r- THE OHEGON STATESMAN; SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2ft, lfl2f 5 1 6? Union Roster t HEAT CUTTER'S UNION NO. ISO J - M4 saeead. and fourth Wdndy. r. je josrax sscrsisry, lUbrt Pads. CAPITAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION NO. HO President, O. F. Evans; secretary, M. D. Piit en tan. Ht Mooaa Satur day. 3:oO p. aa. . , CA.6PEXTERS CXIOl WO. 10&5 set Tbur. svaing. Artbor Tack er, president; Wm. Pettit, secretary. Skilled meehantc furnished. Pbone 17ft. Lodge Roster FRATERNAL ORDER OP EAOLES. meet err Wednesday. Fraternity Wall, 8. M. WUlstt, See'y. Tel. 880-R. KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS MEETS AT fraternal Hall every Tuesday evening. Visitor invited. Fred Oenham, Q. C ; Waller Lenoa. K. of 16. B. tf Published every moraisuy (except Mot. day) at Salem, the capital of Oregon, s . . f Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Sunday 2 eeat par word 5 cents per word CVoetlma Hires time SU tinea a eenu per word 1 mo- daily and Bun. 20 centa per word la order to earn the mora than on lima rata, advertisement must rea la consecutive issue. Mo Ad. taken for leat than 35 easts. Ada. run Sunday ONLY charted at one-time rata. Advertisement ( except PereoneJe ad Sitnattona Wanted) will bo Ukta rver the telephone if the advertiser la a subscriber to phone. The Statesman will receive adver Ui em sate at aay time of the day or night. To Insure proper classifica tion a da. t boa Id bo In before 7 p. m. TELEPHONE 23 OR 6A3 Money to Loan . On Real Estate . T. K. PORD (Over Ladd Bush Bask) BEFOR- TOU LEAVE TOCB HO E OR CAR HAVE IT Insured Properly Phone 101 Beeke ft Hendrleka. Hellig Bldg 189 N. High St. 4-28-tf ' - i ADVERTISIXO HOJJE8T ADVERT18INH These eal tima must be kept free from anything of a questionable nature. Misrepresen tation witl not he tolerated. In for motion chewing any questionable in tent en the . part ot the advertiser shouJd he reported to this newt paper or the Salem Ad Onb. Ant4aobUea BCHEELER AUTO WREC-INO CO, wHD buy your old ear. Highest cash price paid.- 1085 X. CommtrcUl St. ljl3tf SALEM AUTO WRECKING CO. Wheels, Tires, Rims. Fender Halt Price and Lets Farts for all cars, cash for aM cart. 403 8. Church Phone 2169 ltf Anto Tops SEE US FOR TOP AND FAINT WORK. v C J. Hull Auto Top and Paint Shop. Rear Fire Department Salotf Help Wanted Male 11 WILL HOLLYWOOD OIVE ME A chancel Submit photo to Frederick Paul, 1531 N. Mariposa, Hollywood, Calif. . , " MAN WANTED ( City or country) old MtsbliHhed eomnany will supply capi tal and start yon in your own permanent business selling necessities people must "V buy every day. Espenence unnecessary. Writa McConaon Is Co., Fsctory 29. Winona. Minn. sioju- i T- FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT Men under 85 wanting - positions in Soath -or Central America or Europs with i oil dr-pscking 'companies, -etc., write st once. FOREIGN EMPLOY MENT BUREAU, Fairview Station, De troit. Mieh. . "o2" RELIABLE ' MAN IN EVERY TOWN A 1 and City to outnoute ireo sampio, - vsnumf r .v . w - wnnecessarr. Outdoor - work. Average psy $8.00 per day. Writ auiekly for eontract. Supervisor Co- lombe. 5153 Xorth Clark -SW Chicago. Illinois, v . ' td2 Help Wanted Female 13 firm i 115145 WEEKLY DURINO snare- time. Experience- unnecessary, Dignified work for honest, sincere per sons. No eanvassing. Franklya Pro rfnrt. 1032 Vsn Buren, Dept. 472, Chicago. 13d20 Salesmen 15 trivTrtu-urs OF EXECUTIVE ABIL tty te qualify-for position ia aur ssles .tuii with Incomes ia five fig ures. Apply by letter to The Nstional Bnifh Co ValparaUo. Ind. iS4i0Z ' Burned to Death at Altar A candle on ' the -family altar in -ihA home of Mrs. Anna Mc- Shane, 80 yea" old, of New York, toppled on the woman Just after .she ; lit it. Her. clothlne ignited . . - . - Aa..ta ' IfiiaKanl Wlln ' ISISI resuuo- i mm " " was severely burned in trying to extineTuish the flames. iinnA niver - Jaoanese fruit frrowers at Doe build IJ0.0O0 community houae. j 4 -ss in hi i Bs ass Tillamook Gales Creek-Wilson River ; highway route survey un der way. " ., 1 .: SAIXM 1RKTS j OaU-f No.1 wheahi white y 1, red, sacked Wkite oats Gray oata - ' Barley .... $1.4 3 ....... 1.3 0 '.41 .80 sir wtvv-fow AJTTJ XEZF Ton ZoTTlZ. BoW, ; ? rmwl bora Top steers Cowa ' ' .050.0$ s.oo.oo 44 Balls Spring lambs under 80 lbs. " rfeavier. Dressed veal ' - -lJ F0ULTXT Light kead 1SQ1 e .2 .40 1618 .24 .1$ at Heavy hsaa. . Old roosters Broilers .,, i ... Turkeys Live ducks Irressed dacka Jive geeso Dressed HM - EMI, JtTJTTBB AND TJTTEFAT Bterfst --'-v J5t t're.-unery butter Em ' - i Standards , . - - ..33 .40 13 LIGHTNING - STRANGE BATTERY . compound. Chart discharged hstter ; its instantly. Eliminates old method an ti rely. Gallon tree to agent. Light nint Co.. Bt. Peal. Minns lMiH Wasted Emptonnent 19 CHRISTIAN LADY WANTS LIOHT, general house . work. Pbona 1917-W. 19d20 rOR GARDEN PLOWISO, BASEMENT Mf f i sad team work, paoa 19F3. , 19ml4tf WOOL GOLF HOSE CHILDREN'S port bote, knit te order, ilaad knit ting. Phone 1778-J. ls30tf For Rene 21 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14- BY 7H". wording "for Rent." prlc 10; cents each. Statesuaa Business Office, en (round floor. POR RENT DBV. CEMENT BASE ment for storage of furniture or any thing. See White, Home Realty Co. 2Id2 For Rent Apartment $ FOR RENT 5 ROOM FURNISHED apartment with garage. T. O. Albert. 