The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1926, Page 14, Image 14

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,M" ' j ,.j,iU) '.- -i
- I,
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i :
TAX . IStlXCREASEll'- -,
i An additional & per cent of the
valuation i has; be' addadVto the
existing duty of '241 W" Vent1 on
automobiles by TJrtf gua'yr; ., ,
I I . I UI1M J Hill III
nation oju jno orcyc.lea part andl
accessor lea and other automotlbe
products .remains unchanged. . -'
it ij t
i. . . :v - 1! 1
A . huge ' drop-rorgft J hammer
weighing 140.000 Munds is used
Duty -of:3t per "cent, of tna val-to makela Chevrolet crankshafts
- it'
Ti 0 fri
1 l.v X II I
. i: -, i J'tn I
OMLa ..(Ui W ! LL JJm mJ j;. . .
-r nil - I u vi .jr--
- 1 1 -ii ii it. ii if, v rr ii w
fK the'ttarterjwon'tlstrt ypur car,
oring inn to us. ,we nave
' , . . . ,i .- , - i ' -
" - WKo can' f ix yourf car at reasonable
i. V 'I
V If ' 4 - -H"i -li
ft-:' ' . ' "'I' f
"A" and "B"
:v i Surprising! jr -j
LoW:-iTrices -
i t
If f - -" - --rr '
ji Electrical
Service y
on 19
if Different
if Makes of
.- t ii
3 mJ
; I irBatryIan Servicq'; H
238 NHigh ) Telephone 203
pn eien
i , in i i ill
Columbia; Plahtln Portland
; Expecf'to Set .New Rec-
.... ' .r: -
" PORTLANDS Jan. .2i--Plana to
make flV the greatest, year in
thiir -liistVryhayet;r beeff entered
ifftb tnthUsiastleaHylbir erery
member ! 6l the'Colambia Tire
Corporation's organfasation, and
already the terrifary forces are
ttaptiig the Hmerchandising
campaigns to? , tbeiru 'greatest
rolume of Ibusiness. M
Jrftj Cplmbial Tire Corpora
tlouvs big ttia'miacturing f . plant
here". nW:. n te irig Into.tbM third
yearof ' ; production, r fa already
eq nipped for .an enlarged prod uc
tiop cibacty : iand nthrough a
strong chain of wholesale and re
tail outlets, -.the com patvy yrlll eil
teiv the big : spring Belliag season
well equipped'Jo ' gain an even
stronger' hpld In the Pacific coast
: One 'cojnplete -'ergaiiikation in
northern California is being weld
ed oridr tb Lambert Sales Cor
poration," which has'lust been
named' distributor . for the rich
California territory. ' The South
ern California territory will be
tinder' a strong chain of retail tire
Stores thatils now being perfected.
R. A. Wurzburg, president' of
the company,- announced' -today
that '"the. company now' has' 700
dealers m khe Pacific coast alone,
1n addition to -distributing organ
izations ! in' the Chicago and St.
Louis territory " ;
e'eomp'any's- plant here, rep
rcHenting'an investment of nearly
a. halt milloa dolJars, is in a po
sition to build 750 tfres per day,
and' wh,eh the fact that ever tire
bulUfs hand, made" under modern
standards, the .production is look
edupos in the trade as represent-
iqg a largo .volume in' Quality pro
duction.. .! - . . . Jy .t';
'Thebigl' Columbia merchandis
ing :t Campaign isi being directed
personally j by - Wursburg with Al
fred A?Ay a, - vice ' president and
general pales manager; . L; W.
Wymap; ' treasurer v K. C. Mohr
hardt, secretary auditor;- J. P.
Cnllenpljint engineef , and It. IX.
Brown,- superiatehdent ' of tbe
plant, i It will ibec In full swing
when - the. Season opens- just after
the 'newVyear.- '. -2 ! .V.
A 62 'tont-press forms a Chev
rpi$t feoderijat Que, stroke . .
