THE OHEGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OTIECON THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 24. 102 A t tlWThetitres To Oregon Mary Pickford lit "Lit tle Anaie- Rooney.-" . Hellig ."Cheap Kisses'; all star Rllgb-Hoot, Gibson In. "Tam ing the West." : . - 'little Annie. Rooney,".Com- edy Urania, ot I enem.ent Lite, at Oregon -. VUttle -AnBieRooneyV" the comedy- drama of tenement life In New, York la which MaryPick ford stars, and which comes to the Oregon theatre ' today1, tinder inited Artists Corporation re lease, appears to have been writ ten to order for "The World's Sweetheart" for It is an ideal Mary Pickford .story. Combining comedy and drama, smiles and tears, children's Rang battles and a pretty love story, "Little Annie Rooney" Is the type of play in which the public loves to"., see .Mary Pickford. and the type she can do as no other actress can. - ' " . i I "Little. Annie Rooney" Is as t name, and aa Irish as the curly iaired lfttle ragamnffftt who plays he title role. It-deals with the ronng daughter of an East Side policeman whose; playmates; are itbont thirty young boys, and who enters Into the gang, fights i anil rows -of these- tenement lads with a 1 1 . the- vigor - at her command. . ' Unexpected tragedy . stalks into the policeman's family; ' and the girl is suddenly faced with some of the grim realities of life that seldom come to a child of heage. Through -the. gang battle se quences Miss Pickford romps gloriously, a leader of the dirty fared boys and the-, idol of her "gang.",". . r ; i ""'-: 4 In' the dramatic scenes she does Rome of the finest and" most con vincing work of her whole screen career. -' . She is sweet and appealing as the sweetheart , of her "Joe,"' "and through the entire , pietare the artistry of Mary Pickford V again revealed. Last Times Today . ' Tomorrow : A REAL XIV! AS ; . PROGRAM AHHOt' I .I T I O X r VAUDEVILLE Matinee 2:3f Eve. 0:45, t4."! H? PICKFORDIS HERE li! EEH PLAY vJv' "- (to II ROE LISTS FOBMIE PUPILS Silverton Students Placed on Rolf of High School : Three A Club SILVERTON, Ore.. Dec. 23.- (Special.) Forty-one students of the high school were on the honor roll for: the past" six weeks. At the close of every six weeks, stu dents having a 3a or better grade are, placed on . the roll of honor known as the 3a club at the SiP verton high school. Those" receiving a 3a or better grade daring the past six weeks hre Minnie Albright, Rosetta Al- rlck, Delia Rallangrud, -, Delmar Brown, Esther Borrevk",5 Melvin Bell, Nellie Beuglik. Bessie Chrishoim. Alice Casperson, Mil dred Clown, Stella Dybvlk,- Edna Dick, Ruby Down, ' Eldon ' Fox, John Goplerud, Inga Goplerud, Clara Homan, Flodene Heater, Louise Henriksen, Jerdis Hansen. Melissa Hawley. Edgar Irish, Hel ga'Jorgenson. JewelWack. John Kleeb, Francis Keene, Esther Kloster, Elma' Lindholm, Evelyn Lais, Edith Leichty, Orpha Nof- sker, Louyse Oliphant, Hilda Overland,. Verd a Oeder, Judith Severson. Margerite Sather.'Merna Schroeder, Ada Scott, Lela Stortz, Marguerite Welch, . Melvin Webb. Strong . Protest Launched Against ' Release of Ar lington Property The G A R . on record. The following paper was accept ed kby Sedgwick Post, GAR, at its regular meeting on Saturday, De cember 19J I' i Whereas, It has been reported that the organization known as The Daughters of the Confeder acy, seek to get possession of the Lee mansion at Arlington, adjoin ing Washington' City, and make it a memorial to. and a musetfm, ot relics and mementoes of R. E. liee, the leading soldier in the at tempt to debtroy .the Union . And, Whereas, The national goverfimerit firsLacquIred titi to this property from a tax-sale, and afterward paid the heirs, ot R. E. Lee a most liberal sum for their supposed equity in the property, And, Whereas, The government has established on said property a j cemetery rhere are buried thous ands of the men who gave their lives for the T'nion, and whore are also-buried many others who dis tinguished themselves in the ser vice of the nation, And, Whereas, The property overlooks the city of Washington,1 the capitol of the nation oqco pying as it does, the most sightly position in the cicinity of tl cit7 Therefore, Be It Resolved: First That V'e members of Sedgwick Post, Grand Army of the Republic, would consider It an un forgivable insult to the men who fought for the nation's life, if any part of said Arlington property Should be released by the govern ment to bo. made a--memorial to ts enemies. . r s.