THE- OGON STATESMAN? SALEM, OREGON " " WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1923 robiniiee V2- TWO FALLS 4 ! i sails lira .. KNOWN IN ORIENT RashWorlc-Marks , Prelimin j aries and Finals Before i Sport Followers . 1 ... I A fast wrestling' terminating .in victory obin Iteed In two clean cut outea $t superior stated that negotiations were un derway for a return match j be tween Reed and Jones on New Year's day. The two wrestler to a draw last Friday and Jones hras unable to regain his title-belt to the Western Intermountain welt-, erweight championship. If Reed agrees to meet Jones at that time the match will be arranged,! ac cording to the promoter. 1. WILD BILL WINS AGAIN fr Rot falls last night kept local fans pitched to kee' Interest. Roy (Jirver, a professional welter veight of several years repute, yn many , admirers! in this ex hibition despite his defeat at the ljtnda of a better man. ! Heed at all timesdlkplayed a iiperior aggressiveness that told oti his opponent although he has bfeen less than a year on the pro tad of. the game. With but a fair crowd in at tendance at. the Armory, favorit ism for the two men was evenly divided, the fans showing keen dtlight in the punishing in jitsu i4 ii sole mangle used by Carver a id in the lightening-like releases e fected by Reed in escaping from ii arly a score of toe holds and it urfcle grinds secured by his op ponent.' I The bout by stated intervals fallows: ' - ' Ten . minutes: Opening with uply a brief feint for holds Car- f r repeatedly sua out or ueea s 4ntati7e body grapples, securing 4orVe holds in the period. By lis ability to work for toe-holds, 1irvtr caused a bit of uneasiness 5 t!ie Reed camp bat. each time &e holder of the western welter- Weight? belt broke away usually if tossing Carver against the rdpef . Twenty-five minutes: As Reed tightened his offensive. Carver e 'adeti many sharp body holds by T vealing his mysterious muscle riangle. This hold is a most ex cruciating muscle- prod that soon caused Reed t& limp" painfully. I'unishing head scissors aridham- inerlocks secured by -Reed "tlilckly. broken by Carver through the use of this Oriental trick. i .Thirty minutes: Just before 1be time was sounded tor this Tfst period Reedcam iuta action 'vlth a dash and after escaping Several toe holds broke through (Jarver's defense ' for a re--wrsed full Nelson of th. legs iytralyziDg- him and bring him to lis back just before time. M Forty minutes: Here the fans 4ore .brought to their feet when (urver secured a wrist lock -om-lned with hh? jiw jitsu punish ment of Reed s neck. Dazed and nut far from 'UHcoiw'cioMsness (eed countered With a head lock fatal managed to break away. Tinal: j At the end of 22 min utes aud 21 seconds Reed secured Msecond fall with a half body Bciusors and an arm lock. Just frrior to this he bad maneuvered liTver into a very painful straight nfHn twist from which the Astoria man escaped narrowly. fTfce entire match was marked lyr clean and sportsmanlike work vbT'loth men. Carver, former hold ni'.oS a welterweight title in Can ujlw still shows the effect of a tb at mishap that has kept him out o);the game for a year. While re gaining his health Carver has pent much time in the Orient. His" Japanese holds, were taught hrim by the famous Norwegian vjfentler, Kobe Charlie, of Kobe JTipan. The Oriental holds of ttirver'waa Reed's first experience litj this phase of wrestling and cfsfed him a bit of woiry before rt managed to evade them, j 1 It. C. Eastman of Rftverton. Tefereed the event, which was -u?moted by Matchmaker Harry pliant of the Salem1 sports t-om- lhlon. V. 1 Ip ttp-i reliminaj-y Tiny Sim- fuons. i 4 2-pound wrestler. coach lTi the I'hllnmatli Atliloli