The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 31, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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E OF wm
Hard Week's Drill Stresses
Teamwork and Develops
New Players
in the; Franklin gvmnaslum. FrU
day night, January 8, Salem will
play Lincoln high school of -Portland
on the Salem high gym
Rale?! high school men are get
ting daily workouts - in prepara
tion for the clash wjth the Frank
lin high school hooper of Port
land to take .place, on the local
high school gym floor Saturday
Team work has been stressed
during ' the past week. Coach
Huntington has somewhat of a
problem on his hands in picking
the first squad. For only. five
places on the team, Salem has six
lettermen back, as well as seve
ral promising candidates.
' It is certain that Jack Drager,
all-star center of 1925, will start
in that position against the Quak
ers. "Duffy is assured one of the
forward berths. Either Nash, let
terman, or H. Lyons will start as
Duffy's running mate. Bob Dra
per, letterman, and Ashby, letter
man, will start at guard. Olinger,
another letterman, may take his
place.' -
Olinger has been showing rapid
Improvement., both in team work
and In j hooting. He won his let
ter last season at, guard, but can
, he called on to jump in at forward
when the occasion ; arises.
It. is reported 'that the Drager!
brothers"' hare- found thelr-tride,
and bare made-distinct improve
ment since the alumni ': game.
Duffy has shown ye ell at forward,
having ' proved : snot in
the alumni game.. ' Salem " fan
, are looking to him to be one of
Salem's greatest point makers for
this season.
Cummings, playing center for
the-second team, in considered a
good prospect fothe concentra
tion berth. He will not he elig
ible until the second semester,
' Lut when Ire Is. it is expected he
will 'provide interesting compe
tition for J. DraKr.
Although tho game Saturday
night will not afreet the standing
either of Salem or of Franklin,
keen rivalry is anticipated. Last
year, in the pre-season clash ber
tween the two schools, Franklin
proved- victor by one point. Later
in the state tournament Salem
turned the tables by decisively de
feating the. Quakers in the tourn
ament game at Willamette uni
versity that decided the state
championship among high schools.
Interest is especially keen in
the contest this year as the -rivalry
has a significance. It is reason-
ably certain that Portland will be
r allowed to participate in, the state
tournament again this season.
Franklin has a strong team, al
though, she misses her last sea
son's captain, Scallon. Franklin
stanfls a good chance of represent
ing Portland again in the state
x Salem should be, if anything.
Stronger this season than last.
Should Salem represent this sec
tion in the state tournament, and
Franklin, Portland, it is likely
the . two schools' will r clash again
for the state championship.
" Salem will Journey to Portland
next Tuesday night to play a re
turn game with the Franklin high
Special Car of R6oters Ar
, riye; Swift Workouts Put
- Eleven in Shane
PASADENA, Cat. tc. 30. (P.y
Associated Press. A n o t h e r
bunch of boosters has arrived here
to cheer the University of Ala
bama football team in its New
Year's day! game with the Univer
sity of Washington. A special car
dif gorged ; upward of a score of
fresh rooters and Alabama stock
rose accordingly until odds today
give- the Seattle Huskies only a
very slight edge.
The crimson from
went through swift workouts both
yesterday and today and no Injur
ies have been reported. Tomorrow
the southerners , will all ease up a
bit and Coaen Wade says they will
be right on edge for the clash Jan
uary 1. 1
As Alabama -tapers off to its
final practieev interest Is begin
ning to swing to Washington,
whose fighting squad is due to
reach Pasadena tomorrow.
The North westerns who played
here two years ago against the
Annapolis midshipmen have .i
host of friends awaiting only the
referee-s whistle as a signal to
111 If!
Wcbfooters Defeat Demons
Night's Play Most Ex
citing of Tourney
In the most dramatic contest
yet staged in the Older Hoys' j
tournament . being played at the!
Salni YMOA gym as a feature of j
the holiday program, the Hl-Y'sj
defeated I he Athenians by a score I
of 18-1G.
.. I'nlil the last Ihirty seconds of.
play the score was a tie. at 16-16.
A timely basket shot from well
toward the. middle of the floor
gave the Hi-Y bovs the two noints
with which they took the contest.!
Py winning this game the Hi-Y
team has won also the right to
play in the final round of the1
I tournament. The final game will
Tuscaloosa ' '", played Fridry ni-rht as the
final fAatitfA if ll 1 I A rtTr.T
to hold out made victory easy.,
roach Reginald Downie sent in
two of hi second string men in
the second half to relieve his for
wards. Matt and lildred (leorge,
who had done much to push the
team to victory on Tuesday night
against the Spokane team.
