The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 29, 1925, Page 10, Image 10

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My name is Rowena, little
daughter of Dr. O.- L. Asher ot
Turner, Oregon.
I rode all the way from South
ern Ohio in a little motor bas
sinet which was attached to the
rear seat of a touring car. Al
though only eight months old
then; enjoyed the trip very much.
as I could sleep or sit up and
play on very rough roads without
any discomfort to myself or
Eastern Star Election
Chadwick chapter. Order of the
Eastern Star, will meet for the
regular stated communication on
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock
During the evening the wrapped
packages which the ladies have
been asked to bring will be dis
posed of at auction.
Miss Talkington Improves
The many friends of Miss Cora
Talkington. who has been severe
ly ill for the past two weeks, will
be happy to know that she is
slightly improved. Miss Talking
ton is still unable to see her
Upper left: Mrs. Homer Gou
i -Jet .chairman of the benefit bridge
tea, which the Salem Woman's
i- ;.club is sponsoring on Tuesday at
the clubhouse, and which prom-
tsea to be one of the outstanding
social events ot the week. Upper
'fright: Mrs. George A. White,
who is assisting chairman for the
Salem Woman's club bridge bene
Jlt pn Tuesday. Lower right:
rolin (left) and Fred (right).
-.'five and one-half year old sons of
and Mrs. Fritz Slade;
Bare trees against a sunset sky, ,
Make lacy fret-work of grey twigs against the flame,
Like faggots on a fire.
The chill of evening fills the crisping air ; L .
Now spires and domes rise sharp against approaching
night; ; ;. . - - '
Lights blink in windows blinds are drawn,
And paces quicken, as the crowds, gone for the day,
Near home and lighted fires.
Blanche Jones
y. W. C. A. Board
i! Nominations
Seven vacancies in the city Y.W
ijl. A. board will be filled from
iv.ljie following list ot nominations
which were made public by Miss
- Marian Wyman. local secretary,
. last night. The seven elected will
serve for a term of three years,
the first six in the group already
' 'having served such a term, and
''are now being considered for re--
elation. . ; ' - ? r
" The group Includes Mrs. Alice
lt.- Dodd, Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Mrs.
r Harry Hawkins, Mrs. C. Perry.
"Mrs. Eric Butler, Miss Mary Find-
ley. Miss Ella . Blackerbie. Mrs.
Jlann. Mrs. E. E. Ling, Mrs, E. E.
'Elliott and Mrs. Frank Erickson.
- ' ,The election will take place on
December 7 and 8, with poUs open
tfrom 9 to 6 each day. Onlymem-
berg of the association may vote.
jvTwenty-o-ne members are included
j.on the board, a group of seven
ij being elected each year.
- Thanksgiving in Portland
i "Mrs- Wa M- Babcock has been
ppendinz the nast ten days in
Portland as the house guest of her
sister, Mrs. C. A. Mauldinc .On
i Thursday Miss' Grace Babcock
T Joined Mm. Babcock for a delight
ful family dinner at the Maulding
i home.
pVr. and Mrs. Pierce
sfr.. The country , home of Mr. and
.Mrs. Edgar Pierce was the scene
of a delightful dinner last Wed
nesday "evening preceding the
f Country club formal at the Illihee
flub house.
; Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Donald A. Young, Mr, and
?Mr. Karl Becke, Mr. and Mrs
-.!arrell Proctor, Mr. and Mra.CHf-
tod Farmer and Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter. J. Kik.
iTIianksgiving at Hodge
v -The home of Mr. and Mrs. D
UA. Hodge was the scene of a tes-
vtive Thanksgiving dinner Thurs
5-day when a group of twelve were
guests. The table was lovely with
a centerpiece of fruit and flowers.
.-Bronse chrysanthemums filled an
attractive bowl placed at the cen
ter of the table on a glass , tray
which was hanked with autumn
fruits. Orange candles burned in
crystal holders, while the same
orange color note was used in the
nut baskets.
