The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 09, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    ; f, -, .t,.w. . .TT .r.r:r.r.r'r- - . r- " "AiATtiIIlJlcaiiii,iA7
r,, . . 4 ... - - "
v--- . .. - - - -
Mfs. G.'F; Frankel. of Portland,
wITrTie'lhespeak'er at the meet
ing today of the Salem Woman's
luSnaHng" as 'her topic;-jTh6
Narcotic Evil." ' . ;
"."Preceding the meeting,' ; a too
.hostess luncheon will be' serve at
12: 30 o'clock V- the Gray-Belle;
i hoAortagtsC ."Frankel. ...Respira
tions - are being .made wlth4 Mrs.
delightfnTiidlaga' wn'ltft Mrs. f
i-Tanicei has coa seated to; giro. :
" The boardfaieeUng at 2 o'cio4k
will precede." the eular business
meeting : at i:30 At which itme.;a
number fit ,i?driaqy; cfmmJttee
rcportiu'VTir'brrYen, TBe pro
grata wilt be at 1' o'clock, ll',
Afilmportant .meejlng.; of; the
hospitality ' commitle'e has j been
called ' for 2 o'clock thfe 1 same
hour at which the boardln. ses-
. A seciar notice ba-teeii htuidr
ed In- calling" attentioh't'o' the-fact
hat tnpaldx dues make eithbef-
ship dellnqueat at this jtime.
Ohkfof $2. should be failed
mX ante toMrs. W. Staley, 271
North Summer street.
, At the meeyag tomorrow all
&iest ra, asked4 to --hare their
guestV ticket? properly signed
'All new- members are . asked- to.
present their ?mefflbeWship leards.
Class in ChUdlTiP,
Announcement' Was'-'made 'last
jhight that Ibe 'SaieikV brancli' of
"tb' Americao ' Assocfatlon it tfnlr
verslty Women is organising al
.-P5ych6rogyr class la the training
of the ehild "o pre-achoolr age.;
The .first meeting will ,b held t at.
T; 30- ocIock Xlonday - In the com
i : mittee .room- of the city library.!
AH ; Interested regardless "ot
.AVtkriter br .not theyi are members!
.of the-associalion are Intited4toj
" attend. Tho class wilt probably1!
Xolietr. ItBo. study- course as'-pre--acribed
by iiob liayden Meett. nai
tfohai oprptatx of. tho AAtnv.
' Cctefoonwi Date Advanced I
- Announcement was Jnado yes-j
lVrrday morhlhg1 that the date -for;
rnjj; Leieunmiairox. xyaia lempie,
Xaightefs. ot.ihe Nile, of Portl
lantf,- has i been adranced fronj
Saturday,. January 1 to Safurdayl
January ,16. .Following, the 'cere
monial which will' be heldl in tho
afterooo'n.'a format banquet 'will
jUUel place at. tho Benson, Hotel .&
lit o'elockx Xhosa 'ttoifhoSai
ilftm- .ciab, who, desire to, at Und- the-
, : JianQuet are asked, to, make their
rserVaUons l-'hy calling Mrs.
George . OunsfOrd at 6 i-J; bin
Tgesday.ofj next week. t y ;c T
Mrs. Glenn Niifes; Tice'presdent
sof t the . Salem cluh. waa araon
those In attendance at (he regniaf
.'bjiiineas. session: of Ny did. Temple
on Wednesday in Portlandl Xydii.
Vrmple, ' NO." 4,'- tnebtt "regtilirly
ton"'theflr8t Wednesday of each
'month for a bastness session. !
.Cohtmbine Clb -l:.-x ':r -1
. . The tnembarjs- ot tha ' Coluiw
hina club met on. Thursday aftU
ernoon at ... the home ot Mrs1.
: Charles DaTts- in. north Salem. A.
' lonrely luncheon was 'etrA.
Irtw.ft-kktciock.r ,A t the . business
nj eetlng the lad les- made plans tor
thelwiluck'S.uppelrat whfehthey
wll entertain their husbands on
: ' Free todiaaas1.