De Poe, center and Matt, for
ward, starred for the Indian team.
Rasmttssen and Charley George
played guard positions, and Kid
red tleorge forward. Abraham
and Thompson went in during the
second half. f
The Chemawa team has played
five games thiti season and has
won every one. The Deaf school
was defeated 2 8 to 17. Willamette
freshmen. .16 to 28. Franklin high.
.12 to 16. Lewis & Clark, 20 to
16 and Washington 2.1 to 18.
house program for New Year's
, In the first. haf it appeared as
though the Athenians were going
to nose out with the victory. They
gained consistently and took the
lead early in the came. During
this first half th" Ili-Y hoys were
for the most part on the defense.
But when the second half was
drawing to a close, and the Ath
enians were still in the lead, the
Hi-Y's cast defense to the winds
and launched a desperate offen
sive. Shot after' shot showered
toward their basket. Enough of
ftart ruining their voices rooting 4hft 8hots took to turn defeat mto
lor Washington.
(By Associated Press. ) After a
brisk workout in California sun-v
shine the University of Washing
ton Huskies left here late today
for Los Angeles. The entire ag
gregation. 2S strong, appeared to
he In the best of condition for
their New Year's till with he I'ni-
lersity of Alabama at the Pasa
dena ltoe. Howl.
Tile Husky pack limbered up
today at &wing field after the long
train ride from the north. The
work out consisted chiefly of pun.
Ing. pasting and running signals.
They will go through a similar
practice tomorrow afternoon at
the Howl when the finishing
touches will bo put on for the
annual .classic. -
Coach Enoch Ragshaw had lit
tle to say about the undefeated
northerners other than to praise
his star halfback. George Wilson.
He said he hoped "the boys would
give him a chance to show, what
he really can do against Alabama."
PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 30.
(By Associated Press. ) Ted
Thye of Portland lost the light
heavyweight belt to Al Karasick
of Oakland, California, by two
falls here tonight. Karasick took
the first fall in 34 minutes with
a headloek. Thye took the second
with a flying wrist lock in 12 min
utes. Karasick ended the bout in
IS minutes with another headloik.
The opinion of others influenc
es us. more than our own con-
The game will be playeds' iences.
Schaeffer and
the outstanding
Hi-Y's. Ashby
showed well for
D. Adams were
players for the
and Hageman
the Athenians.
The Athenians were strong on de
fense until the last period when
the Hi-Y stampede began.
Lineup for the game follow:
Ashby ..
f. Hageman. ...
I. Hageman...:
. r
I). Adams
H. Adams
their old
Silverton Feature Scrap
Ended in Second Round
of Scheduled Ten
V. x- V - itt ST I fl M Vl 1 I AI
ey noraaan ebrovn
rivals the Demons by the decisive
score of 35-14 in the second game
of the evening. Ry so doing they
won the right to meet the Hi-Y
boys in the finals Friday night.
Webfooters excelled in passing
and in g neral team work as well
as in defense. They also made
their baskets count with greater
accuracy. The Demons attempted
nearly as many shots as the Web
footers. but were unable to con
nect with regularity.
Although the score was 1 9 to 3
against them at the end of the
.first half, the Demons started the
second go with a rally that raised
their standing considerably. They
were unable, however, to crash
through the Webfooters' defense
, Miller, for the Webfooters. was
high point man of the game, mak
ing 18 points. Roy Benjamin
starred for the Demons, making
10 points.
Lineup for the second game fol
C. Schaeffer II F Goode
Simpson LF Raffety
Miller C Laughead
DellarDDort RG Gamble
J. Schaeffer LC. Benjamin
Referee, Scotty Marr; umpire
( Friday afternoon the semi-fin
als of the consolation tournament
will be played. The finals of this
tournament will be preliminary .to
the finals of the main tournament
Friday night.
If, in all ihii chronicling of the
sporting events, and celebrities of
1925, one should seek for the
most pathetic 'figure he might well
rhoose Babe Ruth.
The winter., of his greatest dis
content finds htm a truly pathet
ic figure shorn of most of the
glamor that be wove about himself
with the wide, swinging strokes
of his mlghty.bat shorn of much
of the power in his great body
through illness and illy advised at
tempts to "comeback" before he
as Damns ruampion, as nomo-nm
I Lino- nn1 tia tnrr at t u tnna.t
runs. ; . ,
He watched. Jlob Meusel once n
fellow aristotrat.. of the diamond,
knuckle down to work and lift tho
homerun crown from off of his
( Babe's) head. ,,Harry Heilmann.
