THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1923 'if f Union Roster MEAT CUTTER'S UNIOH HO. 180' m secono. ena fourth Wednesday; W. J5. Melbaraj mntir;, CAPITAL TYPOGRAPHICAL JNI0!l NO I ;.turrrrf r-secretary. I rnimio. uhu ascend Satur day. :w p. as. .. - viKf ESTEB 8 . UXIOit 1TO. 1085 steels . Thars. evening. Arthur Tuck er, president: Wm ' nttit 1 Skilled mechanics furainhed. Thou t7. j e Roster FRATERNAL ORDER OP EAGLES. meet very neanesaey. rrsternity Unit, 6. m. nimu, BfC y, Ji el. 8S9-K. KNIGHTS-OK PYTHIAS MEETS AT Fraternal Hail every Tuesday evening. Visitar invited. Fred Denham, C. C; Welter Lenea, K. ( R. g.. tf wv.v)vn aMmwwi rooiisnea vry morning (except Men day) at Salem, the capital ai. Oregon. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Dally or Sonday S eaata par word 5 eeata per word tB time Three time Bis titnea 9 eenta per. wora 1 no daily and Baa. SO eenta per word In order to earn the mora thaa'one time rata, adrertiaemeat matt roa is oeaaeeatiTa iaanea. . Ko Ad. takea for toot thaa 25 oeata. Ada. ma Sunday ONLT ehargod at one-time rata. v - - . Adrertisementa (except Peraoaala and Situation! Wasted) will he Ukea the telephone if the advertiser ii auhacriber to pheae. The 8tateiaaa will receive adver tiaemaata at any tiaaa of the day or ai'ght. To iaanro proper elaaaifiea tiona a da. ahoald be la Ware T p. at. TELEPHONE S3 OB 588 Money to Loan . On Real Estate T. K. FORD - tOrer Ladd Bash Bank) BEFORE TOU LEAVE YOUR HOMS ,;0R Car have it 1 Insured Properly Phone 161 Becke k Handrlckt, Heilig Bldg, 189 N. High St. 4-28-tf ADVERTISING . HONEST ADVERTISING These col ons must be kept free from anything of a questionable natnra. Misrepresen tations will not be, tolerated. Infor mation showing any questionable in tent on the part ' of the advertiser , should be - reported - to - this news paper or the Ralem Ad Club, Automobiles 8CHEELER AUTO WRECKING CO rill buy your aid ear. Highest cash price SALEM AUTO WRECKING CO. Wheels, Tires, Rims, Fenders Half Price and Loss Parts for all ears, cash for old ears. 402 8. Chares: Phone 2169 - lstf , . Aato Tops 5 SEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. . J. Hull Auto Top and Paint Shop. Rear Fire Department. Saletf ' Help M'anted Female 13 GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR housework. 250 South Cotts?e. 13il0 ' AVanted Emplorment 10 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BA8EMENT digging and team work, phono 19F3. - 19ml4tf WOOL GOLF HOSE CHILDREN'S sport boae, knit to order. - Hand knit ting. Phone 1778-J. - . 19a30tf For Rent 21 TRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14- BT 7H, wording "For Rent," price 10 cents ; eaeo. Biatesmaa unsuiess uiiico, on gronna floor. - For Rent Apartments 23 8-K0OM FURNISHED - APARTMENT. Private bath. 820 with water and HghC 70a N. High,, tall 1B51-W. , 23dl2 nonrpcn ri Dna OT7, . , . , wording, "Rooms .to Rent," prlee 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, ground floor. BENT :CUT I $37.50 TO $30. LARGE 5- room flat, suitable businesa people, teachers, nurses, etc., warm and clean and right, down sown. Ranges fur nished, immediate poseotsien. See 666 H Ferry. Becke k Hendricks. 189 N. High street, Heilig bldg. Phone 161. 23H5tf Heidelberg Builds Homes ; to SolYa Housing Problem HEIDELBERG. This celebrat ed old unlTerslty town has set tbe pace among German cities in its efforts to solve housing condi tions. During tile last three years j - the city has erocted 1,500 munic ipally owned houses and has pro vided m additional 1.000 single rooms by partitioning off garrets. i The nouses t have -been con structed almost without exception on the quadrangle plan, with the interior square made into a park " and playground. Each quadrangle accommodates from 15 to 25 fam- ' ilfes. -1 . .- I SALTTT.T MARKETS GRAIM No.. 1 wheat, white No. I red, sacked . White oata ', Gray oata i , Barley ; $1.32 - 1.48 -' . .48 . .80 PORK, XUTTOBr AND BEEF Top hogs ms u 10 9 Dreased hogs Top steers ' .050.06 -1 ow . 2.00 tt 4.00 Bulls sestt Ppnng iambs, 80 lbs. sad under .1 1 Heavier '-- .0(.10 Dressed veal .. .14 POUXTRT T ight hens . , ,. . ,, Heavy hens Old roosters Turkeys Live ducks Dressed ducks Live jcecsa Dressed geeaa EGGS. BUTTER AND SVTTBRFAT Butt erf at . . ,J4sy.&6 Creamery butter .55 Eggs , ,., a Standards .46 15J1 ao.94 . , ,. i 6 . ., .2 1. 16 IS .24 - -. . 1 n . , , ., , . ai Selects , -, .48 Milk, par swt. 4 ,, ,. , 8.44 For Rent Apartment 23 ? 3 ROOMS FURNISHED, WITH GARAGE, "S" waier, ao. is ji. Zlst. - - --"' 23dlO For Bent Roma ..- 23 WARM ROOM CLOSE IX, PHONE r 2JdU 583-W. BOOM FOR BEST IN; MODEBS HOME . irm ut wom. ah COBTtOMMM. Oentlemaa BMnfi Please giv refereaces aad addra.s A. B, car. Statesman. . . 8ij28tf FOB REST BOOM (SUITABLE FOB students, with sleeping poach privileges. Everything modern. References sre re qnired. Address room, care Statesmen. 35J2itf For Rent Houses 27 3 ROOM MOUSE AND GARAGE. 