The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 01, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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Giving to the Fact 11 on Farms in Oregon During the Past Season and the Generally Good Prices Received for Farm Products, 1 Was rk$
aiO'Rar.CejntJhcrease m Crops Would Not Be An Inflation For the Coming Year Statement of State Labor Commissioner, Dated Dmfcr 2 J5?5r
fclose Contact Between Producer and Consumers, With Increased Market Facilities Speak of New Day for Farmers Spring Wheat Acreage Witt No Ppubt E(e Invested NexVSeasoii
A (Continued from page $)-
not benefit rirow 'S tbe -5if enaction
of still more corn, which will
mean more cows, more hogs and
more livestock , in general, - and
therefore a' better ''nanceto'
keep up and improve the fertility
of the land devoted to tree' and
bush fruits and all other product
$r the soil.-.
...The Salem district grows the
best celery in the world; tEIuge'he
celery in -1921 took second prize
at the national celery contest;
and Prof. Bouquet ot the Oregon,
Agricultural 6ttegays tfee tre
gon exhibitors gained a greater
victory than the .taking ot the
first prize in national
conteiC at thdlahhpolia "by 'a
Troutdale, Oregm- tnaa and It
Was Taken with 'celery 'thai was
grown by a man who was a celery
grower before-coming tar Oregon
in the fairftfU KaUmaiboV SlIfE
igan, district.
The Labish Meadow's district,
last north of Salem produces as
good celery as that grown at Eu-
The Spinach Industry
j - A"better quality $t spinach can
to proauaeanpre. xnan eisewnere,
best in the
At : the "Louisville national con
vention eof market gardeners, Ore
gon "took' first second and third
prizes on celery, and an Oregon
boy won the - contest as junior
gardener, againet ail comers in the
United States.
in the dietary as milk; and every
up to date man and woman now
knows that a virile race cannot
be sustained without milk,- nor
healthy !childrenv raised,- nor old
people lpt iu proper condition.
One of the greatest arguments
in favor of spinach growing com
mercially in the Salem district is
the fact that the spring crop fur
.- f
y ,t !
gene or Troutdal
""Produces the
wcrld- - ' . -
tProduces about 300 to 400 car
loads a year- ' "
. i-There "mro-thousands of acres"F
of good cfclery larrff-Mn 'til tTii-"
i :So there is a possibility of a
S 5,000,000 annual crop; or . a
tlia.OOOjOOror ftoriiP f
Ifrbe-,worI4 Is the market; al
most it is the marftetrtwill be,
for: the celery rrhridi the
fields, ,wlth the-ffflpro?ment of
Eliipping facIlitlea5Trbt"S de
hydrated celery therfefc" tip' limit
nder the shinlnV ehn 3 : r
' .fThe pioneering :Wk been done.
The proofs are atr-bartd.-ft Is bo
wleg done. 0nr celeryIa'ferdmg to
c all iparta tB.t?ntteiSfate8.
i4pujrgro'wera "can kr dtlce xtolor?
" and mature &ttMtiJtf cfob on
?wide araa-ftqvfiVltit 'tHmore
UnportaaU-thecaif. pVodVP cel
ni ; of ,the4esVqajay -it the
- -United States;, which means the
ieat in the world. -
. jThey can beat even; Kalamazoo
on icelery. Thy nisw selling thei?
-best at 1 a.tfate against Calif or
ta's bet-celafy.
1 m
s f Tlie Potato Industry
The Salem ; district leads Ore-;
gon in potato growing. Our
growers should pay less attention
to the thousands of possible new
varieties. They should confine;
their growingl to Burbank, Gold
Coin and Peerless for late, and
Early Rose and Earliest of All for
early varieties. And they should
L attend to seed certification. Wash
ington. California and some other
nearby states cannot -grow--their-own
seed Block. Oregon 'growefsj
can double their income byrgfow4
tag seed lot - these states. "With!
good -seed and proper- -cultivation
.grading and $aklttg our gt6vtTB(
can ompete. with- amy :mftPket tnt
the United. tatei-' Inafaet, we
may lead) the iw'orld in the' potato!
laduatry. I Ti.i ' ;. -m-'f
rU"'?; ' " RED RASPBERRIES k - ' f
This is a t-pical patch. Many' 'similar tllustrationpr could-hf Jur
nlfihed"by growers tn the Salem territory.
and Salem, is due to become the
Hrorki' enter 'xjf ' a kreat- ispinaoh
'tnaostry?.' 1 . iizr&
othe iron in it, and for the
yiCaftlnsfi and'-other requisf te to,
dietary NBhemes pinach?lBcoia
lngintdiartfrr" andJmor'e general
use 'hpt-' falt la 4he hospitals ou
also Irf 'the bomes of- thi country;
of- the wholiS EWorld. Our sptltach
has'arflhie- rfc' much "iro as
carrots. t ;
"jfn6ro is no , question whatever
of-Th supplying - here. ' hjr' t--ni
growers--bT ,all the spinach that
fkTmanufacttarefra f and 'backers
rviadjciitfoj. it. .it yTpna
of our best crops, taking Into ac
count that it may be followed by
another profitable! vegetable crop,
or even a ChlrSroif the same land
the . same year. ' v ' "
Spinach Is nearly as important
nishes a cash return early iu. the,
season when? mdttey tatteeded tor?
te cuflVatfofffi6irop4
And. t h'e jme H hdds
rnaterlally to tbe'net returnB 4x0at
any given bumbevfof tfcref tf .land
under cultU'jstlon.- i-T;;t i :A :
The Onion Industry
Salem 4ls hcf Wrfrktrtrnd mann
ufacturing center n6f a gteat "tra'fou
indttstfrf ihf world doii irot'grow
better onions." " Oti oureiaverdatn
lands, 400 -and ;tnore sacks;-! lilO
pounds 'to the' sack pe3 acre, . can
be raised. crThe i martet' pr - ten
years has averaged $1.75 a sack.
