V THE .OREGON STATESMAN,- SAy3M. OREGON WEDNESMYMORNING, 'DECEMBER 0; 1925 11 i I Union Roater Malt C.R 8 CNIOJt KO. 280 PVeYldeut V a llT Kb.n " .a lbur-! wscwurj. . w aw-w V-P J7T?Rf "OCAtV UNION NO. 1C 9 D Kr;- U' f- K"5 eoeretery, d.V a . ft k;oU,B' B- MT'8 CSU WO. 1063 u Tkure. evening. Arthur Tuck- Lodgd Roster Ftt.A."Rh?.5?EB O EAGLES. Wi M. Wlllett, See'y.- Tel 889-R. '7 KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS MEETS AT tV.tep,i H.n ,w, Tueed.y evening. "'' ""n, a.. el b. 8. tf (Continued from pat 10) V ; an : in teres tin g V collection of pic tures and pottery before the civic art club during her stay in Mc Mlnville. atjthe suggestion of Miss Brentpn. head, f the art depart ment of Monmouth. .The MeMinn ville Civic club la sponsoring an interesting project which will vbe known, as the picture library by which means the patrons may avail themselves of the world's best pic tures for two-week periods. Thursday Club to Meet Mrs. Reuben- Boise. Mr nrn Ham Brown and Mrs. M. N. Chap man will be .joint hostesses on Wednesday far a meeting of",, the Thursday club at theBoIse-'home In the country, beyond Dallas. , "Louise and Pauline" Tindley, daughters "of Dr. and1 Mrs. 'M:- C. FIndley. speht last-reek-end in Portland with . their r -brother, Dwight Findley. They were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Day. . .. . , . . The ladies of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church' of North Sa lem will serve a chicken dinner in St. Joseph's auditorium On Che meketa and Winter streets. Sun day, December 13, from 11:30 un til 2 o'clock. The menu -has been donated and arranged by Mr. Kat Eivalis of the Oyster Loaf restau rant. Mrs. F. A., English and Mrs. Marie Smith have general charge of arrangements for the dinner, with 'Mrs. E. A: Pruitt having charge of the dinner. The pro ceeds will be placed in the build ing fund for the new school in the St. Vincent de Paul parish. Every one is cordially invited to the din ner. v " . : Members of the Leslie Can-Do club will meet Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at Leslie hall. . i ; ' . AIL the4 members of! the Wom antgj Jeaetit Usociationiwho are expecting .-.to attend the rally in Albany on Thursday," , December 10, are asqed to be at the stage terminal at, 6 pm. ' 1 y:- :-; '.' ' The Royal Neighbors will held their bazaar on Saturday, Decem ber .12, at 'Allan's Hardware store on North Commercial street. ' Barbara Frietchie tent No. 2, Daughters, of Union Veterans of soemm the Civil ' War, will meet, at 8 o'clock' this evening at the armory. Election of officers will take place v at this time. ' The Odd Fellows :wlH .meet in IOOF hall Wednesday evening, De cember 9, for their annual home coming. All Odd Fellows are in vited. . - . Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Rob ertson entertained as their, house guests' over the week-end their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Robertson. v V The Sweer Briar duff wltl meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs, E. o; Moll on the Wallace, ,roa2F St. . Paul's Guild of the Episco pal church will sponsor a fancy- work: sale each Saturday from now until Christmas. The friends of 3Irs. J. II. Olin ger will be pleased to know that she is at home following an oper v at Ion performed at the Deaconess hospital and Is now doing nicely. SILVER BELL circle to meet 10d ,No. 1 wheat, white tl.53 No. 1 red, -sacked White oata Gray eats ... Barley 1.46 . .40 , At . .80, PORK, MU T t OyA30 TSXET - Top koga , i. .n ...... .11 Sowa- fi . j..-. w Dressed koga - ' -V... - Top atoera .0SO.06 " 2.00 4 00 - tows Bulls SOH Rpring lamba,' 8Q lbs. and aader .11H Hearier .. , Dreaaad veal ... . ..... .14 POX3XTRT Light kens i5gir 20-2 J ' .40 161S .24 r .2a Heavy kana Old rooster a - Bmilera Tor key a ..- Uto docks Dresaed dncka Lire feM Dreaaed geeaa nua wrrmw awn KUTTERPAT Buturfa J... ;- 54t.S5 ( Creamery batter S; r.iet - l v Stsndarda m . " -- electa i . 1 Milk, par ow. 4 , . S.44 ATM POtTXDS W1XS PRIZE SPOKANE, Dec. L Weighing 4 so sounds and with a margin of 116 pounds- over her -nearest competitor.. Mrs. A; Curtis of this citv todav was declared the win ner of a $10 prize awarded by the Chronicle for the city's heaviest Published every mora ing (except Moa. day) at Salem, the capital f.ttregea. Local Rates For Classified "Advertising Daily or Sunday 2 eaata per word 5 rents per wont One time ' Three time c . . ; pi auv mi o mil pas wvrw 1 mc daily Bad Baa. 20 eaata ar ward a eenta par wora - Ia order to cara the mora than one ttaia rata, advertisement nut ru is consecutive issues, t .-...,.,. N Ad. taken for taaa than 25 eaata. Ads. ma Sunday ONLY charged at one-time rata, r-.. , Advertisements f except Personal tad Situationa Wanted) will be taken iver tha telephone it the adTertUar ia a subscriber to phone. Tha Statesman' will receive advar tieementa at any time of tha day or night. To insure proper elatsifiee tioae ad, ehould ba ia before 7 p. m. V TELEPHONE 23 OR 583 Money to Loan '" On Beal Fitata " V T. K. FORD (Over Ladd ft Bah Bank) BEFORE YOU LEAVE TOUE BOMB OR CAR HAVE IT Insured Properly Phone 1 SiBeck Hendrlcka, Eeillg Bids., 189 N. High St. . 