i ' . " " !' " I ' - I fv h-rw VfeM - ?' , , . " ... ' ?f? ' -V i V 1, I " ' - THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON 1 1'- t Mi? TUESDAY MORNING,; JANUARY 5, 1026 n Phones 48 and 49 Mffld CajrVationilarge size, afor.:. Carnationlarge jsize, pier case.:. $4.48 ? Armourfs Veribest, lare size, 3 cans 32c 'Armour's Veribiat Mill; per case-..$4.40 v Canned. Vegetables Libby's Asparagus, large size cans.... 35c Stihki'st Asparagus, larte size can3....35c :OakTayern Garden Peas, 2 cans.. 25c Preferred Stock Telephone Peas 2Jcahs -i-yXl I . . 39c Fig ;Bars, freshly baked, 2 pounds..35c Phone -fprrVour i 1 ? OurVeaiherMaikx - Unsettled Fair west; unsettled east ipor- tlon; no change in temperature; northeast gales on the coast, lax f.3; MIn. 34; River 1.3,-statioriary; Rainfall 1.33; Atmosphere clobdy; Wind southeast. L - To Open Bids i t Bids for.Ana construction of ap proximately 17 miles of highway and six bridges will be penejd by the state highway commission at a meeting to be held In Portland JanuaryilS.'- 4 Experienced Waitress jWanteil At the Gray Belle. ; - i ! f - - . : i CITY NEWS IN BRIEF I'll" I" ) Ull W.MOW. . 1.1.1. . . . mi, .1 WilMM.all I fl.H.I ... j . " . Fire at Capitol Saturday a fire broke out i the ..basement of the capitoj building. - mmi pttrtialljr iTafltroygrt nmfi sacks. No mail matter burned. I Considerable) alarm was was the caused by the fire, because smoke came up intoi the cprri : otifi neonle thought! the building was on fire.i i --j Sll.OO raid Monthly win i-Atlre a loan bf $1,000 in 140 months. This applies t4 new buildings only. Ralph Mc Curdy, office over Miller's fstore. Stage Burns Late Sunday afternoon, a Port-land-Eugene stage, driven jy F. P. Kellyfi. caught fire about two miles from Brooks. The body of the stage was completely burned, but nonevOf the passenger were injured.! 'The occupants were brought back to Salem by at sec ond stage sent out from tbistcity. The cause . of the 'fire i not known. 1 -1 ' f . -r. r -i . . property Owners ; I Havei you troubles withfy9ur teal estate or insurance? Itls our u.tmf brine-, them in. Becke fe Hendricks, 189 N. High. ,d25tf Employment Wanted- People who have jwork oi any kind are asked to (communicate with Dr. George E. tewis, n the U. S.NaUoaal bank; Ijuildlg; as the local post of the VeterAns of Foreign WTars. is .keeping. jaja em- JOE WILLIAMS ' (The Battwr; Man We Will T1M TJ Tor Ca B Don Wtta OMd Serricp " W1LLAKD i 631 Conrt St. I Pnonf 108 Eastman Brothers Furnaces Salem Office 109 S. ligh 'Office Hours ; 12 M. TO a P. M. FACTORY, SILVERTOX ORE. Underwood Typewriter Co. Direct Factory - a 310 Court Street 1 -6f r - Typewriters Kented. Sold.1 Special rental rates to students II. F; WOODKY & SON ' " ' Office Phone 7a f "or itcsidence" rhono 1813-W -1 SUCCESSORS TO AVELXER BROS. 155 ALL WEEK PRICES Breakfast Foods Cream of Wheat, per pkg 25c Wheatena per pkg...... .......8c 32c Quaker Quic Kellogg's Al No. 10 pure Old Mill Natural" Brown.RiCe large pkgl groceries make shopping hours into minutes. I are given our personal attention tE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY ployment bureau, to furnish work for its members. They have com piled a list of veterans who are out of work and, are trying to get them Jobs. Exclusive Distribution i For W. W. Kimball pianos. A. B. Chase, Davenport & Tracy, Bush & Gerts. Moore's Music House, 409-415 Court. s20tf Normal Clnb to Meet j This evening the Oregon normal club will meet at the Chamber of Commerce club rooms. Grad-: uates of the state normal school. teaching in this city, are eligible for membership. Will Sell My High" grade piano, stored in Sa lem, to reliable party at $10 per month. Write Mrs. L. B. Cla bough, 109 Cherry St., Centralia. Wash. 37 One License Obtained j Only one marriage license was applied for in the county clerk's office yesterday. This was obtain ed by Cart E. Carlson, a logger. and Leita Ball, both of Eugene. JRer-IInd Seal BecorOa . - . 