mimbers- will "be
nnc by- Ranald Craven, -Mins earU Fyre
and Everest Craven ef Portland." The
chorus will be accompanied by Ionald Al
lison. 8l the piano, Cecil Ueeoa at the
orgaa. Tb Men Hub of the church will
meet next Tuesday evening. Tha banquet
will be served at 6:45. Midweek Kerviee
oa Tharaday evening at 7:30. --.
! -., . - - '.-V - H 1
FIRST Center and Liberty Bts; C. E.
WsrdJpaster, residence: 440 Center St..
phoo 59tit-- Services 11 m.. and 7:30
p. a.i Sermon topics:" 'The "Kiglit "ia
Which; Me Was lietrayed." and '"Christ
and the Child," illustrated, bv thei moving-
picture, ; Kt One to pare.';- Special
music (by the tiuartpt at both ervice.
Snaday school tO a. m., Mark McCaBister,
superintendent. Annual bnsiness meeting
of the church 'Tuesday evoaing. Every
member sbold be present. Mid week Bible-study
aad prayer meeting' Thursday
7:30. ! Toe movlnjr " picture nsed to illna-
trat h them -"thrtst and th uiaia"
-.- ' i i
'f ID E AG d W WtJ B BSr"
A. three act comedy j at St. Joseph's. AWitorium
Thursday; January 14, at 8:15 P, M.
Admission 25c. 50c Reserved seats 75c
. , . 0 SALE AT ' .: ;'-!. ' . ' .
h jDpera House Pharmacy, Tuesday j
r.r'J it
1 0 :0Q Sunday
1 1 :00 The : ight oi Betrayal';
: ,i (ComrftiHioxv 8rnc- : i
; 7 :30 Christ .arid ,the Chi
The Mbying!Pictufe,
wiu rutistrate tne
"A Home-life Tale! as
! H
i 1 1
Quartet Choir v i; .
Solo: ''He Shall Give
! . ' O' hf. rr
Violin Selection
i o r i ai i " - "-m
. 5
UNCLE BIXLY V ..; - : :;1 i ; ,-rv v . , . y - -Py Chz;: IIci: nuj
I Tb;fe3 " rt P -
- ! - - .... Fyj.' . . , '"! 1 . ---! ; -. fell . . -wia-ktla-Ts: -. i
Dorothy darnit r ;.. , v ... :- . . . , ...... r :.. , .. -, . , : . v;,;; ; . i : ,1;' r-i 'y;:V ;;r :. . , ; " -
j f jOwiNlGtCOS .
Sandav nicht ia oe of exceptional ap-
peaL Com and bring a fnead-to the
serrree. ; i :
- 1 . 1
- HI OH LAND -HisrllaBA . aad
IMnr V. Kimi. tiafetor. . residence
Maple" A ve. -Hervieea i k a. . mw 7 :30
p. m Special j aervlc Sunday rat ,?:30.
SpeciaLmpsie aad sipglng tli aeryiees.
andsy school 10 a. m, .Walter -Staa-
ton, superintendent - Young people -me
e line -A .-30 p. m. The evangelistic
aorvkee--ceadaeted by Liadley- At- Wells
continue .with increasing interest and a
splendid stork it being don. Com and
- s" . , l . '--V. -
! '.if " i' -. " V'-'-.'--.-t
SOIJTH- SALKM-i-CommorVi! a a d
WaMhiagton Htii.. Carl V Miller. pstor,
reMdence: 1G.V5 S. Ltln-rty. phone )33K.
Services -It . m.,- anrt t":80 p. m. Harry
Prtnoa will insf,J "Closer Still With
Thee," by Walter Rolfc.. Sunday School
19 a. m B. J. C. Ptton. soperintendcat.
Voung peoples' roecfing ::jo p. n., Nor
aiaa Wright, -.leader: j Levi T.' FepTiiagton,
president of Fac;ilie, iCollee- will apeak at
li O'clock on the iubject oi pcaect A
Iriendiy welcome wait you,' ;,'. . .'
-''.-:;: .1
. Cottage and Chemeketa 8t., MaVMar
lin Fereshetian. minister, , Chonh school
10 a. m.,- graded- ttrstnrctloa, Miles Ms
Kav,iuperiptendithtJ JvrotMmaV services
at 11 a. m. r "Tbe Five Books ot Moses"
will be subject of an expository aernion..
The Bible -ns, the ercates. apiritaal Ubf
ary of book in the experience- ,aff mao
ktud. And yet Ma .spite erf the fact),, that
nearly erreryoae- a -Bblew Jt$w . are
really aii-qua in ted with its' Teal .greatae,
la a aerie of sennous allof expository
naturev Mxv Fereshetian will cenaider the.
authorship, the purpose and th value to
religions experience of tlio various bOoka.