4-28-tf ADVERTISINO HOSEST ADVERTISING Thaa col-1 lima mmt be kept free fromanythins t of questionable nature. Mkarepreiea- j tationa will aot ba tolerated. Injfor aaatioa showing any- qoeationabla in-; teat oa tha part of the adTortiaer : ahoald ba reported to thia newt- paper-or the Salem AB Oiub. Automobiles 8CHEELER AUTO. WRECKING CO, win boy yoar old aar. 1 Hifhaat cask pile paid. 1085 N. Commercial St. Ijl3tf SALEM AUTO W&ECKJXO ,CO Wheela, Ttrea, .Kimt, -rYndenr -f . Half Pncf ap4 Leu , Parta for all cara.1 each for' did ears.; 402 BV Cbasbr pboaalSlStt 13tf '. in ,U. i l,...w SEE US FOR TOP, AND PALHT WORK. O. J. Hull Aato Top and Paint Shop. Rear Fire Department, -tvl ' 5al6tf Help Wanted Female 13 GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR hoaaework. 250 South Cottage. 13d 10 WANTED TWO AMBITIOUS WOMEN for outaide work, foil or part time. For information adjresa 627 Corbett Bldg Portland. 13d9 Wanted Employment 19 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work, phone 19F3. , 19ml4tf WOOL GOLF HOSE CHILDREN'S - sport bose. knit to order. Haad knit tin?. Phone 1778 J- 19a30tf For Rent 21 FOR RENT GARAGE, Church. S32 NORTH 21d9 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BT 7", wordmf "For Rent," price 10 eaata each. - Statesman Buaiaeaa .Office, oa aronnd floor. For Rent A pat tments 23 1 3 ROOMS FURNISHED. WITH GARAGE, light and water, 818. 412 N. 2 1st. , . 23dl0 3-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. Pmata bath.' S 20 with water and light. 705 Ji. High. Vail 1851-W. Zdl3S NICE FURNISHED APARTMENT 690 Union. . ; 23d9 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BT 7 wording. "Kooma to Kent." price iu eonta each. Stateamaa Buaiaeaa Office, ground floors - RENT CUT 137.50 TO 830, LARGE 5- room flat, suitable, bnaineaa people, teachers, aurses, etc., warm' and clean and right down town. Ranges fur nished,- immediate poMoasion. See 66fl H Ferrr. Becke Hendricks. 188 fS. High street, Heilig bldg. Phone 161. 23d6tf For Rent Rooms ' 23 WARM ROOM CLOSE IN. PHONE 25dll 585-W. ROOM FOB) RENT IN MODERN HOME threo blocks front atato noose. Ail eanvenieacaa. Gentleman preferred. pitaa give references and addresa A. B- care Statasmaa, . 25j?8tf FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOB student, wua sleeping posea pnTiiegea. EvetrrthiaB moderns Kl euircd. Address roonv caxo. fiutcaman. 25j28tf - - - For, tent Houses 27 a.ROaiStHOUSE ANDt fccARAGE. 1395 x. tjortare. in ixv J. . X- ill- B ROOM HOUSE 19TH1 AND "CENTER Sta. . 830 a month. . ronariazj . . i 'k FOR RENT 5-ROOM NEW HOUSE. ALL modern. 7 rail- casement. t orn-e Urtk S30. take it at $2j. See White. Homo Realty Co4 169 8. High. 27U FIVE; ROOM HOUSE FIREPLACE, furnace, and pipes lor gas. vioso in. Phono 2044-W. - . - 87nl$-U FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE, SOUTH Twelfth Good location, near acnooi. Only 815. J 8e Myers, Homo Rea Ky Co ies H. uign. 27dP4 -a FOR RENT FURNISHED Modern! Tito room cottage at 16Z0 Ktata street, .a em awnrr at honso today. Rent reasonable to right party. . . v 874S-tt FOB RENT NEW ,5 ROOM MODERN koaae. Including 13 acrea wen equippea for chicken bnsinesa Inside of city limits, a dandy place. Only. 830.00 per ...ill 8m White, t Horn Realty Co., I9 8.' Hick. 37411 For Rent Farms 29 I HAVE SEVERAL- IRRIGATED FARMS for rant. r. K. . aomrnson, nrner. On.. Phone 9XX. - 29altf Wanted Misccllaneosis 33 WOODRT THE .AUCTIONEER BVS ased furnitnra lor easa. raw on. PITRNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP- . Oiaaa-Powar Furaituro Oa. ' . ' . 85s20tt HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED v atorea, tools, furnitnra. Stiff's Used Goods Dept, oppoaita eonrt house. - r .-....r . 85m22tf riciT PATH i FOR FALSE TEETH dental gold, platmnm aad . diaoardad 'jewelry. Hoke Smelting and Refinery Co- Otaogo. Uieaigaa. , ' . - 85iS8 SELL US YOUR USED FURNITURE H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. TJaed Good DrpL, oppoaita court bouse. . 85m2Utf nr anted PRIVATE MONET FOB farm loaaa. Wa kavo aeveral applica tion an haitd.-' Hawkiaa Roberts S : Iae 205 Oregon Bld. . . : 414U For Sale 87 FOR SALE No-, 1 family cow at a bar- tain. Call 2008-j. ... ? 7-- FOR SALE TRUCK, GOOD REPAIR, L ..ii. . dl... itine.w a l ,77.p 37 RECEIPT BOOKS-12E 3 BT tft 6(1 receipt iurma ia book, 15 eaata par book or wb far 2S eeata. 8tateaaaa ff ice, 313 SwU CoaiBarelal 81- S teau . v - -' - - S7f2Stf TRESPASS KOTICKfl, 6IZE 14it INS, priatad oa food 10-oanta ramvatt, bear lag the wwrda. VNotica Ia Hereby Oivea That TraapaaaTaf ia trictly ferbiddoa On These 'PreiBieea Under Penalty of Proaatiua." Price 15a each or 3 for 25e. r aUateinaa Pub. Co Saleaa Oraron. - a7ati POR&80X, J PIX)WS AND DISK EOl aaia. J. a. tiiatt. ut. l. esn. FOR BALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, TEk ceata a b untile. . Circaiauoa department Oreroa Stateunaa. J7tf For Sale Livestock 89 FRED W. LANOE. VETERINARIAN Office 420 8. rommareiaL Phone 1108 Rea. Phone 1666. R9m28tf Wood for Sate 43 16 INCH MILLWOOD, f 3.75 pER LOAD - 4 loada 14.00. Pbont 1879-W. 43j5" 4 FOOT GREEN SLAB. $3.90 PER CORI 16-in. dry mill. $4.50 er load, dry fir and oak. Phono 1879-W. . 