THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON n FRIDAY; MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 192S area Union Rpater MEAT CUTTER'S UNION KO. 0 ,Mt mu4 aad feartb Wednesday. Presideat W. E. Malaora: eecretarv. - Kberi Pede.v - - CAP IT At, TYPderRAPHTCAL UNION NO. i 1U President. O." P. Kveaa; secretary. lM. D. Pil-enton. - Meets aecend Satur day. 3:00 p. m. CARPENTER'S UJIIOJT HO. IOCS -e-v KmU .Thura. evening. - Arthur Tuck er, presideat; Wm. Petti t, secretary. Skilled meehanfee furnished. Phone 179. Roster FRATERNAL ORDER OP EAGLES. Met very Wednesday. Fraternity Hatt, 8. M. Willett. See'y. Tel. 889 R. KNKiHTS OP PYTHIAS MEETS AT Fraternal Hall every Tuesday evening. Visitors invited. Fred Dennam, C. C'. Welter Lenoo, K. of K. 8. tf J? to Establish Columbus as ; " - ' isi; ' n. 8!- Italian iviuzen tu qe aim PADUA- The Italian goTern meat's decision to declare October 12 national 'holiday had the .doable motive of honoring la a fitting manner the -discoverer of the . American continent ' and of combating the tendency to dis credit the Italian nationality of Christopher Columbus. Dr. Caraillo ManfronI, promin ent professor of - history In the tJniTerslty of Padua, is behind a movement to held demonstrations In' all the Italian schools and pub Institutions,;' both in Italy and abroad, to refute arguments par tlcularly that Columbus was a Spaniard. . .- ;- ' -. .- i "Until a i few years ago; said Dr. ManfronI,-"the fact that Col umbus was born at Genoa was so universally established. (hat. too little attention , has, been paid to" the contentions of Spanish 'his-' torians' that the great navigator was a native of Spain. But now, the movement to uproot historical facts that have, stood undisputed for -centuries has become so gen eral, claiming as adherents somo of Spain's most - erudite men of learning, that It can no longer be Ignored.' ..-'-' j Dr. Manfrpni believes, however, that; the movement can be effec tively silenced, and ' the proper celebration of Columbus Day he believes to be one of the best ntrays to start. ' Girl Librarian Encouraaes Jail Inmates to Read More , OTTUMWA, Iowa Accompan ied by -a sturdy bailiff who car ries . an armload of books. Miss Harriet Meyers, assistant librarian here., each week visits the city Jail to encourage cultivation of -the reading habit. tr , i- One prisoner read four books on prohibition, and declared that If he had studied them earlier he never would have .been arrested. Another "studied alone? arterial 1 llnAn an that wWot. . v. 1 passed a civil service examination. Zane Grey, Harold" Bell Wright, Peter B. Kyne and James Oliver Curwood are the popular authors, but there, are many calls for books on music, etiquette and birds. Soviet Russia Charges -. Fee for Radio Listeners . MOSCOW. Broadcasting In Soclet Russia is still In Its 'in fancy., It, began enly a year ago, after', the Council' of Commissars decreed; permitting private Indi viduals to own smal) amateur re- ceiviag sets. . .- Tbere ' are . four .broadcasting buliiods in Moscow ana one eacn in Ijeningrad, Kharkov and Kleff. The ; biggest Moscow broadcasting ntation, "Komlntern,'- works'npon a wave length of 1,450' meters. It broadcasts daily concerts and newspaper Information in tse form of a radio-gazette, whiclT Is Relieved to be the only ralio- gazette, which Is believed to be .v. . i WOrld. . . j : ? '':;f:" The other Moscow stations are of a smaller capacity.', Political education; seems to be the chief object of their broadcasting pro grams. Anti-religtoua propa-1 ganda ' is also finding Its way through the broadcasting stations. which have special programs .adapted for children and adults. Th rcLo rnrlln' v'siVlls. a -a -.11K- aLshei 'in Moscow, with a total circulation of more than 150,000. Preliminary registration for the possession of receiTing sets has bow been abolished and the sale of radio receiving- sets-has been .1 S AT.TTCI 134eIUnGTa1 ' ' ' : GRAXX. No. 1 wheat, white No. 1, red, tacked1 w White eaM ..m.,.-,.,;,,-. Gray eata ., ., ' ., Barley . , , - ..$1.48 1.43 . .40 - .42 - .80 PORK, ITOTTOar ARD BEET - Top bogs ; Alk Bows :'.- ' - , 809 Dressed' hogs f , .. . .-i- JS Top- steers .059.08 t owe Bulla- ...W 2.0044. OO - ...S4e4 - Spring lambs, 80 lbs. and uader - .11 Jieavier -i--.- .9(9.10 Dressed veal .... .14, POULTRY Mht bene lSQlf 20-31 " 60S .29 .40 16Q18 . .24 - J2 Heavy bona Old roosters ' Broilera Turkeys Live ducks Dressed dacks Live geese Dressed geese FGflS, BUTTER AND BTTTEEPAT Butterfat .... ,. ,, aj.y- ,53 s 'reamer j butter .53 Egga -JL. . .! Suodardd . , ' ., ' , ,. , ,.. - .48 . .SeWta : ' .48 Milk, per cvi. t .. , " 2.48 ' I Cfcr rtswi &tstrfmsis Pabllsned every, morning (eieept Moa day) at Balsa, tUeaj-tal t Oregon. Local Rates For Classified Advertisings A Daily er Sunday 2 cents par ward S cents par word One time Tare time 8ii times ... 