lassifieti. Section alern's Great. Market Place I jt..."1, .j : I 57 12O0 to ' LOAN 7 ON SALEM ham. 8 to 5 yri. - Beck ft Hea dfiek. lUilig Bldg, 189 X. High St. -'v.. -!.--. !.!-.. f..v '-J- ' 7a22tt CITY AND FARM LOANS Lanf time, loir rU Interest, easy pay nest, Invest igat oor loan plaa.. PERRLN ft MARSTERS -212 Commercial Club Bldg. ' ry -,... v---.-, - 57o59tf Monty to lean IBt.'XUAJitl! Ur FUEiDB TO LiUAM OH improved Willamette valley farm at low rate and eo long time. . A. C. BOHftNSTEDT. Realtor " Loan and lunniei ? 147, Com L St., Salem. Ox. 67o25tf llOSET TO LOAJf--5. L. "WOOD, 841 State. - - S731tf atOXKY' TO OAJI OS CITY RE8I vdene, repayable lit rent. : Foed available, lot residence building loans. . ...A. a BOHRNSTRDT. KmlUr ; uni ug insurance. 147 ft. Cow'l St., Salens. Ore. STpg. Stf Wanted' Loans SO anil - WASTfta-rfc. twr rieary security. - seek a Hendricks. 188 N. lilrh. tln.t Hi!!i KM. WAJtTIIV PRJVATB- MONET TO LOAN a gooo real estate eeartty. W. H. OBABENH0KST ft CO. - I7S State fHreet. - Sodltf Bosiaes Opportunities ei HATE ;TOu BUSINESS PROPERTY Clieat will key (or cash desirable bast- aa Doiuiinr or wt, on to 840.000.00. i 1 PRICED LOW. Becke ft Hendricks, 189 i. xuca tfirees, u sills' itldr.- . : lal8tf - r . IlRirE - BCILDINR ' 011t-KI OOO tUH dandy. Bonded leu thAt trlU nt 4. - lacreaaiag Talae. Coras now, aet 1930. . B-fce sV Haadxieks, Heili biit,, ia N. J&k Street. - la22tf EXCKAK0E, 233T ACRR BHEEP RANCH I Weft improved. Harney county, Ore- n. a 35. OOO. No inetuabrane. want vaifey ranch. P. L. Wood, 941 State St.-.- . . i - . . . 8la28 Real Estate 63 OWN YOUR HOME LARGE LOT NORTH 30x1929330 i ihh scnoois ana ear. l wo left. Hecse " ft Hcadricks, 189 N. HiCb street. Hoilig 3 Hldg. S3n28tf HATE YOU $550 HERE'S EXCEL- lent lot north 60192. Clos acboola ad car. Ia protected tract. Laarel Park. Three left. - Becke ft Hen dricks. Heilig Bldg 189 N High I t 3a22tf 0 ROOMS MODERX $2500 NEW. WE can shew you the beat bouse boy in . in its class. Suitable , for 8 rooms, cement basement, garage, terms. Berke ft Hendricks.. Heitig Bldg 189 . High Street. K. 3n?2tf $2.100 TERMS. SEE VACANT AT 1043 Norway. ; Uaraee and complete plumb i ing.' . Becke ft Hendricks, 189 N. High street. Heilig'Bldg. . 3n28tf 6-B0OM -BUNGALOW. NORTH SALEM, $300 esiA. . Bslance easy sit- menu. Browarand Johnson, 109 South Commercial. - ' 63d2 , ' ',m , , . i ' : INK HOME T ROOMS $8i00 j Brand new. Ilsrdwood. ete and all modern featnres. "On" S0l5o"lot: 101 c - blocks to State and Commercial 8ta. - Kiadv for ran todav. Becke' ft. Hen- . d ricks. Ueiltz Bide. 189 X. Hib St. . , . 03n22tf j - I J. HI I ' I DADDKH SCHOOL SECTION MTt 1. 1 central and pop- I lr residence location. . Best of fine . aew homes rapidly filling tbia iecalit Vert fe locstiont left st any price. , The following rs jet svsilabl to early t52&0 New. medere. 5 rooms, ble , finished attic, E street near Capitol. built, by owner, beat construction. i $2350 Fine lot facing eaat on Capitol In 1 I shidow f big osk just aorta, of old I f ' Parriah home; 43 feet frontage; 12-1 aft-fcet; 150 feet toss. 13000 Fine center 75il25. Lamberaoa and Capitol: row of oraamanUl trees j choice, roomy, peaatiiui. . $1630 Pine corner SOxI25 facing east on Stewart at Shade street: price covers ' . aw paviug and everything. All new Tina hemes sar rounding. A beauty. 83750 S Jarre rooms: new: mod era , bet construction; 960 Parriah etreet: iuit east of Saauaer; lot 30x150; poor health nmuires owaer to move. All - eash 83.500. Half cash 85.750 $3800 New; X-atory; full cement base ment: 8 roomn aad large, sleeping porch:, halt block south at Parriah ' school. " $3300 REAL SPASIBH BTCCCO Bon ; galow Parrisb Orova Additiaa. seen d- rectly dowsi Shad atreet from Capitol ; ;.a new. standard ol coastractiea for i .houses or thia typo.' Now under con- - etrnrtien. Examia it thoroachly. , . The foregoing are splendid values ' aad ia order to seenre the beat service. ' two thirds eommiasioa will bo paid to . any licensed broker makiag sale. MsJUMB Ugsoato Tsmplo Phaa 793, 1942 J : - ' , - ' ' 63B28 YIEW COTTAOE NEW WITH FUR '."" nace fireplace, " hardwood, etc.- Price $300. $500 down, balaae EXACTLY ' lik real. Move ia. Becke ft Hen dricks, Heilir Bldg, 189 X. High St. - . . av3a22tf 0 - ROOMS. J EXCELLENT LOCATI0X Eaat Salem, modern eonveaiences, 8 ga : rare rod need 8500 .for auick sale. '- 830OO. -- V 7 rooms, very close in and modern, owner has left' Salem. $7000. 