The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1925, Page 11, Image 11

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    4vA'.-s y hu:W'i .:v(v.ifrM vmv.-:.-
Biology Department Head at Willamette
University Has Bobk of VeVse Published
r iri (-r,. . , .... , ,,! - v t , y - -.j- .,-
' , .vUii'vI5""'"'' ItRcpi?d Ini Salem j
r-.. ...
t LoTers of pbfe.qy-donot have to
go far afield this season to find
ohe of thff most notable rontribu-Ha. the. --wilds that the vast 'poetic
tlons of the year in the realm of
first boots of verse; for Professor
Morton E. Peck, head. of the de
partment of biology at Willamette
University, is announcing the ap
appearance of his anticipated vol
ume, ."The Book of the Pardons,"
in the local ; bookstores.- Richard
(. ljfadirer of the Corham Presin
Hoston. in I'rofesHor Peck's pub
lisher. ;
A primal loveliness haunts the
stanza 3 of thw volume; ,an im
lnpfise humanity though often
nuiiiai; nnixt ill I uu ft II 1,110 pajj-
es; and in earl lipe-. the impress
of master eraftsman appears
over and oyer again.
Professor Peck's new hook is
unlike the many; it is 'represen
tative of an author who prefers to
take a his subject matter, not
those things that are inconse
quential and Passing. but rather,
the meanings bt "life that ' are in
exorable and permanent,, It is a
book of passions and ideals where
othe.r , volumes, aretoo ., often .','of
moods -and Ideas of the smallest
Humility but humility that
hast become a grandeurs Is ad
rairably expressed pn ' the Ftanza,
"Dedicatory," which opens in
the following eloquent manner:
Th coniSttAR athf lh"aVT''TiiT' walked
"The couBtlms, oataa.ri.ktf have wMked
And nrvcr followed till they ended;
Th rountles hours thnt I talked
And never ail wht' t 'mteVd;
Tlie thousand jortrn5 ; X, hava- made
And never rosed our threshold over;
Tr thousand fnttle plans I've laid
jk dreaming' las and callow lover:
To thi Kad heap of bt-oikea thin?
j I a-ld flies rhynie as Kadly kroken....
't '
Sad, even tragic, some of the
poems that folow-admittedly are.
but broken nyerve Jn' the.
manner (hat lif ijtselfja a broken
thintg, through., the very fat of
hfing finite. Ad .tUg sadness,
"Xfhen Tt appears, before the close,
merges into a spiritual triuniph
0 one sort or another.
' To the title poem, "The Hook of
the-Bardons.'f racfteaUy half the1
book', is given over. Though a.
narrative poem in blank verse this
one epic alone offers all the ne
cessary drama. It is packed with
Incident; it is cumulative to the
last; it depicts human conflict;
and closes by bringing a resurrec
tion out ot the tragedy. In addi
tion, "The Book of the Dardons"
is made after so standard a poetic
pattern nd plqeked.Oat of. an t-
moaphere so redolent of home
appeal rf the whole is unmistak
able, ; Love and sacrifice are the
elements that ' motivate and stir
throughout this tremendous poem.
"The Visionary." ri anachron
ism, the second poem In. the vol
ume, is noteworthy for the amaz
ing ; imagery - used and the i un
failing, choice or diction., The rev
elation that comes after j follow
ing tortuous paths of understand
ing is replaced in "Ad-Finem"
by an exposition of the extremi
ties to which man will fiO before
he alio wh life to reduce him to
an appropriate humility, a phase
of the selfsame philosophy of
which Franc i Thompson : writes
In his "Hound of Heaven." Fol
lowing. the rebuke in "A Soars
Failure" comes a, poem f:con
Biderable local interest. Kntitlod
"The-Sleeping Giant," it is pre
faeed with th following pictoral
explanation. "The ' eminence
known as Table Ilock, when view.
ed from Salem; Oregon, during thp
winter, presents a:lriking reaeni-
blance to the human" features .on,
a vast scale... . ." vi ... . '
Ten poems, of varying length.
remain in the volume, each .quite
as notable as the last. Particu
larly picturesque is the final poem
In the volume. "In the Canyon of
the Des Chutes River," "To
loung xsorse .uard is, just as
melodious as the one of preceding
mention is . picturesque. What is
probably the most lyrical poem of
all closes the Jook with the Tol
lowing. incantation of devotion:
Vh'n tear wre but ns 'May, howra are,
Smiled from the eye,
I.ovn ran hut trow as th tlowers are -
I'nder spritl;? tbiM.
