THE OREGON STATESMAN; SALEM. OREGON FRIDAY MORNING,1 DECEMBER 25, 1925-- IJte Oregon Statesman laaaai Iily Except Uaadaj by TOT ITATZSHAN rUBUSHZXO COUP AST ' - IIS 8nit Commercial St, galea. Oragw , L J. Haadrlek . tr4 3. Toot Lae M. "ii errlmaa UiHt J. Smith ' .Aire4 Bsarh -- .-' Hiuftr Vaaatlnj Editor City Editor, Talasrapk Kditor - - &citT Editor W. H. HendefMB Ralph II. Kietxing Frank Jankoskt K. A.Khaiaa ... ' W. U. Conner - - Clreulatle Maaarer Ad frl itiaf alaaacer Manager Job lp. Litek Editor - Poultry ditor i - MOdZZZ OF THB ASSOCIATED PKE38 ' fia Aiate4 res U eelnrlOr entitle1 to tha for BubUeatlna of all aawa ot otbarwlaa eradlte in tfcia papor and ala Ua loeal I lapatehva eraditod to it or avawa pnbIUha4 koroia. I i . '': . business OFfirKa? i Albert Byert. 83 W'reeatar Bide, Portland, On. - , ' T??-?- cu& Ca" S Vork, is-iaa W. 3Ut Str CfcU-ar. Uuqtu BMr.: Poty Fayaa, 6aron Bl San FracUo, Calif.: Higgina Bid., Loa Anraloa. Calif. I . .. , ' j Bmftaaaf Offlea. , Wty JMitor.. -2581 TELEPHONES: , -. ClrcuUtioa Olflti -iM Ktn 10 . .. . Job Dovartmaat Department J3-10H 53 IntTd at the Poat Office ia.8lm, Orafo, at aeeond-elaaa feaiter. ' . .- - ' ,; December 25, 102.V !' ' -s -r .' CHRISTMAS DAY . TIDINGS OP GREAT JOY: The angel said unto them. Pear not; for, behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall , be to all people. For unto yotTisv born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which ia Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10, 11. y " WHAT DOES CHRISTMAS MEAN t ' ' ;When the real meaning ol Christmas awns. upon the world there will bef no more war and no more selfish aggran dizement. Then the Christmas spirit will not be limited to the one day, but will extend over the whole glad year;. We lenow that it ought to be so ' ; That "giving;. should always be the dominant impulse True giving which is neither aimless nor desultory : , . The giving of ourselves for others - '.That is the true note sounded in the song of the angels; tthe giving of time and talent, of thought and purpose, of ) material and spiritual assistance. ' : This is the true meaning of Christmas. The building upof our very material civilization has been such a long, slow process,, that we have failed to realize its strangle hold upon the finer side of life and character. It , was necessary to conquer the physical world and develop its resources. It was ever necessary for a time to allow the finer faculties of rran to remain subservient to the material istic forces whose urge was always in the direction of selfish t possession. All our systems of jurisprudence recognize and foster this faculty of acquisitiveness in the human race. It was natural, then, that materialism should grow apace. After all these centuries, however, it VouId seem to have served . its purpose The grasp of selfish power and possession has , transcended human bouhds-r- . Its undue development would produce a race, of demons As the over development of the martial spirit would ! result in chaotic destruction -V " r: And excessive pandering to the lower instincts of animal .nature would result in degeneracy. &MfM''$ It is high time in the progress of so-called civilization for the human race as a whole to face about and begin the Jong, slow upward climb toward the heights of divine human nature , ; . ' a Led by the forward looking nalioiis of the world which fiave the duties of leadership through superior fitness -.4 And it is a good time to begin at the Christmas season. Thus we may be worthy to share in the vision of Isaiah, the inspired prophet of old: - , ' "And it shall come to pass in the. last days, that the nwnntain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top . lot the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and nil nations shall flow unto it. ... s f 2 "And he shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plow shares, and their spears into pruninghboks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither hall they learn' war fehy more." star a star of love and hope., Such a humble way for. Him to come to us and such a straight and simple religion He gave us yet at the end was Calvary: and so often has if beenf 'yK,lt ueinsemane anu vaivary- since. : iso simple yei so ;uniicuis because we make it so. f ; : , . 'f . f ; v. Coming down the centuries - we realize how slow and uncertain has been our upward way, though the right road was ever to be seen and so many have seen it and told us. Shakespeare was seeing it when he wrote "Love is not love that alters when it alternation finds," and nothing more beautiful did he ever write. George Eliot's "Choir Invisible" tells it, and it is one .of the fine poems of our English lan guage. We glimpse it in Gray's "Elegy" or we feel it when we recall "Little Nell's" last request, "Putnear me something that has loved the light and had the sky above it always." IF we would only keep near US something that-loved the light and had the sky. above it always a sad word that "if", is sometimes.; -: , C.