The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1925, Page 14, Image 14

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1 -
: lATTHEEAH ' V ' '
St., U. Xoehler, pastor, residence; 1750
State St.. . phoue 599a. iSortKM 10:80
in German. Sunday school '9:30 . m.
Young peoples'., meeting at 1 m., topic;
"Uow (Can We Trannlatfl Christmas Into
Servic!'" 'Bible school on Saturday
frotp.9ll:15. a m. The Brotherhood meets
Monday at 7:30 p. m. The Dorcas socie
ty will hold ita inonthry meeting with Mrs.
Abry, 1819 8. 13th 8t. osv Thursday at 2
ST.PAUI8 -Chueeh St., at hemeke-
ta. JSev. H. .Duncan Chamber, rector..
Holy Eucharist in the ehapel'at '7:30 a.
, nu, Seeon celebration at. 11 -a., m. with
music. fceriaon. by the rector. ChtXreb
achool aft:45. a. an. ".Students are ra
qoesUwi not to forget .to bring offerings
for rthefehUds-bed in the .hospital. This,
is the ( nal gall. . VVefctins, meeting -- on
Monday e ruing t 730 ip.. feiiuwil
by a dih;ij ef the, roancil .at 6.
t ' J: Clf CJEEGATIDwii. r ;
1 - FIRSTS Center and Liberty, Charles E.
f Ward, pastor, .residence;., 4X Center St.,
j phone , 591 R. v Services" "11 ;i.' f.;' W
I -7:30 p.' m. Sermon.. tipies '7briatian
iiing America.": and. ! Boy rO'. Aline.?
Special numbers by the quartet at both
services. Sunday s-uool 'TO a. m.. "Mrft
. Meitert - aaparBeidBttt. " 1 PiMirMtay
.7 ;30, fiible . auuly. and psayer ; meeting,
., At the evening servic a Teoort-wiH bat
. jstt ei rae tinier oya'. Conference held
iiy.tne . it, .O. A. at .McMinnville
. Hugh Shatt4e,- IUlfy E3at,-nd Floyd
Albia will give. abort-talk on what .they
. igou onwol .tne. jjenforence. ..'Boy O
, Mine' '"trill Jie ahenrn - follow ins the
-FIKST On Church street l)ctween
. 0e4neket.ti8d XTentec St51. tJforaian Ken-
aait r'l-tsuy. . .:JUJX . (Mdor,. 9;30 ..!
Minoaj (,-nai.- 10:45 -a. m., moraing
. wurxaip 1 ewrmon,- -iiBe Mntiy ot terilt,
r,y; wt TnUy. ,ABtkm. i"The.r . Wow
... Atnety and Mne,- Wilson. Organ n"ura-rr-
Beleeted Prelttdy "Baccease.'-' -AI-
len-j:ddy; ".March wfieUiioso.V Parker.
5:30 ,p.- m.,-'Advance Intermediate social
.. hour.; p..mfc yotia oeoolcs' -socie-
Has. 7:30- p. mM vcnin . worjhip Ser
jnon: A'Whst Time la ft T by Dr Tully.J
jnu.i-m, omouF uh a? tiaepnera lead
.ta," tsey. Organ nam bars: Beaed je
tton iNuptiale,' Frysinfcer, "Prsyerv"
.Marln4; and Choral' V Sacred Head
feurrounded).- Bach,- His Kosa . at the-
V .t .v j ....
.oinuui;, t .ju p.. m., siouaty
. weeting of-Session in ehnrch parlors. .;
Corner iOf X, '"Winter, 'and ilarket
treets.i. . 4avtor. ? Mortimer- C." Clarke,"
residence 1223 J'., Winter phone, I&i6-W.
Swices 11 . a. nu,' r7:30 p. m.. Srmoit
topics: "Goinsr Deeper "With God," a..m.;
Salvation'.' p. -tn. , Soaday achoel,--:46,
itwperinteadent, .UK. rraois 8. Sehuts.
. Voutir Peoples meeting:-.,- 6 :30, Lather
1. Cook, leader. Tha: subject on Son lsy
will be "The Throne" and wjl . be. led
by the pastor. Thij meeting will be pre
ceded by a. half an hour of prayer. Wee
i, dsy services: Cottage prsyer meeting at
. the home f Mrs., 'rlme Jackson on
Winter stret each ednesday afternoon
at ,,t. o'clock, v Prayer meeting each
Thursday evening at 7:30. On Sunday
evening the lie v. J. W". Good a will preach.
All are Invited to attend these services.
1" 00 will find a-real -welcome and -"will
enjoy, th .'splendid lipiritnal -atmosphere
of this church, j .
Thirteenth and Center. Pastor, A. P.
Kilmer, residence, .fi4 -NV. Winter, phone
(i84 il. - Service; 11 a. nit;, -T. -45 p. -m.
Sermon topics, "Inducing -God,"- a. m.;
"Give Pod a Chance," p. in. Sunday
school 10 a. mj superintendent H. - H.
(-rallap. Eirtrotta-Lesrne 7..p, ,jn...t All
evening aerVices Uln ' English.' - Horning
service 'in -.Cerman. J Sunday school haa
classes 1n-6ernia a'nt "EdsUslw Yon are
welcome. - . - ., :- t.