8 cents par word 1 no daily and SuaT SO cent per word Is order to cara the more than one lima rata, advertisement moot ran la consecutive Issnoa, . j No Ad. takee 'for lest than S cents. Ada. raa Sunday ONLY charted at one-time rata. . Advertisements (except Personals and Situations Wanted) will be Ukaa iver the telephone it the advertiser is a subscriber to psoas. : . The Stateimaa will receive adver tisements at aay time of the day or night. To in iu re proper classifies-: tioaa ads. should bo ia before 7 p. at. TELEPHONE S3 OR S8S V..;...,.i...M... Moneys to Loan On Real Estate ... - T. K. FORD (Over tadd ft Both Bank) BEFORE YOU LEAVE TOUR HOME OR CAR HAVE IT ; Insured Properly ; Phone 181 -Beeko Hendricks, Heilig Bide 189 N. Hirb St. 4-28-tf ' ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTISIXO Those col urns must bo kept freo from snything f a quest ionablo nature. Misrepresen tations will not be tolerated. Infor mation showing any questionable in- ' teat on the part of the advertiser should bo reported to this pews paper or the Salem A4 Ctub. Automobiles SCHEELER AUTO WRECKING CO, will bay your old ear. Highest cask price paid. 1085 N. Commercial St. Ijl3tf 8 A LEX "AUTO RECKINOCO. " Wheels, Tires, Rims, tenders . Halt Price and Less Parts for all earar caii,.f-er old cars. 402 8. Church Phono 2159 Aatd To pet SEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. J. Hull Auto Top and Paint Shop. ' Rear Fire Department. 5al6tf Wanted Employment . 19 , FOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT diccuc and 'team work, phone" 19F3. ! 19ml4tf WOOL. GOLF HOSE CHILDREN '8 sport hose, knit to order. Hand knit tin r. Phono 1778 J. 19s30tf For Rent 21 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BY TH". wording "For Rant." price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, oa mnd floer. . For Rent- Apartments 23 FOR ' RENT FURNISHED TWO-ROOM Apt. close in. 445. S. Wintir. 23417 i 3-ROQM FURNISHED APARTMENT. Private bsth. f 20 with wster and light. 705 N. High. Call 1951-W. 23dl2 PRINTED CAKDS. SIZE 14" BT Hi' wording, "Booms to" Rent," price 10 cents each. - Statesman Uusiness uuica. ground floor. - - -' FOR RENT . Furnished apartment. 3 largo rooms. private bath,- -closets, hot water--heat, electric range. Located on State St., and should be seen to be appreciated. Km CHILDS a BECHTEL . 540 State SW - 23dlltf RENT CUT 837.50 TO 330. LARGE 5- room flat, suitable business people, teachers, nurses, etc, warm and Clean and nght dowa town. . Ranges ; fur nished, immediate possession. See 880 Ferry. Becke a Hendricks 189 N. High street, Heilig bldg. Phono 161. - 23d6tf For Rent Rooms - 25 WARM ROOM CLOSE IN. PHONE - 2SdU 585-W. . i-v , ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN HOME three blocks from state bouse. Vail ' convenience.' Geatleamaa. .preferzed. PUasa riva references and address A. B earn SUtesman, - 25j28tf FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOR students, with sleeping porea pnvuegas. Everything modem. . References are re auirad. Address room, care Statesman. . - - 35J28tf - r C For Rent House ; -27. If wj, room.1620 State Street. , - -27dU FOR RENT 5-ROOM NEW HOUSE. ALL modern. Full basement. furnace, Werth 830. takTtt arf25".""See White. Home Realty Co., 3jC9 gOZignv 27dl- FOR RENT 8-RO ' - Chemeketa street. FIVE ' BOOM HOUSE FIREPLACE, Gull Close : to. 1 fiIlU I furnace, aad pipes; lor gas,-. cio$. in. Phone .044-w. . for rest -room house, south 1 Twetuo. uooa tacaiw . -. Only $25. See Myers. Home. Realty Co 169 S. ililB,. jt iot- FOR RENT ' S-room furnished apartment. f$SS. 4-room new stucco, home, modern, elee trie range, close in, $40. , 8-room, modern, garage, $30, 7 room fiiia borne, lota outbuildings fori -nnnltrv. aarace. 885. 8 rooms, modern, garage, $30. . SOCOLOFSKY, 841 State. 27dlt 1 1 Tf AVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS lor. rvn . a. v-w - , Ore.. Pbone 8XX. 59altf Wantexl MLteellaneons 33 JRNITCRB PACKING FOR SHIP-, -manta Gieae-Pow-ar rnTnitttre u. HIGHEST TRICES T AID FOR USED stoves, too la, (araitare. Willi use Aand. T)nt MDoaUa aourt beuse. 1 . . - - .... I5m22tf CASH PAID i FOR. FALSE TEETH dental gold, platinum ana aiaearaea jewelry. Hoke Smelting and Refinery CeM Otsege. Michigan. 85j28 i made free. , fee of J 1.50 must. howerer, be paid to the authori ties' for listening in. The manu facture ' of - radio sets -has .been monopolized by the 8ta,te, and the import 'of appliances from abroad , is forbidden. - - - FXECTRICIAN FALLS 20 FEET - FROM TOP. OF POLK , SEATTLE, Dec. 'Bj Asso- I dated Press.) Hurled .20 feet ln: to the air from the top ot a light i pole ein which he was standing, !C. R. McBrlde, 42, city light. line man, was instantlr Killed late this afternoon. ' An Insulator -slipped I ,!- - VlirV. nnr- tin. lulu . . X - -.w 1 i JrZ Z We 1 located near the High school. 14 Istretched on Ua pole. The lineT ;-t -gw condition.' rriee caught McBrlde ander the- arm and catapaulted him to his death. Wanted Miscellaneous 33 WOODRT THE AUCTIONEER BUT 8 ted furniture tor cask. - Pboae 511. 3iatl SELL US TOUR U8ED FURNITURE H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Used Goods liept. opposite court boose. . SimiZU WAXTED PRIVATE MONET FOK fans loaaa. Wa bare several appliea- J tioaa aaad. Hawkiae Rbno Iae, 205 Ororoa Bldav 85dl4t( For Sale ST RECEIPT BOOKS SIZK 3" BT 814", : 60 receipt forms ia book, 15 cents per .book or wo for 25 cents. Stateimaa office, 215 Soutk Commercial St., 8a "learn. 