plnh ok two fallu from Chuck Taylor Alsea. - Plenty "of "speed was in widence when thet two tangled vfith the first fall coming, in 6 luinutcs and 50 seconds by a long fim scissors. He met. the second fall with the same hold. Promoter Matheney of Albany, who was present at the match . SANTA WILL DELIGHT CHILDREN TOMORROW (Continued from pace i.. M'KKXZIK HXKS OUT ART SHKAUKR INi SKXIJ ., . ,' r ',' i.jU; SEATTLE pe( As-i sociated ' Prcsst JTsstter' taking the count pf nine hJ ms&lf lojlhe first roqad-'of-Vl'tfl. rawndisenf- Kenil. Vancouver IalandU logger-,. snearer oi t'ortiana m tneecona- , round, Thls Is McKenzte's fourth successive" knockout in as .many weeks, after being discovered by Lonnie Austuin of Seattle a month ago. . . . - 1 -;. . McKenzie 'dropped Shearer for the count of six in the first round and laid him.out.cold 45 seconds after the start of the sqcond.! Af ter waiting for the r'ereree to ad minister the count, the Canadian carried Shearer to liis corner, where he was revived. j McKenzie started his career of kayoes in Everett four weeks ago by breaking bis opponent's jaw. Two weeks ago he carried Al An derson, who claimed tbe heavy weight championship of Alaska, out of the arena when he failed to come to after receiving one of McKenzie's offerings on the: jaw. .$10.00 ... 1.00 ...1.00 ... 1.00 ... 1.00 ... 1.00 !.50 ULLARD-CLARK IS DRAW TKV-ROr.VI BATTX.K (iKXK IS MATCH iV ix I i:v WITS EUGEXH, Or... Bee. 22. Four draws and a fight topped in the I first round ftjatored.-a boxing card here tonight when" they main at traction was a return inateh'le- tween Mack Lallard of Eugene and Robbie Clark of Kan Francisco at 11S pounds. Lillard, victor; over Clark on points two weeks ago, could only match with the Cali fornia bov and th ten-round hat- wer Ltle.was declared a draw. Carl Miller of Eugene and Geo. Dixon,- negro of Portland, : 147 doubles in hte main event. They pounders, were on the card as fought ten rounds to a draw. Speed Landers of Eugene knocked I,es Anderson of Port land to the mat three times be fore tbe echo had died away from the opening gong and the ! fight was stopped by. .the referee. . for the poorer children of this section. Gifts to date to the Statesman Associated Charities Christmas Cheer Fund are: Gifts to date to The Statesman- Associated Charities Christmas4 Cheer fund are: Salem Ad Club .... ; Lane Morley .. . Anna S. fcantner ; Cash :....,.J.X A Friend Unknown Tom's Wash Rack..-- V V. Hill . 50 Mr.' and Mrs. P. C. Pratt 6.00 fi Friend 1.00 A Friend ...... 1.00 A. B. Anderson 1.00 A Friend 5.00 Lehman's Grocery 2.0 0 Men's Class, Fi-st Christian church 17.55 Judge M. Poulsen 1.00 Unknown . 1.00 Trade street store ........ 5.00 A Friend 2.50 Unknown $1.00 A Friend .-. $1.00 Mrs. Rose Hester's class First Presbyterian church, euro for one family. , Nina McNary's class Rapt 1st Sunday school, care for one family. E. J. Potts $1.00 G. A. T. Moore i. .pr-l.OO MOTOR LICENSE t EE FOES OPEN ATTACK (Continued irom ife 1.) , ?ral highway act and" the legisla tion of the state adopting the pro visions of the said federal acts, as sucn illegal exactions are ror tnttne said law, were KOLB & DILL .COMING 1 if. L:-ftlniirAAW il ... -.,ZiIiim1 . t-4 and nnconstitutional, being con trary to and in violation of the constitution of the United States, especially the 14th amendment to the federal constitution." The complaint asks that the secretary of state be enjoined from enforcing the alleged illegal act, void and unconstitutional pro visions of the said law. STOP STREET BILL PASSED BY COUNCIL the property on Winter street be i tween Rural avenue and Hoyt street nad between and D i streets. A petition" for a permit to erect end operate