The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 25, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    . n
MI Salem,: "City" of1 Peace.' Christians SplrM Shines From the'
- By REV. J. It. BUCK,
j Ft.: Joseph's Catholic Church'- '
V I About a mile from liethleiielm.
under, a scraggly . grove i -of i olire"
trees, stands' a little chapel, old,
neglected ' and, lonely. It la,' per
haps, a mere fragment of a church
wnich'' was, once built by St.
Helena, and marks the spot where'
the shepherds' stood on that me
uiofaMe night neafly two1 thou-
' sand years ago, .when, the
. g-tary of the ' Lord - shone round
about tbemV' and the host of an
jrllc voices sanr tho song that
Ms fMioii to us throughout
tn aes; fClorla in excelals, Deo
( ClofytP (k4 in the highest, and!
oa , ea r th. . peace to men of good
will. ) rtenee- It is called the
chapel, of "The Angel to the shep
herds.." . -
V'AVe'may almost picture to our
selves thescene.t One of those
still, clear chilly nights, with per
haps ai, brlftht moon filling" the
little plain with silverand where
objects stood out the more clear
ly, because of the' deep shadows.
.Vwajr off in the 'distance was the
.. dim outline on the billy ground
nprm which stood the little town'
of Cethleheim. with now and then!
a ray- of light shining out,, from
eOiti dwelling. The bleat of some
lamb;, seeking' its mother or per
haps j Ehev night cry ot some bird
" was wit that " broke, the stillness
- and the shepherds, as though with
a premonition, of coming -'events
- spoke in low? tones as they looked!
"Across the steeping world.
- Then in the distance, a peculiar
light, appeared in the sky, and as
it came; nearer, it .resolyed itself
Into the myriads of angelic forms
'and they heard the .heavenly
.music. "Gloria In excelsis Deo, et
.in-' terra' pa,' bominrbua, bonae
voluntatis,"'-"" - -
"Com'letras go into Dethle-!
helm, and see this, thing which
has comeflo pass, which the Lord
.hath made inown to us," said 'the
shepherd,- and ' going forth they!
crossed the' plain where Ruth, the
iniestress ot bur, , SaViour; 1 had
gleaned the corn in an alien field;
sicat; hert,' and David, the; de
spised and jrbungesf of a' numer-
ou8. family) had himself 1 watched
sheep. v i;l . " ':- - V- .
. .The'birth of Christ, marked the
greatest - epoch of human exis-
fence. From the fall of man to
. this time,., covering, - perhaps,. ' a
.period of some four, thousand,
years which are commemorated by
,' t he church" on the'four weeks pref
ceding1" Christmas, and called 'the
Advent season," poor. suffering hu-
manity, had: little in the war of
-' V '
r- S jjf m
mm l-
real peace and comfort which true
Christianity brings. ' -i
1 They hoped it is true, but as
the years passed that' hope had be
come very dim. The signs, which
the prophets; had given' toJ them,
were unheeded by. the vast ma
jority of the human race, and the
transient sinfnl and Idle' amuse
ments filled their entire lives.
Bad" as the world is today, we pan
scarcely form a dim picture of the
wickedness' and evil extant at that
time. ' , ,
Then, Jesrus was ; born. The
first Christmas dawned, and with
its light, all that is good, all that
is noblest, all that is best in man
came to light. i Anticipation and
hope became realities, Man com
menced fo understand . himself.
and selfishness gave way to kind
liness, hatred- gave place to love,
and the charity of Jesus became
the mainspring" of joy and peace.
All this Is' exemplified by the
Christmas spirit-.every year, and
wV may well sing with the angels
"Olory to God in the highest, and
on earth, peace to men of good
It is difficult for us to realize
the great, love he has shown to
man by ' "becoming; flesh and
dwelling- amongst us," for the
condescension is infinite. The
difference between man and brute
nature is finite and we mav meas
ure It .with some degree of ac
curacy. ul who of us would
willingly take the nature of.Ta
brute for the welfare of brute
creation? Who of us would be
come a worm in order that worms
might be' brought to a better and
nbbler state? And in this com
parison, we may to a very small
extent, measure the 'love of Cod
for man. . Jesus, the second per
son of the blessed Trinity, became
man in order that man might be
elevated to a dim. image and like
ness of God. And between man
and God tho distance is infinite.
r Ve do well, then, to imitate' and
practice the virtues of the lowly
Babe of Bethlehelm. '. The Christ
mas spirit should prevail, and
this great anniversary should be
commemorated, 'and its meaning
kept ever before our children as
Well as ourselves.
