The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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IwiM Daily ap Mdar y
- ' IIS South CoamareUl St.. Salera, Oraro
WL. J. Hudricka ...... Utu(
Fre J. Teoi - VBiiBj-K4nor
L it. Mrrlmta City Kditor
Latlla J. Hntitti - Tetcsrmpli Kditor
W. H. Rcadarson - - Circulation Manafrr
Kalpa H.KlaUlnf Advaniaiof Uanafe'
Frisk Jaikeikl lismrcr Job Dept.
E. A. KhoUa - . . - UraiUM Editor
. C Coaarr . .. - . - poultry Kditur
. Tkt AtMrU1A Ftm It axclaalvMr vatltted to tat ana for pabllestfaift of U cawa
tupaUac eradlt to it or att otharwiaa ereditd iMa paper aa aU laa local
Hft pabllakad Jkaraia.
' - -. " - - BUSINESS OFFICES:
Qart Byre, 838 W'reoatar Bldf.. rortUad, Oro.
Tbomms P.-Ctark Ca4 Nw Yrk. 13ft-136 W. Slut Bt, Cblrara, UaiiU BlA.j
"7 P7, Baaraa. Hlrff , Saa FraaeUeo." Calif.: Ulgrn BI4, Lm Aacalaa, Calif.
i . , " TFLEPJKWEfl: '
Battaaif OffWSJ at 58S ClreaUtloo Otn-a....53 i Hawa Dprtiit-.2S-1M
oclolr Xdllr ; : ;.10 Job BartABi..fiiSiS
Entered at tha Poat Office la 8lam, Orf on, a atno el matter.
i ..'. December 28, 1925 ; 1 '
WHY WILL YE- DIE? Cast away from yon all your transgres
sions, wnereby ye hare transgressed: make you a new heart and
new spirit:' for way will ye die, O house of Israel? For I bare no
pleasure in , the death of him that dleth, saith the Lord God; whera-
iore, tutn yourselves, and liTe ye. Ezekiel 1831. 32. ,: . .
' k .""If all the taxes that are now collected in the United States were
apportioned equally among all the people men, women and children
each individual would have to pay $70.97 a year. Last year we paid
almost five times as much in taxes per person as we did in 1&90.
" The tax bill per person thirty-five years ago was $13.8S.'In 1913it
had Jumped to $22.73; in 1919 it had gone to $76.51 and In 19,21
it rjeachd the high mark of $76.55. Yet with this great increase f
the burden was distributed, justly if each paid, wealth, income "and
, ability, to pay and none escaped, it would not be much of a burden.
. .Agriculture louay pays iar more man 11s jusi proportion mis state
raent is undisputed. The farmer cannot hide his property. Thous-
. ands and thousands are leaving the farms and thousands more will
leave unless conditions change. FARMERS BUY. UNDER HIGH
High railroad rates, high taxes and high prices for purchases on one
hand And low prices for products on the other, leaves the farmer cannot pull out, If he isjn debt as the most of them are,
ditures" would only :Te IncreaseJ'by oneth'frdToi 3' &T c$i or.
4our per cent, o not over one and (ono-thlrd percent, " ..V' ,..
"On the other side, protection isa great peneui 10 agricuiiure as
whole.!' The 780,OflO,OQfr.of lagrlcultural produce. Imported' last
year hadr to pay" $260,000,000 for the privilege of coming In to
complete with bur 'own farm rouctloo.i If these were admitted free
exporters as well as Importers. Protection reauy aids atversmcauon,
and so eliminates an unprofitable; surplus. Under our tariff our flax
acreage.has increased from .1.(41.000 in 1921 to S.093.00O tn 1925.
Much of this would otherwise have been devoted to wheat, increasing
the surplus and further demoralizing that market. The same principle
holds in relation to sugar, wool and other agricultural products. .