Mrs. Fereshetisn, the eontraUe soloist of
the churclr will orr Kramer' a,-"Tbe
Ureal oAwakninK.L;r Mr.. W. ' A.,' Denton-
a, . the- .organs There . will Uo net
laymen - meeting on - Monday, but. ttie
meeting wrll ak place on the 18th-with
prominent Cstholic Isyunjn a the speak
er. - Laymti.from the rarioun denonilna
ttons will follow a-ath' an exposition of
their doctrines or Will give the. biology
f. a grat person. In their church. Oil
Taesday evening the 12th the . annual
meeting of the yea will take place where
important matters for -the eoininj church
year Will .1st conkidi4. ' . - .
(Cpntjnoedipjt psse 8)
. 'rBOAKA.Tz6ir
, whereas, w.;)e. cbcws, Cotpoiv
tion Commissioner of the .Htate of Pregoa,
a required by gection 68, Olson's ,Ort
bob Laws, did, on the 4th day of Janu
ary, 126, report tj me', as the Croverner
of th State of Oregon, a .of
Center and-Liberty
. ; ; ' .: Firstr' ;v.-" I
... . . . 0 - s
Not One to Spare,
evenmcr tneme
Sweet as MotheJ- Lqy&"
vSimdaJr Morning
Idberty and Marion :
. ' Mens Choir
Hi Angels Charge"
" it it' Alt'''.- '
Miss Helen Selig L f
THRO vy (The., oju,
the eorporatk) argaaised under the law
Of the -Mate, of Oregon for gain.j. which,
for', two Consecutive, year's or afore
preceding the said 4th dsy of January,
lM9,Mre failed, ; aretlerted or: refne4
to furnish. im,,theasi4x:orportiojt, Coo-
I autoioner, ay. statement rotiuireu o
L turoibhed ;wad4 ssylsataf h State, or
paid loader ny laar, of ihia . state j aad -
fWHRREAS-ssid report of tlje Corpora
tioa t'osimissiojier, is made as- aforesaid,
eoataiaa be-nams of tiro, following eor
poraUoriB, which, - for . two cnsecntive
year, o SBoee aext prejeaUjgUh date of
the report, have failed, neglected, or re
fused to .furnish any aaca atatementa or
to.psy ny anch license fee, t-wit:
21S32 Aagiard Lnmtar' Company, :
j.sht usott t., xa--rrry .-.-
2.1I07 Art-afJtif l.nbrlcaUaav.Cd.
.icricultaral Credit .Corporation of
- .Orega, v -ir-ic t ' t
313a Ajaic. LAimber-Company
25175 Alaska Jumbo Metals Company :
13192 Alameda. Land Co.
2462 Alsea- Manufacturing Company
1T29 Alaska Shamrocls Marble Com-
paaT - -r t
2346 Amhtose, Kiddell &-Co.' -215CQ
American, Indastrlea Corporation
2,l3a American-Mining, Company
Xa931 Amo-icaa Plcano -Company - -SS1A7-Ams)rien
lvhlihing .Co. .
Appollo Florists" " ,
2054 Arnold ASM --Hail Company
26038 Arcade Aurusemeat , ana iietresn
t rnfnt. Company ' " " .
85305 "A shlS ft d Commnaity Hospital
19744 Associated. -BroVerm Compaay '.
S5301 Anton a Pnblishihsr Co. -
, Astoria lee -- V Cold Storag (oa-
iifiB Astorii Seen ri tie Corporafiod '
&32Sa Antomatlo Cof Ie 1'is Jlfg. ' Co.
25542 Aato Freight -lunos, Iae.
25311 Auto freight Pepot. Inc.
25501 jfnto-ldic" KieOnishieg Co.
2"r517 Anto Parts Sea-vice Goarpaay,
5989 Raker City. Mutual Irrigation
- ' Company . - ' -
9493 Baltimore .. Gold - Hiniag Company
(The). ... .
2. 802 Barclay Candy Company
aj7:t tlsy ctty Oil uompsny
229"Ca Beaver 'FaUs (Shiriglf 4 Lumber
. . ;i'C6mpliy - -21S63
Beaver 6erage Co.".-
'601 4 Kettle, Bitch Company, -The
Z533I Bell XMggr On -
23103 Bend Motor Berrien Co.
25752 Bend Puhlisbinr Co.
1 10659 Bergh-Criem Co. -
179029 Bigg lin4 Company . . ". . .
Slack iearCoal Wmmg Uo.