-Second- U it comes to an issne, we hereby urge on all the mem bers of the Oregon delegation la BIT By B POST VMTICJE'S MITRO-VAt-SPAR NITRO-VAL-SFAR is Lacquer (Nitro-Cellilose) with Pyrox ylert Base, as is Duppnt Ehico, Egjrptian, Zeller or Johnson's Lac- , quers, 2md is sold under the trade name of N1TRO-VAL-SPAR. Nifro-Val-Spar is the word in motor Ni(ro-Val-Siar finish saves money, in car painting - " - washing just wipe your car withi an Nitro-Val-Spar is . an investment; in oily rag lasting; pride Nitro-Val-Spar thrives on abuse and ' WiL. vJi o...'', 'i,.ntn - - surface dust actually polishes it JSlSLJiJShJSl NitroVaSpar is applied iRariy coloV manent f imsh that improves W!th age . fi?hed inhigh sat. Nitro-VakSpar is unaffected by sun - in orull finish S. alkali, salt kir, gasoline, grease. oilx)r ' j Nitro-Val-Spar. has been adopted by dirt v i many of the large manufacturers in Nitro-Val-Spar requires only one half "preference to other lacquers on the the time as a paint or varnish job . market . :;: -1 -v- ;." '-i, FORD, STAR, CH15VROLET (Open lytodels) a - . $17:50 FORD, STAR, CHEVROLET (Coupes) . LI $20.00 FORD, STAR, CHEVROLET (Sedans) ..$2500 t ALL OTHER CARS Open 5-passengerr.;:.;...$32.50 Coupes .....1 ..............$40.00 Open T-passenger ;... .$38.50 Sedans .... .....$45.00 NOTICE A limited number of. cars will be fmish' these prices for advertising purposes. Prices subject to change without notice. . C6mmercial Truck Borlle : ' , -256 State Street - Salem- - . -Transportation-Bodies I PICKFORD FILM- COMING: : J -i ' i : 2 v-fyNXsv;::.:.. i . ! $ I .-dw s"v tin r -y. !) : - 1 i I i f ;- " ' jl - I' 41 1 -"-il Iff : T -1 vrt-x. ft i... lMuaMijw tin.,, j -'ii-MiimMBmt-) u I -ii i in tAfwSS li i i iltri .. ., . . j. ... Starting ujWday v nd ..continuing during Frldayand Saturday, the Oregon Theater will offer Mary Pickford In "Little Annie Rooney." This Is the latest Pickford picture and is proclaimed as th best of any she has made. Congress to resist to the utmost every attempt to glorify treason in the manner indicated. At the Post Room, the Armory, Salem, Oregon, Decmbr 1ft, 1925. Newmyer, Commander. LACKS FIDS, FIE HSTEilUL R. H. Litttefield-May Serve 250 Davs to Work Out $500 Penalty -. r R. H. Littlefiled, alleged boot-j legger who- was caught some nights ago by officers Edwards and Davis, pleaded guilty to a charge of being drunk and trans porting and possessing liquor, and was fined $500 by Judge Poulsen Wednesday. It is understood, however, that Littlefield has no cash, and will be forced to serve out his fine in the' city Jail. At the rate of $2 per day, he will have to stay in the bastlle for 250 days. Littlefield was at first inclined to enter a plea of not guilty, is understood, and was to have' his Portland lawyer defend him. Upon talking it over with Airs. Littlefield, his wife, however, he decided to enter the plea of guilty. When caught, Littlefield, ac cording to the two officers, had on his possession in his Star roadster five gallons of high powered moonshine. It Is' said the names of several persons appeared on cards carried by Littlefield, with suspicious lit tle numbers, such as 1, 1M, 2, marked after the names or checked off. XIXETEEX BILKS SIGNED QLYMPIA. Dec. 23. (By As sociated Press.) While the state legislators were enjoying their jfirst day of the Christmas recess today. Governor Hartley signed 19; legislative bills. 12 of which are honse measures. - k TI FT WW LL BE OBSEBVElt HERE Plans for Program Opening on January 17 Are Laid by Committee Thrift emmittee of the Salem YMCA met yesterday noon to dis cuss plans for Thrift week, to be held ' commencing on Benjamin Franklin's birthday, January 17. Last year, it is said, 25 organi zations cooperated with the local YMCA in the observance of thrift week in Salem. Dave Eyre is chairman of the committee. The national thrift organiza tion is sponsored by the national YMCA. It is said 49 national or ganizations cooperate in the ob servance. About a week after the holi days meetings will be held of all organizations interested in observ ance of the week. Thrift week in Salem was so effective last year it is said, that the city was men- tined seven different times in the it)natlonal year book. THREE MINERS KILLED PRE3LTUR E BLAST BURIES MEX IX SHAFT PRESCOTT, Ariz., Dec. 23. (By Associated Press.) Three miners were killed by a dynamite blast in the Sheldon copper mine at Walker, Ariz., 11 miles south of here today. The dead ate Joseph Canavaugh, 27, Adeardo Lncero, 27, Enrique Adamarillo, 43. The blast thought to have been caused by a premature explosion