864 Mill St. 23d20 FURNISHED APARTMENT rOR RENT. Inquire Moore's Music House. 23d20 PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BT fftm, wording, "Roomg to Keat." pHf 10 ewti eaeh, fiuteunaa Butines Office, ground flnor. HEATED APARTMENTS, mooth. 1335 fitste. WEEK OR 23d26 3 OR 4 ROOMS FURNISHED. WITH light and water. Garage. 412 N. 21st. 23d23 THREE-ROOM UNrTRNlSUKD APAKt- ment for rent. Private bath. Modern 1 round tUtor. Close in. 25.00. 268 N. Cottage. 23d2 VACANT FLAT 5 LARGE ROOMS ' Very close in. Furnace, ranges fur nace, ranges, furnished etc. Now 930 Adults. Bee We k Hendricks Hen dricks, 189 X. nigh, Hrilig bid, f'hnne 181. 23d20tf For Rent Room 25 FURNISHED nEATED HOCSEKEEP ing rooms in one, two and three suites, $12.00 to $28.00. 99L N. Cottage. 25d20 ROOM FOR RENT IN IddDERN HOME three blocks from stato bouse. All etvaaianee. Gentleman preferred. Please give reference and address A. B car Statesman. 2ijQ8tf FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOR Students, with sleeping porch privileges. Everything modern. References are re quired. Address room, car Statesman U5J2tf For Rent Hons esj - 27 5-ROOM HOUSE. Phone 2044 -W. $1C TER MONT1L 27dl8tf FOR KENT Comfortable 5 -room house, close in. Partly furnished. Range, with gas plate, dining table snd chairs, bed stead snd matress, bath, toilet snd garage. f30 per nio. Kee J. A. MILLS. 33I H State St. 27J23 For Rent Farms 29 HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS for rent. P. E. Thoamason. Tunser. Or.. Phone 8XX. 89altf Wanted Miscellaneous 33 WANTED BEEF CATTLE. VEAL AND nogs, rbone 20a. Inquire at I ublic Market. 35d20 FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP .eats. Giese-Power Furniture Co. 85s20tf HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED stoves, tools, furniture. Stiffs Used Good Dept. opposite court kens. . . 85m22tf CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH dastal gold, platinum and discarded iewelry. Hoke Smalting; and Refinery Co, Otsego, Miehigsn. 35jJ8 WOODRY THE- AUCTIONEER BUYS used furniture for cask. - Phone all , i 35atf SELL US YOUR USED FURNITURE It. lu Stiff r-urniture co,usa uooas Drpv., opposite court houss. 35m22tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY ? FOB farm loans.- Wa have several -epplten tiona en hand. Hawkins Roberts Ine oris Oreewn RMr. 54t For Sale AXFALPA. GRAIN. HAY. TIMOTHY. Oats. Barley and Wheat, guaranteed quality, prompt shipment. Prices upon application. Richard Kyman, - Walla Walla. Wash. . 37d2.2 GRAIN. HAY FOR SALE. 2395 FRONT St. rhanet 49-4.. . . , , . B7d31 RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE 3" BY BH" 50 receipt forms in book. 15 cents pat book or wa for 25 cents. Statesman offic, 2 IS South Commrciir 8tj Sa lem. a.7f25t FOR SALE OLl NEWSPAPERS. TEJ eeats a buadla. Cireulatioa department Oregoa Btsseaaua. - r $7tf TRESPASS NOTICES. SIZE' 14xft INS. printed on good lO-onnes csnvass, bear ins; the words, "Jiotiea Is Hereby Give That Trespssslng is 'Strictly Forbiddes On Thesa Pramisas Under Penalty of Prosecution." Price 15c each I or 2 for 25c, , i Bsatasmaa run. uh, a . 1 87aH For Sale LlrestocJc i 39 FRED W. LANOE, VETERINARIAN' Office 420 S. Comssarctai. Pnone 1x09 Res. Phono 1IW6. 89m23i Wood for. Sak) : 43 WHILE IT LASTS SMALL GRUB OAK 16 in. $80 ror' Plione 5o 12. . 43d20 I FOOT GREEK SLAB, $3.90 PER CORI ls-ln. drv milL S4.?u per Maa. on fir and oak. Phone 1479-W. 43n5tf COMPLETE FUEL SERVICS TFXEPHONB 1855 im.I.UlN FUEL COMPANY - - . 43n21U SALEM FUEL -TRANSFER, 752 Trad Street, wood,- toat, nnmieis. Transfar ana Moving. J" BOBS S-'tf. . 43a20tt BRIQUETS THAT LEAVE NO ASHES dSaSltf l.tvra OLIBWOOD PER .LOAD. $3.59 16 inch 2nd fir per loaa. ss.w; s Inch old fir per toad. $4.50. Prompt d.llverv. TsL 2313. Tracy Fast Yard 1067 D Street. . . 3a32tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD l . ft. and 16 Inch. Dry mill "wood. , ?! Grass mill wood. Dry sscond growth fir. ' Dry 4-ft. smh. and adk, f k V-anaft dalivarr and ressonsbl price -saw ftMtrCaawk. Pkoaa 1543. 43fl8tf WOOD SAWING, PROMPT ASD r.A RFJ-LLLY. HILLMAN FUEL CO -? 43a21U 16-INCH MILLWOOD. $3.75 PER LOAD . 4 loads $14.00. I hone loTlf-W., WOOD. DRY. SAWED ANY LENGTH HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855. .. 43n31t 18 INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH ..V -t.A ..k Phoaa 19. '8. M. L. MsV iald.. - . . 4tl8f GOOD COA -DRT WOOD V ' PROMPT DELIVERIES, i viti.T.MAi ruRii'. oa rlesmen ; 43 COAL ALL TflE BE ITER KINDS ULLLMAN FUEL CO. PBOXE l&il a Nursery Stock 49 FOR SALE Black Maszard seedling- cherry trees and California Black Walnuts. W. H. GRABENHORST JR. Phone 83F5. 49423 Miscellaneous 51 DRESSED TCHKEVH FOR CHRIST- a., 45 rents. Phone 71F, Turner. ald22 SAVE $100 TO 1200, NEW PIANOS, standard makes will close stock o hands at fJi5, zM and $295, easy terms for quirk sale, 10 will nke first payment. Tallmaa Piano store 3s,5 S. 12th. WANT TO GIVE A CONTRACT TO CUT and deliver in Salem 10OO cord of wood. Haul 13 miles, imn t want to talk to any one not able to handle the entire job. Cail at 303 Ore. Bldg. only. 51d20 FURNITURE repairing. Store. CPHOLSTER1NU A N It Ots-ttiwara ParaUars SlaSOti HAVE NEW HIGH ORADE BABY Grand piano will sell at ued price on easy terms. ' Nee this snap at once. Tallman Piano store, 395 8. 