5 rooms. Vt acre ground, ia- large bear ing cherries, pressure water aystem .- elect ieJty,.wirod for stove, bath, built ins., block to atreet car, $2150. -0 rooms, S acres, strictly modem home - with . hot water boat. - equipped for ebb-bra . raising. $6000, more -ground available. "-W1XXIE PETTTJOHX, Realtor. - . ' ja . m T) I . J " C3a22tf $359- DOWN BA1MNCE LIKE RENT. fmtl plastered Cottage, 4 rooms. New . aad Vlaa. ; Priced $1600. Immediate poetion. Becke- ft Hendricks. Heilig : Bldg 189 X. High Street. . 63nif $l00DOWX. TAKES MODKRX 6 . rooms, -..rriceu itowi . wivo tne tea tor's yow want. . Becke ft Hendricks, la X. High street, Heilig Bldg.' :'-.--' - ,63o28tf ri'RfSHED HOUSE. SACRIFICE-1 room I plastered, bath, e'e oa larre east front lot north. Folly- furnished. Prired $300 for alU, Becke ft H--, d-ieks. 189.X. High 'Street, Helli Bldg. - - 63a30tf $D-.,fo HOMK NORTH-EAST SALEM. Fir-plaee and garage. Terms. Becke . ft Hendricks, 189 X. High street, Hellic " Ktdf ; v? - 8ia8tt s DOES THIS LIST CONTAIN WHAT . -- , YOU ARB LOOKING FOR t " 2-ice bungalows in Pert Tewnscnd, t Wff&a., to' exchange for Salem acrepg tir ity property, pric $tf500. r 44-ecre stocked and 'equipped dairy, ' modern houeev to exchange for Salem froperty, pric $10,500. 4 acre elose la oa pavement, want small . resiJvBC as part pay. x. Trie ... 93000. :.i " f . c -' SO acre fine berry r aat btad, close In. Want Salem retideac aet var - $2000. 4 8875 eentrtet i falna midane fot sal, will discount 10 par east. , - - SOOOLOF8KY. 841 Stat.' - - Real Estate 03 5 ROOMS MODERN f 3200 GARAGE, fireplace, paved. X. E. Salem. Terms' Becks ft Hendricks, Hitig Bldg.. 19 . High Street. - 63n2'Jtf 128-ACER FARM; 70- ACRES FIXE tana land sear towa, $5,000, terms. 10 acre elose to, good bldgs $4500, very easy term. 28 acre farm all ia cultivation, good bldga. Near town. 94800. 25 aerea Bear towa, good bldg., trait Only 84500, ttij trrnl. S acres close ia. ood bldg.. fruit: easy -arm. See aa before buying. PEBRI.VE ft MARSTERS .212 Con. Club Bid. - - 83at7tf SALE LIKK REXT 5-ROOMS XOBTH. Larg garden trait, vacant today. Bee i at 1T03 Broadway. Becke ft Hendricks, 169 X. Bica Street. Beiiig Bid. 3n20tf NEW FOUR1-ROOMED HOME FOR 1.600.00 with vsynsent of SlpO.OO aad bslaneo at 15.00 -per Booth, ineluti iag iatrrost. , . i TERMINAL REALTORS. I . Terminal Hotel Lobby. Phoae 69. NKW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH S lota $1700, $200 down, -Ba!an:e aay payments. Brown and Jobason, 109 Bontb Commercial.'. 6342 TWO LOTS S500 IP INTERESTED IN eneap iota for borne and garden, chick en' etc, see tkeae. Bewer, , water, lights, etc. Close school and ear. ANY reasonable terms. Becke- Hesdricks. 189 X. High street, lleilig Bldg. , 03n28tf MUST SELL AT ONCE ROOM HOME with cement basement and foraace. On paying, soatb. Price $3600. , Paying Bna. Becke ft Hendricks, .189 X. igb Street. HeHig Bide , 63al8tf 50 BY 192 . XORTH. 8350 ' LAUREL rark. close to car and acboola Terms. EXCELLENT. OARDEX PROTECTED DISTRICT. , , "i - BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 S. High 8. Heilig BMg. 3al4tf CLOSE IX LOCATION FOk. A COURT coming out on two street, ia worth your time aad money.- Do not sass thia Bp without looking into it. - 6-room house, inside, $3500. Large tract 199x165 inside, $13,000. We Loan Money. Vf write fire insurance. OEBTRUDOE il. PAGE.. 492 X. Cottage. 63n28tf SPECIAL 2-room boose and 2 lots, $1000, with $250 down 6-room konso, 3 fine lota, $2509. Terms. 40 acrea well ; improved near Salem, will trade for larger farm. Nice , lot, S. Salem, $275, with $50 down. Best buy close to Salem, 2' acres. with new bouse, $2100, terms. TUOMA80X, 331 H State Street. - 63n26tf LARUE HOME NOW $11,000 9-ROOM strictly modern home with hot water beat etc. On beautiful quarter block close to business .and schools. THIS IS BCY. Becke -ft Hendricks. 189 N. High street. Heilig Bldg. 63n28tf WHY NOT A HOME IX 8ALEM WITH fruit, garden, berries, poultry, a cow and room for tb kids to play I 7-room plastered bouse. - fireplace, basement. batb, etc. Six largo lots, barn, garage. poultry house, $3800. House, - rarsr and poultry house with 3 lots, $3240. Terms. Owner 849 Sural avenue., 63nltf MAKE AX OFFER FURNISHED HOME 4 rooms. Plastered, batb . etc Large lot with frutt and flowers. On . car. near schools.'