-l ' ; , . To, mast of us elder-ones there is a oitlof sadness in the old greeting, for we recall other days and see faces 4ost years ago. For us it is a day for memories, and, I think, each year we see more plainly that life is given us to be of service to others. "To grow old gracefully,. is it not to grow sweeter, kinder and more thoughtful ? I wonder. So with these thoughts, and many others, do I believe our . smiles are better and our greetings more earnest and sincere ; and thus believing, we are wishing you, one and all, a "Merry Christmas" and "Peace on Earth, good will to men.'.' The Arizona Sheriff Talti of ait adventures, hit courage, bia hnmor, hit keen intelligence aa colloctod by Major GroTor F. Sexton. "Tkt Deputy from Tarapai County." How with nimble run and motor car be brluft i-nrf and -euro Jnrtice to evildoera. . " n.- ' .' : Tlie Jap Hitler Up out of the basement stag-, gcred the rsiX:fo'ot sheriff.'with a Chubby Jap'jQfl his shoulders; legs wrapped in a vise-like grip around the sheriff' neck. ' ' "Gimme back liquor! Gimme back liquor!" the " Jap kept T0R US IT IS:A DAY JOR MEMORIES' (Contributed by a Salem Priend.) 1 Merry Christmas ! and how many meanings the greeting ias,' from the joyous, carefree one of laughing youth to the jquiet, gentle voice of age living in memories of the vanished rears; and as we write this we hear some one softly playing jjLong, long ago," and we know others are recalling the past, fi9We are. . 1 . . . - Our thoughts turn back through the centuries to a little cnild in a manger in lowly Bethlehem and over Him was a .' - . . - y ... . , 1 - - , . : screaming, in a frenzy. "Takes all moonshine; takee ev'yfing, but gimme real HTfuor." Sheriff. F. D. Divilbess was the man staggering .up with a load like unto ''the old' man of the sea- He preserves tne peace in Navajo county, Arizona a giant county of mesa and mountain and virgin forests. Down below the mllltown of Winslow, at the western end of the county jon the Santa Fe, where the National Old Trails road branches off for Grand Canyon, was "Japtown," habitat of Jap anese sawmill workers, home of saki or rice wine, and fearful moonshine concoctions even more poisonous than "white mule," or Mexican mescal or tequilla. . Caused lots of trouble, too, and disorder so Divilbess took six dep uties and busted into Japtown like a .whirlwind, getting1 over there in the ' Studebaker it" is always a Studebaker with -a 'sheriff- be fore the' Japs could be tipped off. Ifow pained and. shocked were the celestials that the "fine big sheriff t'Hnk Japanese make bad likka." He couldn't find it either, for a lime. nut the sheriff touched a spring on a great heavy cupboard beside the wall. Silently, smoothly, the whole cupboard moved out from the wall, and behind it was 10 gallons of moonshine liquor. A card table nulled apart ex posed another gallon. An unused electric light fixture on a wall, when twisted, dropped a panel of wainscoting, exposing to view five gallons of saki, or rice wine. The Japs displayed little In terest. , Down cellar went the big sheriff. A stone there swung out from solid masonry and gave un another five, gallons. A wall through the basement appeared rather thick,..- He kicked it. in and found another cache, v-v , -, Among this last assortment of liquors was a bottle a pint Sot real Scotch whiskey. This Divll beBs stuck in his pocket, wbMe ordering.,the rest of the stujf brought-ip by the deputies. The Jap proprietor, standing at the, head of the stairs, saw the pint go into the sheriff's poclte,.. It he. had been' stolid and indiffer ent before,.' he certainly came.' oat of ittwith a Jomp. - ' wild yell, be leaped wn tha stairway onto the sheriff's neck, demanding the real liquor, though he scorned the rest. It took two deputies to pull him off when they got upstairs. Then was a problem. They had taken Japanese names wherever they found liquor, but when they lined the eighteen of tbcm up. none of the sheriff's party could tell one from the other. ' -. 1 Every one of you show np for that hearing tomorrow.