12th. 51d20 H, B. BEAQROVE FURNACE ANI beat natal shop moved to 081 Mil St Slaea STEINWAY UPRIGHT PIANO, OiX)D condition, wilt sacrifice for $295, terms. - Investigate this snap. Tallman Piano store, 395 S. 12th. Sld'iO ALASKA BLUE FOX FUR BEAUTIFUL for "Her." Mrs. i. V. Ellis, 504 N. Liberty. Phone 1036-W. 51d25 Mc PILULE PIANO. I.IKE NEW. LEFT with us, will sell at bargain if taken this week, terms to reliable party. Tallman Piano store, 395 S. 12th. 51d20 HAVE TWO HIGH GRADE NEW PLAY er pianos that must be sold before Xmas. $15 will make first payment and deliver one in your home. Tallman Piano store. 395 S. 12th. 51d20 WE MUST CLOSE OUT OUR NEW AND second hand pisnos regardless of profit, to make room for our new in struments coming in the first of the year. Come in al once and get one of these bargains, easy terms. Tallman Piano store. 395 H. 12th. 51d20 Loat and Found S3 LOST HOUSE KEY. FINDER LEAVE at Statesman office. Reward. 53d20 LOST - BLUE WOOL SHAWL. SO. Commercial St. car or street. Finder please'leevs at Kafoury's or phone 877. Ic.3d22 Personal 05 CHARMING YOUNO LADY, WORTH $50,000.00. Ixmely will marry. F.va. B 1022, Wjchita. Ksusss. 55d20 HtZZ TREATMENT FOR APPENDICITIS "It-Is-Wonderful." Freo informatics Address Hiss Co- Portland, Oregon KSalrT-IOT" Money to Isosin 67 CITY AND FARM LOANS Leaf time, low rats interest, assy pay mant. Investigate, our loaa plan. PERRINE A MARSTERS S13 Commercial Club Bldg. 57o29tl MONEY TO LOAN--64. F. t. WOOD $41 Stats S7o31t Wanted Loans SO WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAS on city property snd farms. No charge to the losner, hsvs applicants waiting. Se White, Home Realty Co. 39d2 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAA aa good real estate s scanty. W. H. GRABENHCBST a CO. 875 Stater Street. SOnftltl Business Opportnn lties' 01 NOTICE WILL, SELL YOUR MORT. gage papers on commission. . Bring them in for inspection. See shite. HOAR REALTY CO. 169 K. High Street. 61dC Real EsUte 63 ! OWN YOUR HOME FAIRMOUNT HILL SNAP BFAUfY east . front' corner at $110O pins par ing. Hecke- - llemlrielts,-189 N. Jligh, Heilig Bldg. 63d20tf 6-ROOMS $2500 CASH. CEMENT basement snd csrace. Close schools. Becke A Hendricks. 189 N. High. Heilig Bldg. 63d20tf TTTrTTTTTTlTTTTTTTITTTTTTTTT T T f.. GOOD SIX-ROOM nOC8E. MOD- T ern, furnace, garage, fine lot. T paved atreet."'. WTeli located, for T $3.15000 apd terms. We wiU T ba pleased to show this if in terested. T TERMINAL REALTORS T Terminal Hotel. Salem. t3dl(Uf 'f'rrriTT'iTii'rwr,m,m,i"n'rrm' FOR SALE " Nr.W .4-room' bungalow located oa "Sved street ' and 2 blocks from car line. I..... 63d23 A C. BOHRNSTEDT. ? 147 North Commercial Street. Upstairs. , - Sleo-i. Oregon. CU aa for FIRE. ACCTDENT Phone 577. " . 3d6tf HERE IT IS! COZV-HOME, 7 PLAS- tered rooms, basement, bath, fireplace, six big lots, barn, . garage, poultry bouse. Targe froit and nut trees, grape arbor, garden, near junior high and also grammar school. 4 bwrks from street car, nice view,' $3800, terms. 849 Rursl Avenne. or sea W. C. Con ner, .Statesman office. ,. . 63dlf GOINO TO BUILD THAT NEW HOME! ' ALRIGHT, UO AND SEC - A. C. BOHRNSTEDT, 147 North Commercial. Upstairs. Ha will ba glad to kelp you. 3d8tf A. C. Bohrastedt Victor Schneider . Realtors Speeisllxs la Oregoa farms, Salem homes and writ lasoraae. 147 K. , Com asereial 8 tree t. , Phea 877. 3a8tf BUY a good 6-roosa 'plastered house is fine condition, two fine lots, ac ; .Soath Liberty at $3000. A chance to get what 'you want. 200-aere stock rsnch. 80 seres under ' cultivation. - House snd bsra Good fences. $40 per sera or will trade for eity property small acreage. nOME snd ' bnslnen together. Grocery store in good loestioa. ' Invoice stack. Living rooms and crsgi. FOR only- $1850 you can owa a small new home. . r.sceilent location. Easy terms, . j-,-,-'. XMAS sbnpaiite' ts oa.T Calt;rst , war af fie and let ua-sb'ow you a boma , yea a afford ,ta have. rt.RTCrl AKlt ROBERTS. Realksra., 123 N. Com'lt. , - Pbona 1S54, Wood For Rale A3 FOR SALE New .-room plastered bungalow, wuh fireplace and gsrage. Price lio: SSOO cash, balance like rent. THIS PROPEKTV IS A REAL .BAROaIN SEE W. H. CRABF.NHORST t CO. Realtors 275 State St. -Phone S15 63d23 FOR TRADE OR SALE OARAGE. F1LL ing station, brkmith shop. buUdisg and two tots, aaose and two lots, all equipped, Slu.iuo. Service station, good location, 4500. Grocery store, lot, building, furniture, fixtures, gnod.4 and trade, $5500. lrge attractive corner on Winter and Union streets, f 13.000, dimensions lOOslfi.l. rio-e in fi-room house, $3.ri''ifl. Close in C room houA, 4i4t)ft. Write Fire and Antu Insurance. We rent hnues and Apts. We have money to loan. GERTRUDE J. M. PAG E, 492 N. CUta;e. 63dl5tf FOR SALE Good 4-room plastered home located n paved street, price $1850, $350 cash, balance $15.00 per month, interest location 360 S. Itith. St. See owner evenings on premises or W. H. GRABKNHORST tfl. Kealtors, Agents. 