The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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TaTlor, Jaek j Vinson. Harold Maoy are aouapaiuiB.i '
Alumford. and Vernon , Taylor. on Tnuriiuay. January
- - ' I Prof. N II. Zane'fl new c!aasa In
Dr. and MrX.Wchrs ; ' j University" of OrpRon .extenfilon
.Tir nd Mrj. CeorKe-IuVhrLww: yibaz are bins made ,lo
entertained on 3Iew. Year even-devote one. hour to --block print
' : ie. , jjr8".rg4'Roterti-bo-wiurtaln the members or the Salem branch of the Ore
- . i t . .in j v oven I nc a r
n . nr . Ava" a ovj-um. 1 1 I 1 1 till B ucom j v u n
her;thnme on North Snnmer street where
K . , -rrmtru take Lolace from, tinie to time. Mrs. Roberts is chairman of the music
remittee qt the Salenv miT8,cJub.for the jeason of 192S-26, and is ja members of the State Fe
eration tommUtee as - '"''vandiroTt. reside it of the Ladies' Aid 'society of the First Meftodisi
ri pvZXx twlAliv active inlchnrch circles, Mrs Vandevort Vaa Recently In charge of a large
bqep.ien cklnmvaworrattra child
Howard is two and one-half and
. r
Uii ofMr. nd:Mrs. Louis :Angly6odwrtIWf 38 1:Bellevue street
"jeTrightP Shirleyjjim-OP-the harminS ,itt,a daughier Irmd Mrs. Hollis Hunting
tori. LittleV Miss Hnnllngton ts tnree ana ont-tiaij. -w -
; ' : . vilyimind's not driCroom storiit many,
l - " A irouse of windowa.thajt.o'erlookifar gardens, -j
r, v'The hrfnfirfirff'ga.nliift.' more,JBapylons-.
4 i Than there are bees in linden -treerin June. -
"l'm the kinsr-nrisoner-iilvkis capital, . . '
Ruling: strange peoples. fo.rcworjd unknown, j.
Yet? there come envoys from the- untraveled lands
That fill mv corridors Hth miracles -
v . s ttwere tribute, secretely, by night;
7 And. I wake in the dawri like Solomon,
' : To litatt at-'peacocksarUs wad jvory, ' J
. -' And al closejd dobri J t '
'c '- .v ; ; ; --CLMENE JANE: Will Shakespeare
Tihi. Robertson -Sfr dining room was particu-
nAZ: Mr Hurahardtat Tea arly lovely, with a gorgeoaa, oia.
i One of the outstanding social
affairs opening the new year took
place yesterday- afternoon at the
Robertson home fat 909 Center
' street when; Miss! Mabel Robert
son entertained- at tea. honoring
; MrW,Hj Iiurghardt w;hon
turned in recent - weeks ftjont ' an
extremely interesting trip abroad.
One hundred cards were issued for
the event, with a large throng of
prominent guests calling between
the houwroS'4 and t. .
- The housi was lovely through1!
out with festive decoration a
.llrdy in silvier and green. fSIIver
ed cedar; boagbs were usedJn fes
toon over the mantel andpprays
of the same jrreen filled jpdttery
-vases here ad there." -Green, can-
dlett In a brass candelabra; and in
individual brass holders ornament
, ; d th rooins. : 7n ;ne corner of
, the r.ception room a low,? spang
Jed Christmas tree stood.
g i 4
. f Mon.lay 'i ,- ; . ;, i
.Miss Nina McN'ary Ribfo class.
"VWt'A. 6:3 o'clock. ' -1 ': "3
' " staimaTdt'Iery6cietyrei
cruiting V meeting. V M"- Ji. FV
street. - 4
white silk shawl used in lien of
linen -on the tea table. A tiny
silvered" Christmas tree centered
the table ' guarded by tall green
tapers J silver holders.
"IMiss Nancy Thlelsen, one of the
moat attractive members! of the,
jyottngeT: set greeted tbe guests at
the door, j Miss Robertson was assisted-in
the living room by Mrs.