43a8tf COMPLETE FUEL. SERVICE - TELEPHONE 1S55 HILLMAN FUEL COM PANT r -j 43a21tf SALEM FCEL TRANSFER. ?5 Trade Street. Wood, Coal, Briqneta, Traaafer aad Uovinf. Phono 529. ' - ? ' " ' , ' -43a20U WOOD, DRT. SAWED ANT LEXOTH HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 - . 43n2IU BRIQUETS THAT LEAVE NOASBXS HILLMAN FUEL CO. . - ' 43?21tf 16-INCH SLABWOOD PER LOAD. 12.50 16-iaea 2nd fir oer load. 83.75; 16 inch old fir oer load. 84.50. Prompt doUrary. Tel. 2313. Tracy Fael f ard. 1007 D Street. 43a22tf WOODSAWINO. PROMPT ASIV CAREFULLY. HILLMAN FUEL CO. ' 43a31tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD . 4 ft. aad IS lack. ' Dry mill wood. Green - mile- wood. - Dry second growth fir. . Dry 4-ft. ash, and , oak. . . . 1 FRED E. WELLS. ' "T ' J 1 - Prompt deKvary and reasonable 'arieea. 80 SoothlChurch..Phon, 1542. 4(13U 18-lNCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH ak and a ah. rum li S. M.. u. May field, ' ' r ' . 43tl8t GOOD COAL DRT WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL 0 0. TELEPHONE 1855. 43j29tf COAL ALL THE BElTF.R KINDS HILLMAN FCEL CO. PHONE 1855 43n21 Xursery Stock 49 ST RA BERRY PLANTS FOR SALE. ET terburr, 121. Phone 75F11. 49dl2 Miscellaneous 51 HEATING STOVE WITH PIPE. GOOD as sew. Phone 44F11. 51dl0 FOR SALE GIRL'S BICYCLE. 1980 Ferry. Sld9 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING A N S repairing. Gieaa-Powara Fornitura Stora. 61a20U BOSTON TERRIER, MALE PUPPY. FOR aale Mcely marked, aired by flake a dog "Nifty. Dam was aire by Wheatlands Jackie. Phone 1748-R or call at 1595 South High St. 51dl5 H. B. SEAGROVE FURNACE AN1 abeat metal shop moved to 681 M J St 31a64 Lost and 'Found 53 LOST A.GOLD BROOCH VALUED AS keepsake. Jvinarv leare at snerman Cla A Co.. 244 N. High. Reward. . ' -. . 53d 11 Personal 63 HIZZ TREATMENT FOR APPENDICITIS Is-Ia-Woaderful." Freo . informatiot Address Hiss Cov Portland, Oregon. 5Sa1S-1985 Money to Loan 5T TO LOAN 1000 ON CITY PROPERTY See White, Home Realty Co.. 49 8. High. - . ' ' 57dI5 81200 TO LOAN 77 ON SALEM home; 3 to a yrs. - nacae & tien dricka, Heilig Bldg 189 K. High SI. . . i 67n22U CITY AND FARM LOANS Long, time, low rat interest, easy pay meat. Investigate our' loan plan. . . FERRINE A MARSTERS V 212 CommereUl Club Bldg. . - - - ; 57o29tf MONEY TO LOAN 5H. F. I. WOOD, 41 mate. , - 7oain WE CAN SELL YOUR MORTGAGE papers -for cash. Call any tunc' oay or- evening up ill 9 o'clock. S White, Home Realty Co 169 8- Hicl- 57dl5 . Wanted Loams'? 9 WANTED PRIVATE WOSEYJjOLpX "IwTh. rahcst3 tor- - 878 State StreeO V ' S9o81tf Business 'Opportunities 61 SEVERAL 'FIRST CLASS GROCERY and confectionary stores for sal. it a or .withnnt real estate. Terms oa same. . TERMINAL REALTORS Terminal Hotel Lobby. ' 61d9tf BEST BUILDING SITE IN SALEM Located oa Pacific Highway and MiU Creek, large lot. Trees. Priced right. TERMINAL REALTORS. Terminal Hotel Lobby. , . Phone 696. ' 61n25tf Real Estate 63 Ownt Your: Home: ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppppppppprppppppppp pp PP-x FOR 8 ALE ' PP aPP 8-room modern house with PP PP breakfaat . nook, North .aide. - jr. - PP Well located. Pipelesa turn- PP PP ace, garage, 84500,, 500 wiU PP PP handle. PP JP fins . - 1 ' PJ PP PARKER REALTY COMPANY PP PP 409 C. S. Bank BuiMina 87J0 .PP PP . - Phono 22. ' PP pp -' 63dia PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Trt r-LOSE AN ESTATE -c ' Good boasa and large lot, aoma fruit. For $1000. Worth a rood deal more. Pee Child Been tel. Realtors, 540 State Street. ".. 63d8tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP pHTFfpPFPPPi'PrprprppFPPPFFPP pp . trr F-P ' . FOR SALE - .PP PP New modera 6-room home with Pt PP breakfast nook, fireplace, built- -PP PP in! I anfinished. Buyer can .P PP pick hia own finish. Ia wall PP P? located. Close to Parrish Jnn. PP PP ior High. f3800 8700 trill PP PP handlo. - , v ,PP pp - See ' ' 1 PP PP PARKER REALTY COMPANY PP PP 409 U. S. Bank Building S-714 PP PP , Pbona 2245,, PP pp '. . ' . 63.110 PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Fortunately the details ot erime are not so bad as the headlines For Sale C3 ' ' WOODS BARGAtNS ! 'Good 6 room plastered house, la rye earner- lot. bath, atref ta pared, ruom fvt two BBOre hooare. 28ut; also . aesea- 'irooai modera baagalow . with - soma faraitare. 83750.00. 1 rent hoosea.- F. L. WOOD, 311 State St. "' -' " - . . 3dU PURXACE SMALL. , NEW HOME. 4 KBt, btsnumt, eta rot ule, 93GOO,tf eampitln, reaceaabla tertan. Immediate poaaesaioa Becke k Hendricka, 189 N. High street, lirilij UJdf. 63d6tX WHY NOT A HOME IN SALEM WITH trait, garden, berries, poultry, a cow aad room for the kids -to playt 7-room plastered bouse, fireplace, basemeat. bath. ate. Six largo lota, bant, garage, poultry houae, $3800.' Houae, garage aad poultry hen is with 3 lots, 32'K). Terms. Owner 849 Rural arrnae. .. 63al4tf ! IF A house rants for 835 per . - . month and you can buy it with two .fine lots for f aooti, wnat rata ot in . , . terest would yon get oa your money rv , ( YOU Will like this, it looking- for a small farm. 18 acrea . With rood improTemeota, , . only T miles from Salem. Some - eonipment. 