37f25tf TRE8PASS NOTICES. SIZE 14i9 INS, r printed oa ood Ift-etaco raavass, bear i"C tbe words, "Notice Is Hereby Given That Trespasilaf is -Strictly Forbidden Oa Thane Premiics Uader Penalty of Proseratioa. Prieo lio eacb or for 25c. Statesman Poo. Cat, Salem. Orefon. 87atf FORDSON, 2 PLOWS AND DISK FOB sale. i. 8. Histt, Rt. 1, 63JT15, ' r . , l?03tl FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, TEa cents a baadla. ' Cireniatioa department : Oreroa Statesmoa. J7tf For Sale Livestock . . 2d FRED W. LASOE, VETERINARIAN Office 420 S. Commercial. Phone 1198 Res. Phone 1868. 89m23 Wood for Sale 43 16-IXCH, MILLWOOD, $3.75 PER LOAD 1 loads 814.00. I'bone 1879-W. 43jo 4-FOOT GREEN 8LAB. 83.90 PER CORE 14-ia. dry Dill, 84.50 per load, dry ur and mono ib7-w. 43aoti COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE . TELEPHONE 1855 BILLMAN FUEL COMPANY . 43a21tt SALEM FUEL TRANSFER, T52 Trade Street Wood, Coal, Briquets, ' Transfer nnd Moving. Phone 529: ( 43n20t! WOOD, DRY, SAWED ANY LENGTH HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 . 43a31U BRIQUETS THAT LEAVE NO ASHES. - 43n21tt 18-INCH. StABWOOD PRR if7AP."3.50, 10 inch 2nd Tir per load." 83.75; 10 ich pid'f ir pen -load. 85(U : Prompt delrVetrr TeTzSlS. Tracy Ivek Yard. 1087 It Street. . 43n22ti WOOD SAWING, PROMPT AND CAREFULLY. HILLMAN fCEL CO. - 43a21tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. snd 18 inch. Dry mill wood. Green mill wood. Dry second growth fir. Dry 4 ft. ash, and oak. FRED .E. WELLS. Prompt delivery and reasonable prieea, 280 South Church. Phone 1542. 43fl8tf 10-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Pbbna 19F8. M. L. Msn 1.M iVIll' GOOD COAL- DRY WOOD . PROMPT DELIVERIE3. HILLMAN FUEL 0 0. TELEPHONE 1855. 4Sj29! COAL ALL THE BETTER KINDS HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 43n21 Poultry and Eggs 45 FOR SALE A few choiee R. I. -R. pullets snd Yerlinc hens. 805 X. 16th street. Phone 1877-W. 45dl3 Nursery Stock 49 STRABERRY PLANTS FOR SALE. ET terburg, 121.- Phone 7JF11. 49dl2 aliscellaneoas 51 ENGLISH WALNUTS. PHONE 65F15 51412 WOMAN MUST SACRIFICE 8 KARAT perfect blue white tiffany sol it a re dia mond for Si ooo. .Retail price sjuuu 4377 Statesman. oldiz FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND repairing. Gtese-Powera Furniture 8tore. . 51s20ti nncTnv TfBBrrn vn r ppppt VOR sale Nicely marked, sired by tlake s dog 'Nifty." Dam wss sired by Wheatlsnds Jackie. Phone 1748-R or csll at 1595 South High St. 51dl5 H.r B. 8EAGROVE FURNACE AN1 sheet metal shop moved ta 681 Mil St. . 51a -r Lost and Found , 53 STRAYED ONE HOLSTEIN COW, Dee. tt Phone 9X, A. T. Savage, Tur ner. , &8dl LOST A BROWN LEATHER PURSE with a few bills. Call 1982-M. Lost Wed. between 7:30 and 8:00 oa Com mercial street ear. : : Reward. - 53d 1 1 LOST 1 PAIR CELLULOID RIM glasses in soft leather case, tinder please rail 1207 M or leave at SUtes man office. 53d 12 LOST A GOLD BROOCH WtfXLU-ED AS I ' keepsake. Kindly, leave at , Sanrman e, vayaaa xsa. T syw.. 1 fi j." Pergonal .v-. " 6fi HIZZ TREATMENT . FOR APPENDICITIS - r. "It-la-Wenderful." Free Uformatioi Address Hiss Co, Portland, Oregon. 55a1-Blt Money to Loan 07 ! TO LOAN $1000 ON CTTT PROPERTY See White, Home Kealty- do., iov g. High. r ;., , 57dl5 $1200 TO LOAN t ON SALEM home: -3 to 5 vra. Becke &. Hen dricks, Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High St. - i , - 7n22tf CITY AND FARM LOANS Leaa time, low rate interest, easy pay meat. Investigate our loan plaa. PERRINK MAR8TERS , Sia Commercial Club Bids. - : , - 87o29tf MONEY TO LOAN--5. W. L. WOOD. 841 State. - a7aassi WR f!AN RF.LL YOUR MORTGAGE papera for cash. Call any time aay or evening nn till 9. o'clock. See White, Heme Realty- CV 189 J. High. .- - - - 571T15 Wanted Loans 5- WANTED $1250 AND $800 IX)AXS ON Salem residences will pay J.--; . . fiOcOLOFSKT.' 341 State. -.V:'.;,. .,- - . 9dll WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAJ ea good real estate s-earity. W M OKABENHOBsT M CO. ' 175 State Street. - 59e81tf Bosinesa Opportunities 01 vtrRi-vEsa PROPERTY Close in on X. liiga Bi, - 5jii feet with two nne. A RhAL IN VESTMENT. AT" THE RIGHT PRICE. 115.000. SEE US TODAY. ; 275 State St.' . SldlS TfTTT IT'll'Tl'Trri'T'Cl'l'l' l'l'l'll i'lT SEVERAL FIRST CLASS GRO- T ear and confectionary store for T aale With or without real es-. T lata. Terms en. same..-" T . TT RM IN AL REALTORS Terminer Hotel Lobby. 81d9tf T lTTH f rtrini'IT i'TTl FIT 1'1'1'f TTT SnAUIVA HOUSE ; WW .,.., I S7 gute sw 61dl3 A3 Own ; Your ' . a r Home A REAL LITTLE HOME Tt'a north, has all built-ine 1 nnv 3260O A fa irdowa payment and JIj per month Phone for appointment -NO. 2408 IS. Jr. Stiff ler. 1903 1. Capitol. I . 63d 11 i GOOD VALUES!! Good fi-room aouse. with full -hatemeat, . . fireplace, furnace, hard-wood floors. rsra re. located in North Salem. Price 87000. Terms. Small 4 -room house, with basement, -I sewer, lites. water, garage. 