... 'A1 1'.'j ..'4-; -TIIE OREGON STATESMAN. SAIEM, OEEGON . SUNDAY- MORNING, DECEMBER 20, UD25 i: m 'I . ; ...... i They Adopt Constitution and Eleqt1Teffli)orary Officers; - at Their Meeting ;' 11 4- Jn, response to the call of the organizing committee appointed a former meetlng.Mhe bee keepers ot:Marion county met at the Salem Chamber of Commerce' rooms at 2 ptlock yesterday afternoon and proceeded , to erfect an organ ization. The organising commit tee f as It. J. Hendricks of Salem, J.elmulder of Woodbiirn and Kenpeth Rasseil of Turner. Kaufman of Clackamas eo'pnly, near, the- Marion county line, at Hubbard, an experienced bee ina n, was present and en couraged his Marlon county brpthers, as did one of the Polk county bee keepers, a "member of the association of the county. Adopt Constitution. ' - . . y After signing the roll, the mim lwfs - present . pcopecded to- adopt their; constitution, framed, after the t'niatfJla county association, Tin; new organization is the Marlon County 8ee. Keepers' asw ifaliqu. The officers ire a pres ident, vice president and- secretary-treasurer. ..The dues are 50 cents a year less than 20 colonies, and $1 for 20 colonies or over; Tle- Polk, county association has $1.5ji a year as dues. S"he officers are the executive committee, and shall call meetings and, transact the business of the association between the meetings of "the whole body. ; ' . - ft .was thought best to elect temporary officers only, because the secretary-treasurer, jhbuld bo. a inan who ran.be, easily reached and who will giro a lot of time to Uhe duties of the office, and every bee man sin . the . country ought to hare a hand in naming him, after deliberation. The temp orary officers,,, elected were...,J. -Petmolder. Wood burn, president; O. yi. Vorls, Salem, Route 5, vice president, and C- E. Wilson, Sa lem, 'secretary-treasurer. For Big Membership i Every man present at the organ ization meeting yesterday took a tojiy.pt the membership roll, and agreed. to circulate it, to the end that there nxaybe a large. .mem bership ;,everjr,bee keeper in Mar ion; county. If possible. . . . . . A little later, there is to be a' called meeting, to name perman ent officers and ; further perfect .brganizatlon. HOaDAYRECDRDf CLEAR COXVKBTKD OltU TO'Lp PAY r. . FOB 8TOLKX GOODS f, .Mr. Director, .of Director de partment s tore, Salem, formerly had a store I Dallas, : . iie .nafi received a letter, dated December threading i ' .. 1 ;; "Dear, Mr. Director: About two years ago I . was In your store in Dallas, Oregoniroawiere bav- laga sale, aad I took a - box of powder, a jar of cold cream, an empty perfume bottle ( I thought there was something Tin i it) ; and a HttU jar ofougo. jjjyou wiU send me your price.ll will pay you. "I went to the Apostolic . Faith mission and got converted, tonight, so I want to as&jjfour forgiveness and pay you for those things. ... am trying, to straighten: out my crooked little trjekrao serve the Lord with clean revdrd. Hop ing you -tolll, forgive me for this," etc.-. 'i i-A y, , Thc .ladyslgns her name and gives her. address? ,, . l: ; , , &he yili; noidoubt4 enjoy . her Christmas far more than she could 1xave done . before; her , attcnipt to make herjrefcord clear ? ' , 'CHRISTMAS CNEErf Ml SET FOR IBM ym State School, for. Blind Ex tends Invitation for Christ- masSing tho" list to date he Statesman- Christmas otiowing is thg of gifts made to' Ti Associated Charities Cheer fund. - - Salem Ad . Club 0.00 LaneIorley ...... 1.00 Anna S. Kantner ...j. 1.00 Cash 1.00 A Friend . 1.00 Unknown ...... 1.04) Tom's . Wash Rack 4 2.50 W. W. Hill .1 .. ... .50 Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Pratt 6.00 A Friend - ', 1.00 A Friend 1.00 A. E. Anderson ....L l.OO A Friend ,....... 5.00 Lehnian'sGroccry 2.06 Men's Class, ; First : fvChristian church i....l7.55 Judge M. Poulsen 1.00 Unknown . 