The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 24, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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ratmsDAV ii6&KiNa December 24, 1925.
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Phone 10 .
Twentieth Wedding t : -
The twentieth"" -wedding ' anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Questman;! was celebrated on Sat
urday 1 evening, at their country
home east ot town. The rooms
were lovely r with." Christmas deco
rations. During the evening Mrs.
Guy Fitch Phelps gave several
piano 'numbers and Mrs. Chase
gave several Christmas readings.
Games were Indulged, In the re
mainder "5f u the evening.-' '
Th hoapr guests were the re
cipients of jmany beautiful gifts.
Refreshments were served by
Miss Marcia Fuestman and Miss
Ler.b Fanning .agisted by Mrs.
elps and Mrs. Chase. .
The invited guests Included:
Mr. 1 and Mrs. L. E. Dudley and
Daryle, i Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bond, Mr. and Mrs. John Hunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs. August Fuestman,
WiK Knapp, M iss Leah. Fanning,
Mr. and1 Mrs. 'A.' E, Zimmerman,'
Mr. and MrsG. W. Giles, Mrs. A.
L. Matheson, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Gies, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Roberts;
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter,
Rev. and Mrs. ThoW Acheson and
daughters Helen," Jane; and Mary
Elizabeth, Mrs. Guy Fitch Phelps,
Mr. and Mrs H. A. Rowe and
daughter .Catherine, Mrs. Grace
Thompson and daughter Fay
Louise, Mrs. Carrie Chase and'
daughter Martha, Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. Morley. Mr. and Mrs. J.
V. DoLap, "Mr. -and Mrs. P. L.
Frazier, Mr. and .Mrs. L. II. Rob
M ts, Mrs. J. A. RiseArthur Rise,
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Weigle, Mr.
and Mrs. D. B. Cooley, TMr. and'
Mrs. Geo. Prideaux of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Ausman of J
Asotin, Wn.; Mrs. Minerva Rowe
of Petalnma, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs.
C D. Chorpening and family of
Klamath Falls, and Mrs. Cather-
i"Fuestman of Dixon. III.
loiiaays in-Los Angeles
Air..:anu Airs, otto J. Wilson
ail children, Margaret and Otto,
Jr.y left on Tuesday for LS An
gtles ."where they will spend the
Christmas holidays as the guests
of Mrs. Wilson's sister, and fam
ily. Reverend and Mrs. II. T.! Bab
Christina's Party Delightful
A delightful ' Christmas party
was given on baiuraay; afternoon
by Miss Lena Dotson for the pleas
ure of heri younger pupils, tovel
and interesting games were played
' during the afternoon. Later, re
freshments were served and each
guest received a dainty favor. The
pupils were: Helen Schulz, Jean
Snyder,, Elva McCune. Ruth Ro
berts. Eileen. Moore, Mauriee Wil
lis, Virginia Scott, Virginia Lunn,
Gladys Lachelle, Edgar Lunn. Al
fred Domogalla, Velma - Wagner,
Tt.,1 1T Tl... TlTrt. DIa,aii
neien way, nany t j( ruicu
Tiaiiehprtv and Edward Sc.hnnke.
Farewell Reception
a 1 :j 1 w t- 1 ri k 11 1 11 1 11 1111 iiri.
J. .T ' Evans and his sister Miss
ans was neia in me cuurtu
arlors Monday evening. A large
. J . 1 A.. .1 i .1
nWd aiienuea auu uiauy picnuu
talks were made expressing deep
, regret in giving up these two good
people. The church feels that Mr.
Evans has been a great power In
the work here and that truly
I wonderfuL program has been ac
complished under his ministry.
All feel fortunate In having so
capable a man as minister on this
church fdr the past .five years.
All regrejt having him leave the
work her? but aTe happy, that, he
has the opportunity of going to a
larger field of service. ' Mf. Evans
will 1 'deJUgfr, hig farewell - sermon
Sunday morning and will leave
Monday for his new field of activ
ity In California. Miss Evans left
yesterday for San Francisco where
she will be with her sister Miss
Tib Evans. '
Miss Moore Home
From College
Miss Lucille Moore is speeding
the Christmas holidays at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
W.V. Moore. Miss Moore is a!
student at the Oregon Agricultural
college and a member of the Alpha
Chi Omega sorority.