It has been thought that protection does not help agricultural
products. 'Any study of dairy products, flax, wool, and the many
other commodities will demonstrate, that it does. ,Even wheat, where
we are exporters, shows its effect. ' If we take Buffalo, to secure a
point of common contact American No. 1 Dark Northern is 25 cents
trf J5 Tents hteherthanCariadHan; No. 2 Dark Hard Winter ia37
cents to 42 cents highe. and No.- 2 Red would be 45 cents to 46 cents
.higher. - Contract wheat for futur. delivery in Chicago , has -been
usually as high as future deliveries in Liverpool, although the differ
ence in freight fs about 20 cents a bushel, which means that our
wheat is now About that much above world price levels. The question
Is complicated with different grades and qualities, some of which do
not show the same differences
'farmer raises must either be sold at home or sent abroad. Our per
capita consumption of butter, sugar, meats, eggs, milk and tobacco is
far above those of foreign .countries. When the depression of 1920
came and 5,000,000 of our wage earners were unemployed, their
consumption of the more expensive agricultural supplies, such as
.animal products,-fell 18 per cent below what It had been before and
what it became again when employment increased. THIS WAS, MORE
THAN THE AMOUNT OF OUR EXPORTS. Prosperity in our Indus
tries is of more value to the farmer thaii the whole export market for
foodstuffs. Protection has contributed in our country to making
employment plentiful with the highest wages and highest standards
of living in the , world,, which :is of inestimable benefits to both our
agricultural and Industrial1 population. 'General economic stability is'
of utmost importance to the iariner,-and a depression in industry,
with the atte'nWa'nt unemployment,; would do the, farmer ,an incal
culable injury.
Mke the State Training School
or Boys a Vocational School "
seems to require a calamity
of some kind to "get certain sub
jects before the public attention.
Many tery Important subjects are
continually awaiting a jar of some
kihd, such as a break at the penl-
tenfjary with loss of life; a change
of administration; at the boys
training school with a rise of sal
ary, or an epidemic of typhoid fe-
ve,r from contaminated water,- etc.,
to get the public interested in
certain subjects and bring about
improved conditions.' ,
.Recently-we have- had, ,a Jar
that has-brought a much needed
injorovement t penitentiary,
aid promises to bring, about other
important changes. .Much of this
is greatly due tr public sentiment.
. ir Is a confession of that "Oh,
lei" me sleep" make-up, when we
wklt for a catastrophe to arouse
us to a realization qf anjpntatand
ing need.
$ Regarding, the. needs, of th
boys traning school," I got my
shake-up during a two years' ser
vice there under the admfnistra-
tiops of both Kooser and Gilbert
A short time ago it was reported that the United States
The above quoted Svords make up the leading: editorial secretary of agriculture had received the assurance of the
propaganda of the current circular of C. E. Spence, the Oregon Chicago' board' of trade that it would accept restrictions on
state market agent- . . - - its wheat manipulations. The agreement isvto the effect that
And the words in capitals are. printed in that form for the board's directors may place a limit on the prices high and
the purpose of calling attention to a part of the crape-hang-1 low, alid that no one will be permitted to buy or sell " either
.ing, propaganda that Is.'.particujarly 9bjectionbJe,...l)efeuftl above or below these prices so fixed,
the statement is not true. I It is difficult for the average layman, used tolthinking
The farmers of the United States do not buy under high of gambling' as an outlaw to tolerate the action of the secre-
tarif f pricesj- I tary iri this attitude toward the gamblers in the chief food
Or at least not more than one and a third per cent of the stuff of, the .nation.
expenditures of farmers m this country are increased on if limits were placed upon the stake in the gambling
account of the tariff rates . ; ; .. Wj rendezvous in our cities, the officers would, in the discharge
And 80 per cent of 'all the imports into the United States 0f tnejr duties, pay no attention to the arrangement.
eitner come m iree or pay duty to protect the farmer 3; y v ;, Dealing in the futures of grain, fixing arbitrary prices
, And 88 per cent of our imports either come in free.or are for speculative purposes and then turning the matter over to
luxuries or are protected to help the farmer. shrewd manipulators to barter in a so great necessity 5f the
All -the.'agricultural products of the Salem district are people is, inconsistent with government for the protection of
protected, and most of them are wen protected, with the the people.. To force, down or up the price of wheat at the
exception of cherries, ihey are protected two cents a poundj.0f men wn0 never earned an honest dollar nor invested
where imports of cherries should carry a duty of at least six
cents a jund to give the. grower adequate protection.'
Crape hanging is not justified in favof of the farmers of
in a labor empbying enterprise, for the sole purpose enrich
ing the gamblers themselves, is wrong. . !' . v
Gambling on grain is a gigantic privilege which, evidently
the Sakm district; to the extent. that it is done by the Spence mkes terms with the government and prospers at .there
-propaganda;. even -outside of the false sUtement about the nse' 0f thVprucef and d6hsumer alike. . ?
' T6r there is not a single major item in all tne,kngjist
Through suppression or by absolute control only will the
of our diversified products in which cases cannot be shown of u - v? "u" " ";
1,.,, Onrnoaaimrn Wit. ers and in favor of the producers.and consumers of wheat
eAfnW tQvmfv rrrwl ?ri4"aiAc?T- rr Viif tnirVif Via- troliiirw o I PrOCUCtS.
ten td twenty times the selling prices of equally good land in
injs section.
