SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER, 29. 1925 THE QfcEGON STATESMAN. SALEM, ORISON "' T . r . NEWS BRIEFS ,1 . (Contjnswl trot fff i.) Angel: Caspar' Hershteltiirrfrti watcnmaa. Portland. and Cather ine Miller, 5 Salemf-William B. Blanchard - and ' Dorothea, ' Rider, both of. Mill ats; -: ' ' State street betveen Church and Cottage street. Charles V; Gal loway of Portland m deliver the main sAiteis. The eulogy fll be fttett y Hi. -W:' Carlton Bmlta.' The -inks Invite their friend to attend the eerylces. - 1 - t: Hniter Is Fined 7 ' George WirUaa brought -before Justice Small charged with hunting game birds on Turner flats without license. He was fined $25 and -eeata end His gun confiscated, JThAnmat was made by Warden $tevenson. , . . Rosebraugh Itacaserinaw , .J Fra nk Roseb faugh Is - reported recovering niceiy- from an opera lion ror strangulated hernia, per? formed" at .the Sajem hospital q Tuesday." " ..., Reeerre Tour rendition Indian- Robe now." A small deposit will hold it until Christmas. ' Bishop"- Big Hog iqihEd--,ii:-:U ;v; George y,B.iley, roate-'C.. reporU he. killed a hog that weighed 418 pounds dresAod. on. Monday. Hunt & Schaller niaat marketer said to hare judged If the biggest hog iMf nave ererj; bongat. J Reeerre Your Pfadletoa Indian now. A small deposit will hold It until Cbrlaimaa. Bishop's, Enjoy Tonr ileal; ; At The 8pa. tDdajtand hear the wonderful prthpphonic Ylctrola. Orthophqnie Tioirola . ? Giese-Powers. We charge no terest. . . : n29 fpeding Chargel J v Roger Folser was arrested on speeding charge last night by War ren Edwards, city traffic officer. Folger 'was felted to appear In the police court Monday moraing. i - - The French Shoy ' " . All winter hats in stock priced in four-groups. Hats formerly Jiff to $12.50 at $3.50: hats for merly $12:60 to $14.50 at 15; hats formerly' $16. SO to $22.50 at $9 75. M. Bulfa Morrison, 116 High St. B29 Blds to BeCalied- - 1 .,' ? . . Officers of the Salem YMCA an nounce that bids will be called for for. furnishings of the New YMCA building ' reac.bjng completion on Court" street. The bids will be called for Tuesday. - To allow ample Uae for' opening of bids, the contract? wlll be awarded the week following. I ; Gregg,' chairman, Lake : Shields, Julian Burroughs, Russell Edward Pratt,' Glenn Gregg, Walter Fuhr- er, Richard Merril Kriesel, Marrin -Duke'V Roth, Mr. Frtzgerald, of the Marion -Auto company. The next meeting win be held during daring the Christmas holidays with Walter Fnhrer inv charge. A delegation from all the Pacific northwest will be present at this time. Closing Out , Our used pianos at T$50, $75, $100 and $125. See these at once as they will not last long at these prices. Tallman Piano Store, 295 S. Twelfth-. n29 Some Slodera Couple- That rent, here's 4-rqom new cottage, furnace, fireplace, hard wood, dutch kitchen, garage . In basement, wired for electric range'. A double construction union-made home that will last. On .large view lot with treeB. Protected district. with increasing values. Price, $3600. Any reasonable terms to responsible people. See. at 1550 8. Winter street. Becke & Hen dricks. 189 N. High street, Hellig Bldg. n28tf new " municipal' wate, plant' were nat Into action last week, wna the pumps now in use, the city's plant is now completely uwsnea. fne pumps are xepi in acuun ap Drbximatelr 10 hoars a day pump ing water into the reservoir; which is situated on a mil about half a mile west Of the city." Capacity of the plant, which cost ' about $3200 altogether, Is 5.000 gallons an hour. The new pumps cost $1665. ' Moral and Spiritual Healths Is as much a necessity as physi cal health. The men's class at the jBligh theater, 9:45 Sunday morning, taught by J. J. Evans. is trying to stimulate spiritual forces in the individual and com munity. All men welcome. n29 Xon-Sopport Charged v' "Edwin: 'Tantter, "charged 'with non-support, was hound r over to the grand, jury following a hear ing in justice court yesterday.' He is now n the county jail, unable to furnish a bond of $250. 1 For Rent, Warm 5-Rooui flat, $25; right down town. Also 5-room blouse north, $25; garage house, $10. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street, Hellig Bldg. : ; ' I n28tf . t v .r; n j " Play to Be Presented are planning to present the X play. "The Call of Wohelo," Friday, De cember 4; In the auditorium of the Salenrhigh school; .'The setting is a camp, the theme of the play be ing relative , to the campf ire girl's life. The girls plan to show 60 stereopticott vies depicting de tails of Camp Jife, this in addition to the play. " y V : i .. .'