The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 06, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    I -1 1 Wn a j. .i f. ) J1BlBWWgiaart r I'uWain i t"-(7 'mi" - - T1 ' ' TM""'J'J rl ' ,' " 1 'T-- n' T I" W "n I "I IT " 'If "" tf'MiMMIllMiillin Mnirmnni tvm mlmim i ,. jj.i. i .mi ffln....uu ui:in orjiU'm ' ill r T " T ir r t )- n-i -i hi- ... 1 . - '
', 1 - 1 '! - - . '.- ' - - ... f- 1 f 'it- - . .V .-i
raoot igt
. .
Annual Guild Meeting ?
I The; January, meeting of ,St.
Paul's Episcopal Guild wa held
at , the home-of Mr. N. C. a
foury on North Summer street
yesterday, afternoon and officers
for the ensuing: year were elected.
The report ' ; of 'the treasurer
showed one of the most active and
interesting years: the, Guild has
tad . , .1 -, W
The tneetltags are held at the
tome of the different members
in the ttrst iionday of :each
ii onth, wlthtea-.:erve4 a4.. the
Conclusion of the afteraoon. The
retiring officers of the' Guild are
tlrs. 1 Rex Sanfo'rd,; president;
U rs. William N iem jjyer. ylee pres
ident; Mrs, N. J. .Kafoury, treas-
I iirer and Mrs. 'James Humphreys,
it i .
we served ati the .tea' hour, -with
Mrs J: TV, Cooler presiding at the
urn) Mrs.. L.U14ichelsoa also as
sisted th6'host5ss'. . ' ' -t ; ,' ' -:
The group tir the affernoon tn
cluded.: Mrs.1 T.' Hicks. Mts.!
Warren Pohle Irs... Ilall . Cane.
Mrs. A. A. Gueffroyv Mrs. Fred
. . . mmi ; i - -t i " luif
that she" fill haveiaa her attend- Un, -f- Elf m. Mrs. 1 Miehel
ants Misi Elisabeth Hamlin of Mrs. J- Tj Cooper, the honor
New Yori. who 1H he maid of est. rs. Merle ; Eastman, and
hnnnr vTtfi tha hndAm&iH will .the hostess. Mrs. Walter B.
hA-Mfa VfliaA flrlatnlnf fnrtl&nH. I Mfnier.
I Hofers at A ga te Beach
rroomj Miss Anne Covington and Co1- and Mrf E- iHofer antI tile,r
Miss Beatrice McLean. house-gnests, -Mr.' pad Mrs. - Law-
Mr. Dubn will hare as his best T?nce Hfr f Sa Frandsco. left
min. liis brother.' Richard; Dunn; yesterday, mprnirjg for Agate
off Jacksenrille. and. the ! ushers Beach where they fwill spend sev-
wfll b Thomas HopTcIbs. Jr. eral tiays at thQ Hofer . home.
Francis winslow. . James i NolanTI Jlaalnore.
Garvin Brackenbridze of New
York and Karl Day of Florida.- Royal Neighbors Sewing
A ; reception will follow the Society 1 ' f.:
ceremony) at the Washington -" Mrs. Anna Lewis will be ..hos
apartment of Senator and Mrs. tess at her home, 2085 Maple are
Stanfieldi V I Inue. for the mepibers of. the J
1 f . , ,'. 1 Royal Neighbors . society for an
all-day njeetiog tpday. A pot-luck
3 -4 T L- J
dinner preceding, included:
and ilars., "Paul y. - Jhti8onf
and Mrs.' Kail B, Kuget Mr.
Mrs. Bliss L. parby, 3IrJ an
Roy H. ' Mills, Dr. and Mrs.
Newmyer, Dr. and Mrs. G.MT.
Beilineer. Dr. and Mrs. Wilson It.
Darby, pr. ad Mrs, C. E. Ifiatesi
Mr. ana Airs, max rage mp.a jar.
and Mr?- Walter L. Snalding. ' ;
Christmas Cantata , io ; .
Be Repeated . j n
' ; So many requests have 'been
made for the repetition ol the
Christmas cantata. "The' Holy
Nativity which was suing at;. the
Central Congregational jehorch otr
December 27, that Rfer. H. 'C:
Stover, the pastoi?, of tpe fhur.c
has announced that thb: choir will
repeat this sacred in'jusicaie dn'
Sunday evening, Januaiy 10.
i , v, r y
,Thi3 Bame beautiful cantata,-s-
The' irory- Nativity, was sung
at. the .rprtUrnd Atidttorlum Tast
Su&day by the choir of the Central
Presbyterian Pftarph with . Tsplt
that every -number was encored.
iWpntens Relief Corps
Insfauation' .