. See 1831 j Fairgrounds Koad. Becke ft Hendricks, 1 9 N High street, Heiliz Bldg. - 63n28tf SOME WORKINGMAN LARGE COR- Der lot Plastered home; - Fruit . and Oarden. Oarage.. $2750 and terms. Sea 1703 Broad wav. Vacant Xovam br 20. Bocka A Hendricks. 189 N. High Street. Heilig Bldg. : 63al8tf A. C. Bohrhstedt Victor Schneider: Realtors Specialise in Oregon farms, Salem homes aad write Inmiranee. 147 No. Commercial Street. Phone 577. 68n3tf J, p J, L i PPP P P P P P P P P P P PP P P P P PFP P PP PP 2200 ' - 1200 P P EXCHANGES EXCHANOEB ! P P P P GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE P P P P HEADQUARTER? i P P P P Office 8alem and Portland PF P P Tb demand for exchange ! P P P V baa and, . necessary our i P P P P GREAT MARKET PUACE : P P P wher the requirements f all i P P P P caa bo matched. , We have : P P P P just what yon bav ia mind; i P P P P Inst where Tu want it: iuat P P P P the right priee. Our Bat of ; P P P P axebaivaaa (tb larreat list- P P P P In an the Pacific Coast 1 P P P P nimatMi Tour "romolete sat- i P P P P isfaetioa regardleaa ot your ; P P P P requirements. If yea would ? P P P P like to exebaago yow pro- P P P P party TOD AT, com ia TO- P P P P - TODAY, See - p P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P P P 409 U. B. Bank Bide. P P P P Com'l at 'State. Phono 2249 P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPP PPP T f PPPP DOPHLE ITS NORTH 50x192 FOR 8550. terms. Protected district. Three ' Tt-V. a VI.nMi-iyk 1AO K. Hih Street. Heilic Bide. 63nl8tf NEW FOUR-ROOM Hnese. inst finished, full .baement. fur nace, stationary tubs, paving ordered. $300 cash, balance like rent. FOLK ROOMS ASD OARAGE Lights, water, paving paid. Price $1600. $300 cash. - Balaace $15 per month. RF.VEX ROOMS House and four lots. Price $2300.00, $500 down. Easy terms on balaace. W11.1. TRADE HOUSE In Albany, semi-moderw, for stock of groceries ia Salem. Price $1500. What have yon to trade t . GROCERY STORE T. AW1m daine rood business. About ' $1300 stock, leace incladinc living rooms ju,t the place for a young ma a M get a atari. " WHAT HAVE YOUIT? To sell or trade t If you have not the time to come to our office, call us . by phone and we will call on you! C. M. ROBERTS. 11? N. Com'L "Room 1. Phone 117. - - - 63n29 MINUTE MOVIES TO-DeV - ' A GRIPPING rVSTER THE PHAHT.A - FIEND- VMELL, SHOW HiM IN. e. r-iiT. T rrilMT WfsVP FEW MlNVJTtrS To rTy - : vx iihw f , t -j 3 TOUR BOOMS FGRXA.CE AXD ItOD- era: B60O take; $500 dowa. Becke ft Hendricks, 189 X. Hick Street. Heilir Bld. , . 63o20tf BEST BCXLDINO SITE IX SALEM Located on Pacific Ilitbway and Mill Creek, large lot. t Tree. Priced right. TERMINAL REALTORS, Terminal Hotel Lobby, Pbone 696. - . 3n23tC rOR SALE OR TRADE SIX ACRES OF lead, situated, on paved road. IV mite s front SiWerton. New jnodera bnnga lo, garage, barn, water system and . 43x100 greea iurase. - All new with bet water beat, : planted in ebrysantbe m aeil at big sacrifice, ac count of sickness, gee or write 0e. letter, Silrertoa, Ore , 63d? 5 SEE THIS HOME v If odern- 6 room bungalow on 15th street near State: For $4200. Terms. Rents for .$33 per month. . For "real "estate bargaisx -See Cbilds ft Bechtel. 640 Siat Street. !in28tf 4 ROOMS, X00K. HARDWOOD FLO0S. fireplace, basement, furnace, stucco construction. North Salem. $3O00, $500 cash, balance 3 sml inrmrut hmib. ly. SocoJofaky, 241 State, Beal Kstate aad Loaaa. . 63al9tf $500 CASH DOWN Buya $ coxy 5-room bunaalow on paved atreet sear Ceater St. Price $2309. Including, the fnmiture. 8ee Cbilds ft Beehtet S40 State Street. 63a28tf CLOSE 1JF-7 APARTMENT HOUSE. Air ways toil, paying better loan l7c oa pne aakea, TERMINAL REALTORS.' Terminal. Hotot Lobbv. Phono R0t. - - , 63n22if STATE STREET SNAP . . . Real coy cottage. 5 rooms. . batS liahts,' basement, completely furnished with two fine larce lots, ten bearinc fruit trees, lawn, shrubbery,- garags. iTtee MbUtv Terms, located at 1620 State St. Cbilds & Bechtel. 540 .State St. .- . iv . - . 3a2tf ONE OP THU TERY BEST VALUES t bate had or .lone tine ia a 5-Roov Bungalow. , Near ear. school, east front. Desirable. $2ftOO harass. See 4e early in te We a. please. Was. I'lemme, 341 State St. 63n22tf . $27iCASH TALKS A fine corner lot, not far off State, that well worth $600.' Will sell for eash,. $275. If you want act quick. Doa't phone, but See Childs ft Bechtel. 