1395 S. Cottage, i 27dl0 FOR RENT 5-ROOM KEW HOUSE. ALL modern. Full basement. Fumade, worth 830. tske it at 823. Sea Whita. Horn Realty Co., 169 S. High. 2idlJ riVE ROOM HOUSE FIREPLACE. furnace, and pipes tar gat. Clone in. Phone 204-W. 27nlS-tf FOR REST 6-ROOM HOUSE. -SOUTH Twelfth. Good location. Near school. Only $25. Sea Myers, Home Realty Co, 169 8. High. - 23d I A TOR RENT NEW 5 ROOM MODERN house, including 13 acres welt equipped for chicken business inside of city limits, a dandy place. Only 30.00 per month. 6 White. Home Realty Co., 169 S. High. 27411 FOR RENT ' ' t 3- room furnished apartment, $35. 4 - room new stucco home, modern, elec tric range, close in, 940. 8 room, modern, garage. ' $30. " room fine home, lots outbuildings for poultry, garage. 35. s cl room v modern, garage, $30. : SOCOLOFSKY, 341 SUte. - - 27d 1 1 For Bent Farm SO : I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS for rent. P. E. Thomasoa, Turner. Ore.. Phone 6XX. - - 29a 1 tf Wanted Miscellaneous 35 WOODRT THE - AUCTIONEER BUYS need furniture for cash. Phone 61L . 85atf FURNITURE PACKING FOB SHIP- meats. Giese-Pewer Furniture Co. 8542 Otf HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED troves, tools, furniture. Stiff Used Goods DepL, opposite court house. - 85mS2tf CA&H PAID FOB FALSE TEETH dental gold, platinum and discs rded jewelry. Hoke Smelting and Refinery Co.. Otsego, Michigan. - S5j28 SELL US TOUR USED FURNITCRE 11. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Used Goods Dept., opposite court .house. 85m22tJ WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOB farm loans.. We have several applica tions on hand. Hawkins k Roberts lac, 205 Oregon Bldg. 25dl4tf For Sale 37 FOB SALE TRUCK. GOOD REPAIR. reasonable. Phone 2106-W or 1577-R. 87dl0 RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE S BT 8U", 60 receipt forms ia book, 15 eeata per book or wo for 25 eents. Statesman office, 215 South Commercial Bt, Sa lem. 87f25tl ALFALFA. GRAIN HAY. TIMOTHY. OmtJ Barley and Wheat, guaranteed qualify, pitnipt Wiipntent. Prices upon application. Richsrd Nyman, Walla Walla. Wash. 87dlO TRESPA8S NOTICES. SIZE 14x9 INS. printed oa good 10-aunce eaavassv bear ing the words, Not ice Is Hereby Given That TrespsssTng is fltrictly Forbidden On These Premises Under Peoslty of Prosecution:" -PTie-lSo-.etreh- or- 2 for 2 So. Statesman Pnb. - Cou. Salem, Oregon. : 87atf FORDSON, 2 PIOW8 AND DISK.. FOB sale. J. 8. matt, Kt. l, esFi&. 37o3t1 FOR 8ALE OLD NEWSPAPERS," TEi eenta A bundle. Circnlatien department Ore cow Statesman. -I7tf For SaleLivestock 89 4 COWii OXE MILK EAST OF DAL- lss on Monmouth cut-off at Msplelodge Farm. . . - 39dl0 FRED W. LANOE, VETERINARIAN Office 420 8. Commercial. Phone 1198 Ree. Phone 1666. 89m23 mBaaBBMaaaHHaaanHB Wood for Sale- 43 16-INCH MILLWOOD. $3.75 PER LOAD 4 loada 914.00. Phone 1879-W. 43)5 4-FOOT GREEN SLAB. $3.flQ PER CORI 16-tn. dry mill, $4.M per load, dry fir and oak. Phoaa 1879-W. 43atf COMPLETE FUEL 8ERVICB TELEPHONE 1855 ' HILLMAN FUEL COMPANY 43n21U SALEM FUEL A TRANSFER, 752 Trade Street. Wood, Cool, Briquets, Transfer and Moving. Phono 629. 43n20tf WOOD, DRY, SAWED ANY LENGTH HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1853 - -. ... . 43n21U BRIQUETS THAT LEAVE NO ASHES V 1 - 43n21tf 16-INCH SLABWOOD PER LOAD. $2.50 16-inch 2nd fie per losd, $3.75; 16. inch old fir per load. $4.50. Prompt delivery. TeL 2313. Tracy Fuel Yard. 1067 D Street. 43n22U WOOD SAWING, PROMPT AND CAREFULLY. HILLMAN UL CO. - 43n21tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 1C inch. Dry mill wood. " Green mill wood Dry seroad growth fir. Dry 4-ft. ash. and ask. -FRED E. WELLS. Promot delivery aad reasonable prices 280 South Church. Phone 1542. 43fl8tf 16 INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak anA ash. Phone 1919. Ja. 1. May field, " '" 43fWf GOOD COAL DRT WOOD PROMPT - DELIVERIES." - - HILLMAN FUEL. CO. TELEPHONE 1855. - 43j29sl COAL ALL THE BETTER KINDS HILLMAJt FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 43a218 Xnrsery Stock :4tv STRABEXRT PLANTS FOR SALE. ET terbarr. 121. Phone TSril. 19413 lliscella aeons 51 ENGLISH WALNUTS. PHONE 65KIS. 51dl2 , HEATING STOVE WITH PIPE. GOOD as new. Phone 44F11. ft Id 10 WOMAN MUST 8ACRIKICE.3 KARAT perfect blue white tiffany selitsre dia mond for $1,000. Retail price f.'iooo 43??. Statesman. ildl'J' FURNITURE UPHOL8T ERLNO ' A SJb repairing. Stare. Giete-Powers , Farairars . 61s20t BOSTON TERRIER. MALE PUPPY. FOR sale Nicety marked. sired by llske s - dog . "Ntfty., Dam was sired - by vWheatlaads Vsckie. Phone 1718 If or call at 1595 South High St. 51dt5 H. B. 8EAGROVE FURNACE AVI sheet metal shop moved to 681 Mil 8L : . - &l6i Lost and Fonnd 53 STRAYED OSE HOLSTEIN ; COW, Dee. s. Phone vx, A. x. Baraga, Tur ner. - - oeaio Lost and Fonnd 63 LOSTA GOLD BROOCH VALUED A3 keepsake. . Kindly- leave - at Sherman Clay Co, 24 X. High. Reward. 53d 11 Personal .55 HIZZ TREATMENT FOB APPENDICITIS Itrla-Woaderfol." Free, informatios Address His Co, Portland, Oregon. .' - ; . - Sels-1925 alone to Loan 57 TO LOAN 41000 ON C1TT PROPERTY Sea White, Home Realty Co., 169 S. High. SJ415 1 00 TO LOAN 7 OS SALEM home;. 