Alice H. Dodd, Miss Edna L. Sterl
ing of Seattle. Mrs. U. G. Shipley,
Mrs. C. H. Robertson, and! Mrs.
P.Shucking. i ,
y puring . the- first hour.i Mrs.
jiefcyY6ung of Albany and Miss
Maiel Withycombe of. Portland
presided at the urns. At the sec
ond hour those pouring were Mrs.
Fr n."Thilsen and Mrs. . Paul B.
Wallace. f 'Assisting in i th4' din
ing: room " during th'o afternoon
were: Mffc Laurence Hofer of San
FranclHcor;Mrs. W. II. Lytlei Mrs.
R. M. Myeri Miss ; Margaret Stol-s,
and Mi; Kngcnia Zeiber,
Mix. Cosper Attends
Miss Margaret Cosper, principal
of the Garffeld school, was among
";' "n ,nto:rt&f-
Shanks, '195 S.fGottage
Writers'' cfah. fr"andjMrs. F.
G. Fraa k linTl 35 5reFFy street."
SalemfbrancB TpoOhe ; Oregon
StarV MasicrTeaehers association.
' Prof, and Mrs.T SL Roberta hostaj
. - Wednetsday - r'V';
RtorTfying section. -Mrs." Ivan
, JkMlin ger leader; ; Court j apartj
Veterans jof Foreign Wars aux-
1 1 1 ary :LM rat.. Carle Ab rams, 4465
Cbemeketa j f treet, ' hostess 2. 30
o'clock. j I. j--j;.ir :
: "-;C-v Thorsday ' ' .' . V
:- ProtC-K. ti. Zane's clasfc Citr
library. Block printing, i Home
decoration. ' - , --- " t - ,1
' Saturday . ! ',
Salem Woman's club.1 Club
; Ijousc, 2:30 o'clock. , j
poseJ' Refreshments followed at a
late hour. '
A 4 grand, march,., with Colonel
Carle Abrams." as 1925 and Miss
Moores, as, 1926, leading closed
the old year. - "
- - . ,r
On FvrUHigh From Ship
. Theodore U. Rhodes is spend
ing a fortnight with relatives and
friends of Hayesvllle before re
turning to hi ship. New Mexico,
now stationed .at San "Pedro, Cal.
Mr. Rhodes., whose travels the
pa8tf;year have taken bim to the
Far. Kast, expects to be called to
Panama in the . near - future.
"Nothing' like Uncle Sam's navy,"
according to this stalwart young
man' version. j.
Mrst Meyers is Hostess
At Attractive Luncheon
One of the j loveliest luncheons
of the closing holiday season was
an event of yesterday when Mrs.
Henry W. Meyers entertained
complimenting Misc Edna L. Sterl
ing of Seattle and Mrs. Paul B.
Wallace. " The event was both a
farewell for MIss - Sterling, who
leaves this afternoou ' for Seattle
and ja compliment for Mrs. Wal
laceion the occasion of her birth
day.j '.. j v r ; '.'
The luncheon; table was cen
tered with an attractive decorative
Piece of wild grape, pussy willow,
white narcissi, peacock . feathers,
and barberry, with glowing red
tapors In silver holders enhancing
tne errect. .v i :
Covers at the 1 o'clock luncheon
were 'placed for Mrs., Paul XI.
wai-ace. Miss Edna U Sterling.
Mrs.t Charles A i Park. Mrs. L. II.
McMahan. Miss Margaret Copper,
juwf Aiarie Churchill. Miss Mabel
Robertson and t the hostess, Mrs.
tienry w, Meyers- - .
Ing with a delightful dinner dance.
A delicious four-course; dinner
was served at 7 1 o'clock. Red car
nations centered the table while
red randies were -used in silver
holders.1 Vivid poinsettias were
ntiraetive about the rooms where
dancing, was enjoyed. , .
Five couples made up the party
which included! Mr. and Sirs. Carl
Webb. Mr. and Mrs. T. It. C.allo-
way, Mr., and Mrs. Frank Myers.
