a NEWS BRIEFS '5 (Continued from sag 6) atioa tai read by Rev. E.5 II. banks, pastor ot the First Baptist church, followed by an eloquent prayer by Rev. J. J. Evans of the First Christian church. A fine address was siren by ReT. DeYoe, new pastor of Leslie M. H7. church, who, at the close read a poem, "Gratitude, by an unidentified local writer; - Rev. C. C. Poling of the First Evangelical church,' pro nounced the benediction., Aug menting the; congregational sing In?, a voral solo, r Little Road Through Nazareth," was beautiful ly sung byMiss Naomi Phelps with piano accompaniment by Mrs. Guy Fitch Phelps. Mrs. Jackson to S peak- Mrs. C. S. Jackson, wife of the editor of the Oregon Journal : of Portland, la scheduled to address the Salem Rotarians at their week ly luncheon Wednesday noon. She has just returned from a trip to the far north, and will hare as her topic, "Iceland' She i3 bring ing with her Santa Clans and his two reindeers. Dander and Blitzen so that he might see the children of Salem and size them up for the coming Christmas. The reindeer will ; be on exhibition Wednesday afternoon. Children are Invited to address their . letters to to the Salem Rotary-club. ed. T. M. Hicks was elected tem porary president, and C E. Wil son, temporary secretary. Perman ent officers are to be elected Mon day1 night. All of the churches, service clubs, social organizations of all kinds, and Institutions in Sa lem are urged to send delegates to the meeting.- "WcfJen Sell Sloric Albert Richard Wet Jen ij proml- I hent Oregon author, has succeeded ' 'yi in selling two stories. "The Fog," V ' I and "Pound for Pound,"" to T's ikjSaturday Evening Post; probably V, the aeonn1 f mm tha tnw ww bV,, UVUU manuscript market in America, as far as rate per word is concerned. Roth stories were sold to the Post within the past few weeks. Births Are" Reported Three births were reported Fri day at the office of the city health officer. To Mr, and Mrs.. NV J. Yarnell- of . Stayton was born a son November 14, and they have named him Leonard Lavern. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Gamble of 350 South Fifteenth received a son No vember 25, not named in the re port. A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. George Barr of Estacada No vember 19, has been named Har Claims Settlement Ordered' Ladd & Bush, as executor of the Chester F. Lansing estate, late prominent Salem nursery man, has been authorized under an' order in probate to ; compromise claims Count- Tun Not to In County Judge J. T. Hunt de clared Saturday that the taxes of the county are to be no higher this year than last,. although it is said that the state taxes will be. He declared that the county budget for the coming year, to be finally j passed upon by the budget com mittee on December 2J, will not be a cent over that of the past year." The budget must be ad vertised twice before the final budget committee meeting, the last, advertisement to appear ten days before the final meeting. As aeatnst the estate for nurserv stock that, it is held. Lansing did County Superintendent of Schools nt denser durin his lifetime J Mary Fulkerson, has to have her DUTCH iffl IS The executor, under the- order, is also empowered to sell bonds amounting to f 1500. Claimants looking for readjustment of the estate include Ben Rosenau, E. N. Gillam. .Martha Jane Johnson, H. G. Black, I. F. Yoakum. J. M. Far ley, J. N. Conn, and Peter Helger-son. budget In by December 1, all school districts that did not sub mit their census rolls by yester day, will not get in on the divi sion o.-county school funds. UIBTIOIII if SET STOMACH, I GAS, GAS, GAS Cheese Stolen From Amity The Marion Creamery com pany's cheese factory at Amity was broken into Friday night and 1000 pounds of triplet and loaf cheese were stolen. The company is a Salem concern. Most of the cheese was already for shipment The thieves, who are thought to be the same ones who have made a specialty of creamery robberies in the Willamette valley this year. gained entrance to the factory by breaking the padlock on the door. All of the cheese that was stolen is marked with the "Marion' brand. The company is insured to cover the loss, having taken out insurance against theft when creamery rpbberies became com mon in the valley. Chew a few Pleasant Tablets. Instant Stomach Relief! i m instant relief from sourness, gases or acidity ot 'Stomach; from indigestion, flatulence, palpitation, headache or any stomach distress. The moment you chew a few 'Tape's Diapepsin" tablets your stomach feels fine. Correct your digestion for a tew cents. Pleas ant ! - Harmless! Any drug store. Adv.'