540 8tsU Street. 63n28tf REAL VALUES III Good 8-room bouse, best of location, corner lot, paved street. Price $3750. For a. quick sale. New, strictly modern 5-room bungalow and mrarn, oa Marion St. Price $4500. $1000 casB. 9-room plastered bouse, close in, good rooming :: house proposition. Price $2500. cash. WE WfetTE FIRE IX8URANCEM KRCEQKR, Realtor, 147 X. Com'l, .t. - Pbon 217 - 63n25 Real Estate Farms 67 45-ACRE FARM . 2 MILES .TOWN. 5 nxroa bonse, barn, silo, real dairy or poultry ranch, only $3750, yotrr terms, 35-acra dstrv or poultry ranch im proved, ' $2,500, terms or city prop erty. Salem residence for close in ranch," or anywhere. Clear Washing ton land for equity in valley farm. BARBER.. 200 Gray Bldg. . r 7ol5tf : SELECT YOURS NOW SUBURBAN ACREAGE AND LOTS ; OX TERMS YOU CAN HANDLE $200 Lota ia he Kay Addition., $25, down, bal. $10 per month. $550 Lot 50x13? on N. 17th St.. pave-, meat oaid. terms. $800 Tracts containing nearly one half aero on the main highway, north, terms $29 down, balance $10 per onth. CITY WATER. $900 Tract containing nine tenths of ; ha acre located South near ear line,- $0Q down, balance $10 per r mo. $600 iHock 200. fet square toeatad South on Hansen At. $30 down . $10 per me. 8500 Larre lot 50.-.220 feet best of . nrden soil, located on paved road : lost out side of City Limits, to ";down.-balance $10 per month. -CITY WATER AND ELECi'RIC -IJ0HTS. $500Tire - lots one f ronta on paved ' atreet and car line, $10 dowa. 810 per montb. $300 Large lot, located en Rural Are buo just west ol lommer.-i-M ri 1a down. bL $10 per wooth WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. W. H. GBABEXHOR6T ft CO., - , Realtors 275 suta St. . Phone 515 - 67n22tf Real Estate Suburban 00 TWO ACRES FIXE BUILDINGS ON Highway outside Kslemy $6300. BECKE ft HEXDRJCblS 189 Ni Hish fit' Hejlig Bids. 69nlttf x Real Estate Trades 65 1ST. HQU8B AND I. A. IX WOODBURN for stock and machinery (with a farra lease if possible), 2nd. A 40-aere im proved close ia for a large orchard on crop payments for the balance. 3d. What have too to offer ia a small so bnrbaa r Salem boaae for a 43 to 60 ner cent eouitv ta a medium eised farm. well located near Salem. See The Flemin Sealtv Co- 341 Stat St. - .. - . 65a22tf TRjtnfcS A EISE SMOOTH NORTON count'. Aansas,, quarter wortn oow for a farm here in the valley; a apien did 8 foots boase in close oa large lot and worth $4500 . for a amaU tract improved nd-close; 6-room house aad 3 good lot Worth $2500 for smaller house good 7-room bouse and 2 good lot wbrtb $4000 to trade for small " tract near town : $1500 income 10 property to trade for Salem home up to $10,000 f at high powered improved SO-acre faim close for a good ranch; Tort land reaidence worth $5000 for Sa lem borne ; 32(1 clear Montana acres and 8 clear lots ta Spokane worth $6000 all and - will trade for valley farm and pay difference up to $4000. -McGILCHKTST ft PENNINGTON' t sua l. a. nana mag. r ,,u 65e2stf (All right protected BUT iT3 Y nueusii iTT' T -Trtr. c 4 VOU MLl A come to SELr; Ileal Estate . - r once jpon a ; f aaaaaam tu CASE I MU'oi have ? pvuciTy : r . . . - Antomobilea Wanted i 77 EikerAutoCo. Wo pay oash tor Forda. - T7aU2tt Uaed Cars for Sale 79 PACKARD HUDSON ESSEX What ia a. Used Car Show I do To FRtD if. POWELL MOTOR CAR CO. At 830 X ttlgh and 8eo tot you Stlf. PACKARD ITL'DSOX ESSEX 79n2Ztf PETTYJOHN'S RED TAO SALE UOtS MEKKiLY OX 1923 Star Touring 1925 mar Tonriag 1924 Overland Touring ... 1924 Overland Blue Bird 1923 Ford Touring 1920 Velie Touring $340.00 .. 495.O0 . 395.00 . 545.00 275.00 . 250.00 ivzz Chevrolet Touring Late Model Hudon Speedster, all dolled p 1924 Oldsmobile Sport Tour ing 1925 Oldsmobile Coach 195.00 873.00 59j.OO 825.00 New Overland Six Coach run only a few hundred miles, bits of accessories (At a Bargain.) Ford Coupe . ' 200.00 We also have many more for you ta select from. Come in and look them over. Cash, Trsde or Terms. F. W. PETTTJOH.V CO. 363 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260. 79n28tt GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR less. Why pay moral Money back guarantee. Scheolar Auto Wrecking Co. Look for the orange front. Day phone 819. Night phono S03. 1085 N. Commercial St. "Built to save money." 