I' , ,. OURCLOTH1NG ?SALE OVIILIL i&CV TlwlSJICS- AU regular $25.00 Suits or Overcoats now, $17.50 J ; now $200 ; :f All regular $35.00 SuiU or Overcoats now $24.50 . &i vAll regular 340.00 Suite or Overcoats now $28.00 All regular $45.00 Suits or Overcoats now $31.00 :! ' f : ! - f - i . -. -. j . I ; f i . i " . !" I ; - ' - ! i. :' i ! ' SPECIAL THIS WEEK AH Slickers and Raincoats Reduced ONE-THIRD W Johnson & Co. 469 STATE STREET 1 B-JI j lr" -4- . , J i in i i i , . i. , . . . . . . j r . r r - - CITY NEWS IN BRIEF IK 1 .,!- r-J I fVSETTf.En Cloudr and unsettled: no change in temperature; fresh west becoming south winds. Tujesday Max., 56; min 40; riveij, 1.4, rising; rainfall, .21; atmosphere, cloudy; wind, west, j Baby Chicks Shipped- Yesterday when ! the Chickeries shipped 150 rocks and Rhode Island chickens, it was the earl lei irery of chickens made fro: district. The chicks were sent to Falon,. Nevada. Manager peed ham said yesterday the" season opens with this shipment. If ' r Salem barred Red si del- fa this lssons in Plaques,Bookend Candle sticks. Mrs. Trover. j6 ni.i.t. t?. iriilywi - - Sunday a black bear was killed by H. Peters and S. P. Matheny. near Silver Creek "j Falls. jj The beast has been '- dressed and is -hanging! for display 1 in the I win dow at the Cross Meat Market. It weighs" about" 2ff07jToundd The meat will be sold to the imblic next Tuesday - r " - , Fined for 'Parking ' j Bert T. -Ford of Salem was fined SI by-Judge Poulsen yester day on a charge of parking over- lime. Lessons la Plaques, ilookends, candle sticks; ma terials for sale. Mrs. Trover. jj6 Building Permits Are Issued j Two building permits were is sued from the office ef the city recorder yesterday. Murray Fle$a ming was given a permit to con struct a one story garage at 801 Broadway at a cost of $400. Wil lis H. McToggard took out a per mit to construct a one story dwel ling at 2335 Shelton street, to cost ?800. ' j Experienced Waitress Wanted At the Gray Belle. Fined for Speeding Kenneth Goss, who was arrest ed recently on a charge of speed ing was fined $10 yesterday by Judge Poulsen. Sew Red Seal Records ' Single faced, 25c and 35c Stiffs Furniture Co. dStf Car Stolen and Recovered- Ed Denneson, 1460 North Front street, reported early Tues days morning that his Ford roadster had been stolen some time late Monday night. Later yesterday morning the car wis found in Painter's woods by of ficer Hickman, v and has been named Robert Wil liam, Mr. and Mrs. G. Meier, of Polk county received a daughter December 25. and have named her Gertrude Marguerite. A son was born December 20 to Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Iloven of Marion county, and has been named Lor in Alfred. Radio Headquarters; Phone 1035 Zenith, Fada, . Mognavox, and used sets. Good radio poles, 175 South High. J9 Leaves for California- Mrs. M. M. Witty, mother of the manager of the "Epsilon Delta Mu fraternity, left ror San Fran cisco yesterday afternoon. 1026 Calendar Free, Homer II. Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers d22tf To Add Fire Equipment At a recent meeting of the city council of West Salem, steps were taken to install fire fighting equipment. The plans are to put in five water hydrants, with hoses attached, so that any small fire can be controlled, without the help of the Salem fire depart ment. 1L We have- a Chevrolet - Tour Ins. lOSS model, 1m the best of condition with JW per rent robber and. fair pafnt. Thlrt la onej of oar many real good buys. Come and take It for Ins things " Is ' not out soliciting members. It doesn't have to." d Schunke, newly elected presi dent of the Kiwanians. was in augurated at the luncheon, and presided over 'the program as president for the first time. He omitted any