THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING; DECEMBER' 20, 1925 S 3. ; a . - - r '' -.1 : ,1 ' - .-- r -. ; You will find at this store many suggestions that, will help you choose an appropriate, gift for him. A gift of Clothing or Haber dashery will be useful and will constantly remind the wearer of you. UNSETTLED Fair east and cloudy with light rains west portion; normal , tem perature; fresh southerly winds. Max. 49; MIn. 38; River 1.4, sta tionary; Rainfall '.6l: Atmosphere cloudy; Wind southeast. , Car Stolen ami Recovered George King of 435 South 17th street reported late Friday night that his Chevrolet touring had been stolen from Court street be tween High and Liberty streets. The car was recovered early Sat urday morning in West Salem. Itobes for Christmas Presents . We have them, plain or fringed, at from $3 to $8.50. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. d22 See Biddy Bishop J For used cars, at Fred M. Pow ell Motor Cars, 350 N. High. d22 j Elks Dining Room ! . Will open under new manago- ment Tuesday noon ladles and guests. for Elks, d20 Angry" A eerio-comiC fox-trot song at Stiffs record department. d20 Moore Fined- .. L. Moore. was"" fined V?5 Satur day for having; poor -brakes on his taxi. , : ; ' - U- - Inexpensive ltt& - - At 1 the f Trover v Studio, j thing nof. '-y' Some 'd20 This Christmas Something for the'ar. " See our suggestions. Smith & Watkins. . r , ' d23 That Last Minute PrcHenl " Something enduring but not ex pensive. A ' ".Victor record at Moore's Music House. ' d2f0 Two Licences . tisuexl Two niarriage "licenses-were ap plied for in the connty clerk's of fice here yesterday. They were taken out by Alfred, S; Cayo, iron worker of Portland, and Elizabeth Martha Suckau, 373 North Church street; Dewey Smith, 'Aurora far mer, and Helen Kelley, 194 Thir teenth street, Portland Pomeroy & Keene Jewelers' and Optometrists i I f , Salem, Oregon , I i . UNDEttWdOD TYPEWRITER CO. Direct Factor Branch S19 Oovrt Street ; Phone tX2 Typewriters Rented, Sold, ''t-irt..,-,.;- Repaired Special .rental rates to itudextt JX. F. WOODRY & SON Aartlaa ti ana ranttir Ss1m Jty ck fr um rsnttan. tun lit Hort CniiHMrttl - CITY OuiVeKMW Let us assist ft your sel Gv V. Johnson & Co. 469 State Street .- ; t,. NE WS 'IN Speeder Arrested 0. C. Gillespie of Portland. was arrested Saturday morning by Of ficer Hickman on a charge of speeding. , He was later fined Si by Judge Poulsen. : Capital Drug Store Open evenings until Christmas. d20 Stein way. Upright Piano Good condition, will sacrifice for $295. terms. Investigate this snap. Tallinan Piano store, 395 S. 12 th.. d-20 Car Stolen . A Ford tourl'-g, Oregon license 31-413, belonging to Frank Saal fed of route 2, Salem, was re ported stolen Saturday morning from Fern', between Front and Commercial streets. Furniture Vpholstery And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture company. s20tf Choice Holly For sale in City View cemetery. d24 Me Phaile Piano, Like Xew Left with us, will sell at bar gain if taKen Wis weekrterms'tb reliable party. Tallman Piano store, 395 S. 12thj -d-20 Forfeits Rati H. B. Fitipatrick, who was ar rested Friday night on a charge of failing to dim his lights, failed to appear in city court yesterdagy. forfeiting the $5 bail he posted. A Harmonica Is a neat gift. Many sizes .to select from. Sherman-Clay & Co.. 244 N. High St. d20 Toys for the Children At Stiffs furniture store. d5tf A New Pfpo Organ Keeord By the new electrical process; a real treat. Stop in at Stiff's and hear it. d8tf Have Two High Gralf New player pianos that must be sold: ! before Xmas. $15 will make first payment and deliver One in your home. Tallman Piano store. 395 S. 12th. d-20 Speeder Fined S. Faulk was fined $5 by Judge Poulsen Yesterday for j speeding. Ted Shank's drivers .license' was suspended 20 days for 'the same offense. Furniture Upholstery And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture company. s20tf S10O Xew ERCycIopema For $50, $5 down and $5 per month without interest. ' Phone 970, or 2319W. d20 Eastman Brothers Furnaces , Salem Office 169 S. High' 4 . Office fcoursT 12:11 TO 2 P. It, - Factory, Eflvertom, Ore, . Wood Wood TRACY'S FUEL YARD 187 D Street , Telephone 2313 LADD &'BUSH, Bankers ' ' rtaWltW II General Ranking Business ' ' I -'OaEwwfrMalt 1 -.,.'