79jl3tf 1926 T.ICEN8E FRKR WITH EACH CERTIFIED AUTOMOBILE 1923 Hnperior Model Cbev. Tour. i50 1923 Ford Coupe with $150 overhaul .4290 1934 Willys Knight Tenring. driven only 14,000 miles $885 1923 Maxwell Coup.- new paint - - $865 1923 Maxwell Sport Tour ......$665 1924 Dodge Touring, extras ....$75Q See Our Fine Stock of . Reconditioned Cars Before Buying. CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAB MARKET V. Block X. of Post Office. 79n21tf TWO NON-STARTER TOUUISO FORD8 with license, fij ana ioo mncn service in these cars to wreck. Both ia good running condition. ETKER AUTO CO. Phone 121 79j31tf EIKER'S USED CARS 1$24 Tourin$ 1345 lf-24 Coup -..$435 Ford sedsn i.. $250 Our usual guarantee behind all cars KIKER AUTO CO. I.lhertv Street at Ferry, fbone 121. 79jl8tf Used Fords GUARANTEED PRICED RIGHT. . Large Assortment to Choose From. LIBERAL TERMS Result Satisfied Ford Customers. . Valley Motor Co. Authorized Ford Dealer. Phone 1993. 260 No. Hi;h. 79a28tf HAY PORTUAND. Not. 27. Valloy timotny. $17$19; do easten Ore gon, nominal; alfalfa, $19 19.50 clover, 117; oat hay. $14.50$lo oat and retch, $17.50; straw $7.50 per ton. Selling pricC3. l a ton i,nr " more. . v- . - . 8 by Tbe Georce Mat liens Adams Service c AM U fS- DjAVlD (j-REttMBACK, A PRbNiiNENT RANKER ST HELP fE " 1 you because in 1 ANDREW HAHD CLASSIFIED -; Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE OOLDEX AMBULANCE PHONES 609 M "Ba-R, Pay or night service. f!4tf AUCTIONEERS F. X WOODRY Salem's Leading Expert Livestock, Fur niture ana tteal tate Auctioneer and Appraiser Res. and Store, 1610 X. Summer Street. Phone oil For Sale Date Established Si are 1916 o6tt H. F. WOODRY ft SOX Expert Livestock, Furniture. Real Es tate, and Merchandise Auctioneers. 18 years' experience. Satisfaction Guar anteed. Office 271 N. Com'l Tel. 75. Res. 996 8. Commercial, TeL 1843 W tor sale dates. ACCOTJHTANT 0. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 331 Stat, rhone 2098-R. al7-'26 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTOX EXIDE BATTERIES, starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. Phone 198 COUIiT ST. JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEX COLUMBIA Bi cycles sod repairing, 387 Court. BRAKE SELININQ MIKE PAXEK 275 SOUTH C0MMER eial St. Pbone 102. jStf C HIKE SB RESTEDY U L. DICK L. M. HUM Chines Medieine Company Help any known disease. 42U-426 State. a30tf CHIROPRACTOR DhVO. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR -HSS Migb. .Pbone S2H-K or 87. H. B. SCOFIELD, PALMER CHIROPRAC- tor. 338 Oregon Bldg. Pbone 2194. m5tf DSBSSMLAKIXO MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil l-v's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC building. Phoae 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1931. 222 N. Liberty. LEEN'ER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by bonr or contract. Estimate furnished. Pbone 980 171 Court St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send 1 c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN . SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. The articles and advertise meat are of . special interest .to the poultry . breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com nwcial street, Salem, Oregon. FINANCIAL OS SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages, Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Hill net 0 to 30Yb. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilir iilde.. Ie9 N. Hizh St. jltf arm loans plenty of money to idaa on good farm security. CflTY LOANS We are loaning Pro dential Insurance Company money on city residences and business property at 5'ar,o. plua a commission. Haw-kins ft Roberta. Inc.. 205 Oregon Building d-14tf FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, FLORAL DESIGN'S Select dahlia while in bloom, lien nett Nursery Co., Fairground Kosd Tel. 128C. slS. '2i CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS. funeral wreatut, decorations. C. r . Breitbanpt, florist, 123 X. Liberty. Phone 380. INSURANCE Insure Your home or car now Phone 161 BECKE HENDRICKS Heilir Bldg 189 X. High St. Jt tr LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 263 S. High atreet. Phone 2o, oldest, larg est and best. Established 1889. TRY THE HOME WF.T WASH LA UN- dry. Phone 171. 