It - VTIIE' OREGON- STATESMAN. . SALEM, OREGON 1' I WEDNESDAY MORNING; JANUARY C, 1026 Pi i AX - m sociEm (Coatlaaad fna )if( -.Ted roses find red carnations, with an tntef mingling ot Chrlatmaiif greens, were attractive about the rooms.' '". ; : '-." Covers were placed for tar. and! .. . ap- . - ." T -. I aim. v;, uowmin, and aoni Glenn, of McMlnntille. Mr. and! MrsiQ. W. Thompson, Miss Clari Healy of Pringle, Miss Ruth Bow man Miss Bobby Moymikin. Joe Johnson of Portland. Robert Elf strom, and the Tiosts, Mr.1 anc airs. Harold Elfstrom. ! Happy rthtew Fite 11 imdre&:Clibl ;'. MiV and Art, Johnson gar a delicti ttlVp4ffy on Saturday evening f ertfre HapVy Poken 500 club.; .ThK 5up; j included: JMrJ and Mr. Lloyd Baker, gu en ta i front Toled,a;..Mt..and Mrs.. Ed KitchenU . ( ... i - - ar. - T 1 ! iwr. ana aim. uarry lioies.jMr. and Mrs. marry Young, Mr. and M re Kusene Diets1 and the hosts. MrL fjt and Mrs. Art Johnson Firsjt prizes-weni to Mrs. Kugese Diet? and Lloyd Baker, while the 1o scores were won by Mr. Lloyc Baker and Harry Boles. AThf nedt -entertainment will be on January 16th at the home of Mr.- and Mrs. llarrw Yaunsr I Kensington Club Mrs. I. L. Doughton will enter tain the members of the Kenslng ton dub on Thursday afternoon 4t her home, 14C5 State street. . r ' . t: , Annual Party Postponed The annual Lucy Anna Lee cir cle party which was to have been 'given at- the home of Professor and Mrs. Florian Von.Eschen has been postponed on account-of the week of prayer at the churches. Guest of Mrs: Strong j jj . Mrs. Isobel MacDougal was j a I guest over the week-end, of Mrs. I Adai Strong, j Walter MacDougal I ' spent the week-end as the guest of Frederick Thielsen at the F. 11. Thielsen home. T 1 Return frnnt K- W. Ilaiard and daughter. iviiss ciiin iiazara, nave reiurnea were guests during the holidays at the Fred itazafd and VV.i Saw- yer homes. 3fEW BOOKS-S-LKMj LIBRARY PUBLIC Buchan. John "Midwinter." Cable, G. N-" By low Hill." Cable. C..W.1 "The Cavalier." Clemens. S. L. "The j American Claimant." Clemens, 8.1 L- "The Man ThM Corrupted i Hadleyburg." Davis, R. If .j "Captain Macklln." Davi, R.,H.t "The Liotujind the Unicora." Davis. R. H Girl." The Red Cross Davis. R II. "Soldiers of Ffcr- tune." . v' . !r , Dawson. Coningsby "Old. Youth " De la Pasture. E. E. M.-l ''Master Christopher." j i Farnol. Jetfery 'The Money - Moon." ' j ! " S . I Ferber, Edna "Ruttered Side Fox John. Jr. "The Hart of tfte t mils." i - ' j,p. GreyZane-i-" Riders of the Purpla Sage." Meynell, 1. W. "Mock Beggat.' Montgomery. t. ' House of Dreams. !! Porter. G. S "Laddie" ; i Porter, Sydney "WTiirUglgs." j tltaine, W. M.-Man-SJie." Blchmond. I Grace "Round the Corner In Gay Street j" If Ttichmohd. j Grace "Strawberry Acres.' Rinehart. M. R. K i Trollope. Anthony "Ralph. The : rfcjr.":,. -j - . '-. - -v - - if . White. S. E. "The AdTentures of ! Bohby Orde.- Wlgjlng. K. )J. The; Aaiif: at ; tne Inn y i h Agister. Owen "Lady rtaltfoBCre.' "Well. Carreth "Six Yesrs In jthe Malay Jungle." j Corbett. J. j. "The Roar of the Crowd." I .. '.' 1 "Lodge. H. C... ed. Seletfons from the Cbrrespopdenceri of Theodore Roosevelt and Honry Cabot Leodge.' j TJalrnsfather. Bruce "JTom to Mnftl." J Gwynn.-iBtephen "Irelaad."' tnp The Cblldren Mad Clemen" S U The Adventjares of Tom Sawyer." j " '. . Daadet.l AtPhnse--''Tbe I Mule." - ; . ' X DIa, .Mrsl A. M.r-'Poliy Cologne". Dir. b. j. ."Binhs4.aieBrwej Doubleday';, Ruasell-Cattle Ranch . to coUegcy.:------y-: '(- - RIIEUJTIG PHIII5 f When you are utterins with jrheu- maUtni o rou can natray sc iut try Red Pepper Rubi aad jott wiil iL-eal reHef' known . : Tcv,-.n- i Tha : such t leoncctitrated. penetrating heavt m red ipepperaj In itant relief. Just as hSooii a y oa apply T Pcrrer. Bub I you feel the tingling heat. In three minute, it throos. Frees the blood circulation; breaktMtp the coBgestioij nd tr M v,u.t ;m tcirture is eone.' . (! . - -. Rowles Red repper Rub, j jinade from red pepper, costs little At any net m tar at once- L-ao it for lumbago, neuritis ba4fl. iiT nerfc. sore muscles, colds ia Almost Instant T?1??: aurelto t the JCfsuU. with' tha llREO PEPPERS EliDi 1 , iwni Eow! on evh .padugti '-t.; CAPITAI, TYPOdkAPHICAl, trxiojt KO. . It. Z. Pllkenton. Aieet seeead Aatajs M:(Hl p. a. K,-. - CaipmRR'a" trsioic d. io5 , Maeta Thora. areata. Artknr Taek ar. president; Wa, Pettit, aecretary. Skilled mechanics furniaaod. Phone 179. BJOS.U CXX- LABEU LEAOCE &ets at Lahor Hall a call ( pfesl deal. 1 W. Sears, aeeretatT, Box Tr rwinn, vjrr. ntATEItNAL OttDEK Or KAOLKS. meet try WtlenJay. Krateraity Hall, 8. H. WiUett, 8 y. Tel. 88-R. KXr?UT8 OP PTTHtAB MEETS AT -fraternal Hall, ery Tueaday erwaing. Vialtora. invited, ye4 Penbaa, C c.i Walter Lerton, K. ( R. R. tt Duncan. Norman &Co" Billy Topsail Eastman, E. C Oilchrist. B. B. . Few Boys." -"Yellow Star." -"Kit. Pat. and a Home, R. H.