The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 29, 1925, Page 11, Image 11

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FIRST Liberty and Ceater street; 'C.
C. Poling, pastor, residence, 43 fentr
stret-t, iUoa (Services 11 '. n ,
'7 p. m. ; Mormon topic, "Lord's Supper."
Kpeeption of members, celebration of
lord's Sapper. - Bee, O. U ijovrll will
preach at 7:30. tiiuiday school, 10:45
a. ' m, superintendent, J. i Clrich.
Young people's meeting :80 p. m., sub
ject, "Vie tori of Christian Friendli
ness, in, China," leader, JlrC Lncile Os-
-trander. Lesson Acta 2: 38-47. Week-
day -service Thursday treeing, Mr. Hie
farlh, leader.
. . ;mnr.EB : bbethben .
FIRST' -12tH and Mission- streets. A.
fi. IlepdeTson, pastor. Sunday school.
10 a. m.- inerninaT worship, 11, a. m. U.
11. C. K. 6:30 'p m.,' Oren Buetbee. lead-:
r. ' Evening worship 7:30 pi m. . Mid
week prayer services, Wednesday oveninir,
7:30. .Come, let us worship tojret'uer.
Coma to the services at Ketzer school
' this Sunday. Charch school at 10:00 a.
rn., wMh classes ' or 'all asres. Joseph
Bartrut, -1 superintendent. -i Everybody
w.troma. Jmiior league at 6:30, Mildred
- Gardner, leader. We have a fine proup
t tee younger boys K'rls bat there
is always room : for one more. Senior
league meets at the same hour. Lncilla
f'ommings, leader. Kveninc service at
; 7:30. (iilbert Wren, pastor. Come nd
lu-ing the family. Next Sunday, Decem
ber 6 is onr ananaf Homecoming. " We
welcome all - old t friends ' and neighbors.
. ". - .IffETHODIST
" . BCASDIXAVIAN" 15h and Mill
streets-Patrick JJahlia,. pastor, residence,
t'0Jj Trade street, phone 377J. Bervice
in Swedish a II L. a. m.r .English, .8 p. m.
i At the evening service we will have the
I pleasure of hearing Di". 'W, H. Hertiog,
from Klmbsll college. ' Sunday school, 10
- a. ok, i Mrs. C. Forgard, superintendent.
'. Yonng people's meeting, 7:15 ? p.- m.
Thsrhdsy at 7:30 p. m., prayer meeting.
On ridy ' tvening between 5 . and 8
o'clock our ladies will serve a splendid
" "Chicken - Pie Bopper In the church.
Kami-day evening at 7:Bt our Sunday
school meeting will be held, in the home
of Mrs. Svea Okerberg, corner of Judson
'and High streets. Yon are all cordial
ly invited to enjoy bar meetings.
"OCRT STREET -Conrt and X. 17th
street.'-' H.!..." Putnam, "pastor, 1106 Les
lie street, phone 1425 i. Services 11 a.
m., 7:30 p. si. Sermon topic: "To Each
Xan Hi Task,; evening, "God's. Dyna
mo." Evangelist, J. T. Stivers. Lor
raine Stivers will have charge of the mu
sic' ' Solo: 'Hearing the" Cro." ' Tve-.
nmjr solo: "When They King Those Gold
en Bells.' Also a saw solo and panto
mime: -"My Faith Look Cp To Thti,"
by Mi. L. Stivers, tiandsy school 9:13,
Chris. J, Kawiti, superintendent. Volun
teers vixit shut-ins in afternoon.. Chris
tian Endeavor, 6:30 Juniorlntennediate,
iionior-Intermediate and Senior prayer
meetings. The Stivers vangelistie Com
pany will conduct services each night at
7:30 except on Saturday. The puhlie is
invited. Come i the Lord's House to
day. You will always find a hearty wel
come with "The Chnrch with the Family
Spirit." s . ';, .,
Cottage and Cheniifkefa streets. Rev.