Give hint the dait!i and the wister
V lowers foi. K'f(1?i
Vflhen the loud tilafct irrenrk and Rjtlinl.r
Aiapie and fine.
He wilt kiw islatfty and on ken,
Strong wllli tli strain.
All summer promise anoken
r ixed in his jfraia.
Clinff to Mm fben,- lie wltl bold then
. . WTieB'-tTion canst rest ;
Kn Would 1 shelter and fold thee,
Iive, on my breast.
1 rofessorPeck. one of the most
prominent members of the Wr
ers section of 'the Salem Arts'
teapue. js aj gplendi'dv example of
the scholar wbnfe learning has
merged the sciences and the arts
for aside from being 'a naturalist
of. distinction.- Professor Peck a
also a sincere student of the clas
sics, as one eager reading 6t "The
Book of the Bardons" will well
( Continue from 2.)
was the Birthday surprise for
which MrsJ,1, Bowerman was
the inspiration.,? the Occasion be
ing her eightieth" ; birtdayi , Mrs.
Bowerman. whose friendship j is
cherished, by host bf nds,' is
one of ;the. oldestimenibers of the
organization. 1 ' ... '
r The members are. devoting their
interests to.ihe.JChlldren'8 Farm
home at Coryallis. They are also
making plans for aa -important
meeting on the last: Tuesday ol
te month. . . ;,. ,: j,;
X MissXitavenfeEyre, a freshman
at the University of Oregon, ar
rived in Salem yesterday from Eu
gene'to spend, the prjrjstmas holi
day season wItK'hjeE. parenta, Mr.
apd Mrs'. Dairid JvV-Eyre.
Church Sponsors r .
Vnriishin)j Ti&& . '' ' ; . ' r
j The. Ieslie Indies Aid is sponsor
ing a series of vanishing line
parties. "Oft Dec.' lO.Mrs.' W. E.
Tomlinson entertained with a sil
ver tea for the following ladies:
;- Mrs. '.I. W. I)yo.rMrs. Amos
Vas, Mrs.? C. , T Mcfatlre. :Mrs.
Daisy Mc In tyre, Mrs. Adam Oh
raaft. Mrs. E. T. BSrkus. Mrs. W
I, Linfoot, Mrsf Gillen, Mrs. E. A.
Rboten. Mts.'Mfiorhead. Mrs. If.:
Boxrud and Mrs. L. C. MeShane.
These twelve ladies will also en-i
i tertain with ejevea guests from;
the church membership or . their
friends. -
Mrs. Tomlinson was assisted In
entertaining by .Miss Mildred Tom
linson and. Mss. Helen Borchardt
who gave several interesting mus
ical numbers.
On Dec. 11, Mrs. Amos Vass
opened her hefme for the pleasure
of a group of the older ladies and
on Dec. 15,Mrs. E. T. Parkus
entertained 18, ladies who brought
their .Christmas needlework a and
spent the afternoon in Bwing and
music. - h x '.. r . -, -
', Thursday Mrs? Ohmart enter
tained at herliome on the Pacific
highway for her neighbors. Later
in the month another of the host
esses. will entertain so" that the
entire church membership will be
invited to one of the teas. The
ladies hope to promote the good
fellowship of the church members
and to raise funds with this plan
of entertaining.' in, i
dale of Christmas Seals
To Close'tTkis Wth
i The ,workrof seHIng;tbe Christ
mas "seals in Marlon county .will
come to a close next week. Mrs,
J6hn E. Brophy who was appoint
ed by the Salem , Woman's Club
r.Hcers to take charge of the
boothstn general -and her direc
tion u'njjraber f sub .jnmittees
hive carried -on the work Very sue
cfsfjHXai those'; wn? . .have ,had
charge- of the different.-1 booths
afound the ' city the. past two
wwks tirl irtd vrttl ' watinjje w
until Wednesday are Mrs. Frank
Myers, Mrs. F. G. Bowersox,
Mrs. Claire Vibbert, Mrs.r William
McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. Erwin
Smith, Mrs. Z. J. Riggs.
Thoge-oWho are weling Christ
mas seals in ! the various booths
next week as follows:
- Mrs. W. J. Busick. Mrs.
Daryl Proctor, Mrs. Kenneth
Thompson. Mrs. U. 3. Boyer,. Mrs.
F. M. Ericksbn. Mrs. Ben Vick,
Mrs. John Caughill, .Mrs. H- J.
Waite, Mrs. William Holmes Mra.