-. i you i in making ion Club Meets The South Salem Friends Pio neer club met Friday evening. George Stroutz told the boys about Rumania.-' Ross Miles is leader of the club. Dr. Marshall, Osteopath! Physician and surgeon 120 Oriental Rug Display Here- Select your Xmas gift from tho display of Oriental and Chinese rugs at our store from the Car- tozian Bros. Inc. stock of Port land, Or. H. L. Stiff Fnrn. Co. d20 Dreaming of Tomorrow" A snappy fox-trot. Victor re cord at Stiffs. d20 Start Decorating- Decorating the local YMCA rooms for the Christmas holidays was begun yesterday. The Hi-Y club assisted in obtaining the greens. A Kroup of YMCA mem bers motored out into the coun try, took their lunch ,and spent the day getting Christmas trees and Oregon grape. See Smith's Floral Sale At Crystal Gardens, cor. Ferry and Liberty. d20 Toys for the Child rei At Stiffs furniture store. d5tf We Must Close Out Our new and second hand pi anos regardless of profit, to make loom for our new instruments, coming in the first of the year. Come in at once and get one of these bargains easy terms. Tall man Piano store, 395 S. 12th. d20 Chorus to Meet Members of the Salem boys' chorus will be treated to a blow out Tuesday evening at the local YMCA rooms. George Arbuckle is giving the treat. Movies will form a part of the program. Buy Your Xmas Apples At less than wholesale, direct front the grower. Wagners, Spitz and Romes, $1.25 and $1.35 per box, fit warehouse, 226 State St. d20 Music Makes a Merry Xmas - Merrier, at Moore's Music House. d20 Birth Report Is Filed A boy was born December 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Enoek F. Smith of Salem, according to a report received at the office of the city health officer, lie has been given the name of Donald , Dale. Hotel Marion- Dollar Dinner. Served 6:45 to S. Every evening. n-27tt Christmas Spirit- Is empnasTzed with music. Our large stock of Victor records may include your, choice. Sherman- Clay & Co., 244 N. High St. d20 MODEL BAKERY ' 121 South Commercial tot mm If yon want the wife to be happy at Xmai time buy her a good sedan. We have just the esr. Lata Old Sedan wilb bumpers, spot light, notometer. wlndalileM iwl mad. hu only ran 6000 BUM. TW ear lMks like new and U jurt aa goo4. PRICE IS $000.00 Traffic Arrests Made William H. MeRae, 2406 Lee street, "was arrested last night by Officer Edwards on failure to dim lights on a wet street. He was cited to appear in police court Monday morning. I. G. Etzel of route 2 was arrested by Edwards on a speeding charge and will ap pear in court Monday afternoon. Order Your Christmas Cakes Now. We hare a full line of macaroons, lady fingers, tarts, Klnger bread, fruit cakes and English- pancakes for the Christmas table. Bake Rite Bakery. d20 Xmas Dinnerware SpeciaLs II. L. Stiff Furniture Co. d24 Auction Sale Monday Rev. J. J. Evans will sell the furniture and furnishings of his home on Monday. 1:30 p. m., at 54 4 Center St. F. N. Woodry is the auctioneer. Phone 511. d2Q William Frickey Dies William Frickey, for many years a resident of Salem, died here Saturday at the age of 72 years. He was'born in Camelton, Indiana, in 1853. Mr. Frickey was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christine Frickey. pioneers in this district. He attended Willamette university when he was a young man. Sale of Evening Gowns Values $19.75 to $22.50 $16; values $22.50 to $29.75, for $19.75; values $37.50 to $57.50 for $29.75, at The French Shop, 115 N. High. Masonic Temple. d20 Xew Red Seal Itecorfls "Single faced, 25c and 35c Stiffs Furniture Co. d5tf Wrestling Tuesday, Dec. 23 At Salem armory. Robin Reed, OAC Olympic champion vs Roy Carver, Astoria. Snappy prelim inary starts at 8:30. d-22 