inauguration address in order to allow sufficient time for the program. Five school superintendents were present at the luncheon. Each was ' called upon to give a few remarks. They are: Fred Peterson of Klamath Falls,. J. L. Thomas of Bend. W. Anderson of Portland, George Lamb of Tillamook, and H. Sey mour of Corvallis. areas of eastern Oregon, $369,- 92S.59 has been repaid, according to a report prepared here yester day. Exclusive Distribution For TV. W. Kimball pianos. A. B. Chase, Davenport & Tracy. Bush & Certs. Moore's Music House, 409.415 ConrL fc s20tf Community Club Meets The Ladies' Community club of Shaw recently gave a social and entertainment at the town' hall, with an! excellent program consist ing of music, readings, etc. Cards and other games were played, and a cafeteria supper served at ten o'clock. I Anrtioii Every Wed. Night 1 P- store. m. F. N. Woodry's new ifilO N. Summer street. J6 Winters in Italy Dr. Elizabeth Matthews of New York, sister of Amanda Matthews of Shaw, Js spending the. winter In Sorrento. Italy. Many will re member Dr. Matthews as having visited here for the summer sea son a few. years ago. Radio oles of Superior Quality Good used sets. Phone 1935 i . 19 Accept) Dormitory The! state board of control yes- terdayjaceepted the new girls dor mitory recently completed at the state, home for the feeble minded at a cost! of $50,000. The struc ture has1 accommodations for ap proximately 50 patients. If You Want Real Bargains In suit's, overcoats, men's shoes or furnishings, attend the New Years sale at Schei's, 344 State j6 L Robertson Released John Robertson has been re leased! from the city jail. Furniture Upholstery- And repairing.. Giese-Powers New Tfar'8 8le EnAf . Saturday . eve, Jan 9th. Schei's, men's and -young . men's clothes. 344 State ' "" K ''. ;' J6. Furniture company. 20tf Three Xlcenscs Issued - l Three marriage licehses were Is sued byjU. G. Boyer.'Mariott'l coun ty clerkl They were taken iouo by Howard C. Moon, mail carrier and Bessie W. Adams, both of jpiym- pia. Wash.; Walter John Pufllman, musician, and Anna fbuhn, both of Gervais; Louis Weissenf els,! black smith.' and Anna . Buhr. both of Pro Team Works- Kenneth Brown's all star has- ketball team is beginning to get under way. They have been prac ticing, at the Parrish junior jbigh school gymnasium, and alao at the high school. We Arc StUl SelUng Gasco Briquettes at summer prices. Capital City Transfer Co., 226 State. j7 Society to-Meet . The. .Women's . Home ; Mission society, of Jason Lee ' church will held an all day meeting on Fri day with Florence Obershaw, 1790 Ferry, to make hospital sup plies. A pot tuck lunciieon will be ser'ed at noon New Vears, Xew Home- Take this 4 rooms new with furnace, fireplace, hardwood, .etc We have three north, south and east. 13600 to 3 800. Terms 100 to 1600 down, balance like rent, i Immediate possession on 2 Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High street j d25tf A New Pipe Organ Record By the new electrical process; a real treat. Stop in at Stiff's and hear it. " d8tf Br. Long In Portland Dr. J. E. Long, president of the State Oregon Chiropractic associa tion, was in Portland Saturday at tending the state executive beard meeting which was in session the entire day. All locals from . the different parts of the state were represented. .. .Hotel Marioi Dollar dinner, served 5: every evening. 45 to 8 jtf Mam n. larel U !- . m. Veterans to Meet Today at 2 o'clock p. m., the "memlMjrs of the Sedgwick; past, G.' A. R. are1 requested : tov-fet Vrt Rigdon's - mortuary to attend the funeral of D. II. Cochran, One of their late members. This Is an order recently Issued by J. .J Kewmyer, commander. Divorce Is Granted Hilda P. Haling was granted 'a divorce from Charles R. Haling in Circuit Judge L. H. McMahan's court yesterday. They were mar ried" In Vancouver, Wash., 'in Sep tember. 