1 " ' . . J . ! Hil.i I. ' I ii I I ' HIT I II ii Ii I I ni iiLu .III ll II ....
4iiltiimc . are
.. 1 . . i .. i.
i Yqu ave .from !$3X0 it S 2w (dcpeodiog .upon -the size) when
fmi tyfy'alWeslernr Aulo" store's. '
In Tact of advanciW aarVeU, We Vre iible to maintain lowpnces, 1,
; large, uanUties and soki irect to the molorists.4 There are no '.ad
ditional profits to pay. ' h. -
You -an depenjjponUhe' quflity of "Western Auto tirei. Erery
tire must fully measure up to our high standards or quality. LVcry
tire carries" our libera! 'guarantee of satis? action. - -1
BilTt toendurr"1iard serricei wear-?wcll Cords are made to
tana up unuer xne most conaiwns. r.very siep in ui
. iiuu u unucr ftnv ni"ai ai.ium; vvnuiifiio. ijt vi j i
proces f building this -tire U made fith one view
to give long rvk,' - ' ;.f ' . I. ,
130x3 - fi-BB? ,,3.95; 32x4 .
30x3 yaS-".; 10.95
;2Qx32 .s&K!r .aa
3tx4.-, Sl'; 16.95
32x2 S
lr. Kid
fn mind-
s v ur i m . m
Extra Heavy Commercial Tyn
This etra "oVerlxe;Trrt duality tire M 'need on almost every typ
of 'commercial-ear in almost every tineff busln. i Wherever the
' "going 1 rough"-r-viierever.niilre andldependability are demanded
i you NviU, find Weatern , Giant; Cjords Aepvering satisfactory service.
Tasrtger -car own ere who ttfluirerlrei that can tuid extremely
rbard; aervice-alyo' Use Western ' Qlant rCords. jVhen you examine
. Priced exceedingly low lor.; tire rpf rhi? superior, quality. I-
2-xi " s. s. OerrsyririYS
32x4U S. S. Otenige.v; 32.75
32x4" : S. 0rmi2rt .$2465
33x3 a Oyernze:.... 14.8S
39x3y2 CL Re;. Size.. . . 12.85'
Other prices upon request.
; WESTJERN GIANT Full Balloons
Presur-.Tirea with High Pressure! wearing qualities. A
1 f r . i ' t
Ask for
i-i-V-An- ideal' "radio -for,' the home.
t " 't Ii i -M i-Nt vt!!'' Uiasivl! ry tiMrurantee or an
!,., . : . mfrrXal ' ntmatin of .known responsU
T-t - - ""-l.Jfer. enables you to 'try this set in'
' - 1 - t " ..'- . tyour ton - him u n der natural i
fS I gondii Id rts. ToU'and' your; lam-
'lilAjnWn''a ',,jr 3ude lM tone y. the J
'.'41 -. M . Vohimetahd Jhe selecttvitv.of th! I
- ' ;idea1 t. Western Air Patrol is i
built . to our epcHV:ationi aftil .
- soia airect to you.
cempleta Bthin.Is jto buy), af th extremely .2 I 1 1 J.I ' I
Monkey Girijpi ,
IKverv motorist 'should ' no rrv
Monkey X3rip,,rrepaJr kit" fn the
car.- turlnr.thls week wo offer
this- 'nationally.- known tube
-patch. at' reduced prices, r Outfit
consists-? -'a.' sheet of monkey
J-grip "tub- patch, bMiter id o-
ment. .Tor. this Vek only:
17. 'square
tncbrsUoinm.M.... Fi
V 72$
mm w j -
Salcni jtorV Corner Court and High Sls.' t 7
. . , .- i -i-w c rii . o . '
l.Th rkrft' meader; fsf. p3a6. ,
' tured tubes, float 1 wJuead
by f burnlfcjr A 'rca-ftaralAjf -ehewilcal
.utll' Outftt'.iaeladea ,
wieanirikriJ patciws and faaat
urtita. . FAotOry list f L50. : t
a eial thiar 1 ClflA'
Week j..r?,...r...i.'t,P
Famous St. Louis' .Grpde,
beckman Hill, s Conquer-.
ed by Stock Car "
Spence,wen-known automobile
writer on the staff of the St. Louis
Poet-Dispatch, was given a real
surprise by a motor car 'recently,
wjien a stock Cardneii; Six to'urtng
car driveu by R. , E. Lypes o.tbe
Gardner Motor company, and car
rying three additional passengers;
including Spene, and another
nek-spaper ' mabrv climbed r St.
