'6 THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1,4925 I '.' Let the Slioptope Till Yea All You Lb For Him TV ' mFor Herr ? 7 I Horned TOILET 8ETS la ellk liaod Kilt Mti, wonderfully attractive- set for to 935. Tyler's Drug Store. 157 S. Commercial. DON'T PU2ZLK rwf Uo'liM yoor- f t lookin g for that - GkartmM present tor "her.' ' Let the. Shop-o-aeop show it to you La few minute time. - CHRISTMAS 13 the Ha of goo etee get yourself ' In the proper . frame a( mind by doing your holiday i happing the Shop-o-eeopo way. LpGQAGE Steamer trunks." wardrobe trunks. (Kit aasaa ed kaadhags. A large stock for yoa to leet from. H. I.. Stiff Furnitnrs Co. ' v - - " . THE PEOPLH who get- f1T fevt ami flat wallets during the holiday shopping" eeasoa are the onaa who never thought of Mine; the Hhop-o-ecope. FAT STOCKINGS withoai thin hooktt That's easy 4 year Christmas i buying through the ghop-o-seopa. GIVE WISELY aire welt aire a tnowgn to the BBop-o-scope neiara yoa give. any Christmae presents t . ..... i,... -t - ' THE GIFT without the giver ia ban, they say.. And often the giver i bar of rifts until he remember to coatnit the hhp-o-eope. - .-w SOCIAL NEWS Rv MaeD&eitl' Club Program : Jie MacDowell elob chors trill appfear In coacert for tb tint time this Beason oA Saturday erea lag," kssisted by Emilia Lancel, mezeo-soprano. . AX. progf to f C&ristmaa railc will &e given Those ; who hare heard Ulat Lancel sine are united In their praise of her Toice artistry an! personatltj. During ief riecent io joura in Europe she had numer ous, successful appearance, Includ ing one-la London and one Parti recital -of which the critic made .. m I:..,. f I. 4, :t Lotl $24.75 Lot Includes all coats of originally at $84 to $145, go in this sale at . - V ' $54.75 ":yt"' VllIi&e m 1J A SC? OUO AtW v- CLASSIFIED SIPHON Sf AwfCCRB ROLL-CP- i. nw teat mmti-. An Ue4 Tift for -the Udio. Prieaa. front 5 MV). Tjler'a Dray Store,-157 8. Commercial. ' KEEP THK WB1SKXE8 away from both your forehead and your purae thia year do your Ckriatotta. . aheppint throofh the Sbop-o-tcopa. GIFTRT Ton wilj find many. rti(sle aoitabfa for Cbrietinac gifts in oer Oil try. , Jtowa Ttu- bawia, colxaata aata. eloe trie Ump. - booh-aada, aad amaay otbara. 1L L.. Stiff Fwnitor Co. - PERTUUK ATOVIZEBa Imported; tood qnaBty - rubberu bnlb. ' A. r'ft tba wUI tria- appnwrirto. - 91.56. to J3.0O. TyUc'a DrBft tora, X51 B. Oommamai. CAXDT -raaey CbrUtmet Boxed Can aa. AJa ius vaziot of bulk aaadioa. Th Aea, Vaaonic Temple. CHAISTMAB WIUU. look loae pUaatod-wbn yoa look at it through the Heipfal 8bop-oope. VATTAO .Permit the Uaytaa iUelf to prore ita nqnlli belpfnlnaaa by waab lua wUb iu Then tf it doeaa't SELL ITSELF, aoa't keep at. We will (ladly bring a MayUr ripht t your home. The Vaytar' Rbojv- 1 Sonth H1i Street Tclephoae 2?K.. I-ajI, r-s. ; . , ATIDRF.Ti miNfTH. Phmifl 106 highly favorable , reports. The London Daily Telegraph said "The old Italian eoags showed that she en tftalize such things Into some thing" more than dry formula, an achievement to which her well controlled phrasing . contributed not a little. ; : . This recital will be giren at Waller Hall. Bene fit Bridge Tea' Tomorrow Members of the Salem Woman's club will b hostesses In the club house on North Cottage street to morrow afternoon at a. benefit bridge iea. Playing will com mence at two o'clock:, tea being served promptly at four o'clock., Mrs. Homer Goulet Is general chairman in charge of the party and Mrs. George A. White will assist- her.. .The committee .also includes Mrs.,, John, 2 -Rand .Mrs, C. H. Robertson, Mr. Frank Myers, Mrs. Walter