5 blocks from State.. Price 81400. Large 8-room house on N. Capitol, fire-place. strictly ' modern. Price $6000. Payment down, balance terms. New 4-room bouse, basement, bath, lights, wster. only-1500 dowa. Price $3500. 1 Located North Commercial. Good house 4 anartmenta basement. rai. bataa. fnrneee. and etc., close ia oa Summer St. Price $0000. 5-room hoase ia North Sslem, pavinr paid, basement. Priee $.6o0. , KRUEGEft. Realtor . -147 N. Com'L Phone 217 63411 GROCERY STOCK f For sate, doing good business, on tbe Paeifie Highway, . an old established location, $2300.00 will handle this. C. M. ROBERTS, 147 N. Com' I, Phene 217. ' 63dll GET ONE OF THESE SMALL TRACTS 6 acres with 90 bearing apple treea 4 acre black caps, 3 acres strawber ries, no buildings, fine land on good road. Only $600, easy terms. 8 acres bearing prunes, 3 acres " bearing peaches. - $1500. good terms. 8A.LEM REALTY CO., 482 State St. Phone 1004; Residence Phone 400. 63dl2 . INSTALLMENT BARGAINS $ 500 Large lot, 50x200 feet locat ed on paved road just out side of City limits. $25 down, balance tea dollars per month. $ 200 Lot, 50x138 feet located in the , Kay Addition, $25 down, bal. a nee $10 per month. 9 600 One bslf-aere located on , N. 21st St. nesr Market, $50 down balance $10 per month, f goo Nine-tenths of an acre locat ed South outside of city limits. $50- down, balance $10 per month. $ 500 Two good building lots, one fronts on psved street and car line, pavement paid. $10 down, -balance $10 per month. 250 Lot 55x140 feet located en x Rural Ave. near S. 12th St. $10 down, $10 per month. $1250 Ten-acre tracts located 1V miles South of Salem and-two miles from paved road.. $50 down, balance ten per month. This lsnd is ideal for fruit and berries of all kinds. All in culUvstion. f 200 Iot 50x100 locsted in King wood Park, $5.00 down and $5.00 per month. Interest t per cent. We Write Fire Insurance. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY. W. H. GRABENHORST k CO. Realtors. 275 State St. Phone 15 , " . 3dl0tf DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY. HOME AT BARGAIN PRICES $ 950 Two-room home located on S. Cottage St. Electric lights, aink and toilet. $100 down, balance monthly. $2650 Vive new 4-room homes with fireplace, hardwood floor, built in Dutch- kitchen, built.-. in-a-Dor Murphy bed, paved atreet near school and bus BUY NOW.' HAVE THE AD- . VANTAOE OF SELECTING YOUR HARDWARE AND FIX- i TURKS, CHOOSE YOL'ft OWN "PAINT FINISH, BOTH IN TERIOR AND EXTERIOR. Price $2650, each $330, down, j balance $3a per month. - $8400 Attractive 6-room home well located and modern in every way with hot water beat. Some terms. SEE US - AT ONCE. We Write FIRE INSURANCE. W. H. GRABENHOR8T CO. Realtors. 275 Stste St. - 63dl3 CLOSE IN INVESTMENT Large corner with ten-room home lo cated en the corner of N. Liberty and i Center Sts. Price $ 16.000. IT B . BARGAIN FOR SOME ONE. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State St. 63dl3 WHY NOT A HOME IN SALEM WITH fruit, rarden. berries, noultrr. a cow aad room for the kids to plsyt 7-room plastered house, fireplace, bnaement. bath. etc. Six large lots. bsra. garace. poultry house. $3800. House, garage aaa poultry nouse witn s lots, adzou. Terms. Owner 349 Raral avenue. 63nl4tf EXTRA-BUY ROOMS, ON ALLEY. Dike to Capitol; 3 garages; $3000.00. BEST BUY 6 ROOMS, double con struction, fireplace, bdw. floors, built- ins, nook, frui garage, close in, Jur nace. $5250. . UNDER CONSTRUCTION FOR YOU 4-5-6 rooms, -from $4550 to $6500. LOT EAST 60 ft, front, 1 blk school. Paved, $700. WJNNIE PETTYJOHN 216 Ore. Bldg. 63d6tf SEE THESE FARM BARGAINS 84 acres" all good farm and. lota of clover. Fine bungalow, barns, and . other good improvements. Fine farm for dairy bnsiness. fully stocked and equipped. Will sell at Sacrifice. 10O acres stocked and equipped with .60 acres sow in fall grain, fair buildings, this is a snap at $100 per acre. - SALEM REALTY CO, 462 State St-- ' Pheae 1004. Residence Phone 400. ' 6idll PYTDA OH PAVED HIGHWAY CWt Just beyond ' south - city limits; two-thirds acre tiasx.oo teew; 5-room new nlastered house: antematie eleetrie pressure water, hot and cold; bath, toilet: caraae. weodahed. Yoaaa fruit aad auta. $4000, aaay terms, -or will exchange for home closer la. MP AT LITTLE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. laNfa nra-tiMllv new wall loeaUd ea North Summer street, bath, garage. - etc. Lot 65 on Summer by 75 oa Jet7 feraon. only $2800. Easy terms. LOOK10" 1 t"" Eogleweed i LOCK "7 E n vUwMn Addition- divide divide the ether way ateklnV twa e.e.lleat4 lota facing north oa o, eaaa 08t. - corner 16t$ ether 1700. atreet.- Corner $850 r The foregoing are splendid value an! ta order to aeeure the beat service twee . thirda commission will be paid ta aay licensed broker making Bale. - " v HARRIS j Maaoaie Temple Phone 795, 1942-7.-"- ... 