The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 09, 1925, Page 12, Image 12

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Would Spend $26,000 ! to
Deepen Willamette and
Yamhill. Channels
1 Farther Improvement : of the
WiUathette arid Yamhill rivers be
comes possible "under, recommen
dations made " to - congress by
.Major R. T.- tioiner, engineer of
the first and 'second Portland dls
trlcU. K -Expenditures oh the Willamette
above Portland and on the Yam
bill amounted to 20,000 lor the
last fiscal year?. .Tnto.l to Te In
creased to $22,000 iter .the present
year and i 121,009 la asked for
1927. The, project provides ,. lor
channel 'deepening "from "Portland
to Corvallis, on which $1,120,000
has already, been Bpent.
. 'Engineers at Portland bate rec
ommended that improvement on
the Yamhill fiver above Dayton,
Including the operation and care
of the Yamhill lock and Sam, be
abandoned because of apparent in
difference of the .people of - the
locality A toward the developmtnt
nf ial watnr.hnrM traffle
v The -program ; recommended o
congress covers all navigable Ore
gon coast rivers and harbors, ana
some Inland streams. ;
car at the four eorner.a on Turner
road. .
-A Tor d' :tourlng belonging ; to
M. Bearing of 1435 West Waller
street was stolen from a Salem
location. It was recovered some
time later near the location of the
theft by Officers James and.
Three cara were reported stolen
Sunday, and ;two were - recovered
the same day. Oregon City. police COUNTY NEWS IN ' BRIEF
phoned that a Hudson . coach, li
cense number "61-873-was stolen
fro mthat city. ' The car belongs
to 11. M. Martindale of Oregon
City. '
Adolph GJatt t Woodburn ; r-
ported that his Chevrolet touring
was ' stolen from . down; town
stret In Salem. Later state traffic
officer RInehardt recovered the
r,f tf
Give TTiem a Savings Accduftt
Can you think of a Christmas present that will fur
nish more constructive good to your youngster than a
Savings Account? .
Savings AccoirntJiere at the United State&SNationifc
" m m ; A.
provides jiranite enjoyrneju.
Hang'. Savings Book on. the tree for each of your
youngsters this Christmas. i ,
United States
National Bank
Salem.Oregon '
(Coatlnn4 t rtm pass )
Road district 26 held a special
road meeting at the Crawford
school . house "Saturday. A four
mill tax was voted for to place
gravel on the side roads.
Miss Lillian Dynett spent
week at borne. r, t .?
Ed Marten and family, of Lew
iston," Idaho, left here for Califor
nia Friday the twentyTseventh.
Mr.. and -Mrs. Henry Barnett
spent the recent holiday at the P.
Bear hcftne near Crawfotdtille,
KoXer, i secretary of state. ' ( ,
Public 'bearing . on .the budget
will be iheld at the courthouse on
Monday, December g 8. 'V :. This
hearing! Is fo rthe purpose of per
mitting the tax payers of . the
county .'to ratify the budget, and
should " be attended by as many
f rea holders - as possible. Don't
overlook the necessity of ratify
ing the court's action in provid
ing,' for 4 a county agricultural
agent . and 'Boys and Girls - Club
leader. " , i
Scotts Mills
, !Tbe Auburn Community club
held the first meeting ' for the
winter, Thursday evening, Decem
ber 3. at the school house. Rev.
W. D. Blodgett Was elected presi
dent and ; Mrs. - Murray 'Johnston,
rice president ; Mrs. I ' J. Ayers,
secretary : - and treasurer. :, Lloyd
Lee was appointed t chairman of
the visiting committee; Mrs. Mur
ry Johnston, ; chairman of , the
urogram committee. .The .next
regular meeting will be held Dec,
18. v v, . . ,',
Mrs. J. Hugg Is still confined
to her bed, being very weak from
the loss of blood, from a ruptured
bloOd vessel, Thursday.
'About three ' thousand pounds
of beans of the Martha Washing
ton 'variety, 'have recently been
threshed here, having been raised
on the Jj Hartwell property. Mrs.
Hartwell 'was formerly Miss Mor
rison of this place.
Kathleen Llnbeck was pleasant
ly surprised when twenty six of
her schoolmates came in to spend
the evening Friday, laden with
cakes and other good things to
eat. W
Miss Leila' Armstrong secretary
treasurer of the Hayesville Sun
day school district council of re
ligious education, has completed
the mailing of the programs for
Sunday December 27 to be given
at the Keiser school house
Mrs. Gladys Perd, , of Seattle,
spent Thanksgiving ' with her
mother, Mrs Hugh. Magee.
Mr. and I Mrs. Dave Delano of
Portland tisited relatives here the
first of the : week. i '
Mr, and ; Mrs. Allan Bellinger
and small daughter were visitors
in Salem "Wednesday.
Mrs. W. P. Shutt, Mrs. R. A.
Lawrence, Mrs. j E. R. Lawrence
and Mrs. George Haynes were in
Salem shdpuing Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hogg and
daughter DoHs visited relatives in
Salem over Thanksgiving. ,
Shirley Dunagan returned to
Corvallis Sunday evening where
he is attending O. A. O.', after vis
itlng his folks here over Thanks
giving. !
The R. N. A. club met Wednes
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Vina Losinger. After the business
meeting and general good time,
refreshments vere served.
'Mr. and MP3. Almond Rich and
small son Visited relatives in Sil
verton Suhday;afternoon.
Hugh Magee and W. T. Hogg
were in Salem Wednesday pn busi
ness. ' '. ' ' ;
Meirle Scott drove to Woodburn
on business Thursday.
. .. .r3 L I
ZJ" S jS r. C i -
f4'4 ' - ill ' I B
Mrs. L. E. Hennis has been re
modeling her house this fall.