L. fiapulding, Mrs. William Bell, Mrs- Curtis Cross, Mrs. Ralph Cooley, Mrs. E. E. Bragg, Mrs, P. A: "Elker, Mrs. Rhea Lruper, Mrs.' E. E. ling. Mrs. A. L. Wallace, Mrs. Roy Mills and Mrs. Hal T. Patton. i JUST A REMINDER OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ' - AfVJ5 ' BEESSES "Are Beine Soli at Greatly Reduced " i All Dressei that former-; ly sold upward from ?16 have been redttced. All Dresses that sold be-" low $16 reduced if . . w . .ttjoaa S3475 3 v-1 . i. our hiriier cradfl Trrieed 1 i . A LbV2 Want To Know Lb FfTKMITCKS Any piaee oi taraitaro makoa aa ideal Ckristmaa (if t. Coma ia aad hop aroond. We'll ba flad to aasitt yoa. H. L. Stiff Fnrnirare Co. THE SHOP-O BCOPE is the croatoit Cbristmaa - diacorery tiace Santa Claaa it today! MAQ1ZISS SCBSC&IFTION'S Glnag yearly marazioo . aabacriptioaa. aa Cariatmae sifts has srowa in popalar ity baeaasv it ao essily-,aad aatisfae torily aettlea the quaMion of what to riro. We handle al) raeogaiiad pb iications. The Aea, Masonic Tempi. 'TWAS THE SIOHT before Cbriktmaa Drtcnmbrr X4Hv to bo exact aad every stoekina ia the houto was. balinr with splendid fifts selected through the 8hop-e-eope! TOD'SE RIGHT I : Th era's abaolately ao sobititute tor the Bbop-o-aeope these btity buyinj dtyt. It's mi by all wit shoppers. PHOMK3AAPHS maka ideal Christasi gifts, We hare many model Victrolss and Bruniwicke at reduced prieoa. 'Get one for the family bate the mnsic yoa want the year around. H. JL. Stiff Punt itore Co. - - ' - t The clubhouse will be decorated entirely with Christmas noreltfes and win be the first of the Christ mas parties. Special invitation is issued to the ladies who do not play bridge to come in at 4 o'clock. The time between : four and live o'clock is to be given over to social time and everybody is weleome. Ladies who are not club members are welcome and urged to come. It is to be a benefit bridge party, and funds will go . for Improve ments such as tinting and decor ating the walls. Giese-Powefs Furniture com pany Is in charge of lighting. Mrs. Homer Goulet and Mrs. .George White compose the committee tor general ' arrangements. ' .' Mrs. Harry J. Wiedner, chairman 'dec orating committee, Mrs. O. E. Price and Mrs. Roy Burton assist ing. . Veterans Association To Meet . The regular meeting which la the last o! the year of the Marion County Veterans association will be' held at McCornaek hall Thurs day, December : 3. Business .mat- Prices I a . ten will occupy the morning1 be ginning at 10: JO. Lancbeon will be served at noon .by . the .Wom en's Relief .Corps. .The afternqQn will be given over to a program Rev. Fred C Taylor of the Pirst Methodist Episcopal church will be the principal speaker of the aft ernoon. Every patriotic order in the city is requested to send representa tives to this meeting. Members of all wards are most cordially in vited to attend. The. Scandinavian church will sponsor a chicken-pie dinner Fri day evening, December 4, at the church 16th and Mill street's, from 5 to 8 o'clock. ;. .. The Royal Neighbors Sewing club will meet with Mrs, Margaret Ackerman at 235 East Wilson street, Wednesday. December 2. There will be a potluckflnpch at noon. - The Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will meet Wednesday afternoon. De cember 4, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. George Lewis, 780 , North Center street, The St. Paul Galld-; of the Episcopal church will meet tt the home of Mrs. Earl ' Deue, 212 Owens street. Wednesday - after-J noon, December -2. Mrs. C. C. Page will be the hostess. .The ladies are requested to bring their