Know a Baby? Dr. Henry Morris asks that any body who knows of a baby of one year of age or younger' needing care, communicate with himfor a lady in Salem wants a Christmas present of that type. Contest Closes This Afternoon At 4 o'clock. Those wishing to enter Most Beautiful Hair contest must make application by phon ing 263 before 4 p. m. today. d20 Select Something For the car. See our suggest ions. Smith & Watkins. d23 See Biddy Bishop For used cars, at Fred M. Pow ell Motor Cars, 350 N. High. d22 Parrlsh Squad Wins Friday evening the Parrlsh Jun ior high school basketball quintet defeated the Turner five to the tune of 29 to 19. Sharp Sign Service- Moved to new location, B60 Ferry St., Salem. Phone 394. d26 Exclusive Distribution For W. W. Kimball pianos. A. B. Chase, Davenport & Tracy, Bush & Gerts. Moore's House, 403-413 Court. Music l20tf Tle Practical Gift Is a "King" saxophone. Se them at Sherman-Clay &, Co., 244 N. High. d20 Rank of Page ' At the local lodge No." 18," of KP, next Tuesday night, about 20 members will be initiated into the rank of Page. Grand officers who will take part in the ceremony will be, Millard Handestry of Seaside, as Past Grand; Master Chancellor Grand Keeper of Records, and Seals, W. G. Gleason of Portland; Past , Grand . Chancellor," L. E. Cranch of Portland; Grand Mas ter-at-arms, June Drake of Silver- ton. After the initiatory service refreshments will be served. PAINTING KALSOM1NING PAPER HANGING Por the right kind of materials and . the very best workman ship call ua, Gabriel Powder and Supply Co, .: 17$ g. Commercial Phone TSf F. N. WOODRY iv Salem's Leading -. v. , I Auctioneer's Pays Cash For Furniture. - Residence and Store ; - 1810 Xerth Sumner PHONE 511 "IttAbUsbed Wnce 19HF Wife Recovering . ' ' f Louis'' Root of Portland was here yesterday to .see his wife, who has . been recovering from sickness at the Salem hospital. Dr. White, Osteopathy Electronic diagnosis and treat ment. d20 Mrs. Anna Junk Will close out Kpt hand' painted china at cut prices at her studio, 679 N. Cottage. Call afternoons. d22 Make This a Musical Christmas - At Moore's Music House. d20 Stopping In Salem C. W. McKee who is the gen eral manager of the Heilig thea ter circuit, whose head offices are in Seattle, is registered at the Terminal hotel. Special Sale rf Fur Coats And fur jacquettes at The French Shop, M. Buffe Morrison, 115 N. High. d20 Lonesome Me la sheet music or Victor record. Sherman-Clay & Co. 244 N. High. d20 Special Sale of Millinery At tho French Shop, M. Buffe Morrison, Masonic Temple, 115 N. High. d20 Stopping Here State manager of the American Central Life Insurance company. J. E. Summers of Roseburg is making his headquarters at the Terminal hotel for a few days. His wife is accompanying him. All Coats on Rale At cost price at Shop, 115 N. High. The French d20 Save $100 ot 9200 New pianos, standard makes will close stock on hands at $22.', $250 and $295, easy terms for quick sale. $10 will make first payment. Tallman Piano store, 395 S. 12th. d-20 Bilker Man Here J. H. Gordon of Baker is stop ping at the Terminal hotel for a few days. Mr. Gordon is connect ed with the public service com mission. For Your Convenience We will remain open evening until Christmas. Capital Drug store. d20 Marriage Is Performed Dewey Smith, a farmer of Auro ra; and Helen Kelley of Portland were married here yesterday by J. T. Hunt, Marion county judge. Open Evenings Until Christmas, store. Capital Drug d20 Sale of Evening Gowns Values. $19.75 to $22.50 $16; values $22.50 to $29.75, for $19.75; values $37.50 to $57.50 for $29.75, at The French Shop, 115 N. High. Masonic Temple.' d20 Order Your Christmas Cak Now. We have a full line of macaroons, lady fingers, tarts, singer bread, fruit cakes and Eng lish pancakes for the Christmas table. Bake Rite Bakery. d20 Taken Time to Plead J. R. Patton, arrested Friday on a charge of transportation of liquor, took . time to. plead when arraigned in justice court yester day. He" will appear again Mon day. Bail, set