1 Single faced, 25c and 35c Stiffs Furniture Co. d5tt Urgerson Dismissed I Jur Urgerson of Salem, who was arrested recently on a charge of failing to dim his, lights, was dismissed by Judge Poulsen Mon day. I Correct Cornet Fitting Howard Corset Shop, 153 South High. J5 Kiniber in Woodburn Benjamin J. Kimber. secretary of the Marion county YMCA, was in Woodburn last night, where he attended the meeting of the Wood burn Hi-Y. ftariio Poles of Superior Quality- Good used sets. Phone 1935. 9 Fined for Parking Oscar Snelson and Earl Purdy were fined SI by Judge Poulsen Monday for parking overtime. CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY I Send this .ad ahd ten. cents to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield, Av., Chicago, I1L. writing your name and address clearly. You will re ceive a ten cent bottle of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND for Coughs, colds and hoarseness. also free samp 1 e packages jof FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic stimu lant for the kidneys, and- FOLEY 1 CATHARTIC tablets ror con stipation and Biliousness. These wonderful remedies have, helped mllTlnna rt nonnla TV v thnm' Adv. ' . - Kirk Inspects Buildings- Walter J. Kirk, representative of a large furniture company, has been cooperating with officials of PAINTING K ALSOMINING PAPER HANGING For the right kind of materials and the , Very' best workman ship call us. Gabriel -1 Powder i and Supply .Co. ,173 S. Commercial Phone 78 i; LADD& BUSH, Bankers . . h . . ' Established 1808 " 1 ' General Banking Businses i pffice Hours from 10 a. in. to 3 p. in. North Commercial k Oats, large pkg.:......9c Bran, 4 large pkgkl..r...88c B uckwheat ; Flour...i.69c , 50c i Old Mill Scottish Oats, large pkg 45c j Old' Mill Whole Rye Meal, large pkg. 40c Our phone orders the Salem YMCA in helping them to choose the' furnishings for the new YMCA building,. He has just returned from a trip during which he visited the YMCA buildings of Bremerton and Longview in Wash ington, to size up their furnish- ln4s- Business Building, Cheap New brick,' Vith excellent lease to net 9 per cent, $21,000; $7,000 to handle. Real buy. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High. d25tf Bragg Is Elected E. E. Bragg yesterday was elect ed chairman of the state indus trial accident commission. He will succeed Dillard Elklus who has been chairman of the commission for the past year. Mr. Braggwas appointed a member of the acci dent commission soon after the election of Governor Pierce three years ago. Hotel Marion ' Dollar dinner, served C: every evening! 45 to 8 J2tf To Xante Engineer The desert land board will meet here later this week to consider the employment . of an assistant state .engineer to succeed H. M. Cjkadwick who resigned recently to accept a position in Portland. It was said thai a number of per sons have submitted applications for the position. Furniture Upholstery And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture company. s20tf Radio Headquarters, Phone 1935 Zenith, Fada, Mognavox, and used sets. -Good radio poles, 175 South High. j9 Superintendent Arrlven T. Lyman Steed, recently elect ed superintendent of the Oregon state school for the deaf, arrived here last night - from Pennsyl vania where he was assistant su perintendent of the state deaf school there for a number of years. Mr. Steed assumed charge of the Oregon institution today. Mr. Steed will receive a salary of $1500 a year, while his wife who will act as matron will receive $720. Mr. Steed has been connected with, deaf institutions in different parts of the United States tor a number of years and was recommended highly to the state board of control. He suc ceeds O. L. Mclntire who has ac cepted a position as superinten dent of the deaf school at Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa. Lessons in C'lay ' Jesso, china and water colors. J5 Mrs. Trover. Talk Irrigation "Projects The expense incident to the col onlzation of federal irrigation pro jects in the state of Oregon shonld