85000 will trade. CAN Sell . a six-room " plsatered bouse with part basemeat. for $1800. 8200 down, balance, like rent;, fruit - trees. NOT Anything like having a new fully modera 6-room bun galow of your own. On a , . payed street. A garage. Easy terms; (3600. - . . . . i SELL Your farm through our of fice. ... - Y0UB Own home may mean hap pinesa for you. A fine ' a-room modern house for 84'J00. . or wiU trade for a small farm. PROPERTY In Salem ia like money in the bank. Buy a 6-bun- galow court with aa ia- rome of 8210 per month. Price 816.000. LET Your money earn money, Buy a house tor '.'2au :, and- rent rt - for 825 1 a month. Easy terms. Nice ' grounds. US . -ually we can furnish what you want. whether to . J buy, aell, or rent. TRADE Your house in town for 5 - acrea act to young or . chard. Good buildings, ' Good location. Price 33000. IT ia a wise man wbo buya a home. A 7-room plastered souse for f .i6;0. TTiRICH AND ROBERTS. Realtors. 122 N. Com'l St. Phone 1354 63d 10 LARGE LOT ROOM FOR TWO HOUSES, paving paid, eewer in atreet, 310OO. A anap in a trade of 8 acrea and good home ia Brownsville for 5-roora houso ia Salem. Beautiful country property for 86300, will trade store for lease or aale, well located. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. 63d2tf EXTRA-BUY 6 ROOMS, ON ALLEY, 4 blki to Capitol; 3 garageaf 83000.00. BEST BUY 6 ROOMS, doable con struction, fireplace, hdw. floors, built ina, nook, fruit, garage, close in, fur nace, $5250. UNDER CONSTRUCTION FOR YOU '.. 4-5-6 rooms, from 84550 to 86500. LOT EA8T 60 ft. front, 1 blk achool. . Paved, 8700. WINNIE PETTYJOHN -216 Ore. Bldg. ' 63d6tf SEE THESE FARM BARGAINS 84 acrea all good farm land. Iota of clover. Fine bungalow, barns, "and other good improvements. Fine farm for dury business, fully stocked and equipped. Wilt sell at Sacrifice. 1004 , acres stocked and equipped with' 60 acres now in fall grain, fair buildings, this is a snap at 8100 per acrev ":. SALEM REALTY. COl. 462 State St. Phono 1004. Residence Phone 40. . .......... . 63dll FOR SALE . . , Good 5-roora bouse. North Salem, kase ment. paved street, price 82650, terms. 2-rooia bouse., oa North Cottage St corner lot, near Jason Lee Church. Price 650. New 4-room bouse, paved atreet, break fast nook, full cement baaement; fur nace. Price 3350O, 8500 cash. Nearly new 5-roora bungalow, located at 1885 Fairground Road, vacant, now, : price f3200. 8300 . cash, balance to . auit, ' t : , KRUEGER, Realtor, " 147 N. Com'L " Phone 217. , - - . , 63dl0 PADDIQH SCHOOL SECTION 1-11111 Moat central aad pop alar residence location. Beat of fine new homes rapidly filling thia loealit Very few location left at any price. Tha following are yet available to early buyers: . , 85250 New, modera, S rooms, big aa , finished attic, E atreet near Capitol. built by owaer, bast construction. 82350 Fine lot facing east oa Capitol hi shadow ot big oaks just north of old Parriah home: 43 feet frontage: 12- foot alley makes- practical frontage of 5 feet; 15a f eot long. .. 88000 Fine corner 75x125, Lamberaoa aad Capitol; row of ornamental trees; choice, roomy, beautiful. ,. 11650 Fine corner 50x125 facing eaat oa Stewart a Shade atreet; price covers new paviug u and everything. All aew fine komaa auraosndiag. "d beauty. 157505 Jarga rooms' new; modera: aost coastructton: 960 Fairish' street: just east of Summer; lot 60x160; poor Beaiia require owner to naova. All cask 85.500. Half cask 35.750 13800 New; 2 story; full cement base ment;, a rooms aad large aleeping porch; half block: south of Parriah school. . . 15500 REAL SPANISH STUCCO .Baa galow; Parriah Grove Addition, aeen di rectly down Shade atreet from Capitol; a aew - standard of construction for houses of this typo. Now under eoa atruction. Examine it thoronghiy. The foregoing are aplendid vahiaa and in order to aeenre the beat terviee, two-thirds eommissioa will ba paid to J wwuwvw vrwKer iimsj imib, HARRIS ' Uaaonie Temple Phone 795. 1942-J . INVESTIGATE THE8E, 10-room Duplex Houae close ia 1 for improved acreage.- 1 S-roota hoase, 2 fine lota,- garage, 34000 for acreage. . ' ' 9-room modern home close-to' Univer sity paved , St garage for ' close ia acreage.. . - . . ? . ' 160-scre farm aear' Pine, bldrt. water, 20 acrea in cultivation, 32000, clear and noma cash for Salem , rear , denee. - PERRINE MARSTERS -212 Com. Club; Bldg. . 63d3tf , - ,.HOME REALTY SPECIALS No. 626 For 8ale New 4-room: house on Highlsad Ave- lot 60x100 Price only 81600. terms. No. 485 For Sale 6-TOOm'kouaa. 2173 , State St. Remodeled and -newly paiat- ed and derorsted, new garage. 4 acre gTound. 54x23 1 ; wortk S3250, Uke it at 82450. terms. - ' No. 853 For Sale 4-room . aew hooss oa Hall street, 82000; pay 3300 down. Teat 115.00 per montn. narearo. - --w No. 672 5-room bungalow oa Hickory St. Hot and cold, water. .Price 82600. Terms. -. No. 634 For Sale 5 -room house oa Broadway, lot 43x130. Price 2950, term a. No. 659 For Sale 3-room modern eot- tare. Laurel, at only 32400. Make Tour own terms. No. 421 5-rooor modern bnngalow en ' Leal ie St fall bssemcnt. fireplace an furnace, breakfast nook. Price 87000, half cash. Terme. Thie ia exceptioa- any gooo. -- . - See WHITE ' HOME REALTY CO. 169 a "High , Telephone 1718. 