. Speeder Fined - D. F. Blake was fined $5 bv Judge Poulsen Saturday upon be ing convicted of speeding. Announcement- Mrs. Abbte Stedman Baer. Port land, will be at Gray Improvement Shoppe. Oregon Bldg.. Monday. Tues. Wed. of each week for the removal of superfluous hair. moles,, warts,' birthmarks, by elec trolysis. Tel. 187. References: State Medical Board diploma. n29 Brunswick's New Panacrore ' in concert this afternoon and eTening at the Gray Belle. H. I Stiff Furniture Co.' - . n29 Speeder Fined ' Earl Star of Silrerton; who was arrested - Friday, night by Officer Edwards" on a charge of speeding, was fined $ 7.5 0 for ! the offense Saturday by Judge Poulsen. Correct Corset Fitting - ' Howard Corset Shop, 155 3 High . A- J.. ' k n29 Saxophone and Band Instrument. - Repairing ibat is guaranteed. Duke's Mualcal. Instrument Repair Shop. Phone 2215. Room 3, Mc- Cornack Bldg. Over Miller's. n29 Fraternity ' Banquet T aiem members of Sigma Phi EpsUon fraternity of OAC Enjoyed a banquet at The Spa November 27- : Rcminiacences of old! school days were recalled and gone over again. .Those present-were Lloyd Seek Spring Water t ' Authority to appropriate water from an tmnamed'spHas; IbTsoojM by the R. 3. Wallaee Orchard com pany of tttfs city in-n application to the state engineering depart- Si tZtt.-, Break a Cold Right Up. with w niisuug x acres ot iana in Polk county.- ! "Paps Cold Compound" Orthophonio TlctrolaaW ' $85. $110. $150 anA 1275 n1 gether with the New Electrpla, at oore s Music House. n29 Interest paid by State - . A check tor $44,5pl.35 was sent Saturday by Tom B. Kay, state treasurer, to the National City bank of New York." The money is to pay the Interest on Oregon irrigation district bonds, as provided for in the law guarao- lT . s forest by, the Jta-te. 1 twit uvrwnfi I or - it -i Howard Corset Shop, 153 B High Lights Donated ..-50? The bridge lonchedn elub, com 1 nosed of 12 of Salem's most prom, mem matrons, HAye donated four entrance lights to Ihe-eaiem ftos pitai. On each poVts at the entrance to' ti hoan!ti grounds a light has teen placed, &nd a light 'has been placed" at : door, 'i The itAn"-tAitktttmA S - money for nufchaslat'th&'lfrtW by holding a rummage safe last year. This year jthe club held ail " J.ber such sale, giTfng the.' proi reeds to the -fiospltal to nse fo the purchasing of lahoratAr - equipment. - i. Take two tablets every-three hoars until three .doses are taken. The first dose always gives relief. The second and third doses completely break up the cold. Pleas ant and safe to take. Contains no quinine or; opiates. Millions us Tape's Cold Com pound." Pric thirty - five cents. Druggists guarantee It, Adv. ,V- ! i -J v -jV Pumps in L' John Qosser. mayor of West Salem, announced Saturday morn ing that the pumps of that city's Services Well Attended The down town union Thanks giving service, held at the First Evangelical church was attended by a capacity filled house. The president's Thanksgiylng procla (Continued on page 7.) You Need Glasses Xl.f-:isr&f? ''tli " ' - if -you find. It necessary to hold reading matter at an nn- jsatural. distance ,fro m your eyes more or less than thirteen inches. . v it eye fatigue compels yon to lay aside your newspaper,' mag azine or book after reading only a short timel y-if you feej, an inclination :to tab iour. eyes' to obtain., reli&t from the burning and smarting sensation, that indicates eye strain. . - : r,' i, , - - ,.V if you can no longer "thread the needle" with the ease and skiU of former years. if you find 'work is "getting on your nerves." if your head aches; if type blurs; if your brain refuses to concentrate on the work you have to do. Morris Optical Coippany 803 Oregon Building Salem, Oregon Make This BANK the Centre of Usefulness Every Member of this Organization Endeavors Through Intensive Ccperative Banking Service to be Helpful to this Community. We Invite You to Come in and get Better Acquainted with Our Staff, Perfected Service and Facilities 7r President First National Bank The ranatrope in Convert ,f ' At the Gray Belle ibis afternoon and evening. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co: - -" Bltmar Released "' 1 - Dick Ditnur, who somi weeks ago was 1 sentenced to serve o days in Jail and pay a fme of $19 for 'driving a. car while under Hhe Influence of1 Intoxicating liquor, was arrested' fepon warrant Frhlay night by Officers Edwards and White. Upon order of Judge Poet sen he was released ixnttl 'Decem ber1!. Postponement of sentence was given t allow -Bert7 Macey, itmar's attorney, to file a writ of review In circuit mrt- " Will Sell Krerv Knr. , Upright, grand and player iaso in bur stock at practically dealers' cost, for quick sale this - week. Terms it desired. Tallman Piano Store, 395 S. 12th. n29 Klks Service to Be nehl ' Members of the Salem Klks lodge are planning' to hold ' their annual Memorial services Decern bor6, in the. new Elks temple on RHICHESTERSFIIW it?f' -maimi