rtf--fe OEviy-i, ZTIIEilllEGQU- . ft T .FIATT. ft KHfiTft :.. ';Z-' . tiuiiisday morning,-December 241925- -4 ,..' '"HVr .-- -.4. SIMPSON. GROCE RY-. SUCCESSORS TO WELLERBR0S.. WE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY Phones 48 and 4a - , . . . - . . . 155 North Commercial St. Fresh Country Eggs 2 doua.MMMMwm Fresh Creamery Better per lh " , .65 c 50c . 99c - J - NUTS t No. 1 large else Calofornia Walnuts per lb. 1. California Baby Walnuts, SCANNED FOODS ' ? Something Better for Your OiristJHasu.nr j ft W. Baby Kernel Corn 1 7 cans Vt----i- 1 doua cans . 8. W. BruBsel Sprouts, No. t size can, ;'Jrcaia..-.:fc... Lily ot Valley small Refugee Beans per , glass Jar.. '. . I4ly, of iTallejr gifted ,Pei:' f 4 . per slassiar :..L..'i..L'i 10 pounds - U Choice Oregon Waluns per lb. ... . .., .. .-45c- $2.40 j25c. 50c FRESH VEGETABLES 3 lbs. Large Imported Walnuts 3 lbs Fanfy Braiil Nuts, large size 2 r ll3 nwt Faacir Bolt ahelled Almonds, 3 lbs i ... Fresb Roasted Peanuu, Dice large oaea J o 8.1b.. . 4BC $1.00 35c $1.65 . , 28c 74c 1. 65c -49c 88c faney White Caalinower, Spinach Greeny, Swiss ChardlCreens Brussell Sprouts, Fresh Ripe Tomatoes. Fresh Artichokes, Red Cabbage, Jumbo Celery 4 , And many others too numerous to mention We WvWi sr Wdyi4? ! 1919 . Dodge dclirery vhirh ' bei and new naiiif Ttiis' in a wonueriiu ouy xor any one who has delivery work to do. The. price (s right. . Hurry and get this snap!' New Red Scar lteconu ' Single laced, 23c ana 35c Stiff's Furniture Co. . w , d5tf Choice HoUy ; ' For sale in City View cemetery. . . .... . ' d24 j Ba'T. Slilfer to Speak in connection -with Saturday night's special meeting at Salva tion Army, Fred G. . Fisher will be the soloist and Rev. Carl F. Miller the speaker. Christmas Matinee And night at Mellow Moon. d25 Xmas Dinnerware Special H. L. Stlft Furniture Co. d24 (CITF NEWS IN BRIEF mm'1'Hm1Wl'Wff'm,TWm'r tiffiimmmuMfrfmfimmmmmmi'mmm ttttt mans nj niiaM n1 iiimianaww Gonlott Silk Hose, 3 Pair ' For 14.50. Howard Cdrset shop,-1 53 S. High street. d24 Trade What Ton Have For what you want. See Ter minal Realtor, Terminal hotel lobby. d9tt Fmnlture Vpholstery And . repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture company. s20tf Gambling J Charged . Fred I nn is of McCoy and John Robertson of Salem were arrested last night in the Romaine ft Long pool hall and charged with gamb ling chips on the side in a rummy game., Innis deposited Z5 ball and Robertson, unable to furnish bail, was held in the city-jail un- tilhecan hare a learing this morning. ' The Salem Silver Fox Co.s . Farm will be closed to visitors on and" after Monday, Dec. 28. Sunday, Dc. 27 being the last day .on which visitors will be shown through the farm. Sales of Fox have been good with the company. One sale of a pair of proved reeds 'being just closed this week at $1650. Person com ing tov htf "farm' on business' will be welcome Sny time. Salem Sil VerFox Farm. d24 v '.'1 .