Detroit slugger,' slammed his way
to the batting championship." And L .,
jonnny Aiostii, ne oi tne iieet
feet and White Sox, copped the
run-scoring honors.
The close of the season, how-
Ghemawa Squad Adds Pelt
tof Washington High in
uonxesi Yesxeraay
SILVERTON. Ore.. Dec. 30.
(Special.) Danny Garth of Sil
verton knocked out Tom McCarty
of Astoria in the second round of
a ten round bout In the main
event of a smoker staged last
night under the auspices of the
Silverton Athletic association, a
newly organized club. McCarthy
substituted for Beby of Astoria,
who twisted his ankle in a a re
cent event and was unable to ap
pear. Danny Garth's short body
punches proved to much for the
Astoria n.
In the semi-final bout Jimmie
Anderson of Astoria gained the
decision over Charles Murphy of
Salem. The bout, was fast and
furious and Murphy's hard luck
on fouls caused him to loose the
"Kid Bye of Silverton won the
decision over "Tim" Lamb of Sil
verton on points
round Ixmt.
"One Round" Slmly of Silver-
ton lost a snappy four round bout
to Foley of Salem. Foley won the
decision on points.
Bill Kendall of Salem and
Lloyd Mansfield, of Silverton
fought the curtain raiser to a
draw. The bout was fast and some
nice work was displayed.
Interest is growing in the
smokers lieing put on by the Ath
letic clii I) and one of the largest
crowds so far was on the benches
last night.
i. mi, I
(iW' --r . -
If A".: teggtk k i? ?
'A 'V" vV'r - raw
I '-'5 jr - J! f . . ... .
' i ?ttv' A f, - r'j
in Portland. Mrs. Mielke was ac
companied home by her mother,
Mrs. W. W. Crabtree.
Ktfitor C. S. Clark and family
of the Aumsvllle Star were in
Stayton on Christmas Eve dis
pensing gifts and Christmas cheer
among friends. Big, delicious,
yellow pumpkins found their way
to more than one family table,
through the kindness of the edi
torial Santa Claus.
W. A. Cladek who until recent
ly was connected with the Ford
garage here, is closing up his bus
iness affairs with the expectation
of leaving Stayton early in the
w Ypar Mr. Plndek cnnfpm-
"The Winding Stair," featuring Edmund Lowe and Alma Rubens, nlat es mine south nnd -will nrnh-
is now piaying ai me neuig theatre and will continue Saturday. ' ably locate in Klamath Falls
Friday, the Association vaudeville will hold the stage. The film is where he will launch out In bus
a William Fox production. iness.
J. L. Tweedie and Frank x Law-
At the Theatres Today
Heilijr "The Winding Stair."
Oregon "Her Sister from
Paris," starring Constance Tal-madge.
Illigh Jack Hoxie with
"Scout," the wild horse in "The
White Outlaw." w
baffling the skill of. Portland
physicians. , has completely de
stroyed the sight of one eye and
the other ,is becoming infected in
the same imanner. It Is said Mrs.
Kearns and her 'mother, Mrs.
Huekner of Salem will go to San
Francisco in the near future
where she'will consult a special
ist. Mrs. Kearns was a teacher in
the Stayton high school before
her marriage and has many
friends here who regret .her mis-
the children, in charge of Mrs.
Grace Kowitz. Salem; '.1: 10 o'clock
general assembly? and reports;
special music; adjournment.
rnnintn Meitfnrt nnH Pni-tlmrl
and arrive at Seattle at 3:10 a." m. j ren have opened up a waffle
The new schedule. Gardner said. am1 short "rder restara.nt the
Peak of Interest to Come at
7:30 P. M. With Final
Tourney Game
would cut the present transporta
tion time, between Seattle and
San Francisco, from 3 7V4 hours
to about nine hours and between
San Francisco and Los Angeles
from 12 hours to about five hours.
Sting: The end
also of a hornet.
of pleasure;
Details of the New Year's da-y
program which will be held at
the YMCA building were made
known yesterday. This program
is planned to take the place of the
usual open house, which is held
i tas-l four I some nine in April, according to .-mm;ij
Dr. H. A. Bea'tuhamp and wife
spent Christmas is Portland with
J. H. Mielki and wife and Miss
Cecelia Mielki expect to leave in
the near future for California
where they will spend the remain
der of the winter.
