- vd j.' TIIE OREGON STATESMAN, 'SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1925 7 SIMPSON Phones 48 and 49 SUCCESSORS TO WELLEU BROS.' GROCERY "T" 155 North Commercial St. we Make no charge for delivery ; i , EOR CHRISTMAS 1- If we are judged, by the excellent fruits we sen, then indeed will oar name be known from coast to coast.- Our store is an institution in this city, and we are proud of our renown. i:Ve strive to keep it up by giving-the best for the money. vf You'll need lots of fruit for Christmas. Get it here and save. No. 2 Vt sitehroken sliced. -3 cans .11...!...:. 69c No. 2 .size Llbby's special sliced t "1 0 ft 3 C&Q3 i r - f i i r r .ii.it - rt - - - 1 r - T - T JL r M j No. 2 size Preferred Stock. j grated, per can .... 25c I ! - - i RAISINS M r 4 pound package fancy; seedless , Raisins Z - l-i.::.... Fancy seeded ? Raisins, IS oz. pkg. JQ . 3 for J , Fancy layer Raisins, 1 pound pack ages, per pkg. .. j.. 39c 20c FIGS i Fancy packed Smyrna Figs In S 1 AC ' pound boxes, per box m... ?1U3 Fancy Blue- Ribbon Figs, 1 pound og-i packages, ' per package 0 C Choice white Figs in bulk 2 pounds 26c i BREAD When baying Bread order a loaf of Fruit- Ola-Nut Bread it is healthful and nutri tious. Just say Fruit-Ola-Nut Bread. Large loaf 15c SUGAR Quaker Cane, ; 100 pounds 4 - $5.49 This Is the time of year every one wants closed cars." VP have a wonderful buy In an Oakland coupe. Good rub ber, new paint, mechanically. 09 per cent and a real snap at SCOO.OO. - , Gardner. U. G. Holt, O. B. Hub bard, II. H. Monson, II. G. Maison, Theodore R. Paulus, W R. Patter son. Ernest R. Reed and L. A. SteeTes. t FIE wwmo Open TU1 9:30 Evening Until Christmas. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. d23 Speeder Arrested ' J. Bailey, 2055 South Summer street,, was arrested Sunday by Officer W. O. Edwards for speed ing. Ills license was suspended by Judge Poulsen for 15 days.' years and is well known here. He served as sheriff of Baker county for three terms. ! ' i Edison Record- Edison records, the records that make the best music on a phono graph. Sold at Geo C. Will Music store. 432 State St. d22 Bailding Permit Issned A.i B. McDowell was issued a Derm it from the office of. the city recorder to erect a one story dwel ling at 2020 North Liberty street The structure is to-tost S3000. Wanted Family Man- To cut wood or log. See Ter minal Realtors, Terminal Hotel Lobby. d22tf I WIU Not Meet The social club of the Chadwick chapter; of the Eastern Star, will not meet this afternoon, because many of the members are busy with Christmas plans. The an nouncement was made yesterday by the club officers. Safety First Light your tree with our $1.29 tree lights. Limited amount) at this price. Halik & Eoff electric shop. d24 1926 Calendar Free, Homer H. Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers d22tf Exclusive Distribution For W. W. Kimball pianos. A. B. Chase. Davenport & Tracy, Bush & Gerta. Moore's Music House. 409-415 Court. s20tf Prices on all Overcoats- Reduced. We still have a few for $12.50. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. d22 cim-jmmM BRIEF . : . - i - " ; RAIN AND WIND OREGON: Rain west, rain or snow east portion ; normal tem perature; southeast winds becom ing gales along the coast. Maxi mum yesterday, 59; 'minimum, 41; river. 6.2 .rising; rainfall, VQ8: atmosphere, cloudyT wind, southwest. Klwantnns to Meet ' Members of the Salem Klwanis club will hold a general Christ mas program at their luncheon at the Marion hotel this noon. Will Present Play A four act drama, "The Christ mas Quest." will be offered by the First Baptist Sunday school class in the auditorium of First Baptist church at Marion and North Lib erty streets thisevenine at 7:30 (o'clock. The play is highly Inter lestine and well worth while, it Marshfleld. who is under indict- is directed by Miss Jane Wyatt, ment in the state of Minnesota The public is invited chnre'eii with fftiiiiTA'tri simnnrtf t 1 1 . I , . 