The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 29, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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Pre-Holiday and Drastic! Disposal Sale
1 In different styles V neck, coat styles, turtle
neck, knit bottoms, good assortment of colors.
.Regular $7.50, Now i
In heavy cotton ribbed, ecru and gray. All
sizes. . Values $2.25. Now
And collar to match, of high grade ! material.
Value to $2.25. Now (
' ; - men's suits
In casemere and tweeds, good assortment of
colors, well made, values to $30. Now
High Grade Men's and Young Men's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps
We have a wonderful buy
In a iHxlgn lou ring t with
good tires, spot light, and
several other extras. This
par 1m in the best of shape
and ha been reconditioned
throughout. Priced at $300.
theory part of the examination
will be held in Portland Monday
I and Tuesday, and the nractical
work the applicants will be re
quired to do will be performed at
the Oregon state penitentiary for
ithe convicts. ! There will be about
applicants for licenses.
upon receipt of one grown by Geo.
Riley, route 6. Salem. The price
net was exactly $50.1$. The pur
chasers say this is the largest
Duroc ever received by the firm.
Furattnre fpherrutery
And repairing. Gieae-Powera
Furniturs Oompaay. slulf
Enjoy Your Meal
At The Spa today and hear the
wonderful Orthophonic Victrola.
Closed Automobiles
At reduced prices. These in
clude a Willys-Knight sedan, a
Hudson coach, a Gardner coupe,
Ford coupe and a Studebaker
closure. See these at the Certi
fied Public -Motor Car Market.
until it will be completely filled j
between Commercial and Libetrty.
A concrete wall has been ; con
structed at the place wbere the
mill creek formerly flowed into
the ditch, this for the purpose of
averting the waters of the mill
Hijrh Grade Player Piano
Lefrwith us. Big sacrifice for
immediate sale. See this snap at
once. Tall man Piano Store. 295
S 12th. n29
Reserve Your Pendleton Indian
Robe now. A small deposit will
hold it until Christmas. Bishop's.
Miss Garfield Recovers
Edna Garfield has sufficiently
recovered from an automobile ac
cident of several weeks ago to be
able to resume duties in her of
ficial court district.
. ' I-I. . - -. . .-.-I. J ... - L .I' I ... I II I ' "" ' ' '
I Ou r WeatherMan
l ;. 1
Probably Rain
Cloudy over east ana unsettled
with probably rain over west por
tion; moderate temperature; fresh
easterly winds. Max. (Saturday)
46; Min. 44; River, .7, rising;
Rainfall .01; Atmosphere cloudy;
Wind south.
Wood Contract Let
- A contract was let yesterday by
the Marion county court for the
cutting of 275 cords of wood on
the rcounty farm, near Hopmere.
The successful bidder was Delbert
Hart and Son who agreed to do
the work for $1.50 a cord. Work
will be started as soon as the con
tract is signed. Other bidders
were Frank H. Ayers, ! $1.70,
George Matteson, $1.75 and Ed
Thornton, 1.75'. Two bids were
entered for cutting 100 cords of
the wood. These were by J. Gro
gan, at $1.80 and John Dollens,
$1.50. !
Orthophonic Victrola
$85, $110, $150 and $275. to
gether with the New Electrola, at
Moore's Music House. n29
Gordon Hose, f 1 tT
Howard Corset Shop, 153' S High
Company P Membei
Will see "Midshipmen" at the
Heilig following latter part of drill
program Monday night. n29
Visitors Prom Iiongvlew
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. KInnear of
Longview were Thanksgiving
guests of Mrs. Kinnear's mother.
Mrs. H. C. Lemke, and family. Mr
Kinnear is in the real estate busi
ness in Longview. Other guests
were Frank Russell and Russell
Hudson of Portland.
Semi-Annual Sale
Of beautiful wearing apparel.
