f . .-.??! " V iff iiritai sir lilpi By AUDI&D IJNCft i- Phonft-106 f A CHRlSTIAS tyisfi : Jj J ,ic ,rKW Kosa. May iwwjey, Hester.) , ... , - . If I wef e a muse I miht 'readily fhid ' -; Okiine' pretty Siot 'M , The thoughtof my heart'aiia ttie'ivjsh if myioni' - dypuihis Christmas day. 5 ' ' T-Ktv- r ' But I am not so gif ted and the words come slow - ; ' ; ? When -.my . heart would speak to you, And though 1 pu22le my vthe!tnffKat I-Wite Is far from the sentimentfrue. i - . ' , - ; . . - .J ,, So I'm frlUnjr back to the suoW wish , .thai-Hi carried Iteitesliihei . . ' ;vTo; a itnlUhearts, andmyhuiyoii . ."K Merry Christmas aiid si Happy New Year. Emmons-Lindle Wedding ; "ins "At Dawning.- miss LucUe koss i .wm play Mendelssohn's weddia? tuarcb. : The bride w'Ul wear a lately frock of -pencil bine crepe; back atln, with lace trim. v 5 r Miss Anne Llndle. a slsteirot The outstanding social eTent of Christmas- day promises to pe the wedding of Miss OliteiRandle ofV 'Portland t'o DT.CrVW. Emmons, whkh will - Le solem nized at high noon today.-at the Emmons, home at 828 Htfrth Com- tihe br(de, as maid of honor, and inereiai street, with Dr. Norman Kendal!. Tally, pastor ofthe First rresbyterian chn'ech Officiating', i - Poinsettias and lattices, inter twined with . holly.. mJsUe(ber ad evergreen, will 4 bna Mh back ground of the imprOTised alta'r. Immediately precedlng-the cefev mony Mrs. Merle Rosecrans win Ralph Em mops, a brother of the groom, as beet man. will be the ydoiigcosiple'a only atendanU. Ufhdle is a graduate nurso', having, completed training, at the Cfd6d BamaTitan.-hospital in Port faod.' Dr. - Emmons, who fe i prominent Salem physician, la' a graduate specialist. of the Unlver- tt.vlstraas'i t' l"- The thought of goodrwill everywhere." . . 7 To Yoil Who Have Made rr Happy : Christmas - : ' " and Happy . New Year! THE SALVATION ARMY Christinas Special: Rev. and Mrs. Carl F. Miller' -at our hall, Saturday, December 26, at 8 p. m. Bity of rOregon- Medical - scnool. with ontstanding post-gradnate work In Chicago. Prior to locat- (ng- W-aJfm"iie was connected with thr - Unitersity " of Oregon clinic in Portland. Friends of Dr. Emmons wHl also remember that he Is a graduate of the' satem high school. " '.' '.; ) Dr. Emmons and his .bride will leave immediately after the cere mony, for a wedding trip north. After the f irst"tf 1 the year ihey will be at "home to their friends in the Engle apartments on North CapUol street. Vanishing Parties Close An tinnsually ' suecessfal chain rbf -vanishing' parties, sponsored by Saletii 'matrons for the 'benefit of the Doembecher "" hspftal ' fund Came to a close this -week, after continuing for, six -week'sj, - Among -" those who ' have taken part 'In these affairs are the lot lowing, with additional names to come later: - ' v ' . , ' ; ': ' Mrs. -F. A. Elliott. Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mr E. Irltt Slade, Mrs. Frederick Deckebach, Mrs. A! J. Rahn.-Mrs. Cards "B. Cross. Mrs. Ercel Kay, fts" Dan J. Fry, Jr., Mra. Frank H:' Spears, Mrs. C "K. Spaulding, Mrs. O. K. Price,' Mrs. W. F. Far go, Mrs. H. T. Love, Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. George Hug, Mrs. Don Young, Mrs. P. D. Qulsen berry, MraTGus Hlxon, "Airs'. Louis Griffith.' Mrs; F. G. Deckebach, Mrs. Daryl Proctor, Airs; Clifford Farmer,: Mrs. J. Shelley Surman Mrs. R. , 12 s Ed1iPardB, tMrs; Cart Webb, ; Mrs;:. tfoy -Farmer, jirn. H, H. i Coraoer. Mts. Don Jtta erts. Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mrs. Aj R.- Rankin. Mrs. V?. V. PoornianJ Mrs.' Karl Becker Mrs. Ernest P Thorn; Mrs.; H. At. Rpome, Airs; ft. V. Compton, Airs XV. J. Bu Sick, Airs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Ed gar Pierce, Airs. E. Al. Page, Mrs. W. L. Spaulding, Airs. W.-lt Phil lips, -Mrs.