The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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    - 4. .
.WEDNESDAY: 110ilNINGiI).ECEiU)LElEL23:.:JS)23 1?
Stevenson Brochure?. '
One of. the . most " Interesting
small Cooks Qn'saJe this season la'
the local book stores is MrsVlola
Price - Franklin's attraqiTe ; book
let of "18 pages entitled "Steven
son ;.in Monterey or 'AnrAJter
noon With Jules Sim6neau"N V
. "The brochure is dedicated , to
Ina.-Coolbrlth, joetV laureate rof
"Many -t pasgionate vP.Usrims.
there 'are who always' have some
where in. the World a shrine en
deared to them by; the association,
linked -with the name- of author
friend.; place cherished for its
memories, and where the Jove' to
AM.:i-:.-td DC -tr Kii
: '1' ' ,
fHmi TKam HnM 1
SeetOu&lAM of W
Men's Daniel Green
si5r These.will please
:.t viic ucow vuuuuaoie
J v calfskins; with V Skinner's - Quilted
4if !fFS:A:-GOOD
vw'J itl8oje'Mine .:uirome; tan .1 1 '
LJ. Y .ather-feltMjn' iforcoinfoi' ---'1
f ; I1 J ' B1ack and broWn' leathers. .
0 r-
- v . - , ,r i
i -.-.
QH Wontareyto verery lover :,ot
Stevenson-. "'
ThlsoeWthtr introduction" to
H ywini '1 .I4MII - con
tin(eV-,to .relate of an"; unforget
table pilgrimage to "this quaint
Emission iiqwp" with-its "large
Wnteyrdtfi .hops in .whteu Steven
son found a iomevM and? more es
peeialiy pf ber.conrergatlpna with'
Jqleriqiinonii; ho had known
Stevenson both . intimately and
The entire booklet in wHifnn In
an intimate,; undemanding style,
and ; brims trjUti. the apprjecjAtion,,
of a real ' detotee. 4of .the great
- fcrs.frranktini assistant li
brarian., at WilameU rualrertity.
8he, isi a member - or -the Salem
tp 5g.:'.
ISifelGSen Cglys, $2.50 pair
...JpnumeSHiifter s, pure $ilk
.satin jCcialyls-rrGhrofne soles-
-Colors Delft Blue, Rose, Black,
' American Beauty and Orchid
(Guaranteed Quality. )
. iDaafel Green &tb Bondoir Slippers
" $2:75 pair
tThese have hancl turned leath
er sdies.LeatHer heels -Quilted
Skinner's Satin .in Orchid,
Black and American Beauty.
v- r.iU -i Aa-F i.ivA-.t.
iea .-aaun
sxisv u wrsay suppers at r.3U
--Colors Black, Delft Blue,
- feyaiiliiiMWMiiiii
him for they are
, line smooin ,
Mte'Bb-Bd rteaiMKttcer- in
the Northwest Poetry: society. ' f
Gvest&Trtm Pendleton : if
Mrr and 'Mrs. ' Edward , Warren
(Helen' Gatke ) of Pendleton . are
spending -a three weeks'-holiday.
season aa ,tne nouse guests of Mrs
Warren's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles ,J. Gatke. , -
Kftr&fwww - at St.- Paul's ' "
Chriitmi VrrfcM this war at
&. Paul's church will be of es
pecial 'interest in the-light bfthe
complete " program that has been
announced for the Christmas ser
vice at 11:45. A second service
will be held at 9 : SO o'clock on
Christmas morning.
I The following nrocram has been
Unnonhce4 for, the midnight ser
vice: . . : .-
Processional hymn, Adeste Fid-
Kyrle .................... Simper
Ploria Tlbi :.. .-.Simper
Gratia Tibl v. Simper
Creed ... Slmnr
It ComevIJpon the Midnight:
J ri..-i:iM
"'--; -Tit i
wmes, w.SU a 1'air
ri -'u-
loday s
-iiiiiii. ii.i i i.i ,ii i E .
Glor a.;.
Sileni;Kigh.tfcKoly NigktGgrUiier
Anthem, Hark the Herald An
gels Sing
Stfrsum . Corda .
... " Siih per
. SliifpeT
Benedfotus ....
Agnes Del l: ; Simper
Communion Hymn ..... Dearie
Gloria in Eicelsls". Sinjper
pell Amen .......2...V'"
Kunc Dimittis .......irrr,
Recessional Mymn; Hark 'thd"'
sHerald Angels Sing JjH -
.... ... Mendelssohn
iMembers of the choir for-this
service arer Mis Myla Chambeni,
Miss Qtipeoie Do Lisle, Miss- Eva
floberta, Mrs. Donald Riddle; Mrs.
Hallle5 Parish Hinges, Mrs.' Thos.
