4 t i ;:.ilUIlSDAV.MOnNINttJAN'UAIlt.T.: 1026 I : jrf 0 ' " " .- - -- - - :t , , -'-J ..... , " , , mi mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BHjgMg.. (.ibiwhi ji ii i i I , .,,...i..Jl , , -t; , .t. - ." J. , . .- ... . J . . ' ., n, ti 55jK6rth Commercial St. MOUNTAINS OF WASTED ENERGY r S&vedf by Phoning for Food . Why waste your energy! to dree for market, thea shop around from store to store and lug home burdensome bundles? . It costs you, an hour every day and invaluable energy you never look or feel the &am as when you started out.- . t, -i " - i - "Why not 'Phone. U3 for Pood" in the prlyacy .of , your own home? Use this extra hour and the saved energy lor, twine pleasurable recreation., i , - A UMU or our service; will make, you say "why didn't I 'Phone for Pood' before?" Crisco TOs Wfcek Only 3 pduhrf fiizfe Criscb ' 1 per can " .":, 6 pound size Crisco per can :L67c $25 .9 pound . size Crisco tjer ' Cart 1- - Snowdrift This iWcelc Only 2 pound size per can 4 pound size : -! per can j. 8 pound size ' - ;' i per can Sugar Quaker Pure Cane-Sugar per "saCK r...:: 45c Z46c .89c $1.75 " $5,49 Tea Fancy Basket Fired Japan Tea per lb.;1.:,;.:..-:...;:... Fancy Gun Powder Tea .per lb. .....:. J ..'... Fancy English Breakfast Tea per lb; ...... L....'.:"...-:.'.;.'. . "Santos" Steel Cut Coffee . , , A fi perJlb. i .,.".i.L.,,. -----i---------wJs5ciirr Royal Baking Powder, 5 lb. . C0 yQ . size, per can: .....atriJ', -Royal Baking; Powder, 2 lb. Ol ? Floiir ' Fletcher's Hard "Wheal! (M ? iio per sack ; t)l70 fWhite Down Flour I?l rnl er sack ..2 I size, per can i. now -about, a goo iwil sedan, late 1024 model, good rubber, original finish arid every .abkng' in fine, shape. This car b&s only run 84KH miles and has all the service left in it. J j r ifc .Yesteruay fternoou j. r. Kim i"j . 4. t jfbet SpbliHo-tne student body -at Hubbard high school. He went to Aurora to get a Pioneer club etarted JthereJ Tuesday evening he spoke to the"Aumsville Hi-Y club. 1. ' PRICED AT. 9400.00 "T ihlds akJ3iHls Furniture Sale-- N W'Tpnft-.f 1. I Stiff, Furniture Co, a -I-.- . j9 We Arc -.Stilt Selling Gasep 'Briquettes at summer prices, i Capital City Transfer Co., 26 State. . -. j7 'j i . . ... ; . ing eompany, defendahts in a suit 'brought by jacpb Swart, acting for, bis son" ; Howarfj;wartz, .Jt jm'luof'.H.The pliinUffuficlai-es that the amended - conjpiifTii!' floes ij state fact suicientiiafconstitut la cause of actfon; !biboy ;l4fal- 3eged: to hav received . injuries some time- agA-Wtieajibie was hit i by one or tne ' DaKing company i trucks. . I Furniture And, repairiug! Furniture IssueSchMl Report Aceordins to the first 1928 pub- id ch6oJ, report, issued at the oificeV1 of . Superintendent t Hug. hnhUS-.nnMm.'ari Ahl Hmo Fnr ! Professor aUd Alrs KODertB. wna th-naWVfifk' Ti.-fnpriMlBelle Tartar had charge of the has been a littV more ihan 2S per c$nt.:TJbet number pf Students at the senior: high- scjjebf is almost one-fourth i f " ; th&,-v total enroll ment: Of the total enrollment 2175 boys, an621S4 are girls. Upholstery- company. Giese-Powers s20tf C1T T NE WS IN. BRIEF i "W.II...HIIWI . . . vmmm.:m.mm. wi. im..-. iw.w.mxmw ..Mw'...Ufa...Aw)Ww.. ... . I - - - - T' - 1 1 . Pioneers Meet ; The Whitman Pioneers met Tuesday njight, and Initiated three new members. iN. M. Finkbiner is leader of the club. 1 "vXP'?-' : r Rain on coast; moderate tem perature;: mild southeast and 'South winds on the-coast. Max. 46r-MIn. 3; River 2.4, rising; Italnfall .01; Atmbsphero cloudy; ttiad northwest.,.' !; I , . . 