a laundry in the Nob Hill addition was laid on the table until the next meeting of the I council. The communication from Frank B. Layman, attorney for C. C. Ferguson asking the council to I pay Ferguson the reward offered lor the arrest and conviction of a .Mr. Slope, sexual pervert, wno had committed a crime in Salem, was referred to the city attorney. The city, it was claimed in the This premier team of stage en-, communication, had offered a re- tertainers. together with what is j ward of 500 forthe arrest and said to be one of the best""cotn-, conviction. Ferguson, it was said, panies they have ever gathered to-; gave the information that Jed to gether, will be seen at the Heilig theatre here tonight in "A Pair of Fools." sole purpose of obtaining compen sation for the use of the high ways in the state, of Oregon by motor vehicles, and,, that such ex actions are tolls. ; .. "That the provisions of the sa;id illegal law relating to the said imposition of said license fees, and the said threatening acts of the defendant Kozer in enjtdre.- ing fb said illegal -provisions of and4 are void . Junior Six Boys Win , J Interclass Tournament SILVEUTON, Ore.'. Dec. '22 Special. I -vTh. Junior Six boys were winners in the interclass basket ball tournament which has been conducted by the Silverton high school for the past few weeks. The Juniors defeated the seniors in a game with a i score of 2G to 10. The champions will next play an all star team picked from the losing teams. TWO 1MAI ;uilty Illat iTYPEWRITERS ; For Christmas Look over these pric es, then come and see he machines. Vecond-bari 'machines . be- ore , the .first of the year. noiseless $27.50 Late Model Woodstock ...$370 )al No. 10.1. . ..$420 Jtcmington No. 10.....$33.6o i'orcna Portable ..$30.00 tJnderwood No. 5..$42.50 cw Underwood , Tortable ..i.$50.00 JlJndcrwood 14 inch j . Carriage ......$30.00 i And other machines j. not listed These machines are all Fully: Guaranteed (' Underwood Type- writer.Company K1 519 Cdorf Sti-Salein "TS. SEATTLE. Dec. 22. (By As sociated Tress.) Two of the 90 defendants in the so-called Olni tead liquor conspiracy : cae pleaded guilty before Fetleral Judge Jeremiah Neterer here to day. Th men, William and Michael Donovan, will he" sentenc ed February 2. niowlne comple tion of the trial of the others, scheduled to start January 19. twit t)vi&tmM "The boar's head in hand bear I "Bedeck'd with bayr and ?03mary "Rejoice, my masters, and be merry . , Old English Rhyma. Take advantage of the Special Round Trip xcur- OREGON ELECTRIC RY. .- $2.00 Portland and Return Seattle $11.90 Albany $1.00 Eugene $3.10 " Baker $20.50 Pendleton 13.70 Walla Walla.. 15.10 Corvallis $1.50 The Dalles . $ 6,60 Seattle 11.90 Spokane 22.25 Tickets on sale Dec. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 21, 23, 30, 31 Return limit 'January 4 Reduced Fares between Other O. E. Ry. Points Ask for further particulars Phone 727 4 Oregon Iectrtc 3&p. & A Christmas iieWm;R)rgetu GfoAHer the World Famotis Grand Prize EurekaAkcuurn Cleaner SO Set of Famous HtghVacuum" ATTACH M ENTS MIBJE. IVitheack 4 An opportunity you "surely cannot afford to miss! Give her the unmatched Grand Prise Eureka and its world famous attachments. RetnembcrtbaVthese great cleaning tools (reg ularly price j at $3.50 and worth far more in the opinion of hundreds of thousands of users) are yours ABSOLUTELY FREE if you purchase your Eureka now! You Need Pay Only $4.50 Down Sj cial Christmas termsonly $4.50 down and V ; the balance in the easiest kind of monthly pay V PORTLAND ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY wx 237 North Liberty Street Salem, Oregon VACUUM CLEANER. ments are available to yoa ! "Futybumultiicr" quickly. Cbxistmai is almost here! , ' Phone, Call, Or Use the Coupon ' Right Away " ' If you haven't tiine to come in and witness l demonstration o the unmatched cleaning effi' "" ciency of the Eureka and its attachments, sign and mail the coupon. The Eureka andattach ments delivered when and where you say. . ?.., Be sure to take advantage of this cpedal offer. Act without delay and make sure of the finest possible Christmas gift for her I . MM ONLY Dovn 1 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS COUPON -" Please favor me with trial demonstration in my home omc." rt. Hnr Please enter; my order for a 'Eureka complete. Endowed fiod vvva, -"''- - I, mm..- . m the arrest and conviction of Slype Ordinances were passed assess ing the actual cost of improving the following streets: Shipping be tween Capitol and the S. P. right of way. Shipping between Capitol andYCottage, K between Broadway and-Fifth, alley in block 50, alley in block 26. Market from Commercial-to Fifth, and South between Maple( avenue and Cottage. An hrdinance was passed segre-' gatinStUe actual cost of improv ing 'Nciafc.JTJsrentietn between CheitfeJettt naCenter. " is ' VALENTINE'S NITRO-VAL SPAR Permanent Motor Gar Finish NITRO-VAL-SPAR is Lacquer (Nitro-Cellilose) with Pyrox ylen Base, as is Dupont Duco, Egyptian, Zeller or Johnson's Lac quers, and is sold under the trade name of NITRO-VAL-SPAR. Nitro-Val-Spar is the word in motor car painting Nitro-Val-Spar is an investment in lasting ;pride . Nitro-Val-Spar is a guaranteed per manent finish that improves with age JsTltro-Val-Spar is unaffected by sun alkali, salt air, gasoline, grease, oil or dirt Nitro-Val-Spar requires only one half the time as a paint or varnish job Nitro-Val-Spar finish saves money in washing just wipe your car, with an oily rag ,-. Nitro-Val-Spar tbrives on abuse and surface dust "actually polishes' it Nit ro-Val-Spar is applied in any color and can be finished In a high'polish, satJ;; in or dull finish ' Nitro-Val-Spar has been adopted by many of the large manufacturers in preference to other lacquers on the market c FORD, STAR, CHEVROLET (Open Models) .$17.50 FORD, STAR, CHEVROLET (Coupes) $20.00 FORD, STAR, CHEVROLET (Sedans) $25.00 ALL OTHER CARS Open 5-passenger $32.50 Coupes $40.00 Open 7-passenger $38.50 Sedans $45.00 NOTICE A limited number of cars will be finished at these prices for advertising purposes. Prices subject to change without notice. OREGON BODY CO, 256 State Street Salem Commercial Truck Bodies Transportation Bodies EC Furniture the gift that endures! The gift of beauty and longevity! For years the family will enjoy it, and for years their hearts wilL be grateful to you. FURNITURE GIFT SUGGESTIONS Candlesticks Clocks Dishes Doll Buggies Aluminum Kiddie Kars ; Silverware Beds Dressers Dining Sets Desks Hkhairs Jumpers Baby Beds Mirrors Vises,, Office 'Desks Paper Baskets Filing Cabinets Buffets Vanities Chifferettes Camp Beds Camp Stoves Phonographs Records Table Runners Pillows Blankets Dining Chairs Book Cases Writing Desks Day Beds Trunks Suit Cases Book Ends Bed Lamps Tea Sets Jardinieres Console Sets Cake Plates Bedspreads Lamp Shades Water Sets Pictures Bridge Lamps Luggage CaniersFloor Lamps Fyrex Radios Linoleum Ranges Rugs Davenports Vacuum Cleaners Bedding Tea Wagons Tricycles Blankets Rockers Overstuf ed Chairs Curtain Material Crockery Kitchen Cabinets Smoking Stands Andirons Fire Screens Wood Baskets Electric Washers Fancy Pillows Child's Rockers Traveling Bags Floor Polishers End Tables W 4 ("jgij.. I L OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK i' SEE OUR WINDOWS i 4 ( J 4K 1 As 4 '3 a 4 1 II; It 00 j . . .check for -Name - 1 , CA5H .Gty- . State.