- Morton Peck, Mrs. Grb ver C." Bellinger, -Mnr. ElHott Col ony, Mrs. Charles's. Bates, Mrs. Leonard Nelson, Mrs. Karl B. Ku gel, Mrs. Merle Rosecrans, Airs. Frank B. Bowersox. Mrs. Phil Newmyer. Airs. Janles Nicholson Mrs. C B. tfcCnllocb, Alias Zoe Stockton 'Miss 'Grace Wolt. Miss Merl AIcKelvey, Miss Vivian Har grove. Miss Edith' Bragg, Miss Anielia Babcock, Mis Prudertce Patterson, AIIss Dorothy Pattfer fcorir Mrs.' Richard Slater. Airs. McKerfey, Mrs. Crowley, Misses Anne Simpson, Plppy, McNeil,' Mc Kayi. Carlotta Crowley; Dorothy Nicholson, Cornelia - McDonald, Mabel Carry. .Mrs. AC. Eof f. Mrs. Paul'HepdricksvMrs: Clifton Ir win, Mrs. H. G. Mason, Miss Mar garet Rodgers, Mrs. S. M. Endi cott, Mrs. George H. Alden. Mrs. R. K. Ohling, Airs. Arietta AI. Page,.Dr. Fannie' Brown. Golden Wedding Anniversary ? The 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Airs. W. A. Taylor, which occurred on December 19, was fittingly celebrated with family reunion and ' dinner, party on Sunday, December 20, the day following, at the Taylor home at Macleay. Air. Taylor is an old pioneer of. this section, his father having come to Oregon in 1845 and settling on one of the old homesteads in the Waldo Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor now make their 'home on part of the orieta- al home place where Mr. .Taylor was born. Airs. Taylor, who was Rosalia Hughes before tcr mar riage, came to Oregon from Iowa In 1874. Mr. and Mr. Taylor - are : the ; ,. ' ' - i - parents ot eight children, includ ing Walter Taylor-and Ada Jer; minv botfi'of 'Salem: OWrge Vlrt W Tayl6r ot "Mfft CitTJi Eary JE. Taylor of PIxley, Cai:;KaUh Jer m an of Salem ; Alfred Taylor 4 of Pixley, Cal.; Fay Lifeschty of .Pratum, and Myrtle Clymer of Sihrcrtoo. ' :" ' 1 A t In the group 'invited for tSe weddWg anniversary "were three brothers afnd klstefs of Sir. Tay lor,' these 'being Alarion Taylor sof Menarira, Harvey 'Taylor of, Mac leay, Amos Taylor of Albany. Tars. Marion Baker of California, Mrs. N. A. Bond and Mrs. Nellie Humphreys of MsMInnvllle. . Roast tuiicey, roast duck and roast chicken formed the - "piece de rasi8tancfe, of the elaborate an niversary feast.' Vellof ahd white chryBnthemnms were lotef "fV ,'abotit the 'room ami-on the table-where the feature1 was the lkfge.- richly Iced eddim- cake; ornamented with tho golden nn--merals, "50." .: Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. George Clymer, Airs.1 Addle Taylor of Salem, Mr."Jand Mfs. fDan Humphreys of McMInnrille, Afrs. Marion -Baker or California, Mr. and Airs. Jack Patton of Macleay, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Tayi lor. Air. nad Airs. R. W. Craig of Salem, Mr. arid Mrs. Amos Taylor of Albany. Mr. and Airs. Marion Taylor of Alehama. Mr. Russell King of Alill Cityjf Air. and Mfs. Lowell Taylor , of Mm City, Air. and Airs. Carl 'Clymer, 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Albert Llechty, Miss Lale Ltechty and Howard Liechty of Pratum, ;Air.,ajiMr9.:j:d: Taylor Lol Mehama. Mr. andt Airs. Elvy Taylor of , SlJtertont Berth Lois rTaylor ot Salem. -Margaret Sav- ad, - BUIIe Welch; VlrgiirTaylor of - Aliil City, Maude Humphreys 0tMcAIinnyiHe;'EldttnBorthwiek bt'Idne.'Or.'i Adolph, Craig of port land, Mr: and Airs, Walter Taylor, ttalph Emmons of Seattle. Mr. aad Airs. Dort Jerman of Salem. Mrs. Ada Jerman, Air. Albert J aegqs, "and the hosts. Air. and Mrs.'W. A. Taylor. - ' . ' f Holidays in Salem ; - r; i v i5JtrS and Mrs. Q'. II. Taylor and daughter 'Barbara- Jeanne of Port land, and Paul E. Davles, marine, of Bremerton, T Washington, iwill spend tneTChristmas'holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Davies.'-J- ' " - , . ' , , M iss Dateon Is Home . Miss Mabel Dotson is spending the Christmas holidays at 'the home of her parents? Mr. and Mrs. ;IJ. S. Dotson. Miss Dotson is a member of the high school at Philomath. ' - Gue&ts at AfcCallister Home ! '.'". m Wat" jf mr. ana xars. mara mcuaiiisier are -entertaining as - their house guest for the Christmas holidays Mr. . and'Mrs. John Buchanan st Corrallis. Additional guests - for the family -dinner today will, in clude Air. iW. B.: McCallister of Portland, Mrs. Mary Cauthorn, and Miss Caathorn. jfomeFrom Yakima. , - AIi88 Jenelle Vandevort, daugh ter o'f Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Vande fort, will arrive home this moan ing from Yaklmaj Washington, to spend the"-holiday ' season. Miss Vandevort is successfully engaged in Girl Reserve work in Yakima, having accepted the position early last fait. Town and Gown Club Tea The members of the Town and Gown club are anticipating the tea which they are planning for early In January. The; attract ire evefe will take 'place' at the home of. Mrs. C. P Bishop. GvcstriU Portland Mr and Airs. A. H. Aloore and daughter,: Alls? Helen Moore ;and Altea R'ut& 'Moore left on Chriit mas efo for 'PortIa'ndJd. spend, the bolidayswita -Aira n-Durar; a sister of Airs. Moore. 