FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 25,; 1025 5 ; THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON S i . Merry Christmas - ; Is Our Wish to You - -4 "it 's W 7 G. W. JOHNSON & GO: . , 469 State Street - fir Qii A Merry Christmas To All IMC iras born December 22 to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sturgis of Alsea, and has been named George William. Jr. - I Property Owncro Have you troubles with your ireal estate or insurance? It's our business; bring them in. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High. d25tf WITT WE WS -IN BRIEF YMCA to be Open The Salem YMCA rooms -will I be open this afternoon between 3 and 6 o'clock. The building will I be open all day New Years, it is announced. Yesterday the gym nasium was crowded with boys J practicing for the Older Boys' bas ketball tournament to be held at the gym as a feature of the holi day program. "Christmas in Golden Gulch." a short play, was offered by ; the children, after which presents, candy and nuts were distributed. Miss Myrtle Lewis and Miss And rey fribble are the teachers in the Mountain View district. Asks Roberts' Return Governor Pierce Issued papers Thursday requesting the return to Oregon of B. J. Roberts and B.. Willis who are wanted in Coos county on charges of larceny by bail lie. The men are under arrest at Payette. Idaho. Sheriff Gage of "Coos county left today for Ida hoi in quest of the prisoners. Students Are Home Among other University of Ore gon students speeding Christmas at their Salem homes are the Misses Lois Hockett and Inez Tyler; MERRY CHRISTMAS SAY WE WHO WERE WORKING i Continued from psg 1.) Unsettled Cloudy, probably rain sweat: moderate temperature, frestt. east and southeast winds. Mat. 50; Mln. 43; River 10.2. falling; Rain fall .01; Atmosphere cloudy; Wind south. - " i Mr. Pope Visits : : Mrs. T. Ii. Pope of Portland Is visiting with her daughter. Miss Florence Pope, of the Salem Chamber of Commerce force. To day they will drive - to Portland where they will have their Christ mas) dinner. , rhrixtmas Matin And night at Mellow Moon. d25 Ad Club Meets The Salem Ad club held a luncheon at the Marin hotel yes terday. Dean Frank Erickson of Willamette university, explained hifezaethods of conducting Intel tt-M gence tests and the reasons for doing so. The matter of the Wal 1 ulan, ."Willamette university year book, came up at the meeting, but was laid on the table Indefinitely. Some trouble was in prospect be cause the managers of. the book had taken the contract out of Sa lem and into a non-union house. der received yesterday from the national headquarters at Wash ington, D. C. Both men are mem bers of Company F, and both were in the army during the World war, Durris being in the aviation corps and Young in the infantry. Furniture Upholstery And repairing., Gieae-Powers Furniture company, ' s20tf Here for Holidays Ellis White, who was seriously injured while playing on the Multnomah football team last fall, is, in Salem for the holidays. Wanted Family Man To cut wood or log. See Ter minal Realtors, Terminal Hotel Lobby.. U d22tf Visiting Parents Victor Reid. a Seattle dentist, is visiting with his parents in Sa lem. Mr. Reid made his home in Salem for several years. Wanted, Barber Inquire 299 N. Cora'l. Be on hand Saturday a. m. Steady job. d25 Dinner Party Planned - Archie Holt, manager of the Heilig theater here, will be host to all members of the Association vaudeville j on the Heilig bUl to day, to members of orchestra and to all those employed by the theater, at a turkey dinner to be held at the Gray Belle at & o'clock this afternoon. 1920 Calendar Free, Ilomer If. Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers. d22tf she wHIa remain, Ithrelatlvea for a few day theft ahewiR go on to Astoria to! spend-lfc rest Ot the Clothes Stolen holidays itherarents.