- "King Penguin." Jewett. S.iO. i.'Betty Leicester' Christmas " , Lofting. Hugh -"Doctor Dolittle's zoo." . . ; Moon, Grace "Chi-Wee.M , Wyss. J. D. "The Swiss Family Robinson." -". Harrison. Elizabeth "In Stor , land." Brill, -E. Cl "The Boy Who Went To the East and Other Indian Fairy Tales." Carroll. Lewis "Through the Looking-Olasa." Darton. F. J, "Wonderbook of Old Romance." Hutchinson. V. S. "Chimney ;. Corner Stories." . . , McDonald. George "The Princess And the Goblin." Collins, A. F. "The Boys' Air plane. Book." Cartwright, C. E. "The Boys Book of Ships." DuChaillu, Pau-cWird Life Un der the Equator." DavJs. R. J "The Boy's Life of Grqver Cleveland." A spinster living in a London suburb was shocked at the lang uage used by two men repairing telegraph wires close to her house. $he wrote to the company on the1 matter, and the foreman was asked to report. . ' 'This he did in the 'following way: "Me and Bill Fairweather were on this job. I was up the telegraph, pole, and accidentally let the hot lead fall on Bill. It went down bis neek. Then he sa!ji: You really must be more carbful. Harry.' " For 192S, Oregon motorists will pay SOOO-,000, almost double all other state tax? L GXAIJb -Ifo 1 wheat, white -.. , No.'l, red. sacked White oat , Oray eata : Barley i fl.50 .. 1.45 .40 . .43 .0 -j poex, kxtttoh xxd zza Top.koga . .11 Sowa :. . 8t JDrcised bogs .16 Top tears : .0$O.0d Cowa 2.00(d.00 Bulla , 3A4 Spring lambs nnder'80 lba. 11 (3 12 " HeBTier . J...i& l0. ' Iressed real .13 P0TJLTXT light kaa 15Qlf 0-31 8k At Heavy bona . Old roosters Broilers -BOOS. B-0TTZX AXV VXTTTTMTAT Batterfat . .47 Creamery butter Jf 1 Egg - - - .83 Standards ... .. .83 Select i .40 MHIr. ewe 4 4 FINAL SETTLEMENT . Notice la hereby g'ren that the undersigned, executor of the es tate of -Mattie Eldrledge. deceased. has filed in the county court of Marion county. State of Oregon, his final account aa such executor of said estate and .that the 8th day of January. 1926 at, the hour of 10 o'clock' a. m' has"been fixed by said court ag the time for hearing objections to said report and the settlement thereof.. Q. A. BT-DRIBDO-E. Executor of the. Estate of Mattie Eldriedge, Deceased. Newberg, Oregon, d 9-1-23.30: i 6 NOTICE OP HXAL MKXT SETTLE-! NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed tn the County Court of the County of Marion, State of Oregon, her don verified final account-as admin istratrix of the estate : of Lncln GJ McElroy. deceased,' and 'tha said court has" fixed Monday, the I SLh day of January, IB 26. at -th hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day as' the tlme,.and: tbe' County Court . Room in t,h County Courl House. In - Salem. Marion' County Oregon.: as' place for hearing said fiial account -and' all objections thereto, i ; Dated, at. '-Salem.". Oregon.- this 1 2th day tif 25. I "MAROARIjt jMcFADfctSN, AdmioUtratriT of.the Estate of uucien u. Aiciuiroy, ucceasea- Ronald C"V:CloVer Attorney; far Administratrix, Salem. Oregon. A The annual BtockJioWors. meet Xjif.hL thfc oold.rctcHMi6tHi: MUling Company .fWUrtw-held ja the .office of; tba'Capuat.IlusiiietJi Collece IJlirh andFcrrV StreolJa Salom. ttytb&nfon i MondafijC e. 4 ' 4ikOJ-;ll order of ' the president, Georga W. Shand.: Attest: itV. I. Etaley; Lodge Jdflfcr Secrfctary. - ' J3ec.5--J5MoC PaWia moraia (.leapt feaa. i day) m Balsas, taa capital t 1cm.- ; ?icili Rates For Classified f Advertising Dally or Bandar , Dae time: a eeata par word Three tine ... I,, S eeata per word fix timet iko dail I In'ordei UiH rata, eeata mm daily cad San. 20 reata per word order to eara iha aakew tbaa rata, adrertiaei&eak mait ram 4a otetlv iasmaa. K Ad. taVea far ! Uea 1$ eeata. Ado. tvk .Suadar i..a &i One-time rata. - Adrerrieementa leseent Pramk! ftRd 8'itaationa Wanted) erlll, Ve Uktn )r he telephone if ta edtertlaer ia OAbatrioor to yhoee. c v TXe . 8tat-tBua will reeelva e. titroteota at any time of the day or tiickt. To latere, proper claaaiAeo uoaa ada. should bo in banro T . atu VI. 4 m. A i,- - n - n.-mj'IrfcjaaLfi Ardr -- - - filn -i n. mu Money to Loan . Oo Seat ritete T. K: TORD j ' fOvor I -add A Bush Book) BETOEX TOO tRAVP TOVJL . HOME j OH DiR'HAVE IT Insured Properly . Pttoa 161 Beeko A Ueadrioka, He ill BldZ. 189 N. Uik 8t. 4-38 tf ! A tVT. RTt SlXti I H0XE8TADVEUT18INO Tboao col ; urns must h kept free from nrthinf of a questionable batnrx. Miarepreeon- lanosa win not do rierate. laior raatioa showiAf any questionable in- . tent oa tko parti of the advortiofc shoald be reported to . thia aawt paper or the Salem Ad Club. Autoibtobilea SCBXZXSB ALTO WRKCKISO CO-Win i boy Tour old car. Hlrnost eesk price I paid. :. 