thimbles. Y Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Shipley will Intertain the Merry Go Roiwi xluh in their home tomorrow-evening. Christmas seals will be on sale immediately at the Commercial book store and at Patton'a book store according to an announce ment made this morning by Mrs. John E. Brophy, in charge of the sale for the Woman's club who are sponsoring the Christmas seal sale I SOCIAL CALENDAR 1 Today Bridge tea. Salem iC Woman's club. Club house. Bazaar. Ladies of the Central Congregational 1 church. Ostrin building, State and 1 9th street.. : , Woman's Relief Corps Ladies' Aid society. Fairgrounds. , Writers' club. Mrs. Blanche M. Jones, 606 S. Church street,-hostess. Chadwick chapter of the East ern Star. Election of officers end "auction." 8 o'clock. W. C. T. U. Hall. 2:30 o'clock, i American Legion Auxiliary exe cutive meeting. Chamber f Com merce. ' 8 o'clock. '! Wednesday . W. p. M. S. First Methodist church.l Mrs. F. C. Taylor, 636" State street, hostess. 2:30 o'clock. A. A. U. W. . Literature class. Professor E. C. Richards. 7:30-9 o'clock. ; Bazaar. Ladies of the Presby terian church. Church parlor. Noonday cafeteria lunch. Royal Neighbors Sewing club. Mrs. Margaret Ackerman, 235E. Wilson street. . v . , St. Panra guild of the Episco pal church. Mrs. Earl Dane, 212 Owens street. . Ladies auxiliary of the Veterans of Forergn Wars. Mrs.' George Lewis, 780 North Center street, ; Thursday . Professor N. B. Zane's art -class. City library. . Marion County Veterans asso ciation all-day meeting. McCor naek hall. v Friday . Miss Cornelia Marvin's class in modern thought. Psychology class. Salem Wom an's club. Club "house. SAL-E of RUQS A big- showinjr of Wf Hon RuS-9xl2 Size, Regular ,$135, (discontinued pat terns only) , :. .- $98.50 . $95 WUtons 9x12 stit - '472.50 . t t8S Wiltons 9x12 stie . ' ' ;. $57.50;; :";. ' IIUO Axminstcf.ixlZ she ' . -:$42o50 - r ; . $15 Axminster, Sxlsizc ; ; .". $39.00i:,.i . Unibn Roster ICS AT CTJTTIX'g tWIOir KO. 180 AC eet aeeoad aad fourth Wednesday. President W. X. If alburn; secretary, i Robert Pad a. CvlPrTAli TtPOGBJLPHXClL TJKION KO. .aie Presideat, O. T. Iraaaj aeeretary, ' U. D. Pi&entoa- Meets second Satax day, SHW p. m. CARPENTER' 8 USIOX KO. 106$ Meats . Than, evening. , Arthur Tack er, preaideat: Wm. - Pattia, aeeretary. Skilled marhaniea famished. Phone 179. Lodge Roster rBATIHN'AL ORDER OF KAOT.Efl. meet t oTery Wednesday. Fraternity Ball, 8. M. "Wmeta, See'y. 'Tel. S89-R. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEETS AT Fraternal Hall every Tuesday evening. i Visitors in Tiled. Fred Denham. C. C. ; Walter Lenon, K. of R. 8. tf in Salem this year. The sale throughout the county la super vised by the Marion county health association. ' Miss Janelle Vandevort, secre tary of the Girl Reserves of Yaki ma, Washington, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Van devort. . She motored back to Yakima Monday. , Mr. and Mrs. Rex. A. Turner of Seattle spent Thanksgiving in Sa lem as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Moses. They returned to Seattle Monda'y. . I Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Boise of Portiahd, were the guests recent ly of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Boise. - . Mrs. Frank Snedecor and Mrs. Charles Gray visited friends in Portland on Saturday. . ; Mr. and Mrs. 2. J. Riggs spent the week end in Portland. I . Rev. and Mrs. H. Duncan Cham bers were hosts at dinner in the rectory of St. Paul's church on Monday evening when they en tertained vestry members and the guest of honor, 'Archdeacon Black of " Portland. In the evening rep resentative "members of each soci ety In the church who compose the rector's council, met In the rectory to make ; plan's for the canvass which will be started on December .6 among the church members. ; The sale of seals at the post of fice wUl commence on December seventh and the booths in stores -and business offices will open the sale a week later, December 14. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Adams and son Gwynn, returned Saturday 'from a three day visit with Port land friends. -Robert Bishop was the guest of Ted Young of Albany, at a week end house party at Agate Beach. The group motored over on .Thanksgiving day and remained there until last night. Members of Barbara Frietchie sewing club will meet tomorrow. J Included in the class initiated at the ceremonial were Mrs. Charles Pratt ' and Mrs. Charles Miller of Salem. "A gronp'bf Salem matrons who are jnembers of Nydia temple Daughters of -the Nile spent Sat urday In Portland where they at tended the ceremonial of Nydia temple In the afternoon and the banquet at the Multnomah hotel In the evening which followed. In the Sarem group' were Mrs. T. S. "A number of heavy wool fibre rugs, val ues to $35, your choke " y - T - $19.85 m ; t. All good Wight colorings - 340 Court Street V o resoa Sfiatesmao'n Published every morninr (except foa as J ) as nsism, sno eapias or uiin. Local Rates ' For Classified ; Advertising Daily or Sunday' One time 2 cents per word Three time , 5 cents pec word Six timet 8 cents per word 1 mo., daily and Sun. 20 cent! per word la order to eara the mora than one time rate, advertisement mast ram in consecatiTe issues. Ko AL ttken for lest than 25 cents. Ads. run Sunday ONLY charred at one-time rata. Advertisements (except Personals and Situations Wanted) will be tsken ver the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber to phase. The Statesman wilt receive adver tisements at any time of the day or night. To in tare proper classifica tion sds. should be in before 7 p. m. TELEPHONE 23 OB 583 Money to Loan On Beat Estate . T. K. FORD (OverXadd A Bash Bank) BEFORE YOU LEAVE YOUR HOME ' OB- CAR HA YE It Insured Properly Phone 181 Becke ft Hendricks, Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. 4-28-tf Automobiles SALEM AUTO WKECKINO CO, Wheels, Tires, Rims, Fenders Half Price and Lets Parts for all ears, cash for old ears. 402 S. Church Phoue 2159 IsStt 8CHEELEB AUTO WRECKINO CO, wiU bny your old car. Highest cash price paid. 1085 N. Commercial St.. IjlStf Auto Repairing GENERAL- REPAIRING, TXSE8 AND tubes, accessories, gae and oil. hfED- liKR LEBENGOOD OARAGE. Phone 564. Killer and 8. Commercial Sts. We. tpeoialise ia reconditioning motors. 8a6tf Mesch, Mrs. George Crater, Mrs. James Imlah. Mrs. George L. Dunsford, Mrs. John Sweeney, Mrs. Glen NHes, Mrs. Zadoc J. Riggs and Mrs. John R. Sites. Mr. and Mrs. J. George Elsen hauer and daughter of Portland, were the guests recently of Mrs. Eisenhauer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Littlefield. The fifth card party of the ser ies will be given tomorrow eve ning at the . St. Vincent's de Paul school. On December 8 Nydia temple will give a ball and card party in the Odd Fellows temple in Port land. Admission will be by card only. The meeting of tne Thursday club which was to be held this week at Ellendale, the R. P. Boise farm two miles west of Dallas, with Mrs. Boise, Mrs. M. M. Chap man and Mrs. William Brown, hos tesses, has been postponed. The next meeting of the Never Fail card club will be held on Friday at the home of Mrs. Henry McDonald at 876 south Twelfth street. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stevens of Trocher, Alberta, Canada, are guests at the home of their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Boles. Before moving on their Alberta ranch Mf. and Mrt. Stevens made their home in Sa lem. . They sold the ranch recently and may return to Salem to make their home. $40 Axminster, 9x12 size $32.50 $37 Axminster, 9x12 size $29.00 . '$42.50 Velvet, 9x12 size $29.00; $3 Tapestry 9x12 size $21.85 - Comb any-- i" Auto Tops SEE US FO TOP. Al PAINT WORK. O. J. Hall Anto Too and Paint Shop. Rear Eire Department. - - - 5al6tf Help. Wanted COMPOSITOR WITH ALL AROUND EX perienee. Apply- Westera Paper Con es-if in jr co. vai Salesmen 13 'ppppppppy? ppprf r PPFPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP pp PP PP pp PP PP PP WANTED SALESMAN WITH CAB PP PP PP pp pp pp. We. furnish " all the prospects yoa caa handle. .Another high, rrade saleamaa needed at once. PP PP To qualify yoa mntfc hare aell PP . i - e trc tag experience ia aoiaa line, oeo rr PP Kr. Gaskill, aalesmanager. PP PP PARKER REALTY COMPANY. PP PP 40 U. 8. Bank Bide. PP PP . . Commercial at State . - - PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPpppppppppppppppppppp Wanted Employment 19 YOUNG MAN, AGE 23. HIGH SCHOOL rradaate wiaaes work el any kiso Would work at night if necessary. Good reference. Care Box 3555 Statesman WANT. A JOB WITH TEAM, PLOW- ing or anytting. 1950 N. Front. 19dl WANTED TO PLOW. CALL ADDING Motor Co.' SBvertoa. . Id4 Wanted to care for infant or child under school ago. 1685 Hall St. lSdl FOR GARDEN" PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work, phone 19F3. .'"." . 10ml4tt WOOL GOLF HOSE '. CHILDREN'S sport hose, knit to order. Hand knit ting. Phone 1778-J-- " I9a30tf For Rent 21 MODERN 3 ROOM HOUSE AND GA rage. 1975 - State St. Inquire 1983 State. - ,21d2 PRINTED CARDS.- SIZE BY ?H", wording "For Rant," price -10 coats each. Statesman Business Office, oa ground floor; - ' For RentApartments 23 HEATED APARTMENTS,-1335 STATE. . 23d4 3 ROOM .FURNISHED APARTMENT: downstairs. - Light, and water, SIS, with garage. 412 JJ. 21st. 2Sdl FURNISHED V2-ROOM APARTMENT, close in.' 455 S. Winter.. 23d4 FOR RENT HOUSES FLATS ETC. $10 to $50. Becke ft Hendricks, 189 N. High Street; Heilig Bldg. 23al8tf CONVENIENT 5-II00M FURNISHED apartment for adults. Garage, plume, light and water furnished. T. G. Albert 860 Mill. .:. 23dl PRINTED CARDS, SIZE J 4 BY 74", wording, Kooms to Heat,- price 1U cents each. Statesman Business Office, BSa3CEJCXX53a .' For Rent Rooms . 25 SLEEPING OftM IS MODERN HOME. Also garage. 340 X. Church. 25dl FURNISHED ROOM EN MODERN HOME, close to State House. Breakfast-if da aired. 253 N. 13th. Phone 385-W. 25dl WELL FURNISHED LARGE ROOM AND kitchenette. - Heated. 456 Center. Phono 128-W. ..r 2548 KOUM FVB KENT IN MODERN HOME L tnreo . blocks front state nonsa. All conveniences. Gentleman ; preferred. Please give references and address A. B., ears Statoasnaa. . 25J28tf FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOR atadaats, with alaapiag poeeh privileges. Evarytaioa modera. Raferoacea are re quired. Address room, care Siateaman. - 25j28tf FOB "RENT HEATED FURNISHED room, with - garage. ' . Wear - CapitoL Gentlemen.- Phone 445-M. 25nl9tf For Rent Honse - 27 FIVE ROOM HOUSE FIREPLACE, furnace, and pipes for gas. Close in. Phone 2044-W, , 37nl5-tf RURAL HOUSE NEAR CITY LIMITS. Phone 97F12. '.-.-.. .4.- 27d4 FURNISHED AND . UNFURNISHED b oases. Money- to loss on city prop erty. Brown and Johnson, 109, South Commercial. S7d2 FOR RENT TWO HOUSES TWO flates an upstairs $20 to $50, BECKE A HENDRICKS s, 183 N, High St. Hailig Bldg. 27al4tf FINE SMALL HOME FOR LEASE OR saie. vrano. aaw ,4-room, wired -for -eloetrie range, .Hardwood floors, furn ace, etc Prieo asftOpor $36 rent.. Becke ft Hendricks, 189 N. High Street, Hailif BM-.tf.