275 State St. Phone 515 C3d23 SUITABLE FRATERNITY CLUB Apts. Lsrge modern home on tine tot. Close to schools, Capitol and Business. Cut to $7000. Immediate poshes sinn. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High, Heilig Bldg. 63d20tf SOME GOOD BARGAINS IN SALEM HOMES. PRICED RIGHT, WITH GOOD TERMS. $4000 New, modern. 5 rooms, basement, furnace, saved street, paid; on bus line. Well lo cated. Pay $700 ash. balance like rent monthly, $3850 New, modem, 5 rooms, base ment, furnace; good location, paved street, paid, terms on part. $4250 practically new, 5 rooms, mod ern. Basement and furnace, garage, beautiful lawn flowers and shrubbery, garden and fruit. Choice location, close in snd .a resl bargain st Price $1000 cssh. good terms on balance. See us for choice bareains in city homes, nice aeresce, suburban homes or farm. WELLS TALLMAN SON 216 Masonic Temple. Phone CIS. t)3d20 CHEAP LOTS TWO LARGE LOTS suitable buildm?. Sewer, lights, etc., near car. Excellent garden, $450 takes both. Terms. Becke A Hendricks, 189 N. High. ti3d20if CONFECTORY AND LIGHT LUNCn business paying good returns, S4Jl0. 5 rooms near Knrlewood school, btvLh, garage, 1800, first payment $50. 6 rooms snd nook, part basement, ga rage, $3000, will exchange on su burban property. 5 rooms and nook, new, fireplace, ga rage, $4550. 6 rooms in OaVs Addition, a beantiful modern home priced to sell at $7350. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtors 21 Oregon Bldg 63d20tf INSTALLMENT BARGAINS $ 500 Large lot. 50x200 feet locat ed on paved road just out side of City limits. $25 down, balance tea dollars per month. 200 Lot 50x138 feet located n the Kay Addition, $25 down, bal. an-e $10 per month. $ 600 One half acre located on N. 21st St. near Market, $"0 down balance $10 per month. 900 Nine-tenth of sn acre locat ed South outside of eity limits, $50 down, balanee $10 pet month. 9 500 Two good building lots, one fronts on paved street and car line, pavement paid. $10 down, balanee $10 per month. $ 250 I.ot 55x140 feet located on Ktiral Avs. near S. 1-th St. 410 down. $10 per month. $1250 Ten-acre tract located 7 miles South of Salem and two miles from paved rosd. $50 down, balance ten per month. This land ia ideal for fruit and berries of all kinds. All in cultivation. 200 Lot 50x100 located ia King wood Park. $5.00 down and $5.00 per month. Interest o per cent. W Write Fire Insaraoee. DO. YOUR CHRISTMAS -SHOPPING n EARLY. W. H. ORAHKNHORST k CO. Realtors. 275 Stats St. Phone d15 , CJdlOtf FO't SALE . jsesi D-room modern nungaiow who l.s.errent. furnace, and fireplace. Price $3I00. 8750. cash, balance tike -rent, immediate nosssion, located on 15th fiuvv:nfr-iK5oBci-o:-- Bealiors 273 State St, Pbone slS 3d23 NICE 5 ROQM HOUSE WITH OARAGE ana wuoa' yneo. 4 r.ue rric iignxs. cnj water and toiUt. .Near school. $1600, $3o0 dotrnf snd $15 per toonth. Don't psy rent sny longer but pick this up if it meets your heeds. Se J. A MILLS, 3314 Stste St. $3d20 WOOD'S BAROAINS , Small house ten lots $1050: Small house North SsW., $750. Quarter Block, two honte. close in, $3500. Six-room house, corner lot close in $2850. Seven-room modern house close in, $50uO. - - -, 48-aere farm with, stock and imple ments $9500. .'.-loo-arre farm with stock and imple ments 10,600. 150 acre farm. Waldo Hills. $C0 per acre. Trade. Dodge car for cheap house. 3 JO aero N. Dak. farm for Oregon, 20-acre fafm near Canby for house.-Seven-room bungalow $450O, take Cor vallia home. $2oon to loan. Want loaa $1000. T F. L. WOOD. 341 State St. - . B3d20 PRICE $2875. $500 CASH AND BAI4- ance like rent. THIS PROPERTY WILL HE RE-AY TO OCCUPY WITH IN A FEW' HAYS. W. U. GKABENHORST si CO. Realtors. 275 Stale St. , Phone 515 - 63d23 5-ROOM HOUSE GARAGE FRUIT GOOD lot for quick ssle. $-100, $200 cssh. flood Salem Income property for di versified fruit ranch. 9-room bouse, garage, 2 fine lots. $4000 for acreage. . . . - 62-aere farm near highway north of Salem, new bungalow and barn, 50 acres in grain for Salem property. 12 acres -close in,-bldgs., iruit, paved road. 850O0. easy terms. PERRINE A- MARSTERS, 212.Com. Club Bid. 63d20tf WANTED To sell $1700 loVj. mortgage. To obtain $1500 H'.'c loan on improved 5-acre tract. To obtain $1100 1r'c loaa on 31 seres ia-proved. To obtain $1209 "r'e loan on 5-room bungalow. " SOCOLOFSKY". 341 State. C3d20tf WEED END BARGAINS 2 rooms.' North Salem! $650, $100 cash, balance 815 montly. . . 6-reom bungalow, garage, wood shed. North Salem, f'.'5ri, f.ion cash, bal ance $30 and interest monthly. 4 rooms, modern, new. North Snmmer, 3150. terras. 6 room strictly modern new English . San.. . - t. V I type, garage, . ijw: cho, val ence easy term. 10-room. modern, 430 North Liberty, a good buy, value - increase certain, for oiiick sale. 8785Ai terms. 10 rooms, strictly modern, hot water heat, 2 .blocks from state- house, for a quick ssle, $840. This is .without a doubt the best value ia Sslers.- ' 3 grocery stores ririced very reason ably. See me abeut them. "" , : SOCOLOFSKY. 341 State. - ' '. ' -' '63d20tf FOR SALE-- - ' ".... Modern -rom home located fWit Is on Chemeketa - Street. Price $7500( Realtors. 