' Corner of Ktatd and :CJtnrch Sts. Pastor
Fred C. Taylor, residence: '636-St te St'
phone 97t director, of : religions educa
tion. Miss Mary' E. Piadley, ,'offtee 139
S. Church St. phone 872. - .Bervioes 11
a. ra., 73a 9. m.. -Samoa topifsr'J'Chrta
. tianizing .America,", a.- m. ; '.'Pnttig the
fcun Into- Snnday"vp. mi Janlor iiinrch
- servira at 11 o'clock in (he annex. .Mrs.
Lee will give the 15 minute aerman con
cerning "Studies in PoreigA, missions,"
Wesley class meeting at 9;lda: m., class
"'leader, 8.A.WhcelwrigaV 8undkjrabool
9:45, superintendent, ll. Y; Wianks.'r The
three Leagues twU mwt' ai. 6 Hk their
respective - places. Standard 'training
' achool for-. Bands y ; school.' workers open
to those of ny church directed by de
psrtmrnt oft Religious" Education of Kim
ball School of Theology, will bold classes
t h is a f ternoorl . 1 at 3 ' o1 cklc and every
. nijht of the weeV, except .Saturday from
7:30 to?:30i in, the. chttrch:parHrs. -Mid
week devcttona! erviee, Thursdy t 7:30
m in ennrch: auditorium, uptirs. fastor a
. subject ""t'oerwn.,of '."PamLi"
f South Commercial and Myers. Pastor
' Willard. D Vbe, since, 34 Myera,
phone J.8H-J( Services It a. n, J:Sa
p. m. ' Sermon topfea: He Prince fo
Peace -and His Program, 'in.; "The
Riood of Ihe Trujce of Peace,'.', p. m.
Special services, Chorus will sing at both
." serTMses. - Mr. Leon : Jennieon wrtl sing
the morning offertory a quintette the
evening. Suvidsy ? school, 9:5, superin-
Undent, E. A. Rhoten.. ,TcAing-People's
. meeting: Senior ieague at 6:30, led by
Wesley Lessue at. 6:30.;. Week-day aerr
Ices: On Thursday eretring at 7:30, The
tenth, chapter of Roman will be the
lessen. The Woman's. Home Missionary
e ,-jcicty will taeet with Mrs. E. T. JJarkus,
, feagmaw.and Jottfih, at-.J:0. . .s
. Xerth. Winter and Jeffaron Sis. Pss-
- tor, Thomss Arheson, residence, 1C30
1 Hood St., phone 2106-J. Atsistsct r-
, tor, Gilbert wrenn,. reRidence, Ferry Bt.
; Services UI . m.. 7t30 p. m.- Sermon
' -'
,1-!-.. '
' ". ' ' "'- ' - ' " :- ' - ' "- --!.-:
1 1 1 :00 A. M.--Chri5lianinng 'America
r 7:i30 P. M.--ather and Son
; VB0Y O'.MINE" will feature the Evening Service,
i This is a gripping sermon in moving pictures.
jProf. Fred G. Fisher in charge of the music. - Reading:
."Ninety. First Psalm,.Mrs. L. G. Curtis;" Chorus Choir,
two quartettes, solos.' "Violin solo ''Deep RiverSpirit-'
topic:-"The Permanency of Jesus; a. m.,
Tae'FbUy'ef Min.p, sa.;' Special serv
ice v Kv. Wrecn. preaches .-to iho Junior
cnurcn at ll a., id. Young peoplo al
way weleomeV Sunday' achool .: 5 ,
nl.. Superintendent, Harry Carpenter.
loung i'eople'a meetings: 6:30 p. in., at
thi boar- , the ..senior high school and
junior huh school league meet in sep
arate rooms for deration meetings. ; They
welcome trengrs. Week-day services r
inurcn Business meeting Monday 1 7:30
p. m. Church officials from all depart
ments, will attend. Jiid weeJcaerviee for
junior and senior churches o fTktirsday
nine. 7:15. DeMtional a-nd laa studr
period .make the evening profitable to
an. me cnoir will furnish special Inasie
ntornios and evsning, at the 8undayj serv
ices. A warra perunai welcoma aratts all
coiners. 1 : t :' . :-.- v.
Fifteenth. andUUtjBU. Pastor, Patrik
Dahlia, residense, 805 Trade -St., phone
877-J.,.: Services.. Swedish a m English.
p. m. Sunday stfhsot 10. a. m.. superin
tendent Mrs.. (k PoBfariT jYolitw Pannla'a
meinga-T:iarT)nr. reeTc-day services.
on iuenasy at & p. m. tne Ladies Aid
will meet in tk chuaclu: iThursday 7:30
p. , ta. prayer , meeting. i'ou are . all
cordially, invited to our services.
Court and N.. 17th fits. Pastor R L
Putnam.residence.ilOtf Leslie St.. phone
14S5-J. -Servieea:. 1 1. a. m. ; -TiiM) p. m.
Serrooo, ;topiek: "Th 'Unfolding of a
Life,". m.- "The Four Baptisms," p.
ra. -Bpecial wtysrc at.- both 'service. A.
M. sVa ; by Lorraine . Stivers. - 1. , M.
Pantominie ; ,jIo. .vjical solo. Lor
raine -Stivers will render a sacred concert
far fifteen . minutes preceding the even
ing service, lis, will sing negro .spirituals
in" spirit!' for which written. Sunday
school-r9i:45 a. ra., anperkitcnuent, Chris
J. Kowiti. ..Young People' meetings:
There wilt be a decision service following
the claae period in the Bible school. There'
will, be no Junior congregation-. AU will
meefflogetheV durin? tl)e meetings. Vol
nnteers r!0 visit Hknt-inn in afternoon.
