THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM,- OREGON : FRIDAY MORN1NG7 JANUARY 1, 1926 'w. IS in Salem Pop S . ExcfPtional Articles Written by Young People 'Stress Desirability of Perrnanent Residence' m ThisSection Strong Chamber of Commerce Aids Materially 'in Promoting' Fundamental t Business and Industrial Interests-Assistance to Directors of Oregon' Linen Mills, Inc. First' All American Owned Plant in the Nation, Marks High Point of Accomplishments During 1 925 rrtTrr , - uus occuon, juoacn ucmana, iecessnaung i nira cam on new oetuers oeeiCMnrormation Laiiv V-namber urnciais Active. IT1HE nam of our city Is Salexn.l thousand. "Most of the people are t JLi located.,, on ihe. Willamette river, in the northwestern Jart of Oregon. It is one I undred ' inllefl by road. Blxty miles by air . to the coat. 1 " - ? ; f . . Salem la the capital of Oregon. -All . of the state's business is transacted here. ' Such as the leg- islature. "stiprenie 'court'' ftjnd I nu merous others. - -j i The climate is mild. Abundance of rain in the winter months, and The land Is J ( . .Tery delightful summers. . oil ia cultivated.' antl the gently foiling. The vcenery of Salem (9 is very beautiful. Mt.? Hood. Mt.i Jefler e seen le city. 'eon and Mt. Adams, tan from many locations of United States citizens. ' ."We have a" good water system, which furnishes enough -water to protect our homes with the aid of our large -fire company, .r ' . We hare police protection all over: our, city. ; Taking all of theso in consid eration this is why I iiXe to live in SalemL?''; - 5 .. . ! S ..There aro several reasons why I like to live in Salem. First is ;' Us location in the Willamette t Valley which is sur rounded with beautiful scenery. The mountains of the" Cascade range are in plain sight along which are. several : high peaks as Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson and the years th climate have been! In v Salem four I like to live here because is . pleasant, It is neither too hot in the summer nor too jcold in the-wfnter; ' The roads are good ' in - Salem audj tho surrounding country One .If-" ! cahdTire' a car the whole year, round! 1 can go to the coast in a short time. . ;!-':y.. . ri --fV ; Ijiam glad I -have Bach a good school to go to. and such a nice teacher. j ; There is a" good college ' to. which; I hope I 'can go when i'ani! old enough. - , . , I Iika to lire here because there is a good library where-1 can, go, amlj, get good-books when I wish. j en joy the band concerts thai SALEIV? CHAMBER" OF COMMERCE SETS RECORD WITH ACTIVITY Aid in listablisling Oregon 14urn Mills, Inc.. OutftaiMlin;; Acrom- , I. plJshuicnt; 700 lctliijr Arc UcM. f f - ' -- ' -;" ' ' : i . . r . 1 I 1 DETAIL MAP OF SALEM, OREGON ; , 1 fTflAaqajiipodJaigaiiiiiBoniiiD L , , ..." : ; o:rec;on..;: Wl pffl MWV MA ' Material assistance in establishing jthe new Orrston l.inon Mills, Inc.; in Salem has beet) the outstanding accomplishment of the Salem chamber of comtutrredarfnr te. past, year. ' 1 It was largely through the' efforts! of thi chamber ,more than -36t .000 rworth of stock' wa sntTilMd to by ryfdMits of Salem Ticinitics. , Ip additioii to this considerable stock was sold in .lortland.ii Vi'-' t ; :.i?v-l;- - i - . Issuing, of tliO-third editJbn of tbc "Come to Oropioa' pamph let. consider,ed by many to Je? the best pamphlet on tho Willamette Valley, fwas another accomplishment " of; lh chaHrber during the Jea'rt f "So great' has cbme .Che'demami fr this pam phlof' through the a5t that the charaher could easily unload them,-it is said, as fast as they could 1h printmd.i , The chamber of commerce is the center of information for all the tourists and trarelers. coming through Saleai. Issuing of pamphlets and maps and information of scenic stopping places has been a prominent, task of the' chamber. Another phase of champer work to 1 reach lare proportions during the year was the answering of questions from people