In our own little city, Salem,
"The city of peace," this spirit
is alive. We see it shining forth
in the faces of the little child as
welt as in the countenance of the
mature and aged. We realize our
trials and difficulties, many are
burdened with cares, sickness and
even death. Yet we are not hope
less, for we hare learned to look
With the spirit of sincere grati
tude arid appreciation to our
-marty friends and customers for
their . generous .patronage and
We Wish
Oregon . BuUdm?
to - the Bane . of . Bethlehelm, have'
earned of II is meekness and low
I loess aDd eharliy, an'd at thii sea
son It is more ' pronounced than
ftVer, -and I doubt if there Is
scarcely a' , sou! but what uncon
sciously singing with the angels,'
the firgt Christmas; hymn, "Gloria
in' excelsis Deo. et in' terra pax
homlnibus bonae voluntatis."
Superintendent R, E. Lee Stein
er of the Oregon state hospital was
to receive this morning: a basket
containing more than 50 varieties
of. cut flowers gathered and grown
entirely out of doors by the flor
ist: Included in the collection
were tour .Varieties of roses and
as many hardy shrubs which are
supposed to' bloom in the spring.
This Is, it seenjs, not only a green,
but a bloom ing Christmas.
Following la a list 'of those
winter blooming flowers:
Veronica, heliotrope, hollyhock,
pansy; dianthe, carnation', scabois,
doronienni. Oriental poppy, snap
dragon, calendula, achilia, anthe
mis,; belle daisy," Testout rose,
Hermosa'rOse,' Victoria rose, Baby
Rmalber1 rose; catiOpsIS.' annual
mums. Marguerite daisy, vince.
stocks, alyssum, gladioli, tris, be
gonia, lemon lily, wallflower, ver
bena, chrysanthemums, California
poppy, ibris.' staT. phlox, Japonica
quince, strawflwers, violets, wat-i
er lillies, hydrangia, splrea, for
sythia.'.escolonia, laurensteinua,
geramnm, geum, rose glove, aouo-
Btistma, rosy milfoil,' high bush
cranberry, Shasta daisy, armeria.
OLYMPIA. Wash Dec. 24.
Govei'or IIartley- Christmas gtfti
io ism sui leinsraxors ii six veso-
ed bills and 24 signed measures.
licrEfVfehintj OlHeTyme
Police Chief States Lack of
Understanding Is Prin
cipal Problem
Petty larceny committed by
youngsters is one of the most dif
ficult tasks confronting Salem po
lice, according to Chief Frank
MInto. The boys, especially seem
not to realize they are in the
wrong wjven they put their fing
ers on articles not belonging to
.Next in importance comes the
prohibition problem. In this. Sa
lem bas not had so large a task
on hand during the last month
as previously. Strict enforce
ment in the " city has led to an
abatement more or less of this
phase of violation.
Speeding is an offense always
confronting the police. In' this
Officer Hickman of the day force
and Officer Warren Edwards of
the night force are efficient in
hauling In offenders. Close en
Witty Kindest Remembrance
For a
Merry christmas
john j. bottle
Merry Christmas!
The Uriited - States1 National Wishes
Every One of its Patrons and' Friends
The Very Merriest Christmas
They Have5 Ever Had
United States
. Salem.Oregon
the j. speed laws;
speedy conviction
fnd sentence, has toned down the
condition until now It Is seldom
any violator crashes through the
city at a great speed.
Laws regulating card playing in
the city ' are hard1 to enforce!
! Ployers are not allowed to bet on
the side. Police hear often of alleged-violations
ot this regulation.
but' are unable to do. much, it is
said, as the men keep their bets'
oft the table when they see an
officer approaching.
An arrest for alleged violation
of this law was made this week,
however. Mayor Giesy declares
houses allowing such carryings
on will have their licenses re
voked by the council if they are
caught red handed.
Many times when an accident
has occurred or when a traffic
law has been violated, drivers
profess ignorance of the law. Such
drivers do not meet with sym
pathy from Chief Minto.
"If , a drivers hasn't read the
traffic laws thoroughly, he should
be fined for lying-. he declared.
"At the. time he gets his license
from the office of secretary of
state, he swears he has read the
laws through and understands
Say It With a Classified Ad
157 S. Commercial
forcement of
coupled 5 with
Express truck robbed
(By Associated Press.) Forcing
1 ""-5 Jr
M; Greetings lk
Ml With Best Wishes W
wjjiTj Eor Your Happiness at V
Christmas and the
W E. H. Burrell IM
tiatery and Electrical Service ' $$M
ISX 238 North High Street JfiH -
a Wells Fargo and company ex
press truck: to the curb, three
bandits in an automobile tonight
held up the company's messenger
and caVed!wUh'aT)Out SaODO. a
report to the; police slated.- The
robbery took place in the business
In the sentiment of the season we
extend to our customers the wish
that heir holidays will be days' of
cheer and that the New Year will
bring happiness in the accomplish
men of their tasks, in their homes,
and in their friendships.
We thank you for your
patronage during the
year and extend our
wishes" for a .
and a
district shortly after the money
shipment' : was received rat the
Southern Pacific station from the
north.' -.i.
' Lane eounty
high schools.