The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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" : Oregon Florence 'Vldor,- Ford
Sterling, Esther - Ralaton. -Tom
Moore In "The ! Trouhin with
" Hcillg "Cheap Kisses," " and
V Indus, at thjb organ. .
' .. - :
rlBHgli Hoot: Gibson in 'Tam
, tag the West."
'-i. V?
Silverton 'Christmas Celebra
tion ;tb Continue-Through-;X
oCit the. Week'.; -
flSILYEnTON.J'ore., Dec. 2
(Special.) - Christmas pageants
sejem to be the order of the.ChrlsN
ttas program t the ehnrehes
this year. Two of these were
given Sunday evening and the
large attendance at each showed
that If Christmas Itself had not
yet .arrived, the spirit ot itis
here. The programs at the Chris
tian and' Methodist churches were
Riven early because many of, those
taking part are teachers in "the
SJlverton ' schools 'who expect' o
go to thelrhomas.fdrthe holidays,
f At the Methodist church the
beautiful.: pageant, . "Why the
Christmas Chimes Rang," was
given., , T&e story was centered.
about a nanc(ent'!:Eijropean cathe
dral, the .chimes or whjch' Ji'ad not
rung for a number of years.' Rog
er Comstock; represented the. old
crippled peasant who; because of
his physical condition. was unable
to attend the Christmas services
at the Cathedral. v j. ;
Robert Coffee as Pedro, and
Maurice Winter as Little Brother,
and Olga Green as the old peasant
woman carried tb.eir partsremark
ably well. , Other characters tak
ing character parts were Margaer
te Welch as the Queen, .Kenneth
Thompson as r the King, 'Margery
Hubbs and Betty Lou Drake as
train .brearers, and petty : Klein
sorge, Catherine Morrison. Mil
dred . Clowr .Franceses Winters,
Opal Grinde. Marry c'Kincannon
were ..the surpliced gift receivers
at the eathetra.L ; : ; i
The singing of Christmas carols
in the distance, an effect gained
by having the singer's fri the base-?
ment of the church, added, much
to the beauty of the occasion, the
climax of which was reached when
Little' Brother placed . his one
piece o silver on the altar and
the chimes of the old Cathedral
again rang out. ' -
The success of the pageant is
due Mrs. Sigurd Ostergard who di
rected it.. JJirs. -Edaon, Comstock
acted "as ; organist.": The corals
sung were 'Flrst Noel." "Silent
If ight," Hark. The Aagels Sing."4
and "Oh, Come Let" Cs Adore
Him." ' ' l: vs. -: f': , : V
1 Thursday !! evening the' Chil
dren's Christnlaa tree wil be held
at the Methodist church , Those
in charge of- the arrangements for
this evening report .that they are
JVIatinee 25c
-Evening 35c
he ii y a
"s jl x-'.'rz. t 1 a a -i t r
ir t in"
tryittSL la getl "The Other "Wise
Man,"r4ln pic,tijqs,-1fqr the vnqtk
ing4 V. ,r . . .;,-:
, At th .Christian 'chnrcbT the
pageant given was the, "Christmas
Qnest." '.The lighting effect and
the costnmes worn. J)y .those par
tlcipatlnf? greatly added : to the
t eau fj'o t be 'jscenV " SlaryT JJga'n
acted as tHe Spirit of Christmas.