K. Roy and wife and Mr. and
Mrs. C. 10. Tayor and son. spent
in Salem visiting at the
room at the rear of the Beau
champ drug store. The room has
been completely renovated, re
painted and neatly fitted up for
the business. The first meal was
I served last evening, and was said
i to have done credit to the man
I agement.
Mrs. Adams who underwent an
operation for the removal of can
j cer of the breast at St. Vincent's
i hospital recently was brought
j home the first of the week and
is convalescing at her home here.
Airs. Adams owns and operates
the Adams Hardware store here,
and her complete recovery is
hoped for by her friends.
Friends of Mrs. Lewis Kearns
of Portland are distressed to learn
ttiat she is threatened with total
blindness. The malady which Is j
353 CbcmekeU. Phone 10OO
Santiam District to H
Quarlerly Convention at
Turner, Sunday
ppnnni p Tn mitt
1 ma ma . I
dUiiuiiLJ i u villi ra
official report
'A basket ball game between
some local team and a team from
Jefferson will open the program
for the morning. In the afternoon
at 1:30 o'clock the Prep Leaders
will play the Shamrocks in bas
ketball. At 2: 3 0 the semi-finals
in the consolation basketball ser
ies will be played. At 3:30 the
first game between the Night Jun
iors of Leslie Methodist church
and the second btween the Oregon
Journals and the Creeks will be
staged. The consolation title will
be played off at 8:30.
' Headed by Dr. L. E. Burdick
and Paul Acton, the businessmen's
teams will play a game of exhibi
tion .volleyball at 5 p. m. The
Jinai game Of the
hJch has been in progress since
si week", will he nlaved at 7: no
his will be the most imnortant
game of the dav.
Relieve Coughs, Colds,
Headache Rheumatism
and All Aches and Pains
All drn;itt-35 sad 65c?ra sad hbw, '
Childran't MartcraU (mil Jar form)3So.
I$e tier than a Mustard Plaster
Ihibe Ruth, as he is today, taking a poke at perhaps the Tfeion of.
man-eating hot dog in a w Vork gymnasium
was fit -and shorn of some, at
least, of the popularity that was
his in his heyday. j
This winter finds him, laboring
diligently in an eastern gymnas
ium trying to rebuild a constitu-
; Hon shattered by illness, luxurious
llvirtg and a-much too eare-free
bearing.. V ; ; , ... .; J.
; IJe mnt return to a form some
what approaching his old, and
strike a stride with the hat some
what approaching the old, within
a few months or sink into obliv
Ion, ' - . ' '
The passing of the 1925 base
ball season saw Ruth dethroned
ver, also found Ruth. penitent
Ruth, aware et la t that he could
not go on as he had done and live
in the spotlight of fame and lux
ury of riches.'. Ie realized he haA
hrourht the disfavor of the fans
and hja bosses by his actions. And
he admitted frankly that he had
squandered a qiarter:of a.'nxillioB
dollars of the mbaey he had earn
ed in his big years.
J So, If he has awakened at last
to the relative value d all things
fand a realization that he must DO
nd not life on RKPOie'year has
given him something, albeit in a
rather rough way, - - -
- The Chemawa Indian school
besketball quintet made it five
games when they defeated the
Washington high team of Portland
last night by a score of 2.1 to 18.
The game was played on the
Chemawa floor.
The game was fast during the
entire time although the Indian
boys did not hfive to set as fast a
pace against the Port landers as
theyN did against the Lewis .&
Clark aggregation of Spokane on
Tuesday night.
The score at the end of the
first half was tied 14 to 14. The
Washington five was considerably
weakened during the last half and
the ability of the Chemawa team
Ml C SaiM
U.S. A.
The Santiam Sunday school
triet wiil hold its quarterly con
vention at the high school build
ing at Turner Sunday, January
3. There will be an all-day ses
sion beginning at 10 a. m., a bas
ket dinner at noon, and an insti
tute session in the afternoon.
Rev. K. II. Martin of Portland,
superintendent of the American
Sunday school union in Oregon,
Washington and Idaho, will be
the principal speaker of the day,
delivering the convention sermon
at 11 a. m. Following is the pro
gram :
Slogan, "Consecrated Service":
10 o'clock, song service; devo
tional. Urban Stout, Turner; les
son study; special music; 11
o'clock, convention sermon, "The
Great Commission," Itev. E. R.
Martin. Portland; 12 o'clock, bas
ket dinner; 1:30 o'clock, song
service-; devotional, Clenn MeCle -lan.
