THE OllfeGON tAtESMAN, SALEM, OREGON : "I THURSDAY.MOHNING; DECEMBER 31, 1925 3 : I it A Phones 48 antl - a. NplO BucceyjeConx ; Nq. 10 Potlatch Pancake BiAcuit Flour ..;........ V CasurP-Hemz Small-size" f fo 'this; wek; pdr bottle Primes JaBcy. dried Italians; 3 pounds :.u Petite Prunes- .',..' " , - -3 liiufe .......;. Fancy' drlett reaches ' " t 2 ipounoX: ;.... J Fancy dried Apricots i und8.;.:............... 1 ChceVpooking Ffgsi 2 pouridft :..:.;..... . r Orange Mairoa!ade large size Phone your orderoi-aVe'RhdppIris: iiriJfllecoki wihtry weather. II is- much' more fcrirf ' - .. 4venient'more economicaL We delhw without extra charge OurVeatherHan V' vCloUdy; - nornial temperatures; I lig1iV:80titheast"wiiid'j. Max. 52": Min.. SS; JUver 2.8i fallinr; Raln f all '.. hope; , . AtraQsphtre-. : rlear; t02f?CaYiBtff'"Fie. licimrr Tt. Fmftti Ins.'-Affeucy, over Mlltera. ',s y-';Sp. v v -V d22tf JorjKlingerr htv - ha.!: keen 1 wot Wifgitf ithe; LUtr" arbrop keta':itr6fei; bought . thV-tfiop re fentlfIe will -be readjrtb'Katidle the ,iifbr neds of botb men and omen at 8son; a repairs are -finisifed;;Li.Meyei U a. partner; s J"V 'r v ..... p . Tte Chat You Hare Fo?; whatlybu want. See Ter-miptealtors,-Terminal hotel lobbM V. - dStf tfX -- v"-., preaflVliecVetary tolhe state libr'teaTiiffr January 1, for PAtWaff.dwhereahe,will wprte fofManVEhrman, Company. ,Vo:Are;"ln Need Of Can overcoat, or. a pair of Taakets, see onr; lines before you buy.- iThos. Kay t woolen wm uo. 1 . -d31 Utek .Portland -, ;" ""'. Mtia orhelia, Marvin state li- day'jto. attend a ' Parent-Teachers meeting !sife;? will-; return, , some time itorfify'': ; :- ; ; .;;:r ,. Xow'Ifle ?rime-s '. Tozhuy- blankets. We have large i.'ze ' all .Kool double ' blankets at from-Tf 5 to U. '.ThoeUKfiy Wool en Mill Co. ' m 31 - Vdnk euso isutaf&J$ v Fobr inarWage licenses were ap plied; for in'- the county clerk's of flee Ihere yesterday:" TlieV were taketf onf Jy "CIydet R." Cardy and: "? ; Marie " porOtbjf Vesper both " of CherdaSvtiienneth;'!!.- iTorgaftf, miii&i&l$Z6n)t Commercial andGtedVs Curts. 255 Division stfefetfJvHiiam H.tMcClure. farm- , t et", -nd,' Mrs. Virginia Loney, hotn Vfi dratoiia:wari:crrblgkeit: 4 ,', y plortibralem," route; 8, and Ella Sep o J y Pcnieroy, & Kccne 1 .vJeurlcM ahd'optomeiriai ) t fealerif. Oies?bnt '-1 - .,jL T5TEWRTTEIl CO., C ,1 WtTtltert BfcatedBold, f ErecSa J renta Tw?.irz:, laFFwooDaY.A SON 1 m I 'o? f Phone Vfrcifpet' r. h . irV4 Al.mff . . -r .. - ; Fancy White large combs and 59c m 29fc 3Sc Fancy (Strained Hohey pint'size 2-for J.! Fancy Strained Hoitsey (iua'rt size ........ bottle! - - ,...; 2 for ..--.v .......r No. 5 Libby's. Jellys in tins" all flaVor, per can...:..l. $1.00 :25"c m No7 fQ A. & ner can NiE 10 Tjrokm' pr can; .J... And' repairing. Oleae-Powers Furniture. company ... :. s20tf Emerson Meeting 'Of f ' The regular Thursday nlfebt lneeting of. the "Emerson club, held! lor the. parsonage" of ' the Unitarian 'ohnreh at Cottagre and Chemelceta streets, will' not be held ' tonlglrt; ReYMartln Pereshetlan- announc ed, due to the conflict With other lew' "Year's" even ts." ' Th1 next meeting: wilt" be' held on Thurs day, January 7. . 