Lobis' most voted test !grade-
beckman Hill in high gear. ,
Referring to his experience fn
a recent Sunday issue of the'Post-
Uispatch, Spence -wroter "Rain
had made the hill slippery-tt In
stretches and the pitches were
even meaner than usual. As the
Gardner; was carrying .four men,
it looked like Lydes was setting
it to an impossible task. But the
car never t .hesitated, - climbing
steadily a and surely over-in high
gear without knocking of labor
ing. It was a fine exhibition of
"The car rode as comfortably,
as many' a car of 125 or 130 inch
wheelbase. There was a noticeable
steadiness in its behavior at all
times, giving an impression of
firm, solid construction and
plenty of strength. Its 207 cubic
inch engine gives unusual power,
Its acceleration is very swift at
all speeds and it hangs on dog
gedly at slow speeds ou steep
"From a walking pace through
all the sped ranges up to 40, 45,
50 miles an hour-and faster It
ran kuietly and with an eagerness
to 1 go that was very attractive.
Incidentally, it may be remarked,
that it can do better than 60 miles
an hour when necessary. If It has
a "period of vibration," the writer
failed to detect it. It handled,
sweetly on the curves'. Its enclosed
mechanical 4-wheel brakes took
hold stoo6th1y and firmly, its long
springs, -each two inches wide;' its
full balloon tires and' the snub
bers f ront nd" rear added mater
ially to riding comfort. Altogether
Itlisa ear-worthy; of a. place la
any .man's -garage, and "one, that;
on ' city streets or country roads,''
will. Jiold its own with - cars that
cost much more money. ' :
- . , , ; , . ' ; ' '
.?"It is a hill climber par excel
lence, a fast-stepping tourer; "a
chariot of ease over- the ' bumps
and always comfortable,' eveti In
the rear seat, as two of the writ
er's ebmpaDions remarked - time
and !again with accents of pleased
surprise. v .' " ' ' . r
... ,
Motoring World to Be Starts
- ed, Advance Publicity
"From Factory Says
. I I II i iii
A ;njjw vKix-cylinder -4XLr which,
because of a preliminary . an
noQisBement several weeks ago will
be the object of attention" " from
thousands all over the west, is
scheduled for announcement this
; This new car of which its deal
ers say it will be the forerunner
of-new low-price schedule fn six
cylinder motor car production. Is
being awaited with eager interest..
Requesting that the name ol
the par be withheld until the ac
tual announcement, the local deal
er for this car is making prepara
tions to show it to hundreds of
motorists. He would not discuss
details or tho new creation, al
though lie had ridden 111 ;ml
driven the car already, and that
it Would set a new value basis in
the six-cylinder, low price also
both mechanically and iu (appear
ance. "I know that details aro want
ed," he said. "However, nothing I
can say will exactly satisfy the
curious, and we prefer to make
ah announcement of the new car
and extend an invitation to see it,
inspect it, and ride in it when the
cars are actually here.
'"This new car has been the
Subject of discussion for several
months in tho auto trades, when
news first leaked oul in manufac
turing circles that it whs being
built. Then came the newt- that
it would be a six-cylinder car, and
that its price would be extremely
low. I am sure I could say nothing
but what would detract from the
cars themselves. 1 do know, how-
. jt -?. i -i?'' '" ' i. r
Four. Buyers' Waiting for
' Every. Six.Produced, Fac
tory Heads Declare
Serenty-flve . hundred Hupmo
bile'Sixes delivered to owners and
four buyers waiting for eyery car
It can build is announced by the
Hupp Motor Car corporation as
the result of its first two months'
operations .following the appear
ance of, that car.