275 SUta 8L . , Phon SIS Rral Estate C.l EXCILASGE DODGE SEDAN. A l COS duiun, for well located city lots of equal talue. Price $950.00. Have one of the best buys in 7-rom hoose in Salem, enter as investment or borne. Alfo 7 room house under construction, ready to price and tell us hew you want it finished. Cheap 6-rooai house. Est front, can be made in lovely home at little ex pease; $2000.00. takes it as it is. Also corner lot in South Salem and corner or inside lot in North Salem that I will build ynu a heme an. choose your style; $1000 down pay ment. A second hand Dort at a price that -uils you. Serond hand windows and doors cheap. WM. A. BtU, 1340 N. Cottage. ti3d22 $50 IKHVN And $20 per month will buy a 2 room bouse with garage and exrellctit east from lot, electric lieM. city water Pri.-e for quick sale $950. W. 11. UKAIiKNHOHSr A CO. Realtors. 275 Siate St. Phone 515 63d 23 FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE A cboiee fruit tract of 10- acres, 2 miles can of city UmiM on Oarden Road. 7 room house, barn, garage and other out butldingv, 7 acre bearing prunes, and other family fruit, excel lent soil and well drained. Exchange for city property or small tract dot in. BARBER 200 Gray Bid. IPtion 790 or 1877-W r.Mdlltf T'nTTTTTl'lTTTTTTrrTTTTTrrrrTT T T T ONLY nOTEL AND EATING T T houe in good little city near T T Salem, on Hiifhway and R. K. T T Twenty rooms, good building, T T well located, snd furnished, to 'I' T Exchange for small home a Sa- T T lem. This is a rplendid op- '1' T portunity to'own a well paying T T hotel. T T TERMINAJj REALTORS T T Terminal Hotel Salem. 63dl8tf T T , T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Real Estate Trades Go IX-K TRADE CITY PROPERTY, Su burban home,' also farm. What have you. See White., Home Realty Co. iidCft TT rilT T TTTT TTTT TT'fT rTTTTTTTTT WELL PAYING APARTMENT HOUSE WELL FURNISHED. LOCATED IN PORTLAND to Exchange for Salem Property. WHAT UAVE YoUf T F. liM. IN AXi R KALTO It S Terminal Hotel. Salem. UidlSlf TTTrTTTTTTTTTTT T'TTTTTTTTTTTTl' CALLfNG YOUR ATTENTION TO 6 eevs of highway lund for $4500 and 2 acres are celery land and the bal ance high with mow timber and small improvements and a hou.se in town is wanted : 10 bare fruit acres worth 3150Q for town lot; 320 Washington wheat seres worth $10,000 for aa equity In the valley: 320 Montana acres and 8 Spokane lots worth $6000 clear for an equity in the valley; 7 room house worth $3500 for acreage; 50 acres worth $5o0 for uouso in Sa lem. MeOI I.CITRIST t" PENNINGTON 209 U. S. Rauk Bid;. i'licne 140. C5dl8tf THE BEST CHRISTMAS t'IFT IS TO BUY A HOME And givs it to your selt and family with the money you pay for rent. f?300 down, good 4-room house N. Sa lem. Price $1550. $300 down, good 5-room house. Price $100, N. Salem. $300 cash, month,. 6 per cent bnys modern, new, 5-room bungalow. Paving paid. Price J23.0O, worth S3000. ON EA.SY PAYMENTS Houses Lots snd Acresge. FOR RENT HOUSES. PROPERTIES TO EXCHANGE If it's a hoHKe See CHILDS BECHTEL Realtors. 544 State St, 63dl9t FORTUNES BEING MADE IN FLORIDA SUBDIVISIONS Complete subdivision for sale Consisting of 985 Lots . st $15.t)0 per lot. located 30 minutCk from Jacksonville, fronting Dixie Boulevard. Stre-ts, Ave nues, platted, staked, surveyed and maps recorded. IVed and title policy furhihed by Jacksonville Ilank. Beau tifully colored literature. Everytning ready. These . lots , retail for $100. Brbersl- terras: with generous releases. All payment, handled through Jack sonville., liauk... - -, . Jacksonville Building- A- Mortgage Co., 'Jacksonville.. Florida. ' "03d2O EXCHANGES ' 8 ' rooms, - Rome with 2 ' large lols. Price $aat0, owner will exchange for improved 5' acres -neor Sslem not to nwd $!5if in price. Improved 24 acre located on main Pacific Highway with modem home of 7 rooms. Price $6300. Owner will take modern home in Salem up to 4tf00. 28 acres located 8 miles Northwest of Jefieron. Price $5tno. -t room house, barn and chicken house, all in culti vation: 3 acres, of raspberries, 3 acres of log.in berries and 1 acre of family orchard, sandy loam soil; owner will take small house. in Salem up to $2300 ss part payment. aM seres located 10 miles South near main Highway. 90 acres of plow land, old buildings, balance first class fir timber. Price $65.00 per acre, owner will take any good tjity property up to $11,000 in trade. . 40-uere farm- located I mile North ot Wartinda station; buildings, 18 acres in cultivation, 'will exchange for ira proved Portland property. 42 acres farm loeatnd close to Jef ferson, just a short, distance from main iiiguw), o-rooui .bouse, ham, 30x40. both in good condition. 15 acres in cul tivation. Price $6500. Will consider Sateni property up to $3000 as part payment. - THIS PLACE -WOULD MAKE AN IDEAL LITTLE DAIRY RANCH. 24 acres river, bottom land. 3-room hoose, barn, well water, 6 acres in cultivation, 2 acres in pappermint. Pnee saooo will consider a small home in Salem up to .