The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 05, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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Gj LB ERT. G EG LftRES; -1
Sypefjtehdent:St'ates.: He
- Was Unawarof ; Visit-!;--'.V-'
orsMdentity.v .!'.
' f I . t
v u.,m. uuoeri, super mienacnt iOi
theOregon.pjate, training schopl,
: waatfsto sqaare himself with the
reading pnblic With the statement
thai-he did not intentionally, show
discourtesy to thp Jjarl0.p..county
, grand Jury on tb occasion of its the training 1 school . last
Tuesday. : , v
i3(Qt being aware of (he fact that
thelparty visiting the' institution
wasthe grand Jory. he called the
- matron to ehow them .through, the
place which is the usual procedure
, wtienv the superintendent is other
wise, engaged. Wh e through
with the examlnatIonjf two -boys
jusVreceiTed; on '.commitment i he
hastened away to meet a business
engagement to Salem, going on to
Woodburn to" attend to certain
matters on "hand 4 at" the new
schoohr Hexlld not Know that the
grand, jury was there' until 'his re
turn In the evening. - v --- " -:tt&rery
much tregrets .having
i. nisad' an opportunity: tot discuss
wlth' tis body somp of the .various
requires, referred to in,, their Tc
v - portliHe would have r been glad
to'ljaye met 'them' aV the jWood-
. T , 1 . . , .
1 -r
x 4 r.:
. 'r. ,X au: -1 ".
in this direction u the opening of an
' ; ': . . L , - - J I
W.? 14 t VJrtJt
CV' ; fV iKTAr? rF muacPfe or aiiakery products are the best 'that money can buv
A&S y ; Weould mi this page telHnEr vbu how HTirio,, tiUJi rl l- V Duy-
; Insrftnrl of AZZZ.-"iT: 1
0r-5 '-'''--i is Vir - sntjsee for yourself why we praiQtHpni so highly - : : k - I
burnj school the; following day lf
heebld have - knbSritiiey -were
going therein' -)iZi-f.
- , hopes ; that even, tbemem
.hers of j the, jury who 'saw hiin
thro lgh the glass door of the 6f
flee as "they passed down 'the hall
.will accord .him, sincerity in his
effottVto explain, the injtdvertance
that resulted in unhappy, thoughts
arid unwarranted conclusions. The
entrance, 'that J was i under critl
cisn as -poorly ventilated, has alT
reaiy received attention, the beds
thati w.ere there have been re
moved to the dormitories.
Charles Jones Passes
' ; Following Operation
arles Edward Jones of Jef-
fersbn died in the" Albanv- hnKniti
Sonklay. morning at 9:30 o'clock
at tpo age of; 6vyears. He is sur
vived by ; widow Marie Jones;
twof Wohs, Edward D., Cleveland, Theodore R., Longview,
Wah.; four; brothers, Joseph A.
of Albany, John T. of Jefferson.
Wipiam L. of Jefferson,, Norval
H. of Salem. Piinnral will ha ii
at thirst Christian church,-Jeffer-
so4 Rev. Eeson of Albany 8cmb
sons, 1 ! p. m. today, January 5,
msuu ui.AioBQy omciaiing.
Interment will. be in Miller ceme
tery near Albany.
.Portland has 8 3,3 5 6 telephones,
a ain of 5. IS. per cent this year.
Asiiand gained 16.42 per cent:
Bead, v 13.D7; Eugene, 11.47;
math Falls, 11.24; Oak Grove,
David Steiner Lived an Up
righj and; a Blameless
life Among Us
& -f"51'--.'- ' "
DaviA ' Steiner passed to the
great beyond, at the Berger honje,
660 Noj-th High street, on Sunday,
January 3, 1926, aged nearly 83
r'p v - -
- I i'i I
' "
. -t r
jtj,-. 43 ';.-,''
1 iil
mM W e. Our latest step forward
uprtjMlate strictly, modern Electric Bakery departaent.
- J ..-
yearsratterixi rrsdpnce v1n:Salem
ot !4 4-yearsf - ;..,;' -.rf'
ravid ' Steiner Was Iborri Jan
tiary 25 1843, atiBluff toft, Ohio,
tie came to 0re5in ittta1876; re
turned to Ohio, fend". - with his
brother-in-law .A, Blosser, and
his" family, came back to Oregon
1 1881. He and. Mr " Blosser
wsret the hardware and, tinning
business until ' 1 8 8 9. With, the re
tiring of Mr. Blosser, Mr. Steiner
was associated with his son-in-law,"
P. H. Berger, for ten years,
when Mr. Steiner retired.
Mr- Steiner and his wife lived
at their country j home on the
TT11 Tl .1 ATI . 1 -1 . 1 .