1 r -rr - i t . 1 his six year old child. Evidence John Merormick' placed before the governor snow- Toys for the Children At Stiff's furniture store. Klfire Open Evenings Until Christmas. Furniture Co. Hamilton d23 License Suspended Gren Wriltsey of route 4. Salem, was arrested Sunday by Officer W. O. Edwards on a charge of failing to dim his lights. Judge Poulsen suspended his driver's license for 30 days. Trade What Ton-Have " For what you "want, "gee Ter minal Realtors, Terminal hotel lobby. - d9t( I J Drive With Safety and Economy Christmas Specials See our window and store room display of candle sticks, reading tables, jardiniere stands, smoking sets, etc., made in our Salem fac tory which are suitable for Christ mas presents. Your inspection so licited. Chas. K. Spaulding Log ging Co., cor. Front and Ferry streets. Phone 1830. d23 Have Ton House That suits? If not, read this through Here's a 4 -room Btrict ly modern, fireplace, furnace, full deep cement basement, hardwood, wired electric range, etc Dutch kitchen. On large lot south, . In view district, protected by proper restrictions. Trees. For sale any reasonable way. For Instance, $100 down. $50 a month; $300 down, $30 a month, or $600 down and $20 month, 6 per cent. Priced $3600, complete. Ready for you today. Two others north and east. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High, Heilis Bldg. Phon 161. d22 A Colony Model Of the new Orthophonic Vic trola can be delivered to your home today by Sherman Clay & Co.. 244 N. High St. d23 "Normady" Jnst Ont A dandy fox-trot on Victor rec ord at Stiff's. d22 dCtf Expected Soon Rhea Luper, state engineer, who recently went to Washington to attend a reclamation confer ence probably will return here before the first of the year. Open Till 9:110 Evenings Until Christmas. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. d22 Before Baying See Our Line ; Of Xmas goods, purses, vanity cases, beads, carfs, etc., reason ably priced. Mrs. H. P. Stith. 333 State. Lj d22 ed that Mr. Sullivan was married in Minnesota a number of years ago, but his wife received a di vorce during his absence in France. Mr, $u.Uivan later came to Oregon ; where be again mar ried. He has two children living n this state. It was said that Mr. Sullivan offered to pay $ 20 per month for the support of his child in Minnesota. Woman Seeks Divorce Coila B. McDaniel - has filed suit for divorce from Arthur Mc Daniel. They were married in Iowa on Christmas day, 1900. De sertion in March. 1923. is alleged. Mrs. McDaniel seeks, the custody of five minor children. Drunkard Arrested - John Pickens was arrested early Sunday morning on, a charge of being drunk. . Till nin F Until Christmas. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. " . d22 Columbia Phonograph Records i Try a new process Columbia re cord. They are as fine as a record Rotarlans to Meet - Charles Archerd, a member of the Salem Rotary club, will con duct the program for his fellow members at their luncheon Wed nesday noon. Mr, Archerd re cently conducted ,a's "mind read ing" session at a Rotary meeting. This time be will demonstrate his remarkable powers as a "magic ian." Toys for the Children At Stiff's furniture store. d5tf Hotel Marion- Dollar Dinner. Served 5:45 to S. Every evening. n-27tt Christmas Party : The high school Girl Reserves, workinr throusrh Miss I Marian TVyman of the