1919. Mrs. Haling al lelged'her husband left her'In X(6- yember, 192, Sh was granted her maiden name of Hilda. Draget. Pomcroy & Kcene Jewelers and Optometrists S Salem, Orrgoa j -. Eastman Brothers Furnaces ; Office If ours: li M. TO 2 P. M, FACTORY, SILViSRTONt ORE. j $10 .Coupon Books for $3 Salem Cleaners & Dyers. Phone 1868. ! j6 -. -j- ' Bu-tlia "Are Reported , Five, births were reported at the office "of the city health ! of ficer 'Tuesday. Mr., and Mrs. W. M. Bliven of Woodburn received I a son on uecemoer zo ana named him Edmond Edgar. To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tan Lydegraf of Salem a son was b6rn on December 1 30, land has been named Earl Jacob, A son was born to Mr. and Mrs, Ellison of Salem on December; 18, 4-: A -iV- PAINTING KALSOMINING PAPER HANGING For the right kind of materials and the j very s best workman- Eoip call us. ' Gabriel Powder and Supply Col 175 S. Commercial Phone 72S Furniture Upholstery And renairinc. Giese-Powert Furnittrre company. , 20fv .j s, . Birth Reported- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albers, 1637 North Winter street Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Jan. 2, 1926, a daughter-be called Emma Marie. 1020 Calendar Free, Homer H Smith Ins. Agency over Millers. d22tf Wheat' Farmers Pari Out of loans aggregating $396, 431.39 authorised by the state board of control under an act of the 1925 legislature appropriating funds for the relief of the wheat farmers in the frost devastated DISEASES Treated by Osteopathy'ad the latest Electrical .Therapy In cluding. Dr. Abram's Electronic System. ' f l S"o charge for consultation DR. B. H. WHITE Physician and Surgeon 1 606 U S. Bank: 'Building " Salem, Oregon 1 ,' Underwood Typewriter Co. Branch f 510 i Court Street 7 Fbpie 2Cf Typewriters : Rentea oi. r Special Rental rates to students 4- .H-WOOriUY&i SON or lie -1 L ADD & BUSH, B ankers . : Estkbllslird 1868. " 4 r V General .Banldng1 Buslntes , j 4 J Ofilc ijnr .frdrflb''4''M.lo -p. ml t r BosiniPfis Building, Cheap- New brick, with excellent lease to net 9 per cent, $21,000; $7,000 to handle. Real buy. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High. d25tf Boehringer. R. 'N hospital sup plies; Mrs. II. W. Meyers, 18 pictures; Mrs. F. II. Spears, toys; Mrs. II. M. Hawkins, toys; Mrs. C. D. rabrIe.Ion, toy$, books, bath robe; -Mrs. Gillespie, maga ainen. ( Only 4 Days Left Of New Year sale at Schei's, 344 State St. Don't miss it. Suits and overcoats $20, $25, $35, all high class merchandise. J6 Salary Increase The state board of control at a meeting here a month ago, au thorized, the employment of J. Lyman Steed of Pennsylvania as superintendent of the Oregon state school for the deaf at an annual salary of $1500. It also was agreed that Mrs. Steed would act as matron of the institution at salary of $720 a year. Mr Steed arrived' in Salem last Satur day and yesterday the board of control increased his salarv to $1800 a year. It was said that the increase in salary was author ized in lieu of allowing Mr. Steed tiaft to cover his traveling ex penses. Change Sehcdnl Following changes in bus sched ules effective January 7, were an nounced yesterday. Schedule of Seventeenth-Summer Street and Twelfth Street Bus line: Buses will leave State and Liberty streets for Seventeenth and D at 10, 30 and 50 minutes past the hour. Buses will leave State and Liberty streets for Depot line 12 minutes. 32 minutes and 52 minutes past the hour. Buses will leave Seven teenth and D streets at; 1 minute. 