11)24 Calewlar Frw, Homer IT. Smith ins. Agency, over Millers. ' d22tf Fined on Litquor Cliafge i J. Wesley Taylor, arrested here recently on a, charge of driving while under, the influence of in toxicatingllfluor and of possessinpr liquor, pleaded i guilty " to the charge' yejrterdny fand was sen tenced to paya Bne of f tQO and to serve 60 day A iB jail. lift inti mates that hicM , of . fundsv will force him to" Serve out' his" fine as well. This would confl'n'e him "to jail' for 160' dajs," as flnefe' Te' woffced' olf at" the rate of- ft- a day. This is the first- 60-flay jail sentence imposed for' this charge? Have Your Radiator ' Prom freezing; . at O; J. Wilson's garage, 3S.$rJfortl Commercial prompt' sefvlce'.' . ' ' . ld-29tf Keleaed tbCOiinty Jidgijf Bnrdette Hadley has been-turn ed over frtfm: tBe city jail' to the county judge . - ' BrofhM- Elki If you don't dance you'll be sorry. Newr Years eve. ?d31 Crarys Visit ' Mr. and Mrs.-'W. A." CraryTill' leave this; afternoon for Creswell Where they-. plani to spend iNeW Year's day with friends. : They have been spending the Christmas holidays with' their son? ft B. Crary, who ; W secretary of the boys' division of the Salem YMCA'. Exclusive fclribnlfon . ; For v. W. Kimballlanos. A. B Chase,- Davenport - Tracy. raosbj &, 4 C.erts-''-. Moo re's Musla House, iu9-ii quri. ' n'ui Blnli" Is Reported- Mr., .and -Mrs. C, iSproed of 588 Knapp'ti Place, Salero, receiv ed at:Bon December 2 9. according to repoTtJBled in the tffie' of the city health ofllcer ' Wednesday. The'boy'h'aSibeen.naaied'Edward Cecil." ' ' ' ' ' . MarreU's Miracle-., . . i . X ' Mineral for your' better, health; For free" Interview write G.- in Gazeley; -.- special representative. Box " " f . J3 x Eailznan-BrdUierih ; Salem Ofrlc 16 SSitK Offlc boars ; .r t rorr. snvertoif, Or, . r- T T - ; y' V .T rr-'Tf 7 , ' v, -r , : .... - . ' li 1 -- in - - - ii- - 1 - ' -r-r"' g -"-'",. ' II!- I I. i i .VNnrlli fnmmerrirH St. HONEY Mountain Honey iT 0Jv 3C 35 c 65tr $K10 L. grated Pineapple Q4J '' TtC sliced5 Pihapple' 98c - XevteS &arRer4rA Single faced, 2 5 and 35c Stiffs Furniture Co. d5tf Ikral Firm Incorporated- , W. T. Rigdon-& Son "was incor porated at 40;000 yesterday by W.-'T. Uigdon, ..Afattie'J. Rigdon and Lloyd TV Rigdon. At Elks Temple Big dance, good Year's ve. music. New d31 Income Taxes In Five counties in the, state have reported 100 per cent collections ot income tax delinquents through warrants sent' out recently by the state tax commission. These war rk'nts were sent to the" sheriffs of the various counties with instruc tions" to hive them placed. In the hands of' the county ' clerks and entered in the lien dockets. Coun ties in which the delinquents have piaid ia full included Hood River, Linn, Deschutes, Marion and Unt atjlla. In a number of other cbunties all but one or two of the delinquents have called at the sheriff's office and liquidated their .obligations. ! New4 Pipe Organ Record 5$ By the new electrical "ptocessi" a-real treat Stop iaat Sttff and hear it. dStf Iff lgatioa . Development Applications for water for ir rigation developments, at, a cost of approximately $485,000, were filed in the state engineering de partment by T. A Sammis of The Dalles. The applicant requests permission" to appropriate water from Dog river and' Mill creek for storage in Five-Mile reservoir and MVunVHood latj reservoir. The rfevelopment wfll include the con strucllon of two can&ls, one of wnich wllPbe four miles in length and the other four miles. A damf approximately 160 feet in length also is included in the develop ment' prograntr Development of the Five-Mile project will cost J4 5O.000,-while the Mount Hood Flat project will enta'il an invest ment of approximately $3 50A0. V Correct Idiii-i- . ' The grocery"' sale or the Co mftpolifan' stores started Tuesday Instead of "Thursday