Story Telling Section
The-story telling section of the
Salem Atts' League did not meet
on Wednesday evening on account
of the proximity of the holiday
season. The next meeting of the
section Is announced for Decem
ber 30.
Visit in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Kozer are
leaving today for Portland where
they will be guests for the Christ
mas festivities at the home of
Mrs. Kozer's mother, Mrs. B. A.
Belcher, Mrs. Kozer will stay in
Portland for a week.
Chrismas Vacaion
1 Miss Frances M. Richards, dean
of women at Willamette univer
sity, will be a guest during the
Christmas- holidays in Portland
and at Seaside-
Christmas Program
at Church
The following Christmas pro
gram is announced for 7:30
o'clock this evening at the First
Evangelical church in celebration
Of New Year's Eve. The nnmbers
have been prepared by the choir
and the Sunday school of the
Prelude: Orchestra of 10 pieces
Song: Congregation. !
Scripture: Prayer.
Song: Choir.
Addresses of Welcom, by Dor
othy Englebart and Delbert
. Duett.
Christmas Wishes: Primary
Recitation: Marie Thatcher.
Recitation: Naomi.
, Song: Primary class.
Recitation: Arlene-Herxiaglon.
Quartet: When the Heavenly
Portals Open..
Recitation: Joyce Phelps.
Sons: Choir.
Recitation: Donald Elliott.
Girls chorus: Song of Love.
The Dreamer: Mrs. Carrie
Trio: . Phelps Sisters and -Mar
jorie Crittendon.
Recitation: Leland Curry.
Recitation: Howard Lampkm
Offering: Missions.
Song: Choir.-X-
Jollu Christmas Party.
One of the jolliest Christmas
parties of the entire holiday season
took place last Saturday evening
at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. given her by our press. Not that
Frank E.,Chnrcbill;on North Wia-lshe was a suffragette, .organizer
ter street. Aft " elaborately orna-Jor even member of parliament, but
niehted Christmas tree, and Santa a real woman, kind of heart, al-
Ciaus as a -visitor of the occasion, ways doinsi for others.. Encour-
were special features of the eve- aging to some od fashioned folk,
nlrig.' ' The evening was spent in Mrs! Coolidge looked'very sweet
playing games, telling Christmas ani gracious She- wore a cream
stories, and In the singing of flowered dress made, with pan
Christmas carols. The house was' niers ."eivine a" lone waist effect.
festive wfth appointments of the The president looked unusually
season. An exchange oT gifts was happy. C.Hess the smile was
enjoyed. At the refreshments caused bv the fine progress of the
hour Mrs. Churchill was assisted j tax" hill. "There were I wo thous-
by Marian Shaw, Willamette
Blakesley, and Dorotha Cannon.
Christmas Letter Received
From Mrs. Haivley
Unusually appropriate to the
Christmas season is the most re
cent letter from Mrs. W. C. Haw-
ley written on December 17 in
the national capitol. The delight
fully written missive follows:
Dear Folks:
and quests at the reception. Presi
dent, Taft introduced the custom
of serving refreshments at these
receptions in the state dining room
but under the Coolidge adminis
tration it has been discontinued
and the long line of guests pass
through this large room thus re
lieving the congestion in the East
room. As the reception begins at
nine and as the President and
Mrs. Coolidge go upstairs at teh-
I've Just returned from the thirty, refreshments do not seem
post office a half dozen blocks
away. Started on the road the
last ot two hundred Christmas
cards. By the time the last one
is sealed and stamped, one feels
hat .certainly no one has been
forgotten, hut not so, I always
think of some one who should
have a greeting when it is just
00 late. If I ever have, a thought
of letting Christmas pass without
word to our friends I recall
what Mrs. Bingham once told me.