3 to S yre. Borke ft He dricka, Heilig Bldj.. 199 X. Uich St. 67a22U CITT AND FARM LOANS Loaf time, low rale- interest, easy pay meat, lareatigata iur loan plan. PEkRLNE MARSTEKS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. - S7o29tf MONET TO LOAN- -oOi, p. L. WOOD 141 8tate. 57o21tl WE CAN SELL YOUR MORTGAGE papers for cah. Call any time day or evening tip till 9 o'clock. See White, Home Realty Co., 169 S. High. STdtl Wanted Loans 69 WANTED $1250 AND $800 LOANS ON ' Salem reoidenee will pay 7. SOCOLOFSKY", 341 State. . 59dll WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN a rood real estate sieurity. W. H. ORABENHl'RST k CO. 175 Stato Rrreet. 69o91tl Business Opportnnttles 01 BUSINESS PROPERTY , Close in en N. High St., 82H13 feet with two houses, A REAL IN VESTMENT AT THE RIGHT PRICE. $15,000. SEE -US TODAY. W. H. GRABEXHORST t CO. 275 State St. 61dl3 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT SEVERAL FIRST CLASS ORO eery and confectionary atores for sale. With or without real es tate. Terms on name. TERMINAL REALTORS Terminal Hotel Lobby.; 6ld9tf TT1 IT ITTTTTT1 TI I' IT 1 'IT T T TTTTTT ROOMING HOUSE Well located near the High school, 1 rooms in good condition. Price $10,000. W. II. GRABEXHORST A CO. 275 State St. 61dl3 Real Estate 63 Own Your Home TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Good hoose snd large lot, some fruit, For 81000. Worth a good deal more See Childs k BechteL Realtors. 540 State Street. 63d8tf A REAL LITTLE HOME It's north, has all built-ina Is only $2600 A ts irdown psyment and $15 per month Phone for appointment No. 240JJ B. F. Sttfflcr, 1962 N. Capitol. 3dll GOOD VALUES! t Good G room house, with full basement, fireplace, fumsce. hsrd-weod . floors, gsrsge, located in North Salein. lriee a7tLO. Terms. Small 4 -room house, with basement, sewer, lites. water, garage, 5 blocks from Price S1400. Lart 8-room house on V. Capitol. 2 fire-ulaee. strictly modern. Price 96000. Psvment down, balance terms. New 4-room house, basement, bath, light; water, only $500 down. Price S3500. Located -Norm commercial. Good house 4 apartments 4aenient, gas. baths, furnace, and etc, elose in oa Summer St. Price S6000. 5-room house in North Halem, paving paid, bawment. - rrtce $26a0. KRCEGER, Realtor 147 1. Com l, Phone 217 CSdll GROCERY STOCK For sale, doing good business, on tbe Pacific Highway, an oia esisiMisuea location, $2300.00 will handle tflis. C. M. ROBERTS, 147 N. Com'l, , Phone 217. 63dll GET ONE OF THESE SMALL TRACTS 6 acres with 90 bearing apple trees i: acre black cans. 3 acres straw Der- ries. no buildings, fine land on good read. Only 6600, easy terms. 8 acres bearing prunes, 3 acres bearing peaches. $1500, good terms. SALEM REALTY -CO.,- 462- State St. Phone 14MJ4; Residence Phone 400. 63dl2 WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE I 30 cleared, fenced, harri, want resi dence or-smaller .tract. . 4 rooms, nook, strictly modern, new, stuccoed, hardwood floor, $3250, terms. 1 sere, modern 6-room- house, bearing frnit, very good view, want cheap residence in south Salem. Priee $5900. SOCOLOFSKY, 341 State. - 63dl0tf INSTALLMENT BARGAINS $ 500 Large lot, 50x200 feet locat ed on paved road just out side of City limit. $25 dewn, balance ten dollars per month. $ 200 Lot 50x138 'feet located in the Kay Addition, 35 down, bel. ance $10 per month. $ 600 One half -acre located on N. 2 1 st St. near Market, $5( ' down balance $10 per mouth. $ 900 Nine-tenths of an acre . locat ef South outside of city limits. $50 down, balance $10- pet month. $ 500 Two good building lots, ont fronts on paved stivet aad cai - ; line, pavement paid. $1 down, balance. $10 per month. $ 250 Ut 55x140 feet located on Rural At, near 8. 12th St. 810 down. $10 per month. $1350 Ten acre treats located 7V miles South of Sslem sad two miles from paved -road, i $50 down, balance ten per month. ' This land is - ideal for fruit and berries of all kinds. Al ia cultivation. - -$ 200 Lot 50x100 located in King .wood Park, 85.00 down ' and 85.00 per month: Interest b per cent. We Write lire In sure nee. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING - EARLY. W. IL GRABKNHOKST k CO. : Realtors.; - . 573 Stale St. Phone 15 ' 3dl0tf DO YOLK CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY. HOME AT BVROAIX PRICES S 950 Two-roonv home located on S Cottage 5. Elec'trkc lights. sink and toilet. $100 down, balance monthly. $2650 Five new 4-room homes with fireplace hardwood . floors. built in Dutch kitchen, bill It in-a-Dor Murphy bed. paved - . street near school and bus BUY 'NOW. HAVE THE' AD- 1 VANTAGE OF SELECTING f YOUR HARDWARE AND FIX- TURKU, CHOOSK YOLK U - PAtVT ''-.-FINISH. ' BOTH IN TERIOR' AND .EXTERIOR. Price $2650. each SJjO, news, halanea 835 bar month. f8400 Attractive. 6-room borne 1 well . ' located - and , modern ia every way with hot-water-heat.' Some terms. -SfcK vs- at umc .... We Write FIRE INSURANCE. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. - ""''- -"' - Realtors. - -.?':' "tiS State' Bt,"---- ''"' r' "N -i' : 83dt3 1.nsK IX INVESTMENT - . Lun earner with tan-room borne lo cated oa -too corner of N. Liberty and Center Sts. Price' $16,000. IT'S A BARGAIN FOR SOME ONE. W. H GRABEXHORST Ac CO. :.2T3.Stt St . , . , 88418 83 WOODS BARGAINS Good 6-room plastered bouse, large cor ner lot. bath, street pared, room lor twa more bouse. 2850; also seven room Modern ' bungalow With aoaae furniture. 