Martin Feretihetiau, miniHter.' " 1'arson
sge. ti57 Oiemrkpta street, office ouone
Church school it 111 i. m' Graded
instruruon. sir. Mxes JMcivay, superin
tendent. Devotional services at 11 a. TO
Subject Of the sermon, "The Wild Ass
A Stndy-in melf-Suffieierey." (Mrs. Mar
tin Feshptian, contralto soloist of the
church will offer a solo, Li?ht," by
Scott. Mrs. W. A. Denton at the orsan.
The Kmerson class will usnal on
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the
parsonage. The general subject Is "The
Problems of Human Life, and the particu
lar topi for the evening Iwture will be
the philosophy of Aristotle. IJiscmftion by
members of the class.
Ferry street bear fionth Cottage. Ill E.
Caswell, minister, residence,; 173 8
Cottage street, phone 1434J. Assistant
pastor. Mrs. -Oaswell. ' Services," 3 ami
7:30 p. tu. Sermon topics; "Prisc."t
a. m., -"An I My Brother's Keeper'."
p. m. Sunday school: Z p. m superin
tendent, Mrs; MyWflson.' ' Young people's
meeting, Satorday evening Weekdav ser
vices: Tuesday 7:30, Prayer and Praise.
Friday, 7:30 Bible study in the 5th chap
ter of Daniel. Sunday school lesson is
found in Acts 20: 19 32. Golden text:
"I was not disobedient unto the heaven
ly Vision." Acts 26:19.-
FIRST Liberty and Marion, Ernest H.
Shanks, pastor, residence 549 X. Liberty
street, phone 1920. Services: 11 ao a.
m., 7:S0 p., m. Sermon topics: "The
Power of the Spirit," a. m. ; Revival Meet"
ings,- p. Hi; Two violin solos, Miss Hel
en Selig; vocal solo: "The Karth is The
Lord s" Lynes, Mr. Fred G. Kisher,
song evangelist. Anthem: "The King of
l.ove" Shelly. Quaifet and solos. Chor
us choir in the evening. Sunday school.
;45, superintendent. YA SfHuuke. Young
people s meeting. 6:30 p. m.. executive
committee iu charge. Kevival meetings
ill continue during tha week with th
pastor and Mrs. Fisher in charge. -Meet-
in? every - evtiiing, except Saturday. -FRTEaTSS
. SOfTH SAl.KM Commercial and
Washington, streets. Pastors: Ca hi and
Mmuio Miller, -residence 165S S. Liberty
street, phone 1:MR. Services It a. m.,
7:3(1 p. m. Soraton topic . "The' Lost
Cmn." Sands y tiehoo! i ID i. m., super
intendent, B. J. C. Patton. Young peo
ple a meetings : 6 :30 p. m. leader, Vir
ginia Ahalt. Topic i "Friends of China."
Thursday, 7:3i, -prayer meeting.
CENTER STRKET 13tb and Center
streets. Pastor A. F.' Hilmer, rfsidence,
084 X, Winter, phone 680X. Services:
11 a. m., 7:45 p. m. Sermon topics:
"The Redeemed of the .Lord," a. m.:
"Jesus, the Mediator," p. in. Sunday
school lO a. m superintendent, H. H.
firall?. Kp worth league, 7 p. in., fol
lowed by evening service in English.
ST. PACL'S Church at Chemeketa
street., Rector, Rev. H. Imncan Chma
liers. Holy Kucharist at 7: SO a. m.,
conorate for men. and boys. Morning
piayer and sermon by the rector 11 a.
n. Sermon topic: "Religioos. Kduca
tion. This is advent or the beginning of
the church year and should be started, by
attending church. Church - school 9:45
. i hi., superintendent the rector. Stn
dent , should remember to bring their
offerings for hospital work among crip
pled children. -A The Rector's Council will
meet on Monday evening to complete the
work of preparing for the labor ef Sun
day, le-. 5th. St. Panl's extends a
hearty welcome to all.
Winter and Market streets.. Pastor, Mor
timer C. Clarke, residence, 1228 X. Win-t-r, 1356-W. Services 11 a. ra.,
7: 30 p. ra. Sermon topics "Obedience
to the HaveBly Vision," a. m.; "The
Agony and Joy-mf Salvsrtion." Class meet
ing, at 12:15, Mrs. Clara Cooley, leader.