63d 11 -t-i WIMT IHVr flTT TO TRADKt i Grorery stock, fixtures, good . eppor- tunity to handle feed, $1500- 4-room new bungalow, fire place, ouiik ins, asuuv term. , reema, aook, fireplace, hardwood floor, baaement, f araaee, double e Structed, taeceed, a dandy, $3250, terms.. '-v '-"--'-' 5 rooms, strictly modern, garage, $4550, terme. , t : 8 rooms, strict iy moaera. eouuie ga rage, uaks Addition, aivuv. terau. Qix-iM nrck'v a.t c- .. J&3dHt FOR SALE Oft EXCHANGE A choice trait tract ef 10 acre. miles, east ef - city limit ea Garden Koad, 7-room heaae, bara, garage and ether eut-baildiagi, t acres- bearing - . i .n Mi i. feat soil and well drained. Exchange for city property or small tract close ta ' f OOO Crav Blda tPhone 790- er 1877-W 3diitf Real rotate 63 t - SPECIAL, 5 sere with 5-room boa, wood sard, chicken hoase, sprinf and creek. 3 tint cows. 100 chaceas. 1 bone, all tools, tqme furniturw. 1 mile from town with food big aeaeoLV This piaeo ia of fered at a barzaia, f 2500.- Will take tome trade THOiiASOX. 331 H SUU Street. i -H WOODS BAUOAINS Coed 6-room plastered boose, Urge cor ner tot, bath, street paved, room for to more houses. $28 jO; also seven room odem bungalow with sonui furniture; f3750.00. . 1 rent house. F, L. WOOD, 341 State St . . 63dll , LOOK $500 WILL PUT TOU IN A HOME ' OF YOUR OWN Completely furnished, even to a good piano, Paving paid. It's not n 'shack, but a real rosy five-room buaga lw. ; Price $2300. Hurry and aee Childe Beehtel, 540 State Street. 63dlltf FURNACE SMALL' NEW HOME. 4 rooms, basement, etc For sale. $3600, ' complete, reasonable terms. Immediate possession. Becke k Hendricks. 189 N. High street, Heilig Bldg. 68d6tf $300 DOWN, $20 MONTH You can move in a brand new bunga low, 5 rooms, liath, lirhtg, 2 lots, par- inff paid. Price -$2300. Whv pav rent See Child, gc Beehtel. 540 SCate Sireet. 63dlltf EXTRA Special low price for this month on several choice lots. See Child 14c BecbteL 540 State Street. 63dlltf LARGE LOT ROOM FOR TWO HOU8E8. paving paid, sewer in street. $1000. A snap in a trade of 8 acres and good home ia Brownsville for 5-room house in Salem. Beautiful country property for $6300, will trsde store for lesse or ssle, well located. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. 63d2tf GOOD 7-ROOM BUNGALOW ALL FU fi nished, fine lot, paved St.. garage, fruit for quick sale, $3500, terms. 240-Acre Alberta wheat farm for Sa lem acreage. Good furnished hotel of 45 rooms in vUsy town income about $4000 per yr' price $12,000 for fsrm or acreage. 2 nice suburban hemes for residences. 3 good Salem homes for sirborban. . PERKINK A MARSTER8 212 Com. Club' Bldg. 63dlltf PREPARATORY TO REMOVAL I shsll, offer, the last full quarter block on the top of Fairmount hill unim proved, or will' divide in two tracts of 75x150 each. A magnifieicnt view of the Cascades to the east and the Polk county, hills to the west. . Particularly desirable and away below the market as evidenced from actual sales made on surrounding like properties. I would like to negotiste with psrties who appreciate the kill sites. Also offer two lots at 22ud and D street and two lots at 14th and Cross in Oak I. idge. Also awsy below the current prices. The properties are all clear snd can give terms. Also will lease my house furnished carry in January, and offer my office equipment and lease to some Realtor and initiate the buyer advantageously. No phone information. If interested eall in person. Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. 3d3tf T A GOING FARM 60 acres crops in, plowing done, 25 acres wheat, 12 acres osts, 8 oats and vetch, 8 acres clover. Team, all im plements, 5 cows, 2 heifer cslves, two O. I. C. sows, chickens, good 6-room bouse, good bsrn full of hay ' All in very best condition Close to Sslem. It's hop land. Possession at 'once. Might take good new bungalow in trade. See B. F. 8TIFFLER, 19C2 N. Capitol. 63dll LOOK Fine 40 sere farm, well improved, near Salem, trade for good modern home or grocery atere. 25 acres bottom land- 84000. Trade for city property or small tract 40 acres . god timber "6IT 'paved road, $75.00 per acre. We have a good 175-acre farm near Salem-so eaehanze for an eastern corn rr. ,,,.TBX)MASON, 331 State Street. '' 63dl0tf v p A. C..BOHRNSTEDT. 7 J47 Xorth Coraraercial Street, , , . Upstairs. - ' Salem. Oregon. Call us for FIRE, ACCIDENT . . AND LIFE INSURANCE. f Phone 577. 63d6tf GOING TO BUILD THAT NEW " HOME? ; ALRIGHT, GO AND EE t$$Xj- A. C BOHRNSTEDT, ' ' .i4T North Oommerci-l, Upstairs. He will be glad to help yoa. C3d6tf A f Rrste rnetpHf Hj. A V. DOOrnSieUl. yictor Schneider. Realtors ifr - Bpeelaliie in Oregoa farms, Sslem ,homea and write Insurance. 147 No. Commercial Street. Phone S7T. S3n3tf Real EsUte Trades 63 $1500 EQUITY IN NEW. HOUSE IN -Portland, to trade for lot or- acreage . is ir near Salem. Phone - owner 2319-R.; 5dU BECAUSE. SWAPPING CHRISTMAS presents haa Jeea sucn a aau eier ,ienee is no good reason whyyon ahould bAfc mn what vou 1KN'T want for what you DO want;. Yon know, you'd have a house here in town than that acreage that brings in "nothing and it a a gooa t -room nous uo . w q :aa A h. ,nli m raa u 1 1 - w .ill ii mi u wh. . t in ana wa - nave a n-ivon - mmm close on -paved street worth $4500 for small close tract improved; aad a big -house" wear the Capitol worth1 $8500 t..