1 l rWyer MeUnS'flH1' ijj' The- Wom en JEyangellstlc a)rer meeting will be held today : it & a. m. at the home of ilrs. C. A, Clark, 638 North Church street. Mrs: M. S.. Oaks will be leader - jiSr. Marsliail, 6ateopathl L 1 Physician- and surgeon. 1 1J7 : Jl lew Pipe "Orgak Records-. .! ; , -g By the. new, electrical, process; U real treat. Stop aarSUir and tear It. V; $ju Black Bear-i"r'.4"T!' ft!' Welghmlf.abojUoq fibs, is ton 4ispay in the window? "of Cross Meat Market.-." - W wiUjlbe' cuip education to succeed Otto Hart wig, who has resigned., Mr. Slee man was indorsed for the office by the state federation of labor, of which Mr. Hartwlg, was president for a number of years. Mr. Slee man was appointed for a four year term." v .... ! -' 23 Per Cent Discount On all used heaters and ranges. Guaranteed Stiff's used furniture store. i v J8 Twenty Year t Record - Twenty years of teaching with out missing a class is the record of Drj Timothy-Cloran,-who has been in 'the department of Rom ance language faculty at the Uni versity of Oregon forthat length of time. Although he how knows Latin, C reelt; iPortuguese German and French. Dr. Cloran says he hopes toi beraUlO" to speak 12 languages before he dies -"Just for, the fun of it." Sew Red Seal Recoro Single faced, 25c and 35c Stlfrs Furniture Co. ' fd5tf Reld in Jali-- A. Prey i John Snyde, and Ira Schanerman were held in the ciiy JaiL Wednesday night for state of ficer R. E. Amy. in cash was all. the culprits could find to carry away. They holped themselves, In addition to this, to about $40 worth of.hickeys. Whoever committed the , robbery, was evidently familiar; 'with i" the place! for he had no trouble' in opening the electrically, operated cash register. . The culprit gained entrance by smashing the lock of the rear door. - Hotel Marion t Dollar dinner, served 5: every evening. 45 to $ 32tf Auburn Club to Meet Wednesday. January 14, at 7: SO o'clock the Auburn Com munity club 'will hold its annual Jolly up.- A general program will be given after which refreshments will be seirved. The general pub lic is invited to attend. Gudm! Guns!- Good second-hand ones; one double barrel goose and duck gun almost given away. Woodry & Son, 271 N. Com!. J8 Radio Headquarters, Phone 1035 " Zenith, Fada, Mognavox, and used Bets.; Good radio poles, 175 South High. ,39 Wo Are Still Selling Gasco Briquettes at prices. 1 'Capital! City Transfer Co., 226 State. j7 President ; IJOney Leaves Carl G. i0n6y, president of WI1 lamette University, left recently for New York, to attend a con summer I vention of college presidents '. He will return in about a month. He expects to visit his two sous; Paul and Hugh, while he is in the; east. Lessons in Clay, Jesso, Ckitut - .... And water colors. Mrs. Trover. 17 1026 Calendar Free, Homer II. Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers. d22tf Building Permit Is Issued ; Roy Willbanks took out. a per mit from the city recorder yester day to t construct -a one .story dwelling at 2365 South High street. The structure is to . cost $3000. . f Ex-Manager Here- Arthur. Hile, ex-manager of the Oregon and old Liberty theaters, was in Salem yesterday to visit local motion picture . managers. Mr. Hile is now working in Se attle. Card of Thahki . We wish to extend bur heartfelt Jh&nlrA' tA thb nMlhnjirnr'it tmit jieit weeR, r atfd anyone - desiring many other f fiend fpr the assist- a-piece shou1dplace;"tlierif :6rrer Jance " givenand the" floral offer- aow. m oaj-..wju jtwieu ,ui - xx. i ine, durine our bereavement:' C. "Peters and' S. P. Matheny, near I r? - l lenailoji and familv ...is B liver ureeK-rartsv-r--r-r- tai ;.! IKelbi Coafero cpfcui amuvenBr itysraui p. Yesterday c. A. Kells, secre-, . w s T jnrAttK "statA-nrobibitlonl . u. t At -v . vvuiiiiKiuiKi i-ryrr- '-irortiana : xoi comer rwiin ,r. air tL. evening at VtheFirst MetBdist-VVnith6us architect on the-local church, on 'a special ; program I y mca building. marking the sevent a - anniversary i r. . ; , , x or national proniouipnj ,i itOiincse JVoodl . . -T"1; - ; , 1 ; At the. ray .BeUa,today. IS . . v , i . . . .... -.. . - Correct Corset litting- .. , , . Howard Corset Shop, 153. S. Hi. ' j7 1026 Calendar" Free Homer H. Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers, .f .',.r:- . ., d22tf Loan Members to Meet Members of th Horticultural National Farm Loan' association are. scheduled to meet Tuesday Default Is Ordered Arthur Mc Daniel was held in default in an action before. Circuit Judge L.; H. McMauaS yesterday. tndrning at 11 O'clock, January J Ther suit was brought against Mc 12.-- The meeting will be held at the Salem Chamber of Commerce auditorium. ..-.......,.. . Daniel : by his wife, Coila B. Mc Daniel. . I ' - ..Something 3few and Different French- doughnuts. They are wonderful. Bake Rite Bakery. J9 Radio- Poles of Superior Quality- Good used sets. Phone'1935 Rnslness :Biiildlnl'Cliciin ' .U i i Npw, brick. wlth.xcellent. teise 1 Burglary Reported to net 9 pe?nt,2IaOOia 7.wx Patimf Pool . and Card room' to handle. Re"alby:4rBeei-&TwDrokeil-into somB tme earf Hendricks, iWmOCtMednesday' m'ornmp- Abodt YS I. "Furniture Vpholsterr-.'" t Xnd repairing. Giese-Powiers ' .rurgltur company.' j "" "iiyil CutttMar Incorporated i . The Albftn r , RaUng1 ; compaaiy. .wilh capttal.stock.ptLJ15.000;nd 'headquarters' In Albany, has teea Jncbrporated -by1 WIH lam Jeff er-: son; Irving Parsons ana A. K.; Isfahan, i ' --y i - ; It ii 1 ' j ' f,; ' Odds and Knds Furniture Sale i Now ohl If. Jl, Stia Furniture Co; i ' : 4t-" i fer.-haa iaiwvnced that there Evan and CW. Holford, to tOr SrVic 831 Court St. - WILLARD ' - will he a meeting of the local baby chick raisers Tuesday morn ing, and afternoon, .January : 12. Tjie meeting ia to be held at the Chamber -4 of Commerce auditor- i t . - .- rr . Linoleum Iiemnaiits - i ii Some room sizes, Jific a Stiff's--used-furniture -store; it i yard. fileeman Appointed 'l 4 B. E. Sleeman of Portland yes- tefdav was appointed i a member f . the state-, board-of' jroc&Uonal TREES TREES ' Free- to Our CustSmcra" FRCTTLAXD NURSERY ' - - - i XTatU Ju. 10, vary castomer bny tot 150 W 50Q. fault, or nnt trce.wui receive JO fruit tree F&SE. j..vezycutaner Jhnrtu.0O to 1(KM frnit r tree wul receive 25 f rult trees PBE. - . Of Hee tn Kw Salem Hotel building, 169 South SUSh-Si!e rTant U reu At, Office. .aoae?OiXl 17H;Kr ery llir21. !- ' !, A; "jr. 3IATHJS, Prop! Eastman rothert . t - fif f?i: Sal cm Office: 169 S. Iliffh . i - -Office nprrs: ' r 4it i FACTORVrBVERTOX.0 Si' Underwood Typewriter Co t v.rtArv TSrancU -i -,.nrt street. -Phone. -tw Typewriters Rented, Sold-, . nnalred .--'f "r KnecUl rental rates to studcaU itALSOMlNlNG r PAPERrANGING For the Tight, kind of materials and the very best workman chip ,0011 ' , s.'.,, e if '. Powder and feupplV'Cd. 17i S. Combicrclal Xhouo.7S8l Gabriel To Attend Meet District manager of the Mutual Life Insurance company of New "STropcrty' Owners- Have - vou - troubles with ; vour Teal estate or Insurance T It's our Yorkf Pi, iDuffetilto business: bring them in. Becbe foruana tnis weeK to attena ine ft Hendricks. 