The group included ?.lr. ahd Mrs.
E. Paul Todd and little daughters,
Ruth Pauline and. Carol, Mr', and
Mrs. O. A. K reamer. Miss Gretch
en Kreamer, Mrs. Madelipe Nash,
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Rojecrans. !
Miss Frances Hodge, and the hosts j
Mr. and Mrs. IX A. Hodge;'
Bridge Tea on Tuesday
Plans are Leing-completed by
the committee in charge for the
Tirst benef.'t bridge tea announced
by the Salem Woman's eluh for
the season. The, affair will take
place on Tuesday, afternoon, De
cember 1, at the. club house on
North Cottage street. Mrs. Ho
mer Goulet is general chairman.
assisted by Mrs. George Ai White.
The committee includes Mrs. Ho
mer Goulet, Mrs. George A; White,
Mrs. John L. Rand. Mrs. C. H.
Robertson, Mrs. Frank ; Myers,
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, , Mrs
William Bell. M1-s. Curtis , Cross.
Mrs: Ralph Cooley, Mrs.. ! E. E.
Bragg, Mrs. P. A. Eiker, Mrs. Rhea
Lu per, Mrs. E. E. Ling, j Mrs. A.
L. Wallace. .Mrs. Roy Mills and
Mrs. Hal D. Patton. i ,
: i ne . cnatrwoman nave cawed a
special committee meeting of the
group for 2.30 o'clock this" after
noon at the club house. The house
committee, Mrs. Roy Burton, Mrs.
Ralph Cooley and Mrs.". John H
Albert, win meet with the bridge
committee. . ;r : 4 i r .""
Among a number of out-of-town
reservations which are being made
are ladies to make up two tables
from Dallas. In this group will
be Mrs. Orr, Mrs. G. L. Crider.
Mrs. J B. Aiken. Mrs. J. R. Al-
good, Mrs. J. C. Eulow, Mrs F. "B.
Sundberg. Mrs. C. K PiasenskI and
Mrs J. E. Aiken. .
MacDoicell Club Program
, Indian numbers will be featured
on the second MacDowell club con
cert of the season which will be
given tomorrow evening in Waller
Hall. i
- vThe following program Is an
nounced: j
Tableaux. Dawn; Indian Sanuwa
Thomas Allen, Indianola, D. U
Henry, by the Elks orchestra,
which includes in its personnel C
J. Kurth, W. Wroten, C. A. Arm
priest, A. Bombeck, C. Southwick,
D- C. Burton, A. Steelhammer and
D. Michelson.
Talk on Indian lore and music,
by George Bent.
Ca) ,Lament Dance, Miss Louise
Wrisht; (b) From an Indian
Lodge, MacDowell, by Miss Eu
genia Savage.
Pale Moon, Logan, by Reno
Rover of Stars, Alfred Noyes.
Miss Carol Dibble, reader.
(a) Wait No More for Me (Sioux
melody) Grunn; (b) My Silver
Throated Fawn, (Sioux love song)
Lierdance; (c) Aooah, Red Wil
low Pueblo sone, L,ieurance, by
Ruth Emory Riddle.
An Indian Summer Sketch, by
Miss Nancy Tbielsen.
From the Iand of the Eky Blue
Water, and Farr Off I Hear a Lov
er's Lute, from Charles Wakefield
Cadman's lyric of four American
Indian love songs, by the Schubert
Members of the ootette giving
the last group are Eva Roberts
Lorraine Fletcher Hilda Amsler.
Nina Bushnell Ringo, Grace Fawk.
Elaine Chapin, Myra Gleason and
Kuth Swart. Accompanists will
be Mrs. Ruthyn Turney, Lois Nye,
Donald W. Riddle and Jean Hob
son. .