" , ' Dinner CSne?rt ' 1 "
0-7-KGW (491.5), Portland
6 :ZO-7:30- KIIJ Y403.2), U4
Anirelcs. History tory Prof.
.. Hertsog. .., J!"s?A'i '
' Katertaituuents I "
Via KGW .U9J.5) ,roftland
. Kenln's dance orchestra.
0-11 KHJ '(405), Ixw An-
- eclcs. 6-6 : 3 0, Lelghton s ort
chestra: 6:$0-7:30, history:
" rorr. Prtf fHertxog;i Jaclt
gcarie, Pollle Wright. Henrif
ctta. Poland, Nona Clapp In
i :, ..tho kiddies', hour wlthl Und
Johni 7:3ffi "Adrice .t6 ,lmf
pcrlal Valley-.Growers.' Fre4
f C.McNabb;'; 8-1 0,' df - lux
program."' arranged and pre
' seated "by Walter Blddick!
V; l-II. Clark's dance orchost-
- Va. . '.' "r i;' - I
t5:3l)-3 a.,W KF1 467)t.Los
Angelesl 6t3 0. Test pocket
program; 6 : 45 yadiotorjalj
7-'8,- 'programr arranged ' h
Maud Reeres Barnard: 5-,
L-f.ExamJJier hour;. 9-10, Ixnise
iUos trio, Yeabel Bowen, so
prano; 10-11, Radio club.
Bill and Polly Haljj, Cari-
1, json Sisters, Madelyn ) Hardy
'.'.and, other fairoriUs; 4IJ-S 4
. nu, KFI midnight frolic. Don.
TMeany, master of ceremonial.
0:33-13 EPO 428j, San
I rancisco. 5 6:35-7:3fl,Lind
, orchestra;, 8-12, Cabfrians
' orchestra. 1 f'1:
8: 1 6-12 K a O Oak
land. 8; 10,-Wagnerian: pn
' gram, San Francisco concert
orchestra; : California) xnixeL
. chorus; Marion Veski, ban
, ... tone; Flora , Howell JSruner,
, soprano; dna . Linkowski.
" pianist: Carl Anderson, ten
hrt George B.' Alien 1 barl
' ,i'.nc; hnth Waterman con-
trulio;-? 10-12. Glrrin-DpueL
, California Collegians prches-
ru. -,-:f!-1::
y -ictttct 8:30-3:30. program;;
"a : Z 0 - 1 1 : 3 0, irarkness ' or
- chestra. - - - ! - vj - 1
Tuesday evening-. ; January .'J at
the: home ot: Mnv Frank Howard
bin. North Mapla street. The aft
ernoon L ;Tra devoted t6 . fantey-
ork. Mrs. Pee of Lebanon, a
Elster. of Mrs; Howard and of Isa
HtaWrence iwas thtwily irnest.
j Mrs: Frank Howard Is the pres
ident of the Columbine-clnb Mrs.
If; L. Joseph secretary; and. Mrs.
ij.O. Jfraithreporterir'1 ;
! ilt tSe 'meeting: of the xltttf, on
home or Mrs. C O. Smith, at 170
3. . cottage 'street, calendars will
$e made" lot"' the ensuing year. -
The membefot'the-lab arerr -Mrs.
Frank. Howard Mrs".5P. L.
Joseph- Mrs L,J 0. Smith, Mrs.
Charles Davia,, . Mrs. , William
gkmning. Mrs. , William 'McCarrol.
ifra.; pal)as IcCarrofi .MfSf louis
TrumbIeson M las- Iawrenee; Mrs;
Josooh McAlnhina. . H . Li-
Mr. and, Mrs. East , , -
Leave cm Trip , ' 1 ". :
j Mr.-and MrB S. S.- East left
yesterday. forJ California . on. the
first lap-of thiefr long trip which
Willi take them on an extended
Mediterranean- cruise "and tour of
Europe. ' : In .California! they plan
short risit at th home of their
daughter Mrs. Hugh Kyle.