Mr. and Airs. I. S. Geer, and the
hosts, Dr. and Mrs. George R.
Vehrs. . ! .
Miss Church Is Guest '
. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zinn en
tertained as their' house guest dur
"ng the holiday week Miss : .Gail
Church of Portland.. Miss Church
Is a n!ec of Mrs. Zinn.
! " i :!-..- f.
Which Parly and House
War win ft at Utile Howie
'The new home of Mr; and5 Mrs.
Albert Gflle at 1252 Center street
was the- scene ion Thursday eve
ning of an attractive
and house-warming, the affair be
ing a surprise for Mr. and 'Mrs.
: Albert Gille who wero at once
hosts and honor guests. The eve
ning was spent with music and
dancing. A delicious supper was
served , at midnight, with green
candles featuring on the tables.
The guest group Included Mr,
and Mrs. John Lau. Mr. and Mrs.
K. I.-Doan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Harms, Mr. and Mrs.. Richard
Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Zinn, and tbe hosts. Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Gille. j
Guests at Elliott Home
Mr. and Mrs F. ; A,, .j Elliott en
tertained as their guests on New
Price and Mr. and Mrs.iO'. L." Prtce
Year's day Mr. and Mrs. D. T.
all of Portland.
Two Weddings at
Rev. and Mrs. R. I,. Putnam
each performed a wedding cere
mony on the cloning days of the
past yar. On Wednesday. De
cember SO, Mrt. Putnam perform
ed the ceremony which united in
marriago Mrs. O. Loney and Mr.
William 11. MeClure. The service
ra read in the office of W. A.
Lis ton. (
On the following day, Thurs
day December 31, Rev. Mr. Put
nam united in marriage Mary
White and J. R. Kennedy. The
service was read at 5:30 o'clock
in the afternoon at the Court
Street Christian church parsonage.
The only attendants were Mr. and
Mrsf. W. It. Kennedy, the son and
daughter-in-law of the groom.-
Both couples are of Salem.
Visitor From Seattle.. -.r
Mrs.- Rena Cummings of. Seat
tle, where she is a teacher In the
city schools., baa been the house
guest during the holidays of Mr.
and Mrs. J." M. Devers. - . .
j . . .
Standard Hearers ,
The Standard Bearers' society
of ihe First Method'tsilchiifch1 will
hold a recruiting meeting on Jloa
day evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. II. V. Shanks, at 195r
South Cottage street Assisting
hostesses will" be Dorothy Hooger
hyde, Lorraine' Robbijns, Bern ice
Williams, Viola Croier. Evelyn
Hartung will be In charge of the
Guests in ' Eugene : "
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Devers and
Mri and Mrs., C. B. McCullough
were guests on New Year's day of
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Oil more in Eu
ing and a second; hour to home
decoration. The classes are- held
under the sponsorship of . the Sa
lem Arts' league of which Dr.
Mary C. Rowland, Is the presi
dent. .
New Year's Dinner
at Mills Home
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills enter
tained -at 1 o'clock on New: Year's
day; with an attractive New.Y"ear's
dinner party at their home, 481'
North Vinter streot. with Mrs.
Waldo O. Mills an assisting hos
tess. Oregon grape, holly, and
pussy willows of the new year
'ere used with red candles in the
decorating scheme. The- chosen
colors were used in the ices
f Covers wero "placed, for Mr. and
Mrs. E. T. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs
! II. Baker. Mrs. F. W. Power.
Mihs 'Florence Power, ; Mr. and
Sirs. Waldo O. Mills and children.
Waldo Jr., and Mary Ellen. Mr.
J. O. Mark, and the hosts, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Mills.
On Christmas day, the Friday
preceding, Mr. -and -.Mrs. E; T.