3750.00. , . t I rest booses. . - F. U WOOD,. 341 Stst St. 83411 FURNACE SMALL NEW HOME. 4 rooms, basement, eto For sale, $3600, complete, reasonable terms. Immediate possession. Berke A Headgicks, 189 X. High street, Heilig Bldg. 63d6tf PPPPPPrPPPPPPPPFPPPPPPfiPPPPPP pppppppppprppppppppprrprppppp p pp PP 5 acres, north, 1 acre oreh- PP PP ard, 6 -room modern bungalow. PP PP furnace, electric lights, pres- PP PP sure water aystem. Most PI1 PP beautiful eoontry home-around PP PP Salem. $7000.00. Part caj,h PP PP or will take a good Salem rei- PP PP den re as part payment. See PI' PP PARKER REALTY COMPANY PP PP 409 U. S. Bank Building. PP PP Phone 2242. PP PP " ' C3dl2 PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPtPPPPPPPPPPPPPPI' PPPPPPPPPPFPPP! PPPPPPPPPPPPPP WHY NOT A HOME IX SALEM WITH Ira it. . gartea, - berries, - poultry, a cow eno room for the kids to play I 7-roo plastered house, fireplace, basement, bath, etc, 8.x large lots. barn, garage. poultry house. $3800. House, garage ana pounry aonse witn lots. sss-o. Terms. Owner 849 Rural avenue. 63nl4tf IF A house rents for $35 per . . mo n ui and you can nay it with two fine lots for 830OO. what rate of in teres t would you get un yonr money I YOU Will like this, ii looking for a smaU farm. 18 acres with good improvements, only 7 miles from Salem. Some equipment, $5000 will trade. CAN Sell a six-room pla&terrd noose with part basement, for $1800. $200 down. balance like rent; fruit trees. NOT Anything like having a new lolly-modern 6-room bun gslow of your own. On a paved street. A garage. easy terms; fasoo. SELL Yonr farm through our of nee. ... , . . TOUR Own home may mean hap piness for you. A fine 5-roont modern house for $4200. or will trade for a small frm. . .' . PROPERTY In Salem is like money in tbe bank. Buy a 6-bun galow court with an in 'come of $210 per month x'rice sie.oou. . i.r.1 sour money earn money Buy a house for 22j0 and rent it for $25 month. Easy terms. Nice grounds. US ually, we can furnish what yon want. Whether to buy, sell, or rent. TRADE Your house in town for 5 acres set to young or chard. Good buildings, Good location. Price - $3000. IT la a wtseTnsn who buys home. A 7-room plastered nouse tor seao. ULRICH AND ROBERTS. Realtors. 122 N. Com'l St. Phone 1354 C3dl0 LARGE LOT ROOM FOR TWO HOUSES, paving paid, sewer in street, $1000. A anap in a trade of 8 acres and good home In Brownsville for 5-room bouse in Salem. Beautiful country property for $6300, will trade store for lease or sale, well located. Gertrude J. M. Pge, 492 X. Cottage St. 63d2tf EXTRA-BUY 6 ROOMS, ON ALLEY, 4 blks to Capitol; 3 garages: $3000.00. BEST BUY 6 ROOMS, double con struction, fireplsce, hdw. floors, built-ins.-aook, fruit, garage, cloe in, fur nace, 85250. UNDER CONSTRUCTION FOR TOU 4-5-6 room, from $-4550 to $6500. IiOT EAST 60 ft. front, 1 blk school. Pavea, $700. . WINNIE PETTYJOHN 216 Ore. Bldg. 3d6tf SEE THESE FARM BARGAINS 84 acres all good farm land,: lots of clover. Fine bungalow, barbs, snd other good improvements. Fine farm for dairy business, fully stocked and equipped. Will sell at Sacrifice. 100 acres stocked and equipped with 60 acres now in fall grain, fair buildings, this is a snap at $100 per aere. SALEM REALTY CO., 462 State St. Phone 1004. Residence Phone 400. 63011 FOR SALE 'Good 5-room house. North Salem, base ment, paved street, price $2650, terms. 2-room house, on North Cottage St., corner lot, near Jason Lee Church. Price $650. New 4-room house, paved street, break fast nook, full cement basement, fur nace. Price $3500, 8500 eaeh. Nearly new 5-room bungalow, located at 1885 Fairgrounds Riad, vacant now, price $3200, $300 cab,- balance to suit. KRUEGER, Realtor, 147 N. Com'L Phone 217. 63dlQ INVESTIGATE THESE 10-room Duplex House close in for improved seresgs. B-room bouse, 2 - fine lots, rsrage. ouu tor aereage. 9 room modern home elose to Univer sity psved St., garage far close is seresge. lfcO-acre fsrm near La Pine, bids water. 20 acres In cultivation, 82000, eiear and seme cash for Salem resi denee. PERRISE MAR8TERS 212 Com. Club. Bldg. 63d3tf HOME REALTY SPECIALS Ko. 626 For Sale New 4-rown house en Highlsnu Ave., lot 60x100 Price only $1600. terms. No. 485 For Sale t-room honse, 2173 Slate St. Remodeled and newly paint ed and decorated, new garage, i acre ground, 54x231; -worth $3250, take it at $2450, terms. No. 252 For Sales t-reom new house oa Hall street. $2000; pay $300 down, rest $13.00 per month, bargain. No. 672 5-room bungalow oa Hickory St. Hot and cold water. Price $2600. Terms. No. .634 For Sale 5-room houae on Broadway, lot 43x130. Price $2950, terms. No. t59 For Sale 5-room modern cot tage. Laurel, at only $2 100. Make . your owe terms, .-i - No. 421 5-room modern bungalow en Leslie bt., foil basement, fireplsce, snd furnace, nreakrast- book, rnee STOOO, half ea.h. Terms. This is exceptioa ally good. See WHITE HOME REALTY CO, 163 & High Telephone 1718. 