2:i053 BIo Mountain Oil Company
Bohemtan Cluh, Inc.. The
24441 Bolen Creek Minioz and Lumber
2321 Boardmin Oarag
25497 Bonnie Brae Co. e.
53229 Bon Ton-Bakery, Inc.
11975 Braso Mine Company
23181 Burley PhHlip's Lumber Company,
" ther - - V '
35123 Bujrn Creimery Ooatpaay
25061 Bush ft Company, h, J,
&K31 Caldwetr, lnc., y.-l.-23745
Cell aad Company. T. H.
35ot3 Ca'Ore. ilining 4 Smelting Com-
' pany - .
2521 0 Canyon Box Factory, .
25440 Capital Loan and Investment Com-
- - - pany - , -
88206 Caravan Motors Compaay ''
1-85038 Carpenter Xittotber Company, XI eo.
32iS iatrh.tng.Venm ralce Company
237 IS 4.edar frodunt Company ,
18527 Ceatfav Oroirna Product s CotnOaay
.1768 Ceatral Oregon Title. 4 oaa ioou.
psny '
"J3901 Chase Company of Pendleton, Ore-)-
- - goa, 'ilHam K. c .w ; '
91312 Chase Lnjaber CWpaay, J. W.
21488 Chesley l.iim'ber Company
358S Choeker Taxi Company
$5105 Cheekier Taiicab Tranaler Cora--panyt
13968 Chehaleta Valley Orchards Cora
-"' "Pany - . -.
22598 OhoroUte Truffle Co.
S47A Cirot slcerland Company - .
1U044. CHyXnmber aad Box Co.
12017 Clavkanies County 1'air Association
25371 Ciancay, Florist, Jae. '--2vW7
CleVer Clothing Co Inc. . ,
stioi vreverdale irrigation Company
3t0 Coast Tinarng Cemaeoy
24761 Colortypo Company. Th
149S8 Coin Machine Jdaaufactoriag Com
pany . . ;:
243S2 OoU T.iimhpr Comnanv "
f 13d40 Columbia County InveMment Cora-
-. - Py t i t ; -rv--
25701 -Columbia FiO Company
22&S? ColuIBhia Ranch aad - LUveatock
......"Company .;., f.-T- , -
22-3J 7 Columbia filver Coal Company ,
12 1 Oolaibii; Hirer rjry-Woek, Ehgi-
t. nenrine A Conarrartton Comaany
24 101 Colntnbia Salmon Canncfs, Inc.
21)729 Columbia Bnpply .Co -24217
Comet Klectrio Compaay
3259 Commercial Financial corporation
25194 Commercial Lumber -Co.
24572, Commoawealth Ensinoaring Com-
' jwy.J- - V' i ivi.iv-
SlSf ComMoek Lumber Comnany ,
I-S8423 Condon. HotTer Comp'any, The
IWitl tsswsr- Manalaetnrtag Company
24755 Cook's, Inc.
36053. Coo Bay .Equipment Co.
22336 Coos Canning Co.
25-liil Coos County Land and Investment
43.-.- -r.-r .-.-- ....
25i70' Vos Timber, and Land Company-
25460 -Copenhagen Brothers, Inc. , . ,
25631 Ceache, Towasrnd. and Schultx,
.- ' ,' lnt.
214-2A .Cos; Invostmenl -Company
24820 Cozy Lnnch Room, lac. ,
25260 Crane Amusemen ts. . In a.
25646 lite JDailea-erain-A Flouring M01
V-t ' Co. . -f .; ... ...-f j.'r - '
15040 The Dalle ft Mount Hood CooperS-
' ,1 live Telephone ifJompany 1
18319 PavU-Seott Belting Company .
94229 Mmocrscy Fnbhshing - Company,
25243 Derrick. -Lumber. Company,
tl&sl. Ikesehates Cfarsga Conapaay
i&iSO luantond i;. Machiao Works
2-3413 Iickson-Marsh. Motor Company
3- 4933 Dianer Beit Oafetertsr
25581 IfMBostie- Appliaaee 4?orporatioa
25753 Dorian Lumber ; Company
S&llA'Jtotrer'VIaev-- - i--2i393i
'Hnaahia lyumbor Company, H. V.
140T3" Lh--ty Telaphone Company :
Z3T69 Daplca MSnafaetariAg-Company
23256 K. fc. tX. Gold. Mine Compeay
25361 Eeeles Company, The Marion
21234 Ebrsta,Steel andiron Co. --
-24417 Elk-City Water. Compaay ,
3JI40 Kill Comany; C. Jt. --23ri-KUis-8a9-der
Inveatmeat Caakpany
idojn. urea vowpany, j. u. , - 1
' f v " - - -
1S.-V65 F.mntre -Invest men i"-Ca. Inc.