With! Mrs. Helen Soutnwkk as
ipstalling, off icerand Mrs. Norma
Terwilliger .as installing conduc
tor assisted Cby, Mrs. Io uise Koon,
chaplain. .Emma Thompson, musi
cian Bessie' Martin. : Rose Voris,
Hatie;; Kennen, and Gerjrude
Remiagton -as otor bearers. ,'
; The following officers of Sedge
wkfk Woman's Relief Corps, No.
I "!werq'.inst3ilc5t '4 Vbe regular
meeting' on Saturday, January 2;
President., , Clara Adams : ' sen
ior vice president, Mary , Acker-
man, t- chaplain. ; Nettle 4 Schram.
conductor, Sarah Peterson, secre
tary, Florence I3hipp; patrlotie tn-
structor, Ijoulsa ti King... irsff; cor-
respondent W'rri6!
tnuslcian, - Jessie Crossan ; Assist
ant conductor, Susanna"" Botts;
color,- bearer,;' No. ?Franees
Thompson ; color bearer f No, V 4
Lulu Boring. ' J v
The following officers were ab
sent and' will be installed at jthe
neit meeting: Junior vice p rest
dent, Jennie ' Martin ; "treasurer,
Hattie B. Cameron;' guard, Fannie
Fisher, assistant ' guard," rMr?.'
Emma Simons, color bearer No. 1,
Delia Clearwater, and color Near
er No. ,2. Ada Simpson. - r,. .
Delegates to the department
convention to be held ''in Marsh-
low: Delegate rKo. 1. Emma
Thompson Np3Su,sanna- Botts,
3 Ixulsapjisrifb. M- Mary!
NeynarU No. 6 ilabel-Lockwood,
Sjoj4 ytatf, Schneider, JJoi t:iasa
Koon, No. - 8 , Iha ; Koon. no. 9
Nettie Schram, No.' 10 Lulu Bor
tngf -and 3ioi '3. 1 Jessie Crossan. J,
4:tthe 'oW'lfiBtniaatlon;
services ' Mrs. 'Adams, the newly
installed president.' In well chosen,
worgsn presiiep:irs.:-goTiinwicK
wtth-recognition' pin; a 'gift from
ithe pew- officers, i Mrs.7"Sotilh-
wik made- a gracious reaponse. in
nckdowledgement. of 'the' gift, v . .
Mrs. MaryiWatson, refiripgiec
retary, next presented Mrs? Jones
tbq retrrfpg pfesldent'apast res
ident's badge i in addition to the
redoenltiopr pin; brth ot -Which
field in June were -named as, fol were accepted, as -gifts "from the
Corps in an -appreciative manner
Various committees made tlteir
nntjual renorts'whlchshowed that
each group -hal. faithfully carried ?!
ontheutleSiPi: thppast year, ,
The accepted reports were plated . ;
on file. '.; ,- .' . I? , t
VWfCm r :; .- .'7 J -Sj "',.-
imd'untheon 4: 1 . ,
j The i home' of: ,Mr. and lrs. ...
Harold . Elf strom was the. scenes on -fewYeir?
4ay fof an.' attractive :
three-coarse' luncheon at 1 o'clock.
(ContlBue4 on pag 7.)
XUkMiJi HAAU iiXa ! S
- Mir
SI I The new officers elected for War Mothers Plan Sale
! pig season are: Mn wmiam Nie-1 iem cnager oi xne Am- limner, win he, servea
I jmeyer, preident: Ms. C. C.'Page. I erican War Mothers Cmatfe - plahg v !
vice president; Mrs. N. C. Ka- ior a sam 01 aencious pies, cakes I New Year at Spaulding
oins, secretary. ; i; . r"11 wt pmtcb on jaiuraay, wan-i Outstanding among all tne ai-i
Mrs. Henry B. Thielsen-will be 1 ry i, at tne meeting yesterday fairs which weloomed the few
the J hostess for Jthe j February j p tne pnamner of Commerce I yr,-not yet a week oldi in
meeting -and will e i assisted -by J rooms. j j Salem was the community party
Airs. Humphreys and Mrs. San-1 . raauer oipiantmg;,7mem-i Thursday -night when Mr
ford.;,, , L .. err irefs aiong tne wgnwgys ami mm. Walter L. Snauldlne
was alsoj discussed at some length W(r hastsJ The house was
strikingly lovely with decorations
Biutinpsst tinL Prof 'esistinnnl I during the afternoon.
I r Oiftan & . kJiUO I 1- -u?ry , 0f white, ereen. and red. all
The -members of the . Salem mem oers are asiea to meet rhip wIi.h Christmas foliage.