as' stated in, Tuesday Morning's Statesman".' Watctintgtit. Service A watchnight service will be Meld Thursday at the First Evan gelical church. Business meetings f auxiliaries , and . a social hour for old and yqung will precede the final: hbbr when Kev." Poliing. will oi8Cua,IHpeasaions', as his jdfiwittiisjvis ?.Tbe Battery Man Electrical kcu' r Wi Knv ' Ctiri'St.: Phdn 199 DISEASES Treated Osteopathy an the latest electricar-Therapy: inclndini Dr; AbranVs elec- V No' clurrgo for cotaultatlorn' . . Physician and Surgeon 506 V. sl Bank BaUding t rt- j , Salempreion-r; , 5 it XL i Here is a Reil l&rstaliil Ford touring, 1920, in good running Condition, A with ' starter 'iiWd ffo6d tires. 1926. license fur- , 'I A 'REAL SfAr " V .-- AT ' 9 jil 0, 1 At, Hotel Marion. ?l.r.0.. Servot) froftr5i45i to S. ji: m. m: . v'-l. IVebolors Work t. v Innrenaration -for . the roralaff 4iebfeasontHta ChrUdnhrW Y'acsU t ion the debate team of Salem, high,, school 4is, .putting ia .. gojod work. The affirmative team met .at- the school building yesterday I ten! morning and tho nea mefTnesdaT morninp. The sea: son will end late in "tho spring; wtth the coast-to-coast contest, when Salem, Oregon, meets Salem; "Massachusetts'. " A Wcw Boys Overcoats Left at $5. Boys' suits at $7. A real buy in men's, suits at $16. Tttos. Kay Woolerf Mills Co. d31 L. C. Slrand. Passe4 L. C. " Straud' passed away at San Diego a few days ago, ac cordins Uf word received, at Sil-i vertonr Mr! StrainlWilI be relrienj,- oerea- as; me nnsoarm oi -Mrs. L. C. Taylor who made her home here for a great number of years. While Mrs. Straud, then Mrs. Taylor, was at Silverton. she was president of the W. C. T. l. Mr. Straud was 92 years of ape at the time of hi sdeath. New Years, New Home Tak this 4 rooms' new with furnace, lireplace, hardwood, .etc. 7re have three north, south and east. $3600 to $3800. , Terms. 100 to $600 down, balance like rent. Immediate possession on 2. Becke & Hendricks, 18D.N. High street. d25tf On Business Tr; V. W. Doty, of tho Terminal confectionary was in Eugene Tuesday evening on business. We Are Putting- Our entire stock of all Wool over tbats pn sale at $12, $15 and 20. Tlje price on many of these, coats is, less than the manufacturing cost Thos. Kay Woolen Mills Co. d3l Wfll Inspect Road The Marlon county court- rwiH f lave this morning at 9 o'clock ffr tWillamina where the will inspect the road front' that town to the coastt The road has recently been oiled. Property Owner- Have you troubles with your real estate or insurance ? It's, our business; bring them in. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High. d25tt Nurses Attend Conference Miss Eleanor Thompson, super intendent of the Marion. County Health Demonstration, Miss Grace li. Taylor, secretary of the Ore gon state board for the examina tion and registration of nurses aiid"Miss Astrid Hofseth, superin tendent of the Salem hospital vfere called to Portland to attend a special meeting of the nurse educators fjoirneeted with nursing education in Oregon. This body met at St. Vincent's hospital to consider a uniform system ot students and school records for the state and affiliation for the student; nnrses whenever this might seem advisable. Directori 6 the schools of nursing from all over the state were present. V Candidate tor. the Republican nomination for United States Sen ator at the May 21, 1926, Pri maries. ' Tv will ,' always be' present ,when the Senate is in Session looking after all the. interests of all the people of Oregon Jast " as loyally as he did 'when State Senator, U. S. Attorney In 'Alaska; and a, sol dier, in ;France. ;, Represents no special interests. Paid Adf. f i. vffc , r ;- - - ' H?AINTING A: ; FAPER.HANGING .For the right kind of . material and ;the very beat', wbrkman t&lp4call ni, ' .