. Seeks Damages Robert E. Keyes, who runs the Yellow Taxi Cab service in Salem, has filed suit in circuit court tor damages amounting to $1286.47, alleged to be coming to him be cause the defendants, Troy D. Wood and R. Hurst, who sold him the business, misrepresented it to him. claiming each of the two cabs gross -$7 a day while in reality they gross but $4. They also declared, he claims that they would not use the stand at the Bligh hotel, but that they have done so, and that the company was free from incumbrances, while he finds Frank Bligh had a lien on one of the cabs. - M eao cm Once International Outpost Is Now Resting on Glory of Other Days SEATTLE. rratch Harbor, in the Aleutian Islands of. Alaska, once a military rendezvous of four nations, is like a dead city. Before the fur treaty among the United States,. England. Russia and Japan was consummated in 1911, Dutch Harbor was an out post ot Intrigue. In 1893, when seal poaching was at its peak, America maintained five cutters and four gunboats there, while the-British had three gunboats, the Japanese and Russians several war vessels. Daring poachers roamed the peas, and rams were common. Probably the best known of the early pirates was Alec Mac Lean, the Wolf Larsen of Jack London's "Sea Wolf." His last trip to the Arctic was made on the schooner ComanCita, a vessel masquerading under forged Mexican papers. One of his best known exploits was when he eluded a pursuing cutter and anchored two barrels of seal! skins to a bnoy. Later he returned and picked them up. : --: In - 1911, all governments in volved in the ; seal industries, agreed t to handle the killings themselves. Guards were stationed t the rookeries and sealing-at-sea was made unlawful. This treaty was drawn to run 15 years. The pact Is expected to be renewed next year, although British Columbia sealers are opposed. At present the entire patrol is carried on by four American coast guard cutters, whose greatest duties lie' in administering relief to northern residents. Justice and food stuffs are dispensed by these guardians o f the north, while poachers are of minor importance. Meanwhile Dutch Harbor, nes tled among the island mountains. slumbers, dreaming of a glamorous past. Inspector Coming The Salem YMCA's new home under construction on Court street between Cottage and Church streets will be inspected Monday by D. R. Shotwell, of the National YMCA architectural bureau. Mr. Shotwell is making an extensive tour through Pacific coast cities, and is coming from California, where he has been inspecting YMCA buildings including those in Los Angeles. Santa Barnara and San Francisco. Company Ready to Start The Western Paper Converting company, one of Salem's newest industries of large scope, is ex pecting to have its plant on North Front in operation by December 10, according to word received from officers of the company. It is expected that a heating plant will reach completion ' by the end of this week, after which a few of the machines now installed will be put into action. No quantity production has yet been" attempted by the company although several sample moist proof envelopes have been produced. Council to lie Formed The forming of a permanent health council for Salem is the purpose of the meeting called for Monday evening in the auditorium of the Salem Chamber of Com merce. At a recent meeting of; those interested In such a project, the Monday meeting was called, and temporary officers were elect- i .v r TEACHERS' EXAMIXATIOXS Notice Is herebv Riven that the County Superintendent of Marion County, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for State Certificates at Salem. Oregon, In the Sunday school room ot the FJrst Chrlstlan Church, corner Center and High streets, as follows: Commencing Wednesday. December 16. 1925. at 9:00 o'clock a. m. and: continuing until Saturday, December 19, 1925, at 4:00 o'clock P. m. . s - Wednesday Forenoon . U. S. Historr, Writing (Penmanship), Music, Drawing Wednesday Afternoon - Physiology, Reading, Manual, Training, Composition. Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, , .1 Methods in Arithmetic Thursday Afternoon Arithmetic. History of Education, Psychology. Methods in Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art. Course or &tuay lor Domestic Art Thursday Afternoon Grammar. Geography. Stenography, American Literature, Physics, a a .all 2 A . Typewriting, Methods In Language, rnesis ior rrimary eruticaie ; l Fridav Forenoon Theory and Practice. Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography, i English Literature Chemistry Friday Afternoon - School Law, Geology, Algebra. Civil Government - , Saturday Forenoon , Geometry, Botany Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping ' i Very truly yours. ' i , MARY L. FULKERSON. I ' County School Superintendent. N29D3. 4 r--Ai..-','4tl ft y va V iff Z sf ' t "Gfr GETTERS" ALWAYS SEE AHEAD! rpODAV good-vision has cash value. Are yon Just - JL thinking j oar eyes may need attention and letting it go at that.? Find out! You may not need eye glasses. -If yon consult us and that proves the case, we'll tell yon. : Rut If yon do require classes, money cannot buy a higher type of professional service anywhere. Waiting to help you. PQMERQY & KEENE Jewelers and Optosnetrlsia EalcaOreya T mm FIIU SERIES Late Waldo Hills Resident Followed to Long Home By a Large Crowd DAWX IS NEW STUDY HOUR BERKELEY. Cai. Students at the University of California are forsaking the midnight oil for the daylight dawn. The latest time for preparing for lessons here is from 4 a. m., to T a. m. A girl student, discovering the efficiency of studying just before approaching classes rather than at night after returning from social functions, started the new scheme. The funeral of the late Mrs. W. B. McCalliater of Pratum, held at 1:30 yesterday afternoon at the Rigdon mortuary, was well at tended, by both Salem people and the neighbors from the Pratum district. Rev. V. C. Kantner conducted the services, paying a fine tribute to the daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother who had lived a life of service and devo tion and Christian virtue. Mrs. Hinges sang beautifully. The pall bearers were neigh bors, Charles Rice, Dan Yates. Joe Ramseyer, Claude Ramsden. Alfred Keiup and Will Kissling. The long funeral procession then wended its way to the Waldo Hills cemetery, where the body was laid to rest, near the graves ot many of the pioneers of that neighborhood. Deceased was born close by, lived tout her: long and useful career, there, and it was appropriate that she should rest close by. TRAIX DERAILED; 3 HURT GLEXWOOD SPRINGS. Colo., Nov. 28. (By Associated Press.) Struck by a rock slide rolling Oil U1UUUIBIU, inu cujiuco seven cars of a .heavy Denver A Rio Grande western freight train were derailed in Coorado canyon, ; 15 miles east of here tonight Three englnemen were injured. none seriously, j J ! . Comes to the Heilig Tues. - Wed. - Thursjj You'll Be Thrillcu VkV mm4 A tala mi naiwutt lava. Tv , ndvia leads. aaHCixa tarriaec flv IT TOUCHED THE HKAKT miLL nut a r' - I TIOATS SOCti ' Fnm f stmt crM kt LULA YOLLMER ft EDMUND GOULDINGS ! production unfi ; CX3KRAD NAGELj i PAULINE STARKE ! ! : LUCILLE LA VERNE! mm- Until Dec. 10th Chambers&Chambers will display in one of their windows a number of pieces of furniture such as Desks Library and Davenport Ta bles Upholstered Chairs Daven- ports Dining Tables and Chairs Rugs Ranges ancl many other arti cles. No piece will remain in window longer than 48 hours but while in the window the price will be just one half. Keep your eye on this window as just the piece you want may be there. CHAMBERS & CHAMBERS . We are making a fine display of Din ner ware of the truly excellent Ed ward M. Knowles Mayflower ware, beautiful patterns and colorings and every piece guaranteed not to craze. Also a number of beautiful patterns in Johnson Brothers English ware all moderately priced. The best assortment of children's fur niture we have ever had now shown in our basement. High Chairs Rock ing Chairs, Baby Jumpers, Baby Cribs, ; : Doll Carriages, Tables and Chairs, Kiddie Kar's, Jackie Cars, Wagons, Bi cycles, etc. Our prices are never high. ; eiiambers&Chanibi'S GIVE YOUR FAMILY MUSIC FOR CHRISTMAS THE greatest evenings are the musical evenings. Men engaged in continuous mental effort find that music rests the mind and enables them to attack the next day'a problems with new understanding and vigor. SCAMPI CO In The is the one gift that provides pleasure for everyone not only to cheer and inspire one's immediate family hut also to furnish charming music to entertain your friends. For the informal dance it is perfection. The world of music is yours through the Ampico. The music of the world's great masters, played by famous pianists, pervades the home. No one is needed t6 play the instrument no one is needed to pump it. It proceeds, as though possessed of its own genius, to re-enact just that music the mood calls for. Come hear the Ampico. It will prove itself to he the most remarkable achievement of modern times. Ampicos As Low As $745 ' Convenient Terms Arranged -Pianos Accepted in Exchange GEO. C. WILL atbajii a r.e. tw 432 State St.; Your Leading Music Dealer for 44 Years