108i K. CoiaiBerciaJ 8t. JjlStt SALKM ACTO tVRF.CKrNfJ CO. W keels. Tire a. Rime, FVadsra Half Price and Ioa , Parts tor all ease, eosh fe old ears. 403 S. Church Pboo 11S0 lSf Asto top 1 SEE CS FOR TOP A NO PAINT WORK, j O. J, Hnll Aato Top And Paint Shop. I 2d? S. Commercial. CalfiH Help Wanted 9 NEAT APPEARING CHRISTIAN MAN or- woman for apectal reftroice .Bible work.' ' Eltperie'riw ' unnecessary. Sal ary and cuintaiion. Refetencn. ad drws and j1on requested Addrcj M21. care .Statewmtn. 9j3 Help Wanted Male 11 ACTIVE .MAN WANTED AS PERSON Al, factory revre&rtitative in Salem. We offer to the right ma an uausoal op- porta nit j- to make -big money. No 'ex perience or' capital 4-eiitrd. Write immediately. Syacro Motors Co.. Bat tle Creek, illchisfan. 11JC IYOVNO MAN 'TO MANAGR LOCAX, office for out of town concent. Splen did salary, $100 cash bond necetury. Immediate emp4otnent. No eapcr ienca.necc5ary. r Tall between 10. and 2 o'clock today.- 169 S. High. AA .; for Mr. Long. Ilj3tf Wanted Eni ploy tnent 19 WE SPECIALIZE IN PAPER HANO hift. painting, ks&omiplrijr. winter prices gaaTsnteed. Work ktrictly first clss. taaiplea shown free. l'hone 1747.W1. MATERNITVr 0AES BT PRACTICAL aorsA. Phono "294 J. 19J30 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work, phone : 19F3. 19ml4tf WOOL GOLF BOSK CHILDREN'S port bae, kail to order. Hand knit ting. Phoa ITT8-J. lMSOtf DAIRYMAN WANTS TO REST DAIRY OnT t, hares or Wants position ttockrals iag, farming, .retailing .milk. Usee wide eepience. . Kmilr alew pre ferred. W. B. Honey, Newberg, Ore gon. " ; ? . . ' 19C For Rent 21 FOR RENT NEW BCNCiALOW HOUSE, hoi and cold water cystefa. treenh0tJc, -4i ft.stOO f.L 1 -iniJeB .81 ' verton. Oeo. Tetter, SilVcrteu. Oreg. .... 21jl2' FOR RENT 6 room unfurnished -jit.. ground floor, fireplace, garage. 201 State St.. 125. 2-room apt. furnished, cozy and clean, 812.- - , y. - -7 -loom house, 710 N. Winter 8t.' f30. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 216 Oregon Bldg. 21J6 STORAQK SPACE PJIONE 494. 21J9" FOR RENT STORE BU1LDINO OCCC- pied by 'Glunbor-t..a Co. . Iqutre lV. 8. Nation! Bank. t- :ij5t PRINTKJD. CARDS. 817, B X' BT 7V4", wording "For Rent priM 10 n oaeh. etat'esmaa Boainaaa Office, oa sreonnd fleor. ' For IleBt- AparUneaU 23 4-ROOM I t'RNlSHKU APT. ON FIRST lloor. Adults preternea. luos venter. ... . 2ai7 ONE ROOM Wmi KITCHENETTK. 5j5 Marion. Rent f 13.30 Mo. . ailjtt HEATED APARTMENTS, 13?S 8TAT:. 23j FtrnMSIlEQ. FIRST. IT.OOR. 2ft North Slimmer; . ' For Rent Rooms, SS FrRNiSUS4kOOJ4 FOR GTLEM.VN. 8tric!ly modern home. Kriraite hatn. Four Idorka from Capital. 1165 Che moketa. Phone" 189 4-J. 23jfitf NICE HEATEJ SLEEPING ROOMS. risoe ZifiV. iomr, . .o . RnOM FOR RENT IN MODERN ROME three) bloek front atata- souse. aj eoneeniences. Oeotlemati Jreferre4. Plpato jWe refereacea ana avUrosa A. 8Kr Statesman. ' . FOtt RENT RfRTSr ' BCITAnLlr-TOR . ' . . .... - I W WwHawa. ErerTthiar T"ofern. Kaferencea areTa quired. Address room, cara Bta teaman CPor JTW-lIf ktMW. ' 27 y FOR tliET-LRNTsnD " MODERN Champa.-rea ouahlvPhoao.. 537 J. . 1215 iladion. v 1 - ... - 27io 3-ROOM HOta flS rEtt AtONTU , tTdiatf Phono FOR RL'NT ETOlTt. IIOL8E AND f!a?$12 to t;. Becks le Ji U9- . l5h' tttreft. -r.-i- r 5-KOOM MOt'BE AKD BATH?813i8 ;-yf -' : i Ft, Itent Farms C I HXTWKYFJlAL tRHIOtfED FARM" l M.k.sVo - .fTMaeasakal t or mk . 1 in MfiL: ; r.r ru iii'fiiuva' tM1 , 4 mantta. o teae ,i war w wo .v-w - j " ----I - - i - j i - sad IwrTaj) , una isa - ajm.aa- waa w w , vroonsT tub avotiomib but rsadV fairT fo eh. l"hcn 511, ... - ' -'ew-wyTff ' AVanted Miscclianeous H5 CASH PAID 1 rO FALSE TETH deal al (old.! platipata.' J dteardd - Jewelry, fliek mettl)d Betiaery Co, OtaedoTiMSoaica ;.- , S5J28 BJE1U D8 TOTR V9tJ PtJRKlTCRB Stilt roraiture Co, Caed Qooda .Dept. opposite eeart.hoaa . SZmi2U WAIOXD -i jPRlVATK MOSKT FOU farm loaaa. i Wo kato aereral appUc tiooa ob band.- Hawkiaa Roberta 1nr. OAS firvn HHr : SSH4t iliip Sale 37, WILti SFXL MY HIGH BiDE FtAXO stored In Solent to reliable party, et in per swath. Write Mrs. L. B. Clahousa, 109 Clierry St., OntrsHu, Wah. .1 ' 57i7 RECEIPT BOOkS 5I7.K S" BT SO receipt forma la book. IS eenta per book or for -23 eenta. BtateOiaaa office, SIS .Booth Gematerclal 8.. ( lent. 87 ft FOR SAI.R Ol.l SICW8PAPKH8. TAk eeata a bundle, fjircolatioa department Orefoo Statesaiaa. . t7tf TRRSPASS SOTICES. SIXC 14x INS.. ftrlnted on eood 10- e eoaeaaa. ear n to words. '!?otiee Ta Tfereby Qirea Tkat Trespaausc ia -Strictly PorhUldao ? Tbeee Preaia . Vnder. Penalty o rnserotionj" Price .15c eaek or 2 for 2e. Statesmao Fob. Co Slem. Orerow j . j ' ' - 7at For Sale Mrestoek S9 12 IIK.ID OP V.KI.I. I1ROKK HORSKS. nome well matched teams, will hifh for you. .20 S. Com'l. SjlO FOR 8AI.K OR TRADE ONE A-l Jin.K cow. WW ' freshefc in Jnnnsry. Will trade for beef Cattle. Call 991. 