63dl0 DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING early and should yon find the "FOR DAD" sign on anvthing except cheap neckties and survive the shock eome in and buy her that beautiful modern home, seven rooms, beautiful interior and a rloae ia location for only S680n and we'll arrange and keep it dark if yon ve oaly a small sum to part with; or something in a 5-room honfo with baaemeat and fireplace for only 8260U or vomer hmz on - pleasant . Summer street like i rooms wkh everything . strictly . modern for tsoOU: or- mt thing good . and new and modem bat nor quite so faacy close en Church . with a big lot and a deuble garage far f47rf a easy terms er ix the ign -was rigav weuia it give ya too -much ; plessare -to slip, the- deed to a real $15.000 ' home close on Summer into her Christmas stocking: or wkile Tou'ra still I kinking bove-mnch you owe bar aaa wnat a ornto yon ve oeea way not rise above the sordid city aad got a beautiful improved 3-acre home on a near by averleoking kill . for - only .. fi3dv. - - - MeGILCHRIiT PEXyrSGTO ; 309 TJ. 8. Bank Bids. Phono 140. Real Estate . . - 63410 63 PREPARATORY TO REMOVAL I shall after, the last fail quarter block n the top of Fairmoont hill unim proved, or. will divide ia two tracta of 75x150 each. A aiagnif icieat view of the Cascades to the east and the Polk county hills to the west. Partiealarly desirable and away below the market at evidenced from actual sales made on surrounding like properties. ' 1 would - Like to negotiate with parties who appreciate the hill sites. Also offer two lota at 22nd and t street and two. lots at 14th and Cross in Oak Lodge. Ala away below the current prices. The properties are all clear and can give terms. Also Will lease my house farnjshed early in January, and offer my office equipment aad lease to some Realtor and initiate the buyer advantageously. No phone information. . If interested esll in person. Wm. Fleming, 3tl State St. . 3d3tf PPPPPTrPPPPPPPPPl'PPlTPPPPPPP 'PPPI'PPPl,PPPPl'PPPPPPrPPPPP"p TP PP PP 14 acres. mile from citj PP PP limit. House, barn, rhick.-n PP PP house, green house, shop, ga- PP PP rage. 3 wells. MU sell or PI PP trade for city house and lot. PI PP Will ell or trade 4 acres with Pp PP buildin-s. PP PP. WHAT HAVE YOU! See PP PP PARKER REALTY COMPANY PP PP 409 I'. H. Bank Building. PP PP Phone 2242. PP PP 3dl2 PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP1 PPrPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP RINIT? VALUE MODERN 5 ROOM a ! nt... .aul t wn mm at fMnt lt. each 50x133 at D and 22d streets; ce ment basement; lota high and well drained; chicken house. Lots will divide into A of ample site, one facing pavement on D and 2 facing 22d street. All for 84000; easy terms, or will take less and keep extra lots. I ffcfllK' Five-room bungalow with flre- wm plsce and modern eonven ieneea. also dandy little-plastered 2 Too ib house with toilet, eity water aad slectncity; ground 92x144; well lo tated; all for $320O. Larger rents now for 830 and smaller for 816.00. Pboves, beds, etc., included: Buyer avid occupy one snd rent the other eery practical. . TR FOREGOING ARE SPLENDID values and in order to secure the best service two-thirds commission will be paid to any licensed broker making aale. HARRIS Masonic T.mnla Phon 795. 1942-3 . - 3dl0 A GOING FARM ' 60 acres -rrot& in. plowing done. acres wheat. 12 acres oats, 8 oats and vetch. 8 acres clover. Teaml all iui plements, 5 rows, r 2 heifer eslves, two O. I. U. tows, chickens good e-room honte, good barn full of hay All in very best condition Close to Salem It a hop land. Possession at once. Might take good new bungalow i trade. See B. P. 8TIFFLER, 19fi2 N. Capitol, . 63dl PPPPPPPPFPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPf PPPPPPPPPPTPPPI PPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PI Large house with an income PP and ten lots well located to ex- PP change for modern suburban PP home. See. PP PARKER REALTY COMPANY PP 409 U. S. Bsnk Building. PP Phone 2242. PP 63d 12 PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PPPPP"PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP LOOK Fine 40-acre farm well improved, near Salem, trade for good modern hom , or grocery store. 25 acres bottom land, $t000. Trade for cty property .or small tract 40 acres good timber 'on pared road, 7".fK) pr acre. .We have a good 175-acre farm near Salt-m to exchange for so eastern corn farm. , THOMASON, 331 'a State Street. ' GSdlOtf A. C. BOIIRNSTEDT. 147 North Commercial Street. Upstairs. , Salem, Oregon, rail til for FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIFE INSURANCE. Phone 577. C3d6tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ppppppprppppppprrppppppppi ppp pp PP PP pp $4500.00 $1500.00 DOWN. PP bslance easy terms, buys new PP. tile and stucco store and new PP 4-room house in good location Pp bringing sn income now of PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP' better thaa 13., FP,8ee PP PARKER REALTY COMPANY PP v 409 U. S. Bank Building PP' ' Phone 2243. PP". " -63dl2 PP " - PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP7TPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP GOING TO BUILD THAT NEW HOME? ALRIGHT, GO- AND SEE A. C. BOHRNSTEDT, 147 North Commercial, Upstairs. He wtll be glad to help you. 63d0tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP 30 acre. 6 miles eat of Sa- PP PP - lent. Good house; 3 chicken 1 Good barn. Will sell PP PP on terms er will trade for city PP PP property. AH under plow. PP PP ; What have yon 1 See PP PP PARKER REALTY COMPANY PP PP 40 C. .