The entire family was sick and
discouraged. Few friends had
even inquired as to their condi-
necessary. rne receptions are
managed very well under the
It Is splendid how the Ways and
Means Committee have worked.
You asked about us going out to
night affairs. Well, father is up
at six o'clock, leaves at seven and
returns about that hour at night,
oh, so tired.' It calls for someone
of brave spirit to don full dress
uniform and go on the night
shift. '
Yesterday I lost a packag not
of great value but these days ev
erv cent counts hope some needy
the mother ' and sister , of Mr.
Knap p. Following the .holidays
Mrs: Knapp will go to Astoria To
fill the position of Girl Reserve
secretary until September of next
year, when she will re-enter the
University of California at Berke
ley. Miss Knapp, a student at the
university, has a leave of absence
for the "acceptance of the position
in Astoria.
Miss Ostrander Is Guest
Miss Dorothy Ostrander is a
holiday guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Ostrander. Miss
Ostrander v is "a member ' of the
higlt school faculty at Falls City.
First Methodist Aid Society
The last meeting of the year of
the First Methodist church Ladles
Aid society will take place this
.afternoon in the parlors of the
church. A Christmas prgram nas
been planned for the afternoon.
Members of the Lucy Ann Lee cir
cle j will act as hostesses for the
Guest at UtteiHome
Miss Alma Pohle, who is a mem
ber of the staff at the Good Sa
maritan hospital, will he the guest
until after New Year's of her sis
ter. Mrs. F. L. Utter.
tion day before Christmas youngster found it. But anyway,
our card reached them and she
said to Judge Bingham: "Well,
the Hawleys haven't forgotten us.
Iras will be home early next
week. I'm counting off the days.
Anna Is sufficiently recovered to
com'e with Kenneth and Billie.
Anna is still on crutches. If only
you all could come too. Of course,
our congressman always his a
Christmas tree with all the trim-
1 came home feeling happy be
cause of a great favor done by a
girl at the second floor of a large
store. I gave a check made to
myself but forgot to endorse it
She gave me the money and
straightway went about my busi
ness. On reaching home she
phoned me and assured me that
she had turned 'in the money and
trusted me to pay her.
Last week when I was shop-
minss. etc. wnat a loiiv time he
and Iras will have selecting the Din& 8ome one touched me and on
tree and shopping for new trim
ming. Last year we had a beauti
ful spruce with the small cones.
Iras wrote her father about some
man asking where Cain got his
wife. Father wrote, "Tell your
friend he Is not the first man who
was in trouble because of another
man's wife." Iras and her father
carry on a brilliant correspond
Did I tell you that the noisy
man upstairs had gone? Before
looking around I saw it was Santa
Claus. He handed me a .package
and asked me to send it to Little
John. He said John was so sweet
and patient lying in bed with his
little broken, leg in a cast that he
need not wart for Christmas. He
was gone before I could ask when
he was going west. A man at the
silk counter in this shop said, "Do
you know they are teaching in the
schools that there is no Santa
Why a teacher should be shot who
we went home last spring I saidP'ould take. a11 the', Joy out of
unrisimas. 1 wonaer wny moa
my prayers that he would be gone
when we returned and sure
enough two quiet ladies have the
apartment. Sometimes we forget
to ask for the prerequisites ob
tainable by the laborers in His
vineyard. Did I tell you that the
curtains are all finished and look
ernists are trying to take the joy
out of our lives and giving noth
ing in return. Someone has said,
"Only God could have thought of
Christmas." For Christmas the
school children here are sending
boxes of gifts to the children in
Europe with friendly letters and
wnl innaan " Tint if per-
tainlyas a job.' The marquis- fre receiving happy little letters
ette is stretchy. I was most in the
state- uf uiliift-of a ceTtaltt bishop
living in Boston, who said that
when the east wind blew he did
n't know if he were saved.