39j7 FRKD W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Office 420 S. OniamareiaL Phone 11M Wood for yle 43 4-FOOT GREEN SLAB. IJM Pf.R COW l-in. dry mill. t4.-Vi per load, dry fir and oak. Phono- tST-W. 43o.Mf OOMPf JTTE VTR1, 8ERVIO TELEPHONli 15S BTLLMAK FUEL QOXPAXT j . . - 43n21tf OrtAL ALL THE BETTER KINDS HILLUAN rVL CO, PHONK 153 GOOD COAlr-DRT WOOD PROMPT CEIJVERIS.S. HnjjMAN FfJfet, OO. TEfRPHOXR laSS. 48i9d SALEtf FUEL TRVN8PKR. 75? Trade Street, . Wood, Coal, Brian eU, Transfer and ICoring. Pkoa 6i. 43n30tf 16-INCH SLABWOOD PER IXJA1X f 3.5ft 16-inch 2nd fir, per load, 4.09; 16 "Inch old Pr. per load. 84.50. Prompt deWrerr. TeL 2313. Tracy Fnel Yard 1067 D Street, 43a22tf BEST GRADE OT WOOD 4 tt. and 16 lack. Dry mfll wood; Preen mill wood. Dry second gTwtk fir. - Dry 4-ft. h. and oak. FRED E. WELLS. Prompt delWery aad reasonable price Sfl Sort Cknr'k, phAn t42. 48fMtf BRIQUETS THAT LRAVB NOASBES HILLMAN FUEL CO. . 43n91tf WOOD SAWlNo, PROMPT W'D CAREFULLT. HILLMAN rUEL- CO. , ; , 43n21tt WOOD. DRV. SAW SD ANT LENOTH -HtU.MAN FUEL CO. PHONE 18.V 1 i, dJaZltf FOR WOOD 8AWIXO, OR DRT WOOD phone 1879- W. y .. . - 43J50 le-IVCH OLD FtR SVrOVD WROWTH oak and ah. Phono T2-FS. - M. D.. May nit . . re I'oultry auid Eggs '.4-5 FOR SAL-L.ilNO HENS. PETLAND. 273 8tf. s 4ojltf Btlaeellarjeoaa 01 FURNITURE repairing; Btora. CPHOL8TfcitLNQ A S 1 Olese Powara FunHort EL ' BlAOR-CTVi rtmNACB ANl sheaf anetaJ abon mowed to ! U-l sit , i a-xo Personal 65 HTZZ TKEATMEXT FOR APPENDICITIS "It-la-Wonderfnl." Freo lafermatloi Address HUi Co Portland. OrofoaT Ka1.1B? Money to lioan 57 . C1TT AND F1RV.IXANS Lona time, low rata interest, easy pay meat. ItTtig-ste onr loan plan. PERRINB a U.1SSTCRS y SIS Commercial Club Bids. .". SToCfltt ONEr TO LOAN 54. 41 fltate L. WOOD 4Tot Wanted Lpans 59 WANTED PRryATR MOMvT TO I,0A a rood real estato aeonntT. W. H. ORABENHOR8T at OO, . 175. 8 lata Street- SSoSltf PPPlTPPPPPPPPrf PPPi'PPPPPI'prpP pTTPPPpppppppppppppppPVPi-pppr pp pp PP AVANTED TO TiORUOW $1200 on ICO-acre ranch close to Saltan, rirrvt Mortgae. S- I "a r Iter Rea It y Co., . 4UW C. S. Bank Bids. Phone 3242. - - - - fiflJStf FP pp pp pp pp pp VP VP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPI'PPPPPPPPPPP Ileal Estate 03 Owii Your Home 'V f WHILE 10U RK- CETTINO ?A - KJSW maaiuer iiot the car- wb not -et "at. new bouM DamWr too.v We ll. an; number l .you,' rnt ; u . we'll . lurnieh title eertiftcate aad. ell ,TOU Tjd- t uiiBj is is wie ea caect iiooa ana ju can pot ia Vhshrer number .is co vsn'ivDtrVeyond Iho dollur sizn aot yon can buy a u-rooai nooao north a elocks -with bath- tid electric atove Jur ooW 1400;;or, I mqdeta j-rooo hom- wtl b fireplace- new for.' tSliOO: or a 7 -room modem: ' home, with-- larze ' lot ahJ l-' vidovble' jra rase, for ljr't4w(i; sr a rttiendia J loom. . modern iwuw - tor S560G in floe on W-ntert Or A-Too hotiso and'cood lot last ft.jf, huawier north' for 'fltiOO; or a tl-raem honse and 3 lance lot for 2500r - - t WcttlJ-CILRIST It PLNSlNOTtTN -'0U I". 8. Uank. Hlti Photto 10. Casli olfer, orf cfeolo Ut oa JC. Charrlj m. Lot. it lilfc. 4. Jrodw-Vd4. oe Child, i. Bechttsl.' ilo estate Street- lk'ni 'Minn ': iibysE ; irt-XNIfiUKpy 1XDC8E ' OV 4 .ROOMS. rarfihfd' house, firooaui,. old Ifura) II s ta e,- c aV ner lot . Ua s trgi t, t rttii '4t5fr; -6-rovniihoti'ie7ot(rT. ba!h rooai.i ba : MMent. f erflat - 'Z 'QtS 'f . ' '. -. Dariuef prutftr thalSriif rsaVoyblZ nous u t4e,nnoH'uU! tatura, ?j ouuuv. : New.-stora i)Mm('.acro .'fruni St. "hih. A ftt trading location, thicklr populate as wen as iacivr a ia deals; for rent. let la or rale. .. (IEKTBUUE . 51.- FACE Vjijr('k0ute, ctoso ja, VvttaQe araoet. Ch,i ia Mltrerf;4i-ru 3iie. A9 X, ttag-a 8U 63 ' SPECIAL lTg 8 room noes, fine location on Ceier street, a snap for U600. l'ate rnent paid. , - ' . . . , : 4-room dasdy little home flOOO, .with tJO dowa. . -Vs acre with G room house, fruit and berrips close to Kalcm. bars in C000. terms .'.. Urocery store witk livin" rooms and eirage, , finn location. J Oii. room ocrc on pared street will trade tor small fcuuse ' or earaat1 lots. .If you want sell, hur or' trade. Se THOMASOX. 3311s State St. ' r - eajotf A. C. Bohrnstedt Victor Schneider Resfltors Specialise in- Orefod fsrma, Salem homes and write lasnranea. 147 No. Commercial Street, rbouo 377. SSnStf to utrn.n that sew ROME! ALKIGUT. OO AND REE A. C. BOHRK8TEDT. 14T North Commercial. I.'pstairm. He will be flad to help yo. M6tf LOOK I ! LOTS: LOTS! In the fastest erowinj section of Sa lem, we have 23 more lnt at S3.rn oach. Near school end car line, $50 ci aii snd the balance to xnit. flny one and double jour money inrestcd witk in one ysr. KRVEO.ER. Realtor 147 S. CommM. riione 217 63j3 A. C. BOHRNSTEDT. 147 North Commercial Street. Upstairs, fistem. .Oregon. Call ns tor PI RE. ACCIDENT AND LIFE fN&CKAKCJS. Phona 577. 