The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 13, 1925, Page 22, Image 22

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    1 111 It 111,
The Ari20na Sheriff
Ttlta f U adreittarM,-kls coBttf,
ki hamor, kls kMi Intelligence
collected fcy MJer Grover P. Sextan.
'T1 Deputy frm Trpal Couuiy."
ttlwr with nimbi ftm md motor ear
4 riag wirt and car Justice te
wldoer.4 : ,,, , .
- "Partner, just Kit on that horse
o' yourn-and. start fridla';; and
don't let V he sun ga down" on you
in Cochise county, 'cause If you
do, you'll wake up looking old Sti
Peter right in the face.'
When Andy Darnell bad man,
good cowpuneher and all-around
mueh-to-be-f eared character di
rected that conversation toward a
citizen . of Cochise, the population
of the community was jast about
sure to be one less the next day
either In actual count or by the
coroner's records.'
Didn't matter a whit to Andy
which , way ? the individual went,
either. It wasn't any trouble for
Andy to kill a man; the only an-
credit In the thief demise, since
the community" thereby bad been
bettered.;. ,-. K, ' . , v : .
But oneway, Andy Darnell, des
perado now, picked "wrong majrto
warn' with the -times honored ulti
matum,' , This man was Frank
Johnson, still a resident oMiisbee.
a small man with more nerve
than two teeth.
Andy had recited the warning
which to some was .a" life saver,
and to others a dirge. "
But Frank opined he'd let a lot
of suns set on. him in Cochise
county, because The had s a home
and .family, there. ; " i ; w
. Andy's right hand started to
ward the deadly 45. Said Frank:
; "Andy, do you see that, moun
tain over there?" pointing to
Sacramento mountain, a crag of
almost pure copper ore now beinp;
demolished for the metal, Just
outside Blsbee.
j4Do "you eareparlicular which
side of that hill you'd rather be
buried on ?'.'
Darnell's gaze returned ' to
Frank,- who had gained ''just
enough time., to get hold of his
own gun. It was then a race for
life on the draw. ; Frank, who can
shoot a running . coyote with a 4 5
and then put two more bullets
into Its body before jt falls, beat
Andy to it. A
un nis noay tney round nis gun
and ConchiU'8 rose, now faded
and stained.
The; slogan was buried, with
Andy.. and is heard in Arizona no
longer. Frank gave Andy's gun
to his nephew, who is a mechanic
with the Ilisbee Auto company.
Studebaker dealers, and f rbm him
it has passed, to "the deputy from
' '." if
noyanre it gave him , wn$-that he
had to clean his pistol afterward.
There are .six deep .notches on
Andy's.; big 45 frame gun, now in
possession of "the deputy from
Yavapai."; , .;, ' - . '
A seventh notch Is" only'a short
one. Andy was always doubtful
and, somewhat uncertain and 'apo
logetic about that seventh notch.
You see, he shot a man who lived
two .-months "in ; a hospital, then
caught pneumonia and died. Andy
figured he was entitled to some
credit, but 'didn't allow he could
claim a full notch; " t
- i (is ."first victim was a JMeiican
monte dealer in a gambling joint
out of Wlicox,v a bit to the east-
j - dni, many yearn .ago, wail 9 Anay
was still a fresh young cow-puncher,
and a good one. He always
was a good cowman; he roped cat
' tie with -his lariat da la vuelta
( pronounced, daily weita), which
means he used a 60-foot - rope
wound several times around 'the
saddle horn, instead of being tied,
ra be could ease it off in a pinch.
ao one ever knew Andy - to ' be
yanked off his horse. r The aver
age rope is 35 to 40 feet long.
' But. to go on with the story.
This monte dealer marked a card,
by putting a "ridge in its edge with
N1ils thumb nail. Said Andy: .
"Just la minute tthere. amigo:
did you mark that card inten-
t Ion a 1 ? " ; ' ' 7 - '
The dealer, caught, shrugged
his shoulders, smiled and replied
"Si, senor, eef you insis'.'
-Whereat Andy shot him neatly
but somewhat effectively through
the bead, and the game was over.
They, hunted around for a justice
of the peace or a territorial officer
to hold an inquest and. found one
at Wilcox. Twelve cowpunchers
sat ; on the Jury, though, six is' a
legal panel. i':- '
Andy told howthe Mexican had
' admitted the cheat.. No one cared
much about the cheating itself, but
much was said about the admit
ting of it. . And the Jury brought
in a verdict : .
"Justifiable homicide."
His next victim a miner, met
Jn a. dive on Brewery Goleh. Bls
bee, most noted ."line" of I dives
In any southwestern state ' until
cleaned up a number of years ago.