-.fn- farm' or a clear Montana .hkirtMrinn and. 8 Spokane lota all ; clear asnwworth $600O for an Oregon . r mftinn of Waahinr- ton. wbeaAr land worth $10,000 for an ' -eonltv rn the valley: or a half ln- it.-t- sn. ef the best paying nsiem iesteorsars worth $8000 lor prune ranenr ana will assume. . MeGILCHRIST A PENNINUTON 1 - .'mil ii c u.nlr Ride. P hub. 140 Wanted Real Estate 71 -FROM OWNER 4-ROOM MOUKHJS house. Adttrese care D"'r"" -, - . , - US19 r T.,TTTTTlTrTDt3t5rtI rmrrrrrrrrrrrr rrri ...... WPfl-PWrwrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i , rf.irT. PittKFR , PP PP, ' .CAIJU PAJU-EB pp . - FP PP AND START PACKING PP ' PP; ' V;r . -. - - PP PPj Maximum selling service. PP VPf. POSITIVE- RESULTS.- Your- PP , i ' ! ' .h.l VP PP T graphed and SOLD ia record PP FPU time. No aale no charge. See PP W PARKER- FOR PROPERTY . PP PP . -409, l'. S. Bank Bailding PP PI ' - Telephone 2242- PF PP' X ' TldUtf PP PfPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEPPP'lSkk 'FPPPPF5PPPPPFPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP PP. PP PP PP THE GKEAX MAXB.ET PLACE WHERE EXCHANGES - ARE MADE PP PP PP PP Onr listing of 3000 exchanges w . !, 1 at In B . h JPP ' PP PH l'scifie CoaHt) make tt pos- PP l'f" . stbVe for as to match yonr prop- PP f " exsetly. We have ve Just at fust PP 1 ii rP PP the property yea want PP PP the right pHce: THEY WILL TRADE FOR YOUR PROP ERTY., If yea would like to .exchange year property TO DAY, come in TODAY. See pp pp Fr. pp PP pp 1 PP" PARKER FOR PROPERTY pp pp I PP 409 U. S. Bank Building IPP ! v -Telfvjhone 2243 pp pp I PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEPP ppprppppppppppppprrprprpppi'P Real Estate AatomobOea Wanted 77 Eiker AatoCo. Wa pay esik for Tarda. r TTatlStf Vsed Cart for Bala 70 See That Bnirk 6 Touring, new paint and top, tires are 90' new, has $ lot of ex tras, and is very good mechaaicaliy. a real value, only $155.00 dowa and the I balance $.7.93 per month, Fred MJ Powell Motor. Cars "350 ' N. nigh Street . 79dl3 END OF YEAR CLEARANCE SALE OF USF.D CARS 1923 Gsrdner Sport Touring 1924 Jewett Tourtne. 1920 Big Six Studebsker Touring. 1922 Ford Sedan. Buxtal regr end. 1910 Chevrolet Touring. 1024 Star Sedan. Theft rare are all Certified ears. BPBDETT A LB fit MOTOR CAR CO 217 State Street. Phone 1415 79dl5 GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALT OR leu. Why pay moral Money back guarantee. Seheelar Auto Wrecking Co. Look (or tbe orange front. Day phone $1 a. KigKt phone S03. 1085 N. Commercial 8t. . "Built to save money." t 79jl3tf THE UNEQUALLED XMA8 GIFT A Good Used Car Make a one-third pavment down. 12 MONTHS TO PAY DODGES, FORDS. OVERLANPS. H rPMOBIT.ES, F R A XKLIXS, STARS, CHANDLERS. . OHKVRO I.KT8, ANY KIND YOU MIGHT FANCY. LOWKST PRICES COS SKSTEXT WITH QUALITY AND CONDITION OF CARS. A BETTER TIME NOW TO BUY. BOXESTEELE MOTOR CO. Lnder the Big Tent. Center and Commercial StR. 79dl3 EIKER' S USED CARS 1924 Touring ,. $345 1924 Coupe $435 Ford sedan $250 Our usual guarantee behind all ears. EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at i'erry. Phone 121. .,, ' 79jl8tf Vick Bros. Used Cars 1 1925 Overland Six S. Sedan -: 1 1923 WUly( Knight -Touring. 2 1923 Overland Tourings. 1 1924 Chevrolet Touring. 1 1925 Ford Coupe. 1 1923 Ford Coupe.- 2 1922 Ford Tourinss. j Several other-cars of vsrious make . froTn 850.00 up. These can are in -A-l shape and carry our New Guar antee Plan. Vick Bros. Willys Knight, Overland and Oakland 79dl3 Fred M. Powell Motor Cars Sells reliable used cark for less. ' It will pay you to look over their stock before bovine. 350 N. High Street. Phone, 2126. 79dlltf GOOD USED CARS J923 Ford Touring $250.00 1923 Star Touring 340.00 1922 Chevrolet Touring 195.00 1224 Overland Touring 395.00 1920 Velie Touring- 250.00 1924 OMs Sport Tour. 595.00 1925 Olds Coach H 825.00 Nearly new Overland Sik Coach with lots of equipment snd the price is only $925.00. New Oldsmoiiile Tooting at a- dis count of 10. i i "F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. . - 365 N. Commercial S Phone 1260. - - ' - ' r 79dlltf TWO NON-START EK TOURING FORDS with license. $45 and $55. Toe much service in these cars to wreck. Both ia good running condition. EIKER AUTO CO. Phone 121 , 79j31tf SALE ON GUARANTEED FORDS Prices Cut To Meet 1926 Conditions. 1922 Coupes, new paint S250 1924 Rdster. plate glass closure, Hassiers, snd Ruxtel $315 1925 Rdster. balloon tires, only 3 roos. old .1 .-$350 1919 Touring, battery and gen erator, this csr is well pre served .........$ 95 1919 Delivery with steel psnel body, which alone ia worth $175 new paint . -9 60 1920 Touring Starter and all ..,$1B5 1921 Truck Starter and pneuma tic tires $175 1922 .Toarin." Remember.' this is rxaranteed - j $175 1923 kdster.