"Demands of oar distributors
ever, that motorists who see and
ride .in them will see the new
standard of values those ears will
set. - -
"We expect the announcement
to bring in thousands to see the
new -cars, 'and we know that they
are revolutionary enough to war
rant every bit of the interest that
has been displayed in them up to
tho present time. They set a new
standard for manufacturers to
sh9t at." j - ' ;
" 't ' I. r" f: ' -TT.' k.-? JT 5' . -fr t-.s : ,
and; dealers for cars Hare attained
such larg$ .proportions-- that
haveot only been .compelled to
operate at capacity, but hare l)een
forced to .' fn crease ; our former I
plant' facilities more than 50 .-per
cent) In our ndeaTor .keep
abreast of the market this car -has
created," jiaya -O. 3. Huterhlnsoa,
Hupmobtlo general saleSvHiabag
er. f'RJght now, in the mlddle;of
the winter, we are faced with
demand that Is larger than jye can
meet. Katurally, we are movlag
toward that SO per -cent. Increase
in capacity as rapidly -as possible,
so that the considerably larger
list of buyers who -will place their j
orders for spring delirer ymi not
be disappointed.:
j "The continued . growth In de
mand both for this car and our
Eight makes it appear that Hup-
mobile is going to continue to n-l
joy one of those ,old faabionea
but eenutne shortages 'of' carsl
about which w hare Mard -po
much. Our ix cyifpder capacity
today . is .greater even-? hat our
total capacity of a year ago. . But
It is insufficient, nevertheless.
! "It evidently isn't any -one sin
gle feature of the Six that make
people want to own it. V Rather,
it Is a combination of features. .It
is really an all around car,, com
bining performance, appearance,
ability to stay, out -of service Sta
tions,, high gasoline mile age, fine
r.j i
and- -tho- other
luAdamentalsoXiaotor; car j de
sign whiclv after all. arw'ths (but
itandinr Qualities that automobile
ownerwantiJrxomjtne dejnand
ihat haVHsea,,;i would appear
that iUu'Olrpersalread Hare
already ;pread ..anl: excepttionilly
rood words tnong: their; friends
concerning .the ar"-; -
YEventhe? fajrV bfr, and ; tUer
rdvoff countrieiiaret becoming
motorized. ..---ts , '..-
San ; pb.niAgq Ciy, VpojnJncan
Republic, uses buses -for the trans
portation 5.of -pupil to And from
its public schools.' A: fleet of Chev
rolet bbSes- are operated by the
city far tms jmrpose. ' ; - f
v , . toed e ;M
-What MorebGouldi
Ydu Ask?
JLon : 91ile-ise;n4
Perfict NorvSkid
s f "sr " ' ' " i
i y V -1
i .
f 4
Smai &iJdnl :i
V Snappy Service '
i" ' ' . - . . " ' . i. . ' O I
JDodge Brothers, Inc., are able to mafee .tremen
dous reduction in prices because they are
practically doubling production.
They believe in passing on to the buyer; the .ftill
benefit of! savings effected
better facilities.
- i
through atM anrl
The xompietion of a $10,000,000 expansion prp
graip puts them in a 1 Setter position than eyeir
before to meet, the enormous demand for a . prod
uct that was always exceptionally good "and is
now better than ever. ' I ! !
- ;
New-cSiJto be announceld ;iJariuafy7h; apply
on all piuhaicis since Jmidnight De
You can tJberef ore buy today, enjoy the immediate
use of your : dar, and still benefit fiilly by the
. '"V I " ."
sweeping reductions.
X . .... . N A'"C J ;
... . , ...
. .... .... .
If -W
- : ; 474 South Commercial Telephone 423 1 ;. "v -
"f ' 7' S C' "r V"!n' ''111" vr - y ' . J : v - ; f
: .-3 -