21 minutes and 41 minutes past. the hour. Buses will leave Twelfth and Hoyt streets at 1 min ute. 21 minutes and 41 minutes past the hour. Change of route in Seventeenth and: Summer streets linoi will be: Buses will We Are Still Sellin .asco iiriqueuea at summer prices. Capital City Transfer Co.. 226 State. : 17 Moshers Take Trip . ' ; D. II. Mosher, the tailotr, left by auto this morning for, San Fran cisco. Cal., to attend the seventh annual style show and convention of the Pacific Coast Merchant Taftprs. association held at the Palace hotel Jan. 11-12-13-14 The San Francisco exchange promises one of the finest con ventions ever held. A complete play will be put on showing the coming styles for spring. Accom paning Mr. Mosher was Mrs Mosher, their small son. Harry, and Sirs. Mosher's mother. Mrs W. M. Stone and her grand daughter. Willma. of Oregon City They will visit Mrs. Stone's son. Mr. C. B. Stone of Palo Alto They expect to be gone about two weeks. Experienced Waitress Wanted At the Gray Belle. j6 Property Owners " Hare you troubles with your teal estate or insurance? It's our lusiness; bring them in. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High. d25tf Obituary Corby At Alrlie. Polk county, early January 5th, Mrs. Dora Estelle Corby age 60 years, wife of Rev. Chas. W. Corby, sister of Chas. A. Woodward of Seattle. Mrs. Clara May Bauffman of Camas. Wah.i Mirs. Minnie McKay of Vancouver, Wash., -Mrs. Martha R: Vinton' and Winter Bauffman. of North Howell. Funeral service Thursday Jan. 7, at 10 a. m. from the Rigdoa mortnaryj interment near Wilsonville. proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Pain Headache Neuralgia Neuritis Toothache lumbago Rheumatism DOES NQT AFFECT THE HEART At McKlroy Fargo, N. D., January 2, Accept only "Ifayer" packaf-! which-contains pi)ven directions. Handy "Bayer bors of 12 tablets Also bottlea'of 2i;ati4 100 DrojsUt. aplria U tbe trade mark of B&m Msovfctore of MonoareUemrUnt, f KU yl!cci.l operate from Summer and Marion streets west to Liberty street; thence south on Liberty street to i'tate street; thence east on State Wesley Glenn McElroy. Jr., age street, following out the Twelfth 14 months. Son 6f. Mr. and Mrs. W. C?. Elroy. and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W, Brunk of Polk county. Announcement of funeral will be made later by the Rlgdon & Sou mortuary. Bird In this city January 4. Miss Lillie V. Bird, age CO years. The remains were forwarded , by the Rigdon & Son mortuary to As toria for funeral services and interment. ind Depot street ca line, and re turning by the samer6ute. Lost Pointer Pup About six months old. Liver aud white. S5 reward to finder. Call Dr. Prime, 907 or 323. j6 Hamilton Leave on Tripr C. S. Hamilton and son Ralph, left Sunday for a protracted trip through the principal furniture markets of the country, principal ly those of the east and south They will visit Chicago. Grand Rapids, New York, Philadelphia, ind the great carpet market at St. Louis, returning, if possible, in time for the market at Los An geles. Throughout the journey they will study the most modern tendencies in house furnishings, and will be in position to offer both style and value. Operation Is Successful e Marion B Kalich, a linotypist with i the Statesman Publishing company, uftderwent a serious op eration at aT local hospital and is now said torbe well out of danger. although it-Vill be some timi be fore jhe will be able to leave the hospital. Mr. Kalich is a member of the local typographical union. Willi Sell My High grade piano, stored in Sa lem, j to reliable party at $10 per month. Write Mrs. L. B. Cla bough; 109 Cherry St., Central la, Wash.; , 17 Don't Miss the Auction Wed night , at F. N. Woodry's. new store, 1610 N. Summer St; See ad for particulars. Phone 511. Sinikins : Near Hopewell, Monday eve ning. January 4, Alfred