Most interesting sale on all cloth
coats. No coat priced over $59.75
many at much less. The French
Shop. 115 High St. n29
Brunswick's Nw Panatrojv
In concert this afternoon and
evening at the Gray Belle. H. L
given employment as a parse, and
two as hotel housekeepers. ; There
were 107 men To seek" employment
through the bureau, 39 Jobs avail
able and 39 men referred. For
five jobs open, for. women, 21 ap
plied, five being -referred. ...
Orthophonic Victrola
Giee-Powers. We charge no in
terest. n29
Saxophone and Band Instrument
Repairing that is guaranteed.
Duke's Musical Instrument Repair
Shop. Phone 2215. Room 3. Mc-
Cornack Bldg. Over Miller's. n29
Former ftalemite Visits
Archer O.- Leech and wife of
Portland visited over Thanksgiv
ing at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Leech. 1575 State.
Mr. Leech is manager of the sales
department of the Portland Gas
& Coke company.
Hotel Marion
Dollar Dinner. Served .5:45 to
S. Every evening. n-27tC
Exclusive Distribution
For W. W, Kimball pianos. A.
O. Chase, Davenport & Tracy,
Bash & Certs. Moore's Music
House, 409-415 Court. i20tf
took out a permit to erect a que .
story garage house at 1345 Trado
to cost $300. Mrs. Belle MiJ-.'i
Brown was given a permit to con
struct a one-story dwelling at 590
North Sixteenth street, at a cost
of $2500. Earl V, Barham ws
issued a permit to erect a oue
story dwelling to cost $4500 tt
865 North Winter.
Enjoy Your Meal
At The Spa today and hear the
wonderful Orthophonia ictrola.
n2J 1
Furniture fpnofcstery
And repairing. Gleae-Powen
Furniture Company. . . ilOtf
Orthophonic Victrola
Gie8e-Powers. We charge no in
terest. n29 ,
Netted Gem Spuds, $2.45 Sack
Hunt & Sehaller's Mkt 2C3 N.
Commercial. Phone 1900. n29
Rev. PheIp Leavi
Rev. Guy Fitch Phelps, lecturer
and author who has been-lecturing
In Salem for three weeks, left
yesterday for Pasadena, Cal., to
fill a similar engagement.
Stiff Furniture Co.
Dr. Marshall Osteonathic-
Physician and surgeon.
Protect the Investment
In your car. Have it greased
at The Grease Spot. n29
Enjoy Your Meal
At The Spa today and hear the
wonderful Orthophonic Victrola.
Orthophonic Victrola
Giese-Powers. We charge no in
terest. n29
Fneral Tuesday Afternoon
The funeral of the late R.
Jones, who died in Los Angeles on
Wednesday, will be held on Tues
day afternoon. The time and hour
will be announced tomorrow. The
body is on the way to Salem.
Ditch Being Filled
Work of filling In the Division
street ditch is progressing rapidly.
Between Front and Commercial
the ditch has been filled complete
ly, and but little work remains
Mat hi Nursery Sale
Thp Mathis Nursery have opened
a sales yard and office just oppo
site the postoffice on State street
where most varieties, sizes and
number of trees are carried In
sfock. Persons thinking of buying
may well see them.
lt 1. J. Hernha Make It
Look like new. Expert piano
md furniture refinishing and pol
ishing. Inquire at Moore's Music
House. 409-415 Court. Phone 983.
The French Shop
Our semi-annual sal continues,
coats and hats, downs for street
and evening wear. Wonderful val
ues in all lines. M. liuffe Morri
son, 115 Hish St. n2S
Pr. "White, Osteopathy
Electronic diagnosis
Champoeg Visited
The following Salemites were
recent visitors to Champoeg park:
Helen Pippy, Beatrice Walton,
Mabel Robertson. Anne Simpson,
W. H. Burgworth and Carrie Jen
nings. The road to this place is
in the best condition in Champoeg
Here You At
A 1923 Ford roadster for sale
for less than the price of acces
sories. See or call Biddy Bishop,
Fred M. Powell motor car. dl
Tires, $1 to $7.30
All sizes; new and used parts
for all makes of cars. Salem Auto
Wrecking, phone 2159. n29
Bazaar, Central Cong. Church-
Dec. 1, Ostrin building. State
and 19th St. Fancy work, aprons.