YWCA, will give a Christmas party this afternoon to 12 .children between 5 and 11 years, in the YWCA rooms. The children, whose names were se cured from the Salvation Army, can oe maae since me wona, iuure i Daiew, Phonograph company have bought and they will be taken to and from all interests of - the Columbia Gramophone Co. . Sold only by Ceo. C Will Music Store, 432 State street. d22 Divorce Is Granted ' t: Silas Ray Jones was granted a divorce from Ava C. Jones in cir cuit court here Monday by Judge L. H .McMahan. They were mar ried March 31, 1921. On April 12 of the same year Jones de clares his wife deserted him. Wrestling Tuesday. Dec. At Salem armory. Robin Reed, OAC Olympic champion vs Roy Carver, Astoria. Snappy prelim Inary starts at 8:30. d-22 1 1 - Select Something f For the car.. See our suggest Ions. Smith & Watklns. d23 Robes for Christmas Presents - We have them, plain or fringed, at from $3 to $8.50. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. ? : d22 Bee Biddy Bishop"- V f For used cars, at Fred M. Tow- ctl Motor Cars, 350 N. High. d22 k 1 ' ; -- : TliLs Christmas Something for the car. See our Suggestions. -Smith. & Watkins. d23 A Falls to Dim . J. Raf fey of Salem was fined $5 by Judge Poulsen Monday for failing to dim his lights. One License i One marriage license was ap plied for in Salem yesterday. This was issued to Thomas A. Real, sawmill man, and ' Mary ' Aplet, both of Toledo, Or, . .' Pomeroy & Keene Jewelers and Optometrists Salem, Oregon " ; TYPEWRITER CO. -4 Direct Factory JJrancb 510 Court Street Phone tSl :Z Typewrlterg Rented; Sold, v;-Repaired -i- " SpeciaT renUl rater to studextt XL F. WOODr fi SON AatttasMK and ytrSm DwOmb, rr tmt V4 Ttauan. SUr art rU Omiirrtij OC13ce.Phxma4XCT-Ilc3 'l&esx tbcst lliS-7 their homes by YWCA workers. Company V. Meets- Yesterday evening at 8 o'clock Company F met for its quarterly muster for pay, the payroll for the company coming to nearly $1000 per quarter. "Tomorrow Mornin , And "NORMANDY," the popu lar foxtrots, are now in stock. Latest record, "Ah, How I Miss sherm-in mv On 44 v nieh You Tonight." Hear it at Stiff's, ot d,. d2X I Open Till D:0 Evenings JJntil Christmas. Giese-Powers (120 Mrs. Anna Jnnk Will close out her band painted Furniture Co china at cut prices at ber studio. 679 N. Cottage. Call afternoons. dti See Biddy Bishop For used cars, at Fred M. Pow ell Motor Cars, 350 N. High. d22 Sharp Sign Service- Moved to new location, 560 Ferry St., Salem. Phone 394. d26 Free Tree- Lane Morley has an extra Christmas tree with decorations for some poor boy or girl, who has been missed by Santa. A tree will be delivered free to any. de serving boy or girl representing a family, for the asking. Governor Returns Governor Pierce returned here last night from Marshfleld where he spent Saturday with members of the state forestry board. While in Coos county the official investi gated the slash conditions. Furniture Upholstery And repairing. Olese-rower? Furniture company. 20tf To Attend Funeral Will Moore, stato infurance commissioner, and W. A. Muller. deputy real estate commissioner, will attend the funeral services to be held for the late Edward Rand in Portland later this week- Mr. Rand has ber-n employed as dep uty Htate fire marshal for several Obituary Moore At the home of his son, C. W. Moore, Thirteenth and Mission streets, Monday. Dec. 21, Manley R. Moore, age 78 years, father of Crawford, George and Edward Moore, and Mrs. Ralph D. Gibson Funeral pervlces Wednesday, De cember 23, at 1:30 p. m. from the Rigdon mortuary. Interment in IOOF cemetery. Xmas Dlnnerware Specials H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. d24 Marcell'8 