An interesting featurp was the
real Korean costume worn by one
pf the children in the parade of
X'hriatmas ' Charities." The cos
tume Is the property of Mrs. John
Brunner, who bad charge of the
pageaat Mrs. '' Brunner received
the costuniefrom a missionary to
Sunday afternoon) -a cantata
was given at the Christian Church
by the choir; This was Wilson's
The First Christmas.' Miss La-
yella Yantis, director of the high.
school chorus, took - the leading
solos . in . .this " cantata. :other
soloist were Miss Violet Crofoot,
acrompanlst. Following the' can
lata . a 'paper .bag lunch.' was en
joyed by the- members, -of the
Christian Endeavor class, honor-18 tje fjrst jaw, and if thus.' they
i J! il 5 J".n? f T JLjPil "-i ? -J
contafned in one: of theeBolatipha
whl& . read ; "In :the near future
wee will ' agree upon a srTOcaurQ
which; jvjll .present the export cor
poration ;iilea la the simplest form
compatible with effectiveness and
which' will -provide a stimulus to
the-great cooperative movement;
and having agreed upon the terms
of this measure we will' ask the
farm organizations of the United
.States to Join us In asking for, its
passage by the 68 th congress.'
i A request that further 'consid
eration of agricultural relief bills
that have been or will be intro
duced" in congress be postponed
Is asked until'the new export cor
poration can be Worked out abd
presented;' t '-"' '
t Threat to declare war on the
protective system was coptflned
in the 'resolution which read:
' "We desire to say to congress
that., the ,tme has come when it
must, choose between one of two
aiternaiives :ii industry insists it
Miss Boye, 3Irs. p. ,B. 3entson, Kanindt ' exist .without the tariff.
aits, ramus nyeu. ana u'ugaen.
Mm H. QordQn.JcCalliacted as
then it mpst take agriculture in
on. the deal. . Failing to -do his
ts hQuld not blame the farmers
of the United States if they invoke
the principle that $elf preservation
ing Miss Violet Crofoot, who has
been very active in Christian En
deavor work. , '
The benevolence offering which
was taken sdurftig the evening
amounted to f 50,' .This will be di
vided among the Armenian relief,
the .Christian .Orphan's . home,' and
the Ministerial relief.
Another. pageant to be given Js
that at .Trinity church, - on the
erening of Christmas day. This
pageant. "Bethlehem," will be
givep, by the-Sunday school, with
the choir singing; the carols. A
great deal of time baa been put
on the pageant and those' " in
charge report that they believe
the lighting and scenery have
been .lYQrkjed ,out . v.ey 'M actively.
The responsibility of tJhe thing
lies . with the Rev. George Ilenrlk-
senv.who is"" 'superintending" thei
pageani ana, is'Aiso cioir qjrecior. j
-.While no pageant
at St. John's. church, the. Sunday
scnooi win give a program con
sisting of readings and the sing
ing of Christmas carols.
Besides the "i church programs
the local order bf 'tho Loyal Le
gion of Loggers (and Lumbermen
is preparing for its annual Com-
munityChristmas tree' -The tree
will be put up sometime this week
and wilt remain standing during
Christmas week. A program such
as that usually given atthe com
munity tree is. being arranged for.
It has not as yet been. decided
whether the. program wiR be held
on Christmas, eve or on Christmas
day. ' " : ' '
WW t. M- -
Christmas ,1s the time: of good cheer jancLafter hav-;
Ins given and received the. gifts of friends and relatives '
iwe look forjvani to the. Christmas .Dixtner as. the . big
event oi me oay. 10 mane mis pan oi ine lesiivny a
success the housewife is concerned that every thiitg, she
buys for the occasion is of the best and we make k few
suggestions to lighten her task.
. fruits , ,.
A: good Assortment off
fruits is an iraportaut es
. Xurkeys ;
- A ,f!no Int nf trrflin - ftA
,:Curkcys fit to "grace the
i table of a king." jAlso a fine
riot of geese, -hea vy hens
ttnuJrys: Order. these early
if as -to be sure of the best
selections. ". J
Fruit Cake end Miner Meat
f ; Our fruit cakes made ac
i bngt6 n English
Recipe is tmuieypf the .best
' materials our store affords.