The state market agent ought to be a booster for con
far as age and other unavoidable
conditions will allow". - ' '
Salem; Or., Dec; 2 4. '1925.-
Bits For Breakfast
Hope you enjoyed it all
V '
And are not much the worse for
tr In the cold gray dawn of the
morning after.
S S -a
"Small cheer and great welcome
makes a merry feast." said Shakes-
peare. Hope you felt the. great
welcome, however large' or small
was the repast.
' ; ' - S
At one Christmas dinner in Sa
lem, a special dish was of red
raspberries, picked yesterday
morning in the back yard of the
home. How is that for summer
lingering in the lap of winter, if
we had any winter and winter
therefore had a lap in which to
In the editorial article of this
morning, quoting President Cool
idge, the reader will note that the
president spoke of the 3,093,000
acres of flax, this year in the
United States. Nearly all this
the Salem district, -would make
more linens than Are manufacture
ed - in the saietn-' aisincx, woma
make more linens- tba.n are man
ufactured - In the- entire world.
There musttbe rast qaantJtleaf.of
flax seed, as Ions as people use
paint or pillty or 'Uholeum: .There
is nothing else In the world that
will serve; that will-"dry w like
Unieed -oil, and make a complete
co?ertn for, any surface, keeping
out, the air, and thus preserving
wood from rot and iron from rnst.
- TEe year ,4. 925. been yerr
good to" Salem.', in, the WAy of :
growth, but .192 6 should be a bet-
ter one,, both in rapidity and sol-"
Idityj of rowth. , ilt wIU be, Ifjf
ererj Sale mite wili take stock
and act on'llae; Tislon that stock .
taking of our advantages and op-
poftanities and resources -will give;
him. 4f all Oregbn could do the
same thing, we wuold make the
Florida boom look-like 30 cents.,,
and there' would , bo no mushroom '
growth here, either. - :
If -yotf want' a genuine shAkup.l areae was" of flax Brown-tor
not" see" the speech of J greater--momentum for- influence -and good to humanity in
itioh ofHhe American the future year. : , '':,' . ' '
The. delays in administering justice, which, come one
after another in the courts add more and more disgust and
structive efforts to secure higher prices. That is the intent discount which the people now possess for our methods of
of the law creating this office, He is not paid to be a crape proceaure wnn me iaw-aeiying-anq criminal element
, Much less a Dronairandlst of false and misleading and : And with the passing of this holiday season. with its
infiirinii'farfrin.'-"- . . . , . . . - i Denevoiences ana gooa cneer unnstmas nas jrairrea still
. - v .
, If. any reader of this article did
President Coolidge .before the convention
Farm; Bureau Federation, in Chicago ! on : December 7th, he
should read the following excerpts from that' speech, dis-
cussing our present lami as appuea to iarm proaucts ;
!. "Others have thought that the tariff rates were unfavorable. to the
RECTED. Let us examine our imports. Last year their gross value
was $3,610,000,000, but $2,080,000,000. or 57 6-10 per cent, came
"ItS wnolly free of dty. This free list was constructed especially to
favor the,. farmer, and. contains more than fifty, articles, which. he
purchases. Tike fertilizer, leather, harnesses. . farm machinery, .coffee,
binder twined barbed wire' And gasoline. -
-Of the $1,530,000,000 of goods paying imports, $780,000,000 was
upon, 'agricultural products, levied solely to protect , the farm, in
eluding animal and dairy products,-grain, flax, wool, su-jaUhuts,
citrus fruits and many others. - If any farmer wants to get an accu
rate' and full list of his products which are protected and his purchases
which come In free, let him go to his public library and consult Offi
cial Document No. 337 comparing the last three tariff acts. Thus 80
per cent of our-imports either come In free or "pay a duty td protect
the farmer." This must be further increased by$250,00,6pd-more
r of imported luxuries, Jike diamonds, fine rugs, silks, cut glass. Jewelry
and TnahoganyV These' items cannot Affect'; the prosperity .jot,, the
j farmer. ' This brings the total of imports up to 8S per cent wW4V are
- free, 'and. leaves only1 12 per cent -of our. imports upon which the
agricultural industry pays iny part, of the tariff.
But," on the other hand, out industrial and cjty. population; jays
1 the tariff on the $780,000,000;, worth of agricultural jimports and also
participates in the $$qo,ooo.ooq wqrta oi imports outside of luxuries.