(.Contiiued on pi;o 4.) . ' Moore At the home of his son, C. W. Moore Thirteenth and - Mission streets,, Monday, Dec 21, ,Mnley it. Moore, age 75 years, ratner or Crawtord, Xleorge and . Edward Moore,, and Mrs. Ralph D. Gibson. Funeral services Wednesday, De cmher: 23. at 1;30 p. m.. from the Rigdon mortuary. Interment in IOO F cemetery. Wfemer At Albany, Dec. 22, Mrs. Mary C Wisner. at the age of 86 years, wife of the late William Wisner, mother of Mrs. R. O. Williams of MeMinnville. Mrs. S. W. Fen der sad Mrs. H. C. Voss, both of Albany; J. W. Wisner of Los An geles and J. B. Wisner of Port land. She was the sister of Al- phae Haas of Seattle and Mrs. Alvina Woodward of Ohio. Fun eral services will be held Dec, 23 at 2 p. m. at the Rigdon mor tuary. Interment will be in City View cemetery. . nii.;n m i ii i PAIR OREGON: Moderate ;tempera twe; light southwest winds. Max imum yesterday, 64i J mjallnum, ii;, river, 9.8, rising rainfall, trace; atmosphere, part cloudy; wnd, southeast. Hr Ii. Stiff V Furniturf Co. open until Xmas. 4 v ' evenings Is d24 Spordep Fined Av W, Booth4 of talent was arr reeted - Wednesday, by., Office? Hickman on a charge of speeding. He was later fined 97.50 by Judge Peulsen. thristmas Matini - And night at MeRow Moon. d25 .i . Drunkard Pined Alvln Grahama. who was arrest ed Tuesday night on a charge of being, drunk.was fined 10 Wed nesday by Judge Poulsen '.-. t ; Christmas Dinaer, 81.50 At Hotel Marlon 5.4.5 Aq 8 . d25 5S0 harp Slap Seryc . ... , -h.'JVIoved -.to new f location. Ferry t., Salem. Phone 394. d26 .'. v. ,; ViBif in letw Mr. and Mrs. W- Crary win come up fronj Roseburg today to spend Christmas with their son, J. B,.. Crary, secretary of the ' boys' division of tbe Salem YMCA. Get : your . while our stock la complete. IL L. Stif f Fura. Co. d8tf Wanted Family Man ' To cut wood or log.- See Ter minal Realtors, Terminal Hotel Lobby. . . d22tf s Community 8ing Held Ben J. Klmber, general secre tary of the copnty YMCA, reports that a general community sing ,wa -held- at Auburn Sunday af ternoon. Dver.iOO people turned out for the program, Furniture Upholstery And ; repairing;,' 'Olese-Powers Furniture company.- . V' s20tf 8prtal Ileg. to-9lOJiH) Coat style sweaters. Bishop's. Mitts Filbert VIsUs Miss Hazel Filbert of Holly wood made a short stop at Silver- ton on her way to Seattle. While here Miss; Filbert visited with the DeSart brothers, who are old time friends of hers. :. Miss Gilbert re marked that -she. was so well pleased wjth ;sirrerton" that she ; might return; to make1 this her Fhottfe. d24 ' -i ' Cut lav - E. C. Wetrerby of 554 Univers ity street sustained a eat lip "tm Wednesday when the car in which he was drrins -c-ollitled wittf a truck driven by R. O. Lewis, of Salem. The accident occurred -on Belleview, street. ; Hand-Mad Ha Ddkerchk-fa 9 1 Howard Corset' shop, 153 : S." High Street. - i d2 Toys for the Cbildret At Stiff's furniture store. dStf Last Minute Suggestions! Musi or for a' Merry Christmas at Moore's Music House. d24 AU Xmas Card: One-Half Trice open evenings. Buzz Shop, d24 Special Reg. 87.50 to 810.00 Coat style sweaters. $4.95. Bishop's. U24 Last MlnulY Suggestioms i "'. . 1 Music for. a Merry Christmas' at Moore's Music House, d24 Last 3IindU JSuggeston: t vr- . 'Music foir'a Merry Christmai'at Moore's Music House. d24 KurroDKiis tin Mrs. Page Is 111 The f rienda of Mnk Gertrude J. M. Page wilP be sorry to learn that she Is confined to Iter home with tilaess. having taken sick ten days. Mrs. Page was some-. what Improved .last night, ore- Julian Burroughs, a student of Oregon Agricultural college, also brt Arnajl tcopntbi a cnampton uiver nere in me i Phvsician and surceon northwest, is spending bis Christ mas vacation at bis Dome in sa-iw L.