63dl0 Tillamook will raise a budget of IfilStSST by'taxatlon in 192$. r.el Rotate 1 " : Real EsUte .m 63 ONE ACRE AT SALEM HEIGHTS, SEAR store aad school, f500. Oa ery easy vraa'v-- ; ' .'. 4 room koaso, city water, electric lights. $800, 4100 down, $l per mo. Modem .S-room homo closei in. pared street, full basement, furnace, atatioa ry tuba, garage, and nice lot. Price 14230, one-half eata.. . See J. jli iMiLLB. 331 SUto St. , : - j' . 63d9 'TTTTTTTTTTTTTT. T -. .i - A - t T GOOD BUSINESS IX SALEM DO- T T ing from 830.00 to 6150.00 a dar T T to trade for equipped farm near' T T Salem. - f. T T Uood aix room modern houae and 1' P rrare. 8650 10 eaah. balanro ' T T 825O0.0O like rent or will Ibsr T T 81000, difference on another hoie. T T 3-yJ.OO month rental for store T T with lease. - Garage, - wareheuao T T aad apartment. Stock at invoice. T T . Good businesa bat mutt hare out- t T , dpon Fork. , -: . T T Farm with .timber to trade for T T Salem property, i . 'f T - . Furnished eight-room kouta. new ' T T on half acre including prirate T T water aystem from apriug. Price T T S12OO.00, 830.00 eaah. T T - i - TERMINAL) REALTORS V T Terminal Hotel Lobby. 63dtf T T . i T TTTT' PREPARATORY TO REMOVAL I shall offer the last full quarter block on the top of tairmount hill utum proved, or will divide in two tracta- of 75x150- each.- A magnificieat view of tha Cascades to the east, and the Folic county killa to the west Particularly desirable aad away below 'the market aa evidenced from actual, sales made on . surrounding r , like properties. would, lika .to negotiate with , parties wbo appreciate the hill aites. Also offer two lots 'at 22nd and D street aad. two lota at 14th and Cross ia .Oak Lodge, ' Also' away below the current prices. Tha properties are all - clear and can. give terms, i Also will lease my boasa furnished early in January,1 and offer my office - equipment and lease to aoma ' Realtor and initiate thd buyer advaatageouily. No phone information. If interested call in person. Wo, Fleming, 841 State St. ' 3d3tf A GOING FARM 60 acres crops in, plowing done, 25 acres wheat,' 12 acres oats, 8 oata and vetch, 8 acres clover. Team, all tm plements, 5' rows, 2 heifer calves, two O. I. C. aowa, chickens good 6-room honfce good barn full of hay All in very bent oondition- Close to- Salem It's hop land. Possession at once, Might take good new bungalow in trade. ' See B. F. STIFFLER. . 19C2 N. CapitoLr 63dll A. C. BOIIRXSTEDT. 147 North Commercial Street. Upsta irs. Salem, Oregon, tall OS for FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIFE INSURANCE. Phono 577. 63d6tf PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P $4500.00 81500.00 DOWN, BAL anee eauy terms, buys new tile and stucco store and new-4-room house in good location bringing an in come now of better than 12. See PARKER REALTY COMPANY 409 V. a Bank Building. Phone 2242. 63dl0 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP LOOK 5 acres with fair buildingA some fruit. cows, chickens and some trade for f 2500. Would trade for house and lot or 1 or 2 acres close in. Lot to trade for light car. 25 acres stocked aad equipped for $4000. Will take city property or small tract rloe in. acres close In. Price 32500. Terms 10 acres part in fruit, has fair act of buildings, good buy, 83000. Terns. THOMASON, 381 State Street. 3d6 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPTPPPPPPPPPPPPPrPPPPPPPPP'1 PP pi' 'P 84500.00 31500.00 DOWN, 'Pbalance eay terms. 'buys new' pp TP PP PP PP .PF pp pp pp pp Pr PP ' tile and- stucco store and new PP 4-room houe in good location PP bringing aa income now of PP- belter than '124. PP ftp. ...i.: PP PARKER REALTY COMPANY PP .409 U. S. Bank Building PP , " Phone 2242. PP , . 63dl0 PP ' " ' , PP pppppppppppppppr-ppppppppppp pp PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE f 4 rooms, ' nook, new, strictly, modern stucco constructed bungalow, north Sa lens. 83250, farms. 4 rooms. nook strictly modern, garkce, very close hC 83750, . $500 cash, bal ance $25 monthly. 5-room. strictly modem aew bungalow garage, winter's wood, 84400, . terms. SOCULOrTSKY. 3 State. . , j- f . OJ04H ' ' r-rr- 3i GOING .TO "BUILD THAT NEW HOME I - 4 ALRIGHT, GO AND SEE A. C. BOHRN8TEDT, 147 North Commercial, Upstairs. He will be glad to help you. 63d6tf LOTS "LOTS LOTS A tip to the wise. Buy a vacant lot now, and double your money in a few months, hero- are a few. Lanuyrner 8275 cash. Two large corner lots for SHOO. One oa Marion 8275. One on N. Church ior 8300 or five for 31250. Many othera that are fa ideal lo--tions. that are priced right, -with fsrn-s -"For choice lota, see Child -Bechtel, Realtors, 540 Stata. Street, i3d6tf A. C. Bohrnstedt . - Victor Schneider :;::;--Rdaltors: J , SpociaUxo Via Oregon farm, Salem komea and write Insurance. 