ROBIN REED TO FACE CARVER IN FIRST SALEM GRAPPLING MATGH OT T K GUIS lilDlEDlRE Wrestling to Be Regular At , traction jf Attendance . I Warrants Bill : Interest is Tunning higb in the Jtoy Qtvr-Illite;Kcd match tp Ik; held; Umirht under tUe auspices of Harry Plant, in the Armory rrena.?' !'' , v - UeotUa though somewhat sore t olo-ing .Jiih itwtch In Albany last week, ia again Tn the jjest of con dition and ready: to suow local fans lilgtf'lhde' wtfrk in the open Ins efGBihg br grappling in Sa"lem. In ity -Carver, Astoria, brings with, him no mean record to sup port hi.1. Tight to restle 4he 'OA P. 4 t-tar. .? Carver, held ,tbejCanadia,i Carver was Injured in a return match and was oat of the game for almost a year. He has now completed a long period of training, specializing in the Oriental phase of the art which he expeets to spring tonight. Reed has proven a top notch attraction In recent matches, bar ing won the Inter-Mountain belt, which willbe on display. Promo ters of the Albany smokers de clare that tieket sales have been heavy for Reed exhibitions there, and the name support is expected from Salem fans in order to se cure, other, wrestling matches iu the future. .. J A In case -the proper support iis granted tonight's bill, an attrac tive schedule will be drawn up. scattering fights and grappling matches at opportune times durr ing the winter. '..', ' TRAFFIC ORDINANCE SUBJECTED TO FIRE (Continued from page l.J unemployed as well as to the em ployers. Alderman Dancy declar ed the bureau to be an " benefit to the city." .Ways and means committee was authorized to employ an auditor to audit the books. United Stated National tanl; of Salem placed the highest hid on, the street improvement bond issue of $24,971.65. bidding $1T. IS. The next highest bid was made oy Ladd & Bush, local bankers. Three Portland concerns bid for the bonds. Annual report of Chief Harry Hutton of the Salem fire ment was submitted to the architects who want to tell them bow to construct their proposed new skyscraper. ". The lobby of the Marion hotel has been refurnished and rear langed. The work was done un der the supervision of Mrs. Jim Linn, and the Bits for Breakfast man hesitates in attempting to de scribe the pleasing effect. Kor it is certainlv pleasing as any wom an of taste will say. after exam ining it; or any man who is en dowed that way, either. There are overstuffed davenports and fhalrs and rue's that are tnst depart-j right, and curtains and draperies COUTl-.tfio arc nlAflcinr fn Iho pvp anil cu. During tne pasv year i si reading lamps that look like home aiarms were responaea 10. i ne and just now a beautifully dec were out of town ancLtwo Avere orated Christmas tree. The small Alderman Purvine declared the YMCA bureau is the only employ- ;weUerweigb.t title for a short time ment bureau In the city. He sai having" defeated Ernie 'Arthur. the city owes something to us The boar's head in hand bear I i Bedeck'd with bayr and rosemary; .Rejoice, my masters, and be merry . Old Engiisb Rhyme. take advantage of the Special Round Trip txcur sion Fare offered b the y OREGON ELECTRIC RY. $2.00 Portland and Return Seattle $11.90 Albany $1.00 Eugene 33.10 Baker ., . ..20.50 Pendleton ... 13.70 Walla Walla . 15.10 false alarms. Over $.TC.'!0i was lost in buildings of which over ?30.f)00 was covered by.jnsnram-e. Petitions were granted for th paving of the following strees. Cottage between Wilbur and Hoyt. Mission between Southern !'ai'i ri.Tht of way and Sixteenth. Four teenth between Mission and Le. and Nineteenth between L and Market. I'etUlon of W. J. Rerd to va- dining room in the rear of the office has also been refurnished us a lounging room, when not in ;se as a dining room., It is won derful what a few nch. touched will do how they will transform ihe whole atmosphere of a-place. The Marion hotel is surely trans formed, and It is done in a man