Edwin Baker, Mrs. Edwin Gilling
ham, Mrs. Myrtle Lawrence, Miss
jfcpe Stockton. Mrs. EM. Holden,
Mrs. John Alberts. Mrs., Fred Pow
ell, Mrs. J, F. Barrett, Mrs. Wal
ter Keyes, Mrs. C. K Spauldteg,
Mrs. M.' Bell, Mrs. Joe Baumgart-
ner. Mrs. C.: 8. . Hamiltcin. Mrs.
CJIff Irwin, Miss Martha. Rainer.
Miss Ada Rankin, MiuSjMattie JE.
Ieatty, Mrs.' Keith Brown.
. Mrs. Joh E.oBrQphy announces
that after. Tuesday the booths will
bo closed, except the at the post
office and Miller's store where the
seals wil be on sale Wednesday,
and if anyone should wish r the
Christmas seals on Thursday they
will find them at 'Patton's book
store on State street and the Com
raercial book store on Commercial
street. The booth sales have twen
as large as ever before, j
'Musical Skit '
The Senior Christian Endeavor
Society of the Central Congrega
tional church will present- to the
public Tuesday evening, Dec
at,7:30 a musical skit entitled "A
Country Pedagogue" and a farce
"Why Not Jim." , The program
for the evening will also Include
a, saxaphone solo by Taul Allan
and popular numbers byj I he male
quartet of the society, ;, , ,
Two Holiday Affairs
At T. S. Roberts' Home
! The lovely home of Mr. and
Mrs. T. S. Roberts on North Sum
tner i street is always a favorite
gathering place for frInus4aDl
daring the holiday seasoa is par
ticularly so. Last week two
Christmas affairs followed . each
other in delightful succession, the
Yomarco club of the First Meth
odist church meeting on jTuesday
evening, while on Wednesday the
Roberts' home was the scene of
another memorable, evening. when
Mrs.- Roberts sponsored, a class
demonstration of the Dunning
System; prijsic , ror Beginners
The work was attractively present
ed and showed what could be done
with even the tiniest i tot.wt-aj
young iw-Tlvwjyeats." . l.-f
; The program was Interspersed
with - readings-and; music' Thrce
of Miss Caroline Dibble's junior
pupils gave delightf at readings,
followed. with anjnstrumental solo
"thristmas . Time. by; Lucile
Mosher. Givmgf readings . were
Katherine Cllis, Virginia Pflgh,
a&d.LucIle Hackett. "Teddy t the
Circus," -was Katherine Ellis', num
ber; "Come Buy My Dolls's and
i mm m m iss - - -
iwm all MPfclg
Bur Stocks of Gift Merchandise are at W1iemMes$k
Gifts That Men Will
Like to Use
Comfort and Beauty in These
' Cozy Blankets
Comfortable ihinffs to sleep under
thene. chilly nights, for they keep you
warm arwLsafe from chill.; And besides,
they-are the sort that lend an air of
Charm to abed by their lovely colors.
Superior quality all wool or part wool,
soffand downy-like-in texture, in plaids,
block and conventional patterns or solid
colors. -A full assortment at noteworthy
prices. -.
Hosiery to Accompany the
Winter Costume
. Hosiery in every imaginable shade to
harmonize or contrast with one's Win
ter attire- here in such variety, that the
difficulty lies in deciding which gradu
ation of color is loveliest. Chiffon sheer
hose that will wear surprisingly well.
Heavier weights that are beautifully
lustrous and smooth, beiges, greys, the
rosy tints, gunmetal, evening shades
just get your .mind's eye on the shade
you want, and come here amr-get it.
Hand Bags of Rare Loveliness
For HER Gift
4 A
If the problem of what to give HER
lias been bothering you. drop in and see
this entrancing collection of exquisite
Hand Bags. Then there will be no fur
ther doubt in your mind as to an appro
priate gift. Beaded Bags that seem
woven by fairy fingers. Metallic bro
cades that shimmer with light.. Em
broidered silks in fascinating shades.
The best in bags at moderate prices.
Charming New Sweaters in a
Galaxy of Colors
The brightest of colors that winter
could muster to enliven the costume.
Warm and snugly fitting, such as wom
en will appreciate these cold days. Close
ly, cozily knit in so many weaves that
you are afforded bewildering choice. The
ned turtle neck, Jacquard designs, and
smartly different variations in sUiing
will win your approval. So will their
very low prices.
This New Stationery Will
Prove Highly Acceptable
Imported and domestic stationery that
is .extremely new and. smart. Paris
endorsed colors salmon, new blues,
gray, tans, canary, orchid, and green.