-7 I 27nl8tf FOR KENT SOMETHING ' GOOD. Three modern homes at $35.. All have farnacee. Also larfe 4-room at $50 and two-tmaMer nomet at $25 and 110. Backs Hendricks. 189 NV High. Heilig Bldg. - 27n20tf For Rent Farms - 29 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS tor rent. r. k, Thomason, Turner, Ore.. Phnne XX. - - - 29sltf Wanted Miscellaneous 83 WOODRY THE AUCTIONEER - BUYS ased furniture for cash. , Phono 511. :.--v.,.r.V; 85atf FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP- mentis . Giese-Fowar Funuture Co. - . 83s20tf HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED stoves, tools, furniture. Stiff's Used Goods Dept., opposite court house. - - -v; -.":Av..i..ia6ai2atf GASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH dental gold, plaUnnnt" and -; discarded jewelry. Hoke Smelting and Refinery Co Otsego. Michigan. ' . S5j28 SELLrTJS YOUR USED FURNITURE . otiii snmitnre ' Co. Used Goods Depu., opposite eoart house. ; 85m22tf WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOR lam losns. Wt have, sovaral applica tioos ' on hand. Hawkins) Boberti Inc.. 205 Oregon Bldg. 85dl4tf For SatV 87 AT BARGAIN 1 1 in. Attrrtin mill aad eicTawr legging r .l Magaaer 15 h. p. motor. Bx, 8378 care Statesmaa. - -.-' : -.-.., ''S';. -h. -.'--S7d3 a - HIGH GRADE- PLAYER PIANO v Ift with'aa. Riit ..rift,. . i , .. .... , . - - .va .in it, t:- niimin rnim btore, 395 s. 12th. - .:-,;v-'.;. - . 87d4 2 INCUBATOItS, 20O EGG CAPACITY ' '. 9 0': ch if tskea at.ence. - Mrs. Jlsje. 36 N. Front. . 37dl . i CLOSING oJT , - Otir urd pianos at $30.00, $73.00 $lQ.O0 ad$125j00. fi.- lhM. . ' njAv they will not fast long at these 1nr- . . Taltaiaa Piaao Store. 38, 8. '- '--Hlt I." cri.r i-t-pfti IT frWIiii aaa4 -and piayer oiano ia our- stock at prsctk-ally df-alcr's rost, for quick sale this week. Terms if a sir.d. Tsllnrsn Piano Stor. 895 . " 37 AUALTA, CRAIN.. HAY. TIMOTHY Oate. Barley and Wheat, guarantrci -OjtiaKty, pronrpt delivery. Price- npi.-i apptieation. -Richard. Nyman, " WV Walla, Wash. ;;t,ji FORDSON, i PLOW8 AND DISK i 03 sals. J. 8. Hiatt, Rt. 1, 63F15. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. TES . eeata m handle. Circulatioa department Oregon Statesmaa. RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE 8" BY etm 60 receipt-forms ia book. 15 cents pr book, or-wo for 25 cent. 8tatesuu,B - office, 215 South Commercial ft.. M. .Urn. .-r . ... . 37C5tf TBESPA8S NOTICES. 8IZE 14x IXS, pnatea a avw iirsuct caaTass, bena Ing the words, "Notice Ia Hereby Given That Trespassing is "Strictly Forbidden Oa These Premises, Under Penslty of Prosecution." Price 15c tick or a ' for- too, - ettBteamaa Pab. Co., Salem. Oregon. 37etf For Sale livestock: 89 GUERNSY COW,- FRESH SOON. 771 N. Com'L . . . 39J '.' ' FRED W. LANOE. VETERINARIAN -Office 420 8. Commercial. Phone 1193. Kes. Phone 1666. 89m23u Wood For ale 43 WOOD FOR SALE. 18-INCH OLD FIK, leoond fir and limbs, dogwood snd alder. Phone 254 or 422, - 4 3d 5 - COAL ALL THE BETTER KINDS HXLLMAK FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 - 43a21 4-FOOT GREEN SLAB, $8.90 PER CORD i, 14-in,. dry mill, $4.60 per load, dry fir and eak. Phoae 1879-W. 43n5tt COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE ! TELEPHONE" 1855 ,V- HZLLMAN FUEL COMPANY -....'