Mrs. ,Stelner In 1911, after which
-he lived most of the time with his
daughter, Mrs. Berger.
He was the father of the late
Albert H. Steiner, Mrs. F. H.
Berger, Armin teiner of Port
land and a foster son,. B. H.
Stejn'er of Paqlflq Grove, CaJ
There are six grand children and
three sisters, Mrs. A. Blosser of
Portland, Mrs. A. Hauenstein and
Mrs, P. B. Thutt of Bluff ton,
"Funeral services will be held
today (Tuesday), Jan. 5, at 2
p. m.. from the Rigdon mortuaryj
interment in the City View ceme
tery. -
A Tribute From a Friend
It is the custom of the French
that when a man dies, at his fu
neral tome man recounts the dead
man's activities in life,. of .the bad
things he has done, all are told,
mercilessly and without any
apology or regard for the feelings
of those present. Of the good
things he did, all are told, without
exaggregation. Having told, then,
the story of the man's life, he
sums up the career thus ended.
balancing the good against the
1ad, and concludes either that the
world is better because of the life
or that the world would have been
better off had he not been born.
We Americans are not so hon
est, being inclined to let a man's
faults be buried with his body,
ignoring the fact that a just
criticism of the lives completed
would cause some, at least, to lead
better lives. For surely no man
would not endeavor to so conduct
hiinself;that when he dies he
would not be buried with con
tempt. 1
X have known Mr. Steiner for
I, more than forty years, and to him
I can apply the French test and
say.' of him, the world is better
because he lived. I can say ot Ibis
good man that in a pilgrimage of
nearly three score years I
not found any man who exceeded
him in number of virtues, those
virtues that make of one who'
- Tf cf Pes ana
39,000 Miles
Adventurous Britishers are go
ing to sail a converted lifeboat
around the world to demonstrate
to seamen essential equipment.
clothing, medical aids, navigating.
wireless and other life-saving
aids useful in wrecks. Photo
shows crew preparing craft iu
London for 3 9.0 OOr'mlle cruise.
practices them a Christian. I wilV
say more: that I have found on
the highways and in the by-ways
koI life less than a score of men
so blessed with virtues, and yet
Mr. Steiner was a strong man, a
man 01 iar more man average
ability. He filled in thelife of
the world a small niche, it is true,
bat he was too sensible, his values
Simple Mixture Makes
Stomach Feel Fine
Siuiplo buckthorn bark, el veer.
line,; etc., as mixed in. Adlerika.
often helps stomach trouble in
TEN minutes bv removine OAS
Brings out a surprising amount of
old waste matter you never
thought was in yoo.r system. Stops
that full, bloated feeling and
makes you hannv mil hoai-fi
j Excellent for chronic constipation.
Aoieriita works QUICK and de
ilghtfully easy. J. C. Perry, Drug
gist, 11 & s. Commercial St. Adv
roils are.
4;,v rt
0 .... r
in lifQ wer too' oodt for htm to
devote his .life to accumulating
money, or toy wallow in the mire
of politics. But he raised a jarge
family, - gave " It all the comports
and advantages : of life and art
rayed himself by voice and ex
ample always on the side of pub
lic morals,. -He betrayed no friend,
no woman knew him to her sor
row, fr,om no ;man did he ; ever
take a dollar dishonestly and , no
man eveil questioned his .word.
Verily, he loved his neighbors
as himself; and his reward here
at least is that I can write this,
knowin that no person in this
community will say that he' did
not earn, and deserve it. And the
record he made was inscribed
upon his face, bo that those who
did not know him as I did can
recall whatr was there written anil
know that a rare man is dead.
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 4. (py
Associated Press). Dr. Gusiav
Lindenthal, New York bridge en
gineer, submitted a report to
Multnomah countv commisstnnPT
today, reqpmmending that a new
bridge be built over the Willa
mette river from, Interstate ave
nue to Twentieth street on the
west side, at a cost of nparlv 1C -
000,000 and that the bridge be
started soon for completion in
At the same time J. P. Newell,
Our regular Month
of the houday season.
m while the stock! is
Regular $9.00, $10.00, $11.00 and $12.00 values,
, , all sizes at j . - i v
$4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00
Both tan and blade, regular $6.00, S7.00, $8.00
and $900 values go at - -. ; , ? , :
' $34Q,3MQ'4i5a
Tan, brown and
regular 7-.UU, B.UU- S9.00 and 510.00 Values no at
$3.50, 4.00,4.50,5.00
N : B O YS ' SHO ES 7 f
Black or brown, all sizes to close out, regular $5.00,
i j $6,00 ani$7.(Sa values go! at 1
Broken lines
$5.00 and $7.00
We are W? to quote
her off the shbes that gb m the half price sale so w
are useet that
, . :. .-
vfSC :VnJW
" j 1 rflttesaajr. ,iasra4hcm any-day.
iCorjui r- -
moved without ualn or wore-
odandiirpa.ledalns 'Jn
. feet, weak f f not. tint f
toot strains "and fallen arch-
es aajusted. Do not auffer.