L. Williams, Miss" Sarah 'Lansing,
Mts. - W. P.' Babcock; M1ssr Jtuth
Reed. Mr. William McGllehrist,
Sr.Mr.-Thomas L: WUllsns, Mr.
Dan Langeobergr jkir. fRpbett Nei
meyer. '"Miss Myrtle .TSnowland,
Exclusive Vi
1 1 - Aerents !
: 1 1)artW;:rH U
oiippets pf i
98c pair
yle? visit t6 - - fj t
itrnas. gifts.
! "T v: .Ma
'lilimHiiiityiiiiithMito'-'''"'' .!,;i...;l.'t..u. l .ri.!....,;.j.
. fef
1 . ' . -V
. . . r-rT"-M-r, .
Tljo-AVoman'a Foreign Mission
ary society the Jason Lee" Meth
odist church will meet at 2:30
o'clock this Afternoon at the
home . of Mrs- Thomas Acheson at
1035 Jiopd street' A special
Chrlstmaprogram has been plan
ned for the occasion. ,
Class Sponsors Party
jThe class of" high 'school glris
at the jFlrst' Presbyterian .church
of irhich Mlsy tlladys Bartholo
mew "is the , teacher sponsored an
unusually. delightful party Satur
day afternoon in the church par
lors ...when they entertained for
mpre. than 5.0 little. children of the
poor throughout the city. Through
the courtesy jt the business men
the genial tSanta Claus, who fre
quents the 'streets .these days, .wAs
an additional guest and dlstrlh
uted $oys, vnnte and candy to the
group. . -.' """
Miss Bartholomew's class has
been instrumental in securing
large number of toys ' for "distri
bution this Christmas. - Part, ot
these the clags turned oYer to the
Elks and' part to tho Associated
Barbara Frictchie Tent
Memberstof Barbara Frietchie
tent No. 2,- Daughters of Veter
ans, will meet for the last meet
ing of the year at 8 o'clock this
evening at the Armory. -A large
attendance is" Urged. An Attrac
tive Christmas program has been
planned as ' a special feature of
the occasion.
Christmas at St. Joseph's
Christmas will be ushered in at
St. Joseph's Catholic ehureh with
a solemn high mass at 12:3, wth
the pastor, Rev.. fc. qSuck as
celebrantr Rev. Basil," a 8. B.v
.. Free to Radio Fans
Dinner Concert
6;0Q.r:Op"KgV C01'S Port
land. . . i . -
6:00-7:00 KJiQ (301.2) Oak
land. ' " Jfews ""'
7:30-7:45 KGir401) rort
land. Weather, police, mar
, kejs, sports and news items.
, Special
7:30-8: 15 KOAC .(280.2) Cor
vallis. 7:3Q, inuscial selec-
tions; 7:45. "Financial Pre
paredness for the Nw Year"
'Miss Emma S. Weld; 8,
VWbat Is Your Best Color?"
Miss Alma Fritchoff.
7:30-p:00 KWSC (3I3J) Pull
man. Wash. Faculty pro-.
- gram; Mrs. Herbert Kim
' brough. vocalist and piano
loguist; "Washington's Rep
resentatives at the National
'. Cl o b " Congress. Elmiaa
; White, club specialist;' "Who
r Should Jtay On tke Faf ni,"
' -Nell :W. Johnson; : book' re
) view,. Alice; Xlndsay Webb.
; u ' ' v Stories"-'-, " . -7i30-8:10
KFJB (23) Port
land. Boy Bcout story.
0:30-7:30 KH J (405) Los
Angeles. History story, Prof.
; Hertzog ; ; '
6:00.10.00 KFOA (431.3) Se
attle. .6-6:30.. .Hoffman or-
'. "thestra; 6:45-8:15, studio
' . program 8:30-1 0, organ re
cital from Elks club.
0:00-10:00 OlXRW (3S4.4)
tra; ,6:40, brass, band ; .8,
'Winnipeg. .4, Plumin p'rehea
v danqe music .by Plumm .r
..cfesftra. 0 :00:t,t :30 lHJ , Los
Angeles. ;,8r6:0 .Lelghtoa's
orchestra; 4: 30-7: 30, history
story, Professor Hertzog ;
Dick Winsiow, juvenile re
porter; Mickey McBan screen
juvenile: Carl Eastwood and
Vivian Marpler 8. Dr. Mars
Baumg,ardt. 'cjentjfic lec
ture; 8:30-o3ft e luxe
program;4 J0;30-ll:30,
. Clarke dance orchestra.
6:30-11:00 RFI (428.3) Lo 3
Angolek. Vest j pocket con-;,ce,rti".8:t.Yadft)t6rial;-
deteetrre- tory;. 7:20. varied
program g.,.prQgranr by ta-
dio artists; a,, pxtfinlnet pro
gram; 10, Patrick-rsh or
chestra. '
640-lliOO KPO (428.3) San
"Francisco. 6:40-7. Lind or
chestra; 7-7:30, Seiger's or
chestra, . 8-9 rjdio artjtst 9 -1.
iance program; 10-11,
, I4nr, drhcostray .";:. ;,.