ReUtrn to Seattle ;
I Mlaa ZeHa Hopson,. a. teacher ,n
the Seattle .- schools returned to
jher work early in the week after
spending the holidays at the- homo
at herrparente, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
H&me From Vancouver, B.C.
- Mrs. George F. Rodgers and
Miss Margaret Rodgers- fiave re
turned home from -a ''.several
weeka absence in Vancottverf
jc.i where-they; were house guests
during the holidays of Mrs. Rodg
ers cousin, Mrs. T. W. B. London.
MfeS Rodgers was (he Inspiration
during her risit ot a number of
charming pfenuptial affairs. Miss
.Rodgers marriage to Mr. James
G. A.' if utcheson is planned for
the coming spring.
Attractive. Bridae Party
. One .- of the rmost atractiTo
brfdge affairs of early .January
(Was that of' Wednesday afternoon
when Mrs. Rdnald Jones was hofet
teBs honoring 'gToup'oici.frfends
Three tables of ttre chosen", difer
sion were Jn pray'dnrjEhg theifaft
ernoon, with Mrs. F,' W, Poorman
fwfttnlntr the high' score.nThe-conr
solatioh award went to Mrs. Edr
ward Yieskb..;. -. . 1 .'
The season's first daffodils
were beautiftil oh tie tea-table.
Yellow tapers, to harmonize with
the early " spring blossoms, were
used la crystal holders. ; Bowls of
marigolds were arranged about
the; living rooms. I, Mrs.'. John
twithebmbe, " Jr.. andV Mrs. Daryl
Proctor assisted at the tea table,
following the playing.
In the group were: Mrs. John
Wlthyicombe, Jr., Mrs. Karl Becke,
Mrs. Ubyd Farmer, Mrs. Daryl
Proctor, Mrs. Wmiam B. Mott,
Mrs. F, W. Poormaa, Mrs. T. EL
Rilea. Mrs." Edgar . Pierce, Mrs.
Ernest Thorns.. Mrs, -. Edward
VJaakoajad the hostess, Mrs. Ron
ald Jones. '
Ladtett of'tke GAR
The members of the U.- S. 8 rant
Circle No. 5, Ladies of the G. A. R.
will meet at 2:30 o'clock thla aft
ernoon In the Armory for the reg
ular meeting.
Ladieb' Aid ElecXk -
Members, ot the. Ladies' .Aid so
ciety f: ;tbej; Woman's' "Relief;
Corps held an all-day sociaf, meet
ing en Thursday in 'the -building
at the,FairgroniHis."l. fcV-. i
. ; The ; following? office ru were
elected at this time: ' President,
Mrs. Laura MeAdams; Tioe presi
dent, Mrs. Jennie F.' B. Jones; sec
retary. Bertha LoTeland, v and
treasurar. Sarah Peterson.; Ac
cording to tho yearly reports
which were heard during the aft
ernoon, silteen all-day business
meetings were held during.' the
past year and seven social moot
ings. " , ' .'"." ;
'. Till tho arrival of . tho 'spring
reason, the (members of the aid
society plan" to meet. 'tho homes
of the members.'. The iiext 'meet
ing, which will take place'at'the
home . of ' .Retia Pemberton.. at.;
1443 S. Commercial street,; is an
hbnhced ; for, January. 2!&f$Z this
time the. members" will; respond to
roll-caltwltlt a lielpf ul.hlnt, t-M 5
Mdtor to Nesboiem 'f';;
: Mr. and JtrS. Frank; W. Durbln
and, their guest, Mrs, CUrac.VaUer-
son, are- enjoying 1 a? , sojottrn at
Ne8kowin at the Durbln sa'mmer
home. ' ! " - '' ;- - -
Hal'H&hard: : ;:
AuxMdry Meet ! '
n A. particularly delightful Hiiich-
eoh meeting of Hal Hibfranf Auxiliary-followed
bf he xertemoaies
of Installation, was held 'y estorday
afternoon in the Armory, '; With
nearly thirty- members In atend
ance, Tho featore ' of tho lunch
eon th-j bringing in'bf a love
ly birthday ; ca ke mpll 111 cn ii ng
Mrs;" Blanche- Walker and', M re.