ner that will make Salemites proud of it. and that will give visitors a good impression of tbe ii . i i .. ' ""uai till. i iiri l- a iui nr ground on D between Etenroonth ,atv wU.h a, ,arge ProporUon of and Nineteenth streets was not ' . . i iri time, granted. ... Petitions were uranteil fori street lights at the intersection of! , The thorough organization f j CCCM Leffelle and John streets and at!,h bee nun of Marion county is.BANNtR 10 lb bttN lh intorwH.. f Mnrir.n nnrti Vigorously followed 1 Ci TIEFT SUSPECT IS HELD BY POLICE Youths Who Drove to New port and Back in Stolen Auto Are Bound Over Louis Anthony Harvey, 1363 North Seventeenth street, who was arrested by Officers W. O. Ed wards and Wright at 3:45 o'clock Sundav'mdrnipgi has confessed," it is said, ui'theuthet of two ford touring cars. First car is said to have been stolen ottJDntbtr;" - The-second, according to the; report, was stolen on 'Decern hr lty. Zealand Franklin, age 13, and Cecil Jackson. 14. were arrested fbv Officers Edwards and Wright at 3:10 Sunday morning. They were in a stolen Ford touring car, license number 31-413. They had driven to Newport and back in the car. The two lads were bound over to Mrs. Nona White, juvenile of J ficer. farms in Oregon during tbe past season and the generally good prices received for farm products, it was predicted that a 10 per cent increase in acreage planted to various crops would not be an inflation of the situation for the coming year." Kivi-r High At noon yesterday, the Willam ette river was the highest it has been, since March 3, the level be ing. 4.6 feet above normal. On March 3, it was '4.7 feet above Corvallis $1.50 The Dalles . .$ 6.60 Seattle 11.90 Spokane 22.25 , Tickets on sale Dec 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 23, SO, 31 Return limit January 4 Reduced Fares between Other O. IL Ry. Points Ask for further particulars Phone 727 H 0regon Electric Twenty-second streets. j Petition of the Salem Pink of j HHster lights ,n Liberty, slreet was granted on condition that the property owners pay for thi .in stallation of the lights. . Petition of Anderson's KpoIng rood- house to erect an s electric sign was. granted. City Engineer Itoger3 reporte 1 that the remonstrance fiTod against the improvement ot Hood street from Capitol to the South cm Pacific right of wav was i:i suificient. At this point. Alderman Pur vine moved adjournment because of the lateness of the hour. The council adjourned to meet again i .laKe it lOuper cent, and tiiat m-i dustry will begin to make a show- worth while and eventual it will become a great industry. SSsSi BY STATE LABOR HEAD (Continued from page 1.) d'iction as the spring crop is low er in production. There are in dications that there will be much larger acreage of potatoes next year due to the tact that-there was a shortage this year, with conse quent high prices. Late potatoes wer n good yield ,but the early acreage was short, on account of the dry summer. "Owing to the fact that many new families have located on Rod and Gun Club Members to Talk Details at Meet ing This Evening at o'clock this evening. At this time the ordinances that were to come up last night will be at tended to. Bits Tot Breakfast bays are growing longer And winter Hon. winter comes" will b s at all in hort, "ii" this sec- . Cherry men: Plase send in Ihv Information the Slogan .editor has asked you to send -today or tomorrow. The First National bank people leaving '& gieiit ie with the a Splendid Variety of Shades Your Choice Co) i Silk Hosiery in the Fashionable Shades. Special Co) (2) Real iBargains at the ROWN 1 R B USTE SHOE S During These TO RE Sale Days 8 GOOD PUUM B i N Or THEY SAY- KEEPSI THE r Doctor away j NELSON BROS. :J.V CTiemeketa Hioiw lfKI TYPEWRITERS For Christmas Look over these pric es, then come and see the machines. We have to unload these second-hand machines be fore the first ofHhfc year. ' ' l r 5 Nciseless .IjC.