Sinikins, age 63 years, native son of Yam hill county, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hiram B. Simkins, pio neers of 1847. -Survived by his wife. Mrs. Hattie Simkins; father of Guy Simkins f Portland. Mrs. Jessie Ottlnger of Hopewell, Lloyd Simkins " of Garibaldi, and Mrs, Georgia Cook of Salem; brother of Newton Simkins of Hopewell, Jess Simkins of Salem. Mrs. lary Weston of Oregon City, Mrs. Jen nie Williamson of Rainier, Mrs. Belle Gooding of San Francisco, Mrs. Etta Charles of Oregon City. Mrs. Florence Mortenson of Port land, Mrs. May Verateeg -of Hope well, and Mrs. Rosa Smith of Pen dleton. Funeral services will be held at Hopewell Wednesday, Jan. 6. at 2 p. m. The remains are at the Rigdon mortuary. Start the Xew Year Right Have 2 garments, cleaned for the price of one. Salem Cleaners Dyers. Phone 1868. jS Annual Meeting Hekl The largest annual gathering of the membership of the Court Street Christian Church was held Monday night. Following the so cial fellowship the annual meeting was held in the main auditorium. Reports by department represen tatives showed progress in each department during the past year. E. W. Cooley was elected as sup erintendent for this coming year. The church has an active Loyal Volunteer Band, four Christian Endeavor societies!; a Woman's Missionary organization, a Junior congregation, a Boy Scout troop,, a woman's working society and a graded Sunday school. The min ister Rev. R. L. Putnam came to the church at . the close of the Grace XL nIl Write Grace E. Hall, Portland poet, who recently visited Salem rela tives when enroute to southern California, writes interestingly to a Salem friend of her trip. At present she is in Tucson. Arizona. She speaks with enthusiastic ad miration of Harold Bell Wright and his extraordinary home; and also gives highly interesting glimpses of Mexican villages, cus toms, etc. Mrs. Hall has ad dressed the Fine Arts association, he Tucson Woman's club, and spoken at a National Federation banquet. She will spend the ma jor portion of the winter in the south. Cochran In this city. January 4, D. R Cochran, age 84 years. Civil War veteran, member of Sedgwick post, GAR.: father of Mrs. W. L. Wilson of Roundup, Mont.: Miss Adona Cochran of Salem, Charles N. Cochran of Walla WTalla. Wash., and Daniel U. Cochran of Beaver ton, Or. Mr! Cochran was a mem ber of the Methodist Episcopal church. Funeral services today at 2:30 p. m. from the Rigdon mortuary, Interment City View cemetery. Scliunke Presides r "fellowship is to society what home is to the individual,'' de clared Mr. Wells of the Portland Kiawanis club In addreslng local Kiawaniana At their luncheon yesterday on the subject, 'Ki wanis iFellowBhip. "Any organi zation; of men that is really: do 1 I FOB DfFORMATTOIf :ll;''Phbrl1727rr" OREGON x ELECTRIC 'HP v- w"irr V n Vtt 'Si! WOOQ WOOtt TRACY'S FUEt ' YARD f - '- 167 D Street Telephone 2313 j RN. WOODRY ' Salcra'a 'Leading I AUCTIONEER , Tay Cash For Furniture Residence and Store f ' 101O North Summer . V PHONE 51 1 ; fi fJKfabllshed fiince 1016' Trade What You Have , For what you want. See Ter minal Realtors, Terminal hotel lobby. d9tf Uoonitat .(lifts f Donations to the Salem hospital for month of- December, 1$25, were v Bridge Luncheon club, by Mrs. tQy C.Locke,. ?00 towards laboratory.- equipment. Christmas decorations;, Hal D Patton, Mrs. Ptinee Bird. twJand. one, naif days time given5 to trimralBg Chrfstina trees;.- vMJss; Clara iiavLi. 2fCCbrisrmas 'treps, greens for decotaRjerns Mrs. Anne ,3Volfe, lights fortwd'hristmas trees. Christmas f money ;and - presents for the tdent4iurses: Dr. Morse. 