They were"' made three
months ago p and " stored
away-in stone crocks, z'
i - 2 to 4 pounds each ,
75c (Pound
4 PlumiPudding
. in one pound'eakes -,.f
. 40cJJound'
i Home-Made -Mince Meat
2pcPound f
J A" pound makes & pie
i Our full line of delicious
home-made csikes. ' Angel,
Sunshine, ' .Chocolate, Nut
Coconut i Pruned Mocha,
Lady-Baltimorel. Orders for
special cakes must beplac
ed not ' later .han Wednes-
Like . motlxer , used , tp make.
Pumpkin, Mince, Apple
:"'' To.Our .
Scandinavian -Friends:
; Ajshipment'of Lutefish,
Ungon-bcrries,N o r.W y
: Ierriijg. Also red Sago to
cook with the lingon-bcr-
; ries. . ..,.-'-'- :.--J :
al to the, Christmas
i Fancy'Nayel Orangies- 4
Well colored alid flavored
I0c,5Qc60c,7c dqzen
r s Florida GraperFruit
10c, 2 for 25c, and- 15c
Fanrv Rome':5 Heaiities
Starks Delicious- Jonath-N
ansW i n t e r Ban.anas
Grapes, Japauese Oranges,
Cranbenies W ? 7; '
Table luisias, Figs, JEtc
Fancy. California Clus
ters,Fard California and
Dromedary "Dates, Smyrna.
Layer. Figs, California lay-1
er and pulled Figs. ; i
Candv and Nuts '
Christmas candies s u c h -J
as the old fashioned xream
mix, 'iXma&J inixed; 1. plaiiq
chocolates ribbon . mixed -walnuts:.-
Brazils; peanuts,"
shelled ?i)ecans;TaImbnds;1
salted almoilds andjeanutsi
Krause, and imperial cboco-,
lates in f ancyf boxes. !T ,
Mrs- Evelyn' Jordan's
, , .Candied Fruits .1
Made right i here in ' Salem
from our local fruits., ; Can-
died cherries - and candied ,
apple slices, one pound
boxes, mV.V- ' ' " .
should declare war upon the pro
tective syst'em. - .
""V'e do jjot ask for' special
privileges or subsidies we ask
only that congress sbal 1 assure the
farmer a dollar of the same pur
chasing' power as the dollar it has
so freely granted to industry and ,
labor? ' ' " ' 1
Direct buyjqg : of ; Jivestockby
the packers and the bunding op
pf Independen stock t yards;- of
w h ich 'the i stletoe 'yards' it"Kan
sas City constitutes an example,
was called a "menace." ' '
"In the, final analysis," .the re
port' said, "all such efforts have
hut "one object, ' and 'that is' to
weaken, and, flnall" break down
pur preat.terminaf livestock mar
kets wblci- ire" the only .means
the. livestock producers have1 1 at
if I.. . u.- -r I
!HeIHgr Theatre . i
WED. DEC. 30
the prosent time 'of preserylng .4
competUivj&iitaapit t ' ?
Creatidn of a permanent statis
tical department totbe located in
Des Moines jricbi will ;hayd for
IU object, the determining of the
costs of productloa of various
farm commodities is called for In
one of the resolutions.
'Ji .tuneful . musical cpnie&y,'
with "4jeautlf ul gjrls. Songs,
fiances," Brilliant Scenic
Rffects and .Gorgeous Cos
tumes, ' - ;
Mail Orders Now
lrk-es: -$2, S1J50, ,S1, 50c
(Plus -Tax)
tlioi-UH Kntortainetl
. Members of the Salem Boys'
chorus were given an entertain
ment, at the YMCA rooms last
'night. A"blo.w-ou,t" jand. movies
were-reavu res or tne evening.
W. Jones, professional vaudeville
artist, performed for the boys.
The First Methodist church did
not -charge, the boys a" penny for
the use of the church' auditorium.'
4s a result, the entire. $.50.73
taken m, from the recent concert
in,'.bS. iised. .tor charity. :,rhe
boys will take Care ef three' fam
Two men were arrested last
night for .facing to dim their
ugms. A.-Juanigomery do a. m.