2240 Kquity Dtstrlbuung Co. . (". ,. '
20009 Erickton Is'snufacturing Coisny
24268 Estaead PacWng Co.. i
237T3Eugie AtJlo ratntinr n To Co.
Inc. v , r - . i !.-.
25529 . Eubank School of Applied Automo
tive Mechanics ' !---,'
21983, l agan CO., lac. Cha. O.
24634 Fairfield Cemetery Association ; t ,
25711 Fall Creek Lumber, Conrpany h -18881
Falls City Electric Light Fwrer
' Company, ,-V".
2502S Famooa, In.. The , ' i .
20119 Farmer Elevator Co. of Condon,
Oregon ; l---.--( "
2513 Fsettl Italian Eleetrte Company,
- - Psal . --'
25850 Film rinnc Company - V
8143 Firland Comnn(r . I - j i f ,
18644 Fir-Fine Lumbf-Company ; ' '
35295 Fisher A Company, Inc., F. A. ;
23267 Fifccher Flouring aiills, In -
25C09:Fitch-Bvlph, Isft . . - '
25574 Frank lry Clenng Company (, -(
24H52 Far Shop, Th . ' ' i i
14711 CHimma " Alpha ' Building Assoc!-
Hosi----4.-1' - . -A 1 - i
25740 General Anto .Storage Co. I - '
2(5072 Ooersl DistributiaqT Corporation
24781 General Product Co., leH - c .
23729 Ceaersl Supply 'and Bpair Com-v-
pany ...a ... :r
J0O (Jlafke Co W.-B. ,.;;
8545 tirant County Abstract Company
Tu , - . - '
25628 liray Qoose BesUaraat Compaay
23644 flret - Northern ridaaeft Corpora-
tion,-,Th---:- -: "j T '
26051 Oresham lea Cream and Coat-
2VTSA-t'''kBHtilis; SftJii. -' 1
18243 Glepwood Co... I..:
24879 Gdaraafy laetoaf -Co. j
25888 Hodley-AfeBttde Compan'y ,... -
M"tt Mll MsnufartoiHiUf-Co.'
rtiot Iiaraev Camstv Abstract Com-
osay " t" e
f3"7l5" Hendee Brothers
24902 Highway Cigar Company
21384 Hill Construction Company
13417 Hoffman Millinery Company
roTTl MoWt Juiiauj.- 't mr -"
2-WOOO Ho Icons b Co. - "-, .
1537 Iolly 'sanyC.. fc -25ai
Jioro, xCAemkat, .IjPiqdacIs
21473 Hoo ETver Ciga Contpany
25136 .Hepkias TfcaV-iao- - - ! -
23019 .Hoskina Contract pig. Company, ; J,
25509 Hoyt tnmber it Atsmrfaettfriag Co.
25263- llorf WknufaoturiDe Company -
23,955 -Hj-drsjaiUj aglaei'. jfaanlaeturog
25762 Imperial Garage Company - I
21594. Jndwtjal JaneUig Ccmpany j
2344a .industrial lnyesuneat v-ompany
22521 Indus trial loan and Investment
' sptmpWXfrX .rorMa'v;.- " -if
22M3 latseaar'Xuinb,' Mill i li-
9621a tnTernaaaVstag aaA Timber
Company .
17079 Investor' Building Company i
2P831 Jsnnary Mining Company r
2259V Jennings Trtnuniag- A Top; Shop,
234 Iff hnsoA -ftrllloO Trre Coarpaa .
21497 Joseph Farmers.' r- Elevator Com
pay ' .-' - ""' ' 1- -
25ai, aohasoa Loeejog Caraoratloa .
19809 Keglejr , Realty and Live stock
..: Company. C. M. : . - .
25828. Kenton Milling , Mining Co. j
18390 KUgore Company . ' !
24042 Kintf Constrwtoo and Tr asporta
tion Company j .... ,
2078t Knn,ey ilrukersgjk, Co. .;
23244 Klamath Mint- Company . ,
ll Klamath Oil Compaay '
85597 Klamath 'toy A iVooda-ofkjng ,nn-
21499 Klondike; farmers Elevator Com
pany t
22t8f JCyto AV SodV Jama M". ' . !'
2143 r'L.r.a' C."-lvk and Suit Maa-
f- niaeturiar tympany
LaBellyne .-Mja Company
Lke Wood Land. Co.
Lantt'Oit Burner- Co. -Larson-SOrahao.
Co Inc.
i.aurittcn Stevenson Schneider Co.,
. ... . -
,-hn'herr-Rose. Corporaudn '
..iberty Cafeteria. Company
,itste Manifold Chute Co.