from pjracUcaJUyi erery,r part of s: the -vljnitedj States about conditiopsof farming tn the Willamette Valley. i 5 t " During the year between Fix and" Seven' hundred meetings, civic and committee, hare been beld" in the rooms of the chamber of commerce. The chamber's rooms are, the only ones in" the city available for the meetings f civic clubs. Salem Business and Wofessionaj , Women's club has been as sisted by the chainber which; iallowed. theclub the use of the audi torium twice a month for meetings until it has a hall of its own. Building up of the Marion County Community Federation was, another task in which theihawbe'helped. There are now over thirty communities in Marion -cOnuty in the organization. ing plowed with a tractor, fol lowed by a subsoil plow, prepara tory to planting forty acres in orchard and small fruits, i During the past 'season $4,856 worth of potatoes, flax, beans, corn, grain and hay were produc ed on the farm. Two bodies of fir-timber, lone on The south line' bat k of the building-site, the other on ;hs east end of 'the farm, add much to tho beauty . -of , the location, of fir are gr'at num1efs of cedar1 trees which add to the attractive ness and beauty of i he place. 4 When completed, ar; paved rad way will extend frbnT thePaciAc highway o the main enifathce of the administration '- building -nd j back around' the quadrangle in ' - - ' 1 from the -unhappy .congregate plan 'of the old plant. front of the cottages. An elab orate scheme of landscaping with ornamentals and trees has been provided by Professor Peck of O. A. C. . It is hoped that the new Insti tution will l? accorded a kindly place in thej estimation and hearts of the plendid peoples of this commonwealth, to the end that i tion of. Will Uawrenco. the: boys committed to i,ts care for their W'-U.;re and training may be, rcrciveJ back again with kihdlinesi and a fair chance to continue in: well-doing; to many of them th institution garetbe first chance they ever had to be gin" to "make good." A much larger measure of moral reform may be expected from the new institution than has been possible i stay' is ii:.ii:i PHOENIX. Arls.V I)c.- SO (Py Associated Press!.. T he statu board of pardons and paroles to day declined to take any action oh the petition-for a stay of ex?cu- MuskoKee. Okla,, - man I, condemned to bans. January 6 for I he. slaying of Ilazo llurch. Phbcnlx policeman. VOUTIiAXtrTl-IAM IASKH- POUTI.A.KI,'t,;lec. 3V.!--The Kd iii on ton ice : hockey team defeated the Portland Bosebuds iu a fat game hero tonight by a score of to 2. Among these are the state STfc''ani ""grounds, tiiet'safe1' are held in the Wilteon parkrtwicQ" a week In the summertime v 5 , There are many places -of Jnler-v. est in and aroundSalenji thaX like- to see, and take ray friends to see when they cme-jtoivWit ime hospital house and penitentiary and ; their grounds, the pheasants, in a cag;e nea r .the jpeuUent ia ry , , ,t he blind .school, the deaf school, and the tuberculosis hospital. j I like to live in Salem! because the state fair is held hero every year and it is both entertaining and 'helpful. 1 like toiive In Salem so well that I know I possibly couldn't get it all in 250 words. j I hope I may live in Salem un- Continued on page 6. ) i State Industrial " ill School at Woodburn :(Contiued "from .'page 4.) and i completeness to the. attrac tive , features found in the other buiMlngs of ,th,e plant. s f 'Thei "boys have yet to, provide the; buildings for the swine and; poultry, 'and a loafing shed for the 44by herd. . This , lastt will, be builf "from" the material obtained when the old farm house and barn that have stood by the high way on the west end of the farm for a half-century have been raz ed. The farm consists of two hun dred and seventy-three acres of good lavnd. A strong force of boys is engaged in ditching and lay ing tile through the undrained portions. Suitable fields are be- Mortgage Loans Bonds .and