Barnes and Mrs. Frank Power en
tertained with a holiday dinner
for the family group. ;
WIW. G, House Party 1 v
f. Tho World Wide Guild Girls
opened a three-day house-party on
Friday evening with a procession
al from the auditorium of ; the
church to the dining room, each
girl carrying a lighted candle, and
fiiBging- "Follow tbe Gleam." Af
ter the banquet La Vina Bulrgy
introduced- the Guild -baby.-Mrs.
H. S. GUe acted as toastm is tress
during the evening, with Lucille
Harlan responding. At 8 o'clock
the group re-assembled in : the
auditorium where the following
rrogram was given: Piano solo.
Hostile Watanabse; guild song; the
Slavic Thermometer, by Alma
Kenton and Helen Alexander; a
play. '"Fare, Please," and special
muplc. loiter tbe girl proceeded
to the home of Mrs. Gile where a
Illh.'e talk was Riven by .Mrs. Bry
ant". Yesterday the group went through
an enjoyable convention routine.
with duties, drills, devotions and
Tho program of the week-end
will close with a consecration and
farewell service at 2:30 o'clock
this afternoon.
Out-of-town guests for the
house-party included Mrs. Daniel
Bryant, Louise Hundernp, Henri
etta Karling, Dorothy Rowe and
Elinor Gray.
Novel Neiv Year's Party
A novel and unique New Year's
party was held at the borne of
Mrs.s Leona Johnson, January 1.
from C:30 to 8:00 p. m. Holiday
gaines were played featuring a
--i i
pea n u f fi untTva rlous conlefttsT w 1 1 n
prlJsea for the winners,' and a can
dy, treat with a Rouvenir for each
guest. ' -
! Misses MJiidI ftlusKer and- IorIs
Hart assisted tho hostess.
The guests Included Virgl i a
Wain. Ionard and h Randolph
Howe. Wildnwl Alison, Fayo Moore
Charlotte and Mary-:naldlnEeT
Bern ire Noak. , Paulino- Craven,
Ruby Pierce. Carl Wolz and CfJ--
aldlne. Thomas.,
Refurn t'r6mP6rltdnd
; Mis;JIenrletta Hlh.op and Miss
AlargareV MorehoufMi twill return
today f to m" Portland where they
hare-' been-; the houifHgtieRt.4 of
Miss iVeleri Lelsy. i t
r ' j ' .jfCoruiriuo pn 4)
i - i
Wm ail eiQ .I'S T
the most . prominent Salem educa
tors in ; attendance at the Gregonr Ncii" Year's Party
State Teachers convention .In aes-
sion In, Portland daring tho past
week,. ; i i idv., j,.-.;.:. i-"'.--
Particularly Jdellghtfur- among
All the-. watctt ' parties' :;f the
closing year- was that- whi&a took
plaae on Thursday evening at the
Woman's; Club house --when 35
members and guests of the .Salem
OAC club met .for the "bccaslon.
Theiaf f air as ,v cleverly, planned
automobile party, each guest mak
ing application for' his license
Identification at the entrance. .- A
series of varying stunts took place.
Among the outstanding features
of-the successful evening was the
costume ' erent with each guest
required to fashion himself an or
iginal costume out of a supply of
newspapers provided for tbe pur-
i - : . . if. ' r : -
The ' Jiome i of Mr. and i.M
Charles J. Lisle was the scene of
a delightful New Year's party on
Friday evening when s Mr.Vt" and
andj- jMra. Lisle entertained for
the pleasure , of ' their : daughter.
Miss f Esther Lisle, who is home
from j the Northwest Training
school in Seattle fr the holiday
season. The house was festive
With, honday greens - and eolers
appropriate for the season. En
tertaining games were played dur
ing the evening. After singing
college songs, the group took re
luctant leave.., .,,;i
In. the group werei Iiss Irene
Brelthaupt, Miss Dorothy Taylor,
Miss Gladys Taylor. Miss Eagenla
Savage Miss Edith Mickey, Miss
Ehtel Lehman. Miss Isabella Hus
ton, .Miss Esther Lisle, George
Baker, Gurnee FlesUer, Eldoa
Attend Poetry Meetina
A group from Salem in attend
ance, at the meeting of the North-
webt Poetry society on - Wednes
day, evening at the home of Mrs.