-, . , ; Powder and Supply Cov X1W s. commemai Phnw 7X1 Mr.t I'-imir . i ii if "i ii m r F.N.-WOODRY ' ' -r --" -.''-. ' - - . Balm' Leading . " ATiCnONEER Payg Cain Por TtaTiltnri' Bekfdenon mxA Store - ' "juwubusaea Kincoiaio' . v 'i jr. JAMES J. '5'utf Xante Com rnio toner ' Ir. C W. JKeene' has been electeil'-Kilvertoit water commis sioner jt fill tkft vacancy cansed by theretgtfato,n, of - 8. E. Bicb ardson who recently went to Cal ifornia to spend a few -'weeks be cause of hts'lcealth." At' a: meetinr of be , Silverton Business Men's j 0redl Association A. Albright was elected secretary, for the associa jlion. The board of directors cast tii'e' vote" for" &r. ' Albright.' Come to thea dance New Year's rEve. d31 Court Opinion- Opinions handed-down by the court' yestrdayfolfowt MI Chris ten'sen vs. CUffbrd" Reid, apTiel- lont- gnnooi fniYri ln rinn fniintv-r petition" for "reheating:, opinion hy Justice Crtshowj prtltioff-denied. BtiMneM llulldUtg, f 'ltoap - New br.ifk, with excellent lease n npt. a rwrnt. S2l.00ft: IT.dOft IlendrUks; 189"3T.' ingTf. d25tf Watclmlght SerVl;c A "watch night service withsmusi cal program and refreshments will be held in the Scandinavian M. E. church. Fifteenth and Mill streets. Vrtrtnnencing at 9:45 Thursday 'evening. The public' is invited. SavV. llTour Radiator From freezing,, at O. J. Wilson's aragei 3S8 North Commercial prompt service: ' d-29lf f Undergoes Opratlon-ii' - Marion Kalich, a linotype opeV ator for The Statesman Publishing company, underwent a major op eration at. a .'Salem, hospital yes terday. The operation uas de clared successful. Sucre Studies Stenography, bookkeeping, typ ing and. kindred subjects are sure stepping' stones for yodnB people to reach business success. The office of the Capital Business College is open each day this week. Any interested should call to talk matters over. dJl Speaking Tour I'Tarmcd County YMCA Secretary B. F. Kimber said yesterday rhat for January 7 tor Marion county a speaking tour of schools is being worked out. A speaker from some college will be secured. A rally of all the Pioneer clubs in Salem and Marion county is plan ned for January 15. Thrift week, which begins January 17, will al so be observed. Good Dry MHf Wood $4.50 per l-ad. Phone IST9. d31 - ' River Falling - f Yesterday tM .Willamette' river had reached a point '2.7 feet above normal. Uivermen ' f eel that in the near future fbe river would not go down very much. Cash Prizes At hard time dance Moon Sat. night. Mellow j2 I'se Power Lines Soon The eight high power lines which were strung1 across the Wil lamette rfver lately on three tow ers will be ready for use in Janu ary. oid riotiu 1st the style at Saturday night. Mellow Moon j2 Wins Pri W. J. Morphew, salesman for the Newton Chevrolet company, won the Bplnnet desk and chair offered-a first prize, for the high5 est record, by the Chevrolet com pany. The desk and . chair are Tiow oh display. Remember the Ciirnlvnr Dunce At Crystal Gardens tonight, d3 1 , Home ott Vacation ' Richard E. Ryley of the USS Wen t Virgin ia, now n harbor - at Seattle, is t pending" a week at his home. 15-2 ft Chetneketa street, be ins on his ChHstm&s vacation.