CSrrisUarL; Endeavor fi:30. Foar sosietie
meet a 'sumo time. .Thursday's - dinner
fc served at Ilia .chuicK. - .Those attend
ing are asked to bring a- basket dinner.
The Mary-Martha 'Society will meet in
the afternoon. The--evangeliatic services
conducted .by ,the ,Stiverj Evangelistic
Company will continue each evening dur
ing the .week, except on. Saturday, at 7:30
A.foroinl.invitatvunia etended all to at
tend those services.
High and Center Sts. Residence 544
t.entr-Bt.' "rhone 1972: --assistant tas-
ior, vivian wTiisier; redepoe; 544 t'en
terit., 4pn tmv. rvtces : 11.-00,
a. m., :jnp. rg fcTRiWi frwaiing hour
-a quartette, gertrudo- Cherriagton, " lues
Wood. Howard : Lefeh and John Moritx
will -siag "Man of Sorrow."" Below ) .
Sunday: school, 9 :45, superint9ident. Dr.
EnJey. - Yount Peonlo's ineetinc- fi-20.
Topic "'-JIow Can We Translate tbrist-
maa Into Srviee." -At the evening bonr,
the w omen ' e - Missionary eociety -wiJl
nave cnarge ot tne service. Several effec
tive and instructive pageants and-read
ings given. , Trtsta Powers and
Josephine Broxs will sing solos "Con
sider the ' Lily" Scott snd - "Goin
Home".Pyorak, a lea a dut "O Divine
Redeemer. Uunoud.
Commercial and Washinirton streits.
Pastors. Csrl F. and Minnie Miller, resi
dence. 1655 S. Liberty, pntjne 133-R.
Services 11 a. 'm., 7t80 p. m. Sermon
topics: "Thna Saith the Lord," a. m.;
African- Fietnres, " p. nt. The Mission
ary eomniitt will give -the pictures show
ing our. worlf in BritUh, East Africa. Sun
day schoo',10 a. 'm., superintendent, B.
J. C. Paton. '.Young' People's Mee-tioB;
6:30 rfc.m leaden Maxine Elliott, topic,
"Chnstmx ' Serrica.' Veek -lir un-
Ices: Thursday. 7,;30,pv", m. prayer, meet
ing. Followirig the prayer meeting'. Choir
practice. - Our church, is doing some fin
work w trying to meet -.the -need of the
people. We can say; with Paul: We are
not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus. Christ
for it js the power of tiod onto aalvatibn.
Liberty-- and - Marion. Pastor, Rt-v.
Ernest H. ShanVs, residence, 549 N. Lib
erty, phone 1920. Servfces, 11:00 a. in.
7-r30 p. in.- pennon Wpies: The Trans
formed Life," a. rn-.; ""Seven Kys to
Glory," p.-m. ' Revival, meetings, ehoru
'cboir, two quartettes Reading: Ninetv
First Psalm by Mrs. L. O. Curtis. The
evening music, and prelude tthte wor
Fip will be in charge fo Prof. Fred (.
Fisher. Sunday school, 9:45, ' superin
tendent, . Ed Schunke. Touag Teople'
meetings: 6:30 p. m. Group I leading.
Week-day services: Baptist Brotherhood
will meet. iTuesdsy evening at 6:30 for
anppeT (35e) and address by Hen. Wm
S. Irfvens, slate prohibition commissioner.
f"yr ee"-ice Thursday evening. . 7 :3n.
Won-an'a Society will meet Friday , 2 ;.'si
at tv.e honte ftf Mr. P. H. eTianks OrUt
ms music, stories and dramatizations.
241 State St. Christmas is coming!
and so are .we, right along, with cheer
ful, and helpful Oorpel- dispensation. We
need to see", the "bright aide" as well as
the "right, side7 of i life, t-You will en
joy our h;uiet Sunday "morning worship, at
jsh vrindup"' at 8 p. m. Children at
tending no other Sunday school will find
weJeotne with. na--3:S0 J. m -The jrottng
People a Let-ion is devoted to all young
people in ..particular, but it is for those
who "have the "young, feeling'- as well,
st 5:30 .ytv.-m. Week-night , meetings
Tuesday, . Thursday and I Saturday. .8 p.
m. -All a ra welcome!
J5T. JOSEPH'S--Rev. J. R. Buck, pas
tor. . A- 40 Hours'-, adoration will com
mence thrg - jnorninp.- "and - continue until
Tuesday evening -Following la the. pro
gram: - Sunday. 8 a. in., reception of
Altar oBrs Society, high mass and com
munion. 10 s. n., low mads snd sermon
bv nantor. -730 n ra benediction, ser-
mon by RerLwne ef Albany. - Monday,
v - -
- i ,t" '
Center and Liberty
Keys to Glory
j First Baptist -Church
Sunday 'Evening U
' U'' at.-'.
8 m,loir mass", children singing, ser
mon by Rev. Keenan. : 7:30 p. bene
diction, sermon by Rev. Hcherbriar.
Tuesday.. a. m.. f day of obligation)
high mass, communion, : 9 a. m., loar-masa
instruction, by palter. 7:30 p. m., bene
diction, sermon by Rev. Father Mnrnane.
procession. . Satnrday iorning mass in
Academy at 7, balance of week in church
at F.veryone welcome to all aerricet;.