1 ; - Christmas Carols ' Tho singing ;of Christmas carols by a group from the -Salem Alac Dowell club is an annual custom among these singers as quaint as It Is delibtfuL Going from house to house, and singing to hhut-ins, is the part this group took in the festivities yesterday of Christmas eve. ' ' Home From U of W Miss Bertha tols Taylor, who is a student this year at the Uni versity of Washington, is spend ing her Christmas vacation at tnc home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor. Miss Taylor will return to Seattle January 4. Reunion at Poling Home One of the most enjoyable fam ily reunions of Christmas day will take place this noon and afternoon . the hnmn of Rev'afid " ArravC. I mw , pv. luuua " : family group: will meet together for tne, iirsi.iwue i uuwi years. Dan Poling, who is in New York City, and Charles Poling, bith regret that they will be un able tqcelebrate with the group. Seasonal decorations of " ever green, mistletoe, and holly will deck the rooms, while in the af ternoon hours both music and a - - - ' - t - - family Christmas tree will be fea tured. Dr.and Mrs. J.' A. Goode o Portland wlil.be special guests SfM'Jb? day, "J At the dinner table at the noon hour the following will be Sealed i yr l (Continued on pile 7.) : " ' w 1 1 if i ! . - H f X I f MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL ' '' " '"' ' ? Moore's Music House 'mll MERRY CHRKTMAS r s . : and . ,; ' -BEST WISHES : -:".v . FOR-tHB NEW.YEAR r Joyful Shaving 1 Keen blades always , Make your "safety" do a clean Job. The Janea Stropper edges your blade er thp best shaves you ever had. Z? Gold-plated in Morocco Case. On sale at ... CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 SfKte St Cor. Liberty l J. Capital City Cooperative reamery ., - ln rf -f-r.'.yr,f-y-v-&v mk ' ' MAY THE . J pX "0f I . . : -" xAristms v ABIDE WITH YOU EACH AND EVERY DAY! Pickens & Haynes GROCERS - '.-,-! .--AM K ' u motfh hih tTairr : -; tuaoMtc tcmm.s ill .ti. Jk "' 1 Sincere Are Our Wishes That This Ghristrrias Will Be Your Merriest ' "7 HOTEL MARIOH y all oregonparents ) I : Bhonldi l J. . Link the Future of Tlmi Children r ';, ' I with af " : (f ' r P Uncoln National Life In surance Company , Juvenile or Educational Trjuat Fund Policy- ? . A they make thftir College 'training sura, - ;) J . , at a noihfnaJt'coat ' . - i - ' . ' '-;jV.tfi.rl' ; " j . victor Schneider! special Agent ' v ! v .' ' I . , 147 North Commercial Street, Salem W .;c - -' ' Phone Si 7 ' "j y J i. - mSF- : jT . Holiday Beastiti TO ALL) - v - Salem's Leading Department "Store I - M I ,'r.t New Tear's Edition The Orego n statesman mry 1, 1926 ' A chronicle bf progress, of the Salem district wliich you . Tin cents a copy postage prepaid, to any point in thfc United States'. Fifteen cents a copy outside the United ' States! - : : --f-- . f- ". Circulation Department, ' Oregon Stateisman, SalerhOregon. . Gentlemen: Enclosed ifind.-...........to defray cost of 'mailing copies of New Years edition: of The. Oregon Statesman to the following addresses: , , NAME - f STREET CITY - STATE : : : : : . t ' , , i r : - , . " ," ...' . ... . ' " . ; v -:' r ' 1 . .. ... i. : " .. . i ... .: y .L-.- f- v. .' t:- -. "v " if - . ' ' ' , . . - . . v ? . . f i - . - -- - - ' .. - v- :J , f - . . , -j - v - ' . T . - . ..- - - . i ' lL. ... ' 1 - - " - - - . ..'- - - " - - . - ' : "- - - - - . . . " ;- - :. .. -- , - ... v.:. ... - . . "'' . -v . ' ." ; ' -. . - ..V.'" : ' . l - . " T " - ..... .... - '- . V - ' III 1 ... .j,, . .: ; v a.. ...... . . 4 AddrtSS