Envelopes lined in contrasting or har
monizing colors. Weaves that include
plaids, stripes and block effects. Such
smart stationery, in fact, that the recip
ient will thank you mentally every time
she uses it. Prices are pleasantly moderate.
Dolls That Little Mothers
Will Surely Love 1
Every little girl's heart will go out to
this collection of dolls, so if you would
make, her Christmas an unforgettable
one, make your selection here. Dolls of
all sizes, from the one of only a few
inches to dolls probably as tall as your
youngster. She will find any one of
them a joy to own, just as you will find
that their prices make them a pleasure
to buy. . . , . .
.Toyland Is Bigger, Better and
Brighter Than Ever
Toyianj surpasses itself this year and
offers' a' multitude of toys that will make
Christmas morning a joy for many a
youngteToystof ; every description
mex'hABicai, V educational, or simply
amusing'Jf Games f for children of -, all
. ages. r Dolls and everything, for their
.wardrobes. In-shorty every thing that a
child's Jieart could desire. At prices
that are 'entirely within reason.
y . f m v , wit. .
Htftmn (Ipsa
Is At Your Service
At your Service by supplying scores of gifts to please folks of all ages.
At your service in offering any assistance you may require, whether it is
selection of a gift in case you cannot come to the store, or the special
wrapping .of it. Rest Rooms. Information and suggestions. Service is our
watchword call on us to help you in any way possible.
What a Joy!
Large Size with 18 Keys
- f(i
1 Ha
Values to $3.95
1? '4
Choose this collection of something to
wear, and you choose a gift that you
know will give pleasure, hot something
he will use only to please yqu. For these
articles of apparel have been chosen for
men by men, and our experts have
chosen with especial care so that you
may find selection easy. No matter how
particular he is, you will find Just the
right thing here. . j . 'f . . rs
House Coats and
Give him a house' coal or bathrobe
arid that your thoughts aref, con
cerned with his comfort j And here you
will find every sort, ranging from the
simple, tailored style to luxurious silk
house, coats. Bright colors -or dark
shades.' All fabrics, including Terry
cloth, blanket cloth, flannel and, bro
cades. In so many models -that, your
finding the right one is a foregone con
clusion. Prices $5.0Q to $15.00. si :
Pajamas "
A gift that Will rbVe" your thoiight-
fulness. And these will testify to your
good taste, in addition. - Tailored pa
jamas in French Flannel or soft cottons
in stripes and pastels. Pajamas in
scores of fabric weaves,. yet. howve
low their cost, you will find that noth
ing is sacrificed in the; way of quality
or service. $2.50, $3.00, $3.50.
I Ties
How W describe them? An imoos-
sible task, as we, see it. So we, only
suggest that you come in and see them
for yourself. A gorgeous collection that
relies on tasteful design and blending-of
colors for success. Silks from fill over
the world, fashioned into ties of rich
beauty. Stripes, jacquards, moire, satin,
knit ties every sort of tie . for every
man's taste. 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00;,
For overling hours o help him rest
after the. day's work; Slippers so com
fortable and good looking that he will
enjoy wearing them. , Heellesa flipper.
Slippers with convertible '-.tops'' that can.
be worn high or low, Traveling Slippers,
In soft leathers, feltrtc., all at very
moderate prices, $1-85 to-3.50. 4 . .
It's Easy-to Buy the Boy
Gift here !'
For Christmas, make the boy hapPX
by giving him something to make him
proud of his appearance. -A new suit.
A tie and handkerchief to match.- A
tasteful shirt. Add to this a toy, -game
or book, and you can make his, Christ
mas a joyous one. .Everything fbjrilhe.
boy reasonable in price and cjiosen
with care so that you may choose safely.
Usur Gift Lay Away Department"
Shirts that any man would be proud
to acquire, so well (tailored and gener
ously cut that he cannot help -but ap
pro ve. And the patterns and weaves !
Almost endless, they , seem, when the
task comes of choosing between them.
Stripes, jacquard patterns,- solid - colors
in every imaginable shade and combi
nation and in,, silks and .cotton ; fabrics
that will give wonderful service, 4$i.50
to $5.00. ,;, j, , v
For Holiday Traveling or
GivingiSmarlf LugJagef
If' you're "headed1 mewere ;out of
town for the Christmas h.oKdaysM you'll
want your companions ta be such smart
luggage as .this. And if , you want, to
make your gift unusual, you will give
luggage, as well.; And you.' will be sur
orised and delighted to find yoa can give
iUggage for as little as ?9.75. f
Salem's Leading Department Store
v, . ; "
, Ml .1
t ft ?
. s, .' ti.I
i 'f
' (i )
L I .' ...