5379 LMfuid .Lightning Company
i. ju xjojo, inc. . -
9397 Star Minins Company
I 24327 I.nnit Mannfacturinr Cornoraflon
a 00 in uiwur vviunins uii mv uav juw-
iaar -i
24359 Lace-Mi
attsbn .Motor Corporation
ar457; Lacky) Boyi Mjaing Corporatioai .
25143 JJae.-liy . Battery Co.of -Euseoe,
Orelas '.j. ' J ' 1 - '-i
25562 Maktaom' Cleaner Manufacturing
Company ..!-. , j
232.45 Malhear Xioeaber Company ; -1
15426 Marion Macrae Land Company
2A281 lajkBteTi. Grocffy Company fv
25T&6 Marvel Be,utr .Culture School .
a4f. Mavlpin Co., Th r - j
25864 -MjcKnight-IFiN Inc. 4
25791 MeM inn villa Oil and Alas Co. i
2450HD' Xfedford Independent titunber Oom-
2M34 Mftla: ft Fulop. fne " '
25325 Merchants Holding Company; T i .
2."299 Metallic Standard Federation- h '
2S163 Metals ueeovery. Corporation; of
America, The.
23491 Mint . & Bullion Placer Mining
. - ' - Company - ;- "1 ""
25940 Modoc Exploration Company
25160 Moian PaalXio jOil and Gai Com
pany '-'.; - 1
25553 Morehouse Orcharding Co.
24931 Morris Bealty Company . .... -23342
Motorcych '-JHy Supply . Company,
fhe - k . . a - -
24315 Motograph Manufacturing .Co. L, .
2l091 Mountain GlCn Farmers Associa
tion - . .. -. . . ,j
' f 775S"Mulor" In vestment Company' i
25543 Mnltorpor Investment Company .
25950 Multhomah Xevelty Co.
25439, Music Shoo. Tno v-.f- w, -. ,i ,
20353 Mjejs Heading Company, ,Ine J.
21521 ifyirtnpoini, Mill Lbr.. Com
. papy. Inc., u r . s . c ' -
23988 .National CouMnerciaT Company t
2143 NaMovaV iin vestment, Co. . i ..
National Service, Inci - i
24703 Rational Tea Co.- , f i '
25108 'New Chef, .Tha ; ' ' . I
25638 Noirtoa uaebesr aad .Timber Cor-
pdraliOn ,-'"
23&IO Naxoa BuUe'Mitin Ga4Bpaay :
.23501 JfortV Pacific Const rue 1 10a Coat-
vYt&s.i lis". .. ! .. .
23278 Northwest Company ,
2561 6 -Northwest - Oil ind "Dctelopincul
, -.- Co. -. , . . . ,
15532 Northwestern . Dometu: Appliance
. . porporatiott- .- '-..-?
ITH. "f M-k.ff- t V rsrfi,
J GOT' m fn : J . J rifi
: : '4X. -lib -V " ' A"- 1 . .f Ir-J
r.9X Pak rro-o Mercantile Company.
?503'jCak.Hotor Oil Co.,ol Ortsva-
24074 Ocbocdtloia urwpsf ass
'.' Company - - r ; '; -' ;
24-30S Oiymplg. lne.v r-r - ,
25196 One to uno - store 01
22449 Ontario Live; Stock Lean Company
24948 Oriental Iaalae. . . - - '
24368 OKSta-Auits i-acawa H'1'"'.
25702 prei:n-Californla- Anto r IHatribut-
- tng :Corp.,..iiv; ivv :...'. .';".." -:"'. ," .,
22032 eiron Company : r.
25112 .Oyejon-rinsnee. CosiTVy - ;
23.'"42 Oregon Fir. Lumber .Company- .
3y614 Oregon Fir Mill Company
19S5 Oregon Motor 4.:srag . , .
2 11 89 Oregon' S7rat Conipeny ; s '
237 It OreftoA, fiales Corporation, . ,
l-'i9a Oregon Seeuritie Company
2Y20 Oregon. State; Finance Company v.
24 795 Oregon-Washington Stntn Ca Co.
25204 regon-Voodi-iver Company!. '.'
21642 Oriole JteaemptJoner. aaveswcw
Company : - . w ' ' ' ".
2ll0i Paramount tToodeawayo 'Maanlde-
turing Com'py f --i
23497 aeifie Coat MintOaapaayJ v
25356 tpcif id Coast Timher Assoeiatejr -23806
Paeilie Fisa -fk -Cold - Storage Cp
, Jne. .. ' 'v,; 'v,
25341 Fjeifie Foundry pisij- Machla
. W aWts-'' ? " - t ". f
24830 1'acitie Shingle "onrjny -2524
lck .Frodoct Co.' ' "
24539 Fai-ner rnstraction Cdmpany
23441 Pannaadlo - Copper Cwmp4ny, . Tn
25315 Psracon .Disc '.W"ne Co..- ; -
4J522I Park's. rnrchsg "Syoa- ncor-
l- -v-; poratea j. i--:--. ' " :
2329ft Peerless Foo Prod acts, Co Tho.