-A.7snap .. , vf235 19-1 Touring Ofced tery Jitfle..ti$28S .ValieMotor.Coe 79d9tf MAUMON LOCOMOBILECLEVELAND MacDONALD AUTO CO. Cottage ft Ferry Sta. Phone 409 MaeDonald used cars are good. You can have reasonable . terms here. . We have the right ear at tbe right price. If you are in the market to buy a good . naed car I would advise you to look our- exceptional good cars over first. Our motto "Rirht Car at Rirht Price." We have derided to move our naed ear stack and now ia your .opportau itv as we have placed our January prieea oa all used ears. All ear cara 'have been reconditioned and must ue seen to be appreciated. Get In on this Prieea from $100.00 to $3000.00. Buy . new Save money Prices Right. llaeDONALD AUTO CO, ' MARMON LOCOMOBILE CLEVELAND ' . v ' I Tdl8 1926 LICENSE WITH EACH OF THESE CARS: Franklin . Chevrolet, 1922 Studebaker. 1924 . ..$485.00 200.00 . 790.0O Oakland. 1919 175.00 Stadebaker Sedaa Hupmobite, 1921 300.00 4 "5 00 250.00 S75.UO Dodge Touring Ford, 1924. lota of extras CERTIFIED PUBT.IC MOTOR CAR -MARKET 235 N. Church St. Phone 885. 79d10tf 1)1 VlDEIXIrS DECL.VHED JsEW YORK, rjec.S. (AP.) Recent rumors in Wall street that a .crop, of, ;Chrfetmas melons, was rice to be cut no Cor Christ mas presents were fulfilled today with the declaration of ejetra or increased dividends by a number of. leading companies. '- ' , Classified Business Directory! Of Reliable Biuine and Professional Firms Arranged In Alphabet ical Order for,. Quick Kef ewnwt N Aa-BulaSCS GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 809 and 83 R Day er night servn-e. f!4tf Or. ATTCTIONXEES- J . F. N WOODRY - v Salem's Leading Expert Livestock, Fur niture and Real Estate Auctioneer and Lavi K1 an tmwrg TRea.-and Store, 1610 N. Summer Street. I'hone 511 cor sale lata. ' Established Since 1918 6tf , H. F. WOODRY 80N Expert Livestock, Fnraiture, Real Es tate, and Merchandise Auctioneers. 18 years' experience. Satisfaction Onr f anteed.'. Office 271 N. Cem'l Tel. 75. Bee. 996 S. Commercial, TeL 1843-W far sale date. ; ' ' accoxniTAjrT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor. 831 W Stata. Phone 2098-R. - - - a!7-'28 SATTEET AX1 ELECTEICUNS R. D. BARTON; EX1DE BATTKRIES. Starter and generator work; 171. South Commercial. ' ' Phone 198 COURT ST. BICTCXES &KD RXPAIRINO LIXYD E, RAMSbENr-COLUMBIA BI cyelea sad repairing. 387 Court. . BRAKE REUSING MIKE PAN EK 275 SOUTH COMMER eial St. Phone 102. j8tf CHINESE REMEDY L, L. DICK L. M.' HUM ' -Chinese Medicine Company- Help any known disease. 420428 Stste. s30tf CHIROPRACTOR ' DR. 0. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 356 N. Highi-Pborte 82-8-R'or 8T.- ' H. B. SCOFIELD- PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. 328 Oreron'Bldg'. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKING MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING,' stamping, buttons. Boon) 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO- MASONIC building. Phoue 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. --HOUSE wiring by hour. or contract. Ei lima tea furnished. Phone 980 171 Conrt St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send 15c to .the, Paeifie Homestead, Sslem, Oregon," for a three .months'- trial - subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' 'trial for the best and oldest Journal in . , . - mi . i . i sue west, .an articles ana lareniw menta are of apeciaf interest to the poultry breeders of . the . Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Cuna mercial street, Salem. Oregon - FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee, Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses W fiU net 6 to 30. BECKE a HENDRICKS s Heilig Bldg, 189 "N. High St Jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY TO loan n good farm security. - CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company ' money on city residences and - business property, at 5Vi. plus a commission, Hawkins A Roberts, lac, 205 Oreeen Building. d-14tf FLORISTS FERNS, CHOICE ROSES, GLADIOLUS, pei-enmals, shmus, weepmg-nircn, iris, etc.. Bennett Nursery , Co., Fairground Road, Tel. 1280. . - sl5, '26 CUT FLOWERS,- WEDDING BOUQUETS, funeral wreaths,' decorations. C. r. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 380. ' - ' XNSURAHCE Insure Year home or car now Phone 11 BECKE & HENDRICKS Heilie? Bide.: 189 N. Hirh St. Jt-tf LAUNDRIES 8ALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 263. S. High atreet. . Phone 2a. eldest, larg est aad best. Established 1889,. TRY THE HOME WKT' WASHaLAUN- dry. , Phone 171,t135ft ,B. Street. , WW CAPITAL CITY LAUKDRY Phene 143: Service with a .jsIev work. 1.64 Brnadwav. )1 4tf LUGCAQE COWHIDE HANDBAGS.1- Very Special, jy . while tbey last at $6.40 LADIES' TAMLO&XNG D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474-lonrt Bt, MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THE CaDitol City Bedding Uo 1190 North CapitoL Called for and delivered. All work rnarantej rnom js.- iiuti MEDICAL MOUNTAIN "BALiC COUGH REMEDY Phone 51 T-W.. - - MT78IO STORES GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS -PH0NO- grapha, sewing machines, sheet mnsic, aad upland atudies. Repairing phono grapha and sewing machines. 432 Stats street, Salem, '--.-v . .. I GciieTal Markets : I,,, : Dairy Exchange. " . ; PORTLAND, Dec. 1 0.-1-Butter, extras, 50c; standards, 49c; prime firatsy, 4Ser:-Irsts, 4 Sc. ' Eggs, extras,.