While the farmer pays part' of the duties on 12 per cent of. our
' ImtuiK wtitfh An tint henefit him. induatrv and commerce nn v nart
Of the duty on 36 per cent oi tne imports wmcn ao not benefit them
"But if we. take all that the farmer buys for his household and
farm operation and subtract from it articles dutiable to protect the
farmer, the free list and luxuries, we should have let;ie3sthaii'e10
per cent of his expenditures.' This means that less than 10 per cent
of farm purchases are at an increased cost which is Adverse to the
farmer. Admitting that the price of these purchases Is Increased by
the full amount of the doty, this means that the total adverse cost
to the farmer qn account of the tariff is only between two-per cent
and three per cent of his purchases.
''Many economists cqnslder that even this calculation as to the
contribution or our farmers to the tariff Is overestimated. As their
expenditures include many items for labor and service on which, there duty,: the proportion of total expenditure oh dutiable articles
outside the three lists above mentioned is not 10 per "ben i, but jonly
three' per cent or four per cent of his total expenditures, i Thiiaueven
assuming that the farmer pays tariff on this ratio of goods, his expen
ust go ont there and take charge
oi a bunch of Those boys for about
two years,, and a new vision will
appearmpon your mental horizon.
During the general Jar of a few-
years ago much good has come to
the school. The new school which
waft -hangjng by a thread, for a
time, has become a reality. Due
very largely to a strong public
sentiment. A few years before
such"' an, . undertaking could not
have -been put over. The people
would not have stood They
were awakenedsaw the need,
ami' indorsedthe pla.nl1 .j This 'Jn-'
terest is stnl reasonably keen, and
pajtiaUy doe to the stimulated in
terest in the penitentiary; -a kin
dred institution. We should not
ailoV our interest to. wafte.
as every institution grows or
deteriorates with agesO must the
new boys' training school. It is
but in infant so far as its service
to -the boys intrusted to its keeping-
.Is concerned,. To what extent
it will serve the boys depends
very largely upon the interest the
individual taxpayer takes in the
wetfare'of these, boys. The school
can be made a place of retention,
which it was nerer intended to
be, or it can become a scnooi sucn
as its name implies a training
school. Which one it is to be de
pends upon the public interest in
the place.
The. old school for years and
years, was nearly forgotten by the
public. If it was thought of at
all it was as a pest house that was
to be shunned, so far as responsi
bility was concerned. As. you
treat a person, so does he become.
jhe school was .treated, much as. a
pest bouse, and it became near be
coming just,, .that-'
If vocational training is im
portant for our high school stud-
eats it is much more important
for the boys at our state training
school. Even though the boy
never' follows the trade learned,
or partially learnedrat the school
it acts s a stabilizer to character
as. nothing else will do. The Sun
day school and chapel services are
all very good, but add vocational
training to the boy's education and
the Sunday school jind chapel ser
vices become many' times effect
ive. ,
The old school had some vo
cational opportunities, but not
near what the people owe those
unfortunate boys. It takes money
to pay Instructors,-' but competent
instructors , can. be secured at fig
ures wifhin the reach of reason.
Instead of : Best- house, let's
mk.A of the new boys' training
school "a vocational school Just so
the seed only, mostly in the Da-
kotas and. Minnesota. ' That many
acres of fiber flax, as grown in
' "-'
' Should .'
Link the Fnttiro of Their CLUdrea
. V ' with; a '' "
'. . '
Lincoln National Life Insurance Company
Juvenile or Educational Trust -Jund Policy
' they make their college training sure. '
at a nominal cost
' -. Ask" . - - .
147 North Commercial Street, Salem ' -Phone
577 -----
New Year's Edition
- L ...... --r, f -
The Oregon Statesman
v s: Friday, January 1, 1926
A chronicle of progress of the Salem district which you
will be prpud to send to your friends elsewhere.
Ten cents a copy, postage prepaid, to any point in the
United States. Fifteen cents a copy outside the United
Circulation Department, . .. ' .
Oregon Statesman, - - , -
Salemt Oregon. '
Gentlemen: Enclosed find defray cost oi mailing copies of New
Years edition of The Oregon Statesman to the following addresses :
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fT t- j OiD You SEE 'I" '. y " ' i "'"'.- 'nr- - . '.1 ' " " " ''' : - ., . . - .
OVEt? at -THE ) V J HADtO 1TAY I 'J f-- , ( - QQINQ , t V HrST00O OP FOR H, -.
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