The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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    ft .
. J u .:
Colonial Lines Merged wth Oldtime
V . nJl&a -JZK
I v
COLONIAL lines, and a yealth of com
fortable rooxnines are ihte predominant
. features of this common brick home.
Architectural effort here was chiefly di
rected to; convenient interior! arrangement.
lacking which - too .many i
gnevious- -disappoint-'
jnenta..iFor th stylej
01 nouse aii tne requi
sites -seeing, to have
been provided.'
ine arcnea uoioni-j ifl
muauvc ' nun iut:
old fashioned fan- i
light opens into a' 1
i commodious entrance
hall from which leads the stairway. To the
right is the living, room, extending, com-
' pletely across the end of ,thie house, well
lighted, provided wijth open grate, and
opening upon a commodious lining porch
"in the rear,', -...,.
- Til Contain Brick Manataeturer" Association, Cleveland,
1 aflrt frrica, svstructioa avtit upoa request. ) !.;..
: I But the Upkeep Expense of Such Houses Is Small
i i , . T j - - - t j . v - - -
See us for common brick, face brick, building tile, partition tile, silo tile, sewer
pipe, drain tile, vertrified jsewer pipe. t ' -
If! ii r m
Notable Advancement, Seen;
in lAHisirucuun ot iNew
Organization Home
Noticeable ; adrancemeht has
been made - on the - work 1 on the;
YMCA building,: being constructed!
on Court street- between 'Churich
and Cottage' streets. " - 1
Plastering of the first floor has;
been completed. - ;The ! roughj
plastering t work , of the building:
has . now been , cjoinpleted! excp
for the basement, The latter can
not be worked on.; until the plunibj
ing Is.completedi't i "
. Windows .have been installed
on all floors : .This work is now
- r.ewbtrg ') Vclas
Woodburru ' 031 r?t
. . - ' j
The dining
in the rear.and
through a serving pantry. The kitchen is
'unusually -large, i well arranged and well
aired and lighted.
On the second floor are four ted rooms.
homes become
ularly requires!
Ohio, can tonus
i r '- H H'K-I
! . I K ft V m-mm .: Ill II I . ! I tU
done. Next task of similar na
ture will be the setting in of all
the doors for the dormitory
rooms. .
Iron rafters1 upon which rests
the ceiling of the, main gymnasi
um have been painted a cream
color. . The iron girders support
ing the balcony, aa well as the
under portions of the balcony,
have also been painted.
The woodwork in the building
has been oiled, bringing out the
natural color of the wood. The
doors for the dormitories have
arrived. v The casings for these
are up through the first and sec
ond floors.,. i"-M
Work- has been started on the
swimming tank. The place dug
for this has been drained, and
work of leveling is in progress.
Boilers have been installed, and
are" connected. The heating sys
tem is expected to be in working
order "by the middle "of the week.
Popularity draws bigger gate
receipts than fame. '
Earge scaled
j I 1 ; .
idirect control of everything
from trees to 'finished pro-"
' duct and advantageously
located retail :." yards and!
hiills," make if possible for".
us to give e. very customer"
efficiency, in; service f and
Quality in I ;- ; ' " : ' t
Everything in Lumber t
and Building . Material
Tit Lumber
I ttSk YV
' iMTHrrrivilla
: lndpendno
Ideas of Comfor
7-.-y.r--. , i- .
room is off the living room
lis entered from the kitchen
two exceptionally
large, a sleeping
roonj and bath.
Closet room in each
is ample and all open
upon' the center hall
way. ' A home that spells
real comfort.
This house partic
adequate landscaping. It
is of that character that permits the use
of vines upon its walls if one's taste is of
that trend, and will be improved by a lib
eral use of the smaller' type of shrubbery
about its foundations.
k 1 complete drawings for this desissv.
Linoleum Is Laid, Floor Var
nished, Workmen Predict
Labors to End
Rooms in the Steeves Dnildinfr,
adjacent to the Salem Bank of
Commerce on Liberty street, will
pe ready for occupation before the
middle of this week, according to
predictions by men on the job.
J Concrete has been laid on the
sidewalk in front of the building.
There has also been laid cement
approaches to the three , rooms.
These approaches have been
painted red.
Linoleum has been laid on the
floors of the north and south
i-ooms of the building. The north
foom will be occupied by the
tirabenhorst Realty company and
the south room by the Mutual
Savings and Loan association.
1 Floor of the center room has
been varnished. This room , will
be dec'upfed -by tfie' Balcony Bon
net Bhop. Most of the fixtures of
this millinery concern J have al
ready been moved into the new
location. V :, .. '
Bef ore-You Buy Consider r
Johns -- Manville
A roof r for,' every purpose ,
Made of extra good materials i
Gives extra 'years of 4
C b'm p I e t e stock here n 6 m
Oregon Grayel Co.
Hood at Front
Ideal j Dwellings In " Salem
Highway Tracts to Be
Finished by June J
' Vl
Tlfch I. Ilimann, local realtor,
reports the Jetting ' of contract
for eight a4ditlonal houses In the
Salem HiRhway tracts between
the, Silvertoni and Portland roads.