83d6tf TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T T coon sLx-Rooit nousE. mod- em, furnace, garsse. fine lot. wired street. Well located, for 3, 15O.00 and terms. We wltl be pleased to show this if in tcretu. TKllMTNAI REALTORS Terminal Hotel, Salem. 63dl8tt T T T T T T T T m i'i rTriTiTiTT'ri'r riTT'i'i'i'i rrr BUT A IXT IN SALEM NOW. WE hare lot S5 law a 8100 that are suit able to bnild with, sewer, lights, and water. As low as $- month. Becke t Hendricks. 189 N. nigh Street. 63d35tf A REAL BUY! One acre tract, with city wster and Hectric liichti. Price .".",0; cash, hs la tare a.VOO per month. This is a rcl of fir I. Bee KRWOER, Realtor. ' - 147 N. foni l. i Thone 217 t 63j3 . SCIIANUE8 SOrt urrc well- improved dairy ranch, want, smaller ranch of sboul $20,000 and assume 8H.OO1) at ohi'lr. 44-cj fully enuH'pd and -"locked dairy. wnt acreage or income, price rn.ioo. '' 30 a-rca cleared, fenced, close in. e ant rid-nre of about $2000 and assume .81500. - , 4 t in Shlu-k, OUa., want Salem HO.'SE ItARO.VINS -li robin- plumbed' carase' boue. y0'i " locti. 8HJO.- 81e csh. balance dl i and interest mohthly. ti roum modern Uangaluiv, walnut and fmit, ACTiJO. tcyma.- 4 ruom!. nook. - modern, fire p'ace, . Uasemrat. gariie. J800. 8300 caoli. C bolance $JA and -intetct monthly. ;7 rooms strictly modern bungalow ga r:ig. eloe to Ibe unver.ily. f500O. "850,0 cask bataato $Sd and interest monthly. " room , modern residence, garage Oop.. . lot 1U0200. lot, of hesrir.J fruit, cVoe to school, reduced to f 4000. ?20O cash, balance 80 and interest monthly. . . - SOCOLOPSKY. 41 State. OSjCtf ' HOMES 1"0 5- roomsr bUt-in Vifhen. china cloeet and bokcase.. part baement, S30 4ovra and -monthly ftsTiacfit. 30OO Q rooms. et Salem near Oourt St.. on attractive home, 3 ga- raares to relit ' on" l!y. f2400-r-4 room-, built-in iili-ben, Tur nare, S. CUurch ftrect. Uerrie. and fruit. AVill- trade on acreage floss in souths aaeOO1 5 rdoms, furnare. caraee, trees, .on creek. , S44CK)- 4" rooms, new. .firvpla-e, ea raffe, ;ood contru'ion. Will ex rhnn$e oa c!f in acrraee. ?4y.0 New strictly modern, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, ;arsje; an excellent vaJtKi. - $250--neaatfur Enjlish home of 6 rooms, the most artilic place on the market for the price. Everything you wouM require of a 'modern home. iliOO-T-d rooms Fail-mount Hill, mod ern. tU-W that cn not ba rvrallnl. WINN'TE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. ' G3jl START in laiues for yourse'f. Bny a - - Heck of. grocer ic at invoice, also the fixtures anil U-ae. l.ivinf riwiO!. and Rars;. A fin,? op portunity. Let US .how it -Ui y ou. THE way to stop paylnj rent is to boy a. six room, house on a pared street for $J2oO. Only 500 down. Balance .like rent. NEW fully modern six room bungalow, east front, pavement payed, spot! saraje. SSdOO. Easy terms. TEAR after year, yvu pit off buyin that fine 8 acre suburban homo that ou want and can get f-J- . $5800. A nerjain. The inr witl trad? fof a Salem houtte. lVtTll t-he berinning of 1020 yoii esn start paying on a b room House. Larje lot. Plenty of fruit. Paved street. Good location. Look at it fr 83700. - ' . A. " fcpi;ndid timoer propos'tlon; 180 acres. 4 million feet o' srnr tm lier. On. railroad., 9 niUe from - Salem. Uood Und; $5u ,per acre. ' .... . . ."-,-. . .NEW - homes to order. If yow ire think i i lug. of buildin?, place your order ' witk aa and you '.will br ton- rinced that ta:ev tti sao you ; " money. '. UOitE'a hd farm fof rent or trade. We y spocialUu So trades. . ULRICII-AND ROBERTS Kft Wa eom.-8t.- 4- Pbabe lasf eajttr a-ROOM H008E OARAOK PRCIT QOOD . l-t.for flaiek sle; foe. $soo eh. Uood Salcftr Incom property for verifirdi frultj ranch. 0 roe us konse, saro.3 fine lots. 1100Q tar- mTma. C2 acre farm' near birkway north of tialcm. "new bnazalow and "bairn,' 50 acres in vraiu fur faletn Dropetir. ia-crcs elose iB, Udga... fruit,- aad ""-oad. ftOW,- easy terms. . PKIIfef VK VAIi STEKS. '31 Coaa Club JJldr. , t3dS0tf . . . . M.''7 ...a' -..a . . t t r run CAur. vu r..(.iiaaur, A rhniCH. fruit trrt of 104 arrt. 2 milei .rait, of etty limits- oa Usrdeo fcnad. 7 101 hoalhs. bara. rirate And tker 1 ut-huUdias, T acres bearing t uruoes. an4 -other family fralU' ecel- " lent soil and Wall-drained. Eiekane -'for. ear lroparty 6 amall, tyaat aloaa .200 Grar 1U. 11'l.ooa TP0. or 1 rt7-W TTTTT T- ONIiT. . HOTEL AND EATINO .T tX tilom, -o,IIigk-Trayi an fft. JsT T T . Tent rooaa. oo4. hortdlas1, ,r T 1 -well loeitod, farnlalseJ," .T T ,yEahn for smlll. feume ji ; br, " Ty lent, .i-TaJs-Jai splendid rop-" T yertunity. Tvwa ' wall tayiit. T i TERMIKAL REJvLT0RS T Tarmlnal HotoL Salem. - 64idlPtf Real Estate ' izvtm rrrriTTT 6S HRE IT IS! COS V HOME, TIPI-AS-. . ter1 rooms, bakemoat, bath, fireplace, sik .