Business and; Profonal Wom-Im for a special mating; ar- attracUye ornatneats and ardfi
en's club -are antiftegan?lnJ?ned through, the calj : Of; the I A -4Hrh . . ,
teresting meeting this evaning ati lreswent. Dues that are still ton- .nii 0-iin0tB W
... ..-..!. . oi win - t.T . .t r- -li'' l-The group participating in the
, !..... . I i i . , . - i evening of events, with a $relfclou
Commerce rooms. Mrs. W. H. f L . lr -I I, . -. ; -
Burghardt will speaki following I invitations Issued for
the dinner. Later la. the evening a llleceptioil
hmsinHs mneHnV will ho fiolif I Invitations .hare been insnd I -
; . J- ! j i ' thy the state board of control and I Story Telling section. Mrs; Ivan
Muut-.Stahfield Chooses the facility of the'school for th Bellinger leader. Court apart-
, M MM T.A J MM . - i , I, . : m nv a i i-
Si.iimia.anis . ,,. ieai 105 a reception next Mpnaay i cof: - rt
Washineton. Jan. 5.--Miss Bar-1 evenln. (January 11. in ! the main - veterans
Todav 1 -
bara Stanfield. daughter, of Sen- I building -of the school j honorinr liliary i Mra
ator and Mrs. Robert Nelson Stan-? Superintendent and -Mrs. F. Ly-1 Chemeketa
field, whse wedding 'A to Henry.) man Sieed. The hours i will be I clock
Dunn will take nlacei Thursday.
Free to Radio Fans
' i - THihk-" Coerts . .v '
-7-KGV (491 JS), PortlamL
6-7 KGO 301 .2) , Oakland.
k . ifews ; 1 "
7:0-7:i5 KG Wl "(491.5),
, I'ortUnd. i News items. , a
HpccUI ; . .
7:2ft -KOAC (28Q.2), Corval.
i Hh. Musical selections; 7:30,
I "Color and Design In Hotise
1 Decoration." Margaret More
! house; 7:45-8, "Mid-Winter
I Hints for the Sick." Kather-
in-Height. j; '-; , .:i', .
7: SO-9 KHfiC ,(31f 3),Pn
iniR, Wa&li-, String trio,
Margery Segessemann. pian-
1st; Gladys FraseVs, vielinist;
Raymond Howell: Aline
PTice. vocalist; "The Wash
ington Lam b,VHo ward Hack
' edarn ; "Light and Electricity
Waves," Dr. H B. Briggs;
... book' reviews.'' Alice Lindt?ay
Webb; "Pyroto-'a! Cheap tout
Effective Farm Explosive,"
B. N. Miller. ' j
6:30-7:30 KHJ (405.2), Los
. Augrles History etory.Prof.
Hertxog. .
V Kiitertalamefnts .
6 : 30-i 1 KF1 (467), Los An-
grte. 6:30, vest pocket con
cert; T. detective -stories;
, 7:20; varied program, Frank
Berry, tenor; William Mae
Dougall. Scotch ! comedian;
Stark Sistehs, harmony duet-.
ists; 8, program; Vprogrnm,
L. A. Examiner; jlO, Patrick
Marsh orchestra. i
G-1 1 :30 K H J , (4054S) , . Ixs
Angeles. . Leighton" orches
tra; 6:30-7:30, history story.
Prof. HerUog; ,D 1 ck'WIn
slow." Juvenile reporter; Ca-
m ilia Johnson. Mickey Mc-
Bak. wrefn juveniles; string
.trio;-, ur. ar;BuinKrui,i
scientific lecturer; 8 ; 3 0-
, 1 1 f3o, Clark's- dance .orches
tra.' v ".' i ' v
0:4O.U F O (4281), San
FrWn clsco. t:40-7, Lind or
chestra; 7-7:30. Seiger'a or
chestra; 8-9. Ernest Ingold,
:. director; 9-3.0? danc mnsic
iu-n. juina orcnesira.
of Foreign Wars aux-
, Carle Abrams, 1465
street, hostess, 2:30
i. . ..
from eight to ten olclock. I Woman's; Home Missionary soci-
The ipersoiinel of the state cty- .Jftrst fuetnonisx enuven. xwrs.
board of control through whinh I R. L. Farmer, 909 Chemeketa
the invitations - are Axionrinri in- I street, hostess.
etudes: Governor Walter M I ucsuo ai
Pierce. Secretary of State Sam A.lety. Leslid hall.
Kozer. i State ; Treasurer Thnmu I Central circle ol tlio Jason tee
B. Kajf, an secretary of the I Tiadies Aid
board, Col. Carle 'Abrams.
R !
'Vocation in Spockanc
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Evans and
qaugnter, Joan, nave just re-
society. '2 o'clock.
BuBinf;sH and Professional
Woman's. c
lub.. Chamber of Coin-
Armoryv 1
E. Ladies' Aid soci-
merce rooms. 6:3-0 o'clock.