1.00 Trade street store ... i 5.00 A Friend 2.60 Mrs. Rose Hester's class First r Presbyterian Jiurch, care for one, family. : . Nina McNary's class Baptist Sunday schooU care for one family.'', th4i TpeinfeK,,. IOMEGO0DPIS Salem' BdsidnTerrier Makes Great Sho wing; m. Brisk t V Competition Tough Boy Dr. Fred Ellis of Salem exhibit cd his. Boston . terrier, "Tough Boy. at the Boston terrier special show at tjae i' iVa- Redman hau, Portland, on 1 December 12 I! There were cxhibtted 85 Bojtton 4er riers ; f t o ra ,d-reg 3V ashI ngton an Califor- Besides the regular clas whifb: amounted tot 30,' there trer 67 Eoecials. consisting f 'cash tr"- nhies and other prizes. V The win ner dog was ; Playfalr Xefr Go, owned by the Playfalr, Kerinets, Portland, and Ihov wipner bitch was Jackson's Marchet. wned by Irenn Jacksonof Portland. : The iudzine was byvA. I'.i Bochmcr Oakland. Cat. " "Tourt Boy. th.,Boston ter riT of Dr. Ellis, ; won three first prizes, one second irize, -and tbrea special prise..Af y R ES E A UClf !7MEliT AK EX ; A Christmas program will be held at, the Oregon slain m-hool for the Ailind on Decern brr 2. at eight o'clock the program lor thr evening 'leing as follows: Medley of - Christmas Carols, Carl Lcmke., ."; Holy NiSht-r Alice Ander son and Dan Roberts. "A vlittle play enabled. 'Christ Ba$1n Mahy Jnds.M 'jj 'The i Red Candle" Melviu Smith. , . . ; y"Thc- Three Klns" and lie Shall . Feed His Flock"-Harold liobioson.' Floyd lolt, Ernest Nag ely, : Robert Traver and Donald Bird. i; -'Tho Niglit Mfter Christinas- Wilbur Harrison. - "All Haif he .powerj or Jous Name" Sen iorhoir. Tho public is Invited to this Chriatinas program. worth of passenger. einipnient to be . placed la service by the South ern Pacific on the Iike Tr.hoe route .between Chicago and. ihc Pacific coast. , t ion from the same SourcS said his physical and mental condition were sliphtly Worse. ItECORD IS UNCOVERED JAAN EMPEROR IS ILL FAIXTIXG SPELI SUFFERED; ' CONDITION XOT SERIOUS CARS ARE CHRISTENED SAN FRANCISCO, Iec. 19. (By Associated Press) Six pretty girls smashed six bottles of Paci fic . ocean and Lake Michigan water on the pilot, of the ner Ove'rland limited today" at the Oakland pier, thereby christening the, first section of $3,000,001 TOKYO, . Dee. 19. (By Asso ciated. Press. ) An official bulle tin of the imperial household de partment sayB the emperor last evening, suffered a "sudden stroke of cerebral anaemia, meaning a Hiiuting spell." -: Wiiiie the physicians do not be lieve the condition of the emperr. is serious, his departure for Nih inazu, where he usually spends the wiuter has been temporarily post MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 18 Mil ton Dean, who police say, has ad mitted 25 burglaries in Minne apolis, confessed today that his true .name was Clifford Bramble and that he was an .escaped con vict from Folsom prison, Califor- Tlie Kniperor Yoshihito who as cended the throne July 30. 1912 succeeded his father, the late Em peror Meijl has been an invalid for the past four years. His con dition became' such that in No vember, 1921. his son the crown prince, Hirofcito. was appointed prince regent. Since then the em peror has spent his time br'tn-i-pn the various imperial palaces. Nu niazu bcinK the winter reskioiice of the emperors. In March, 1924, a statement from the imperial household said the emperors men tat condition had shown no change in the past 18 months and the "failure to improve applies particularly to his articulation and memory which have become worse." His physical condition was described as favorable and improving. In June last luforma- j . ... - 1 r MITCH ELC CASE HEARD WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. By Associated Press . The j, cry of "persecution jaised against the array general. Waff by tl)4 partis an's of Col. William Mitchell, was taken up today in congress and gave.... promise . of aronsing echoes htter'in the civil c6urtsv ; . Several tftae "durjns, the .day's debate on an appropriation bill. the house heard sharply worded criticism of the manner in which puaishment had been, rhie ted out to the air crusader tor.is public asakults on government aTiati(m policies.. . ,..