-Stiff : Jem- TOgetneV Wltn I. U. UOUg- ' Vnrnftura fn nn.n Car Stolen - i Eugene police report . to local headquarterB tbt a. Chrysler 6--4a Oregon) liceivv. -.J.12-6Q2, was stolenifrpm that cify between 8 and 10 o-'clock"Tuoday evening- p.. m . ! To Conduct Tripw- . ; An - educational trip, .during which several of Salem's large in- ussirtai piania ana eiata -iaasi.ii.u- tlons will be visited, will ba, con ducted next . Monday - by. Ben J. V Klmber," general secretary of the Marlon ICounty YSIC .Last Mon-! day Mr. Kimber visited eight grammar, spboola .4b the county, inviting tbo.boy pupils tv-JiAn band for the trip. ;Th trip wiR staft at 10 a. m. and will come to a close at 4'p.im. oOO Cj clame 200: primroses. 200.- Jerus, poinsettas, "other mas '-plants1. ilaruny's greenhouse,. ZX Wilier. Speeder Aixestilf i - J B. Ringer of Sfeleuv W krrcet ed by officer Hickman Wednesday on a tcharge of speeding; He was cited Ho appear .this afternoon. One License Issued . Jesse F. R. Wile,; a miner, and Frieda Parazoo.- both - of Suthjer- lin, Oregon.- were Issued a mar riage license Jn. the county clerk's office yesterday. - Pomerdy & Kccnd Jeweler - and' Optosaetrlste V ' f. 6ateu, Oregou -1 1 UNi)Kft VvoOb TYPEWRITER CO. J ISrect : Factory Branch 849 Conrt Street - - Phona t81 , Typewriters Rested 8old ?. , U-iJRepahred; - " ecigl rentaf rates tojtndet.te V. F. WOODRY & SON Ascttoasm ao rsrattare SmIsti, Mt sm ftr vU rsrattnr. f ten -171 Xtff PHWBtTetaL : Of fic Phon9 "5 cr Ilea- Exclusive nistributlon , For.W, W, KlmbaU pianos. -. A. Chase, Davenport . ft -Tracy, Bash ft. Gerts. . Moore's Muslo House. 409-415 CourL 320tf Last Minute SuggestfOHs! - I . music i or a merry vurisimus u.i paoore s Music House. d24, '- ' . ' -i- i Birth Is Reported- Mr. and Mrs. J. RLong of Sa lem received ' a daughter Decem ber accov djpg' to a report re ceived at the : office of" the" city health: of fleer.'! She has been named" Gloria Be Loise. . - ' d24 evenings d24 ' i -sf las Mr; Burroughs la spending sey-1 unjj mas. erai pours a eay at tne uryitai pool. .He is thought to be ona of I Am Voii "Puzsledi Lthe four best divers in the United, j About a gift fer; Her? Ifj f KraTPa nr rno nroopni tirna navint i . . . - .... . w. i , mere is a specialty suop at 4&3f won honors at northwest confer- Court fitreet where tue lady .lDj enca raeeU.held last summer. He Lvnp,a . K, vmt will try for world honors at Uv Lultable ( gIft ln the IIne ot 7u ,7. . ' , ""," . Underwear. . hand-made handker- 4a.c . 14BOV Ki0vu lapw oewvus it; win-honors in aquatic circles for severs) years, fhiefs, or something in Esprit de? Obituary GRATITUDE It singeth low in every heart; We hear it each and all A song of those who answer not, However we may call. " But, crh, 'tis good to thing of them. When we are troubled sore; Thanks be to God that such have been. Although they are no more! , John W. Chad wick. W. T. Rigdon & Son Ferns' and Flowers For Christmas gifts-at Plant's greenhouse 129& S. ISth. d24 1928 Calendar Free, .Homer