25393 Peiaber and-, Soell Mercantile Com-
3l2a perfection Tirer Conipany - V
25149 f-r:ins auio 5,0.
25349 Pine Tree Shop. -Inc 1
16139 Point TejTaw MMs .Tul1 Gm'
--pany- . ." . . ----- - -- -
22781 Poles Sawmill Company t
22972. Portland Henby Co. : . -25556.
Portlapj. Fioral Company
22175 Portland Investment Company' -,-
23281 Portia Improvemeat Compaay,
.. ln-.Tha-
25785 Portland. tVood : XUstillation CO-
laow. ;' -'--,-,.
25350 Foto ' Products .Ctf. : ' '
24758 Powell Mfg. Co., WiUiam C.
2I2270 Prairie' Box Compny i
2S481 Process Company. ..Tho.r, if
25165 PnritanTHealthFtood 0. , , ,
918 Real Art TetreCo;- - r
Juniper Ms nufse tuning
23415 Redmond Union VinfnBchool : Inv
provenfeht Company , -r
25695 Hod Lumber Company -24372
Reeves Pirifrible Hea4 Light
aWOaO iiCVUnpvri UVtCI avVUIH"11!! anas
25271 Reilly nd LlTestock Compaay,
23490 Reservation Lumber U Construe-
tvon Company
25965 Biodo Island Bad Farm. Inc. "
25455 Richard Investment Compaay . of
Oreoa.- A. V, . , .; f ,
21306 Robert Ltimbor . CoaSptay' ' " .
23688 Rocking - R Land , A Ure 'Stock
Company ."; - J ' - - '
23843 Rock Springn Country. Clpb, v
19527 Roger Hotel Co ,W. F.;
25692 Rose CUy Cnatom .Tailors . -24894
Rose Lumber Co.-"-- t -23302
Roe vLand.' Sheep. Cov inc.;- -2281
Rudr Jpraa- Company-. ' i.
2573 San;B0TLsaber''Co.r - p....
2S7o5 Shady llisbway-rGaragn, Iae. ., ...
24891 -Raoiro . MaautacSurinr Co.
OI94ttSedia Shipbuilding Company,
23511 Kchaefer tiuDer Works i
25643 Htbnis -ComnigioOo"ipsny, Max
25224 Hcof fins Choraia to -Shop, Inn. -24704
Seo-Vsliton torf lne.; v ,."
25881 Ship SecuritSc Compa'ny v . v
23207 BileU Valley - Idsmbeo Co. : ' -18909
Silver Lake Taiephosi- and i Tele
graph Comp4ny,'bi
17551 Bims Frnit Company. t. , . - .
25776 Siskiyoa aaberj Co. -
25311 Skyline Corporation The. 1
25200 Slyter Lumber Cosspanv !
498S Smith Witwn Iro Works.' Th
18564 St." Johns Sanitarium :
24089 Standard .lUpht Motor . Company
25262 Standard Publishing, Company .
35459 aples Optical Company.
22s4 Statefe Auto A Track Co.
i-Mif.a Mti-; rx-ela C.
25140 Hupar and Wliite Pino Co. -11051
Snmner Hall Company. . . 1 -..
20385 Syndicate Anrusement Compaay. -2041T.
C. Stocfc-t. ,
25947 Tailoring, Incorporated
23766 Talent Lnmber-Company " -
25300 Temp-Rite 1 Furnace tVjmpany
5213 Tepastete IrOa'Company, The
25101 Thermo ConfroUeJr Atanataeturjag
Company, Tha ' "V'." -
21373 Thermo ; Wall Concrete Constrao-
tion Company: -
31 P 1 erviae aeanm nrepiiaee as unr
iB&430nitany - i " - - .
a ' - av. a
Phelp JOanseturingJpomjMP'y ,s
PhiUissXnmher Co;. The V. J.
23G16 Thompson, .Iellaua-glfrT6n UVi..i
rAmnaar. Tn-. - '
2 483 1 Tillamook Ftnaac toaif Co,
2278 Tillamook Lumber .Cominy
24670 ytUeaneolt M,erca4iJ. 5o. ;
20929 Toledo Sileft-Ksnroa Co:.-'
2iSa- TjVmy CompSnj', Incorporated. IL
aw. .a-nwM,--aacv, t --.