First- cBtirrh. fnrnri rf I,ihrtv mr
Chemeketa Sts., Sunday morning service
at it ckwk. anday .evening at 8. Sib
Ject of ..lesion sermon. ;.'Ood the Onj
i.ause ana vreator. Sjunday school ses
sions convene at 9:30 and 11 a m. Wed
nesday evening testimonial meeting' at 8"
o clock., steading - room, 208 Masonic
Temple, ppen evry day; except holidays
ana . B&noays irom ll . to S:30 s. ra
Every evening except Wednesday from
740 to 9, Sunday afternoon -from 3 to.
5. All are cordially invited Jo onr ter
vices and to our reading room.
CAST&E CHAFELr fcuaday -school 10
a. m. bertnon 11 a, -m., ,ul)ject; 1
the Bible True of False !. Young peo
pies' societies 6:80 p m. Sermon ?:SO
p. m. Subject: "The Influence of the
Bible on Civilisation. P. C. Hoffman
.1. 1 1 1 . .
The revival meeting , in the 4 Naxarene
church, 1 19th and Marion StB., continue.
with "much interest. Evangelist O. R
Onz of Pasadena.. Calif- Is a ' nreacher
of the old tiaie' gospel. These meetings
Will continue every afternoon this week
at .2 ;3u. except Saturday afternoon, and
every evening at 7:30 On Sunday ther
will be three tfrvici, 11 a. va'. 2 30
and ,7;30 p. in. Sun-lay' nighr wilt t.'ose
. k. : . , : 1 .. -
lull friifBi uirviui(.
CENTRA Ij 'S. lth and Ferry, H. C.
Stover, pastor, residence 243 S. 19th
phone 1924J. Services ,11 a. ra., and
:30 pr m. Sermon topics: Tne Scars
of Sin," and "Christianity As a Cohe
sive Foroe." . In the. morning service
Miss .'Maia 'J Cleeson sjft. "Tmsting
by Thurlow Lieurance. A special number
by the chorus choir in the evenine Mr
vice, Sunday., school 1.0 a. m.. C t .
Harris, superintendent. . Senior and'Jun
lor Christian r:naesvors meet at o:-
p. 'm. iTie ien s ciuo 01 tne cnurcn
II. meet Tuesday evening at tr:o
Win. A. Marshall, speaker. The banquet
will be served by the ladies of the church.
Praver meeting- Thursdny evening at
:30. - " ,
Tabernacle -Ferry St. 4155. II. . E. and
Mrs. Caaell, pastors,..-residence 173 S.
Cottage, . phone 1434J. Services 3 and
7:30 p. m. Sood music, six: pieced or
chestra, spiritual singing. Sunday school
2 p. m.. Mrs-M. Wilson, superintendent
Sundav - school lesson Acts 27:30-44
Golden Text. "Be of Good; It Is I; Be.
"!ot Afraid." Evuugelist John Cohen,-
who has iust closed a large nd sucensi,-
ful camnaiirn in Memphis, Tenn.. wilt
Drench in both services. There will; be
SDecial services through the eck, f-x
cent Monday night. AfteinoTiii erv" q0
at 3, except Monday and Saturday. Kvs
gelist Goben will be the speaker through
iho wffk.' Kev. lioften a. St. unique and
forcetul tpeski-r. A Welcome i" "the" Tab-
eruarle to all services.
FIRST Liberty and Centi-r, C. C. Pol
ing, pastor, residence: 4.i5 Center St.
phone 991J. Services 11 a. in., and 7:::0
p., m. Special uiumc by choir. Snnd.iy
school 9:45 a. m.i J. P'L'lrich, superiuteu
dent. Young peoples' meeting 6:3(1, sub
ject, "How Can We Translate Christmas
Into" Service, .' 1 Jno4:7 14. Week dav
services, Thursday evening. Rev. Tibbet
will preach this morning at 11 a. va.. and
Rev. (. K. Stover at 7:.'!0. The pastor
is in Yakima, .Wash The speaker at an
anniversary service of the First Evange
lical church He will be home oMuday
GLAD TIDIXOS 343Vi Court St., C.
S. Johnson, pastor, residence; 1935 Ma
jle Ave., phone 1917V.- . Services 3 and
?:30 p. m. Sunday school 2 p.-m., S.
H.TKy, snperintendent. Young peonies'
meeting Friday evening. Week day ser
vices Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
vi-iurtFi. The ordinances will be ob
served Sunday.
Cottage and Chemeketa Sts., Martin
Fere&hetian, pastor, residence: 657 Che
meketa St., phone 850 ,Serrice 11a. ,ra.
Sermon topic, "The Beauty of Holiness."
Mrs. M. Fereshetian will offer as a con
tralto solOj "Open the "Gates of the Tem
nn," by. Knapp. .Sunday achool 10 a. m..
Miles MeKey, superintendent. The Emer-
Min class meets on Thursday evening at 8
at -th parsonage.. 'Buhject considered is
' 'Karly Christianity and the. Philosophies
iN'hich Influenced it.' ' I-ecture and dis
The regular monthly all day meeting
of, the association will be held next Tues
day the $th at the Kaiarine , church . 01"
tbe city. Rev. C. H.. Hopkins, pastor.
The services will bejtih at 10 o'clock with
.reaching at 10:3Qi by Rev. Carl Miller,
and preaching at 2:30 by Rev. M. C.