DOff T LpT
: Break It up by using
Schaefer's Herbal
JCqusJi Cure
It . is the best and most
economical Pough rem
edy made.
. f . f' -
Tb :YQcrw Pro&tPhons 17
135 -Aorth . VynwtprdMl fitrf 4
TOILET SETB-I dik WbwI Hft trtl
wAmlarfnlhr kttrutiln t tor fl to t33.
Tyier'a Dtu .Stors, 157 S: Commerc!.
viAVrr ' K '.Aim.
7 our ft lookinr . W tftt CtoUtaiiW
how U Q J9,iu ttw MiaiUt.tixa: "
fCHKIBTlUS IS tk to ofgo! elteer
;gt ;ru)f In tU proper; fr ef
mind by-.deip jour, fclJy ,hcjfia
J.rrROAOn-teBir IrnhVii .irrdrob
t . Htif Mia kAi.tuiltin' Itm
tock fot yoil to ilct.rroio. fi". L. StUt
THE PEOPtR: V't ffl ft sad
f using y Slop--coj. '4,
:oiV . WTBay-lT"- Jrn-' tiv
thooeht t .tha Shop--eop bfor yon
fire any Chri?tms preieUl ,
THB GIFT- vithont the' trver 'to bare.
ihey iy.- - ii tfm th f tr t bar t
tiftsoatil ha rmember to toaiuU tae
deacon, and-. Rear. Grantz aa .sub-
jdeacQn:' A;shprt sermnn :wlll be
preached prune pastor, very-
one,, both Catholic and non-Cath-
pHe, is cordially, invited. .Follow
jng is a program of the, music for
this mass: ;- . .. "
"Silent ffight" (male : quartet)
J. iup. J. ,ftjuan i',r,r . mvi- -'
' ian and 'Dr. A'. I Franx.-
cocpi)e 8 'tass. fn, F.....'
Choir. . . :
Offertory--Adester Fidelia (spec
ial arrangement) Choir
There wlH he two .masses in the
academy "at -7 and 70 . o'clock
and three. masses following in ,the
church at 8, .8:30 and 9 o'clo.ek.
At. the. 8:30 masa the little "pn.e
will sing and . the. 9 o'clock mass
will be a high .mass sung, by the
young ladies of the academy. It
wilt be St. Aloysius inass, .and the
Schottle offertory will, be a violin
selection -by. the -Misses. Oerth and
Birch. Eycypoe welcome.
Home for Holidays
Miss Gene Belle .will -arrive
home from Portland Thursday
night to spend the holidays with
her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. "Henry
S. Belle.
Visitor in Portland
Mrs. W. It. ' spend
ing the day in Portland, . having
gone down this rooming. Mrs.
Burghardt:.-returned a week ago
today from an extremely interest
ins trip abroad.
Seal Sale . Closes :T:oday,, f :
An unusually successful sale of
Christmas seals will come to a for
mal close today with- two - booths
one at Miller's -and one at the
postoffice offering .the seals for
the 'final time. Those who still
wish seals tomorrow will be able
to find them at. the book stores. 1
The assistants .for the .three
aays -mis wee a were ;tiamed .as
follows: ' Mrs.- W. 3. Busick, .Mrs
Daryl Proctor, Mrs. Kenneth'
WaitJFto' j5erve?You !
f CAftDS Caritaias'Bretine carta of
aU kta4s. The Ac. Masonic Temple.
CiXDIES Packed in Christina bexea,
aJso. complete, assortmeof ot bulk cap-.
ijiiea. vThe Aeo, Monic TQ9le. k '
f : HAKTCtTRE ROLU-tTPS An ruaraa
iM lbrrbndig. A idaal pjft for the
Drag StoTO, 157 S. CoauarciI.
OIFTRT Ton will find many article!
uitabU for Christmaa g-Mta in oar Giftry.
Flower vaaet, boarto, console iet(; elee
trie lampt, hoeJc-oada and many other.
H.. h. atitl Furniture Co. - ,
good quality rubber Tralh. A gitt that
will win appreciation., f 1.50 to .92.00.
Tyler'a Drug-iStora. 157 CflamereiaL
Court St.. there ie oii display an enwit
line of hind rtade'-hahdkarchiafi." nadcr
wear and ribbon noTaltiea. There ii also
something new ' 8aosone Dissemtna-.
tora which are nsed , a deodorisers in
home, office or theaters.
v MATTAOPeratit the. Maytag iUaU to
Drove ita nnoqnalted helofalness by wash
ing with tt. . Then-r-ri tt doesn't JfEVU
TTSEtF, 4on't keep tf. will IgUdry
bring k -Maytag rigfit to your noma. Tho
MSytag .Shop, 169. Benth . High StreeV
Telephone 2218.
hra ason.'Mrs. U. G. Boyer- Mrs.