be paid out of the reclamation funds and not by direct taxation, according to Rhea Lu per. state en- DISEASES . - .. ? Treated by Osteopathy and the latest Electrical Therapy in cluding Dr. Abram's Electronic System.; , ' ; . No charge for consultation DR. B. H. WHITE t PhyHlcian and Svrgcon 506 U. S. Bank Building Salem, Oregon .X Mama Rood cheap bays In Baick. OakLand or OldsmobUe come down, and nee . oar line. These cars can be had at a very i low figurt? and will make, some one a real auto mobile. - : WWW I Igineer, jwho returned ' here today from , Washington wuere he at tended a reclamation conference. Representatlres from nearly every state in the union attended the conference. UmhI Baby Grand lia no Will sacrifice for quick sale. Terms. Tall man Piano store, 395 South Twelfth. . J5 Board to Meet The monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Salem YMCA will be held Thursday noon in the association's rooms. 1020 Calendar Free, Ilomer IT. Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers. d22tf Webfooters to Play The i Webfooters basketball team, Salem champions of the 19- year-old class, will play Prat urn's hoopers on the floor of the local YMCA gymnasium Thursday night at 7:30. Capital Barber Shop, 204 State St. January 1, 1926, hair cut. 25c; shave and neck shave, 25c.;' hair bobbing 25c by experienced lady, any style. 264 State St. j5 Judge Kelly Here- Judge Percy R. Kelly of Albany is in Salem to conduct court for a lew days. We Are Still Selling Gasco Briquettes at summer prices. Capital City Transfer Co., 22 6 State. j7 Schunke to Speak Ed Schunke will give his initial address' as president of the Salem Kiwanis club at the club's lunch- con this noon at the Marion ho tel. It is expected he will out line the executive policy for "the coming year. Boting Armory Arena- Tuesday evening Jan. ' 5. PhJH Bayes vs Eddie Kelley, ten 3-min- ute rounds. Tommy Murphy Ivs Kewpie Riley. 6 three-mitute' rounds. Special event Eddie Fox vs Kid McCormack. four 3-minute rounds. Snappy preliminary. Sanc tion Salem Boxing Commission. 35, Committee to Meet The boys work committee of the Salem YMCA will meet this afternoon at 5 o'clock In tho as sociation rooms. Dr. Frank! 1 E. Brown is chairman of the com mittee. 1920 Calendar Free, Homer H. Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers. d22tf Arrested on Speed Cliarge- L. C. Larson of Portland was arrested Sunday by Officer Hick man oh a charge of speeding. He posted $10 bail and was cited to appear January 7, in the after noon. We Are Still Selling Gasco Briquettes at summer prices. Capital City Transfer Co.; 226 State. 17 Held on Liquor Charge F. L. Cooper of Salem was ar rested ; Sunday by Officer Thomp son on a charge of being intoxi cated. Funeral Notice Fitzhngh At the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. R. White. 1325 West Fifth street. Eugene. Saturday, Jan. 2. Minnie Carter Fitshugh, wife of John R. Fitzhugh, and the mother of Veta J. Fitzhugh of In dependence, and Mrs. L. R. White of Eugene. Funeral services to day. Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1925, at the Baptist church, Independence, Rev Thomas Acheson, pastor of the Jason Lee M. E. church of Sa lem, and Rev. Sylvester Cross, pas tor of the' Independence Baptist church, officiating.. Committal services at tOOF cemetery at '3 p. in. Arrangements in charger of A'. L. I Keeney.' funeral director ot Independence. , JS Wood Wood TRACY'S FUEL f YARD v 1 07 D Street Telephone 2313 F. N. WOODRY Salem's Leading j .AUCTIONEEUf Pays Cash For Furniture 'Rewfdenee and Store ,1010 North Ku ranter HI0NE511 i - - "ErtabUshcd nlncc JOlO" ' 1 Infant Girl 111 , Shirley, the : 26 months old daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Plant, 1780 North Commercial, is seriously ill of an -InteBtlnal ail ment. , The little girl was credited with a slight lmproToment yester day. Trade What Yon Hare Por what, you want. Sea Ter mtnal Realtors, Terminal hotel lobby. dStf Held on Speeding Charge Howard Waters. 