We have had some very unusual
art exhibits this fall at the Cor
coran gallery. I went many days
and enjoyed it greatly. The con
certs too Jiave been unusually
Wre attended the Diplomatic
in return. And, the children of
Greece reeending -many -small
packages of currants to be used
in the Christmas cakes of the
children of the United States. If
all the schools would take up this
happy Christmas work;1 -It seems to
me the World Peace would be as
Goodbye with a big wish for t
very joyful Christmas.
week. It is the most brilliant of Guests at WoodlCoHh Home
the four receptions but this year
three of the nations are in mourn
ing because of the death of Queen
aiFiauuua. -"" I rn T flints o,l hot.
ever trntiii o j11u.11 j ut,-u in u I
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Angle
Woodworth will entertain as their
Christmas guests over the holiday
week-end Mrs. Woodworth'a moth
tributes paid
a woman as were
FT- f ' Tlli2 .Jlr
A . llr? II II If II Ml fe
w . m. - fcpy .. mm mm . - mm 11 mui j- -e
1 - 1 r
Knit Ties 35c, 3 for,$1.00:
Special Table Toys, Half Price
Doll Buggies: Reduced! ,
. . . - -. " - "- "... '
And Other Important. Christmas Items
Thrpughout the Entire Store!.
Salem's Leading Department Store,
sister. Miss Eleanor M. Clinton
both of Portland. On the evening
of Christmas day Mr. and Mrs
Woodworth will entertain at an
attractive Chrismtas dinner in
their honor.
Salem Women's Club
A program of Christinas carol
and readings, arranged under the
chairmanship of Mrs. T. S. Rob
erts m announced for the closing
meeting of the Salem Woman
club for the year. The meeting
will take place on Saturday, De
tcember 26, opening with a board
meeting at two, a business meet
ing at two-thirty; and the pro
gram at three.
At 'the tea hour Mrs. Charles
K. Sapulding and Mrs. S. M. En
dicott will pour.
A special committee, of which
Mrs. Roy Burton and Mrs. Ralph
Cooley are in charge, will arrange
the decorating.
Among those who will serve on
the social committee are Mrs.- C
F. Hamilton, chairman; Mrs. Za
doc Riggs, Mrs. W. D. Clarke, Mrs
T. A.. Roberts; Mars Harley White
Mr8."H. J." Wiedmer, Dr. Fannie
Brown, Mrs., George' Arbuckle,
I Miss Margaret Cosper, Mrs. Harry
I Wels, Mrs. Paul Acton and Mrs,
J. M. Devers.
The Salvage shop, of which Mrs
C.; K. Spauldlng is the efficient
manager,' will again be open this
Saturday in the basement of the
club house. Those in charge are
anxious to replenish their stock on
which heavy inroads have been
made. Those who have articles
to contribute are invited to bring
them vto the club house or tele
phone Mrs: Spauiding who will ar
range to have donations called for
The shop is open from 10 to
o'clock each Saturday,
Mrs. Jones in Salem
Mrs. S. Taylor Jones, house
mother at the Beta Kappa soror
ity on the ' Oregon Agricultural
I college campus, is a guest in Sa
I lem for the holiday season.' .
9 V"'-.i
i, ..J
Guests From Berkeley
Mr, andTtfi-C A.r. Knapp are
entertaining as their house guests'
during t the Christmas ? holidays
is.'M. Knapp ana aaugnter, ; juisa
iMarJorle Knapp of BeTkelef Cal.7
liss Stan field Engaged
The engagement of Miss Bar
bara Stanfield. daughter of Sena
tor and Mrs. Robert N. Stanfield,
o Mr. Henry Dunn was formally
announced on Monday in Wash
ington, D. C, at a luncheon for
which Mrs. Stanfield was hostess.
The guests included 22 intimate
friends of the bride-elect.
The wedding will take place
January 21 in, Washington, after
whichi Mr.uin And his bride
will make tHeif'Tiorae in Jackson
ville, Fl&.?PJ&;? -f:i
At the presenttlme Miss. Stfiit'
field is studying mtittia." jtllthe
DaniFosch copseratoryia JI?ew;
York city. '"Sfh ,:toiade ,;hef dbttt
in Washington last' year'ijand is
considered' one of the mo'stf beau
tirni girls in the national capi
The engagement is of special
interest in Salem where Miss
Stanfield has frequently visited
as the house guest of Dr. and Mrs
W. II. Lytle. Mrs. Lytle and Miss
Stan field's mother are sisters.