-1 J. K. Wright ot 6 V rii' . '. i''T: L A New Pip Organ Kerdrd H By th V ' leetrleat f proeess ; a real treaty $top 4a .v-aL6iift'a iand gl,pgr und( hear it. VS,' S --'lf' Stf clothing w 9 North 21st street has reported to local police that his clothesline was robbed some time after 10 o'clock Wed nesday nteht. . Bath towels, pillow derwear and children a as stolen, according to the report. Home f of' Chi-lfltmas ' Miss Marguerity Loret. instruc tor in Richmond school, will spend the Christmas vacation with her parents in Portland. Furniture Upholstery And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture company. 20tf Exclusive Distribution ' For W. W, Kimball pianos. A. B. Chase, Davenport & Tracy, Bush & Gerts. Moore's Music House. 409-415 Court. a20tf Speeder Fined - W. Wiles of Sutherlin. or., was fined $7.50 by Judge Poulsen J Thursday for speeding. Goes to Randon Miss Ruth Purdy, instructor in history in Salem high school, will spend the holiday vacation with her sister in Bandon. Trade Wlut Yon Have For what you want. See Ter minal Realtors, Terminal hotel lobby. d9tf Christmas Matinee And night at Mellow Moon. d25 Drunk aril Fined Fred Hollett of this city was fined $60 by Judge Poulsen Thurs day for being drunk and possess-J to move into the grey dawn of a ing liquor. : this Christmas morn. Here we sit, playing traffic of ficer with the news people write with lueir lives. Elsewhere, throughout the nation, thousands of newsmen sit .at their desks, gathering, digesting, writing the news of the world, while you sleep, while Santa Claus comes and Santa Claus goes. Why do we do it? What is it all about? Why should these good men maintain their vigil, on through the morn? Chistmas morn? Why should they remain at their posts, leaving families at home, anxious for their presence? All the world cannot nap at once! That you may sleep in safety, we must sit at desks at headquarters, at centers where wiros rear h to the corners of the earth. We must walk our beats. we must work while Santa Claus comes and Santa Claus goes. Hands of the clock move far Into. the morning. Faint trace of day will soon mark the eastern sky. Behind, in the machine room, operators sit, ready to put this in type. Below, the press man stands waiting for the pro testing elevator to bring him the last forms. In front, comes the constant tick of the telegraph, bringing final news from the world's far corners. A break comes in the ticknig. One final message: "New York, Chicago, San Francisco join us in wish ing you a Merry Christmas." and then that famed signal " 30 ". which means the great Associated I'ress has gone to bed. "Thirty," we signal back. The wire closes. Lights, throughout the office. are turned out. The newsmen gather their hats and coats, ready Christmas morn. . The machines wait to put this into type. So, with a touch of affection, 1 your Christmas , morning paper made. So, on behalf of those who work through the night for your safety, not resentfully, but in ful lest joy of holiday spirit, we ex tend to you this glad morn our humble greeting and hope for the merriest Christmas ever. So we greet you, and go out into a new day. RUBBER PLAN DISCUSSED UX1TF.D STATE'S DECISION AROUSF.H IXTEREST GENEVA, Dec. 24. (By Asso ciated Press.) Considerable in terest has been stirred up in Gen eva over the decision of the United Sates congress to appoint a com mittee to investigate the world distribution of raw rubber. The opinion is voiced the question of the world suoply and distribution of raw materials will inevitably find a place on the agenda of the iroposed international economic conference. Both Americans and Russians to be invited to membership in the preparatory economic com mittee and it is now suggested the United States government may ba invited to sit temporarily on the league of nations council number Obituary Moritz In this city. Dec. 23. Bernard J. Moritz age 73 years, husband of Mrs. Volene Moritz, residents of Jefferson, father of P. J. and J. J. Moritz of Salem, Mrs. C. J. Jami son of Brookings. S. Dak., Mrs. W. O. Egeland of Glenlefit. S. Dak., Mrs. Johanna Baiimer and Mrs,. Herman .llabben. of Germany, Mrs. II. II. Bosch of Nehalem. Ore.. Mrs. Chester C. Lyon of Portland, Mrs. Henry C. Shields of Jefferson and Miss Flora Mo ritz of Jefferson. Funeral serv ices will be held Saturday, Dec. 26th at 1:30 p. m. from the Rig don mortuary, interment City View cemetery. two. Thia council will act In a sort of advfeorjr political capacity, both to be preparatory commission on the disarmament' conference and to the economic conference preparatory committee, fv "T -League officials suggest that It the United. States is interested in the equitable distribution of neces sities like rubber, wood pulp and quinine she could profitably join with certain European countries .vhich are likely to insist upon dis cussion of the subject at Geneva conference. 