s 2n4 Floor. Oregon Dloo , Sauem. - O F? CGON HAWKINS & ROBERTS INC wrrer;. y?i: T?r"-C'. i f : s t t shrubs, the state flower of Of e Our capital grounds are beau , tlful. The park has over; two hundred different kinds of shrubs; In It is a beautiful electric water ; fountain. ' ; - In Salem's vicinity people :om4 for miles, to see our Blossom Day i We hare pears, strawberries', an3 ncmerous other Tarieties! of, fruitii .. and berries. -. - . j.j' ; i : The birds of Salem are) wondert ful." robins, canaries ? nd I bin jays are chiefly found, i - - The buildings are ? beautiful ? There are homes '$ of tail kinds rTbroe hospitals, a 'nmber o churches aid grocery atoresj. There are seven - grade schools; two junior high, one school fo jdeaf. dumb and blind, 'one senior t high and two colleges,; J -f I ) There . are several 1 kinds of iiilmnmnort fttlon. SUCh aS bOStS, pfritieks. air and rail. I w hint Industries such as tw r fr i t naner mill. one flax mill, tw J brick and tile yards and; six can- faeries. ' ' ;" 1 , " The population is about twenty I ' 1 1 1 '"'!.. 1 Three Sisters. Besides the moun tains there are V many beautiful resorts Wnich can easily, be- reack ed by. the best of roads. The tVillamette1 river' flows close to thel city and it gives much recrea tion, such! as fishing, boating and swimming, besides there are many places for picnics on its banks. V Salem 'has very , good schools, consisting of six grade schools, two junior high schools, and one senior high school. The Capital Business college f urnishes the op portunity for . a business education-' Thenj there is the university clvine one a complete college conrsel So i is 'possible to com plete your education at home. - Salem is known as the Cherry City. It, is situated in - a most prosperous district, where all kinds of? fruits, vegetables, ber ries, grains, nuts and other prod ucts grow.! These products may be . finished products due to, the -many mills, as the paper mill. woolen mill, 'the saw mill, linen mill. The. ' canneries handle the many fruits, ' Therefore - it cuts down living expenses and furnish es employment for the people. Use Permanent Materials In Your Construction ;Wbrk ':'W:.i.v& ;-:V' --- '-itH- 1 ,v;:. : :.'T' . "- .v---.i'-" '; '. Costs No More Than Temporary Materials - ft yi See' Us tor t.i i. i;. 'COMMON BRICK. FACE BRICK BUILDING TILE PARTITION TILE SILO TILEj DRAIN TILE VITRIFIED! SEWER PIPE : Snlem Bricls' aniTile Co. ; Builder of (rood Homes f ill It if: V i A Salem Home, ; Puilt by Adam Kngel Has Built Many vFine Homes in Salem He will assist you to become one of Siajem's .Home ..Owners 0-wning your own home stimulates your civic prido, your patriotism and your personal self-respect. Such stimulation adds ta your productive capacity, either as an employee or owner. of your own business. jTh is (leads to greater success and promotion. You will. feel that your feet are more firmly on the ground. v .; . ; . ; --r t '7. - ... : r w ... -- - k : .Ur'-! ijij-i) i.',jl,1;;JHli..i;Ij j ngcl'Apartment.-lJnlH iby ; Adam Engcl. .Coniptctetl last faU . -i i . ADAM ENGEL; Builder of Good Homes t. . in.... . . I. t. . Hill i lp -;.v.? " i- '-:xrH?.fpV!rL:-.. v'' :'-!:. ' ' '. . . , ; ;'.:.(' ..''j. ;:' ,r p p 1 .- ' .)' ' J"". - .. - -- '..'.. .-.'-'" i' --'. .r ,. ,'; L.i - Beautify X Your Home -Interior Good taste has everythingc to-do with both the looks pf your rooms as well as the value for money spent, j Consult experts on interioridecorations and you!ll be satisfied. We can assure you of what you wjjnt, in .the time you must have it. Now is the time ' ' i . DUNSM00R BROTHERS 2218 State St. Telephone 2230 IfSiililiiS Jlit i : " !. s. 'LMDB & BUSH Bankers Capital Siock OOfOOO Established 1868 Total, Resources .t - Over $6,000,000 V 1- " COMMERCIAL and SA VINGS 5 .f. - : t SALEM, OREGON -V- . t 4 .t;:'".; Salcn, Orccn ; . f i TELEPHONE 1337-J 1420 N. 5th Telrphcne 917 lt-ttlti-irliHfiM-MrH')B--'"jfcr"-f" -