- He is a son of Mrs.fBert'ia B. Ryley. License Issued . The first combination fishing and hunting license for 1926 is said to have been. issued from the Anderson Sporting: Goods store to Clifford Ratcliffe yesterday. Obituary. Hurley -- At a- local hospital, December 2CV FauKHurJe athe- age of 49 years." He is survived Ijy a brother in Seattle! Funeral' an nouncement later by the" Webli funeral parlors. : - BEYOND BeypAd th, frost, chain andhX' ' fever .j, -abmil pcsoon; -'i)- Beyond" tho rock, waste, and the' Beyond tbe ever and the ne I shall be noon. Love, rest and home!, Sweet hope J ' ' . . , , . .Lojrdarry not. but come ' " HoraUus'-Boaaf Furniture compan'yT I ' .... t r- RadmFoW f Woodward's Ssryie6 St&tica ljeV'litai-aM-i7i SILVERTON. Ore,. Dec. 30 (Special.) Almost af many New Year parties" are beins? planned as there.were Christmas affairs. Like the Christmas celebrations a nnm-ler- of these are . private anl a number" are for the public. Among th'rialteV the larg'esr will be" the big New Year's Eve dance which the Aniertcan" Legion will give in the new armory. Special features are being planned' for Ihis. At least two of the churches will ihrfd watch parties. At the Christian' church sr watch party Remember the . Carnival Dance At Crystal'Oarden tonight. d31. Xdf lb Awmsrille H.'iyes ; - pf. T. Pierce, cashier of the Anmsvllle. State I Sank writes- to The 8tatfman: "I have noticed in your paper two or three times statements relative to one G. W. Hayes of Aumsrille who had been f r rested for obtaining money un der ialse pretense; and in'this con nection I desire to advise that thib parly is'not George W. Hayes, who resides at Aumsville. but is one G. W. Hayes or known as Lewis Hayes of near Macleay. wregon. In justice to our local George W. Hayes. I will be pleased if you V" ill correct this news item." Remember tho Carnival Dance ' At Crystal Gardens tonight. d31. Watchnlght Service , There will be a watch night ser vice at the Market Street" Free Methodist church, corner" of North Winter and Market streets, begin ning at 9 o'clock tonight. The first part of (he service will be devoted to a praiso service. There v.'ill be three short addresses given at, intervals during the evening. The speakers are to be Rev. C. H. Hopkins. Rpv. Carl Miller, and Prof. E. A. Sayer of La Grande. There will be the singing o some of the old hymns as well as some special music. The last moments of the old. year and the first of the new will be spent in prayer. A splendid evening is promised and t: 11 are Invited to attend. Dr. Marshall, Osteopathic Physiican and surgeon. d31 Dr. Milier'Talks "If a man breaks the prohibi tion law, he can hardly expect protection from other law break ers." declared Dr. Carl F. Miller, pastor of tbe South Friends church of Salem, in addressing Rotarians at their luncheon yes terday. "It is strange that a man jwili break one law then yell his head off when he sees another man do the sam." Dr. "Miller spoke on New Year's resolutions. He advocated loyalty to the city as an excellent resolution. Special Table D'Hote Dinner 75c The Elk dining room New Year's day from 12 noon till 8:30 p. m. d31 Wesley Fry Visit; Wesley L. Fry stopped in Salem Tuesday evening Tor a short visit nt the O. W. Emmons home. Mr. Fry is a junior in the law colleg at the state university of Iowa. He ame from San Francisco where he played in the East-West football game last Saturday. Are Released lister Needham and Fred Mil ler, who were held for investiga tion, were released by local police. Home FVom Hospital Clifford Nadon