8XOW DEEP IN PASS EUGENE, Or., Dec. 24. Trap pers and guidea returning from McKenzie pass today reported an additional three feet of snow on the summit. The blanket is seven feet deep, it is estimated. No Christmas passengers were hauled over the pass on the snow motor, officials of the Eugene-Bend stage Tine said. ' " """"" THE BLACK CAT Wishes you a Merry Xtnas and a Happy New Year. - v ):i Wishing You A MERRY CHRISTMAS F. N. WOODRY Salem's Pioneer Auctioneer GRATITUDE It singeih low in every hpart; We hear it each and all A song of those who answer not. However we may call. But, ot,. 'tis good to thing of them. When we are troubled sore; Thanks be to God that such have been. Although they are no more! John W. Chadwick. W. T. Rigdon & Son ELKS DINING ROOM CHRISTMAS DINNER 5L(M3 Table D'Hote $lM 12:00 A. M, to 8:30 P. M. Fresh Crab Cocktail Soups Cboiro of St. Julian Puree of Tomato Relishes (Vlpry Hearts Olives Pickled Beets Head Lettuce with Mayonnaise Meats Baked Young Turkey, Oyster Dressing. Cranberry Sauce Hoast Prime Ribs of Beef, Au Jus , Chicken Halibut, Mlllinalse Vegetables Mashed Potatoes Fresh Peas Hot Itolla -Pastry Pumpkin Tie with Whipped Cream Hot Mince Pia? Chot-olate Cake . j Boston Cream Cake .. English Plum Pudding, Wine Sauce . " Drinks Tea Coffee Milk i I ; i Christ mas Dinner, 1JJ At 'Hotel Marion. B:45 to 8 p. m. . d25 Stopping Ilere ' Corale B. Dlnsmoor, the sister of Dr. .W. Carlton Smith, is stay ing at the New Salem hotel for a few days. New Years, Jfew Home- Take this 4 rooms new with furnace, fireplace, hardwood, etc. We have three north, south and east. 53600 to $3800. Terms, 100 to ? 600' down, balance like rent. Immediate possession on 2. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High street. j - d25tf 500 Cyclamens ., 200 primroses, ' 200 ' ferns, po inset tas, other Xmas plants. Maruny's greenhouse, '2 11 Miller. - . All MLw Drake Visits- Miss Blanch Drake, an instruc tor in Bend high school, is staying at the R. A. Harris home during the Christmas holidays. . . ' r Sharp Sign Service' ' Moved to new location, , 5 GO Ferry St., Salem. Phontf 394. d2C Christmas Promotion . Adjutant t General - .White an' 1 nounced yesterday that Paul Bur rls of Salem would receive a cap tain's commission in the national guard for a Christmas present. and the commission of first lieu tenant would , be given i to Don Young, according to a special or Forheroy & Keene Jewelers and Optometrist J Saletni Oregon : UNbEuWoOl) TYPEWRITER CO. . Direct Factory Branch -B19 Cowt Street - T Phone SSS Typewrlteri Rented, Sold, v Repaired t " Special rental rates id itvOeitt H. P. WOODRY & SON. AsoMaa r aa4 rmMn Daalart, nt tr Vm4 Tmamx. t7l XacU OMmwtiaL Of flee Phont 75, cr Ha line Yhct " Bays Lot- Alex Stain recently purchased lot 1. block 2 of the Highway ad dition from Miss Ruth E. Fuaon, consideration being $1800. Mr. Stain .contemplates improving the prperty for business purposes. The deal was made through the office of R. A. Harris. Fails to Dim A. H. Lelschty of this city was fined $5 by Judge Poulsen Thurs day for failing to dim his lights. speeuer tnea - .. , - RamoncT Ridders of Salem was fined-$5 by Judge Poulsen Thurs day for speeding. Gamblers Fined John Robertson and Fred Inls were fined $25 each Thursday by I Judge Poulsen ior gambling at a local pool hall. It is alleged, the men were betting on the side in feu rummy game. Kobertson was un able to pay his fine, it is said, ana I will serve it out In jail. 1026 Calendar Free, Homer H. Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers. d22tf ; New Red Seal Records . Single faced, 25c and 33c Stiffs Furniture Co. d5tf Tree Comes By Mail ' Mrs. T. G. Hoover, of Salem, re ceived 'by mail a pine Christmas tree from her brother in Pennsyl vania.- It lis three feet in height and arrived in good condition. considering the long journey by mail. River at Peak- Yesterday morning the-Willam- ette river was 10.3 feet above nor mat. It reached this stage after; coming up steadily during th night. When it reached this level ; it began to go down until the fore ! part of the afternoon, when it had reached the level of 10. 1 feet. 911.00 Paid Monthly Will retire a loan ot $1,000 in 140 months. This, applies to new buildings only. Ralph H. Mc- Curdy, offiice over Miller's store. d25 Moved '; ,. , Mrs.- McClean, dressmaker, to 241 S. High. . Phone 178 2W d 27 In Seattle . -r -Miss Leta Marshall, Instructor in Grant school, with her Bister, Miss Eva Marshall, instructor in music at the school for the blind, will spend their holiday vacation in Seattle. 3Iarceir Mlrack- : . Mineral for your better health. For free; Interview, write G. H. Gazeley. j special representative. Box 339. j 3 Goe to Astoria- Miss Rea Peterson, instructor in, Salem high school, went to Portland yesterday morning where Eastman Brothers j Furnace. Salem Offlee 169 S. High I ' Offie koanr 12:M TO 1 P. If, ' Factory, BBvertos, Ore, Wood Wood TRACY'S FUEL YARD 107 D Street Telephone 2313 Birth Reported A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Pursley, route 9, box37-A. on Thursday. Dee. 24. He has been named John Walter. Business Building, Cheap- New brick,-with Excellent lease to net 9 per cent, $2l,000'f7,000 to handle. Real buy Hendricks, 189 N. High. d?5tt Slill's Product Sold B. C. Miles stated Wednesday that the linen mill was turning out twine at normal capacity and that no difficulty was experienced in selling all of the twine that had been made. Both the twine made here in Salem and the twine that is imported from Ireland is sold at the same price, and the local twine is as much in demand as the imported goods. An order for 1,000 pounds of twine is now be ing filled for January 10. Births Are Reported- Three 'births were, reported at the city health officer's office on Thursday. To Mrpfend Mrs. J. A. Sumpter of Salem was born on De cember 22 a daughter, who was unnamed in the report. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Taylor of Salem recelr ed a son December 21 and have named him Bruce Edgar. A son Dr. . Bridgeraan Leaves rAt-o jtv-l ' -Dr.-M. L. Bridgeman has gone TfcVJjtot.St.Xonls, Mo., where he will be-connected with a hospital for children, tq take a post-graduate; course for about -a. year. For sev eral months past Dr. Bridgeman has been connected with the offi ces of Drs. Morse and Robertson, FOR INFORMATION ABOUT RAILROAD TRIPS Phone 727 Entertainment Is Held Between 40 and SO people were sresent at an entertainment held in Mountain view scnooi in poik county Wednesday evening, un der the direction of the .Mountain View Parent-Teacher association. OREGON ELECTRIC JOE WILLIAMS The Battery Mas - Merry Christmas ' ' WTUCiARD B31 Court St. vPhone'lOJI DISEASES Treated by Osteopathy and the latest electrical Therapy including Dr. Abram's elec tronic system. No charge for consultation DR. B. H. WHITE Physician and Surgeon SOS V. S. Bank Building , Salem, Oregon PAINTING KALSOMINING PAPER HANGIKG For the Hght llnd of mitsrUli and the. vert best, irorkmaa ship call na . . Gabriel Powder and Supply Co. 171 8. Commercial' Phone TSt LADD & BUSH, Banliera Established 18oa GcntraJ Bialass Bustibi to S"JBU. ,: . . . V F.N. WOODRY " Salem's Leading AUCTIONEER Pays Cash For Puxmltore, Bealdeaco and Store - 1010 North Si PHONE 511 ---C atabliahed ace IP1" Important Advance Notice of a Great Uedeir selliig . Dec. 26 8 A. ay M i 3 - - Use Your Credit T - X" GIESE-POWERS UsmitureComparu We Charge - T I Na Interest 5 , r : ... f TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE ON NEW v i i ! i '11-'. -is. '. - f"