Clarke, and preaching in the evening by
Rev. Edgar P. .Sims. It is 'desired that
all bring their lunches and spend the day.
Hot tea ,. and "offe .will be furnished
free. These' meetings are strictly ' inter
denominational in character . and all are
cordially invited to attend.
The chief speaker at this Sunday even-
ing'a services will be Rose Stevenson
Shaw, national writer. her topic is,
"What's the Matter With You and Met"
As a writer of wide experience she is
thoroughly capable of handling her sub
ject. Chas. It. Muston, English tenor,
has arranged a special musical program.
Kenneth McCormick, pianist will accom
pany him', Ffed W. Jobelma'n, Jr vill
render a trumpet number. Sergeant Y.
E. Carnes will direct the marines who,
in uiform, will ait as ushers. The pub
lic i invited.
TOKIO. Prof Ryu go Inouye of
the Sericultural School in Uyeda
is reported to have perfected two
inventions that are expected to
greatly effect f-he silk industry.
One of these is said to be a device
to produce new silk irom old rags
and scraps, while the other is a
simple method of obtaining silk
directLrf rora ; silkworms - without
waiting for the formation of the
cocoons. .
Remember that adviae is some
thing, that, puts upon you the risk
or carrying it out.
1M Trie TRAP'
r '
(Continued from page 2.)
Mrs. Martin Fereshetian.
Boxes were. prepared during the
day not only for foreign stations
but also for shut-ins In Ralerti.
The collection takeri during the
afternoon will go to an interest
ing school in Cleveland for for
eign girts.
At the ted hour Mrs. Kantner
served delicious refreshments.
Assisting hostesses included: Mrs.
W. E. Wilsofi, Mrsr., Francis Neer,
Mrs. Rietz, Mrs. F. Steuslof f ,
Mr. Orr and Mrs.- Charles E.
Ward. ''.'' ;
Y. W. C. A. Is Service -t
Center . , , , ; '
The Salem Y. W. c' A of wh5rh
Miss Marian Wynian'is the secre
tary, is rapidly proving itself one
of the most vital organizations of
the city. The associations, it is
Bafe to say, 4 serves as a down
town home for -two hundred girls
who make if a practice of avail
ing themselves. of , the check snace
and the reading rooms. A group
of ten girls are permanent resi
dents at this business girl's dor
mitory. -t.
The social aspect is not foreot-
ten, nor is the cultural, for both
parties and study classes are reg
ular events in . the association"
Dr. Carl Emmons has vol 11 n.
teere t conduct 'a valuable class
In 'first aid. wnile blans for .1
class in correct EneliHh are under.
uy. uom to start after the first
of the year. '
f The activities, of the association
ara. controlled largely by th of-
nai board of .which Mrs. John J
KODerts is the -president. Tomor
row and TuesdaY'Sdvftrl tiewtnem
bers will be elected to places on
the board, six being up for re
election. One of the most nnn
sisten workers for the V IV n a
interests, Mrs: iV. I. Staley, "while
uu wuung. to nave her name ap
pear again on the ballot will In no
way give up her jcontact with the
Mrs. Alice II. Dodd. Itfrs w p-
the most loyal workers, served as
president, of the board for a per
iod of three years. During the
Past year she has acted In tho ca
pacity of finance secretary.
The eleven names from- which
seven will be chosen a -.0 ei .
he season's most nonular hrwio.
Kirk, Mrs. Harrv M. Hau-iin.
f8- J-C- Perry Mrs- Eric Butler,'
-.iiaa inary Kinrtiev lira irii-,
Blackerby, Mrs. Robprt 'nnnn
Mia. r. i! Mrs. E. K Ellintt
uu aits." F. M.- Erickson.
Winter In California
Air. and Mrs. A. N. Bush left
earlier in the month for San Diego
where they.will be domiciled dur
ing the, winter months.
Mrs. Thielsen and
Mrs. Strong Entertain
r or Unde-Elect
. Miss Margaret Rodgers, one of
iue season smost .jopular bride
elects, whose marriage to Mr.
james u. A. Hutcheson of Van
couver, B. C is planned for next
spring was honored with an ex
ceedingly attractive tea and hand
kerchief shower on Friday, after
noon when Mrs. Ada, Strong and
Mrs. Fred Thielsen were hostesses
at Mrs. Strong's home: .
The rooms were loveiy with
beautiful chrysantemums in
shades of yellow. Heirlooms and
priceless antiques ' made the tea
table, a center of: extraordinary
beauty Mrs. George F. Rodger
presided at -the-nnis.... - - - .
1 X.8; Stion ww Mrs. Thielsen
invited to their. gaests: Miss Mar
garet Rodgers, Mrs. George Jlod
gers, frJsichrd . ONIell;' Mrs.
vrt T8--,oni-HTdaron.
Mrs. Hollis Huntington. Mrs. - Al-
S Griffith, ;
oiaae,-aits... Dan ffyt
WVm protected
Tib. fkfS
Room with Trie
-e fs,x ' ,
- .
; f "f
4 V
: i
Jr., Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mrs.
T. A. Livesley, Mrs. W. II. Lytle,
Mrs. Clifford Brown,: Mrs. Harry
M. Hawkins, Mrs. Clifton Irwin.
Mrs, Don Young, Mrs.. Willis
Roughton. Mrs. James Linn, Mrs.