Book and Thimble Club
The Book and Thimble club
were entertained at the home of
Mrs. Kunkle at 20 fit) Trade street
Thursday afternoon. The rooms
were beautifully decorated with
greens from the Oregon woods,
in season, and also a miniature
decorated Christmas tree. After
the business session Mrs. Van San
ten entertained those present with
a varied and interesting program.
Mrs. Van Santen assisted the hos
tess in serving a lovely luncheon
The club members will miss very
much their efficient secretary,
Mrs, Ktibin, who was obliged to
go outh with her youngest son,
Laverne for the winter. Mrs
Pattison was appointed to take
her place.
Members present were Mrs.
Trot, Mrs. Beaver, Mrs. Cook,
Mrs. Van Santen, Mrs. Pattison,
and the hostess, Mrs. Kunkle
Visitors were F. C. Taylor, Mrs
Wood and Mrs. Anderson.
As each guest departeM they
were handed a mysterious parcel
by the hostess, which proved to be
a useful kitchen accessory. The
ciniaren present were also re
membered, each receiving a comic
doll which hung by the impro
vised fireplace.
The next club meeting will be
held at Mrs. Trot's home on King
wood Heights road, January 14,
Christmas Pageant at
First Congregational Church
No more beautiful pageant in
the history of the First Congrega
tional church has taken place than
that of Tuesday evening when,
"The Nativity," was presented in
four tableau scenes following the
singing by the primary group.
The church was immediately
darkened., then out of the stillness
came the choir In white vestments,
each member of the chorus car
rying a" lighted taper and singing
as they marched, "Come All Ye
Rev. Charles E. Ward, attired
in the long, white robes of the
east, took the role of the Eastern
reader, and read the or ar parts In
the tableau. In the opening
scene, "Mary and Joseph," the
chorus assisted. Miss Josephine
Bross took the part of Mary in a
beautiful manner, While Mr. Mark
McCallister was Joseph. He wore
a rich Oriental robe, actual rai
ment of the east, which was loan
ed by Mrs. Alice H. Dodd. The
singing of "The Magnicat," by
Semper added to the Impressive
beauty of the scene.
Immediately after the "Shep
herd Scene" followed. Robert
Shattuc took the part of Caleb,
the senior shepherd, andrecited
that appropriate 'passage, "The
23rd Psalm." Floyd Albin, Hugh
Shattu. Lester Morris and Leslie
Morris took the parts of four
other shepherds,, while Allan Mc
Callister took' the part of the boy
shepherd In " the group. He was
accompanied, in the scene ly the
McCalliater's big - sheep dog,
"Snap," who carried his role with
perfect 'dignity., The;scene was
laid around the glowing camp fire.
Mrs.' R. V. Simeral sang the "An
gel's Song" as the star flowed in
the imaginary firmament.'
' In the . third scene the "Three
Wise Men" ' appeared, carrying
Jewels and incense and singing as
Three Kings of the Orient' Are.
Those taking the parts; and com-
posing, me , meioaious- trio, vwere
Many Social Affairs Listed
at Silyerton, Several Have
Been Given
SILVERTON. or.. Dec. 23.
(Special to The Statesman.)
Christmas parties, both large and
small, are now in vogue at 81I
verton. A great many have been
planned for the coming holiday
week- while several have already
been given. Among the latter are
the following:
Tuesday evening the Pine Cone
Girl Scouts fjeijjpxed a Christmas
party at the 'social rooms of Trin-
ty church A f- 0kr istmas color
scheme wainfjfctJ&l ,out with crepe
paper and. covered lights.
A small 'Christmas tree orna
mented the reading desk while a
large tree graced the center of the
room. The girls gathered about
the large tree and sang Christmas
carols, following which they drew
numbers for presents- A Christ
mas supper was served at the close
of the evening. -Chaperoning the
girls were four members of the
troop committee Mrs. L. M? Larson,-
Mrs. M. Thompson, Mrs.