A net profit of $100 an acre and
upward can be made. We grdw
the onion sets here for practically
the whole region west of 'the
Rocky 'mountains.
Bee Keeping j
Salem is-thbTieenier; of a poten-;
, i ... i. . ' i i mil , "iff ., t II i til r . if
tially great bee keeping industry.
Average -yields of "the Wfllamette
valley will exceed' those of any
known region excepting southern
Oregon. This can be made a-veritable
bee paradise; by. providing
bee pasture for the late summer,
which ' can be done, by raising
more sweet clover,' and seatteririg
more Scotch broom . every where.
Every farmer here ought to have
bees; every orchard ist must have
bees, to be sure of proper poUina
ttt& And' tbtfre wiir i ig'modey
IV bees'; fotf themselves alone,
wheft' felentf of fate" "bee fpast hre is
'prbviaedl The - early" te pafct U r e
AablAAlairVnowYVto bttefn'ie
woridi'1- :
- - t
'-;. ...
Our, Booming -Poultry Industiiy
tricT in1 the world"' fheM first 300
gg ben 'In the" Hvorld rwas : pfodnc
"'oBtinhea' oh' tfige'lY1
SherWinAVilliams Paint
Lead and Oil
tillers' Hardre
ift and Buildmg Paper
We hantlle "EveVhing; in Builders laterials."
Ca1f'anmsrcf dur stock. ' .
Service lis one" of our main aims
jrvitcr ijv o::t , !. .:1HIU uu -
AH our lumber comes from our own mills at
Valsetz, Oregon. The very best of both high .and
low grade. : ' ' 5 '
.Gobhs &
Mitchell Cp.
EtSAY, Manager
M9 S. 12th Street
Phone 813 and we will call and see you.
ijicmt-.H! as wr? Wiiw wcniLBMiiEiNW i W! ffli 'lis ' iiin:n B;riHiLiiii.:ii!:ira uiflii wwis ai-us w v,mwi iiEiinua ciRiaaiiniiBfliiaiimiifiiiajmi.)
3 3
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)rn;:i . mmtmit m-mmm an wt . I m iiniii nw;ij w.' wiintu tsejurni tw'i.-t.uiu
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; ;) wni;' mi ia:iiuiii.iiaiMroMVi ax an muaumj.xi'MH ani:i.(susr-ar!i.i:iS4a'
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miWtfmmMMW jTOW MPes to meet thencreingwns
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$ .Safe Inve&tiTent
fGood Dividends
One of the trongesit institutions in the State.
One of the most; rapidly-growing Industrial
establishments irf the'NbrtKwest.
One of the most progressive public service utili
ties in the country.
. . It Is-mMern-r-it'is permanent it is stable, and
,jt Is engagfed-iri an ess'ential business. - ':
ft is a Home industry, where you can watch
your money growls" it helps us build up still 'rreat
''E5SK"te'COIraes we Serve
. , -', - -
Alt is to your personal interest right now to in
vestigate -this firstclass investment opportunity.
A this company devejopa and expandsr so will
your investment 'increase in stability; its safety is
. beyond question. v
Ask yourself where you can find-a better, afer
and more attractive Investment for your money
than to put it into Oregon's Greatest Public Utility
and be sure of getting this high rate of interest.
Why You Should
lis Stock
We Pay Dividends Monthly
Qr Quarterly, As You Prefer
We urge you now to investigate our Easy Pay
ment Plan under which you receive 7 interest on
your payments until you own the stock.
Shares $ 1 00 each, cash or on easy
Terms; 10 down anjl 10 monthly
Every dollar you invest in First Preferred. Shares of this
Company helps to increase the Titrosperity of Oregon. '
The money you invest is safe because it is employed in the
expansion of a great, rapidly growing and well-managed-business.
" -
The total assets of this company approximate $80,000,000,
and the gross earnings last year were nearly $1I;000,006
We .are serving over 50 communities with a total population
of nearly 400,000. ;
Because of the greatly diversified character of our business
this investment enjoys unusiial stability. A A
. We invite you today to become a profit-sharing partner in
this great industry by subscribing for tne or more Stares of
our First Preferred Stocjc to yield 1.2', . i 1 ' :
Dividends paid monthly or quarterly, whichever you desire.
Under our Easy-Payment Plan, you earn T,', interest on all
money paid in till the shares are yours. - Then come the regu
lar dividends of 7.20 . 54
1 i-Our biisiness is firmly established,
we'll managed and "permanent; '
2 It i.i Supervised by Federal and
State Commissions.. ' A
3 Your savings will bo safe.
, -A ' i
4 rYour income , will Bfc k regular and .
dependable. . " .
5 pividends - paijl by check first of
P eateK "ThontH "oV quarterly as you
prefer. ! - -
6 Exempt frpm- State Personal Pro-
e'- ;pTfy.Tax.N ' Av. ',-.- -! -
7 -Diyidends. ; exempt - from Normal .
'Federal Income Ta:A v A ,
8 Price $100, to yield 7.20. j
! 7.20 on your money in Oregon's,
preatsjt PubHc UptC
1 1
i ' t '
At v t,
-:.m .fc 'Mil. . .1 ' "rf 1 .-
I )
I. A