$1500. Bi'i'-scre farm well located oa paved highwsy snd one of the best farms on Howell Prairie, buildings, all in , cultivation. Price $19.00O. includ ing alt stock and equipment, ownet will take boiae in Salem up to $5000 as part payment. rOK KAi.K new home now being con structed, excellent location on paved street and one block from tag, line, lot 50x13-7, wonderful garden soil, large combination living and dining room with fire place and oak floor, bed roon , also ha built in Murphy bed, modern plumbing fictures, built insn kitchen, wired tor electri range.' cement porch.- Price $2450; $350 dowr and balance like Tent. BUY THIS HOME NOW AND SELECT THr COLOR OF PAINT BOTH INSIDE AND OI.'T- W. H. GRABKNHORST k CO. Realtors. 275 Stat St, ' Phone 513 65d22 Real Estate-Farms 07 CHEAP DAIRY CHICKEN TRACT J J -acre for 83250. Some terms. Im mediate posesHn. Excellent barn: poor boas. Lights, telephone, 3 miles to Sslem. Becke k Hendricks, 189 X; High, Heilig Bldg. 61d20tf SPECIAL '5 acres, 5-room house, wood -shed, chic bonsa, spring and creek, 120 chick ens; fine cow and horse. Some tools and ' furaitnre, all for $2500. Will trade fi-raota house and 2 lots. Will trade for small trsct. - THOMASON. 331 Vi. State Street. -- - v ' ., 67ol8tf r n i i-i wriym i rrn ri rrn-irrr T XTttJs IMPROVED 45-ACRB ? farm with splendid soil, . 1500 frds t at .first- las , timber aa T splendid toad to exchange , for T Salrta Home. - Tell as t what yea T have, w ran tarn you soma- T tbiBjr good In this deal. ' -- T - . TUvMINAL REALTOR'S 67dl8tf Real KUte Real Folate Suburban fl! 5 ACRES -BEARING WALNUTS Good buildings. Just outside limits oa ear line. Price $8500 complete. Becke 4s Hendricks, lfi! N. Hih. Heilig Hidg. fiddstnf Wanted Real Kstate 71 WANTED TO HiCAR FROM OWNER of farm or unimproved land for sale. O. K. Hawley. Baldwin. Wis. 71d20 WANTED CALIFORNIA PROPERTY. - Have customer wanting to exrhange. . See White. Home Realty Co. 19 S. High. 7U2D ppri-ppppppprrpppppppiTTPiTPPP ppi-pppi'Pppppppppi'Pppppppppppp PP PI PP PI PP. PI PI PP PP PP VV PP PP PP CALL PARKER . AND START PACKING PI PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP Maximum selling servica. IklSlTIVE RESULTS. Vonr property inspected. photo graphed snd SOLD in record time. No sale ao charge, .see PARKER FOR PROPERTY ' 409 I . S. Bank Htiildin; Telephone 2242 71dlltf PI PI PPPPPPPPPPPPrPPPPPPPI'PPPI'PPPP PPl'PPPPPPPPPl'PPiM'PPPPPPPPPPFP ppppppi'ppppprpprpppppppppprpr' yppspppppppprppppppppppprpppp pp. pp PP THS GREAT MARKET PP PP PLACE WHERE EXCHANGES PP PP ARE MADE IP pp PI PI Our lUttng of 3000 exchanges PP PP (the largest listing on the PP PP 1'scific Coast) makes it pos- PP PP sible for us to match your prop- PI' PP etty exactly. We have just PP PP the property you want st just PI' PP the right price. THEY WILL PP PP TRAliE FOR YOUR PROP- PP PP ERTY. If yon would like to PP PP exchange your property TO- l'P 1'P DAY. rome in TODAY. See PP PP PARKER FOR PROPERTY PP PP 409 U. S. Bank Building PP PP Telephone 2242 PP PP 71dlltf PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Automobiles Wanted Eiker Auto Co. Wa pay eaab for Fords. T7ssl2t Used Cars for Hate BUICK COACH LIKE NEW MU.ST SELL at once. Call J20. 79d-;0t: MITCHELL SIX. TOURING, MOTOR overhauled Will sell to highest bid der. Monday, Dec. 21st, 1J.'5, III a. m. California tiarsc. lO'ifi s Com'l. 79JU0 What a Gift A nice Utile car for the whole family to use and enjoy for jer to cou.e DTD VOL K NOW That for three or Jour hundred Aol lars yoo could get a dependable used car st Bone teele ' s with only s small payment down and a whole year to pay. Hurry down and k the Isode tour ing for $375.0O. All re-serviced and ready to go. Also a baby Overland like new. ?350.0o. WHY WAIT.' Do It now I BONF.STF.KLE MOTOR CO., Salem, Ore. 70il20 CHEVROLET TOl'RLNG CAR. $50.00. 370 S. Church. Phone 113U1I. 79d23 GOQD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR less. Why pay .morst Money back guarantee. Sebeelar Auto Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front. Day phone $19. Night phone 5o3. 1085 N. Commercial Bt. "Built to save money." 79jl3tf 1924 MAXWELL COACH. EXCELLENT shape, must sell, 1-3 down, balance easy monthly payments. Phone 'J.'O. 79d20tf Certified Public Motor Car Market 255 N. Church St. The place where they are giving the 1920 license with each guaranteed car. 'Hupmobile, a good one $."95.00 Essex, runs icnnd, 400.00 Gardner Coupe, like new .... .. 975.00 Msvwell Coupe, new pu-int . ' HT-.OO Dodge, 1921. some buy 750.00 Ford, s dandy good une "J75.P0 Ford, not so good 00.00 Oakland, new. paint C50.0O this Is only a lew of them. 79dl2tf USED CARS MI ST GO Due to the remodeling of our present locstion which will start on or about the first of January, w must dispose of all used cars. See our rebuilt Buicks. also remarkable buyj, in other Standard makes. Don't fail to .sk ubout our finance plan which offer, the public remark able advantages. ' O. J. WILSON 388 N. Com't. Phone !20. TOd'JCir EIKER'S US) I) CARS 1924 Touring $345 l2t Coupe :to . lord Sedan 243 Our usual guarantee behiud all cars. EIKER AUTO CO. Lihorty Street st Kerry. Phone 121. 79dl7tf Fred M. Powell! Motor Cars Sells reliable used cars for less. It will pay rou to look over their stork befote buying. See "Biddy" Bishop, 350 N. High Street. Phoue 126. 