They sat at one tabled very friend
ly indeed. A Spanish girl. danc
ins. tossed a red artificial ; rose
upon' rtheir'' table. The - miner
reached for It. ; " - y "
His funeral eceurred two days
later, without benefit of clergy. .
.. Andy was now a tough hpmbre.'
About the only streak of sentiment
he ever showed was over, Concb
ita'sose, for; that, night he had
seiied her and kept her wUh him
t for a week before she slipped out
j ; on a horse and got away, i l" .
I . - The, foreman of the ranch where
he" : worked came . Into Blsbee one
' time, but kept aloof from the cow
boys, staying at the tJopper Queen
Hotel "instead or. going' up" "on
Brewery jlcb"."f Someone - asied
i him about this, and he- -said he
i "didnt hang'around with the cow
f men in town." " ; . ' , , -.: ..
This incensed Andy, who sought
, him out after midnight and. veri-
fled vttoe ; remyk- 'Q'.Wf
foreman . Andv " first used :the
. phrase 'later to i sound ifke 'the'
sinister song' of a -rattler in vthe
"Partner, Just git ori that horse
j' o yourn and start " ridin; an
!' 'don't, let the sun go down on you
; . In Cochise county, "cause if you
' do. you'll wake op looking old St;
Peter right in 'the face."
The foreman left, as did many
Safterwardv : ,"' ',, "; :,V:;V- .1
'.That ; phrase became 'Andy's
lrademark.; "While it " was ' being
-'established, he killed, in addition
to the first Mexican and ' miner,
another -Mexican,, two gamblers
and a cowpuneher . with his. wick
ed-looking six gun.. ' .
The seventh man, shot through
lung v and abdomen, 'later was
found - to have been a horsethief,
most detestable of eriminals'in the
cowrcountry. Andy felt that the
character ; of this Individual was
such that he ought Jo tae some
Estimate . Showst Aspljalt- or
Concrete Would Gross
U. S, 13 Times
WASHINGTON, Dee. 12.- The
latest ' estimate, ' of the; United
States bureau of good roads is
that at the close of 1924 there ex
ter .driving are sach aectioifd of '
the highway thai now stretch vlr- i
tually from Wrashington to the
Pacific coast. Reports' from the
state of Idaho received . here .re
cently are "typical of . the work
that is being. done by highway of
ficials everywhere. " .',..t
.Most every motor ist.wio has
driven over the famous Yellow
stone Trail between Wallace and
Mullan and that trail ; - carries
most of the tourist traffic across
the mountains will recollect the
tortuous .winding of the trail
where the highway is built on the
narrow floor-of the canyon, bend
ing and twisting its .way .across
a railroad and river, now flank
ins the river at some sharp tarn
as the swift current plows a deep
gorge toward the bend, and at
times twisting sharply with the
railroad track as it seeks the
grade. . - '--
One particular curve about, mid
way on that road was so danger
ous a spot that in the manner of
the west it was called "Dead
Man's Curve." Guard after guard
had been constructed along the
way, only 'to toe broken and scat
tered' about after every Installa
tion;" But .now according;, to D.
N. Faires, engineer for the Idaho
bureau of highways, a life-line
has been ceaslrueied along .the
whole course of the double curve
consisting of hundreds of feet of
Page -Hi-Way -guard; which - la. a
veritable Ufa netbeing construct
ed 'from a heavy wife link ' mesh
which handlos a plunging ' auto
mobile, no matter how rapid Its
rate of travel, exactly as the 'cir
cus life net "breaks the plunge of
the acrobat from the. top j of the
teirt toWard'the ground.' -1 ; i
' According to reports from Wal
lace, the number. of accidents hap
pening since .the installation of
t,het new Hl-Way' guard has de
creased . materially and fatalities
have been eliminated. " ,
. In addition to that sort of high
way safety work, warnings are
betng circulated setting forth the
tests recently made by engineers
of a large tire manufacturing con
cern which show; that rubber on
wet concrete offers the minimum
of frictional -resistance over wet
or snow-covered pavements, and
especially -in the mountain dis
tricts, hj by the use of non-skid
chains."' - ' "' '
V Medford votes $76,000 special
levy, for -paying debts and larger
salaries. " ' -
. Give
T . .. i
. i h
i- '
gaalai'Jsn' af d4 trwtrr Idiho -w
omm'.uai ww n nu 'nr
Way taar4 U Hyft! ti -Sarm toxa vaA
j f mi ie jt trnmm iatlaata-taig
. clwky aaicty tm tooriat..
is tecf 41,848 miles of asphalt, or
concrete, highways,' exclusive of.
roads that ae otherwise improv
ed." . ' v' v- . . , '.