X wilt give yoa the best that
science can prodnce in scien-
tific chiropody. :'. Consult "
. .Or. Williams T
7 About 'Yoiir 'Vprt i '
Hriura 9. to 6 : SO .-' Phone 61
JANUARY 5j 1026
consulting engineer, In a supple
mentary Tpot' recommended lhat
no new 'Portland bridges be built
ai present; 4ut that approaches to
the' Broadway, bridge; be lmpro'ved
at 'btucefasi :mans. o; rIfevfag
bridge traffic congestion lor. the
With both reports betpre them,
the commissioners also considered
a special report by Ernest .C. WU
lard, covering the bonded indebt-.
edness ot;the county with a view
to summarizing thel statement .for,
consideratfon of the public in con
nection with proposed bridge bond
We Paid
For this way to- stop,
Some years ago a famous labora
tory" developed a remedy . for .colds.
It proved . itseJf quick effective ,and
compete It stopped colds in, 24
hours. It checked the. fever,' stopped
.1 I a I I K...t,-'
toned the' system. So recovery from
the cold j was prpmpt. The remedy' ill results,', as quinine did
before.' . ' 1 ' '
.ti..;' t i . i'
x ni . lauoraiory announces us
crcaVons to physicians" 'only." Most
people don't consult doctors oh colds.
Millions oi. people wlo. needed . this
licip did not learn about it., ... ;
Sa: H. HLLL secured that for
mula and caljcd it HILL'S Cascara-.
Bromide-Quinine. He sent .out mil
lions of ! samples to prove' its effects.
And he! spent vast sums m telling
the fact to 'people who have colds,
As. a result countless homes came, to
rely on it. :. .
To&oy andyUX&dnGodmf
End Sale is beincrheld
Bigger and better values than ever. Come
b.kick,' boUikid and calf
$2.50, 3.00, 3.5Q
anp ieanerDroKen lines, dozens
styles to close out 6 at
95 c, $i.35, 1.95;
while tKeylat; regulafti$7;00 values,
come ! early aid get thcin
values, all sizes. If ybu can buy these
snoea as cneap any place else we will give you
' - j ' ' . J
- ?VNr.UeelUalf Priee. Every Un
fix Box Oil
issues yith a latr date, f t - -;
Botn Dr; Undenthalj atod Mr.j
Newetl " reported 'against k new
brldg? kll Strohhs .atthijj lUme,
on the ' ground thaV i the itratf ie
there doesi not warrant it, though
such a bridge might be a valuable,
link in the scenic nlghway?system
of .thexjIV anfi county s t
: The3 proposed bridge at? Ports
mouth avenue ajtso , was frowned
,updn because of excessive lost.
utomobile owners in tie Gen-
era! Motors famil number 100,-
ri-:ts i
f IJMQ&m
! Then' other men, decided tnat ,mori
people "shoujd know iV "So'thcy paid.
lljOOQ.OOO to secure the remedy. Now
the" 'facts are 'told in thousands, of
newspapers and j magazines. I'cnpJa. ,
everywhere are dealing wjth colds in "
th enectiveXway" , - fc "
i- This is to urge that you try HILL'S.' ,
Take it promptly, j4' Ever?' hour ot" dr-
lay means a deeper-seated cold.
Be sure yon get HI LL'S-; The years ,
have proved that. Bp, other help com- .
pares, f J' cold isi a serioui. mauer
St9p it at, oncc eod"Jts '( rcsujft s in the .
best' can find." ''f
If you Uke HILX'S nowrenrf will
come ' tomorrow." 1 The fever will be
checked, the system toned, the bowels;
opened.. The poisons will bes climiiu-
tedj.f All those things must j be done,
and Ihev should fcfdone,'at pnee: Oet
HILL'S and start atJoncc At your
drag" store; rf W rr- ;
Ut Red terQffi&iriai PertraH
this week oh account
leathers, all sizes,
'.4. v.- - -I ' ! .") ' - '
7.';. f
Our'uhop Is caMPPcd" with
all new inAehtneryi . "ye nso
", not hiss bat tho . very best
grado of leather that uoncy
will, buy;?: ? ..;, "j . c, t :
Mr'.: Jacobaon,' In charge
of tysepMUncn is, a,n . ex
pert, jinj his. lino rbas spent
years Jp factories ad repa Ir
ehopa ad wllJ f 'rvtblnT
"i . . - ...