Jesso Bertebjon". ;H.v ' "
: v .Irs,--C-iih-rlno--licwlcU,-: p'ast"
s.tatd.priiiJcnt, "a'cted as instaU
llns-offlccr'Ior tho occasion.-;.
; TLa f i::i-Riii.too3c off ice; :.'r '
PresWcat, Itrs, Edith Woolpert,
Secretary Mrs. Martha Ha-rrfhg
ton. ;;, ,
;. Trcajinref, Mrs. Jessie Bartlo
soaC T-'"V V."'!-.- :-:':":v:;::;";
Vice I- president;, . Mrs. Grace
Jnnior. .vice president,' . Mrs.
Bessie'' Baker.'-: ' : ' v . I
Historian, Mrt.j Lillian '-McKIh-
ieyv ':,'..;;,: " r "I-J-Patriotic-instructor,
Mrs.; Miry
Miller,.- ., . 'j.r, .
. .,Cnductor,,Mrs. Myrtle Abrams,
Assistant conductor, Mrs. Marie
Bakr. ,C-': U '." ..a."
Grd'Mrs.' Lncy Newcomb. ; "
. , Assistant .guard. ".Mrs. Mary
Raymond. ' r -f
Musician; Mrs. Blanche Walcher.
On nfc Friday v Mrs. Fred
Thompson has Invited- -the mem
bers) of Hal HibbfurdnCo, bo: her
gnosts tor a social meetlns at her
home- - on South- Commercial
street - -'WSi.. ZXZl ' ? 4."
" - . . '
Vim in British Columbia 1
;i l Mf . and: Mrs Charles, ilvesley
andjdaughters, Miss Margaret and
MissEthel, and son, Charles, -haf e
returned from a vacation .trip to
Vancouver . B-"C where therwere
the house guests of relatives.
Miss Sterlina Returns
Miss Edna L. Sterling of Se
attle;, the house guest during the
holidays of Mrs. PAuH Wallace, re
turned last Sunday to her home.
Miss Sterling was the inspiration
for la number of delightful affairs
duriqg her, visit here. .,
Plan Birthday Dinner
A dinner, in honor, of .Gewevieye
Hint's eighth birthday wilt be held
this -eyenln r gat e.d'clflcViat the
home of Mr mnd Mrs.''iWiniim
Hid, 625 NoHhjTwwKetibi Itreof ;
The decbratto
yellow", with; fi'owefs r'and '. fa-ion
baskets in' thafcqior? TCbj-Jitiio
guests will in-Hude Virginia Luntl,1
LaVerni ' Wejjdland "Patsy Lelai
Lee, Virginia Huntley, Gertrude
Stelnke; Irene SteinkeV Marie
Herslkorn, Lenore Hersikorn and
Maxlne Hill. " f
X Today.. X-
Salem Woman's club. Club
ouse, 2:30 o'clock.:
Cooked food . sale.. Salem
Height's Community club. South
ern Pacific, Ticket office. 184 N.
Liberty street.
p. S. Grant circlo No. 5; Ladios
JofithoG. A. It. Armory.. 2:30
. . I - . . Sunday
7 Christmas cantata, "Tho Holy
Nativity." Central Congregation
al; church. Evening service.
! . . Monday
.Reception at State School foe
the Deaf, . honoring Superinten
dent and Mrs. F. Lyman Steed. 8
to! 10 o'clock.
j ' Tnesday -: ',
Reception honoring Mr. 4 and
Mf s. T. B. Jones on their 50th
wedding anniversary. 417 N.
Commercial street. -
Salem chanter of American
War Mothers. Chamber ot Com
merce rooms. 2:30 o'clock.