- 43c;,. firsts,- 4 1 e ; pullets, 3 8c; current receipts, 37c; undersised, 3 " j- . Grain Fat arcs PORTLAND, Dec. li). -Wheat, RDO. bard white, December, tl.60 hard white, jJlue stem. Baart, De cember, January, .'-$l-60: soft white, "December : and 5 January, $ 1.60. western wbj(e, ; December,, Jannaryj, 1 1 f 0 j ; bard winter, De cem'beri: jAnuaVy, H5 5; northern spring December, January, i,65; JOE WILLIAMS ' -3 a if in II II 1 1 179 Com'l St. M0sio aToaxa TRADK YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW V wlor er Braatpk a fa Fur ninire i n., .vame lenf:j -v t 'KSWS2ABRa THE PORTIAND TELEGRAM, 8ALEM;! Agency The Ace. Tel. 939. . . .. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CKXTS r per saoatk delivered to your home early iiiT'T!1 mJV''' i7nif'riini??i.-----i-i ' , KXTRaEET STOCK .t FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Percy Broil.. 178 S. ComrceTcitl. ' PHYSICIANS AND STXOEOKS GEORGE R. VEHRS. M. D. Physician ' Bad Surgeon. ' Disease! ef women, ebstefrica, anrgery. !' .411-412 U. S. Bank Bldg Salem. : Of f iee tele pheae 013: retideaca telephone 775. PACKIKQ A37D BHLTPIKO FOR EXPKRT FUHNITtmR PACKINO. aad shippuir. call stiffs ' raraitura Borc. Phone 941. - PAPEBHANGINO AND PAIMTINO . : PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE -decorating, paper hanging, tinting; etc.' Reliable workman. ,' PIANO TUNERS - ' EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner, lesve orders Will's Music Store. PRINTING - FOR 'STATIONARY, CARDS, PAMPH lets, progrsms, books er any kind of firinting. Call at the Statesman Print ng D-partmeat, 215 H. Commercial. Tel 583. Plumblag PLUMBING .AND -"GENERAL" REP A IV work. Graber Bros 141 Liberty St. Phone 550. . . flUtt RADIO SPUTDORF RADIO, SALES AND. V 'SERVICE . . No better radio made at any price . taaun Cast QUALITY CARS High aad Trade RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. 8. BARTON, Proprietor Ma aonie Temple Pboae 1200 Radio las For Every Purpose Every Purl All Standard Bisee ' sf Badi TaVaa . - HALIK A EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP ' i 'mm i i iii i gt.--Pnosa 48 REAL EiTATF. ' IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL " or if you are looking for a home, farm f er business property, see na. y. . BECKE a HENDRIOKB 1 U. 8.shrdloa TOslshrdluoapuoapuoao 189 N. High SW Heilig Bldg. J8tf SXAL B STATS t -147 X. Com'! St.- - iPlione 21T. SCAVENGEEg CITY GARBAGE CO . REMOVES AL1 aiada trah- and garbage by - the jot or month, reasonable - rates, r Office pbone , 157 S. Conimerelal, ret, phone 2290. - FOR GOOD SCAVENGER SERVICE Cal 167. Sslem Scavenger, Cummiat anil Trotter. .-..-,.,. pstf SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- , ing and shoes. Best prices paid. -Cap, ital Exchange, 312 Nertli Commercial. Phone 1368-W. ' . STOVES AND STOVE EEPATEIKO STOVES REBUILT 'AND REPAIRED 40 yean' experience. ; Depot National ; fence, sixe 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, ' oila -and varnishes,' etc., loganberry aad . hop hooks. - Salem . Fence aad -Steve Works. 2f0 Conrt street. Phene 124. v " TRANSFER AND HATTLTJIfjl . ; TRANSFER AND HAULING OF. ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. WE MOVE 8TORE 'AND SHIP HOUSE bold roods. Our specialty is plane and furniture moviag. We awe snake coun try trips. ' We handle the beat coal aad . wood. - Call oa p.t..ior prieea. We give good measure, rood quality and good service, Larmer Transfer Ce. mono 930. CAPITAL CITY. TRANSFER CO. 226 State fit, Phone 933.; Distributing, for warding and storage' ear specialty. Get onr rates. .;. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office 304 Sooth Commercial St, Tea per cent diaeouet ' on domestic ' flat rates paid ia advance.- Ke -dedaetioa for absence er any- eause unless water is ahnt eft your premises. - PARKER STAGE LINES- ANNOUNCING IMPORTANT CHANGES ia the '- ' Salem to VcUinavtUe Time Schedule . t , Effective Sept. 15. 1925. -. , AM. $:30, pm: 2:10 PM. 5:15 6:35 7:45 8.25 PM. Salem, ' hv- MeMinnville. Ar, 9:45 8:25 McMinnville, Lv 9:45 8:45 Newberg. Ar. ,. 10:35 4:35 " aM, ' pm. Kewberg, L- ,1:15. MeMinnville. Ar. ' 1:55 McMinnville, Lv- 7:20 2 :40 i Salem -, - 8:45 8:55 , 5:15 5:5$ 6:45 8j00 - CHANGES IN THTT S ALEM-DALLAS V : -. . SCHEDULE . , Leaving Salem for Dallas.' 7, 9, 11:25 a. m, 2:10, tl5 p. m.1; ... Leaving Dallaa for Sasem: 8, 9:50 a. m- I, 310, 6:15 p. a. Call 696 ft,r farther io forma tioa. ' 'EUGENE.- Nlmrod ' . SCorpora Uon will build Nlmrod Hotel and resort on MeKenzle rlrer. . western red, December, January, SI. 55. - . ? v- - j C - - '; Oats No. t, - 36-pound- white! teed, December, January, 30; No. 2, S 6-pound gray, December, Jan uary. $30. - Barley No 2, 46-pound, De cember,. January, $29;' No. 2, 44 pound, December, January, $29. -r - Corn---5 No. 3 early shipment, December, January, $34.50'.' Millrun, standardr December, January, 3.5d.v -t"--"'.'" ' ' : . Hay ''- PORTLAND." DeclO.BriyUiit prices: Valley timothy. $1719; do eastern Oregon; nominal; al falfa. $19f$ 19. 50 r clover, $17; oat hay$15$16; oat and Tetch. $17.50; straw per ton;$7.K0. Eell U15 prices, $2 a',on more, . . i -. i 1 -t