nntrri fnrA on1 pandv Ti5Q
Lessons in Pollyerome
Mrs. Trover, Trover's Studio
Divorce Is Sonant
Gladys G. Ttitus has filed suit
for divorce from Austin L. Titus
cnarging desertion. They wre
married in Dallas in March. 191S
Mrs. Titus declares her husband
left her in June, 1923.
Orthophonic Victrolas
$S3. $U0, $150 and $27.-.. to
gether with the New Electrola, at
Moore's Music House. n29
The Panatrope" in Concert
At the Gray Belle this afternoon
and evening. It. L. Stiff Purni
ture Co. ,- n23
Building Permit Issued
mrt?; ouiiams permits were
issued from the office of the city
recorder Saturday. . W. A. Liston
Girls! Enter This Contest
For the most beautiful hair,
phone 2 63 and makejin appoint
ment for an interview with Miss
Katheryn Gunnell. n29
Shrnbs, Fruit Trees, Roses
Bulbs, at Pearcy Bros., 178 S.
Commercial St. da
On Dental Board
Dr. Carl E. Miller will be out
of his office this coming week
while in attendance to his duties
as member of the Oregon state
board of dental examiners. The
Porker Claims Honors
Recently new records for size of
cucumbers grown in Marion coun
ty were established, and now the
Duroc-Jersey porker claims first
honors in her class. Four hun
dred eighteen pounds read the
scales at Hunt & Sehaller's market
Employment Report Filed
A total of 40 persons, 37 men
and three women received employ
ment through the Salem YMCA
employment bureau during the
past week, according to a report
filed by Sim Phillips, head of the
bureau. Out of the 37 men re
ceiving employment, 29 were given
work as common laborers, seven
as agricultural help, and one for (
restaurant work. One woman was 1
At Los Angeles, November 2
Ralph R.Jones, a former resident
of Salem.' He is survived by his
widow, one son, Evan Jones of Los
Angeles, and one daughter, Mrs.
Breyman Boise, of Salem. The re
mains will arrive in Salem Mon
day. Announcement of funeral
later by the Rlgdon & Son mortu
aiy. ;
At Pomeroy, Washington, No
vember 28, Rev. John Robertson.
He is survived by his wife ar.d one
son, .John Dayton Robertson. The
remains will arrive in Salem Tues
Rigdon & Son mortuary. Inter-
day morning. Funeral services will
follow in the afternoon from the
ment will be in the I, O. O.
So that he seemed to depart.
not from life, but from one
home to another.
Cornelius Nepos
W. T. Rigdon & Son
Leaders Meet
The cadet leaders of' the Salem-
YMCA met Saturday morning In
the rooms of that organization.
Elementary boxing and mat work
proved to be the order of the
meeting. -
' ' ' I -i
Oppen Teaches Acetylene
And electric welding. New elec
tric welding machines, $250;
acetylene generators, $90 and up.
695 Mill St. d7
For Lease, Small Home-
Brand new, furnace, etc., $36
month. Becke & Hendricks, 189
N. High street. Heilig Bldg. n2Stf
Five licenses Issued
Five applications for marriage
licenses .were made in the county
clerk's office yesterday. Those
receiving licenses were: Dolph
Heater, farmer, and Sheila Fran
ces Neal, both of Sublimity; John
Rowers, farmer. Salem route 3 and
Mary Ellen Wicks, Halls Ferry;
William J. Meier, farmer, Salem,
route 5, and Marie Kraemer, Mt.
(Continued on psfce G.)
f 1 "
Pomeroy & Keene
Jewelers and Optometrists
Salem, Oregon
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