- big . lot, barn, farnfe. poultry ' bouse, larre frnit and iuU trees, grape arbor, garden, near Junior ' higk and also grommar school, 4 blocks from street - car, nice riew, f30ft.i terms, 849 Rural' Aenn; or see W. C On ner. Statenman tttt'vr. 3dl2tf - JU-al Estate Trade 05 TTrrnTlTrt'TTTTTlTrriirilTITT T WELL PATljro APARTMENT TIOCRE WKLL KCRNISHEH. LOCATED IN PORTLAND to Exchange for-, Salem Property. WHAT HAVE TOCt TERM 1 X A h REALTOR S Terminal Hotel. Salem. 65dl8tf V T T T T 'J' T T T TTTTTTTTTTTPTT 'HTnTH'l 'I'TTTT Real Katate Farnts G7 WALNUT TRACT good bldr close R5U0. Itecke A High Stwt. -j ACRES WITH to Kalrn and car. Hendricks, 19 S. 6Td25tf T TTTTT T TTTTTTTT T ITTIT TTTTTTTT T T T T T T T T T T T WELL, IMPROVED 42-ACRE farm with splendid soil. 1500 cord of first class timber on splendid road to exchange for Salem Home. Tctt us what you have, w can turn ou some thing good in this deal. - TERMINAL REALTORS Terminal Hotel. Sslem. 67dl8tf T1 PTTT rTTTTTTTTTTI' - NEW BL'NOALOW SNAP Strictly modern 5-room furnace, fire place, full cement basement, purine paid. Not far out. Idetl location at Mrifice. pr'ce $1750. Be,i of icrm. A feal tresutv. Act quick. See Ct'ild" &- Becbtel, 510 State St. 67j5tf SOMfc WORKING MAN TWO LOTS to0 Any reasonable terms to re spenible party. Suitable home with garden and "ch'wkens. Becke A Hen dri'ks, la N. nigh Street. t7d2.'lf Wanted Real Estate 71 ppppprpppppppppppppprrpprrppp ppppppppppppppppppppprrpprrpp PP PP PP CALL PARKER AND START PACKING PP PP VP. PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP Maximum selling tereice. POSITIVE RESULTS. "tour property inspected, photo graphed aad SOLD in record time. No Sale no charge. See PARKER FOR PROPERTY 409 C. S. Rank Building Telephone 2242 71dlltf PP PP PP PPPPPPPPPPPPTPPPPPPPPPPrPPPPI ppppppppppppppppprppppppppprp pppppppppppprpppppppppppppppr ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp PP PP l'P THE ORE AT MARKET TLACE WHERE EXCHANGES 'ARE MADE PP PP I'P TP PI PP PP Pi' IT PP PT Onr listinc of 3000 eichanrea PP (the. larsrest lifting on the TP Factfie (oat) mektrs it fos- PP sible for us to match your prop- PP "eity" eiactly. We hare jn-t I'P ' tha property Tt waTit at just PP the rifht price. TIIV.T Wtl.U PP TRADE V014 YOI.'R PTIUP PP - KRT- If you woul.I like to PP e.vchsnge tout property: TO-PP- DAT.-eome In TODAY. See PP PARKER FOR PtOPERlY PP 409 L. 8. Bank Ruildinr PP . Telephone 2242 PP tldllff PI J5 TV PP PP I'P TP PP PP PP PP pppppppppppppppppppprPi'pprrpf Aatotnobllea tVantd ?7 Eiker Auto Co. tr pay easi tor FotAs. 77ml ttf Cued Carat for Sale 79 HUDSON SJKLkDSTKR IN GOOD CON dJtion. Loth of extras.! ATiU kcII at rery low price and take Ford in trade. 040 NVIftter. 79d24tf OOOD OSED .PARTS 'FOR HALT OR lea. Why pay niorat Money hsch guarantee. ScMalar Aoto Wrackiof CO. Look for the orange front. Day phone 10.- Night phone 403. 1085 ft. Commercial St. "Built to save money." ?9jl8tf ISJO Chevrolet Touring icood. good tires . 1023 Kurd Sedan. This ia tme buy "... ." 1922 , Ford Coupe, food con dition .. . . 85.00 250.00 250.00 A illis-Knight . looks and runs like new . 695.00 1924 Star Coupe, four wheel brakes 550.00 lltf Stad. Kedaa noO.OO HVe have ahout .ixty. cat to select from. CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOfl CAR -M AltKl-JT 255 N. Cfhurch St. 79jt 1924 MAXWELL COACH. EXCELLENT shape, must sell, 13 down, balance eaey monthly payments. Phone 220. 79d20tf XSSEX HUDSON CADILLAC Qood UseS Cars At Prices That WiU ' - Please Voei . 1930 Ford .Tourmr ..... . 95.00 1921 Ford 'o.ipe .15.00 . . lD.ia.Ford Tuurin? . . 225.00 122 Chevrolet Touring 150.00 lr2:j Ktsr Tonrinj , a.'i.OO 1920 Velie Tenriujr 250.00 Itf'JI Overland Touring ... 395.00 1929' 'Gardner Ki-ort . 550.00 1024 01d Sport . i..5u.O.j .1924 Olds 4 1't,!. Coupe C50.00 M'e also have other he a 11 cars at $10 aid up. Come in aad look them over. Liberal Ifrmi. 19J6 license included ip contract if .desired. , F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 3C5 N. Commercial St. Phone 12(50 CADILLAC BT7DSON ESSEX 79daitf Sale of Ford Used Cars 1 ' No . wh barp'ns were ever offered bcure ia ihe WilUaictte Valley. 1920 .-.1 " Ll!iBe -furnished with :" every ear. ; I ; 19?; I Ford Tour in 55, reiialntrdy .:s, overbaaled and 1033 Ford Tunrlnas - priee.-of - S23.V 192-i-Vord Tounnss- at an art rale -took like new. . . .for aaa.. - I9J"f"-i-C''wei--f-ots of extras. $250 to ' "Orri-7-N y .'is'Us;...,. . ; 4. , : 43 Car to pick from. 'Pk-k" Yoor nr;aia-r-Keuieu:ber ; - Liconto Free. :j ... . f ; . .-j ' f -. .1-.- ,f;"f . - j r ValicMotor ,Cof tJ5if i v ikbis t;scp cius L , MtfWV Ton lag .V.i. ijij..." 45 -i.i uop ..r.T-.i.-j:..;v...'..;-.993t V -t Vosd -vied, ZZ3;lU Ohr. . auiirtip'te' Xi all ears. ; e- j I V.IK EU AUTO fv-- ' . ' -. r Ubef tyt Street a J 1 Ferry, JPaoaav ? I V --' .