-: ' 43n21tf SALEM" ruETJ',:' AV . TRANSFER, 752 Trad 8traet--Wo6d,-Coal. BHquets, , Transfer and v Moving;. Phone 529. WOOD.. DRY, BAWEO'AKT LENGTH HILLMAN FUEL Pp. PHONE 1855 . . - "!' - ' 43a21tf BRIQUETS THAT-LEAVE NOASHES. HTLLMAN FUEL CO. - - . ; 43n21tt 1S-INCH 6LABWOOD PES LOAD, 2.50, lS-faea'Snd fie per load. $3.75; 1 iaeh old iir- par load. $4.50. Preaspt - oatiTery. in. iracy uei iara 1067 D Street. 43n32t d. is wa-r , a. vs. mvma a Aiia CAREFULLY. HILLMAN FUEL CO. . 48n21tt BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft and 16 inch. Dry mill wood. " Oseea asillrwood. - Dry aeeoad growth fir. . 'Dry- 4-ft.- ash, and oak. - t FRED E. WELLS. Prompt deliTery and reasonable prices, 280 Sonth Church. Phono 1542. 43fl8tx 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH eak aad ash. phoas 1F3. M. L. May field. . t-. 43fl8;f -GOOD COAL-DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. HTLLMAN FUEL OO. TELEPHONE 1855. 43j3t1f Mlscellaneons 51 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND Girte-Pea-sra ' Furaiturt .. amett repairing. .' Store. . EL B. SEAGROVX FURNACE ANf sheet metal shop moved to est Mil St. " ... . . . . 51a$0 SALEM FUEL AND TRANSFER CO . 782 Trade 8t. Wood. - Coal, - Briquata aad Transfer. Prieas right. Hervice the boot. DaV phoaoa, 1$ aad 429, Night phoae 1604. Call t. 51s2tf Xoet and Found ' B9 LOST A LADIES SMALL HAND purse between the Coffee Shop on State - and Court and Commercial. Retara ; to Statesman oaftce. Reward. 53d3 LOST GERMAN POLICE DOG. RE ward for recovery. Paoao 1943-J. . - : - - - 53d2 LOST SIGMA NU FRATERNITY PIN. pleaso return to Hamilton's Furniture , Store. 53dl jV Personal 65 HIZZ TREATMENT -J - TOR APPENDICITIS ,ass-WotderfiJL' Free informatiot Address Hiss Co, Portland. Oregea. . . t 65as4-l25 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I am aot rerponiibla, for any tiillg made 'saesat. those ia-4- hy asyaolf. . H. KasaaczscansaBniaaHassaBa Money ;tb, Ixutm 57 $1200 to LOAN-r7 ON ' SALEM home. 8 'to 5 yrs -Becks Hea - dricks, HeUig Bid., 189 N. High St. - . v ".-'.yr -,.. $7a22tf CITY AND FARM LOANS Lobb time. Tow rats interest, easy psy r man. Iaveatirato oar loan pbsa. - . PERRINK MAR8TER3 , 214 Commercial Clan, Bldg. ".'- . ' . 57o29 MONEY -TO LOAN 5H- F. U WOOD. $41 State. 57o21tf MONEY TO, LOAN ON CITY JtESI dences, repsyaUle like rent Funds available for rsidetx-e bnildlng loaaa. A. C. B0H11N8TEDT. Realtor Loans and Insnraneo - 147 N. Com'! St., Salem. Ore SToJStf Wanted Loans 89 $800 WANTED 1. NEW HOME. f "T swartty.. - Becke a Hendricks, 189 N. High, Street, Heilig Bldg. t . -. . . .. . - . OW alStf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN oa rood "res! ensto aeearfty.' - W; BtGRABSNHORST A CO, -l!-8'" Street. S9o31tf 4 Basinesg OpportTxniu.es 61 HAVE YOTJ: BtsntESS PROPERTY Oieat wdl bay for-cash dosirsble basi Beea bnilaingTBt lot, -aw to $40,406.00. PRICED LOW. Becke A Hendricks. -189 M. High Erreet. Heilig Bldg. - -v - '. ClalStf BRICK BUILDIN& . CHEAP $22,000 takes daady..Bonded lease thst will - ";" laeteasiarf valae. Come now, not 1930. ' Be-ka A Hendricks. Heilix 'Bldg.. 189 "JJ. High Street 41n22tf Real Estate 63 Sown". "YOUR LAR'GE LOT ; XORTH 50x1934350 Close school, a,, car. Two laft Befke Hendricks, J-$ N. High atreet Herti? . dg. : , . 63n38tf HAVE YOU 550 HERE'S EXCEl-r lent lot aorth 50x192. Close Sfboela - r'J" 1" Toected tract. Laurel Park. ThPe feft. Beeke ' H--drtcks.., Heilig Bldi- 489 K Hirh -tre.et ; 63n23tf For Sale TWO LOTS $50 IP IXTERFSTED IS cheap lots for homo aad cardea, chick- ; -imsi ete,. . svj theito. Sewrr, - Wate . .Rights, eic. f' ., i-hofI and rar. AVY .:- -reasoBaLV fws, Bwh Itndrickt, iS 'i - :!. Hcil!? BWg. - b s d. r: vii ' a J. ic t l I- 50 v i St " ' 'A X t t - 4 1