R. E. Lee Steiner, Mrs. Bert Ford,
Mrs.-Lenta Westacott, Mrs. Joseph
Baumgartner, Mrs. O. C. Locke,
Mpj. William Boot, Mrs. Reuben
Boise, Mrs. Asahel Bush, Mrs.
"W. E. Burns, Mrs. Paul Wallace,
Mrs. S. W. Thompson, Miss Louise
Thompson Miss Nell Thielsen and
Miss Josephine Baumgartner.
Leave for Honohdu
Mr. and Mrs. W. C: Dyer are
leaving at 10 o'clock this morn
ing for San Francisco. They plan
to . sail on Wednesday for Hono
lulu where they will sojourn for
a number of months. Later in
the winter Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Kamm will join the Iiyers. Mr.
and Mrs. Dyer have a group of
delightful friends on the Islands
whom they are anticipating meet
ing. Among these is Malcolm
Cox. son of Harris Cox, formerly
of Salem, who is now stationed in
the regular army as a major.
Attend "Blossom Time'1
Mrs. W. I. Staley and Miss Mar
ian Wyman were guests yesterday
in Portland for "Blossom Time
Salem Woman's. Club
The first December meeting of
the Salem Woman's club will be
the special occasion for the obser
vance of State Institutions Day
on Saturday, December 12, at the
club, house. Dr. . Grover C. . Bel
linger, superintendent of the Ore
gon State Tuberculosis Hospital
will give the address.
Leslie W. H. M. S.
The Woman's Home Missionary
society of ."the Leslie Methodist
church will meet on Wednesday,
December 9, at the home of Mrs
;E. T. Barkus at 890 Sarinaw
street, sirs- uarKus win be as
sisted by Mrs. G. R. Moorhead.
Mrs. E. C. Miller will give ji re
port at this time of the national
meeting at Pasadena.
Fancywork Bazaar
The members of Barbara Friet-
chie tent. Daughters of Veterans
are planning an interesting fancy
work bazaar for Saturday, Decem
ber 12, in the S. P. ticket office at
184 N. Liberty street. Luncheon
sets, aprons, dolls, buffet sets.
card table sets, silver holders, tea
towels, and a special Raggedy Ann
feature will all be on sale.
B. E. Club Meets
The members of the B. E. club
were entertained for their first
December meeting on Wednesday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Townsend. Special guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Orin Watkins,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk, and Mr.
and Mrs. Major Dennis. Mr. and
Mrs. Orin Watkins won the high
scores of -the, evening while the
consolation awards went to Mrs.
Hawk and Mrs". Ed Keene,
Gratitude for Cookies' "
Mrs., Allan J.; Cleveland,, presi
dent of the American Legion
Auxiliary, ts in receipt of a de
lightful letter from the chairman
of the Veterins-hospital in Port
land expressing .gratitude for the
generous number "of cookies sent
early last week from Salem.
Leslie Queen Esthers Meet
The Queen' Esther, society of the
Leslie Methodist church, of which
Miss Helen- Jngrey Is the leader.
met on Wednesday evening for a
pot-luck supper at the home of
H :.'.- ..s
. t" Z
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.. ?- i
.t - - -
' - '.1
- - "j
- A5
t f
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hi u
byThe George Mathew, Adam, Service Trade Mark
f - I -
T TO LlVc IN 'C' BV WLrW rZt rZ .-sJ
v-; tevJ n maid- i ) -k ifei -y rfwi iSXh
Miss Margaret Morehouse. Miss
Elsie Tucker had the .lesson!' while
Miss Margaret Leavenworth had.
charge of the devotional. The
evening was spent preparing a
Christmas box.
The Home Guards of the Leslie
church are also "busy filling ' a
Christmas box to send to Alaska.
A special meeting of the Guards
was ,eld 'on Thursday at the home
of Miss Lilly Pollard.
Tommy Livesley in Hospital
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Livesley will be glad
to know of the improvement iif
the condition of their thirteen year
old.spn.v: Tommy, who became
critically jj.1 with appendicitis, on
Thursday evening. Dr. -T. Homer
many of your
mmos mink that you
are too fat. You too
reame it. But why.
in all common sense.
don t you get rid of
that extra 10. 20. 50 or
more pounder" Feet
like a human being
again. I am a physi
cian licensed by the
State of New York I
have for yearstreated
men ana women over
burdened with execs-
save flesh; many have
reduced as much as
a pound a day. I pre
scribe formy patients
wuuin my op m ion, produce not only the loss
pt weight without harm, but an improvement
in.he.ami Don't take my word for it. Let me
send you free my trial treatment and convince
jroucself. Personal attention is given to each
case and you axe treated exactly as if you
were in my office.
I have successlully treated thousands
of patients for fat reduction.
Without Change of Diet
or Unnecessary Exercise
Below are a few extracts of letters from grate-
iui Niucma wnicn Dear out my atatetrenU:
Last 76 Pot-nd. Atw O. Wht'.leui writes: "I
have lost 76 pounds as a result of your treatment
andkavt never eU so well in my lift as I do now. '
Lot 70 Pounds. Mr. S. Santee writes: " j
kaae lost 70 pounds as a result ef taking your
treatment. IJeel bttUr in every utay. 1 eon note
take long waiii without becoming tired or short
of breath. I thenkyou very much for what you
have done for me."