140 'for purses bome; Dr. and Mrs. Vehts one iTurkey;, Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Maubfa. a plant; . Miss Gussie Niles, one-year subscrip tion to . La4iesV Home Journal. Mrs, Prince . Bird 1 1 glasses of cranberry JeUyt Mri. W.h P. Ho gan, 10 pounds of eany or nurse, Portland,'. Oregon; Mrsv Xda lies, -f Miss ; Anna 'J, nuringer, MisatJCtil; Deonlston, . cakes; Dr. Ellen M. Johnson, thelma. Jobn- son, head; nurses, is ror nurses ; liomer Mrs4 Ida IClles. candy fori httrses; Jfril J? IL Snyder Albaajric I ijlw Cristmas decorations and euti fiowera for nar9 tableg Thursday Af teraoooj club, by Mrs. CiiVCUrir. 17t glassed of fruit; Adm. florist nt:flewern 'Itlg don tt Son. -"gowns;- Mrs. .T.'.A.' -Livesely, jaadgazlpps;. Mla, AttAa, Sthantz In this city. Mrs. Belle Schantz. Tuesday. January 5,' at the age of 56 years. She is survived by pne daughter, Jessie May Reese of Portland; three sons, Ralph A. of Salem, Ray of Salem and Carl of Portland. Funeral j services will be held from the Webb funeral parlors on Thursday at 2 p. m Interment will be in the City View cemetery. ; " Rot lien Mrs. Mary Alice Rotzien-3?7 South Twentieth street. Tuesday, January 5, at the age of 64 years. She la survived by.two sons, O,. V.1 Rotzlen and F. W. Rotzlen of Sa lem; "two 'daughters; Ruby and Violet Rotzlen of Pasadena, and two sisters, Mrs. ij T. Cnlbreath and Mrs. Lclth Faulkner of Can ada. Fire brothers! also survive her. They are Andrew Wertirig of Canada and Lylei Charles," Jac ob and Marlon Wortlng of Minne sot a. Funeral announcements wUI be made later j by the W'ebh funeral parlors. , , i f . - '...: JOE WILLIAMS Tle Battery Man Onr Servica . At- Tour CosimAnd WILLARB; SSI Court St. " : Phone 108 World war.-; A that time the church had . about 75 members. The pastor's report showed the present membership to baK '540 resident and "nib-resident pern ben. As a mark of appreciation of their minister and his family and for their service the congre gation voted hlnS: a substantial la crease in salary! 1 SCHAEFER'S COLD CAPSULES will bre4k up Jour told in ?4 Hours 6r money refunded 1- dCHAEFER'Q DltrO STORE rJ The Yellow Front--Phone 107 '103 Jfortli, Commercial Street The Peiistir Store 7DblD 7Zc 7te7 VJVX s&fiec BECKE & HENDRICKS ' Insurance of All ICinfis. TeU 161 flleflig Theater Lobby; 189 Xorthflllgh . ! .' - ' ' ' , . , ; -4; - - , - " A COMFORTING ' THOUGHT The veil!: the veil! so thin, so - - strong! I; :'i , 4 Twist ns and thee; v :f th Bjystl veil; isbenshall it ; laiir u -.v Thktwe may,seia? p 1 . s..: :; : . Not dead; not sleeping, not even .V-4tiut;bretenC: tl9;V4"':;'v -sv. And : waiting f ori tbe i coniinr 'it'ipt Cod Bweet jWlliAi iiy,l-r-ttarriet echer StotreV V. T. Rirfdcn r Sen ; 4.. me Every Wednesday Nite, 7 p. m.9 at -:'y ; : F. WOODRY'S H : New Store. Summer and Norway Streets Opposite his residence 1610 North Summer Street. i . Take North Commercial Car'1... . v ; ) : : .'.') S-V ,:As' fonOWSJ - j S'-'-- . ' - 'Wedgewood base range, large cast iron heatrV kitcUen cab Clnet, grass, rag, ri Iron beds, eolt spring. "31 silk' floss mat stresses, sanitary .couch, oak and ash chiffonier, 3 magazine ;rack8, 2 craft leather lounges, stand tabks. nearly new .rreed baby carriage, ivory and oak extension jUbles, fir dress er,; walnttt ' colonial dresser; "solid 'eak:, Ilbrdry table, .-Ivcry , kitchen table, tvorjr; kitchen cabinet, .7' drawer drop I - I Singer sewing machine, reclining chair, -oat china cabir rt. v new plates, new 4titehen eta and other micellaneous arti clea. . Terms cash. ; Private sales daily. I pay cash for u :r .l furniture, tools, etc; or will sell anything for you on con signment." Jsst phone me and r will call cn'jon. -F. fVr..W00bllV, Salem's Leading rctlcnecr "V 1 PHONE 511. A . V s-fs , Public JfeUce . 1 nrfiis' fc thb Woodry who established the ; W r :-i ' ; " : Established since 1916 V ! i