18 N. High. d25tf annual meeting of Oregon fepre- J ' ; 1 sentatives of that company. Ponltn-men to Meet oanquet at tne Montana notei wm gether with Mrs.'Duffey, wH make un-the rst of fhe p4rty. t. X i - i wiTEft COLDS AKr4 j DAXGKROUS The serious diseases that devel op fromi simple coughs or colds make them dangerous and they For Rent One Pleasant Room I should not be 'neglected.. ; There is In new home, for. gentleman 1 no better remedy for quick relief Phobe 747-W. 2 i J I from coughs and colds than Fol- Vi, ..i ' . i eys Honey and Tar Compound- Dc-niurrrr Is Filed f My grandchild could get no re- A-aeranrreranB filed In- circuit lief whatever from a very bad court yesterday by Carson et Car-1 crupy cougu, uuiu gave nun son. attorneys for the Salem Dak-lf.ys fiamL -iar, .wr"eB te i e r iLianais, Aieyersaaie, tra.. I f 'OTITI IT! flltlDTl? fn 1 titutloris ? asrset out' in the re 1 71 I I III I III U71 riUII Port, louows;" f- llfeUlI lUUUttU f illU. .Institution-. Ml- IMBEDS CROWlB Total Population , Increases From 4483 ' to 4639 , During Past .Year J25 1926 l State hospital 1$37 1851 Penitentiary 1. 427 470 Feeble Minded home 774 . 788 Boys' Training school.. 1T4 - 189 Tuberculosis hospital.!..' 147 153 Blind school . -1 42 44 Deaf school 122 119 Girls school ....... i71 .71 Eastern Ore. hospital...; 731 778 Soldiers' home .... 114 116 Blind school, Portland.. 43 51 44S3 ,4639 The population lof the! several state institutions Increased from 448S on January U. 1925, to 469 a report prepared here yesterday Buy a Waflt Afc-It rayS Dig for consideration of the state board of control. The population of the ! several BOYS TO COOIv v TULSA. Oklo., Jan. 6.-4(Br As sociated Press). : Central high school of Tulsa is-going; to m&ke good housekeepers o its! boy stu dents. .A new ruling .requires 11 boys to take - a year's bourse in home economics' before receiving a diploma. -; . t" ' ' " -' Medford Important I dairying industry started on. Ellis ranch, near Talent, and Ge Bauer ranch at Eagle point. 1 -1 Medford Crater Lakes highway will be oiled during 1926. Exclusive Distribution For W. W. Kimball pianos. A. B. Chase, Davenport & Tracy, Bush & Gerts. Moore's Music House, 409-415 Court. s20tf Tiike Jioiue a Dozen i-Tenen oougnnuts. Bakery. Bake Rite j9 program, the subject of which was Ooeras iand Oratorios." I Lunch was served iduring the evening. Damages Are Granted f Katherine Enns was awarded damages of $1000 in the circuit court here against J. W. Pease, Salem taxi driver, as a result of Injuries said to have been sus tained in an automobile accident on the Pacific highway some months ago. Mrs. Enns sued for $25,000. She alleged permanent injuries, declaring that her left leg, right knee cap, nose and three Tibs had been broken in the crash. Rev. J. Jv Harrington., conduct ing i a revival at - the Church of Gbd, on North Ferry street, spoke to a large audience last night. The services started Sunday and will continue for three weeks, ending Sunday night, Jannary 2 41 A service is held every evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Sunday morning services are held at 11 o'clock. WRITES THAN JvB FROM VENICE People who suffered from seri ous diseases that, started with a simple cough or cold realize the importance of checking them right at the start. W. H. Gray, Venice, California, writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar is wonderful for attacks of coughs and colds." Foley's Honey and Tar Compound gives quick relief from coughs and colds. Buy a bottle today and keep it on hand for the slightest emergency. Satisfaction guaranteed. Adv. Rev. Putnam to Sneak- Rev. R. L. Putnam, popular pastor of the Court Street Chris tian church, will deliver a special evangelistic message at the local Salvation Army hall on. State street, Saturday at 8 p. m. Rev. Putnam will be accompanied by musical members from his congre gation. The public- is invited to hear him. New Years, New Home- Take this 4 rooms new with furnace, fireplace, hardwood, etc. We have thre,e north, south and east. S3600 to 83800. Terms. 