Wilsons Visit in Seattle
Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Wilson re
turned on Thanksgiving eve from
a delightful visit in. Seattle with
their son and daughter-in-law. En
s'gn and Mrs; Ralph Wilson (Mar
tha Powell). They made the tr'o
by motor, remaining for a week.
Ensign Wilson, having left Brem
erton- earlier in the month, plana
to sail on Monday for the south.
Mrs. Wilson will leave Seattle soon
to spend some time as the guest
of her parents at Seaside. She
will also stop at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson while on her in
land trip south.
Mrs. Stewart Is Guest
Mrs. Josephine Stewart. fcoHse
mother at the Gammi Phi Beta
house on the University of Oregon
campus, is spending the Thanks
giving holidays with her ton and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs." Richard
Slater. Mrs. Stewart .will return
to Eugene this afternoon.
Lonans Go to Woonlburn
; Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Logan, who
have made their home in Salem
for the past two years, will leave
today for Woodbnrn where they
wiU make their home In order
that Mr. Logan may be In closer
touch with his new work. JMrs
Logan .is an active member, of
Chapter G. the oldest Salem chap
ter of the PE0 Sisterhood.
Wedding in Alaska
carus have been received in
Salem announcing the marriage or
MIss'Mildred Cox, a former teach
er in the Lincoln school, to Mr.
Alave Larson on November 19. in
Cordova, Alaska. Mrs. Larson was
a guest of her mother, Mrs. J. D.
Cox, in Portland last summer. Mr.
and Mrs. Larson plan to make
Cordova, Alaska, their home.
Bishops Return Home
Mr. and Mrs. c v. uisnop re
turned on Fritfay evening after
spending the Thanksgiving holi
days in Portland at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bishop. A fam
ily dinner was served on Thanks
giving day with covers placed for:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bishop of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop
of Salem, Mrs. I. W. Starr of
Browns ville, Elizabeth Jane
Thomas and William Bishop and
the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Bishop. , ,;.. ,
Seicina Club Tuesday
The Barbara Frietchie Sewing
club will meet on Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs- H. R.
McWhorter, 590 North Summer
street. Members are . asked to
bring thimble, embroidery needle
and crochet hook.
some time Tuesday. The cookies
shoald be packed in a small; box
ready for arranging in larger box
es. Not only auxiliary members,
but all women willing and inter
ested; are invited to assist in this
Fancy Work Sate
The Dorcas society of the Luth
eran church will hold its window
sale of fancy' work on December
at the Southern Pacific, ticket
office, 184 North Liberty.
Birthday on Thanksgiving
The birthday of R. N. Hoover
was ; celebrated at an enjoyable
family dinner and reunion Thurs.
day at the home of the honor
guest and hostess, Mr. and Mrs.
R. N. Hoover; with covers placed
for ten. Yellow and bronze chry
santhemums were used on the
Thanksgiving table.
Guests at Hunson Home
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Han
son ; entertained as their house
guests over the week-end Mrs. T.
J. Odegard and sons, Harold and
John of Seattle. Mrs. Odegard
is Mrs. Hansons mother.
Salem Boy Engaged to
Tacoma Girt,
Frank Patterson and Miss Marie
Hoskins made known their en
gagement at a dinner dance at the
Delta Delta Delta house on Satur
day. Following the affair the be
trothed couple left lor Tacoma to
spend the Thanksgiving season at
Miss Hoskins' home. Mr. Patter
son is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
George N. Patterson of 495 South
Winter street. ,
Guests Frorri Chehalis
Mr. and Mrs. Sherril Fleming
and their children, Elizabeth and
Billy, of Chehalis, Wash., are
guests for a few days at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Fleming.
Vincent tan Club Dance
A Thanksgiving season dance
was enjoyed by members of the
Vincentian class Wednesday eve
ning; In Derby hall. Club mem
bers and their guests were invited.
This was the second In a series
of dance events planned by the
club for the winter.