'fV. M. ErJckspnJ Mrs. . Harry G.
Rice,- MrsT jC. K. Spalding, Mrs.
fMb'f fitt Belli .Mrsi 3ie Baumgart-'
perVMra. fCw5-,lailton, JUrs.,
Clifton Irwin,. Jtfiss .Martha Rain
ier, .Miss- Ada Rankin; Miss Myrtle
Lawrence, Mrs. JE. - M. Hulden,
Miss Zoe.Stocktoh. JMrs. John. At-.
barti.'lrs. .Fre4 ;Powel Mra. F.
K. .Barrett, Mrs. waiter Jey9,
frs. Ben Vick. Mxa.. John Caugh
111, Mrs.- H..-.Jk Watte, Mxs. Bt
Holman. Mm ;,?dvin .Baker and
Mrs. ,Ed Giilingbram. '
Anticitian Club
Members of . the Amicitian .cjub
held a delightful Christmas party
Saturday evening t- the b,omj. oL
virs. II. R. -White. Children's
games were ; r,cattir.ea duringihe
evening. . At a late hour a delic-
Unk the Jfotore pf Their 3UdreB
with a
Urtcoln National Ufe Insnrance Company
Juvenile or Edncational Trust Fnnd?.Pollcy
they make. their college training aure, "
. at, a nominal cost v - "
V 7..
YlCT(lR -SCHNEIDER Special Agent
147 North Commercial Street. Salem
v Full -Fashion SJlk osc in the wanted : .
flAO Twir-I
' i-5.P. 1.75,
, JShjplcy's' 8' , a real, good serviceable :
: Silk Jlose. that .sells at 95c
.Silk vUibrjeHas,.with .fancy, borders .and ;
decorated club handles : - ' ' '
t i fncr Scotch. ,PJaids pf wool, inilost
: every color combination . ' . k
Silk.. Scarfs are. TricH
when packed in. one pi, out. gift-boxes 4
.they .make, an unusually .attractive as" "
.""vvell as useMgifirA, 3UkT-'?'-'
ii ii H
complete 'assortment of Christmas Tree
Decorations. The Ace. llasonie Temple. .
Ay .piece of Xrnitnra
makes on ideal Cbritmac gift. Come in
aad.she? oronad- WVU be glad to assiat
79a. ii. j. Bun jrjjrnttnro co. r
THE .fiHOP-O-SCOPK la ths xreatest
Christmas diseevnry sinss. e)snt,.i.1M
-s-ase "it today r -- Vv" ' ?'" :, 'r,v;T ,
'TWAS -THB JSIOHT before Christmas
Ierembr. 24th. to' bo exsrt -and. ovary :
sWklng in tle hottie was bulging with
splendid gltts aleotod ' through tho
.hop--seopet- m.. ! .. r. .-
TOTJ'RI BX85TI '.IWo'a nbsoUntely
no aabstttate for tho $bo-o-copo. .these
bnsrTnyta dnya. lfsesd by J.wiss .
shflpjara.-.-; 'f . -.;
PHONOGRAPHS make ideal ChrietatM
rif U." We bat muiy modal Victrols sad
Brnnswicks at redneed prices. Get one
itara Ce.- - ,.-.-... ......
. FAT STOCfUlNOS witboot thin, pocket
books! Thst's, cssy do ypup, Christian
boy In g throogh t wo Shop-o-scop.
ious buffet supper was served.-
In the group were Dri and -M re.
C. A. Downs, Mr; and MrsKlrby ;
Boss, r.' and , Mrs. Aillton Eck
, man Mr. and Mxs." Knight liP.ear
cy, Mr. and Mrs. H.,i:.4Ingrey, Mr.i
and Mri. Frank. Sullivan, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Jlowland, Mr. and Mrs.:
,W. E.' Trlpp Mr.;and"M8.Fran.k.
Zinn and, Ir. an4 Mrs. H. It.
White. :. . .
Guests at Slqde Jiome
Recent guests .of -Mr. and, -Mm. t
Friti Slade -were '-.'- , and -Mrs.
Vat r Roberts ;pt Olympia, Wash., :
who stopped in Salem en route to
KCalJfornia :: '
ft-M ta Wd eOHM4 BM'A 'J
m4iaM -Mat- turn' hk
!rmnk-tm Bcx.Sixtt AhTkei itn
51,95, ;o,
.mnHfrtlw .
if ir' mi -. -'j. '
"4 Jj
r ' i1.
The Pcns!ar Store
''i" - r tTH.O.M l' 14'' t.i
3.- ' '