100 to $600 down-balance like rent. Immediate possession on 2. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. d25tf HoiNe Foun.r Astray bay mare, thought to weigh mbQttt 900 pounds, was picked up early Wednesday morn- ing.by Officer Wintersteen. The horse had a white star on its fore head and a white nose. It was found at Commercial and Super ior streets. It now awaits its ow,ner in the Kapphan Uvery barn. tfill Sell My High grade piano, stored in Sa lem, to reliable party at $10 per month. Write Mrs. L. B. Cla bough, 109 Cherry St., Centralia, Wash. j7 Music Club 3Ieet v.Tht Musie Teachers' association of Salem met at the home of Pro fessor and Mrs. T. S. Roberta. Wednesday evening. Those pres ent were Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby Miss Lena Belle Tartar, Miss Allie Chandler. -Mrs. Walter Denton Mrs. , Millie Styles Miss; Lena Sot- sou, Miss I ma Weller, Miss Mar garet Fisher, Miss Elizabeth Levy Miss Frances Virginia Melton Mrs. - Powers. Mrs. Lena Waters Mrs. Harry Lee and the hosts I 4 WT x 1 TILT Ji -rr uuu fruuu TRACY'S FUEL . YARD : ; : 167 D Streetr Telephone "2313 Keep a bottle on emergency. Adv. hand for any F; Ne WOODRY; , . - Salem' Leading 1 . Auctioneer Pays Cash For . Furniture " Residence and" &ore 1 ieiOlf6rthi,JSuminer !, MIQNS5U "Itablifchel Since 1010" JLXJL ' iB i if n ! ittHM vrocnntY & son ; th rill lor Ced IHrmture. blow "--Tt-r.-'rt Cofflwrrciel. j-,;" ' Office-Phone t- T General Banlunn Busxnscs t -; ' Office Hours from10 a. m. to 3 p. m. . SCHAEFER'S CO 4 if u CfiPSB ,j -x ft f J r VHi . will break ppour cold in 24 hbuYsror money refuncled Obituary McEIroy At Fargo, N. D., January- 2, Wesley Glenn McEIroy, Jr., dge 14 months. Son of lr. and Mrs. W. G. Elroy, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Brunk of Polk County. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m. fro mthe Rigdon mortuary. In- ternieitt in City View cemetery. Hock At the home, three miles south, on I'actnc nignway, January b, j John G. Heck, age 69 years; hus band of Mrs. Eliza A. Heck; fath er of Mathew D. Heck of Boone, Iowa, and James V. Heck of Sa-1 lem. The remains will! be for warded Thursday, January 7, by the Rigdon & Son mortuary to ! Boone, Iowa, for funeral services i and interment- Rotzlen Mrs. Mary Alice Rotzlen, 377 South Twentieth street, Tuesday, January 5, at the age of 6 4 years. She is survived by two sons, O. V. Rotzien and F. W. Rotzien of Sa lem; two daughter?, Ruby and Violet Rotzien of Pasadena, and two sisters, Mrs. L. T. Calbreath and Mrs. Leith Faulkner of Can ada. Five brothers also survive her. They are Andrew Wortingj of Canada and Lyle, Charles, Jac ob ahd Marion Worting of Minne-1 8 o.t a. Funeral announcements will be made later by the Webb funeral parlors. FUNERALS Funerals Funeral services for the late Mrs. Dora Esteele Corby, wife of Rev. Charles W. Corby will be nem from - tne Rigdon mortuary Thursday at 10 a. m.. after which the funeral cortege will depart for me nooeri Kirn cemetery near Wilsonville, where concluding rites and interment will take place. Mrs. Belle Kcliantz Funeral services for Mrs. Belle Schantz will be held Thursday from the chapel of the Webb fun eral parlors at 2 p. m. Interment will be in the City View cemetery .