-.'..'.-. -tf- f 6dl7t two srN-8TAt!?rEii Tomsuso roi'4 , wKh lieense. $15 aad 155. Too tmtrh aerrtea la theao car o wraek. Both (a anted rowelef MUi" - .- .T. ........ tf u inm w - . 'Real Estate Aaaaa ia ; 1 ttiiitf tied Of Reliable Boslnea and ProfwikBiiI Firms Arratttfed In Alphabetical Order for Qalck Reference AuarLAaicB ,1 GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 09 andwwg .'.,"I,','f htaerrtceMtt AUOTIOKXESS Salem 'a Leading Expert Lleeetnek. Pur- mroxe aoa iteai csiat aucuoneir sou AprsiMr Res. and Store. 1619 X. Summer Street. Phone 511 tor Sale Imt Established Sine 1916 Ctf H. P. WOODRY A SKIN Erpert Livestock. Pnraiture. Real Es tate, and Merchandise Auctioneers. Id years' experience. Satisfaction Onar anteed. Office 271 N. fn"l Tel, IS. Rea. 906 8. Commercial, Tel. 1843-W for sale dates. ; ACCOUNT AJTT O. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND And Itor. 831 Vk Stat. Phone 2098-R. at7- BATTERT AND BXSCTBICIAMI - - : : R. 1J. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES, starter and generator work: 171 Sooth Commercial. ' - Phone 198 COURT ST. BICTCXBS A3TO RXPAIRTNO LLOYD E...RAMSDEN COLHMBIA BI eyeles a4 retvairinfc -8" 7-Court. BRAJLE REXXXINa MIKE PANEK 275 BOUTH COMMER elal St. Phono 102.' . istf CaOCESE REMEDY I L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company 3eln any known disease. 420-428 State. aSOtf CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. U SCOTT. TSO. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. Ilish. Phone 82 U K or S7. H. B.SrOFIELD. PALMER CHIROPRAO tor. 318 Oreron Bldr. Phone 214,. mStf DRXSSM-'-XINO . " MRS. C. E. itlLLER. HEM8TITCHINO. atampiniE. bottons. Room 10. over Mil ler'a 8ore. Phone 117. ELECTRICIAN 8 SALEM ELRCTRIC CO, MASONIC buildinc. pljoae 1200.. I ELECTRIC- PIXTirilES AND SCTPLT Co.. Phone 1934. V'-- N. Uberty. FlEEN Kit El.flCTfalC CO. BOUSE wiring- lit Hour or contra-t. t.atimate fammaed. thune 9H0 ltl Court St. FARM PAPER IP- YOU WANT TO. C.ET THE' BEST farm paper - send 15c to the Pacific Uomnitead. ' Palem, Oregon, for a three months' trial- aubscripiioa. Meottoa thi ad. . Pdi'LTRYMEN ' SEND EICHT TWO i tent nernpe for special tliree meatus I trial tor tne beat ana oldeM Journal ia the west. The Articles aad advertise ments aro. of special interest to the poultry , breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Coin mercial street. Sale'm. Oregon. FIN AS CI AX FOR BALE FlKST AND HiA-OND M art s' g-s. Trust Deeds. Contracts oa kousea VY111 net i to 30Te. BECKE a HF.NDRICK8 Heilig Bidt, 189 N. High St, Jl-tf farm Loans pijf:nty of moIet to loan ob good 'farm surity. CITY LQAKS We are loaainf Pra denlutl Insuranco Company money oa eity reidenres ' aad basinesa property, at St-iTt. plus a commission. Hawkins k Koberts, luc, 205 Oregon Building. (iMair FLORISTS FEKNS. CHOICE ROSES. GLADIOLUS. perennials, surubst, weepjng-bmh, iris. ee. Bennett Nursery Co., fairground Koad, Tel. 12J0. at5, '26 CCT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, funeral wreaths, decorations... C r. Rreilhaunt. . florist. 123 N. Liberty. XKSUBAHCE Insure Toor bone or car fow Phone 161 BFCXE A HENDRICKS HeiHtr Bid-.. N. Mlrh St Jt f LAUNDRIES AI.E.I IJCNDRY COMPANY 263 S High street. Phone 25, oldest,; larg est and besf. Established lrt3.' TRY THE HOME WKT WASH LAUN- dry. Phone17t. 135 B Street. J17tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY 'Phono 1S5. Service with a smile. Quality work. 1264 Broadway. .' J14tf LADLES' TAtLOSLSO 0. H. MOSHER - TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. ' MATTRESSES MATTRE8SES RENOVATED BT" THE Capitol City Beddinr Co. 1190 North Capitol. - Called for and delivered. All work anaranteed Phne 19. !-fl9tf MEDICAL 0CNTA1N- RALM ..COUGH REMEDY Phoee roll W, - - , -v . MUSIC ' STORES UEO.. -C. -WILL PIANOS, - PHONO- - graphs, sowing machines, sheet music, and aiano studies. ... Renairiaa phone- grsphw and, ewia( macbiaas.T433 State street. eaitia. . . . . . , TRADE OUR 0U PIANO JFQR A KfW . Victor or Brunswick. 'II. L.StifI ar nltara Co, Maste Itepts kbw&papeIs WE -PORTLAND -TELEGRAM SALEM . Age oc v Tha Ace. Tot. 939. -..-.: mfc 4-R.wif STATESMAN. .r0TCKNTB par month delieer4 t yau tm early, e eh; mornias. Tol.( 23 or-Swa. . '-xnassY aiocK- FRUIT, i NUT . AND SHADE TRUES-- Pearey-Bro.. 178 t. CamaaawiiaL'' ' . TXilCAX ACT. PRQQg tiTeORas uA YEURa. ut l. . ' Physician. -aad Surgwn. i Diaaasas :af . eantsly .ahatetriea, ,tHrftr7;.H-' 0. B. jbnk BMr ala. Offtea tela- v pboaa i I 1 ----raaidaaaa) Aataphaa a $75. i ;?;r f ;,v,:'. " . -' r -fAcyso asp tHiyrOfQi tOK EXPERT FURNITURE .PACKINO and, aWppios. - call jptiff's;'.' uraAare ;.jhVe.