Lost 48 Pounds. Mr. E. Homer says:'' WeH."
r mjlad to tnjorm you that I have lost S pounds
tn 6 weeks.
Make ap yoar mind this very day to
get rid of that fat. Write me for my free tria!
treatment now; then you'll soon realize hon
happy you'll feel, now much better your health
win be for having joined the thousandswf my
grateful patients who now belong to the rank'
JrPfe-" ' Don't ciBlsr. Writ bow foi
FEEh Trial Treatment..
IS8 Fiiib AvsaiM. Beak D ,KV VOSX CITV
It Makes a
For Him-r-
and bulk .-andies. Cigars and many other
pnmi cuar linir.s Max O. J'ur,.n l-a
... . ..u, . ,-Airni,.
X A 1 v-l "
TOILKT SKTS- In .ilk r,,,i ....
wonderfully attractive sets for 96 to .15
l)rug Store, 157 8. Commercial.
your fet looking for that Christmas
-shov it to you in
Kicwrui ior nmr
Let the Shop-o-scope .1
few minntes' time.
CHRISTMAS 19 the time of good cheer
set yourself ra 'tb. nvnnA.
"r" "j aolnS yeur Holiday
the Shop-o-scope" -ay.
. - . " " M' fs iiauio VI
LUGGAGE St.m. i.i. j-.t.-
. . . 1 ...... n. , H.ruruiM
trunks, suit. eases anil ki.K... a i
stock for yeu to select from. H. L. Stiff
t unuiure t.o.
flat wallets dunne the hokaav ahonnim?
aea&on are tbe ones vwio never thought
ol using tne fenep-e scope.
GIVE WISEllV ri. m .
thought-to the Shop-o-scope before you
pve any Christina presents 1
THE. GIFT withnnt K .i... ;. V...
they say. And often the giver is bare of
giftsr-s-untll he remembers to consult the
Before we can have anv old-
time girls- again, we must produce
some oldtime parent-.
Registered Ui
CHftnu" ,TftE 4V To kcep
T-i rsATmiTLl IjPO
SUE&30WT '
1 -
DECEMBER C,. 1925 7
Coffey of Portland was called" at
otofle and an operation performed
at-10o'cfek. Master Li vpslftv- la
at'jthe 'Salem Hospital.
Gitests at Neskoivin - ?
.. Miss Alta Jones and Mrs. Ernest
Bingham were house guests during
last week at the T. B. Jones sum
mer home at Neskowin.
Miss Talkington Improved
Miss Cora Talkington under
went a minor -operation at a local
hospital yesterday. She is slightly
Free to Radio Fans
7:o3- KJW (49t.i). Port-.-
land. Services, First. Presby-
'terlam church.
7:45 KTAH (240), Oakland.
. Service of Tenth Avenue
Baptist church; 9:20, after
. service concert in charge of
Miss May Lloyd Jones.
7:50-10:10 KTOL (305.9),
battle. First Church of
.Christ, Scientist; 9:10-10:10,
- International Bible Students'
8-10 K F W H ( 254 ) , Cliico,
-'al. Vocal and instrumental
. musie.
9.11-KPWB (252), Holly
wood. Wilda Bernard, so
prano;. Tom Breneman, bari
tone; Charlie Cole, popular
songs; Albert Keglovich, vio
lin; Wes Woodford's Trojan
footers; Jack Kurtis, pianist
and whistler;' Peggy Math
ews, Blue singer; The Valry
Sisters, vocal duets; Bill
Blake, tenor,, and others.
-Jeanette Rubens, guest ac
companist. Several movie
stars always drop in the stu
rllo unexpectedly on Sunday
sevening and participate.
:45-M KFI- (407), Los An
jrclct. (5:45. weather fore
cast; music appreciation
chat: 7, organ Tecital, Dan
L. MacFarland; 8, classic
h-ou r, featuring Virginia
Flohri. coloratura soprano,
with assisting artists; 9, pro
gram by Examiner; 10, or
chestra, under .the co-direc-lion
of Bill Hennessy and
Chet Mittendorf; Dick Bar
ton, soloist.
7:15-10: iiO KJ W (384.4 ) , Se-
r attle.. Organ recital; 7:30,
evening service from First
M. E.'church;; 9-10:30, Dam
ski tlehestra.
810:30 K HJ (405.2), Los
A ngole. Organ recital from
First M. E. church; S-10:30,
courtesy program.
-!- " ' TALKS
9-lOKOP (212), Portland.
Sunday Night club: address,
Judge Walter Evans; P. A.
Ten-Haaf, tenor; Vern Pres-
, Jon, Tiolln ; Bonnie Replogle,
pianist "and accompanist.
6-7 KFffM (207), Oakland.
Sacred music, and Bible lec
ture on "All Are Debtors to
Grace Divine."
Lot of Difference How
Read The Shop-o-scope Today
HP - (LD - S"(Cp
.' TRADf? tUIAOVe Urn
, For Her
-VilAS CARDS. Special ten 5e cards
48c or-five 10c cards-48c; 15c card or
ior .jo,- 4ne Aee,
.teed merchandiise. An ideal gift for the
ladies, prices frm fa -to fl5. Tyler's
Drug Store, 157 S. Commercial.
..LADIES' HAT BOXES the new snd
convenient lufitaee novcltr. Specialty
priced, Mas .). Buren, 179 X.
Com .'I. Kaletn.
GJFTRY -You Will find manv artirlp
suitable for Christmas gift in our Gifrry.