- THE HOURS FLY FAST Rejoice, O "grieving heatt! The hours fly fast;! With each some sorrow dies, With each some shadow flies, Until at last The red dawn in the east -Bids weary night depart, And pain' is past. Rejoice then, grieving heart,1 The hours fly fast! Adelaide Proctor. ; - - t W. T. Rigdon & Son GCHAEFER'G & lJ DRTO "STORK -K? - - ; , ! t . '-. V' V 1 The Yellow Front Phone it7 135 North CommerclaT Street ' - ' " - , . : The Pcnshr Store , ; ' . ; j " !-; i. W"""-1" " - "nMwnMMi ii i i luu m iiihl i in X City Property Salesman Farm Property Salesman Exchange Salesman :xr ' YOU MUST HAVE A 'CAU " Opportunity for Advancement i We Have 3000 Exchange t ;: V. "Listings -,!; . . QUR ;OWN OFFICES iti PORTLAND KND SALEM - ,3 Average salesmen-develop into-$500 a ' month men under our system - j ' . See Mr. Gaskill personally, . Parker Realty5 com paffy; 40S-40D United States National Bank ' Dldj Comiaercial al State, Telephone- 22 12, Salem, Oregon. -- rmctzg-, m&j &l&m ergHK .; ., REAL ESTATE AND FURNITURE toiMifflft Safe i. Tj. .ii, j i" Ji. X J. 1690 North Cottage, Corner of Cottage s and Jefferson j : Tomorrow, January 8, Commencing at ' 1:30 p;m.'-' 1 ""- i - ; '- . .: , . . . - - I Consisting of one 6-roonied fully modern house, full rchicnt basement, lot 501 20. This bouse Is nearly new and: well built and will' be sold on very easy term. .One block to car lbae; tltreq ;b!ocks to - school;, also the furniture, com prising: ' !; ' . J. .:--.-, - . Two bed springs, mattress and dressers; 1 bed spring and mattress; commode; 1 oak library table. 4, drawers 1 plush lounge; , 1 sanitary. couch; 1, china cabinet; 2 plat fnrni meters 2 n holstered mahogany chairs: 2 rocking chairs: 2 dinine chairs-; 6 kitchen chairs; 2 congoeum.. rugs; 1 standard sewing machine; 1 round extension Uble; 1 kitchen table; 1 stand; 1 book rack; 1 clock; .1 hater, board and pipes; 1 kitchen stove and pipes; 1 large kitchen combination cupboard; Qaantity of dishps; 50 feet of . gar den hose; 1 lawn mower; 80 quarts of home 'canned fruit;' empty fruit jars; 4 Cords of dry wood; gardenvtools;.8jfeood hens, laying. - - ' . i"" - . " ?f ' Parties looking for u home should attend thI-4 svAo. as the proprietor is leaving for Canada. Terms, : furniture cash: Terms of real estate made known-on dayofl salo prior to offerings. '. " . ' f : r. JOS. BECKETT lroprietor - II. F. WOODRY &ON -; Salnn1 Auctioieef! Store iJ71; North Commercial Phone 73 . I . . PUBLIC NOTICE i I. II. F. WOODUY. of Woodry & Son, Auctioneers, bavo purchased the Mrs.' Thomas Kay .property located at J 29 3 Center street, corner; of Fourteenth, which will be our ' future home. Anyone wishing to see us: will findus at our store, 271 North Commercial, during business hours -or at our new residence, 1293 Center street. , We are the original Woodry Auctioneers. Having;: had 18 years' experience." we feel confident that we canigive satisfaction either in farm or city sales.: See us personally -or write for dates. ' - ' - 1 H. F. WOODRY & SON Are Salem's Auctioneers ami Appraisers j STORE 271 NORTH COMMERCIAL TIIOXE 75 ji OREGON h I mmmxmmarwr 7 , .uu:";,.!,1 1111 .j " i, ., I. THURSDAY FRIDAY NEW TODAY '..ilium ' ..'F Again He Aims For the Heart - and Hits! - uiiiiir E 1. I ill I;ri 'Ts 1 .. -- . . .... V S i , ' '. , ' - TV THE CITY" ; . Our JMck,. looking out of the Ghetto'throiigh'Th of love looking for the rainbow's end bidden 'beLf slcyline of "tenements. ',:''-- See him give all for a brother-the -way hTsf'brol! fs ' doIiving role that sweeps- on -to tho; heights iLj lHiightii orsa'cririco love lrama. - - - - - r-- V . ItV Splendid! ' V a: 1. t r r IIIIHIUillll ALSO "COOtSS IX THIi WOfI" -VXD IXT. !TEWS , V MATIN KK 25c- S-V KVKXINti 35c - 50c J i homepw Mcdonald's "JIuical InJerrrtitatlon Adds Ct.Uch Volc'o "' To Ah Oregon -Program -