at $500 by Brazier C. Small, justice of the peace, was not furnished and Patton is now in the county Jail. See Biddy Bishop For used cars, at Fred M. Pow ell Motor Cars, 350 N. High. d22 Elks Dining Room- Will open under new manage ment Tuesday noon for Elks, ladies and guests. d20 Apples! Apples! Apples! Less than wholesale prices. Wagners, Spitzenberg, packed per box, $1.25; -Rome Beauty, packed per box, $1.35, at, Capital City Transfer Co.'s warehouse, 226 State St. d20 Faces Liquor Charge ! A. N. Peterson of Silverton en tered a plea of not guilty when arraigned in justice court Satur day on a charge of selling intoxi- FOR INFORMATION ABOUT KAJLKOAD TRIPS Phone 727 OREGON ELECTRIC c DISEASES Treated. by. Oateopathy and the latest electrical Therapy including, Dr; Abram's elec tronic" system.; v f '"So rharge for consnltatioa - . . DIL D. H. wiirrE ' Itryslcian and Sorgcoa -. ; t06 IL S.- Bank Bulldln g ; -: - Salem, Oregon,- l BLACK CAT 160 eating liquor.- -Ills case will be heard in the justice court Monday before Justice of the Peace Bra tier C. Small. Peterson was un able to furnish bail of $1,000 and is now in the county jail. He was arrested Friday evening by R. E. Ames, state agent. See Smith's Floral Sale At Crystal Gardens, cor. Ferry and Liberty. d20 Prices on all Overcoat Reduced. We still have a few for $12.50. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. d22 Rnnjo-nkes, Tenor Banjos - Saxophones to make a Christmas at Moore's House. merry Music d20 Visiting Parents Miss Florence Pope, assistant secretary of the local Chamber of Commerce is visiting with her par ents in Portlandthis week-end. Caught in the Act Of buying his wife silk lingerie, negligees and pajamas. Still he was undaunted for he knew Mil ler's quality would please her (to be continued) d20 Beautiful Novelties Will be on display Monday. Trover Studio. d20 Airedale Puppi Some nicely marked, pedigreed, two months' old Airedale puppies. Just the thing for a present. G. P. Sharkey, golf club. Phone 16F3. d2 Returns W. W- Chadwlck, manager of the Terminal hotel ju3t returned from Medford, where he had been called on business. Thin Christmas Something for the car. See our suggestions. Smith & Watkinu. d34 Xma Dinnerware Specials II. L. Stiff Furniture Co. d24 Have New High Grade Baby Grand piano will sell at used price on easy terms. See this snap at once. Tallman Piano store, 393 S. 12th. d-20 Kells in Port".;: C. A. Kells, general secretary of the Salem YMCA, spent Satur day in Portland on business. Dr. M. P. Men "Crohn's Complete optical office in U. S. Bank Rldg. for sale. No reason cble offer refused. Call Mrs. M. P. Mendelsohns, 14 50 Center. Tel.' 1202R. d-20 Have Yon House That suits? If not, read this through. Here's a 4-room strict ly modern, fireplace, furnace, full deep cement basement, hardwood, wired electric range, etc. Dutch kitchen. Qn large lot south, in view district, protected by proper restrictions. Trees. For sale any reasonable way. For instance, $1 do down, $50 a month; $300 down, $30 a month, or $600 down and $20 month, 6 per cent. Priced $3600, complete. Heady for you today.' Two , others north and east." Recke & I end ricks, 189 N. High, Heilig Bldg. Phone 161. i . . . d22 JOE WILLIAMS f The Battery Man , Systematic Work , Mo Oues Work W1LLARD Kftl Court Ht. PboiMt 10ft The Absolute Freshness, melt-in-your-mouth good ness of "Spa" chocolates make them the Perfect Gift and so beautifully packed The Spa X ua a loaf fcey.nd oosipara; I a rivals aayDr. ror iklUfnl fcan4 and flour fta., Cl. m a flar.r oaly ailat. Mistland Bakery 7r Sal at . "Jl .Tnr Oroctry " -V.