Leischty were-vboth ,rrested by
Officer Hickman for the offense.
Montgomery . was cited to appear
today and Leischty was cited to
appear tomorrow. Oregon City
officials .reported to local head-
v.uor.era inu a rora seaan, Ore
gon license No. 54-917, was stolen
from that city at abou't 7:30 last
night. ' The- car. has disc wheels.
.-.-j l V a.
Phones .15S5H6-7,
Na Qxarge for Delivery
Jardne is to prove a means of
salvaHon to the" farmer by sup
plying him witfi a ' neW expert
fund of information about the
mysteries of cooperative t market-
"We desire to assure the secre
tary, that. it. Is not information wo
need, but a fairprice. As, a mat
ter of fact wo never had so touch
information in pur life-3t U
nbput alljwe have left." M 1
. Hints of a new export corpora
tion In the process of being drawn
up ny '. latners , themselves were
! . n mm , t , j , it y o jr n , i t t
Mi .
... I
! it
In tne raan jtffm and
Viodenisi e of role
- that madeer beloved
by m'tUions. Her curls
of JoW ajam jl free,
her misqhievous
smile and V)cr prank
ish waijSifsciynate and
charm in a picture so.,
human it hurls, so
Uaain that it takes
aa w& aAaa
V-f. -vV r;--. 1
V .
Why Carry
rhone 256 ' v".1
1-Yee - Delivery
. ' M M
456 Court Street
PHOXK 256 ,
Let us select
your Xnuts
Heinz Plum Puddin?
: Heinz Mince Meat
TNaliohal" Plum -Puddlns:
' Fancy; m a s.B'o x d
Candy. Nice giWf oryour
friend,- 65c, 75c, $1.00
. We hare just receired , a
fresh ; lot of nice' NavL
jPranges 15c, 25c, . 40c,
V 90c, 75c dozf9
Let ns select ybur Vege
tables where-they are al
ways kept nice and fresh
under our spraying foun
"Celery, Letttice," Radish
' esVreeri Onl6nsr?rurn-.
jps,' Beets Carrots, Brus
sel Sprouts, BweetlPotar
toes, Cauliflower', Squash,
. GxttBLEas1c!TJh .tpnta
toes, Green Peppers.
I CiiSIlcMhe Jorl you
lkf, nice, firm and4 red.
Quality , canned ' goods
for your mas dinner.
Many good.thinssSiake
a good dijnner. . :
. i Oregon pack Golden Corn
2 ;can forl55ei V
Small Peas, 2 cans for
Asparagus ..Tips. UDel
Blonte or Libby's, 3 cans
'i . for S1.00
Pumpkin, the dry pack,
I 2yj size cans 20c ' ? '
i 2 American Club or Heinz
We have just received our fresh 'Xmas-Candy, pon't "fail to &ee our assortment,
i Walnuts 25c, 5c, 40e lb, AJroonds, lira zil Nuts. . i , 'v '' ; Sr'
If yourieed it Really want. ttWHave, the money ' and ? can spare it AVhjr "dog
gone it" Co and buy it-It is not what you deny yourself, but that which you can
i Jaw yourself that will add to i y bur Xinas comfort, s ; '
f ':f(CRtlnWflroa ' ;
. . .. i -v;--' V '-
jacent to the-new Will' building
On . thjs Idjt : Is the ' only ' frame
structure jn the block. ; ' -'
Erection of the Will building on
the corner. oT .F.erry and 5 liberty.
M ultnomah county budget for
1926 Is' 115089,297, :jncludingf anH ni ,,,A fr hniw.
1 1 r nti 1 "
scuoois, ,vf jng ,by the First National bank
of Salem on the T. At Uvealey
Salem Honie' constructiotf for '.property at the corner of Liberty
11 montlia Jqiil 98?,85p. . andt State streets will metn.tUt
Salem'stwoTargest buildings will '
be la Uiesntevblock
j -It vja v ndergtopd;: J.ati jCnjJJs v
Prnsa. who awns theDroDerty fi.