Sunday scl ool 9:45, Ir. Frank S. Schutz,
snperiiiW'n (f nt. Young peoples' ' meeting
:30, Lutlier D. Cook, leader. Cottage
prayer- meeting each Wednesday at 2
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Caroline
Juc'KKon, I4iii: X. Winter street. Weekly:
prajer wceting each Thnrsday evening at
7:i:0. ,AL will be . welcomed to tne&e
semcfi and yon wHl enjoy the splendid
spiritnat nttnosphere of this" church.
work of the Salvation' A'rmy'a.muagr la-'
dia's criminal tribes. There i a "pei-
p".Sunday school at C:"0. and
mg esoeciailv ior voung ieoIe-et 'f.'-M
p. m. A irjirm welcome and uoT ese.
awaits -yon t . i
CLAI TIDIXGS S43V4 Court St.. '.
S. Johnson, residence: 1933 Maple, phone
1917W. Services 3 ' and 7:30 . ra.
Sunday -school 2 p. ra., S. lieikey, super
iatendent. Young peoples meeting Fri
day evening- Week day services Tues
day, i Thursday and Saturday evenoings.
Full gospel teaching. JKarnent testimoniei
and lively singing. . , -
M. ' ....",,.''.'" ...'",,-'..'..
r?5 I
FIRST Center and High-streets, J. J.
Evans, minister; Vivian O. Whislcr,
church assistant; Hattie MiJehelt, jais
aionary. The special feature -of the even
ing program will be a Thanksgiving hymn
in pantonine by Mrs. Frank Brown. The
sermon will be on "The Adaptability of
Christianity." At the morning hour the
topic will be, "What Is , Demanded of
the Church!' The Bible school meets at
9:45. The men's class taught by the
pastor meets at the Blish theater al the
same hour. Young people's meeting tt
6:30. Large audiences are attending -mtr
Sunday services in all departments. Come.
24 J State St. Major and Mrs. A. W.
MrCurdy, who spent 16 years on the
mission field in India, will have charge
of the two principal Sunday meetings, at
11 a. and A p. iu. They will appear in
the native Indian dress as worn by Sal
vationists. Mrs. "McCurdy, who has been
a trained nurse, will relate her exper
iences a a missionary and sing in sev
eral languages native to India. Sunday
night. Major McCurdy will speak on the
and Jeffernon Sts Thomas Acbeson,
pastor, residence: 1030 Hood St., phone
2106J. Oilbert Wrenn, assistant pastor,
residence: 14B4 Ferry St.. phone 2327.
Services 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Ser
mon topics: "Will the White Mao Farm
the World!" The pastor and lit. Avison
in charge. Rev. Wrenn preaches to the
junior church at 11 a. m., young, people
welcome. Choir music morning and
evening. Sunday school 9:45, Harry
Carpenter, superintendent. Young . peo
ples' meeting 6:30 p. m., senior, high
school and junior high leagues will meet
in separate rooms for devotional services.
They .will welcome others of all ag 'n
meet with them. Good time assured.
Tuesday 7:30 . p. m.. Dr. Leach will be
present to conduct first quarterly, confer
ence. Thursday evening mid week ser
vice for junior, and senior -ehurehes.
Special attention is called to tile Sunday
evening (service when Ir. Aviion, a form
er city pastor, now resident in- Portland
will preach. Thank offering for W. H.
M. society will !' i-eceived. Public wel
comed personally, and made to feel at
FIRST Corner of Church and State
St., Fred C. Taylor, pastor, residence:
636 State St., phone 74. Miss Mary K.
Findley, director of Religious Kducation,
office, 126 S. Church St.. phone 87i.
Services 11a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Ser
mon topics: "The Christian: Life De
fined," and "The Fruitage of Faith."
Junior church service at 11 o'clock in the
(Continued on page 8.)
.I IP P (Q)
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M&htinyoutown home,
TjppoSE a Maytag Gyrafoam were You would see a washer so compact and
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Special prices- on holiday photos will prevail at our
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These are positively NE W ! They arc
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It will be well worth your time to in
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