Miracle- Mineral for your better health. For free interview write G. II. Gazeley, special representative. )X339.. J3 New Red Seal Recora"! Single faced, 25c and 35c- Stiff's Furniture Co. d5tf Ask Franchise The Klamath River Boom com pany .with assets of $25,000, has filed application with the public service commission for a franchise of Klamath river. The company has approximately one billion feet Christmas Part y- of timber which it desires to move. 1 Members of the Silverton Play- makers, the high school dramatic club, enjoyed a Christmas party at the W. O. W. hall Friday night Games and cards furnished the. diversions of the evening until it was time for Santa Claus. Eac. Anction sale every Wed. nite.1 member of the Playmakers p. m. r . N. vvoodry s new store. I brought a non-member as a guest Summer and Norway Sts. Cash I and two Christmas presents. paid for used furniture. Phone I Every one present received a gift 511. d 22 from the tree. Forty members and friends were there. Petition for Road The Woodward Lumber com- Store Open Lvenings Genuine Westinghouse 32-Volt Lamps for sale at Gahlsdorf's. d23 Visiting Here Miss Grace Carroway ot Port land has arrived in Salem to spend a few days with friends. Christmas Records- Get your while our stock is complete. ' H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. d8tf A New Pipe Organ Record ,By the new electrical process; d real treat. Stop in at Stiff's and Sear It. - v dStf Frickey In this city, December 19, Wil Ham Frickey at the age of 72 years.. Father of Frank Frickey cf Astoria and Mrs. Minnie Maley of Condon, Or. He is also survived by nine grandchildren. The broth er .of Mrs. Mary Casebere and Mrs. Emily F. Jory, both of Portland. and Miss Minna Frickey of Cin cinnati. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, December 22, at 1:30 p. ni. from the Rigdon & Son mortuary. Interment will be ir. the City View cemetery under Ma 3onio auspices. tile Double All-Wool Blankets 45. to $14 per pair. Wo have the largest assortment at the low est prices In the city. Thos. Kay Woolen MM Co. d22 pany with headquarters at Cottage Grove, has petitioned the public service commission for permission to construct a logging railroad across a county road. Until Christmas. Furniture Co. d23 Standard Electric- Waffle irons, $10; regular price $14. Halik & Eoff electric shop. d24 A New Player Roll Will help express the Christmas spirit. Make your selection at Sherman Clay & Co., 244 N. High St. d23 1 Fails to Dim. Paul r. Karrey. route z. saiem. wa3 arrested by Officer W. O. Edwards for failing to dim his lights. Judge Poulsen fined him $5. Store Open Evenings Until Christmas. Furniture Co. Hamilton d23 Xmas Dlnnerware Specials H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. d24 Thin Christmas- Something for the car. See bur suggestions. Smith & Watkins. d34 Extradition Refused Governor -Pierce has refused to honor papers asking for the extra dition, of John T. Sullivan of JOE WILLIAMS ,i The Battery Ma ' - Sv Tim and Money ..., By Calling Da. WnXARD S3l Court fit. Phono 198 Eastman Brothers? Furnaces Salcci Office 169 S. Hlsh Offlea fcovrt: 12:11 TO l P. u, - Factory, CTIrertoa, Ore, . 1 Wood Wood TRACY'S FUEL YARD , 107 D Street . Telephone 2313 Explanation A bootlegger by the name of Littlefleld wsa caught here last, Week. G. II. Littlefield, an em ployee at the state capitoL was not the man in question. . . 9ii.no PaJt Monthly Will retire a loan of $1,000 in 14 0 months. This applies to new buildings only. Ralph H. Mc- Curdy, office over Miller's store d22 Leaves for Ship- After spending . ten days vaca tion with his parents here, Nelson Srasbaw, who is a sailor on the USS Sirins, has gone to join' his ship at Mare Island. Furniture Upholstery And repairing. Giese-Fowerji Furniture company. -. ia20tf 1026 Calendar J-Yee, Homer H. .Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers. d22tf It WU1 Pay You Use that spare time on a musi cal instrument. Your need is answered in the "KING" band line. Sherman Clay & Co.. 244 N. High St. . :d2$ Choice, Holly ... For sale in City View cemetery. New Victor Records I have-almost a completo stock of RedStial -and Black Label Vic tor rrecoTds. These records are all nice and new. No traded in record in the lot. Geo. C. Will. 432 State St. ' d22 LUNCH Coffee BOX Coffee SHORT ORDERS Any Time DINNER 11 a. m. 10 p. m. 181 South Liberty Street Initiates Members The Salem lodge of Elks, at Its last? meeting Initiated 16 mem bers into the order. The candi dates included Lawrence Bach, M. J. Carter. Harold Eakin. Harold Elbert. Earl Fisher. Orris J. Fry. Cecil Gardner, Eugene Gill, W. D. mm . Why "Spa Candies for Christmas Made in Salem , Strictly Fresh Correctly Packed Boxes Late " Buyers Welcome and It's a Real Candy Store ' " The Spa MODEL BAKERY a 121 South Commercial PAINTING KALSOMINING PAPER HANGING For the right kind of materlali and th vsry btt workman ship call ua. i - - . Gabriel Powder and Supply Co. IT! 8. Commercial Phone TSf LADD & BUSH, Bankera r ft 1. J ... i PillMII Hill II A WW , General Banlnnj BcalnctS J. Offlet Eetn from Xt ajb. U M F. N. WOODRY fialem'a Jjeadlag - AUCTIONEER Fayi Cash For Fumlfre ; Healdeace and Store .1810 North Summer " PHONE 5U 1 tahllsbedLBtoceJUtC. DISEASES Treated by Osteopathy and the latest electrical Therapy including Dr. Abram's elec tronic system. No charge for consultation DR. B. H. WHITE Physician and Surgeon ; 606 U. S. Bank Building H Salem, Oregon THE HOURS FLY FAST Spends Day Here Jefferson Myers, ex-state treas urer, was among the Portland residents who spent today in Sa lem. Mr. Myers conferred with Governor Pierce and Secretary of State Kozer. See Biddy Bishop For used cars, at Fred M. Pow ell Motor Cars. 350 N. High. d22 Agents Exchanged- Former agent of the Salem Nav igatlon company, J. T. Bay, has been sent to Portland where he will continue to work for the com pany, and C. A. Graves, formerly of Portland has been made the new agent' here in Salem. McCLAREN CORD 'Perfett Safety" - MJimw ' Biir Smith & Watkins Snappy fiervlc PHONE 4 Rejoice, O grieving heart! The hours fly fast; With each some sorrow dies, With each some shadow flies, Until at last The red dawn in the east Bids weary night depart. And pain is past. Rejoice then, grieving heart. The hours fly fast! Adelaide Proctor. W. T. Rigdon & Son Amo love Candy! ; . 1 i i : .. ! i i 1 I Especially HAAS' or WINSTEL - Boxed Candies ; WTiat could make a better Gift? They're Fresh and Packed In t, . . CliristnuM Boxes i . -.. . - ., ',. ', y These Candies are handled in Salem exclusively by ; L tl MOKTM NIOH STRKCt MASONIC TKMPLC CAUEM. . ORKOO i ' iiJ:1! .' Mo EVERY WED. NITE : 7 p. m. F. N: Woodry's New Store Summer and Norway Streets Phone 511 Cash paid for Used riJornitnre . ; - New Year's Edition The Oregon Statesman Friday, January 1, 1926 .1- 'II will be proud to send to your friends elsewhere. . : ; ! Ten cents a copy, postage prepaid, to any point in the United States. Fifteen cents a copy outside the United States. : ' : Circulation Department, r " , Oregon Statesman, ! Salem, Oregon. A if'-"-' 1 3 m V4 s. Gentlemen: Enclosed find Jto defray cost of; mailing copies of Net?, Years edition of The Oregon Statesman to the following addresses: v NAME STREET CITY STATE- . 11 : ' in : i . f i i i V 7 ' Signed .. . . .Addresa -V I j ''V-"7:-v' ..'-1'-X .