is n?.iin'' hnrh having partially recovered from two major and one minor opera tion performed about two weeks ago. He is declared to h tloing nicely. , . Mfi : -7- , x' -' Arrested for Speeding Carl Noeske; of Saiemr was-pr-restedtby Officer Edward' for speed ; tHe wasr ,c3tedtft appear today for hearing. Will Settle Here O! W. Emmons of Manning, Iowa, is returning to Salem, about the 15th of January, and is plan ning on -permanently locating here in the law business. Mr. Em mons brought bis family here In September aud then "returned to Iowa to close' business deals. He" is returning. by way of El' Paso, Texas, and' is slopping in Los Angeles to tr'y a, divorce case. leaves for California Robert E. Emmons, a student of Stanford University was a cal ler last week at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. O. W. Em mons. He left Salem Wednesday for Sari Diego, California, xwhere he has an outlook on a job.' fiilf Suit En.Ts -' J. A. Wilson was granted a udgement of $12S in the lustice court yesterday in his suit against R. Gc- Tboma ot t Jef f ersbtf f or alleged npebresentation ia;-the fealef Of! aillf..Accx)fdInr tolii to mplai n t''v?rio'n' bon ght f three palvcrf roirf .Thomaa, intertfi ktfpMlOBtnaytaferV-of re-' fsteTMbckK Later, h6 aysr M round.'i4iat1neof "' thete calved va3' not registered. He paid $50l i head'ifof'rthe stockL: In 'Jtbe iidZ men t granted," $ 5 0 was said : to- be 1 a refund -on ' the ; parchase wtcj aSd' ffoJ for feeding and raisiag tber colli : i- " - ch - - "T- ' - . r Grand Jury. AdjoarnA - T," : i.: TbeMarion county grand -nry adjourned" Wednesday afternoon kt: 4 o'clock, although no rtpctft was made at that time. The-report will be ma'de thl afternoon when Xircnit , Judge .. Percy, ,B KeUey V,ynr arrive .for hls-.term of court in department' Ko; 2:. "Charleston" Easy for Her v -'i When Bessie Love has a few free moments at the movie studio she gives Charleston lessons. Adolphe Menjou and Director Monta Bell are two of her pupils. will also include the annual busi ness meeting" of the church. At Trinity church the' Young People's society is in charge of the New Year's Eve watch oarty. A pro gram has been arranged and re-' freshments will be served during the evening. A special New Year's service will be held at St. Paul's parrish. This is known as "Forty Hours of Adoration." The service will be- . y S (t . .. -a. r f'r .- k Rudderless Ship THE man who does not save' is " , like a rudderless ship. His .'. destination is" uncertain;' his. future' insecure. And luck may desert ' him. Heed1 the warning--SAVE." State Savings & Loan Association Clias. Wiper, General Manager" Hcilig Theatre Lobby ISO X. High 312 IT'LL TICKLE ? THE WLD! v fA. . -mi- X; TODAY : - , ,v -Jill -' ' With RONALD glA;o-New-Year,r day at- a; ni ' and contfnue uattl ' TtUOJtnyihjP. evening. The- services " will f- bt1 held on January 1, 2,- and S. Assisting the; Rev Joseph pher- -: bring,' who Was 'charge of. the. lo cal parish. U'j ther: Rev. Jor omc O. F.U. of Mount AaftgeL ' Father , !Fraiicis Scherhrlng - of f Rhaw: and" Fa t her It. E. .Kelley of Portland. v ' .' " - . The members of fit. -Paul's par- ; Ish .enjoyed a social' 'evening of j progressive 500 Wetinesday night ; at their hall. Hirh honors were awarded during the evening, 'j ' " . . ........ ...,.,,.,..,.. J .' . - i " . Baker's boy, ... ...... ... Fuil.oT joy; c..!T. Iioaf ; so showy, t J ..White and snowy, ' Mistlandf Bakery For Sftle at Yonr Grocery 31 COLM AN tea . - itaL. i r : i :" - '. '