Contractor ' Adam Engel la re
quested to start not later than
January 15 and all dwelling
houses must be finished' before
June 1. 192)5. The houses wi.ll
consist of 4 (rooms and breakfast
nook, complete bath room, elec
tric lights. ad city water, every
one doubly ronstructed.
With eacHj house goes one-half
acre of landV Mr Reimann ex
pects to sell the houses en the
easy payment plan. He feels con
fident that hie will be able to self
them as quiickly as they can be
finished. ' if t
Mr. Reimann built three houses
last fall on l the same tract and
they sold very rapidly. The tract
of land on wbich these houses are
erected belongs to Col. Carle
Mr. Reiman also announces the
following salos in the last few
A 4 4 -acre farm in the Hazel
green district, from Louis P. Ko
bow, to F. B. Halik, of this city.
A 73Vt acre farm near Leba
non, Oregon; to L. F. Kobow from
O. E. Hogue.
O. E. Hogue acquired a 20 acre
tract about 8 miles south of Sa
lem, from Louis F. Kobow.
A house in Portland belonging
to Mrs. Eva Purvine was sola to
Mrs. Ella Ai Jones.
Mr. Reimann ' purchased a five
room nouse belonging to Mrs.
Jones, which is located on;S. 16th
street, for an Investment. "
Transactions Are Listed, In
quiries Show -Sharr.4n-terest
inland :.
A business firm of Portland is
contemplating buyfng the fctein
hoeh buildine on the corner of
Center and "Front streets and con
verting it into a Farmers market
The company will own at least
two of the stores where mercban
dise will be sojd, but the major
part of the building will be made
into stalls where farmers can come
and set up their merchandise for
sale. This will be a new project
in the Ity of Salem, and. ought t,o
be a big success. This news comes
from the office of Becke and Hen
dricks, realtors.
William Bartlett bought the Ed
ward Sischo property on . Mission
state, recently; Mr. Bartlett ex
pects to remodel and modernize
the house, and take possession im
mediately. ! The deal was made
through Mr Socolofsky.
Dr. Ansley G. Bates sold to A
M. Lull a modern home at 2628
48th street I S. K.. Portland, fro
$5,500, through Mrs. Winnie Pet
tyjohn. .
. Fifteen acres of prunes in the
Rosedale district were sold by A
M. Lull to Dr. Ansley G. Bates,
consideration $6,000. , Mrs. Win
nie Pettyjohn made the deal.
; Marie B-ii Lewis,, sold to KDr.
John Lynch some semi-business
property at 373 . North Church
street for $6,000, through the of
flee of Mrs.t;Winnie Pettyjohn. ' '
: Charles Sawyer of, this city sold
one acre In fruit on Salem Heights
to W. L. Barnes, consideration be
ing $1,400. Mr. Barnes la al
ready building a modern home on
the property. The deal was made
through the! office of Mrs. Winnie
Street Salem
Xew Swlmmlni: Pool.- Twenty Modoi-ii CoLtus, Play Grounds, for'
i Cniltlren. and Athletic (.rounds Akl to Attraction ' i "
The .outstanding development
of the year in the matter of; put
ting. the resort features of the
country on ' the map, writes The
Hubbard Enterprise, has. been the
completion or a teu mousand
dollar' sanatorium and hotel at
the Hubbard Mineral Springs and
the further development of the
property which was purchased n
few months ago by Dr. w A.
Smith, T. C; Watson, A. H. Horn
and I. O. Williams from the
Wolfer estate at Hubbard, Ore
gon... The' sanatorium has been re-
cently opened. By spring, the fol
lowing improvements will have
been built: A large swimming
pool. 30 by 100 feet, twenty mod
ern cottages electrically equipped.
play grounds ana piay noDDies lor
Children, and ground will be laid
out for tennis, croquet, baseball
and horse shoe. ,
.This natural resort is located in
one of nature's prettiest play
grounds and on every hand can
be seen the beautiful blending of
the architecture of the universe
grand old trees, secluded nooks,
lazy nerve-resting creek, air lad
en with the breath of he fir.
Fifteen years ago, the previous
owner conceived the idea that the
waer contained medical proper
ties. " Acting upon this belief, he
sent a sample of the water to M.
Stillman, engineer of tests for the
Southern . Pacific Railway com
pany. The report returned label
ed the "American Carlsbad" be
cause of its similarity to the "Ger
man Carlsbad," thought to be the
greatest, mineral water springs in
the world.
A hot and cold water system
has been installed in the new
sanatorium which provides pure
water from a spring as well as
both hot and cold water from the
mineral spring with a flow of one
hundred gallons per minute.- The
springs are situated in a natural
and most beautiful park, which,
when the landscape architect has
completed his work next year.
will doubtless be the most beau
tiful park in the .Willamette val
ley outside of Portland's famous
city park, and it will in many re
spects surpass this great resort.