mum. ,Y t n t 1 Tfciia f mi if i p W THE MMATION of Your Eyes IS IM PORTANT for it is. from this highly scientific data that your glasses are made. - . But no les$ important" is the correct grinding of the lensejs or the final adjustment upon the face of the wearer, of the finished glasses. " ':' ' ' " v Painstaking care' and individual attentions, to each of these three important departments extending over a period o$ oyer eight years, accounts for our present splendid pa tronage. Let your next glasses he made" for you by the s -at- ' APPOINTMENTS 325 J5tate St Phone 327 m wr M ... ! . y id LflJ&J u J3 ImII rp. n We want to make this the outstanding half price sale of the whole year and are going to give prices that will be talked about for months. . Our heavy trade in the past month has made a large collection of short lines, everyone a fast seller and they all go in the sale at half price, be sure and be there one of three days or it will sure cost you money. We sell nothing but high grade shoes not a cheap shoe in the house and to keep up the high style standard that we always maintain we are forced to move our stock fast, which is bound to make a number of runs of from one to a dozen pairs each pair is in the height of fashion and a real style shoe and they are to be sold at exactly; half the marked price. This Sale covers Men's, and Women's Dress Shoes, Boy's, Misses' and Children's Dress Shoes. Also Men's and Boys Work Shoes in every size. We can list only a few of the many styles. JUL MEN'S WORK SHOES Full run men's $5.00 work shoes, the best thing in Salem for the money. As long as they last at $2.50 Full run men's $7.00 work shoes to clean up the line first come first served at $3.50 Men's high tops and loggers' to close out the en tire line of broken lots. Boots ranging from $10.00 to $15.00, to close out, at half $5 to $7.50 BOY'S DAYTON HIGH TOP Boots in black only. Sizes from 3 to 6. Regularly sold at $7.00. Go at $3.50 CHILDREN'S SHOES One lot of brown calf stitched downs. Good $4.00 shoes. Sizes 6 to 2, go at -; $2.00 One lot children's colored pumps, priced $5.00 to $6.00, to close out at $L95 BOYS' BLACK OR TAN DRESS SHOES The best $5.00 shoes on the market go at I $2.50 BOYS' TAN OR BLACK DRESS SHOES j Regular $6.00 grades, broken sizes to close out, go at ; . 1 $3:00 MEN'S DRESS SHOES i "Men's $7.00 dress shoes and oxfords, broken lines, while they last, go at $3.50 1 Men's $8.00 dress shoes and oxfords, tan, brown, or black. To close out, most all sizes go at $4.00 1 Men's $9.00 dress shoes. Some very new numbers in this lot been broken in our past month's big rush, thev all eo in this sale at t - $4;50 Men's $10.00 oxfords and shoes.. This includes some Florshiems in short runs. Get a pair before they go at $5.00 LADIES' DRESS PUMPS All $8:00 pumps selected for this sale in patent satin ana Kia, go at nan $4.00 AH $9.00 pumps, broken lines, patent, satin, both brown and black, black Jrid, go at $4.50 All $10.00 ladies' pumps, -all heights of heels, short runs, all sizes, but not every size in each run, goes at $5.00 All $12.00 pumps for ladies up to the minute styles but not all sizes to sell quick', at $6.00 LADIES' CHRISTMAS HOUSE SLIPPERS We have just got a big lot of over 500 pairs of new style slippers at a "wonderful buy and are going to pass it on to our customers. They are ribbon trim and every color, every size. We are going to close out the lot at . ' . 95c Big run mfctfs leather slippers, A good $3.50 or $4.00 quality in this sale at $1.95 Ladies' ribbon trim leather sole, rubber heel. A good $3.00 value in this sale at $1.95 McCALLUM HOSE .Get your ..Christmas Hose now and sive Mc Callums and nothing else as they are sd far super ior to anything .else that after you see Jhem you really-could, not Jgive any other hose. Both in men's and Women's.." j- '.;.!.; -':',?,. ' paira of our Regular hose CC CH 3 . pair3 of our at jl. Every Wednesday is Rubber Heel Day. We put on any fea make 50c rubber heel at half price... Wednesday only. SM;W.t ;w JLeayje shoes any day for Wednesday. , . 'V Do Your Feet Hurt? Corns aod -callouses re mored without pain or soreness. Ingrown nails removed and treated. Pains In feet, weak foot, flat foot, foot strains and fallen arches adjusted. Do riot suffer.-1 will give yoa the best that science ean produce in scientific chir opody. Consult . " , : DR. 1VTLUAMS ' ABout Your Feet Hours 9 -5:30 Phone 616 JHE PRICE Vatt $ko FnPsmfx ZZ6 8tatea hCXttDUKm23!l!l Repair Department ; Our shop Is equipped with ' all new . machinery. We use nothing bnt the rery best grade of leather that money will bur. Mr. Jacobson. . In charge of this department, in an expert in his line -has spent years In factories and' repair shops and will do nothing bat high grade -woravi; 9 TO 5 O'CLOCK i