79dl9tf GOOD USED CARS 1923 Ford Touring $250 00 1923 Star Touring 310.00 1923 Chevrolet Touring 195.00 1224 Overland Touring 395.00 1920 Velie Touring 250.00 1934 Olds Sport Tour. 595.00 195 Old Cosch .... b'iS.OO Nearly new Overlsnd Si Coscb with lots of equipment and the price is only $9J5.00. New Oldsmebile Touring at a dis count 'of 10cj. F...W, "PETTYJOHN CO. 8C5 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260. 79dllf' rTO NON-STARTER TOURING FORDS with lieeass. .345 and $55. Too much servica ia thesa cars to wrack. Both ia good -running condition. EIKER AUTO CO. Pbona 121 79J31tf FORDS FORD8 FORDS Reconditioned and Guaranteed 1920 Delivery with steel body, starter $ 90 192 Coupe $175 1931 Touring $150 1922 Coupe 250 1922 Touring 8175 1923 Touring 225 1923 Coup . $285 1923 Four Door Sedsn These car sre bard to get $415 1924 Roadster $275 1924 Coupe With high back .$415 1924 Touring Can you beat thLT -$285 1925 Roadster, balloon tires, rsr driven only 3 months $350 We have priced these cars to selL Buy when yon caa buy cheap. VALLEY MOTOR CO. NM1U " v ' - : "' ":-- Hay--. PORTIsAND; Dee. 10 Buying prices: Valley timothy, $20: do eastern Oregon,, $22.50; alfalfa. $19.505 $20; clover, nominal; oat bay, $20; oat and retch, $21: "travr, $9, per ton; selling prices Classified Business Directory Of Reliable Ru sines and Prof-tlonal Firms Arranjred in Aiphabefical Order fr Quick Reference , ' AMBULANCE 1 GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 aad HI H. lay or a'giil servie. fl4tf AUCTIONEES F. N WOODRY Salem's leading Expert Livestock, Fur niture snd Real Estate Auctioneer and Appraiser Re, aad Store, 1610 N. Summer Street Phone 511 For Sale Data Established Sine 1916 ofUf H. F. WOODRY ft SON Expert Livestock. Funt'ture, Real X tat, and Merchandise Auctioneers. 18 years xperienc. Sa:i.fctian Guar anteed. Of rice 271 N. Com I Tel. 75. Res. 996 S. Conaaiercial. TeL 1843 W for sale dates. ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud Itor. 331H Stats. Phone 208H-K. a!7-'26 BATTERY AND EI CTBICIAKS R. D. BARTON EX IDF BATTERIES, starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. bone 198 COURT ST. -TOE Wtl.f TMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI cycles and repairing, 387 Conrt. BRAKE &BLININO MIKE PANEK 275 SOUTH COMMFH cial St. Phone. 102. jf-tf CHRISTMAS TREES XMAS TREES 15.- 2.V. AND 50c LA NT. MORLEY Cor. C aud lTtli Sts. Tt lcrihono 1915 W. T15tf CHINESE REMEDY I.. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-426 State. sSOtf CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phone 828-R or 87. H. B. SCOFIELD, PALMER CHIROPRAO tor. 328 Oregon Kid- Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKING MRS. 0. E. MILLER. HEMSTITCHING, stamping, button. Room 10, over Mil ler'a Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO, building. Plioje 1200. MASONIC ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co Pbone 1SI34, 222 N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring tiy hour or contract. Estimate, furnished. Phone 9rto 171 Court bt FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, tor a three month' trial aubicription. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO sent stamps for special three months' trisl for the bast snd oldest Journal ia the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest - to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem. Oregon. .FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages, Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Mill net e to 30b. BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. Jl tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY TO losn on goo J farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money on city residence and business property, st plus a commission. Hawkins A Roberts, Inc., 203 Oregon Building. d-14ff FLORISTS FERNS. CHOICE ROSES. GLADIOLI'S. perennials, shrubs, weeping birch, iris, etc. Bennett Nursery Co.. Fairground Road. Tel. 1290. sl5, '26 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS. tuaerai wreaths, decorations. v. r. Breithsuptt florist. 1-3 N. Liberty. Pbone 380. . - ... INSURANCE Ensure: Your home or car sow Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS TTeillgBldg.. 189 N. nigh St. )t tf LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 263 S. High street.. Phone 25. oldest, larg est and best. Established 1889. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- ary. Puone 171, 1356 B Street jl7tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDBY Phone 163. Service with a smile. Quality work. 1264 Broadway. t4tt ! LUGGAGE COWHIDE HANDBAGS Very Special, While They Last At $6.40 MAX O. BUREN 179 X. Com'l St. o LADIES' TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN nd women. 1 474 Court St. ; MATTRESSES WAITRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Cspitol City Bedding Co 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work ruaran'eed ' Phone 19. - ftOtf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM Phone 517-W: COUGH REMEDY MUSIC STORES GEO. a WILL PIANOS, PH0N0 grspks. sewing mschipes, sheet music, and pisno studies. Repairing phono graph aad win? nc tunes, 432 State street. Salens. TRADE YOUR OIJJ PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. 