$27.50 Late Model . Woodstock .4 $37.50 Royal No. 10 $42.50 Remington No. 10 .. ,$35.00 Corona Portable ... ..$30.00 Underwood No. 5 -..$42.50 New Underwood Portable 530.00 Underwood 11 inch . Carriage $30.00 And other machines not listed These machines are all FuHy Guaranteed Underwood Type writer Company 519 Court Sk Salem Telephone 262 nn Polytechnic College oEngineering 13th & Madison Sts., Oakland, Calif. The Great Engineering School of the West TO THE BOYS ot the West who want a chance thiscollege offers an opportunity to get i"to Engineer ing practice in the shortest time. Degrees Granted in Elec trical, Civil, Mining, Mechanical, Structural and Architectural Enpin 'cering. Graduate go into responsible positions with largest corporations in the U. S. inremive.Practical Courses Univer sity Standards Scholarly Faculty Field and laboratory work Small Classes Saves two years time A chance to earn board and rooni.Stud ents may enroll at any time. Write for Free Catalog Vt'.E. Oilwoh.Pre. H.C. Ingram.V'icePrM. of Table Service in Dinnerware, Spark ling Glassware, Holmes & Edwards Silverware, Kitchenware, Electrical Table Appliances can be purchased conveniently by the - dignified Easy Payment Plan at Phone 67 135 North Liberty Street normal. Yesterday morning it j o'clock and, noon. On Sunday, a. ) came up .9 of a foot between 7 I total of .60 inche of rain fell,, - 'jj ? M.nnbers of th SMem Hnil an-.l r.uu cl'ih will iToot in the Cham er of Commercn rooms tonight at S o'dork to discuss plans lor the turkor sinnt to be h?ld ou Sun-; nay, Pct'clnb'-r 27. This will prob ably lp tli" lust shoot of the yar, ;tnd i' to be tli lare.?t y't hl'l. ATI turscys ni iu- 8ol1 at iiol- sale priP.' and the poiliy of th lub in Ih' past has been to dinde sVort--THPTi into groups :tc ordip.p: (o thrir skill in order thnt all may. 'live a full chance of carrving ofi the birds. The shoot will begin- promptly at o'clork on Sunday j noniinjr. and will last wll into !jV afternoon. Mcmrcrs and portsnion Interested in joining! Hie organization are welcome atl omsh-t's ftatHerinR foTTTTstuSi ratum Sunday School Loses Fast Cage Game I'ratum Sunday school basket ball team was last night defeated by the f?st Industrial Traininr, school squad by the narrow score 16 to 1ft. At the end of the irst half the score stood S to 12 in favor of the Indutsriai bovs. mith. now of Oregon Citv. drove down to enter the line-up for the Pratum quintet, but arrived late, being able to piay only in the lat ter period. iwr- V1IBSL -53L A3 9ts appreciated by the whole family Furniture the gift that endures! The gift of beauty and longevity ! For years the family will enjoy it, and for years their hearts will be grateful to you. .... i . - -' ' (GIFT imtrr 5 Candlesticks Clocks Dishes Doll Buggies Aluminum Kiddie Kars Silverware Beds - Dresser3 Dining Sets Ferneries Desks . Hichairs Jumpers BaHy Beds Mirrors r Vases Office Desks Paper Baskets Poker Sets Phonographs Records Table Runners Pillows Blankets ' Dining Chairs . Book Cases Writing Desks Day Beds Trunks Suit Cases Book Ends Hat Boxes Bed Lamps 4 Tea Sets ; Work Baskets Jardinieres Console Sets Filing Cabinets Cake Plates Buffets Bedspreads Vanities Chifferettes Camp Beds Camp Stoves Lamp Shades Water Sets Pictures ; :; Bridge Lamps Floor Lamps Ranges Rugs Davenports Vacuum Cleaners Bedding Tea Wagons Tricycles Blankets Rockers Overstufed , Chairs Curtain Material Auto Floor Mats Crockery Kitchen Cabinets Smoking Stands Andirons Fire Screens .Wood Baskets Electric Washers Fancy Pillows Child's Rockers Gold Fish Stands Traveling Bags Floor Polishers Library Tables IS f I ,j V'jr1'-"ji!illi'illr!lll'7 : $kK T7nf V Luggage Carriers Radios Linoleum OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK SEE OUR WINDOWS IT "V rwv ' S 11 f i.-; Mill t- '" j' 0''! j '' ' ! j fi II I'll11 ; ? 1 V