Report comes that Mri and Mrs.
Ivan Hadley are installing a radio
in their home. .
The ladies of the W. C. T. U.
were right, royally, entertained by
Mrs.. L. E. Henntes Wednesday.
Most of the members were pres
ent and a most pleasant as well
as profitable day was spent. One
In the absence of the regular uilt s, 'made for a member that.
pastor, Rev Blodgett preached 'l '
Sunday afternoon, using as his M. andMrs. Willi Massey and
theme "Not flowery beds of ease, th?lr tw0 Wren of southern Ore
but scars There was a good at- K0n arrived here last Tuesday
tendance at the services and Sun- evening. They had traveled nearly
day school, and plans are being three hundred miles by auto. They
made for a ; good program to be wiI1 isita few days with Mrs.
given the last Sunday afternoon Massey's, parents before returning
before Christmas. to Klamath Falls where Mr. Mas-
Winiam Smith has been exca- eyia 'an employe ln the Iost oI
rating1 a basement under his cot- ice
tage. . The county health ! nurse. Miss
C." Swanson has been complet- Strode, visited Cloverdale school
infe the enlargine and remddelinr lTuesday.
of his residence.
Electric Ranges
December 7 to 12 Inclusive
Miss Murdoch, Factory' Representative, will conduct a demonstration
of Universal Electric Ranges at Halik and Eoff's daily until Saturday night. ;
The Public Is Invited
To call any day during the weejrand se the many advantages of the
Universal. American housewives are' rapid! v changtng to Electric Rookery
which retains the flavorjn food which. canriritbe s retained in any other way.
Jiist aj feu l items listedrto show our
special low ;pricen:
fed Nibler was In Portland on
business Tuesday.
Mrs. L. P. Gleason . and son,
Wayne,1 went to Garibaldi Monday
for a short visit.
Jack Bflde and brother-in-law,
George ' Connor bad : their . tonsils
removed by Dr. Dowd Monday
morning. They are recovering
Adam Weisz Is quite ill from an
atack of rheumatism.
; Josech Frahler visited In Port-
land Monday.
L. P. Gleason returned to his
work at Cochran, Monday.
Betty Cutsforth Is 1U with ton
siiitis. Jake Bingham is painting the
front of his store.
The Maytag salesman has ' been
demonstrating here, this week.
Martin Dietrich of Portland
held the; 'number,. which won the
blanket given by the Sacred Heart
school Wednesday.
Mrs;5 Ret ben Cutsforth was ill,
on Tuesday.
. Cloverdale school has almost
100 per cent attendance for two
months. Have but one day absence
in that time.
$25 Set Aluminum
With Each Universal Ordered During This Demonstration
M a 1 1 k "& -Eoff Electric Shop
Phone 488 ' ' 337'Cdurt
'A beautiful "Jacquard Velour in Rose
and Bi'own icoVered Dav-,r flfi fifi
enport to sell at
Fireside ? Chair, to matcK
to sen at
Blue and Taupe Jacquard Velour covered
-to sell at J.'. i
A Rose ahd
to sell at
i tTaupe Mohair covered
i $98.50
-Blue and Taupe Velour covered :Daven-
' port to sell ,1 .
An" exceptional Value in - a Davenport
cbvered riir Rose and Taup CQ ft fl ft
Jacquard to sell at...i:.-.:.. 0f UU II
Chair to match
to sell at -
Come in and make your selection from one of the
;i t " largest itock m' the aty,! - : - -
- j-
i . ....
Buy on .
Weekly r
" Paymeiiti
We will make Delivery at anytime
See Our Wiridows
340 Court Street
I "Member ' '
use m.
, -We.
4 :V
Truth'ln Advertises
The meeting of the Polk county
court, acting as a budget .commis
sion, . with the .three members
selected from the' free holders Of
Polk county, had a Very busy ses
sion a week ago- Monday. The
tax levy wUi be : Within $300 of
the six percent limitation and will
raise for all county taxes, $253,-1
O00, exclusive of state taxes.
. This will - make the taxes
throughout the county a little
more, but in aa much as 'the- bud
get tor the City of Falls City was
cut about 25 -percent -this year,
and there as a material reduc
tion in : the ? levy f or school dis
trict No. 67. -those, of us who live
In Falls. City will have somewhat
lower taxes than In 1925.
The appropriation made : tor
Polk county's share of salary and
expenses ' for . county? agent and
Boys and Girls Club leader., was
12500, Including a Ford car.' The
balance of the amount needed will
be defrayed from federal and
state funds. ? Hon. I. Ii." Patter
son of Kola, was chairman ot the
committee from the member clubs
of the Polk County Federated
Clubs, and--With, about a doten
other club i representatives 1 pre
sented the -need of this work in
a very convincing manner. .
HJ Manner Smith, president ot
the Bank of Falls CitTt Ira Powell
president - of the First National
bank of, Monmouth and C. W. Ir
vine ' president of the : Farmers
State bank ot Independence were
the members of the'Dadget com
mittee. t
'The members of the' 'Dallas
Chamber of Commerce enter
tained the tisftofa at their Mon
day -noon r llnchtebh; 'the 'Speaker '
J - fiH-
v : - ;-5, J-
tv .'-' 'h- ,-i ' y- , - c:-v-v.v. vf??.--
, jXnNX nXvNXVX . W V . - "-
The Shop-o-scope brighUns Christmas ekics
by showing everyone tchat to give, 7tchere to
get it, arid how io make holiday shdpping dol
lars gn farther "than they ever hare before,"
It's a real service for you!
Shop -j-scope? :
Ifor tho occasion being Sam. X,;