-..' ; One "member. Representative Black, democrat, New York, pro posed that tha court martial sen tence - of ffve years' suspension from the army be cancelled by act of congress. i . Colonel Mitchell and his coun sel remained silent about their plans, but there were plain inti mation that the controversy would be taken into the civil courts, probably for, final adjudication by the supreme court of the United States. It was indicated, that tho most likely avenue of approach lay through' the court of claims. in an action designed to prevent the war department from ' With holding front Colonel v Mitchell during the ext flve-y'iars tho pay of his "rank, v VAUDEVILLE FIVE ACTS ALASKA TRIO Ice Skating Novelty ROBERTS DOYLE & DAY SISTERS Singing SM-cialt EMERSON FRANK and .MAY. STANLEY J BLIGH THEATRE ; TODAY nia. Loot found in hl3 ap'aft menta here .was estimated to be worth ?10,600. , OREGON CONVICT TAKEN MAX RELEASED FROM PRISON IN JULY AGAIN IN TOILS OAKLAND, Cal, Dec. 19. (By Associated.) Donald Kelly, alias Ernest Young and L. O. Gillian, alias Jack Raymond, were ar rested here Ic-day i charged with attempted burglary of the Excel sior laundry and the United Auto supply company here. Both are ex-couvicts, uccording to police records; - ' Kelly was released from the Oregon State penitentiary last July on" conditional pardon after serving part of a sentence. Gil lian was convicted jn San Fran cisco for robbery in 1922 and granted two year 'probation. Both' said thyhad been-workinf in Oregon and-cam to Oakland when the mills shut down. - , Kelly'sf wife, Grace, slepdaugh;, r , ter andX WlStehn. of MedfdCd; is being t cared for. in the deten tion .home: pending a , request, that , Stenn eehd money for her trans- - portatioa home. They were mar ried in Sledford December 7. Gll liaa's wife and Mrs Kelly, declare their intentions of standing by ' their husbands. " ? ' e so , I!ASKK!4IXDIA.NSVLV LOS AOELE,esrVi9.A(By Associated Presrf.Tr-Thj,'JiaieU iBdtaiii football feaiiv.o4' Lawrence. Kansas, defeated- th? Lo ; AiLjeies Alhiettc club eleven f here ' today; 12 to 10, after tlfc ilab team fcad held the. long end vt tho snrn,'n til thc. nrth.quirr; f Ward '! the llaskelj team. scored the win nlng - tonchdowB when,ihe Jntcr? ceptcd a 4ass on ' Iswni ?t -yard line and raihi jyafda to Be goal posts. ;vK:fc,V-4;t?5:' i'W.'-' NEW SHOW TODAY It Will : Tod 1 rowing's Story -With . . .... AILEEN PRINGLE-iCONWAY TEARLE MITCHELL LEWIS f f HAROLD; WINDUS . -J t'LAYlNO SHUBERT'S SERENADE 4HE ira 1. t-h m: hi! - N KVT 1 1 A VEX. , Con n Dec, : 1 . Tale university with the assist ance of a fnnd of 1.000,08 pro v Ided by the esta tc , of , ihev late John W. "Sterling of ; New York city, will begin next fall an in tensive effort to stimulate ad vance research in all' fields of knowledge: ' . - 6'ROURKE IS NA3IED OAKLAND. Dec.' 19. (By As soclated Press). Pat O'Rourke, registered afSt. Mary's college from Wajla Walla, Wash., was elected captain of the varsity foot ball team-for 1926 at a Uncheon given to lettermen of fc college here tqday. O'Ronrjtui a juAtpr, ' Secure Your Seals BIOKSTEtt. MIDNIGHT MATINEE " f j : TODAY t: MONDAY -I ' a A 1 I'-'" O REG O N i fr m mm A Few Suaae stioris r.i'crar Lftfliter Motometer Trouble Lamp Robe Flower Vase Spot Light Dome Light Flashlite Read View Mirror Stop Light Heater Wihdshield -Glfiail; SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR SUGGESTIONS PARCELS VlJAPPED IN HOLLY PAPER "JIM" ; . :K ,A "BILL";. r-,ji;,jjft SMITH & lJA mitiS . Phone 44 Court at Street II cjj' J Wmm mm Slippers , i ' ."' i ... '-5 . We are displaying the most attractive line of slippers arfd hosiery that it has ever peeh pur pleasure to offer oht customers. Our merchandise is bought for the person thai demands superior Quality, as well as tlie most attractive appearances In the face of mis e ae maprig the most startling reductions in all gift merchandise. :i Hundreds of Pairs Ladies' $2.00 SLIPPERS 9Sc leri Leather SLIPPERS $3.00 mm- McCalltim HOSE Every cokir. The 1cst grade 1 yz.w nose in America - 3 Pairs for $5 Pure- HOSE Holiday Special goat .- $1.00 Men's Fele SLIPPERS Best $3.00 Qualfty SLIPPERSil AH Sizes, $2.00 Grades 9Sc- ' bb5 YOUR titer HURT? Corns and . callouses removed without pain or .soreness. ., Ingrown, nails re moved and treatcdi Tains .In-feet, -weak ftiot, tlat foot, loot, strains "and .fallen affiles adjusted, Ib not suffer. I, will pfre yotf the-best Utat-sclettce can pro duce la scientific vt!iIfolHdy. Consult ; DiCilliri About Your Feet. Hours 9 to 5:30 PUono 616 WW. t - A totfimfi WBasdBootl :3Z6 rafeftaifclifca!4 REPAIR DEP ARTMENf Our shop U equipped with all new nia clifnery. We, ub'd nothing but, llie very .best grade of leather tnat money , will buy. . ' ' . Mr.,iacobson, in charge of this i depart :mcnt, la an expert- iu." Ills . line has spent years in factories and repair EhoSjand 'will do nothing but high 'grade work. ft ttltlliaG it Hmniip i 'j in , nun ;--S3st4!is:-C3r3 V