1356 B Street. jlTtf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165. Service with a smile. Quality- work. 124 Broadway. j!4tf LADIES' TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. ' MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED. BY THE Canitol CitT Beddinr Oo 1190 North Ossitsl. Called for and delivered. All work etiaranteed Phone 19.- M9f MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Pbone 517-W. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL! PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewiaxt msobines, sheet music. aad Diane studies, repairing phono , graphs and te"iag machines, 432 State trrl. 8lew. ' Trade1 Stark Ijegisfered Hazel knut Apieric MOST FAMOUS LADV-, txTfecTrVEi V4HO. HAVING rHNlSMEOTHtf CASS CP'TCSioLEN SCOTCH", HAS 3UST RETURNED HOME FOR REST AND RELAXATION . HAZEL DEARIE - ,1 . . .TtaBi MT ., i BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference, . n MUSIC STORES TRADE YOUR OLD. PIANO FOR A XKW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Pur witure Co.. Mimic Dept. XXWSPAPERg THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. Agency The Ace. Tel. 939. SALEM THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early eech WMrrninp. Tel. 23 or 503. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Penrcy Bros- 1 7 a. Commercial. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS GEORGE R. VEIIRS. M. D. Physician nad Surgeon. Diseases of women, obstetrics, surgery. 411-412 U. S. Bank Bldg.. Salem. Office tele phone 615; residence telephone 773. - o2Stf PACKXXO AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE FACKIXG and shipping.' call Stiff s Furniture Store. Pbone 941. PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTIXG PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. PIANO TTJNEES EDWARD WELP EXPERIEXCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will s Music Store. PRINTING FOR STATIONARY, CARDS, PAMPH lets, program, books or any kind of printing. Cell at the statesman rnnt- inr Department, Tel 683. 215 S. Commercial. Plumblif PLUMBING AND GENER.VL REPAIR work. Graber Bros 141 Liberty bt. Phone 550. fltf RADIO SPLITDORF RADIO. SALES AND SERVICE No better radio -made at any price tsiin Caaa QUALITY CARS High and Trade RADIO DOCTOR8 SALEM ELECTRIC CO. T. 8. BARTON. Proprietor Meeonie Temple Phono 1200 Radio Jcs For Every Purpose Every Purse VrDk All SUadard Siaea s ot Radio Tabes HALIK ft EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court St. Phone 488 SEAL ESTATE IF YOU HAVE PROPERTT TO SELL or if. you ar looking for a home, farm r--business property, see us. .. .. - BECKK ft HENDRICKS IT.- S.shrdloa Tolnhrdluoapuoapuono 189 X: High St., Heilig Bldg. j8tf REAL ESTATE Phone 217. 147 X. Com'l S. REPAIRING ALVIX B. STEWART 347 Court St. UMBRELLAS. CUTLERY AND KEYS Lawnmowera, raxor blades, scissors, knives and tools sharpened SCAVENGERS CITY 'GARBAGE CO- REMOVES AI.I kinds trash' and garbage by the job or inontn. reasonable mies. uincr phone 35. 157 S. Commercial, res. phone 2290. . FOR GOOD 8CAVENGER SERVICE Call. 167. Salem Scsvenicer. Cummins an Trotter. n3tf SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. -Heit prices pa'd. Cap ital Exchange. 312 North Commercial Phone 1368-W. . STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND KEPAIKEO 40 years experience. lepot national fence, site 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oils and varnished, e'.e., loganberry and hop hooks. RaVra Fence and Stove Work 250 Conrt street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HATJXJNO TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phon 19F3. WE MOVE STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods- ur specialty ia piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. Wo handle the best coal and wood. Call a us for prices. We .give good measur. good quality and good ervk. Larmtr Transfer Co. Pbone 9-0. CAPITAL CITY. TRANSFER CO.. 226 State Bt. Pbone 933. - Distnbnting. for warding and storage our specialty. Get enr r ev WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO. iuu ntiA Mnnth Commercial St. Ten ( dl.eonnt on domestic flat ..... in advance. No deduction for absence or any canse unless water is shut off your V If15; Classified Ads Bring Results V. 8. Patent Office) TUj" HP WHATJJ. AM TO TELL VOU SEEM 'JHCRC1BLE EuT I BEG OP VOU To Hr"tR Mt TMrvOUcSH AND THEH 6EE IP VDU CAN HELP rAE VrtU AM V 'AMOUNT PARKER STAGE LINES, ANNOUNCING IMPOKTAST CHANGES w the Salem to McMinnville Time Schedule Lffeetit Sept. 15, 1325.. ' AM. tit.