TACOMA, Jan. -8. (By Asso-
clated Press) Theodore Knutson,
laborer, was instantly killed at
"5130 "tonight when struck and
hurled more than. 20 feet down an
ntbankment .by a Tacoma-bound
Northern Pacific train half a mile
north'tof Dieringer. 13 miles east
of Tacom'a. . '"";
j The train was bound for Aber
deen from Seattle According to
Engineer W. E. Lewis, the pedes
trian became confused in the glare
of the tfain'sthoadlighti and, tried!
to cross, the wrong-tracks n his
kitempt to get out ot-'the train's
f : vl V!i- iG,VQUAh -;;.r--L; i it's an ooularJ - know trrel? j 9 . L'. t : ; howam wcohna get t H
n v ; ivlSm 1 1; A-U!;;; - kji , g.-: i. ; v
-Yes, we- wrote it
second tIme-'-1926.
riglt the
Here's hopln-5;. It will leaVe yoir
no worse than It found you. . '
- About 30 people . met at Jake
Kleeman's In Hollywood. to. watch
the old year ont, and welcome the
new year in. Tho eyeningtwas
spent in conversation, and in
playing games.
Cake, sandwiches,
Coffee and lemonade' were served
by the hostess! -assisted by some
bf the other ladies. Just at 12
the crowd, tried to' wake the other
resldehtsl on tle Lane by tooting
horns, ringing bells, drumming tin
cans, to showthejr Qy that a new
year hadi comef " ;
TJjtoVschool',ard?spent the
first day of JaVr bj; t,he new year
changing 'seati '-!'in'.; .HJte . school
house, ' so they ci ; seat la few
more pupils without suspending
them from: the- ceiling. ; Finding
room for; more pupils is becom
ing a habit with them. And them
I comes this., announcement:- Born;
to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hoven,
Dec. 20,1a boy. Another poten
tial problem for that school board.
The next meeting of the Middle
Grove Community club will be
held Friday, evening Jan. 15, in
stead . of; the j8thv , The refresh
ment committee is already at
work on plans; for a great weenie
roast. The program "committee
promises a,: red hot. debate on the
question of whether, or no Middle
I Grove, should be divided into two
distg&$,y you-MIddle Govers,
whether you lire irisidV or outside
the &trlet?-.c'ome aaing.PWpared
to tako aafi ,T,Q
It i .rported' that Mrs. F. H.
Khutbs has-t-iold part of jtlfi-arm
to her son-in-law Ferdinand BaT
nich. That ' makes ' about the
stcenth for "this community
winter.f-i'-- ';-.!.' . - n" '"-
When Walter Fahdrlch drove
out on the Silvertoir Highway on
Monday morning be had 'a. bad
collision with a cai from Silver
ton. Both cars worit badly, dam
aged, but tho passengers-wereua-hurt.
: " '" :
J, O... Walker, road supervisor
is circulating, a petition 'lor' the
change of the highway in a part of
thls .districtll The. proposed now
highway will follow the golf links
road to the edge of the farm,
belonging to Mrs. W. V. Johnson,
following .this farm west until it
joins, the old highway" west- of the
Oregon Electric bridge.-' -This wili
cut off one half" mile besides
avoiding the- lng- hill on the pid
highway. . V ;,
John J. Roberts is having a
large walnut? orchard planted- on!
the beautiful sloping hill in the
South west part of his place. -Men
are at work surveying and blast
ing holes for '.the trees.
" Jtev. and "Mrs. El W. Rantfin
and sons Leonard and HarlowVef
NehaI6mv were visitors' with Mrl
and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter Monday
and Tuesday.; - ' 1
Miss Amy Martin and Miss Mar
tin of Salem spent Tuesday of va
cation week with Mrs. Alice
Coolidge. . :
Ernest Pearson was ip Salem
Wednesday. " , , ,.T
A, Burden and family have just
returned, from a trip of several
days to. Portland whero: they vis
ited friends. ; j : '.