- vPhn.i9iir 'PATEBTtAKOlKa ' ACT - PAIRTIK pfeoNE ciiCNN' ADuVs ro rtousc -tfeeTrt-etfer.; pr aaaC. BeltaV wf km ; riAsro TtnTERs EJ3??ARI WELP--E5PVRTI.NCED Plaaa tunrr Lesva erdr XSi i'a Uutio H'ora. JOE WTLt.tAVS ss Directorv Si JFXXHTXKa FOR STATION ART. CARDS. PAMFJf Jets, programs, . books "tr any kind af printing. CU at the Statesman Print ing Department, 213 S. CommerHaf. Tel 53. i- Plamhlng si rLUMBlJfO AND OENltKAL REPAI1 work. Oraber Bros., Jtdt Liberty If Phwne S.SQ. ' ji ' f !Stt SPL1TDORT RADIO. 6AXE8 AND - i BF.ttVICB: , -. No Setter radio . made At aayiiea . QUALITY CARS, Hi jh ami Trade - RADIO DOCTORt i 8 A LAM W.CTKlO, CO. T..8. BARTON. rtwrleer Maaoaia Tamplo Tbosa 1S00 Rad iotas . Far Etery Iarpo fctary Paraa y AH SLuaia;ajaa , si Kacls TajMa - .IK a EOKT EI.rCTRIC SHOP JST Cenrt Ht Phone 4 XSAX CfTATB IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if you are looking for a homo, tarm or business proper!, ee oa. BECKE A HES BRICKS' V. S.shrdlea TOslshrdlooapaoapaon 189 N. Hirfh 8U Hailig Bldg. JSU REAL ESTATE HARRIS OFFERS FINE LOT farins east S on Capitol and shaded by ibe Jiijr oaks near Parriti school: At feet fro at aire and 12 ft. alley gives practical (frontage of 55 feet; 150 feet ton?; $1350; easy terms. FINE CORNER tit witji east front on Stewart street one blB-k sonth of Par ri,h school; 50x125; feew pavinr front aad aide; bert of news homes surrootnl iag; price covers pavinj and every thing; $150; terms. j . HARRIS, Masonic Bldfi Tel. 795. 1942J Is ' jti SCAVXROtM CITY OAkBAOrf CO,'!REMorES AI4 kiada trash and . garbage by the Jej , or month, reseonsble rates. . Of fid phone 3515? 8. Commercial, rat phone :220.j - -y - , . . 1 , . t -, . I. ,1 , 1 ii i I " t .. FOR" 6k)D SCAVENGER PEBVICE Cat 187, Salem gcavenjr, . Cammina anj Troter. ' h - aft aaaaaxaaKaaManaaaBanaaaagaaBanBaaaa . - ftC0K3 HAJIT4 GOODS , .. , , 1 : ' ' '" WANTED EXERYTHJNti IN CLOTH inc end "shoe. Bst iJriceo paid. Cap itai Eachanee, 342 Korth Com mere iai Phone 13V-VP. ' t; j ' STOVES AH0 STOYst REPA2RINO ' STOVES REBUILT .AND BEPAIREf 4o fears eaperiofiee.f! Deot Nations feni-e, stj to oS tn. high. " Paints oils and varnishes, otd. loaaherry at4 hop hooks. ' Salem Feaoo and Etoe VVorki. . 2 5J,,' yitj, 1 PTt"ai TRANSFER AlfD HAUUNO '' TRANSFER AND HAULXNO OF iU kinds. Ibo. 1 9JT8. tj. - . WE MOVE STORE AN3t SHIP HOl'Sf hold roods. .Our specialty is piano axd fnrnitwre moving. W;alae make cena try trips.- We handle ahe best cnal ant wo.J. Call oa as for'r prices, w e yl't food measora. pood Quality and toed service, Lrmer Transfer Ca. Phone la CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 2U State St. Phono 93. jDiatribatiRC for warding aad atorago aur specialty. Get ir va'e. 5 ' WATE 6ALKM WATER. LIQHS. POWER CO. Office 304 South Coremercial St.. Tn per cent -discount Oa domestic flat rates paid ia dvanc. No deduction for absence, or any cate volets water ilnfirnr2EaaanaBaBBaBanBSBa ' ", TRAVEL ; Safe'.v. .Swiftly, and Comfortably in lues of the Parker Stage Lines. Stae leave fof . Silvevton T a. lfja. m 5 p. m. Mt. Aacel 11 a. m.. 6 p. m. DaHas 7 a. 9 a. 4 1:25 a. .. 2:19 p. m, t:l p. ti, - ' Fal CilJ I s. ml .9:10 p. tn -5:15 p. m.y. . i Bidependence 7 a. rm., 9 "a. m., Il:l5-a. m-, SMO.p. ha-, 5:15 a. m, . Sunday only S;30 pL 'ja. Monmonth- T a. m.j!l":15 a. m, . 3:10 p. 5:15 p. mi; Sunday only. 7:10 p. tn., S:S0 p. A McMiaaville 9:30, 2:10 p. m, 5:15 p. -m. . ss -Newberj; 8;30 a.' m& 2:10 p. "-. 5:1 p. mv - ' i . Tiltamoek :80 a. nf.. 4:10 p. m. Call 223 ir (M for" information. a:zt I General Maiket-i. 1 1 - 1 1 ji- I rORTLAND. Ja. 5 (By Associated Press.)--1 lay. buying prices: Valley, timothy, $20; do eastern Oregon 52i. 50; alfalfa $1950 H 20; cloTennominal; oat hay, 20; oat . and -retch 21; straw $9 per ton. Selling prices $2 a ton more. r IORTLAND, JaniSltBy As- ociated Press. 1-Gfraln futures: Wheat BOB hard white, hard white. BS Baart. soft white, wcsj teTn whitc," January. rFebruary f 1.62; hard winter, northern xpring. January. February $1.58: western red, January, February $i:6T.l:--f -T' j. y '. Oata.? No.- 2, "36pound while feed and gray, January $30. - i Barley, o; 2.V A tJ-pduod. Jan uary. February $3t. N - Corn. No. i-KY'-fiSlilpmcnt, Jan uary. February $34i : 1'OHTUANp,: Jo! By As sociated Press, f-r l)rlland Dairy exchange Buttur; eiitrasy 45c: standards. 4 4c; priuiv finU 43 jc ttrii?e. ''; (I-; i'-; U;EgS3. extras' SltJ firsts 33c; puUctts-Sic'; current' receipts 20c; undersized :Z Sc. . ' . . .. . . r , . t , i , h '' '',-;- " '' - ' - - .i -i ' r ' - -. . . ; t ' v r- " . & KXItuCLM vst iScniiAsus rt A v;"' iViviy ' "-', . kvqKNrbfJat. 4. (By A Eoeiated Press. : tlnrollmcnt -at tho Lnlrcrit-t ,Qsa for i: winter, tc tm - will; probably rt j . . the 3 OOP mark, reji?tratica i:: cials said toaislit rfQUo-wi--: f initial C.y t f t' ? yy t y - - - - - f s , - ; y a HAI