The Hubbard Mineral Springs
are appropriately called the
"Carlsbad ; ot America.?' because
of the striking similarity of the
Carlsbad of Germany. - Plans have
already been drawn for a large
swimming-pool to be "constructed
at the springs next summer.
The Hubbard Mineral Springs
Co. filed papers of incorporation
last August and since that time
constructive development from a
purely modern standpoint has
been pursued at nn expense of ap
proximately $25,000, and this is
only . a beginning.
According to an analysis made
by M. Stillman, engineer of tests
for the Southern Pacific Railway
Co., the total matter in solution
consisting of grains per U. S. gal
ton, are 1.69.' Chloride of sodi
um and potassium. 27.74: bi-car-bonate
of lime, 6.S2: bi-earbonate
of soda, 16.10; bi-earbonate of
magnesia. 4.26; r. bi-carbonate of
iron. 2.10; silica, 2.39: sulphate
of soda, .58: manganesa, traces.
The water contains enough iron
to give it a decided taste and
classify it as a chalybeate water.
The new enterprise has already
commenced to attract much at
tention and the management has
welcomed thousands of visitors
from all parts of the country dur
ing the past few months, even
1 tl't j) j? , j 15; ,
Jx: if " f i hi-ff
2y2 Acre Home just
. rooms, modern, 4UU loot frontage
- J "ori paved ; road
' . , . ' . - -. . o 1 - - - - ' ! . . -
WC'r - .y; - , oee ; - ,;. : y . j-:
W: H. Grabenhorst & Co
275 State Street. Phone 51 5
i 7 ,ru
7 r T7rrr
7 I
1 ' V
,K ,l !l; V- ' '
when construction woxku was InJ
prdgress. . Many1, from ".Portland
and Salem have visited thetjprlngs
almost weekly, and carried away
great quantities of the mineral
water.' ; In the cpurse of a few
months It - is probable that pro
visions will be made for bottling
the product of. the latse- spring
and the mineral water will be sold
In' the markets. l .. J .
1 That the),; new enterprise will
prove to be a , big asset tci Hub
bard, and this part, of the jWllla
mette valley-, is g foregone conclu
sion; and , the" "few, -..pessimistic
souls, who- haye seemed to be In
doubt, will -lie converted ! to i its
support and praise,' -,whe they
realize, as theyill in time, that
it is the biggesl drawing card, the
Oregon country offers the travel
ers from the interior, As tne
magnificent scenic park is'iadver
tised and becomes known all over
the country 'It- will" attract -more
people to 'the state after they have
feasted oh the grandeur- and beau
ty that the Mineral Springs; resort
fTers. It Js therefore, an asset
to all Oregon as well as to Hub
bard "and Marion county wherein
it is located. ! -i
(Continued from 4ags 1):
, j -
2. Bandage- demonstration:
Jason Lee Jub. ' T
3. Singlnff. "
4. Lynn F Cronemillei for
est rangerr will demonstrate firo
fighting implements used in fight
ing forest fires and will give a
vivid reproduction of a forest fire
worth traveling miles to see.
Physical i
1. Awarding of banners by
judges of the supreme court.
2. Games and swim at the Y.
M. C. A. led by Bob Board man.
3. Home Sweet Home, accom
panied by H. Ford . and Your
Shanks. i
... v
The service w;e perform for oth
ers pays for the space we toccupy
here. Theodore Roosevelt j
it.' " i
Xon-s or hm riubslti
biner, leader. Donald Siegmund,
chief ranger, Wliitman' club, is all
puffed up because of the fact that
it walked off with the Salem Pio-
Woodharcn. N Y Mr K. M. CnU
tin ay, Inead of pl.xl.iing through
my work wearily on icmunt lof sick
headaches and siwr ioina-h, t riow eo-
ioyl gtuvl health ami ambition, can do
more anil better work and life is worth
living. ( have never before given my
name to advertise a medicine, but you
:anmt imagine how different I feel since
f discovered Carter's Little Liver Pills."
Carter's Little Liver Pill tonic the
whole 'system through the Hi-er and bow
el. They net as a mild and effective
laxative in a gentle manner without
any bad after effects. At all Druggists.
I - - : , '. ;. .
i. adv.
oil tside of city. Five
m0 ...
I Jl fcf W ... ,
aHmr " -
L : II
neer basketball tournament a hick
was held last Saturday.- r 4 -
Fbuf.clubs entered the contest,
namely : ? Whitman. Jason ! Lee.
TttutK Salem Friends, and Shelton.
- ' Whitman' club initiated , throe
new members last Tuesday eve
ning in a meetlnff held aT lhe;
heme of. Cog'lan, one of whit;
man s mem Ders; - -
VMrCrary, boys work, secretary,
ot the Salem-Y. M. C A., has Teen
yisiting all of the Pioneer 1 clubs
this past week, announcing ft con
test that is to be carried on among
th"e clubs of this, city during' the
months if February to May in-
- J A
175 Commercial Street
. ..Telephone 728 .
Kcrth Csipitol and Union
.,.5. fjg nw r, ' JC
333 Cbemeketft . Phone 1000