1L L. Stiff Far- wimrs t ynnff lept. . KEW8FAFEES THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency The Are. TeL 939. THE 8EGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to yonr boma early eaeh wtOTwing. Tel. 53 nr t3 ITIT-SSRT SJOCK FRUIT; NUT AND SHADE TREES b Pesrey Brr-i..' 178 S. Commerrisl. FHTSICIAKS AND STTRQEQHS GEORGE R- fVEHRS, M..D. s Pkysiriaa nad Surgeon. Disassos af r women, eh retries, 1 sorfsry. 41 1-413 ' U. 8. Bank Bld Salem. Office telo- PACKING AND S-XFFXNO FOR EXPERT FCitXITURE PACKING aad .Shipping, call Stiff's FurniUrr Store. Phene ll. j FAPERHANGING AND FAIKTINO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HoCSR deenrating. paper hanging, tinting, etc, HetinKte rorlrmn PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP-T-EXPFRIENCED Piano ii!'i'rTi i ,t'r yis PRINTING FOR STATIONARY.' CARDS, PAMPH lets. programs, books or say kind of printing. Call st the Ststesmsn Print ing l-prtment, 215 8. Commercial. Tel 583. Plumbing PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPA1I work. Grsber Bros 141 Liberty St. Pt.one i5n. flftl RADIO sl'LITDOKF RADIO. SALES AND SERVICE No better radio mad at any priea. QUALITY CARS High snd Trsds RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. P. S. BARTON, Proprietor sfhsonle Taip Pkoaa 1300 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Purs All . Standard Slsa af Radio Tubas "ieie HALtR A EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Conrt St Phone S REAL EPTATB IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or tf you are looking for a bom, farm or business property, tee oa, BECKE k HENDRICKS U. S.shrdloa TOsUhrdluoapnoapuona 189 N. High St., Heilig Bldg. J8tt REAL ESTATE HARRIS OFFERS NEW. MODERN. 5 roon-t. big attic, ex ceptional construction and finish: bii'lt hy owner for hi- own use: 1230 E. St near Capitol; popular Parrish school section; $ 52 50fj terms. 9CO PARRISH street; exceptional loca tion: new. modern. 5 large looms, best construction: beantifu) surroundings; $575o: terms. LOTS 1 and 2. B'.o -k 6. Enslewood. corn er D and loth, each 6Sx87; price $850 and $700. Fine location in growing ertion. North front on paved street. Teims TWO-THIRDS, commission ensed broker making sale. (u any lie- HARRIS. Masonic Bldg.. TeL 795, 1942J d2 7' REAL ESTATB 147 N. Cem'l St. ' Phone 217. SCAVBNOZBS CITY GARBAGE CO REMOVE8 AL) Kinds traoti and garbage by the jo4 or motth, reasonable rates. tiffin phone 35. 137 g. Commercl.tl, r phone 2-90. FOR GOOD SCAVENGER SERVICE Cal 167. Salem Scavenger. Cummin anf Trotter. - :ia SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IS CXSYVW. in Ssnd shoes. Best prices paid. Cap . Exchange. 342 North Commercial hone 136H-W. , ' it Ph STOVES AND 8T0VE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REP AIRES 40 yean' experience. Depot National " fence, size 26 to 58 in. high. Paint, oils snd varnishe. etc, loganberry and hop hooks. Sslem. Fane snd Stov WorVa y.V) Conrt street. Phon 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. WE MOVE STORE AND SHIP HOU8K hold good. Our specialty is pi a snd furniture moving. Wa also make roan try trips. W handle the beat coal aad wood. Call on ns for prices. W give - good measure, good quality sad good ' : . service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phon 930,. -. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. ?20 ' State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for- . warding aad storage our specialty. Get our re, t - WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO.: Office 304 South Commercial St. Tea per cent discount oa donxestie flat ' rates paid ia advance. N . deduction . for absence or any cans aaless water ' ' Is shut aff your premises. .-. PARKER BTAOTi LINES ANNOUNCING IMPORTANT CHANGES ia th Sslem to McMInnville Tims Schadnlt -Effsctiva 8epv 15, 1935. AM. 8:30 9:45 9:45 PM. 2:10 8:25 8:45 4:25 PW.' 1:15 1:55 3:40 3:53 Plf. 5:15 6:35 T:45 8:25 PVf. 6:13 5:5.1 6:45 3:00 Salem, Lv.. MeMtaavills, Ar. MeMiaaville, Lv Nswbarg, Ar., 10:2 AM. Newherg. T,v McMinavtlla. Ar. MeMianvill. Lv 7:20 Sslem 8 :45 CHANGES IV THE SALEM-DALLAS SCHEDULE Leaving Salem for Dallas: T. 9, 11 :25 . m, 1:1ft. 5:11 p. n, leaving Dn for Salem: S, 9:50 a. ra.. 1. 3:10. 6:15 p. m. ; H e06 cer ftrethee InfovvnatlnW. ' m ar m m m m I General Markets I - . .- ? Uraia Futures - i , r s. PORTLAKl., Dec. 19. Wheat, . BBB hard white, December, Jan- : -uary, February, $4.54 H; hard ? white, blue 8tem, Baart, Decern-; ber. January, February. $1.54; soft white and western white, De cember, January, Feb., "$1.53 V4 ; ' i hard winter, northern spring and - ' western red, December," January and February, $1.50. - : Oats Xo. 2. 36-pound white t feed and gray feed, December and January, 29.50. : ; . , ' Barley-t-Xo. 2 IS and 44-ponnd ' December and January,' $30. ; rMillrun,. standard, January and 4 Februar $28. - ; ' -- v . . " - - ' - i ' ; - Salem State has just comnlet-? ed $30,000' open-air parilion at - v : i til Selects r - TELEPHONE-155., d3J29K - . v - e-.l - M18tf - . . - ad23 i mi i i vi i i-rri-f i vi i r 1 1 v 1 1 rrn ton more.. pnon at; rssi dsaca . sslapboaa ITS Jjtubere- sis h0Bpital."r; ACOkJp ewt. 4 ' f i r i e'?"iryff , E . ."