-,.' Candy I 7- v - ill irt:l fl4'J Competition Begun- T , V The prep, class of the Salem YMCA has been divided Into two divisions to compete with each other until the YMCA moves into its new home on Court street. The boys meet every Saturday morn- Obituary rFullerton - ... . Miss Juliet Fuller ton died in Portland December 18 at the age of 49, years. The body will arrive in Salem at 12:50 o'clock Sunday on the Oregon Electric. Grave side services will be held In the IOOF cemetery at about 4:30 o'clock. Webb funeral parlors in charge. Smith At Albany. December IT, Mrs. M. C Smith, age 74years, widow of the late Dr. W. M. Smith and mother of Mrs. C B. Dinsmoor of Denver, Dr. W. Carlton Smith of Salem and Mrs. H. B. Looney of Jefferson; sister of Mrs. G. W. Johnson. Mrs. H. A. Johnson and Miss Sarah Jones of Salem. Mrs. J. Conser of Albany and S. J. Jones of Portland. Funeral will be held Monday, Dec. 21, at 1:30 p. m., from Rigdon mortuary. In terment In Twin Oak cemetery, Turner. . Frlrkey In this city iJecembor ID, Wil liam Friekey at the age of 72 years. The father of Frank Frick ey of Astoria and Mrs. Minnie Maley of Condon, Ore.. He is also survived by nine grandchildren. The brother of Mrs. Mary Case- here: and Mrs. Emily F. Jory, both of Portland, and Miss Minns Frickey of Cincinnati. Funeral service will be hold Tuesday. De cember 22. at 1:30 p. m. from the Rigdon & Son mortuary. In terment will be in the City View cemetery under Masonic auspices. th eternal coodness And-so beside the Silent Sea I wait the muffled oar; No harm from Him can come to me On ocean or on shore. I know not where His1 islands lift Their fronded palms in air; I only know I cannot drift Beyond His love and care. John G. Whittier. W. T. Rigdon & Son TREES TREES FREE TO OCR CUSTOMERS Fruitland Nursery Vnti! January 10, vcry rnstoranr buying 100 to SftO fruit or nut tre will receive 10 trnit tree FREE. Every customer buyinr 500 to 1000 fruit or nut tree will receive 25 fruit trees PRKE Office in New Salem Hotel building, XC9 touth Hih. Sales yard In rear of office,- . 'PHONES: Office 171S Nursery 1UF21 A. J. MATHIS, Prop. The C. E. SHOWALTER CO., Inc. Post Office Box No. 133 Salem, Oregon Money to Loan to Salem Home Owners and Builders " 7 Per Cent No Commission , Fortify Yourself Against Disease Germs areharmless in healthy tissue. , He who eats wrong becomes his own executioner. - Didn't Bryan. dig his grave with -his teeth? What causes spinal nerve pressure?, Wrong eating, bad habits, accidents. , Yours for Real Health Service " 225-6 Oregon Building ; Reduction First ten purchasers of Laurel Park lots agreeing: to build in 1926. to re ceive 10 per .'cent discountjW :ff:yfl -i. : tYour choice of any of 48 lots, : " all: prides, sizes and facings Mew extra large 50 by 192 foot lots ; at $550. North where Pacific highway hits Fairgrounds road. v 1 - COME ;Becke ;& 189 North High Heilig Bldg. Phone 161 - Ing. They hare gymnasinm' work,' alter which they bold a? Bfcie study class.' Points counting sn - the competition are attendao'yw new; members, basketball gam.?, gym games, and knowledga'oi k sons la the ; Bible class: The are about 25 boys In the class. .", Rig Double All-Wool BlankelF $5 to $ 1 4 per pa lr. We ha v.- the largest, assortment at th let: est prices in the city. Thos.:K Woolen Mill Co. d2i Apples by tho Bos ' , 4 For yonr Xmas tree,- less.tbaur wholesale,- $1.25 and $1.35 per packed, box, at warehouse, 22 State St. .d2A A Belated Shipment Ot beautiful novelties ; arrive. Monday. Trover Studio. d2 - . d20 Portland Man Fined -. L. A. Barber of Portland paid a fine of $10 when he-was given. a hearing in justice court Sat urday on aspeedlng charge." R: B. Reinhart; state traffic officer who made the arrest, - testified that Barber was traveling 45 miles an hour on the Pacific highway. To Efficient Men-' '(lti.trK:- 'V YOU know the importance of efficiency in your business. But do you ap- ply the principles of effi ciency to yotir daily life? To do your , beBt i work, you need eyes that1 t-Att see clearly, without effort. The slightest eyestrain is a drain on your nervous energy, and handicaps yoa in your endeavors. Make certain your eye3 are affording maximum service. An eye examina tion is an obligation to your physical comfort and J personal eff IclencyJ u Why not make an appointment with us today? Ti. u Morris Optical Company S03 Oregon BldR. Salem, QtTtn f -' on Lots IN NOW Hendrick