- tit. Ralem, I.v....u 8 :30 2:10 5 :13 JleMinnville, Ar.. 9:45 3:25 6:33 MeMinnvtlie, Lv... 9:45 3:45.' 7:45 Xewberg, Ar.......lO:25 4:23 $:23 AM PM- PM. Newbrg. 1:15 5:15 Me.Hinnrille. Ar. .; 1:65 5:55 McMinnville, Lv... 7:29 $:40 . 6:43 Salem , 8:43 3:53 $:00 CHANGES IN THE S.t.EM DALLAS SCHEDULE Leaving Salem for Dallas: 7, 9, 11 :23 .a. m, 2:10, 5:15 p. m. leaving Dallas, for Salem: 8, 9:50 a. ra.. t. 3:10, 6:15 p. n. CaH 6 for farther information. PUHLJ811ED SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion County. Equitable Savings and Loan ) Association, a corporation, ) Plaintiff. vs. ; Agnes G&kelson Marsh and 0 Burton F, Marsh, wife and husband;. J. V. Copeland Yards, a- corporation, and C. H. Shenk, . ( Defendants. To Agnes - Eskelson Marsh and Barton F. Marsh, Oefendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, yrfu are hereby required to appear and plead to the- com plaint filed againt tou in the above entitled suit on or before the date of the last publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the 9th day of January, 1926, and if you fail to appear and plead to said complaint .for want thereof the plaintiff -will take Judgment against you and apply to the court for the relief prayed for in its complaint, to-wit: (a)' For a judgment against Agnes Eskelson Marsh and Burton F. Marsh, and each of them. for the sum Of $1717.4 2 with inter est thereon1 at the rate of ten per cent per annum from August 20, 1924. the further sum of $38.97 with interest thereon from March 6, 1925. at the rate of ten per cent per annum; the further sum of Slo8.43- with interest thereon from May 27. 1925 at the rate of ten per cent ier annum; the fur ther sum, of $175.00 attorney's fees; the further Slim of $18.50, searching- records and -its costs and disbursements herein; (b) That the mortgage herein be decreed to be a prior, valid and subsisting' lien, for the amounts due upon said note, payment of taxes, attorney' fees, and search ing records, and a good, valid and subsisting Hen as to the claims of each and all of the defendants herein; that said mortgace be foreclosed and the defendants and each of them-be barred and fore riosed of any right, title or inter est in and to said real property, or any part thereof; (c) That said real property be forthwith sold by the sheriff of Marion county. Oregon, after giv ing the notice required by law; that any party to this suit may be a purchaser at said saJe; that ncb purchaser be let into the immedi ate possession of S3 id - real prop erty; that said sheriff give to sucl purchaser a certificate of sale- and after the time allowed by law for redemption, unless said real prop erty sh ill have been redeemed, a deed; and for such other and fur ther relief Us may seem meet to I the court. - The real property described in the complaint and mortgage is ar follows:' " Beginning at a point 30 feet south of the center line of Rural avenue extending westerly fron Commercial street in the. City of Salem, Marion county, Oregon said point being 1S51.1 feet west erly from the- center line of said Commercial street; running thenc southerly 259. 9 feet to the north erly line of the City View cemeV! tery; thence westerly along , aait boundary line 1 65.7 feet:., thenct northerly 267.5 feet to a. point 3f feet south of the center of salt Rural avenue extended; thenc easterly 165.6 feet to the place o' beginning This summons is :served opor you by publication in thf OregOT Statesman for six "successive an consecutive weeks pursuant to ar order duly made" and entered be the Honorable L. H. 'McMahaft By ED WHEEL AN tTrMTLEMAN WML': MA9- SAVS T S MOOT URGENT AND hai , t I 7U K V til e5-a , EPISODE " THE " guastl GHOST" - I WILL ill f -1a 4 judge of the above entitled conrt, on the 27th day . of Koycmber, 1925.. v . Date of first publication, No vember 2 Sth. 1923. ' Date of last publication, Janu ary 9th, 1926. CAKE & CAKK and L. A. LILJEQVIST. , Attorneys for Plaintiff, 1501 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon SIMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lax the County ot Marion. Union Savings Ixaa As- ) .' soclation, an Oregon cor- ) -poration. Plaintiff, ) ..