1599 State street, was arrested by Officer Ed wards Sunday and charged with speeding and failing to dim his Ughts. A New Pipe Organ Record By the new electrical process; a real treat. Stop In at Stiff's and hear it. dStf Correction Wood ducks were included as part of a bag brought home by local sportsmen, in an item print ed some time ago. The item was erroneous. Furniture Upholstery And repairing. Oiese-Powerr Furniture company. s20tf Operation lVores Serious D. A. Terry, who had an oper ation performed on Saturday at the Deaconess hospital, is very low. his friends will be grieved to learn. Mr. Terry's homo is in Auburn. Experienced Waitress Wanted At the Gray Belle. J6 Boys Released George Bussey and Ralph Tun more, both of' Portland, were re leased from the city jail Sunday after having teen held for Inves tigation. Start the New Year Right Have 2 garments cleaned for the price of one. Salem Cleaners & Dyers. Phone 1868. j6 Arrested on Speeding Charge Kenneth Goss, 865 South 15th street, was arrested by Officer Ed wards Sunday and charged with speeding. Births Are Reported Three births were reported at the office of the city health offi cer Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Schwesinger, 1360 North 18th Obituary Matthcs George Edward Matthcs died at his residence, route 8. Jan. 3 at tho age of 21 years.' Survived by his parents.. Edward Matthes Sr., and Florence Matthes; sisters, Marguerite and AngUsta "MalthesV brother, Marion Matthes; grand mother, Mrs.. Susan MeMunn; aunts. Miss Ella ' McMuun, Mrs. Jennie Crotcau. Canada; Mrs. Marie Mumper, Brooks; Mrs.' Mary Matthes. California; Mrs. Bertha Matthes. eastern Oregon f Mrs. Pauline Matthes, Brooks; Mrs. Georgia Matthes, Brooks; cous ins. Miss Velma Matthes, east ern Oregon; Master Stuart Cro teau. Canada; Wilma Matthes, Elsie Matthes. Merle Matthes, Iluth Matthes, Brooks: Uncles, W. A. Mumper, Willard Matthes, Prank Matthes, James Matthes, Ivwis Matthes, George Matthes, Jufcn Matthes. Funeral services will bo held from Webb's funeral parlors Tuesday. Jan. 5 at 1 p. m. Itev. Lovell officiating. InteTmcnt at Hayesvillc cemetery. KilllklMH Near Hopewell. Monday eve ning, January 4, Alfred Sim kins, age 63 years, native son of Yam hill county, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hiram B. Simkins, pio neers of IS 47. Survived by his wife. Mrs. Sattie Simkins: father .of Guy Simkins f Portland, Mrs. Jessie Ottinger of Hopewell, Lloyd Simkins of Garibaldi, and Mrs. Georgia Cook of Salem; brother of Newton Simkins of Hopewell, Jess Simkins of Salem. Mrs. Mary Weston of Oregon City. Mrs. Jen nie Williamson of Rainier. Mrs. Belle Gooding of San Francisco, Mrs. Etta Charles of Oregon City, Mrs. Florence Mortensoa of Port land, Mrs. .May Versteeg of Hope well, and Mrs. Rosa Smith of Pen dleton. Funeral services will be held at Hopewell Wednesday, Jan. 6, at 2 p. m. The remains are at the Rigdoa mortuary. Cochran In this "city, January 4. D. R. Cochran, age 8t years. Civil War veteran., member of Sedgwick post, CAR.: father of Mrs. W. L, Wilson of. Roundup. Mont.;. Miss Adona Cochran at1 Saiem. Charles N. Cochran of Walla Walla. Wash.. and Dun let U. Cochran of Beaver ton, Or. Mr. Cochran was a mem ber of the , Methodist Episcopal church." Announcement "of funeral later from the Rigdon mortuary. Ktelner - . At the home, 660 North High street. Sunday., January 3, David Steiner. age 8 1 years," father of Mrs. F. H. ; Berger of Salem and Afthin Steiner of. Portlands H Mr. Steiner bad been a resident ot Sa lem for 44 years. Funef al aer vices will be held Tuesday, - Jan. S.vMfJ ; p! m.;j f rom .tl Rldpn mortuary. t Interment city , view- cemetery.- j,- .-few 3f i. -, , George . .. . 'h la tuls icity January 3, Sylvea tef 1,1 Gcorko ago ,7 2 years. Vn era! cervices -Tuesday if tern ton, Jan; 6, from the Rigdon mortuary. Interment'; IOUF; ' cemetery. 