242 Twin-Two Motoa CompanylaciL, sTid.?wI; tf?t- r-.mT.tB
11 T9t ITbmhi rnf'Alwni; - - Tr 537Thopson. Estate Company,
ilQ17 Lcl't Dolicious. I'siOCorporat-
- ed ; , .- . - -
26236 tien Codnty, Oil, Company.?
2-2132 Cnion :M"ofor ConMiafiy - - . .
240O5 Vaion Specialty WorkdVf .
24979 Union. Stores Corporation.
24 1 "Ceiled Fffclebt Bureau . 7.
1 24J8 rnUed vt,ritiga;CrporB.
22937 VAirarsil Ga rag Company : - --2-3565'
Caiversal - Gold Placer, Mining
onTpsay -y .
18983- Caiversal Tire Filler 3o.! . -l4d
ii. --S. Mortgage , . a? iavertment
. i Company - f .
6073 t. . 8. A- Tire ChaniW Company
25294 a-aeuum Ec,uipue-n(. Co. ,- ..
22317 Vale Milling and,. Etevifor Coat-
2 49 t-S Vapo "Products listributqra
259i!5' Vernonia Milt Company " . "?
735 Virtue Mine. Development Cem-
53 iSt- Victor Spfnfes.rTnc,orpor4ted v ,
auioxr oaragfW.snc,
llili Earner Lake Jr;jgatn.t3a,
24IIX Worrentea Investment .-On. ' r
2043Z Weteh-.Pratr Reservoir- Coaass y
21511 Vestcrn'lredgig,ad Exploration
, Z - ..Company ... -C n - . .;
23093 .Western. Grin Cotnpayr -t.fy -.
24156 Western MorticUa .Publishing Co.
22133 Western Oil Company' ; i
246 17. -Western, yrefon FEroF Conpay
LtuT a
ir .
"vf mm-
I .:' a' 1 --- . i. - -v
T2554V Western is'les"; Byr.e.ta ,. of Oro-
15922- Western Tie A iAiier - -
16197 eat iiooa fj CwatsB
7597 West - 84da ilrngatwa -and-YY St as
Ditch Company - "
2548S' WhisUe Bottling CPMy- iB
25691 "Whigtington-Vandevert Company,
-j - - Incorporated ; ";" - "" , P
2 1UI Wilcox EJevator Co.- ' -. -. i
...... Yl-lll.m.A fWlrt - T1!, W - '
24773 VTillametW, Valley Oil A Oa Co."
25800 Young Company, Geo.. J.
2472'i lry JUreeki Co-Operativ Eichanff. '
r-- - . Th . -: --.'"'''. - - '" ' ' . .
2J$3-XilpatrkW-Cfol5n . .fe uf6r.
, - Oo-vperstief ARaoeioiiojj r
v'rtTsrtit-feirvnKK WALTER if.
PtUCCE. a CoVcrrxur of the State- of Ore
gon, by ivlrta of the authority conferred
npon me by Beetlon 89, Olson's; Oregon
terms- and -provisions .thereof, d here3y :
declare each And a U of tne-foregning .ano
sboveiasmed corporations, dissolved, and
. . . 1 . M 2 .. . . jf. i rt fntf A kr aaa
tneir tnictev . it "vii f"- -. 1 ,- -
sad repeaJed sivi. sl! powers, ronlatrea
by .law upon snclt .eotporstions are here
by declared inoperative. and Toid. f -
' - IX WITNESS vrilERKOl'.vJ
onto set my haad, sad eauaed. the Seal W
Stat tO,b bereanjo affixed the Cay
.r Kiit OracTL. this 4th .day
of "Jaaoary, fa- flia yeaf of oar .Lord On
Thoasand. Ame tmnarea a-wenty-c". --
"'c-'T r'f - WALTER ,L PIERCE.
"-!... --v ef--- 5. v-' -' .tiuternor.
tSTi'SEAil- w.w ; . ; - I :
By" tha GoTcTnor:ir. t U-
4,j. P r Secretsryjof Stat.
WHfREAS. ' W. E- CREWS. Corpora
tion -CbmeiissioBer of the State of Oregon,
aa required by Section 6913, ,01soniOrn
goa LawdMt .n:taa- 4t-Ay of Jnry,
ia25, report'tf e-4 Covernor ot; tha
State o Oregon,, a list of all foreieBjeor
porvtiona which or twoionecutrve yteara
or more, steal .preceding h aid 4th (day
el JnJ-rjrlSSa.-AaTt railed, heelerted
y yefoted lo fur Uh , Mou Ur -iI (Cor
poration Commissioner, any ; annual ste
ment reqnifed -t be furnished, nndenany
lawn-of thisiSt, or to pay -th liopn
feo required t, be paid, nnderiany lawa
f-llW StateVaad;
l EBrlAS. Jssl4itottTof the fCor
porstioa' CammjssioBes- -o- mhd as aiora"
said.' aontains fh mares -of the! feUowiag
foreign corporations wliieh'.for two ,fon
ecnlrv" -fears r ' snoraief t preceding
tna ;ate tha 'report' hit failed, . neg
Iectid; or 'retdfi .to" ruris!r"any-iacA
stabtneat or to pay ny;such license fee,
to-wit 5. i-l.vV . '-.;. .ti
T, ifed-Americ a "Liu ii . Meter Com-
t WtthinMoaV
F lo3-i-Inby liotorj Track
(Ielawre -
F 1574 AUrkHr Company (IVyotB
- i- i ini) , ' ' . . - i..