II. S. Wort man in Portland in
cluded Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Frank-
linj Miss Repska Swart, Miss Edna
Garfield and J. R. De Spain. Mrs
Franklin gave. greetings from Ed
win Mark ha pi during the . eve
ning, r : , . :'..;
1 v ' ' "' '
Hollvu'ood Social Club
The Ifollyvood Ladies'!, social
club met at (the home of Mrs
Charles Thomas on Wednesday af
ternoon with those, present rvJn
cluding Mrs. Victor La Due and
daugtiters Caroline and Maxine,
Mrs. John'Gunsley, Mrs"Alec.Mun"
son, Mrs. A. Rowland. Mrs.W- .W,
Fisher and daughter, .Mary Jean
Mrs.' O. Forgard, Mrs. Jake Klee-
man and daughter. Miss Florence,
and; the 'hostess,' Mra Charles
Thomas. ? ' Li
1 In addition, three visitors werrf
entertained during' the afternoon;
-'Mrs. Lloyd, Thdmaand daughf
ceri Dorothy, and Mrs.. W.
Thomas. At the refreshment
hour Mrs.' C. Thomas assisted
tho hostess in 'serving a delicious
luncheon.' The afternoon ' was
spent in conversation.' ,
t At' the next meeting of the club.
on January. 15, Mrs. La Due will
be the hostess.' ' T '
1 1
M'- in;
p mr a,TJ
tt -o 4r' theinsilves to wash a tubful
of clothes in fifteen aimutuifr'-:'
ji-. U' .-wTx r?ri' v thre to V seven v minutes! Wnere
other washeis-require two hours .to do -50 pooads.of dry
dothes,'the !Maytag-3s .throughiri One jguU J J ..
-arid;thenifi the : washer. does
not prove; thai you 'cannot afford
to face anWtHerlwashday with
"but" it return ;iTherei is;no
O i
jt the niost;eJnaent waic.K
principle ever developed. -
The Qyrafo am 'action is rot
nly' qweker, but more careful
and. so tboroutn tnat au ruowns
v Maytag Features
1 Washes faster.
2 Washes cleaner.
3 Largest hourly
capacity in the
- world.
4 Most compact
washer made
takes floor space
only 25 inches
. square. '
5 Cast aluminum
- tub can't
- warp, rot, swell,
split or corrode.
9 Reasons for - '-.
; - World Leadership
6 Easily adjusted .
xoyut height.
7 Clothes can be. .
put in or taker
out., with the.,'
washer' running.'1,
8 Tub cleans it--'
9 All- metal
wringer. Self
adjusting. .In
stant tension
:. vT. ,. I 1 I i i 1 1 I rt;' , - it ; .4 I I h i-j ; !
For homes without electric
ity, the MaytaiT GyrjJom
' i available with Gasoline,
.. Multi-Motor attachment, v.
Deferred Payments
you'll never miss
Gurafbam HVdshm
m f V sassi asraj a"-W paw w-w t.-w JT
169 South High Street?
! 'I
,- i
' sO
?'v.'i r ' ; ' 1 i "
On All Lines of Pumps, Oxfords and Slippers
t : ' ' F- ' - " - ..if '.-!
Women's Patent and Kid
, Pumps :
: Medio m and light weight soles for . AC
dress and street wear, while they last....v''0.
Women's Pumps in Patent,
Kid. Satin
All bcautifuh in style and quality. "Some of "these
numbers formerly sold up to $9.50 !C AC
While they last tDDe7D
Blue, Ecru; Old Rose and Black
' to close out, Special..'. l..1....;..:
Women's Satin House Slippers
Silk Hoce - -'-I
98 c
A splendid assortment of the leading V
. shades, every pair guaranteed.1
; Several Lines of Pumps r .
i t Values up to $9.00,; sizes and widths are A AC
: broken. While they last L..: .5.iD - (