- - - : VS. - - ' - Viola I. Moyer, Ets L. I ; Meters, and Cora.E. Sov- )r ereign. ;rfjendaBts ) To Cora E. Sovereign above named - defendant: ,, In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint -filed against you in tbe,aboYe en titled suit, on or before the 2nd day of January, 192$, said time heinr more than six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you tall to appear and answer said complaint, Tor want thereof, plaintiff will ap ply to the court for relief prayed for in" the complaint on file here in, to-wit: : . First: Judgment: against, the defendant, Viola L. Moyer. In the , sum .of $1656.26 and interest thereon at the rate of ten (lO'v) per cent per annum from the 2nd day of February. 1923; until paid; for the further sum of 197.13 taxes and interest thereon at the ' rate ot ten (10fv) per cent per annum from the 2nd day of Feb- . rnary, 1923, until paid; for the further sum of $10.00 insurance and interest thereon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per Jinnnm from the 4th day of December, 1923, until paid; for the further sum of $7.25 abstracting. and in terest thereon at the rate of ten (lO-f ) per cent per annum from l' the 13th day of January, 1925, until paid; for the further 8um of 8 $173. OG attorney's fees for the at- torney for the plaintiff - herein; and for the 'plaintiffs costs and disbursements herein. T " Second: That the plaintiff mortgage as herein set forth be, decreed to be a valid and subsist ing llenon the property therein r described and that the mortgage,:, he foreclosed and that the prop- ? 'rty therein described as: - . "T.ot numbered' seven (71.'in! block numbered two (21. In Wil-' 'araette Addition to the City of Sa- ' lem, in Marion county. State ol -Oregon." be sold by the sheriff oi- said county as provided by th.f laws of the Slate of 'Oregon for the sale of real property on execution",, and that the plaintiff herein be permitted to become a purchase!, , at said sale and that the purchase c er be put Into immediate posses-. tion of said premises; that ih. profits of said sale be applied first ' to the satisfaction of skid Judg ment obtained , by - the plaintiff herein; said judgment including; nrinclpal and interest due. taxes.'' insurance, costs of abstracting. , reasonable attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements herein; " md that if the said proceeds are' sufficient to eatisfy the said judg-' nent. the residue. If any, shall be ' laid to the defendants aa their In-' 'erests may appear. ' . Third: That the plaintiff have; Judgment against Viola L. Moyer ; or any deficiency that might re-U nain after said sale.. I 4 ', Fourth: That the defendantSj ind each of them and any and all persons claiming by, 'through or under them be forever' barred 6f tny right and all right, title and interest In and to said property, ave and excepting, the statutory right of redemption.'- r Fifth: That the right, title and nterest of the plaintiff In and to taid property herein described arid overed by. the aforesaid mortgage :s superior to that of the defend tnts 'and that the right, title and nterest, and claim of each of said lefendants be and Is Inferior to tnd subsequent in time-to that of he plaintiff herein, -t- t This summons is -served, npon 'on by publication thereof In Tbe Oregon Statesman, for six consecu Ive weeks pursuant to'.aJi ortfer f the Honorable ; Judge of the bore entitled Conrt. .which order dated tite 16th day of Norem en 1925- i' ' Date of tiratrpubl'cation, No ember 21, 1923;.. : - Date of last publication. Janu ary 2. 1926. . . , IIKItBERT It. DEWART, , Attorney for the Plaintiff, : 09 Stark street. Portland. Oregon. 12L.2S; d .'1-12-19-26; J 2 1926 FAKRAR KERIOI'HLY ILL, HARTFORD. Conn.; Not. 21. fPy Associated Press. l--Miss Cer tldlne Farrar, star ot the operetta "Romany Love Spell", Who yet'ter 1ay cancelled her engagements for the next four weeks because of III ness was still seriously ill at het totcl .here tonig.hf. Bodr Herts In State. LONDON', Not . 26.--( By A63o- elfA4 T3 ....... ,'. f s Ka "iu a iiiiw.i inn uuuj ui uecn Mother Alexandra, rested tonight in the chapel of 8t. James palace guarded by gentletnen-at-arms and yeomen ot the guard, f Just before 11 o'clock tomorrow morning the coffin win be taken to Westmin ster Abbey, where funeral service! are to be held. . . - t Bel Estate and. Loans, $3n25tf BSkvMatWn-wanaUn-SiMW'S! ... .n.n MeWMSMa i