147 No. Commercial Street. ' Phone 577. SSnStf " Real Estate Trades 65 SUGGESTIONS TO PRE-CHRISTMAS ? husbands Why not stuff 600 beaa and couple of cows aad 10 good improved acres worth 37 30 ia her stocking aad 4.oaaa. trade Tour town houae for it : ior. bow about a 8-aere improved place -where 'the high foga .float aad the fir tree .dark and high . makes a natural Chriatataa tree and worth 83250 and .yon can trade a house, oa it; or -why not trade a small tract -or a Portland property for a 400-aero ranch worth .A2O,0Oa with-good imprevementa and .100 acrea of . fine timber ' and , raise . reindeer for Santa Claas; or could you please yoar wife better than to buy her- a nicer home , and . what would be nicer shaft' to celebrate the yule tide ta your own beautiful borne and we iave it for yoa ail done up in a nice -' Christmas box and tied with blue rib- boni rooms' with beautiful hardwood floors throughout, and all ot the- built- in and fireplace aad everything to .make a kspsy household and right in the best part of town and. 3500 is the - - price and y yoa eso afford it. V !Mc01LCHRIST PENNINGTON ! U. 0. Baak ! - Phono 140, VwUVll ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ""ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp rf - TRADE TRADE TRADE PP PP . - - PP PP We have houses in the follow PP PP Ing places to trade for your 8a- ' PP n . i . n .i u . v . no PP Corvallit.; McMinnville; Silver- PP PPi ton -, WoodboTW v Mt. Angel; r PP PR i Nam berg tf Cnty;. , Dundee: PP PP Sheridan:1 Seaside! HUlsbOro; PP PP 5 Forest Grovo; Hood River; "PP PP 'xlrss: Jefferson:. Granta Pass: PP PP Lebanon t-arUkfield;. -Enter- ' PP PP prise: Tscoaias Spoksne; Nam- - PP PP pa. Idaho; ' Htoise, Idaho, etc . PP PP ' Many, of !- " will also take PP PP nearby ara.es 3 !',. ,- PP PP . Se. r-J- .PP Pf PARKETf REALTY COMPANY PP PP . ' 409 li.: i Bank Baildmg. -n "PP TP' - - Uaoae 2212. . PP m-w. E rpi'rppprpppi'prpppprppi'prpprpp e3 A REAL LITTLE HOME . ; It's' north, kaa ail built ins la only $2600 A fa irdowa payment aad $15 per month Phone for appointment , No. - 240d B. .F. Btiffler, 1962 N. Capitol. - - - - 63dH Real Estate Fanos ' 07 - THE BEST 61 -ACRE FARM In tha valley near Salem for the price, 88800, terms. . Sea Chllde Bechtel. Realtors, will fell yon all about it. 540 State Street.. . 67d8tf 45-ACRE FARM 9 MILES ' TOWN. 5- room house, bara. silo, real dairy 'r poultry ranch, oaly. 33750, your terms, 3 j acre dairy or poultry ranch im proved, $2,500, terms or city prop erty. Salem- residence for close in raach, or anywhere. . Clear Waahtng toa land for equity ia valley farm. BARBER, 200 Gray Bldg. STetStf Wanted Real Estate FROMs QWSER- -A ROOM MODERN kouao, Addresh 970. care Statesman. 71dl5' Automobiles Wanted 77 Eiker Auto Co. Wa pay cash for Fords. 77ml2tf Used Cars for Sale 79 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX A Wonderful Buy FORD 5 wire wheels .- Good rubber ' Lot of extras - $80 down Balance $15.3 per month. Fred M. Powell Motor Cars 350 N. Hirh. PACKARD HITDSOX ESSEX 79dl0 GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR loss. Why pay more T Money back guarantee., ScheeUr Auto Wrecking Co. Look tor -the orange 'front. Day phone 819. .Night phone 503..- 1885 N. Commercial, j6L,-, "Built to. aavo money." . . ' . . ' ; 79jl3tf TFT. PETTYJOHN ' S RED TAG SALE GOES MERRILY ON 1923 Star Touring 1925 Star Touring ..$340.00 495.00 .. 395.0O 545.00 .. 275.00 250.00 1924 Overland Touring 19S4 Overland Blue Bird 1923 Ford Touring 1920 Velie Touring 1922 Chevrolet Touring Late Model Hudson Speedster, all dolled up 1924 Oldsinobiie Sport Tour ing 1925 Otdsroobile Coach 195.00 875.00 59a.00 825.00 New Overland Six Coach run only a few hundred miles, lots of accessories (At a Bargain.) Ford Coupe 200.00 We also hsve many more for you to aelect from. Come in and look them over. Cash, Trade or Terms. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 365 N. Commercial St. Phone 12C0. 79n28tf EIKER' S USED CAliS 1924 Touring , ; 3345 1924 Coupe . 3435 Ford sedan , $250 ' Our usual guarantee behind ali ,eera. EIKER AUTO CO." . ' Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121. 79jl8tf Vick Bros. Use'd Cars 11925 Overland Six S. Sedan. . 1 1923 Willys Knight Touring. 2 1923 Overland Touringa. 11924 Chevrolet Touring. 1 1923 Ford Coupe. 1 1923 Ford Coupe. 2 1922 Ford Tourings. Several other oars of various makes froTu $50.00 ap. These cars are in A-l shape and carry our New Guar antee Plan. . - .Vick -Bros. Willys Knight, Overland and Oakland . 4 ; : ,. 79dl3 TWO NON-STARTER TOURING FORDS with liceaaa. 343 and 855. Too much aerviee in these cars to wreck. Both ia good ruanirrg condition. EIKER AUTO CO. Phone 121 -. 79j31tf SALE ON GUARANTEED FORDS Prices Cut To Meet, Vatinditiens. 1922 CoupeslSew'psInl 1924 Roster. , plate rlassr closure Hasslers. and7til;-f 3315 1925 Udsten bwllnon tires, only 3 raee ld'-t. 3330 1919 Torn-tag. battery and gen erator,, thia car is well pre served- ... . $ 93 1919 Dehvery .with steel panel body, which alone is worth 8175 aew naint ' 8 M lfl20 Touring Starter and all 8183 182 1 Truck Starter aad nneuma tic tires : $175 1922 Touring- Remember, ibis i .guaranteed - .$175 1923 Udster. A snap- 8235 1921 Touring Used very little 8285 Valley Motor Co. 79d9tf CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET . 353 N. Chareh St. " J. Phone 885. 1928 license free with each certified ?