-Bank Building. PP PP Phone 2242. TP PP V - 63d 12 PP I'PPPOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPI'PPPI PPPPPPrPPPVPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHPI LOTS LOTS LOTS ' A tip to the wise. Buy a -vacant lot now, and double yonr money in a few months, here are a few. Dandy corner $275 cash. Two large corner lots for SHOO. One on Marion 8275: One on N. Church for-8300 or five for $1260. Many others , that sre in ideal loca tions, that are priced right, with terms For choice lot. see Child k Bechtel, Realtors, 540 State Street. 63d8tt A. C. Bohrnstedt Victor Schneider Realtors Specialise- in Oregon farms, 8lem homes and write Insurance. 147 No. Commercial Street. Phono 577. 83n3tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP prPPPPPPPPPPPPr PPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP. ' Many choice farms snd close PI I'P ia arreaira iust : where you PI' PP. want it to exchange for city TP PP property. See PP PP . PARKER REALTY COMPANY PI PP 409 L S. Baak Building. PP PP, .: Phone 2212. PP P 63d 1 2 PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPt' PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Real .Estate Trades 63 $1500 EQUITY IN NEW HOUSE- IN Portland, to trade for lot or acreage in or-, near Salem. Pbon owner 2319-K. C 65dll PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPT PP PP PP TRADE TRADE TRADE PP . ' ' ' PP We have booses in the follow PP ihg placea to trade for your ba- PP rp pp pp PP lin-hm Portland:. Eugeaa; PP Corvallis; MeMinoviNe; Silver- PP too; Woedbam;. ML- Aage); PP Newberx: Canb: Dundee: pp pp pp pp PP. . Sheridan: Seaside; Hilb-boro;' PP PP ForeU Grove; Hoed Rivr; PP PP- Dallas: Jetfersoa; Grants Pas: PP PP Lobaaon; Springfield; Enter- PP PPf' prise: Tacoma; Spokane; Nam-' PP PP" pa, Idahar Boiae, -Idaho,- etc, PP PP. Many of these will also take PP PP : nearby acreage. PP PP See , - . TP TV PARKER REALTT COMPACT. PP PP 408 U. 8. Bank Bail ding. PP - V -rM 833. FP FP - ' 3Mf PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Real Estate PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPtPPFPPPPPPPF Real Estate Fanes 67 THE BEST SI-ACRE FARM: la the valley near 8alem for the price, $8800, terms. See Childa A BechteU Realtors, will tell yon all about it. 540 SUte Street. ' 67d8tf 45-ACRE FARM 3 MILES TOWN. 5- room house, bsrn, silo, rest dairy poultry ranch, only $3750,. year terms, 35 acre dairy er poultry ranch im proved, $2,500, terms or city- prop erty. -.. Salem residence for close ia ranch.' or aaywhere. Clear Washing ton land for equity ia Valley farm. BARBER, 200 Gray Bldg. 67oUtf Wasted Rent Estate 71 FROM OWNER 4 ROOM MODERN house. Address 970, care' Statesman. 71dl5- Aatomobfles Wanted 77 EikerAutoCo. We pay essh far Fords- T7mlltt Caed Cars for Sale 70 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX A Wonderful Buy FORD 5 wira wheels ood rubber Lot of extras 980 down Balance $15.63 per month. Fred M. Powell Motor Cars 350 N. High. PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX 79dt0 GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR less. Why pay morel Money back guarantee. Scheqjar Auto Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front. Day phone 81$. Night phone 503. 1085 N. Commercial St. "Built to save money." 79jl3tf PETTYJOHN'S RED TAG SALI GOES MERRILY ON 1923 Star Touring $340 00 1925 Star Touring 495.00 1924 Overland Touring 395.00 1984 Overland Blue Bird 545.00 1923 Font Touring 275.00 1920 Velie Touring 250.00 1922 Chevrolet Touring 195.00 Late Model Hudson Speedster, all dolled up 875.00 - 1924 Oldsmobile Sport Tour ing 59j.00 1925 Otdsmoqile Coach 825.00 New Overland Six Coach run only s few hundred miles, lots of accessories (At a Bargain.) Ford Coupe - 200.00 We also have many more for you to aelect from. Come in and look them over. Cash, Trade or Terms. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 865 N. Commercial St. Phone 12C0. 79n28tf PIKER'S USED CARS 1924 Touring $345 1924 Coupe $438 Ford sedan . , $350 Our usual guarantee behind all cars. EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street st Ferry. Phone 121. 79Jl8tf Vick Bros. Used Cars 1 1925 Overland Six S Sedan. 1 1923 Willys Knight Touring. 2 1!2S Overland Tourings. 1 1924 Chevrolet Touring. 1 1925 Ford 'Coupe. 1 1923 Ford Coupe. 2 1932 Ford Tourings. Several other cars of various makes frotd $50.00 np. These rsrs are in A-l shape and carry our New Guar antee Plan. f Vick Bros. Willys Knight, Overland and Oakland 79dl3 TWO NON-STARTER TOURING FORDS with license. $to end $5o. Too much service in these ears- to wreck. Both in good running condition. EIKER AUTO CO. Phone 121 79j11tf SALE ON GUARANTEED FORDS Prices Cut To Meet 1926 Conditions. 1922 Conpe, nw paint $250 192 4 Kdster. plate glass closure. llasslers, and Rustel $315 1925 RdMtcr. balloon tires, only 3 mos. old $330 1919 Touring, battery and gen erator, thia car is well pre served - $ 95 1919 Delivery wi'h steel panel bodv. which alone is worth $175 new paint , $ 60 1020 Touring Starter and all ....