- after noon'' thundered the sheriff "names' or no names; I'll skin you altve. personally. If you dont." " J But next day appeared one lone Jap. "King of Japtown." they call him. and said he. personally, was every' rniah listed on the sheriff s' book of bootleggers. As each name .wa8 called, the same Jap stepped forward, pleaded guilty and paid the fine. "Wanta be good fella." he told the sheriff, ingratiatingly. "You Can't tell one Jap boy from otha. so me be all Jap boy. save troub'; me 'n' you be good friend, yes?" Now the king keeps them quiet over there, and the sheriff can forget that spot. It Lj the greatest Christmas time in "the hl8toryJ6f Salem; In volume of Christmas business; in the beauty of be displays and decor ations; in the universality of the Christmas spirit. Salem is getting along towards being a metropolis. The Statesman's New Year- edi tion will be out a Veek from this morning, it l$" well, urtfer way. It you are expecting t haove an announcement in that edition, you would bottor not delay much longer.... . ; . . Rides Horseback to Hew , ; York to Prove Hardiness BUENOS A IRKS -A former English schoolmaster .-Is making the long .tide by, horseback from Buenos Aires to Xew Ydrk in or der to demonstrate the endurance and " hardihood; of .tha typo of norsev- "- T. A. ,Tschiffey , left 21 and four months Argentine here AptU later had reached Bolivia. Writing: to friends here, he said tne animate were lu better condition than at leaving Buenos Aires. ' . :. I To Our Many Friends and Customers S I ' 1 WeWisha ' " . J I Merry Christmas i and a '- ' J - :f Happy New Year j imimanF : Bits For Breakfast . A Alerry Christmas! S And a persistent Christmas spir it lasting all yonr long life. A few sticks of candy, some breakable toys and a good Christ mas dinner will not get a poor man or woman or family through the dull days till spring work opens up. : It -will' not be very many weeks, and it looks like an open winter; but even so there are reported a large number of cases of need In Salem. There must h( an organ ized way to take care of the sit uation. Let's go. S S "Ye have the poor always with you" may not have been spoken for a future generation. But we have them yet, and we have them in Salem. And how would our canneries and other packing plants run without them; thousands of them? And how would our grow ers get their fruit and other crops harvested without them; tens of thousands of them? It Is a mat ter of good business as well as sweet charity and common de cency to take,carevof our poor. : This is the pear paradise of the world. Next Thursday's States man will be the annual pear Slo gan number. If you can help the Slogan editor, please do so." L,et's have a good review of the pear industry. There are a lot of ques tions needing settling, in this industry. Tp ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ;ore 'YJi-, 'tr et . -Half of Osaka Mail Matter rr in Replies to Puzzle Test OSAKA v. statistician (discov ered that the' Osaka Central post WOffJce handled 4,172,829 cross word'puzzle replies from June 25 AO August 31. which is nearly half the total, amount of mail matter "handled by the office during the Wne period. cTbe largest number received in 9ne day was 223,237, on July 2. Ji was stated that if the total' of .cross-word replies were put end -to end they would reach from 'Tokyo to Kyoto. ' Ouch! Rub Backache, Stiffnesslumbago Rub Pain from back with small " ; trial bottia of eld '; ;'..: 8t Jacobs OIU" ' jt ; Back tort yon? Can't straighten jap without .feeling sudden paini, a harp aches and twinges t Now liatea! 'That's. lumbago, , sciatica, or nayb "front 'a strain, and youll get relief the moment you rub your back with Hthing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OiL" Nothing else Ukea out aore lieu, lameness and atiffneaa so quickly.. ..Yon simply rub it on your back and -Wit comes tk pais. It is harmless nd doeantum the akin. ; ..; Limber up!. Doa?t suffer! Get a mail trial bottle of old, honeit "St.' 'Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and after using It just once, youll forget .that you ever had backache, lumbago' or sciatica, because your back will ? ever hurt or cause any more misery. It. never disappoints and baa been recommended or. 90 yeart. v In All the World's " -S W History ': :' ...... 30s M?1' ' $ Kl ; there was , never a date that ap- jz 7$y& Ki proached in importance that great lea tXlf sv ' V Vi ' .' V r event that we celebrate each year ' ICS fiflr' l w w on December 25th. - lift i '" MA ' For since God so loved the world Cjf A.r lO v Rl " that He ; crave Ilis only begotten -rv " T , Ml . Son; it is fitting that that reat firfii- ; ' Birthday be most reverently, ob- VrT "T5 ERAL PARLORS J V205SaQurtAStrt . ItJ May Your Christmas be a Joyous Occasion NELSON & HUNT Druggists Court and Liberty pes 0 "TJ TT D 1 . am mmtmmmmiammmmiL A o u a Sincere 0 0 Good Wishes for Vo,''1 ".'C'i ; ?. Ol Christmas an dtht New Year Pl .. -. 31 y t. 1 - fe U L GIESE-POWERS - Wish at this Time To Extend Our Sincere Wishes - For A Merry Christmas Happy New Year . ,J- ' ' :' ' ..' To Our Friends and Patron?' ? GlESE-POWERS V --' T- -jar! "yj . - ; -''' r'"- '-'"' 2f 'f7 "JT v.:. ; - -e3f