- r rower Taaes, nowis, console sets, eiec-
fric lapipsj iibol-eBds and many others.
U I... Stiff Pnmiture Co.
good quality, rubber bulb. A gift that
will wm appreciation - f 1.50 to $2.00.
Tyler's Drug -Store. 157 S. Commercial.
. MOUNT RAIXTKR. with Mirror Lake
n the foreground, a wonderful reflection
picture, by Ltnklt tter. on-sale here. "Max
O. Buren. J.7D X. Com'l, Sslem 'Oregon.
Court St., there is on display an exquisite
line of hand-made handkerchiefs, underwear-
and ribbon novelties. There i also
something new Sanozoue Dissemina
tors which are used - as deodorisers in
home, "office or theaters.
MAYTAG Permit the Maytse itself to
prove its-unequalled helpfulness by wash
ing with t. Tben-Mf it doesn't BELL
ITSELF don't keep it. We will gladly
brine a Maytag right to youi home. The
Maytag . Shop, 169 South High Street.
Telephone 221! -
S. Patent Office)
. . - . . . -4 f i i '
r i . mm w .
Union Rooter
Meet aeeobd and ; fourth ! Wedi
I i'rrjjdent W. Melbarn; Secretari,',
I Robert Pede." ! !;! ( i i :
10-President, O., F.rtwt seer
M. D Pilkentoni!4eliiet?ond
day, 8:0O p. an.
Arirx-a ittt a UNIOJT W0. 1065 ,
. Meets Thurs. evening. Arthur Tuck-1
VZ PJ?id9?:, Wm- Prttit. aecreUrv.!
Skilled mechanics fpmished. Phone 179.
Lodge Roster
: . i' j 1 1';;-; -f,
1 , ! . V
1TFRV1T. nsnen Ah t i ,, n.
Pt) I vrDV 1 1 i nnnnh kk I '
v.aii-. ur tAU Li. S, mectli
M. Willett, Sec y. Tel.,881 A. '7
Maternal Hall every Tuesday evenim- :i
Visitors invited. Fred Denham, V. f- i '
Mailer Lenon, K.-f R. a " wV . ''
Published e'verv nnrninr (nunt r
day) at Salem, the capital of Oregon,
Local Rates
For Classified
Daily or Sunday
i cents per word
.Three time ., 6 cents per word
Bis- times s cents per word
1 mo., daily and Sun. 20 cents per word
In order to earn the more than one
time rate, advertisement mast ran in
consecutive issues.
No Ad. taken for less than 25 cents.
Ada. run Sunday ONLY charged at
one-time rate.
Advertisements (except Personals
and Situations Wanted) will be taken
ver the telephone if the advertiser is
a subscriber to phone.
The Statesman will receive adver
tisements at any time of the day or
night. To injure proper classifiea-
tione ada. should be In before 7 p. m,
j---- --- .rtnrLii.nnj-iri n issi i - -
Money to Lean
On Heal Kstate i
T. K: PORD -W'
(Over Ladd.ft Bush Bsnk) TN
lf riAlJ'.VrAV-P 1 -n
-Insured Properly
Phone 161 Becke t Hendricks. Jleilig
Bldg.. 189 N..High St. 4-28 tt
ums must be kept free from anything
of a questionable nature. Misrepresen
tations will not 'be tolerated. - Infor
mation showing any questionsble in
tent on the part of the advertiser
should be reported to this news
psper or the Pslem Ad Club
improved but
not yet able to see
Mr, and Mrs, Dan J. Frv. Jr..
are receiving manv conerafnla-
tions upon the arrival of a little
son, Daniel J. III. on Thursday.
December 3- '
The sons of Union Veterans of
the Civil war will hold their an
nual election of officers at the
regular meetine at the Armnrw i
Tuesday, December 8. nt 7-5H l
I Vl, 7
You Buy -
For Home
tinsel card, tinsel ribbon, seals, etc The
Act. v -
FURNITURIAn, piece of furniture
make an ideal rhristmae 'grft.-' Come in
and shop rmi 1 .We'll- , ,Ia4 to irt
you. H. L. Stiff Pnrniture Co.
THE SHOP-O-SCOPE U' tne greatest
Christmas discovery, since Rant mna
H today! ' . ?
'TWAS THE" SIQHT before Christmas
-December, Wth to bo oxact nd Tery
8 tCiLl! .ln $K alffOit With
splendid ' tifts' leleetei -throufk the
Shop-o-seopel ; i. .
TQD'JIE'KIGHTl Tfcere'a nhanlntel
no substitute for the Shop-o-seop. these
busy bnyinr diti It'. k7ir
PHONOGRAPHS n.v. lu.i i-n..;..
gifts. We have many model Vietrolae and
Brunswicka at reduced , prieea. Get one
. ubiij the mnsie ysj.
w"5 ih7p "MfH. 1. Stiff Pur?
ifcorv to,. ' ---
FAT STOCKLNQS -withont thin nock
vf " :Jht fr d your chfistm
'"s wreun ice KnoB-o-aeoTMi.
meilow colors, may bo hung on the walls
fZ 2nU'Ztt other furnish,
inga. Max O. JSuren,, 1T9 N. Com. 8a-
lem. . .
'- ' "- '" '
, All that comes frbm one war is
an ?icuye Tor another one.
- -1
7 -
t -
am miss neien Seng,- ' i
V" - a
- - . , - i 4.