George Henriksen and Miss Thea
The Commercial club girls, cha
peroned by Miss Madeline Larson,
commercial instructor, . also en
joyed a Christmas party Tuesday
evenjng. The girls with Miss Lar
son met at the music rooms at the
Eugejue Field '.-building at 7 p. m.
The rooni was beautifully decorat-
efor --the occasion, a Christmas
treX'Ocupytofi prominent place.
Christinas carols were sung and
Christmas stories told. Miss Lar
son told the story of "The, Other
Wise Man," by Van Dyke Fol
lowing the story hour the girls
drew names for presents, while
Miss Larson was presented with a
surprise present, a pair of candle
slicks from, the girls. At the close
of the distribution of presents the
girls and Miss Larson attended
the theater in a group.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Satern were
hosts at a dinner party at their
home Tuesday evening. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Ola Satern, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Sajern, Mraad
Mrs. Martin Ilatteoerg and; Mr;
and Mrs. Victor. Madses. , '
The Loyal Berean class, .of the
Christian church gave , a Christ
mas party Tuesday evening In
honor ot the husbands of mem
bers. Eight members and hus
bands were present. At 6:30 '
Christmas supper Was served, fol
lowing which a Christmas tree
was relieved of Its many gifts.
Everyone present., received a
Christmas gift.
Another party at the Christian
church was that of Monday., eve
ningVhen,the Christian Endeavor
Hnon a entertained the EDWOrth
League; f the Methodlstchureh
at; an Automobile "party."; Christy
mias decorations of evergreen,
boughs," 'crepe' 'paper ."and tlns'ela
were used.
OPr '-
Of A TTt f TVin 9 9 fR in.
sociated Press.- The University
of Nebraska toiay opened "nego
tiations for a track meet in April'
in Seattle with he University ot
a deal was seen. - ' " f s
Why Pay a
le Fee?
1 .
When you go to anyone. V JU
but the Optometrist, fof
an eye fitting you pay
from $3.00 to $10.00 more
for the same service.
You may economize in time and moneylby" idtrdhifcingj
the man who does ONE THING PERFECTLY; namelr
Business as usual 5, . '
MASON IC TEM P.LE Salem, Oregon .
John Orr. Mrs. Frank Zinn played
pipe organ accompaniments for
the trio and solo numbers by the
The Manger scene close the im
pressive tableau with the light
of the Christmas star havnig
guided first the shepherds and
then the Wise Men to the place of
worship. Light shone from the
manger-bed onto the face of Mary.
The pageant closed with the sing
ing of "Joy to the. .World" by all.
The entire Sunday school room
was converted into a stage for the
event. ;
Later in the evening T. S. Mac
Kenzie, as Santa Claus, appeared
down the chimney of the fireplace
erected on the platform, the be
loved Old Saint appearing just as
two little girls finished hanging
their stockings at the fire place
and crept away to bed.
1 EHM -IR AdnrPfl "RjitWs-
For example;
San Francisco . . $33.45
Also for
New Years,,
Ask agent for sale
date, limits. "
Portland .
Mcdford .
Kngene . .
Rosebnrg .
' 2.00
Proportionate reductions to many other poifcCJL. i
Ask Agent . ; I
0. L. Darling, Agent, Salem, or A. A..
Mickel, D. F. & P. A., 184 Liberty St.
lltytl Meade; A3TlarTaead' aha
New Year's Edition '
T . L---?r'".'i-Tr.rl,T-ijT--srr
The Oregon Statesman
Friday, January 1, 1926 -
A chrpnicle of progress of the Salem district which you
will be proud to send to your friends elsewhere. -
' '" ' '.
Ten cents a copy, postage prepaid, to any: point in the
United States. - Fifteen cents a copy outside the United-
Circulation Department,
Oregon Statesman,
Salem, Oregon. . ," ' .
Gentlemen: Eritlosed find .to defray cost of mailing copies of New
Years edition of The Oregon Statesman to the following addresses : .
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