Mrs W. Johnson and Miss
Leila. Johhsbh of Sale ni were vis
itors with Mr. and. Mrs. S. C.
Davenport Sunday.
v; Carpenter j Bros., Mrs. II. II.
Carpenter and Paul, Carpenter at-
iciJsde the community .New Year's
inner at Jason Lee Church.
I- While visiting, at the home ot
his 4j.Hcle, Mr. Debacon-. of this
place, 9-y ear-old. --Teddr ' Hanpt-
man of Portland, fell from a wood
shed root and broke his arm. Ho
was taken to- Salem where his arm
waset. r ' . " r
neW druggist; is; expected to
move' In the Gervals drag I store
by January 1 5'. The building-waS
recently . vacated - by Floyd Os-
horne - . .
h John Knbn- and 'Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Baa man -were in. Salem Snn
day and called -ott? Father Seroski.
who IffconflneoT'lit The hospital
on account of a.brokenf leg.,.
MInniehere.iJaljBm y4sitors
V A'danc6'wa.-r grven Tuesday eve
ning In the city halirp5oj-eeds go
Ing toward buying a hew piano for
the hall. a- i
.Mr8. ' jj. P. . Gleason and (sohJ
Wayne, visited in Salem Tuesday;
Mf. and Mrs. BTMe yisited their
son Jack, Sunday. He is In the
Wilmmette sanitarium and is said
to be in a critical condition,
f The public school has added 'a
new chnte to the playground
Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, and
family motored towpiamiha On
Friday last to spend the New
Yearr' They returned Saturday
evening. M ;
-. Mrs. C. Chrlsman of Woodburn
visited, in Gervais Monday!
- Gertrude Scheible .'.Ir'tnxned
from Oakland Monday evening.
Northv Howell
Mrs. Jas. Woelke and little son
Raymond, were Tuesday after
noon visitors at Mrs. R. O. Dunns.
.. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Harlenr
and - two children of -Vancouver;
.Wash., spent the week-end with
relatives in. this section.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dunn and
sons, Adlena, . Clyde and George
of Portland visited a few days
with the former's parents Mr. and
Mrs. George' Dunn last week.
Mr. and-"Mrs. Elmer Johnson
pf SilveTton and little son Eldon
were Sunday visitors at tho Nels
r Johnson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Logan Ruther
ford and children. V. V'. Van
Brocklin and W. H. Baughman
were Sunday evening visitors, at
W. W. RUtherfords.
After a week and a half vaca
tion school started again Mon
day.' -
v, Mrs. W. W. Rutherford and
okildren visited Mrs. Clarence
r Morgan, on New Year's day. ;
. - Earl Rickard took, a truck load
or boys to visit some of the prih
cipal buildings at Salem on-Monday
of last week.
: Mr. andMrs. Adam Vachter-aad
little George' were'-SUnday after
noon visitors at Mike Hoposfjirs.
MlsS Celia Bump and Miss Irene
Jefferson spent their vacatibn
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kleen and
family spent Sunday at SUverton
witH Mr. and Mrs. Kirk and. fam
ily. .. . .
Olivia do Vries. spent Sunday
with Helen Mae Thompson.
Dorothy Bowen,' Louise Dumke
and EveJyn de Vries are able to bo
back at school .again. !
Mary Welty of SUverton spent
Sunday1 at th. ehone-of Mr. and
I Mrs. Welty at Pratum. .
Mr. ana Mrs. John Roth anl
family, Mr. and Mrs,Lamber and
sons, and Mr, and MVs'rMcKJbbfcn
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and. Sirs. Boinicrson ,
Mr. and. Mrsi Jor?:. iu-tU ZXIa
f amilFspcnt- SnndayJatrfthb S tpof
ier; BonVfi: -f ::--i.-s
Henry, Sapptubfield la startln
the iew. year right bjt' gettteffl
ready for springworkrW
daX;h9 Besainfotm;;
ipv. D...m. Morrjntlla. com j
H. inrenions con-
trlvanc 'attached, to a bench th
have khattheir, stare, wiera those:
who have time to! do so sit dowja
and. read the papeV or talk- abot
the weather." t Of coarse, some ;peo
ple who haye an abundance of
time usW that seat; which Is fpro-,
vided- for the . comfort of-tho-jcus-'
tomers, more than' tbjeir share, of
time; and . on 'these gentlemen- of
leisure this cleverly constructed
device has about the sarao effect
as sitting dbjvuijn.." red. hot sjtove.