1 street, receired a daughter Janu ary 2. an dhave named her Erma Ruth. A son was born December 22 to Mr. ad Mrs. J. F. Dancy of Salem, and has been named Earl Bobby. To Mr. and Mfs. W. A. Cox of Salem a son was born on December 29, and has! received the name , of Bert Benjamin. I i Bicycle Stolen M Edward Raffety, 375 North 14th street, has reported to local police that his Harlef Davidson bicycle was stolen from In front of the Oregon theater between 1 and 8:50 p. in. Sunday. Xew Years. New Home Take this 4 rooms i new with furnace, fireplace, hardwood, etc T'e have three-inortb.iaouth and, east, f 3600 to 13800. Terms, II 60 to $600 down, balance like rent. Immediate possession on Z. Becke . Hendricks, 1S9 N. High street. ' .- - 4 d26tf Arrested on Traffic Charge J." W. 'Hill. 6C6 Center street, was arrested Sunday by Officer Edwards on Center street. He was charged with driving without a drivers license. BLIZZARD STRIKES HOME Coughs and colds are a natural sequence to an unexpected bliz zard, and should be treated promptly to offset complications Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a pleasant and effective remedy for coughs and colds. Keep a bot tle' on hand for any emergency "The children and I had colds and the first dose -of Foley's Honey and Tar helped us right away." writes Mrs. Mather, s Rlchwood, Ohio. Foley's Honey and Tar is a good cough remedy for the whole family. It contains no opiates. Adv. Building Permit Issued Felix Weinman has taken out a permit from the office of the ctty recorder to construct a one story dwelling at 1765 i Maple ave nue. The structure lis to cost $2,000. .Mis Simpson Speak In Portland recently at the Oregon State Teacher)' atocia tion, Miss Anno Simpson of the Marion County Child Health Dem onstration, spoke of the work in Richmond school. She mentioned especially the opportunity room, conducted by Miss Laura Eaton. She also showed some exhibits of work done in the Richmond school. 910 Coupon Books for 5 Salem Cleaners & Dyers. 186S. Phone J6 Bids Are Received j Bids for the electric fixtures for the new YMCA building were re ceived by the building committee of. the association yesterday. No awards have been made as yet, however. Thursday the bids for most of the furniture for the build ing will be received. Fined for Speeding ; Roy Dalzell, who was arrested Saturday night by Officer Edwards for speeding, was 'fined $7.50 by Judge Poulsen Monday. Bits For Breakfast I It Is a good record-- s s si The record of the Salem Cham ber ot Commerce for the past year mm V The outstandlngr j accomplish ment bcrag the successful launch ing of the second linen mill r Salem. Then there was the! securing of the Marion county child health demonstration, which will show benefits throughout all the years. U V Si It has done a lot of other good things. It has kept Salem on the map by good publicity; fathered the "Trail 'em to Salem" cam paign; issued folders, a weekly bulletin; given out Information to all comers; sponsored community clubs; got sugar beet growing demonstrations; secured soil sur veys; helped get the Western Paper Converting company start ed; attended to street decorations during the state fair; headed the corn show and community exhibit, and done a lot ot other things every day ia the year, tor the good of Salem and surrounding country. s s v There are two suggestions for major activities fori this 1 year: First, a beet .sugar factory! Oet the right organizer, and this will bo easier than securing the second linen mill. Second, back a slogan campaign for walnuts or filberts on oyery farm with suitable soil. That would have far reaching re suits, lasting throughout tho ages. S S j 1 By tho way, the Salem Chamber of Coraraerco ' helped - in getting our first .linen mill launched, f - . A COMFOftTING THOUGHT j The veil! the yeiliab thin. SO I Twixt us and theei The mystic Tell, when shall , It 'tV - fall. , , .That wo nsy. K;T Not dead, not aieoplng. not even gone. .'"stilt. - . Rut present And waiting -for. i the coming H Of God's sweet Will. rIarriel' Ooochet Btowe. itowe.; W.T. Rigdcn Son Did Ypu Ever;Stpp TaThink? - Br . X. Wftlte, orUrr thaws, Okla Bosta of OoouacrM H. C. Spauldtng,' publisher of the Shawnee (Oklahoma) Morn ings News, says: , -V i That newspaper advertising is on thing that has not permanent ly Increased in cost since the war. That newspaper ' advertising rates hate, only beenv increased in' proportion to circulation in- creases. , That the newspaper itself has uot been cheapened with greater dale but has been strengthened and tnproved in all departments. ,That today -newspaper fadver tising is of greater importance to the retailer than good merchan dising, for without the customers the latter is of little avail.; That consistent advertisers pre senting rruthful messages telling of their merchandise come to have a character of inestimable, value in the holding of old and securing of new customers. That it would be better sense for a. merchant to lay off his chief clerk three days a week than to let his store go unadvertised for three consecutive days. . J That newspaper advertising is the most efficient salesman any merchant can employ, the percen tage of sales costs being far lees than any other method used to,at tract custoffiers. Advertising has long j since ceased to be a gamble, bringing sure results when seasonable and the quality and value of merchan dise is right. i Hood River $10,000 concrete building erecting at State and First streets. KEEN BLADES for Vel vei shaves t j One happy Khaver says, If I could not have a James Htropper I would not hare a Gillette Razor." 3, Gold Plated in Morocco Case, j Capital Drug Store '4'03 Mt.to Cor. Liberty REAL ESTATE 1690 North Cottage, Corner of Cqttagc; and Jefferson ' On Friday, January 8, Commencing at .1:30 p. ml'-1 v", -v'; 1 ''"l ConKiHting of one 0-roomeI f uUy modern house, t ul( cement ' basement, lot 00x120. Tlis house Is nearly new And well built and wUl be sold on very easy: terms. One block to. ear. line, three blocks to school; also tho furniture com prising: . i - . i- -" , I ' ' .Two bed springs, mattress, and dressers; 1 bed spring, and-mattress; commode; 1 oak library table. 4 drawers: 1 plush lounge: 1 sanitary couch;. 1 china cabinet; 2' plat- form rockers; 2 upholstered mahogany chairs; 2 f rocking chairs: 2 dining chairs; 6 kitchen chairs; cougoleum rugs; 1 standard sewing machine; 1 round extension- tabln; 1 kitchen tabic; 1 stand; lbook rack; 1 clock; lj heater. ' board and pipes; 1 kitchen stove and pipes; 1 largt kitchen combination cupboard; quantity of, dishes:- 50, feet: of gar ()A hose; 1 lawn mewrr; SO quarts of home canned fruit: empty fruit Jars; 4 cords of dry wood; garden toolaj 8 good' hens, laying - j- - : ! ' ' -'- - f! .v...v . Parties looking for a home should attend this-! sale a the proprietor is leaving for Canada. Tenhs'furniture cath. Terms of real estate made known on day of sale -prior to ' offerings. ; JOS. BECKKTT j II. K. WOODRV & SO.V Proprietor - is ..- Auctioneers ' 'V- ' T rHtbre 271 X.' Commercial. is: '- 1 .' ' :' .--v). . . v ...... .-f , -- - 1 ,City Property Salesman t ' Fdnn Property Salesman .Exchange Saleslrnan' '1 ' J vYjOU MUST IIAVK A CAU Opportunity for Advancement . We Have 3000 Exchange t; OUR OWN OFFICES IN ?1 PORTliANDND SALEM , Average salesmen develop into $500 a r month TOen "uiidcr our system 1 iVSeyMrA Gaskin personally,' Parker - Realty company, 408109 United States -r National Bank Bldfr- f .Commercial a t ' - State. Telephone 2242;rSaern,'Orcsch. Leads Trainmen in Campaign for Leadership of the jrail brothr- hoods held by the la j.e Warren S. ! Stone, awaits W. G. .ee (above), president of the Brotherhood of, Locomotive Tralnme, If he can bring success to the latest efforts! of the trainmen to obtain and in-, crease which will 4t them back on the wartime vag scale. Schaefe Herbal An economical and effective j .. : ' . if rough syrup made in Salem ind sold only by ! C GH AEFER'Q - DRCG STORE The Yclloir Front--Phonc 107, ' - . i 135 j?fortu. Commetrcial' Street -llT. rnsIarfelore'- :.: i jr. J v AND FURNITURE ' . ,i Cough Listings . - - f