IL s; Smith Ins." Agency, over'Mn.e'rs. r;.c,i;. - d2Z.tr- 3E Purdy At his late home at 791 North Commercial street, December 22, William Ellsworth Purdy, at the age of 83 years. He is survived by his wfie, Oily J. Purdy, and nine children: Mrs. Grace Sears of West Salem,- Mrs. Winnie Parry of Jerome. Idaho MrsGladys. Wy gant of Astoria, Mrs. k. n. Baa sett, Mrs. R. F. De Sart and Wil liam.Jr., , Kenneth, Lloyd, and Fernr, all of Salem.' One brother In Pennsylvania also survives him. Mr.-Purdy was a member" of the Charapoeg lodge, AF &,AM. Fun eral services will be . held from the Terwilliger funeral home on Thnrsday at 1:30 p.m. Rev. H. f. Shanks and Rev. R. L. Putnam will officiate. Committal services wiR be held ait the Lee Mission cemetery under the direction of the Masonic fraternity. Tomorrow- fHAT you will have tomorrow depends upon what yofi save today. Indeed, your entire future rests upon your answer to this question, "Can you save money ?" State Savings & Loan Association Chas. Wiper, General Manager. ' Ileilig Theatre Lobby 189 N. High Itublllo - - In this city December 22, Nich olas Bubalo. Funeral announce ment later by the" Rigdon &. Son mortuary. Builey At ' a local hospital December 22, Amanda Bailey; at the ageot 7 3 years. The remains are in care of the Terwilliger funeral home and will probably be cremated. I,ondbn At a local hspital, December 21, Frances London, age 4 years. The remains were forwarded t Port land for funeral services by the Terwilliger funeral home. Toys, for the- Children At, Stiff's furniture store. d5tl Special Ig. 870 to 810.00 p Coat style sweaters, 94.95. Bishop's, -.v-. wS '- - d24 I A'mour Toilitries. H- stiff Furniture Co. until Xmas. d24 open. evenings (124 Third Edition Prayer Meeting The, W o m a n' s .Evangelistic prayer meeting wil be-held today at 9 o'clock at the ; houje of, M rs. Xuias Dinnerware Specials- Hi L. Stiff Furniture Co. d24 l tSafety, First Light Tour tree with our $1.23 tree lights " Limited amount at this price. Halik ft EoXt electric shop; , , s s . d24 Arrest Ia,ler; -Fred Ilollett of Salem was ar rested., Wednesday afternoon , by Officer Olson on a charge of be ing; intoxicated. . Time was not set for his hearing. A New Pipe Organ Record- - - ' By the new electrical process; a real treat. Stop- ln at Stiff's and ' Eastman Brothers Salem Office 163 gf HIh ; 0ffl heun: v x H:U TP S .P. M. TRACY'S FUEL YARD - 167 D Street Telephone 2313 Due to tbe fact that the two G. A. Park, 1486 Chemeketa former editions ofthe "Come to I treet Mrs' Frk will be-leader: Oregon" 1 9 75 pamphlet have been all glveri out the local Chamber. tioa printed. All Xmas Cards One-Half price. open evenings. Buzz Shop.1 d24t MreHV Miracle JMlaeral fr your better Ifrmlth y o.r irec inieoriew write Ui H. Gazeley. ' b pedal - repTeseniauve.i !tPfeiSltl anicat lon? jf -Paeif iH Odfe . No. 5 0 ieDyrjt,hfi M. 