' Many of these miles of . paved
highways stretch ribbon-like,
in and out of mountain territory,
along the Appalachian highlands
and! the .Great , Divide, traversing
topographical sections of the, en
tire country . that would . be
fraught with dangers for the mo
torist but for the unusual pre
cautions against accidents that
have been taken by many high
way officials and associations.
Particularly dangerous for win-
Furniture. Co.
KJ'-V - r'. : : : V . fifUk
White Cups and Saucers
With $2 purchases
Each :
, .(3 to Customer)
Follow the
8hoId "
IJak the Future qf. Their Children;
with a
Lincoln National Life, Insurance Company
Juvenile or Educational, Trust Fnnd Policy
they make their college training sure,
' .at a nominal cost
i i' Ask " i
147 North Commercial Street, Salem
PlMne,577 : '
Make Mer Happy this Christmas
r. . . a N J
Child's 10c Handker
chiefs. Christmas pat
terns and dainty
novel colors. . . . .
Women's 35c Hose, ex
' tra fine ribbed black
cotton, stainless lO
feet, pair..... IOC
mm -,
1811 ' Fur
-hWgs of HoluuyVrVnUeD
from Thursday ttosaiuraay aivractcu uy u; wv..w..- .
An Extraordinary Grouping
and All Fabric
Ladies Coats at
All New Styles 1 ,
AH New Materials
Flares and Straight Lines
300 New Patterns of Men's
Women's SI - Rayon
Hose, light and dark
colors and nov
elty weaves . .
Men's black Rubber
Boots, new stock, reg
ularly priced at $4.50
to $5.00, during our
$2.98 and $3.98
200 Pairs Women's All Pure '
SILK HOSE 90c Pair
Rayon Vests
Popular colocft and all
iz-s, HplenUd for prrson.
nl use nnd irifts. i Christ,
inas Hale PHce
98c -
few Patent Pump
Fashion's most "favored,
footwear in neat bucklo
trimmed models, all regu
lar sizes. A 0.30 value
Up to $26 Jlen's
Clearance Price
Children's It u b b o r
Boots, pbbleL. top
style with, glazed feet,
extra quality, all sizes,
up to 10 ' fcl QQ
Sale Price. . P l.0
' . Maice Her Housewort Easy A-
- - - .... . j, ''- ' -. .' i'.'.-. , .".- ":-"-'jfy:.'.l ' f- . .
QS.QO Places one in your Home.
Balance Payable 1.00 Each Week
340 Court Street r
, -
"Men's Oriental Toe
' Sandals, heavily pad
ded soles, all CO
sizes and colol:; 01 C
Women's lli-lleef
Storm Rubbers, regular
75c and gl.00. over
.200 pair priced to close
vout at per
pair ,
19 c
; Child's J3.00 Button
Shoes, fine qualify
black calf and patent
,'drras styles, sizes to
4 on ri on
Sale ...... .'9 !)
"Men's Black sole Rub-
',bers,v both wide -and a
n arrow lasts, with
Salem's Biggest i Values in Our
." . ' " .Basement : . '
Men's $2 Unions
Winter weight long sleeve'
and ankle length styles,
extra- quality ribbed
weaves, all sizes. Sale
price . ' '. , ; ";. .. ' .
Tinker Toys ?.'' ,1 -,, ( :
Kegrilrtr 7"W, Specially Iriced "X
. 2-Vhfel .St-Ktei-H. Small sirev-
: go for ..
1 Talde ronped together of Toys, A aluce
r i from 15c up-to '25c,' on imle. .... ...
39 c
Hay Wagons
A real savi
: $U5.
I Iteguhir . froiu, $125 to $1.50 . . . . .
. t'ortst MakeScooter, with brake,,
P f Balloon Tim, Regular T.OO
Coast Make Hctxttcr.
Hegnlar S4(. ......
r We picked u o. bunch of Factor)' Samples. of high jrnule
Men's Hmeking ScU. , We are elosina; them out for less
- tlwn pfice. don't ask you to buy tome and ee
T- for yourself 1 hen use your judgment. . " -
. Coat Make'.U'agons, guarantee! to Iwld a tort'
nalloon Tirt-w, Regular $15,.
Children's rl fhairs ,
Fancy Tilm .
White Cups and Haurrrs
, ; Special (Limited) . ....
Men's Dress
New Check-
PatterniiAfl Bites
Up to $125'
xJ&b-i; Windows Every Day ; i . ; ' 2
cock w vseav
wtftvw i for. smji i m
gc -7f4Viwii
1, . " k ........ i , . . s