- --Car.-n' BUf NOW. WHY WAIT! Oar care are- guaranteed and priced 'to telL ". ' - 55 CARS TO SELECT FROM. Ford Coupe,.... , $290.00 Ford Conpo. 275.00. Ford Couoa 1 880.00 V I Hi rant Tanria . 450.00 Purant Roadster .1 , 385.00 Maxwell Conpe 675.00 V.aaex Tnurins .t . 480.00 . 79dl3 MARM0NLQCOMOBILE CLEVELAND . !' . MaeDOXALD.AUTO CO. , , - ' . ' '. - .. Cottage A Ferry Sta. Phone 409 HacDoaald ated eara are rood. Too ran have reasonable terms bera. We have the risrbt ear at the right price If torn arc in-the market to boy a good ased car I - would advisa yoa to look our exceptional good fart over firt, Onr motto "Right Car at Right Price." We hava decided to move our nsed ear stock and bow ia yoar opportun : ity ' as we havw placed onr Jaauary Prices oa all nsed cara. All our eara .have been 'reconditioned and rouat e aeea to be appreciated. Get in oa thia aale. I r Price from $100.00 to $3000.00. .-''-, -..'--.; --- ' - .. . - '-..' Bay sow Save money Prices Xligbt. ft -V MacDONALD AUTO CO. MAnMON-LOCOMOBILE-CLEVELASD ' . , 79di3 Real Estate- Classified BusirieilsyDirecrj - Of Reliable Business and Professidital Firms i Arranged in , : Alphabetical Order; for Quick Reference ; i j . AHB-OX&SCS GOLDEN AMBULANCE t-PHONES 609 aad M83-R. lay or night service, f latf AUCTIONEERS K. N WOODRY ' Salem's Leading Export Livestock. Fur aituro and Real Jbstate Auctioneer aad Appraiaer . , 1 Rea. aad Store. 1610 N. Summer- Street. - Phone 511 For Sale Date , ' Established Since 1918 o6tf H. F. WOODRY SON Expert Livoatock. Furniture, Real Es tate, aad Merchandise Auctioneers. 18 years 'experience. Satisfaction Guaranteed.- Offife 571 X. Cora l Tel. 75. Rea. 998 S. Commercial, tTeL 1843-W ' for ssle date. " - -' ' -' ' ACCOUSTAHT G. ED. ROSS,' AUCOUNTANT AND Aud itor. 83H SUto. Pkaae 8098-R. " alT-'26 ' BATTERY AND. ELECTRICIAHS ' R. D. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES, starter ajid generator work; 1T1 South Commercial. . Phone 198 COURT ST. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING lloyd e. ramsden Columbia bi- cyclea and repairing,, 3$7 Court. BRAKE RELIKINO MIKE PANEK 275 SOUTH COMMER eisl St. Phone 102. - j8tf CHINESE REMEDY : U L- DICK L. M. HUM j, Chinese Mediciue, Company Help any known 'disease. 420-426 State. ' r -. :i - ,f , - a30tf ' ' " ' CHIROPRACTOR " ' DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. Uigh.PbpBe 826-R or 87.. . . A Phpa 3, PAL? Ul ." l. H. B. SCOFIELD, PALMERCHIROPRAC ' tor. 328'Orerotf Bldg1 Phone ai94.'m5tf DRESSMAKING MRS, C. E. MIU.ER.! HEMSTITCHIXG, atamping, buttons. . Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. ' Phone' 117. ' - . ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC building. . Phone 1200. . ELECTRIC FIXTURES' AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. FLEEXER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. 1'hone 9S0 171 Court St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THJ! BEST farm - paper send 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial ' aubsenptien. Mention thia ad. , POCLTRYilEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special threo months' trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. The articles sod advertise ments are ot special interest - to the poultry, breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mereial street. Salem, Oregon. FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee, Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Wj i'ill net 6 to 30. BECKE HENDRICKS .-Heili BJ4g,. 188 -St liigk . SW jl-tf FARM LOANS -PLENTY OF MONEY-TO loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We' are. loaning Pru dential Insurance .Company money . oa city residences and business property, at 5hi, plus a- commission. Hawkins A Roberta,, lac, 205 Oregon Building. a-itit FLORISTS CUT "FLOWERS, FLORAL DESIGNS. Select .dahlias, while -in bloom. Ben nett Nursery Co., Fairground Road. TeL 128C. , H5. "26 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, Tuuerai wreatns, oecorstions. u. . Breithaupt,. florist. 123 N. Liberty. ' Phone 380. - ' INSURANCE Insure ' Year home or"ear bow " ' Phone 161 BECKE HENDRICKS HeilTe Bldg... 189 N. High St. Ittf LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY -COMPANY 263 8. High atreet. t Fhoae sa, oldest, larg est and best. Established 1889. TRY TUB HOME WET-WASH LAUN , dr. Phone 171, 1356 B Street. jlTtf ChPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165. Ifierrice -with - a smile. ;24 Broirttwsy. ruiDE Hand while they last at $6.40 MAX r o. BUREN. si 179 X. Com'l St. LAjJIES' TAILORINO d, h. MosnER Bailor fob men and women. 474 Court St. - ICATTRBSSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co, 1190 North ' Capitol." trailed for-and delivered. All 'work guaranteed "Pbooe 19. - fl9tf .. 1CZDXCAX. . . ' mountain; uaui cough. semidiI Phone- SX7-W. - , ' ' . H KUSIO STORES GEO, CWnJU PIANOS. . PH0N0 . graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, aad piano" studies. Repairing phono- graphs and awvng. machine. -433. State . atrmt. Salem..- . . I General llarkets .1 Dairy Exchange ', y PORTLAND, JSeCi,' 8'Butter, extras, 50c; standards, 50c; prime firsts. 