of blasting material," occurred in the north, jdrift on the; 800. foot level of the mine.. , Thf Sheldon. mine,, is na of the largest nopp.eP. producers In Yava pai county and'this is'the first fatal accident there in recent years. IEPSSMJTHS Fire and Police Chief Retain Power to Select Their Own Staff At the annual caucus held by the city council Tuesday night, it was decided unanimously to re tain the services of Frank Mlnto as chief of police, Harry Hutton as fire chief, Hugh Rogers as city engineer. W. S. Low as street commissioner. Batty Cooper as sanitary inspector, and Homer Smith as member of the' park board. Policy of allowing the fire chief and police chief to pieW their own personnels was adopted by the council. Intentions of either chief have- not been revealed, al though it is understood few if any changes will be made. , Decision was not reached on the appointment of city health of ficer, as the council is waiting to see whether not a full time offic er is to be retained by the city and county together. Only real issue came in the se lection of city attorney. Chris Kowitz is present inenmbent. C. A. Swope and Raymond Dnssett are seeking the office. Swope has resided bnt a brief time in Salem,' it ia said. The name of Allan Carson was suggeKied fof- the post. Who is to receive the post will probably be known definite I ! riTnr HALTH--My Gift to You 1IFE win be far sweeter if you j once and for ail time rid yourself of those annoying, uncomfort able and dangerous PILES and other Rectal and Colon ailments. MY FREE 96 -page Book tells of my unqualified WRITTEN GUARANTEE to cure your Piles without a hospital surgical opera tion, or refvnd your fee. Many personal tetters are also contained therein prov- ing bow I have given back health and strength to thousand of others. Start tb New Year Happy rod Vtl. Send for my Book TODAY. CHaS: D EAK M. D:. Ihc POHTIAMO Of eittS: StATTUt OFFICES: Or Dean BuitUinq SOS-SU Sfcafa SuiMm Out WSSoftttt of Radio Cqbmels Mahogany Desk $26.95 A very attractively de signed, well construct ed desk of solid mahog any. Has large drawer, pull-out writing! bed and two roomy com partments. 36 inches long. Complete with ink well and blotter. 'Lady Jane .Sewing Cabinet . - Xlenuine walnut and Elegant finish $7-95 ly at the next meeting of the coun clL.-to be held January 4. TWO HELD FOR MURDER SALINAS, ,Cul., Dec. 3. ,(By Associated Press. )4-Patil Brbkaw - and Simon Bubo, alleged partici pants in the Moss Landing rura battle of July 6, when N H. Rader, a special officer, waiilled anu Sheriff W. A. Oyer, Monterey cotinty, was wounded, were held to the grand Jury on charges of murder by Justice of the Peace David Wallace today afjer he had overruled motions for defense counsel to dismiss the charges. John B. May, arrested with Brokaw and Bube on a similar charge was,. freed when Wallace dismissed the case against him. Brokaw and Bo bp were, held in default of flO.Offc bail each, but defense counsel said bond would be arranged tomorrow. i w. iiCdf' Radio Tables ft- S9 J An attractive desned radio table, in mahog any ami panel front Brown mahogany lac quer. 18x32 top. 340; Court Street: SEEK Uii T0CI1Y0FSM Npb Hilt and Morningside Districts Circulate Peti tions for Vot6 Residents of the Nob Hill and Morningdale districts are .seeking to have the districts annexed to the city of Salem, it is reported. The districts are just south of this city. Petitions are being passed around throughout the city, it is said, seeking to go before the public on the ballot to be cast in May. About 1000 persons would be added to Salem's population should the city vote to annex the Give Him esi For Christmas THE PRACTICAL GIFT We Will Remain Open This Evening Until 9 P. M. Vase Lamps With shades. Elegant Showing $10,95 $17.95 4,45 $2 two districts.' Approxtraatey . 320 acres are concerned In the matter. " In order to get on the-ballot, 1500 names hare (o be signed' to the petitions, it Is understood. Borrowed . tronble carries - a high fate of interest. HEILIG THEATRE Wednesday, Dec. 30 A- tanefiil nraaieal' eomey with beautiful girls,, "song ana dancer. -rrlcesi S2, $1.50,, U ?Se v (rius Tax): riiose Tea Wagons r $20.95 Practical , tea. wagons in walnut-or mahogany finish, The drop leaves are supported by a durable automatic steel bracket. The wagon has removable tray and artillery type wheels. Unusually good looking fine gift suggestion. , Martha Washington1 Style Walnut - and Mahogany-, cabinets- $1950 iiRlll : : i " i- ... :. :;; : ' r iff 1 - I ft , srrzSSi f f " 11 ... t