$185 1921 Truck Starter snd pneuma tic tires , - ...-...$175 1922 Touring Remember, thia ts gtitrateed $173 1923 KdMer. -A snap S. 236 19J1 Touricg L'.cd very little $285 Valley Motor Co. 79d9tf HARMON LOCOMOBILE CLEVELAND , . Mac DONALD AUTO CO. Cottage k Ferry Sts. Phone 409 MacDouald used ears sre good. You can have reasonable terms here. We have tbe right car at the right price. It yon are tn the market to buy a good used car I would advise you to look oar exceptiaaal good cars over first Our motto "Right Car nt Right Price." We have, decided to move our need ear stock and now is your opportun ity as we have placed oar January prices on all used car. All our cars have been reconditioned and must oe seen M be appreciated. Get in on this sale. Prices from f 100.00 lo $3000.00. Buy now Save money Prices Bight. . MacDONALD AUTO CO. , M ARM ON-LOCOMOBILE CLEVELAND i i --'.'. 70dl8 1926 LfCF.X8E WITH EACH OP - THESE CARS: Franklin . Chevrolet, 1922 ... Stadcbaker. 1924 , $485.00. 200.00 . 790.00 175.00 Oakland. 1919- Stadcbaker Sedan 3CMJ.OO Hupmobile, 1921 J5 ti Dodge Touring . 250.00 Ford, 1924. lots of extras Lv... ij.ou CERTIFIED rtBLHr MOTOR CAR , MARKET- 355 3T. Church 8L Pkeae 685. TSdlOtf Classified Busmess Directory Of Reliable Business and Professional Firms Arranged in v Alphabetical Order for Qick Reference AMBULARCB GOIJ)EN AMBULANCE PHOSES 609 aad 888-Tt. 1T or nigBt servieo. net! AUCnONZERS F. V WOODRT i Salem's Loading Expert Livestock, .Fur niture and Heal catate sucussm Anpraner Rea. aad Store. 1610 N. Summer Street. Phone 511 For sale lmta -stabliahed Since 1916 eetf H. F. WOODRY k SON Expert Livealock, Furnitara, Real Es tala, aad Merchandise Auctioneers. 18 yeera' experieBce. 'Satisfaction Guar anteed. Office 271 N. Com'l Tel. 7. Rea. 996 S. Commercial, TeL 164S-W for sale dates. ACCOUNT ANT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor. 831 State. Phone 2098-R. - f a!7- 88 gaBBBBanBaaavKBCBBi BATTERT - AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON . EX1DE BATTERIES, starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. ' CWdlaroO Phone 198 COURT ST. JOE WILLIAMS BICTCXES AMD- SXPAIBIRO LLOYD E. RAMSDEX COLUMBIA Bi cycles and repairing. 387 Court. BRAKE REIiDTDTQ ' MIKE PANEK 275 SOUTH COMMER- eial St. Phone 102. l CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-428 SUte. - s30tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phone 838-R or 87. H. B. SCOP I ELD. PALMER CHI ROPKAO tor. 928 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKING MRS.- C. E. MILLER. HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10. ever Mil ler's Store. Phone 117.- ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC building. 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SLPPLT Co., Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty, FLEENER ELECTRIC XO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimate furnished. Phone 980 171 Court St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET TnE BEST farm paper send- 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem,' Oregon, for a three months' trisl subscription, Mention this sd, .. - - POULTRVMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest Journal ia the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest (o - the poultry breeders of the Northwetit Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com- mercial street. Sajm. Oregon. FINANCIAL FOR SALE- FIRST AND SECOND Mort gage, Trust Deeds. Contracts on house W i'ill net 6 to 30. BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High 8L Jl tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY TO loan on good farm security, CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money oa city residences and business property, st 6W, plus a commission. Hawkins k Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. ' d 14tf FLORISTS FERN'S. CHOICE ROSKS. GLADIOLUS, petannials, - shrubs, weeping-birch, iris, e . Bennett Nnrsery Co., Fairground Road. Tel. 1280. ' , sl5, 26 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, funersl wreaths. - decorations. - U. t . Breithaupt, . florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 380. INSURANCE ; Insure Tour home or ear sow Phone 161 BECKE k HENDRICKS, Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. jMf LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDR Y COM PAX Y 263 S. High street. Phone 25. oldeM. larg est and best. Established 1869. rRY.THK HOME WET WASH LACNi dry. Phone 171, 1350, B .Street jl"tf CAPITAL CITY LAUe- DRY Phone 16o. Service with a amlle. UtnltJ von. t?14 Bmsdwav: - jltf LUGGAGE COWHIDE HANDBAGS - Very Special, while they last at $(5.40 - MAX,, O. i BUREX, . 179 N.- Com'l 8t. LADIES' TAILOBIKO i. H. mosher; TAILOR FOR MEN ana women, in iein r. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co 1190 North -Capitol. Called for and delivered. AH work narneed Phone IP. f!9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAEN BALM COUGH REMEDY aa-- mm- S- . , ' ' I IHIBH rt t - v MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL PIANs; PH0S0 graphs. sewing marliinea, sheet music, and plana studies. Repairing phono graphs and tewing machines. 