Guests From Seattle
XI. and Mrs. Horace Sykes and
daughter, Miss Jeanette Sykes.
have been guests during the It
Thanksgiving holidays of friends I
in Salem. Miss Sykes Js doing II
some sDlendid dance work at the!
Cornish school in Seattle.
Guest Day Successful
'Guest Day" as observed by the
Salem Woman's club yesterday
afternoon proved one of the nu
merous successes of the year. A
large throng of members and
guests gathered in the attractive
rooms for a unique musical pro-
g r a m the opera, "Faust,
through the medium of the or-
( Continued on page 4)
: First Methodist Church
V V ' ; Fred C. Tayler, Minister ' ;
! 1.0.0 A. M. "The Christian Life Defined."
Anthem r "Psalm of Thanksgiving."
Solo: "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyese."
Donald Heath
7:30 P.M. "The Fruitage of Faith."
Gospel Song Service from Hymns of Praise.
Vacation Guests
Miss Faitte Priday a student at
the State University, is spending
the Thanksgiving vacation with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
Priday. Miss Enid Bolton of The
Dalles, is Miss Pridays guest.
Public Lecture
Tonight, 8 p. m.
"The Highway Life"
Not the narrow way nor the
Broadway but the Highway
of Holiness, which will lead
the unclean and wayfaring
men to peace, liberty and
everlasting life on earth.
Isa. 35 ;8
Seats Free! No Collection
Revival Meetings
First Baptist Church
Liberty and Marion Streets
I Rev. Ernest H. Shanks
Fred G. Fisher, Singer
Great Chorus Choir, Solos,
The Church That Welcomes Strangers
Center and Liberty
11 :00 A. M. "Into All the World"
, 7:30 P. M.. "English Shrines"
How Christianity came to our forefathers is told in the
evening service by word and picture
Executive Meeting
The executive committee of the
American Legion auxiliary will
meet et 8 o'clock Tuesday evening
in the Chamber of Commerce
Cookies for Hospital
Members of the American Le
gion auxiliary are interesting
themselves this week in a cookie
drive for the disabled soldiers of
the Hahneman hospital in Port
land. Every few months the aux
iliary bakes fresh cookies and
sends many dozens to the "boys
in the hospital. This time all. the
cookies are to be brought to the
Nelson ft. Hunt drug store at the
corner of Court and Liberty streets
Today ft
Thank offering service. Wom
an's Home Missionary society
7:30 o'clock.
MacDowell club program. Sec
ond in series. Waller hall.
Mrs. C. A. Park's Bible class for
Business Women. City library.
7:45 o'clock.
Ever Ready Birthday club. Mrs
Hattie Kennon. 524 Union street,
hostess. 1 o'clock luncheon.
Salem Woman's club classes
Oregon history, 2 o'clock; Litera
ture, 2:45 o'clock; Current events.
2:30 o'clock.
Eridge tea. Salem Woman's
club. Club honse.
r Bazaar, ladies of the Central
Congregational church.; Ostrin
building. State and 19th; street.
Woman's Relief Corps Ladies
Aid society. Fairgrounds.
Writers' club. Mrs. Blanche M.
Jones, 606 S. Church street,- hos
tess.; . .".-j" V"; Ri.
Chadwick chapter of the East
crn Star. Election ot officers nd
"auction." 8 o'clock.
,W. C. T. U. Hall. 2:30 o'clock.
American Legion Auxiliary ex-'
cutive meeting. Chamber of Com
merce, g o'clock. 4
Wednesday .
W. H. M. S. First Methodist
church. Mrs. F. C. Taylor. 636
State street, hostess. 2:30 o'clock
A. A. II. W. Literature ' class
Professor E. C. Richards. 7:30-9
o'clock. I' - j
Professor N B. Zane'a art class.
City library. , '
FHdar .,.'-
Miss Cornelia Marvin's class in
modern thought. ;
Psychology class. Salem Worn
an's club. Club house.
... : - ; I
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