Except that"- It: aocs' SkOt function
until somebiie- presses 'the button,
THen 4h Wctim -comes - to' a ; sud
den dbclslbbj that -ae -will nbt:rest
Tnis splendid edition
you will be
:-..i. 0'!S': -' ' . i ; ;- 7- '-" ; k':r
. i ' .";.!' ; .' ' .' - , .-'..-.-1 .jj
'"";..'!:"v:' ;l;'.' ' I '-."' - ttS 5 ; W' ' ?(
Ten cenU a eppr,; postage piieptoany point in trie;
. ..- . .
United States.
CircUUtron Deptment, ;
'.Oregon Statesman
Salem, Oregon
(jentiemen : Enclosed iihd ..-. -t o defray cost of mailing copies of New
. Years edition of Tho Oregon Statesman to the f ollowihgjaddresses : r f j
. j . . .--. - - - -------- '
v Address
1 , 7
VisfSlo,' ?tcr tfrer &n&TxjT&tis
dr!yitoronili9seat :-X)f?4the
henetr rsereral inehes- apart- from
LhA.aAn s. Svrrage; IBs SBCa-SV4
" - i v- -
i - wav that' anyoneTsitting down will
Rsifcren.. at : least two ;naead t itlme. A , Ford ; con , is
based .to .step. up tH Current to
honsands 1 of volts. aitnougn noi
rba's- on account ot n ow
ratrf.. ... . . . . - -' z-: .
The Tyatum flqtutjnm ; whlcji
r . -. . m a
horned dowxr ovelr a week ago wui
prfobably not be rebnilr again for
sovne .nme .'w -. -v . .
-fllss u Anna Peratrovlch win
vfcat'the Kind's t)aughlers class
tteiSo Sunday mornJn& iTan. -it. -;: r
1 ls. Charles SnaJChiaixd. children
froai Oregon City-spent too. noil-
day? at tno nomo.oE-u. ""
is a &ti'6pr&e& th
proud to send to your mends.
'.I J. 1 J.' ' .1 M -JiXu J! ' -'!-,-'-,-'. - . ;-v-'- v. C -"j". .... U . '.'.
- i ! T' fs'i - ' -Zu - "- ' "' '-- i!
. -.1 ... - . ' w-. '-..- m w. 1. . 1
Fifteen cnts a copy oiitdide the Uiutefi
- . . '; i 1- .. .;
. v. - -
Bfr.'raisA'Mrs. CH2ord? Cordier
Trod -Washington, ita-o staying with
jlr: Cordier'a father. .-4 ;- -
''Carl -Swanso and. James .Law
less' frbmtAuourn are cutting wood
here. , ; ; ,; ' . -
from; tie country
, LLl,i ...oirf,!,!..
and her small. son were! driving to
town. . when a huge. Automobile
bora downrnpon-inj-m. The horse
was badly frightened and began
to prancei.whBTeUpxjn the old laSy
leaped down and waved, wildly to
the chauffeur,- screamingat the
top of her -voice; .
The cBautfeur stopped . the car
and- offered to; help- get the horso
, "That's r.ail r "rtght."',-said tthe
ioy,. who. remained, composedly in
the carriage,- '.'I can manage the
horse. You: .ust "lodd": Mother
.... .r. - ... . .. - A
No .nn , can j beeomoi ia herb4 un
til .Fat8UppllcS;tAe proper, occa
sion.. ; , 1.;;
' " '
Salemrdistrict which'
1 .. - mf . 11
' ' .
' -i-v
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