'S to. tj parfdsetol con- ductingfhe iufterat. efl our tlate . . ... . aaaaag. auciuvc,.. . VI; Charapoeg lodge Nd, 27 o Canby,. Oregon, at MaBonic Temple at 1 p." m. A.. 7m McAilaiiis At a local hospital, December 21, Nettie Mc Adams, age 21. Tbe remains-will be forwarded to Stt verton by the Terwilltger funeral home for funeral services and interment. d24 Leaven for Kansas Miss. Mary-. R Sayjes a'nd her ! Standard, Klrtric U. v Waffle Iromr, lift; regular price 14, Halik & Eoff electric shop: 92& Calendar'. Frw-, Ilialp H-r mltu- ins. Agency,, .over iMiUoru. ' . . d22tC 'ire Bjprd-' T U JJ. ..Jv Tne Kaiem fire department re-, spopded toa ca)l at Summer and Center streets last , night. The; fire ..was in a chimney and was extinguished, immediately, Prac tically no. damage wasTeoortfcri'"4 Fails te Dim L. D. McFeeters of Salejn i was Morltz In this city December 22, Ber nard J. Morltz, age 73 years, hus band, of Mrs. Volene Moritz, resi dents of, Jefferson, father- of P. J. and'J. 'J. Moritz of Salem, Mrs. C. J. Jamieson of Brookings. D., Mrs. W. O. Egeland of Glenlefit, S. p.. Mrs.-Johanna Baumer and Mrs. Herman Ilabbcn of Germany, Mrs. H. IL Bosch of Nchalem, Or., Mr. Chester Lyon of Portland, MyS Henry: c: Shields of Jeffer son and Miss-Flora Moritz of Jef ferson. Funeral services will be held - Saturday, December 26, at 1:3 p. m. from the Rigdon mor tuary, ntcrmuut in City View cemetery. ..... . mother, left Wednesday afternooul f lnad ss bv 3uas irt,.i-. wh fbT Wichita; "KanBae, where they LM.'M .ii.. , i.,. iJUjSpendtho Christmas kolldays.J iJfrhta ... Mias.Sayle is a teacher '"at Salem;j high school. It Is understood she will, be back by. th time school is. resumed. - EFDODDT MODEL BAKERY i . ?k: ' ' ' 'm, air.?': vVfJ-V-- ' ' - 121 South' CkMninercial JQE.WIEtlAMS. ' - The Battery t Man . Call Oftr- Sorvie Cr, Vo Cairgt .for Short yipx Upi. whxakd 5.11 Coar Ht fJlKim !" p AiNnism icalsominiNg" r P-APER HANGING ror the right kind of matertalf and the very best vorknaa blp call m , . , . . :i Gabriel. Powder tnd BtiprCp. . 178 a. Commercial Phone T2S - i. - -T a. - ar - i -M " " '"'aaa a-aia ! I I ; -. - ' . a v, WISHES VOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS "A loat of: bread, a Jug and ; ...thou." c- - That's what Old Omar Said. I case that he were writing now. .He'd say Frulk-ola-Nut .bread- Mistland Bakery v. - rtwiA im''Siy " a i "5 .dcneral Banlnng Bu:!a QZU CMZf trexs 19 sl Uf F.N; WOODRY: Balem s Leading AUCTIONEER pays dash For ftsndtore J Bestdeace aad Store - ,1810 Norti 8ujnjoie :'T PHONE 511 ' "tMJ&li&eA Shtce 1818 i "DISEASES- 'Trcate by Osteopathy" arid; the-Jatest electrical Therapy! IntludiniDrf Abram's 'elec tronic system. ; v vXo chargq f or consultation DK iLnirrEV , rPliyslciaa and Surgeon MiursMasir Biiirdiag'" Salem, Oregon III! Starting Today AT 2 P.M. r ' OUR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS . ... ..... . , . PnOGRAf;!! Happiness and Heartaches . - -. -. . . - . Hard; knocks and softened blows, sweethearts and - rivals, alley fiffhts and strett games, feature the r heart story of Little Annie Rooneyi it'waif of Nw 'York's slums,4 and " ftevex Was J.Iary, Pickford more i appealing, more laujjhter-provok.ng, more .. tear ' compelling:; than in this portrayal of' the impish,2 t ragamuffin, hoydenish'role that'made her ;-, Y ' i .The WprlcJ's. Sweetheart M v J - t I $ V 'a, - a. : ".4? I at Comedy ; , 'Hear ; McDONAtD r-:i . . News' TODAY - FRILVAX-SATURDAY MATINEE 35c 'EVENINGS 33c 59c ' - - C HILDREN 40c 1 x ; ' 'i : f.' - 1 . . ,.v - . r j. . '-, " . ;- f y .... t .'-( -r - n T .1