433 Slats street. Salem. - , i . - General Markets" j POUTLANP Dec. ;?-5Portland Dairy Exchange:. Butter,, extra 50c; etan dards 49c prime first? 4 8c firsts 4 Sc . , hit-v . - '. -. ,T Eess: Extra8v45c; firsts 43cr tulle tn 40c; current receipU 38c; undersizedv32;'': : k b'' ; roKTLJvNDVSHia.-41IaT Buying prices; Valley" .timothy; 17 . 19; do ' eastern - Oregon, nominal; - altalfa I itl9lS.50; clover I IT; oat, hay $15Ci lp; oat and vetch 117.50; 5straw$7f50 per toii. sciiius prlee 4 a ton iuote. " " -' ' ' - . . .. .'. " ; MUSIC STORES TRADE YOUR OLD sYIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Branswiok.- H. U SUff Fnr- REWtPAPEBS THE PORTLAND TEfGRAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 5f CENTS per month delivered to your bow early each morning. Tel. 23 or 53. MURSEBY STOCK FRUIT. NUT -AND SHADE TREE8 -Pearey Bros, 178 S. Commereial. ' PHYSICIANS AMD SURGEONS GEORGE K. VEHRS. M. D. Phyaieiaa Bad Surgeon. Diseasea of wonsen. obstelrvs,- surgery. ' -411-41. i U. S. Bank Bldg Salem, Office tele phone 615; reai draco telephone T7S. : .. . , ..... ; - oMf .., PACKIMG AMD STOP PINO x FOR EXPERT FURNITURE1; PACKING and shipping, call Stiff's .Furniture mm'l?T!u mi Kn""1 f mV r'nri PAPEB&AKOIHO AND PATRTIMO' PHONE GLKXN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper-hanging, tinting, etc. kellshlo workman. ' v ' ' PIAJTO TTTHBRa EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piaao tnaer. leave orders Will s Mnsie Store. PSIHTTNG FOR STATIONARY., CARDS, PAMPH- lets, programa, books -or any fcind ol printing. Call at the SUtesmaa Print ing Department, 213 S. Com m err U I. Tel 583. Plomhlng PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsber Bros, 141 Liberty St. Phone SSO. flt RADIO SPLttDORF RADIO, SALES AND ; ; SERVICE a -Ko better radie mad at any price QUALITY CiRt . High aBd. Trails .' - RADIO DOCTORS -SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. 8. BARTON, Proprietor Masonia Tempi Pkaa 1100 Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Purs . AU SUadsrd Sixes af Bsdle Tbos ; IK EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court St Phone 4 REAL ESTATE - IP YOU HAVE -PROPERTY TO SELL ' or if yen ar looking far a horns, fsrm or business property, ee-ti. BKCXB - HENDRICKS C. S.shrd'oa TOslshrdlnoaTmospicmo' 189 N. High St., Heilig Bldg. j8tf KEAL E STATS Phena 2 1 T. 147 N. Com'l St SCAVENGERS CITY GARBAGE CO., REMOVES A LI kinda trath and garbage by the .vl." or- months- reeaonable ratea. Offieo phone 35, 157 8. Commercial, rss.. phoue 2290w j , FOR GOOD SCAVENGER SERVICE Call 167. Salem Scavenger,. Cummins awl Trotter. 3if SECOND HARD GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing snd shoes. Best prices paid. -Capital Exchange. 342 North Commercial. Phone 1368-W. ' - STOVES AND 8T0VR REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sixe' 26 to 68 in, bigh. Paint, oils and varnishes, et., loganberry on.l . hop hooks, . Salem Fence and Slove Works. 250 Cenirt street. Phone 12. . - TRAH8FER 'AND HATUNQ ' ' ' TRAN8FER , AND HAULING OP ALU kinds. Phone 19F3. , , - WE MOVE STORE AND SHIP HOUSH hold goods. Our specialty ia piaao and - furniture moving. We aWe make eouiw try trips. We handle the best coal aal wood. Call en'tts ior prices. We give - good measure, good quality aad goo. I service. Lsrmar Transfer Co. Phone 93. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phone 933. Distribu'jBg. for- Wardlag-and storage our spesiaky. Crel our rates. --: ' : WATER--- - SALEM WATER, LIGHT k POWER CO. Office 804 South Commercial St. Ten. per .cent discount, on domestic flat rates paid 'in advanco. Ko deduction . for absence or any cause unless wster ia shut off your premiaes. PARKER 8TAGE LINES ' AXNOL'NCIXG IMPORTANT CHANGES . ia the Sslem. to MeMinnville Time Schedule Effeetivo Sept, 15, 1925. AM. PM. PM. 2:10 . 6:15 3:25 6:8S 3:45 -T:45 4:25 8f25 Salem, -Lv., 8:30 MeMinnville, Ar. " ;4S,' MeMinnville, l.v... 9:15 New berg, Ar . 10:25 -am: Newberg; .. MeMinnville, Ar. .... : MeMinnville, Lv. 7:20 Salem 8:43 " PM. 1:15 1 :5S ?;40 8:55 PM. 5:15 5 :5- 6:4 8:0't CHARGES IS. THE SALEM DALLAS -. ! - . SCHEDULE Leavbg Salem for Dallas: 7. , 11:S3 ta. mii2il 0.-5:15 p. n. Leaviag Dallaa for Salem: 8. 9:50 a. m.. 1. 3:10, 6:15 p. m. f,.' i ii! fWif"r!"'1 wform,rlon. : - Baker S'ew and unexpected 9 foot vein of copper ore found la Mother Lode mine, x . fntur: Wheat, BDB; hard white, December $1.5; January $f.C. Hard white, BS Da art, December, January $ 1.65- Soft white.' Deceni berV January $1.65. Western white December. January, S1.65. Hard winter, December, a Jnuarjr $lJJD, Northern spring. December, Jan uary " $19.y , Western red, l)e cember, January $1.59. r .Oats: JCo - 2t 36-pound white feed, -December. January, $30; No. 2, 3 6-pound . gray, December, January. $30; ' ; , ; Barley r Kb: 2, 4 G-pound,- Do ccniber, January;" $3f; 44-pound, December, January $31. : -? orn: No. 3. EY shipment, De cember, January $35.50. . MlilniBJ staudard, Dacenber, January $30.60. , 0w""aaaaBaaaa., Snauu eiaa HAL .'I i.- --i POBTtANU, MwX t--Orsui - t' I" " AvsVJ astiias,).i'.;- .0 .7