;ibe,rty, awaiting, the Will 'prou-,,
ety, wui aiso ; consiruci wu-r
crete building. ' U is -understood t
rrafikl Myers ndk Harler.White.
haveJ a- halt' interest JaltBe :
erty between the Cross and. Live-
ley properties. Whether- or ftW
they: will build his nbt! yet been'
reveaed,. . , , : 4 Ji 7
: v ,;".' .it.. . :
B?nd .Catibllc. Tparlih W
erect .parochial school. , , ,t
$3.50- Hawke's .highxgradp cut
giassvPrench dressing, bot
tics ----------- 23j4
$25 Ladies' sterling silver toilet
set. Three pieces, .no w$ 18.00
$2.50 colored choker beads,'
i ........:.t......-Ui.w..89e
$5 bpudoir clocks, mahogany
cases and mariy styles to choose
from, now I... ........:...-;.$375
We are selling all of our Ever-
JO' sharp pen ahd penql' sets and
' Parker pens' at a Discount of 25
per cent. s
AU ladies? and gentlemen's birth
r stone ririgs are l)6ihg sold at
2.50 pudruple jted.opmpai'r ;
double comKirtraenU, cJiain:tas-
sel .and h94te; JV?tl&?
$6.50 quadruple plated compacts,
double compartments,' blue- feilk
tassel and handle, now.;-:$485
$7.50 jGeniiine ' pin' 'seal laes
hand g3r-now:Z
HfiP .Ssei8ingU';x-:
$50 h jgfi aty rainifnd uigs, :
$75 high -quality diamond 'rings; '
now l....::l.i.$5650 V
$,00 deep cut, high quality dia-
At Less Than Nationally Advertised Prices
425.10 1847 Rogers Silver
Plate, 26Vpece set of tableware,
in handsome new tray,
now ". ..$21.13
$32.50 50-year Community
plate, 20-piece set in .a bqffet
serving tray. Choke, p fjye pat
terns. Kow..:r.:;iJ ...$23.85
,$26.70 Community udor plate, $J6.25rerrmgsiver"2fpiecei
43-piece set, 25 year guarantee; set' seven patterns to ch-6d"8'e
now ..............Z.....:VlwL$215 from; how 'Z.SZ?tZlZzi3JlV
TV II 11 'MR .l 11
State at Liberty
Since 1896
,3 ! fiSiffsSp
3 ?dCnr!' .
. . ... ...... i
n -. - -
Aimoimcuia AJiii
Next Saturday, Dccemben SOthfrpm! 7 . Jo jip ;p.rhi;,
. llit TTnifivl ftfnfna Mat inn a 1 iriviloa vnii tinrl mftw:mnrJa;
I t to h 6 ormaf opening and . reception , to be held : in our i
ImRiitiful new ouartersl 1 ; 1 ."" . 1 . -
w..:..... i
' ;
For several months construction .has-been going on :
egress! might 'ineetUlfrtf tilus 1
' Salem community.'- .-.Evetyi jdepaftniliahie
. .. . V"
stalled. - : -
tis and .facilitiea havcl been i in- 1
On this evemng, we want;tb take-yott through-every -department
of the bank and to". shoxypu: what taiprove-Vi
Tnartta katfa Kkan Mal 4-n mr.trn' Uai1. . ."
COMPLETE in every needed service 1 H,MK
14 t y
namamluiv ilia ?4l Uta 'Cn4...J " ' 7 -: -!
Everyone and their friends are cor- ,
dially invited. i n .' . u;
United iStatop
National Uanlcl
IIWHWI'IU .LI ulUUIt) MLIMlUJi llll 'll l'7, a'ilTtuI!
y. .... .,w-;-';-
? v