48c; firsts, 48c K -Eggs, extras, 4c; -.firsts,-43c; pullets, 40c; 'carrent rece'lpts, 39c; undersized,1 3 2c i'-' - - ' X Hay. . . PORTLAND, Dec. S. paying prices: Valley timothy.J17 0 19: do eastern Oregon, nominal; : al falfa, 1 19fu$ 1 D..5J) : ; clover. $17; oat hay, $15 0 1; oat and vetch, $17.50; straw, $7.50 per ton. Sell ing prices, $2 a ton more. . - I Grain Futures -' .PORTLAND. Dec 8, Wheat, BBB hard' white,-December. $1.- f rVtllarrl 7 JOE WTLLIAMS .unai it wrnrtar. 31! : - LUGGAGE in COY MUSIC STORES TK-tDE TOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW kactor or BrnnswUk. H. L. Stiff FBr ; nitnre Co.; MpsieDepf. , ' NEWSPAPERS . THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency The Acs. Tel. 939. . THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS er month delivered to your heme eai:y each morning. Tel. 28 or 388. FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros., 178 S. Commercial. FirrsiciAjrs avd surosoks . GEORGE - R. VEHRS, M; D. . Physician nad Surgeon. Diseases . r weinan, obstetrica, , surforyv- 411-412 U. 8. Bank Bldg., Salem. Office tele phone 615; -residence telephone 775. , r eSfltf FACXXVa AND HIFFINO FOR EXPERT FURNITURE - PACKINO end - ahipping. rail - Stiffe Faraitura Store. Phone 91. PAPERHAN PINO AND PALNTTNO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc ' Reliable workman. , -' PIANO TUNERS , EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tnaer. Leave -orders, Will's Music Ranre. PRINTING FOR STATIONARY. CARDS. PAM Fil lets, programi. hooks or any kind of printing. Call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 8. Commercial. Tel 583. - - - Plumbing PLUMBING AND. GENERAL REPAI1 work. Graber Bros.. J41 Liberty St. Phone 550. ' - fif RADIO SPL1TD0RF. RADIO,' SALES AND SERVICE . ,v - No better radio made at a.ny price QUALITY CARS, High- aad. Trade RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. P. 8. BARTON. Proprietor Maaonie Temple Pbeae 1100 Radiolas - For Every Purpose Every Parse Ail Standard gilts .of Radio Tubee , HALIK A EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP - 837 Court St. Phone 488 - - " REAL 38TATB " IT WO HAVE -PROPERTY TO SELL or if you are looking far a home, farm or business property, see aa. BECKE HENDRICKS ' U. S.ahrdlea TOalshrdluoapuoapaoue 189 N. High St, Heilig Bldg. JStf ' SEAXijE STAtR ii 147 y; Com'l St. - Phone t!T. " tt SCAVENGER CITY . GARBAGE C? REMOVES ALI ctaas irasn ana -garbage by the ioW or month, .reaaona'ule rates. Otfibo phone 85,- 157 S. CommerciaL res. phone 2290?. , 'v'.';.;. FOR GOOD 8CAVEXOER ERV1CE Call 167, Salem :, Scavenger -Cwmmiaa and Trotter. ' - w - - nSf SECOND HAND O00DI . WANTED EVERYTHING- IN CLOTH- iag and aheea. Best prices' paid. Cap ital Exchange 84$ Norfh CettmercUl. a riwiii? g wn vt . STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sixs 26 to 58 in. high. "Paint. - oil and varniahes, etc., legss berry ana bop hooks. , Salem .Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone lt. L . TRANSFER AND HAULING , TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL. -.- kinds. Pbene l8F3.-.r - , WE MOVE STORE 'AND SHIP -HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty it piano aad : farnitnre moving. We also make coca- try trips. We handlo the best coal aad y wood. , Call n il for prices. We give ', good measure, good quality aad good " aerviee. Larmer. Transfer Co. Phone 9ao. SALEM WATE"!C LIGHT POWER CO. ') Officd 804 South Commercial St. Tea per cent discount oa domeatie flat rates -paid in advance. ; Ko dodaetie - for abseace or any cause unless water ia abut off your premise. PARKER STAGE LINES . ANNOUNCING IMPORTANT CHANGES in the r , Salem to McMlnnville Timr Schedule " Effective Sept. 15, 1825. . . AM. PM. PM. 8:30 2:10 5:15 . 9:45 8:25 8:35 9;4i. ,8;45 T:45. 10:2 '4:25 1:23 Salem,'. Lt. ,- MeMinnville, Ar. MeMinnville, Lv Aewberg, . . . AM.- P; , Newberg, Lv -,, ,.; 1:15 j MeMinnville. Ar. ...w 1:55 MeMinnville, LWf :20 2:49 : Salem 8:45 8:55 PIC. 3 5:15 5:55 :45 8:00 CHANGES IN. THE 8 VLEM DALLAS - - SCHEDULE i - ' ' - , Leaving Salem ter Dallaav L 9, II :25 ' ' a.Ta. 2:1B, 6 :15. p. )Y Leaving .Dallas .for. Salem:, 8, 9:30 , i a. m., 1. 8:10, 6:13 p. as. Call 696 for further information. wn axBMoaiaa Baaaamm t ; Southern Pacific will . use 19 svritclt engines in -building shops and freight yards. " i 63; January, $1.64; hard white, blue stem. Baart, December, $1.63, January, $1.64; soft ..white, De cember, $1.63- January, ' $1.C4; western white. December,' .$1.63; January, $1.64; hard-winter, De cember and Januaryr $1.55;- nor thern spring.l December, January, $1.53; western red. . December, January, $1-53. - .- . " Oats No,. 2, , SC-pound; while feed, December, January, i$2S).50; Xo. 2, 36-pdund gray, December, January, $29.50' ' " BarleyNo. 2, 4 6-pound, De cember, January, $32; 44-pound, December, January, $31. Corn No. 3 early shipment, December. January,. $36. j ilillrun, standard, December, January, $30, T:a fww - Oaistvi Cao . 17r' 'r - CA&lTAL CTTr TTlAtStEB CO. 226 State 8U Phone 933. DistribuUng, for- warding and storage" our specialty. Gel- rjrates -U woman. :...v: y :