Prof. N. iB. Zane's class.
turned 5 from Spokane where they library
i were guests during the Christmas I decoraUpA,
holidays, visltins: at the' home nf Pety clni
Mr. atfd Mni C. C. Calkins and olse nd ft
Mr. aid Mrs. Ivan Fruit. At nostesses
Hermiiiton they Were'lmuse-riieat!rlatreet-
nf Uri oni T, it2- T TtCH 1 'SOUS
!- ,IL-: I " .- I r
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary
rne j members of Hal Hibbard
Auxiliary will meet on Friday aft
ernoon! in (the Armory. ! A l
o'clock! covered dilh luncheon will
be followed I by an installation I hostess.
service., when officers ifor thi'Nwl Kensington
Year ill be installed. ;
f i :
Social Evening at
FraiMand t .
A community business and so
cial meeting will be held at 7:30
O'clock this evening in the church
Block . printing. Home
. Frank W- Spencer,
Botse"home, 61$ Court
Veterans' auxiliary;.
30 o'clock. Drill and
discussion. . . 7 "
WCTVJ - prayer meeting. Hall,
2:3 k o'clock.
Raphetelan club. Mrs. Carle
Abrams, 1465 Chemeketa street.
club. Mrs. I. L
1465 State street.
First Presbyterian church. Church
parlors, 2d30 o'clock.
Missionary meeting of First'
at Fiiultland. All are cordially I congregational ennren witn Mrs.
inrltell to attend. 1 N- Mcjores, 555 Chemeketa,
Friday, 230 o'clock.
Xomp'co Chtb ' i I ; Hal Hibbard Auxiliary. Armory
in memners or tne lYpjmarpo 1 1 p ciock coverea (atsn luncneon.
club rill meet on Friday after-1 Installation of officers. -
noonat the home of Mrs. Grant! yomarco club., Mrs. Grant Day.
Day, (645 Chemeketa street, for I 64 Che mketa street, hostess.
the regular j meeting. ! ;
i .-- : .. - - )
Return to College ;
Miss Klizabeth Tatt and Miss
Louise Pierson left-oni Saturday
to re-enterj the Oregon! Agricul- Nativity.'? . Central, Congregation
Salenv J Woman's elub. Club
Vouse. 2:30 o'clock. ,
- Sunday
Christmas cantata,' Thei Holy
I tural college for the winter terpi. al churcli. Evening service.
,Mrs -Easinian Is jianoved A
Airs. Morie rwamraan jot Marys-
mn California, who will be. re-
memnered ias vera Morrison, was J
.the inspiration for', a ; delightful
afternoon lea on Monday at the
homo of Mrs. Walter i B. Mlnier !
who; entertained ; in her honor,.
Holiday decorations were festive
about' the' ; rooms. The guestsf of
iue i aay were an (orrner xrienus
of Mrs. Bastman. ' Refreshments.
There Comes
... .... .: - ft - ' . . ' -i v '
A Galm
And we find just a multitude, of items . that , represent the
last one of the stock, TjroVen ets, odd pieces, etc.
So for those who didht' get something for Christmas!
I . tJiat they really wanted we
: i ft 1
it .
' " ' f
Everything must go and everything has been
reduced including even Rogers Silverware,
Ogin and Hamilton Watches and all other
contract goods .
if you receiyed nionsy forj Christmas now is
the time to 'multiply its value for in many cases;
it is worth twice as much as ordinarily. "i
TT, .... -,!:: i.
. i . y , - - l , . j :-
State at Liberty . , Next to the Spa
Arilc-- ' - ? 1 - ; 'J v i: i'-
City Property Salesman
Farm Property Salesman
Exchange Salesman
it s
I Opportunity ror AaTancement 5
We Have SOObi Exchange
Average salesmen develop into $500 a .
j ' month inert tinder! our system- : y
Sec A'lfrX Raskin personally, Parker ;
Realty companyj 408-40D United States
National Bank HIdgl tmmercial at ;'
ii n t pJ Trfpnhnni. 2212. Salem. Orecon. i
Uy Charlca Ucllaruj ;
- . . .. - ' i ' -' i - -i t . . 1 T7. - i-, irw'A'. &r rzr-arT'?'' r-; . - -. -' .' -i - - .
iil . ? .ij 7 l - -:V-i ? ty ' ! -
;rrAxrrpFouRS v; i. :L Yoli' put ( f , $The bit -fJfr orTTfW " ' toI" voJ iSMxi h ? T h !
GETmMjJJ f IT 1 A'MUZ-gL QN,.Km ll , fTE ANKLE , TO-DAY I - " i -:'v- XITT tip. pOPeV LIKfe HlMO- ' s
. . .