F V075J Eecls 'av SavJkt.Cjanjpany '(CV-
F 1304 Empire Cream Separator. Com-
', pany. The. (Colorado - -i
P 131 First. Thought Gold ,; Mines,
; - Limited (Washington)
F 1244 fe-WiUon Lumber Compaay
"i - -(Catifornia) - -
IF 1832 Gebri A Cb- A. Washington)
IF 1394r-Jeneral Metals Company (Was.
! Ill MlWi - . ... - '
F-1 74 1 Gillespie-Eden Corpomt ion - Dol-
:- aware; - -'-
F -1752 G lobe Radio Corporation. : Tha
- - (BW.K-,.-.-- r u." --i I
F 1733 Grand Central - .Miues , Co.
41 (Va'iagtoal ' . . .
F J805 Grant Land and Livestock"! Co.
IF 1481 Idaron Pnre Bred Catilo Com-
I .,- -i ' . r , v . ..... .
Iiisy iisjDoi- -. c. -p
F 348 JronTJfM t Copper .Company
1 Peaim-lvakfa i -
F - 88H Irvine Family Investntent C
.. . pany.-Tbe (Mianesuia") - -
F 1488 JordaiC . - Went worth , . A ii
! CO.
Lit. 1664 MithH Traetoy Company, E. A.
- : 't wssaiugion;- . - 5 .
F 1372 Koisefless Typewriter mstribat-
s -lng'Vmipany, Tbe TCa1?fornia)
F 1781 Pacific Autosnstie Kxfty. levic
; - Corporatton '( Washtaron) i
P.17l7r-Prodiiaar Finance,. Corporstiog
, ... (Delawsae) ' -- - . " 7 - . - ' -P
1647 Band Hills ;OU: Company tWp
. 'h swiagf., ' ' . -
F . 77 Saatjam . tid- X Timber .Com
rr psny .(Michigan) - . '
w.-r-onujsjutuis m-m
F 1794 Sound Sale .CoipPny
mgioB). ,
F 1030 Spokane Flour ,MiU. -
Nethejsnaji. - ...
F, 1 658 ETeeF Really ievel.-pmcnt Cor
if i
Th R. R. California!
F ITTrr State" ST i fi es Companj
; . '.' (Washington) ,
r 18A5-1 t aneenver SteaiA and, Mano
. . ... f ,-turB2f . Co. f Washington 1
F 18C2 Washington Crocry Store
i- .-i -o-Northwest, : Inc, . Martht
4 V MAelaware) . - T:
PIERCE, a Governor of tie State of
Oregon, by virtno of the authority ton.
refred- ppdn-'tte by'Secfio'n'xrnr. C5T.,oo'a
Oregoa Laws. and. ander and pursuant -to
thtf teTffls"r prxsrlsioiaf therevr, do her
by .4eejarrtb .yight tt raeh,aad all of
"the, foffgom and jboTe jpiin-d eorpora
oods to trsniacj business i fHo" fiUte of
Orego'n .revoked, l and ' ref,4'fd. sad: all
poaier Aairred by law. bpoa soch cor
porations are hereby declared inoperative
aad -vold - , -
IS jWrfSTEBS WfEQlVi have
ereuAto hfnd ai csed-th
Seal of .SUte. to rte ;;vte4 t
fhe City" of Satm, State o( Oteson, thia
4th day of anaarj, ia. the year of: oar
Lord Oa Thousand Xiao Unadred Twenty-Six.
: . . .. "
1 -" .-, , ' Governor.
1 5TA.T. oGAuf
. . s - - - -. . , , ! .
' -! . . s .. - - : 1 ;
z Secretary of State.
By the GtrveraOr:
F - .761 -Betid Park "Company - (Wshiag
- - Jonj i.-.- '
P . 103S- Baiton LLnmber -Compsny
- ' WaMaktaaf ' a
F 1315 kntinenfal Mining- Oompany
'L,,, s.."!-: T- t . ,:h . "rs hre
of rhouei C?a