North Santiam; recitatioa,
Dale Mttnroe, Mehama; busir ss
session; duet. Miss Eleanor Mr ,re,
Turner; 2:10 o'clock, institute
session. How to get the Adults,
John W. Mix, Aumsville, chair
man; Dr. Fred C. Taylor, f alem;
Prof. o. V. White. Stayton. Dis
cussion: How to Hold the Young
People,' Mrs. F. C. Delzell, Tur
ner, chairman; Mrs. Fern Wells
Daugherty, Salem;-Rev. II. V. Sto
ver, Salem. Discussion: How to
Teach the Children, Mrs. K. C.
Downing, Stayton. chairman: Mrs.
TITSO.V. Arizf. Dec. 30.The
Arizona university polo tluTii
I r.. - . . . - -f
.rii-,i uicfnn Agricultural college
dis-jin the third and decidingc8tet
of a three-game serjef yhffe Ao
day. is to ?.. The Oregon liuad
left hero early toalgh't'Htety Palo
Alto. Cal.. wherertVUi meet
sianrora universityJinuary 2.
SAN PRANCrSfO. Hoc. no.
(By Assox-latedPress ) . Plans for
th2-?.?tl'M?n Francisco-Los An
geieS-air "oiail were announced
bfryitoda' shortly after Vern C.
r.ort jorKort h Bend. Ore., who is
here, rfe notified by the post
ait?t' general that he had been
Awartfed the contract for the first
Pacific coast air mall route.
Coi'st's assistant, R. L. Oard
ner. stated that service wiH start
about April 1, with ten airplanes
of 200 horsepower. The route will
be covered on a schedule calling
for a speed of between 90 and 95
miles an hour.
The tentative schedule calls for
departure from Seattle at 9 a. m..
with stops at Portland and Med
ford, Ore. The plane would leave
San Francisco at midnight, stop
ping at Fresno and Bakersfield
and arriving at Los Angeles at
,r:25 a. m. The northbound mail
would leave los Angeles at mid-
hoiifo of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mack
.Mr. and Mrs. Sum Barton
drove1 over from Seattle to spend
Christmas day and the week-end I
at the home of Mrs. Bartow's par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kearns.
(!. S. Stayton and family of
Washougal. Wash., were week-end
guests at the home of Mr. Stay
ton's mother. Mrs. Anna Stayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lesly left
early Saturday morning for Pen
dleton where they spent a few
days visiting at the home of their
son. O. P. Lesly. returning home
the first of the week.
The board of directors of the
Stayton schools is having some
necessary repairs made on the
gymnasium building during the
holiday vacation
Mrs. Roy Sneed who has been
away from home for some time
while numng an invalid, came
ver to spet '..W Christmas holi-
lay with 1 'husband and sons, f
Miss Ida Frank is spending her'
'lolid.i'-. vacation with relatives
nt''. irienils here. Miss Frank was
J graduate from Stayton high
chool in the class of 1925. and
now engaged in teaching at
W. A. Weddle local undertaker
vas a business visitor in Portland
he first of the week.
Mrs. OwenethMielki and sons
eteurned to their home in Port
and Tuesday after a week'H visit
vith relatives. The youngest son.
i baby of four months is to under
go an operation upon their arrival
HAROLD WINDUS at the Organ
House Opens 10:30 .
Special Prices Offered for
All Seats
H. F. Shanks. Salem; Jflrs. U. L. ! night and arrive at San Francisco
Putnam. Salem. Discussion: j at 5:25 a. m.
Round Table, Rev. K.f r. Martin Leaving San Francisco at 6 a.
leader. Story and ply hour for m., the planes would stop at Sac-
Vaudeville and pictures
no ieusE tx rniCEs
i A Guaranteed Show
BLIGH theatre
II 1 1 1
tae cIkbcSuI
7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A. M., 12:00, 1:00, 2:00,
3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 11:00 P. M.
10:00 Makes connection for Seattle and Vancouver,
4 - B. C. Limited Stage
7:20, 9:20, 11:20, A. M., 1:20, 2:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20,
X)iA) Jr. M.
7:20, 11:20 A. M., 3:20 P. M. Toledo and Newport con
nection. 9:20, 11:20 A. M., 3:20 P. M. Roseburg Limited, con
necting for Grants Pass, Medford, Ashland, Klamath
Falls, and all Coos Bay Points. j
9:20 A. M. Both Highways, Altany to Junction City
2:20 P. M, Eastside Highway, Albany to Junction City
9:20 P. MJ Corvallis only.,