THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM.' OREGON r " ' - wx.w . ' a ATUHuAY' MURNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1925 ' 9" Classified Section Salem's Great Market:. Place MM SSI ma. MWBiM mm aaaaaefSaaVJ """"""""'' " '- SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1925 n .. vyy,., iseaiJMiaie w Keal Estate 63 Used Cars for Sale 70 I .Y60!? BUSINESS PROPERTT--Client will bny for cash desirable boai lS!. nn to i.ICvUn W BKk. 4 Hendricks , A. High Street. Heilig Bldg. ' ; " - ' V lttl8tf FOB SALE CLOSE IS CORNER GRO eery store, stork tnd fixture lease. (Thrap rent with living rooms. - Price ?.:00' ' 2'' ; Prticttlar, See Mr. Kllii at Child! Bechtel, 540 State St. , . - 61nl9tf FOR SALE AUTO REPAIR 8I10P, close in, fully equipped. Cheap rent. Only 550. terme Sea White. Home Realty ? Co. 81al9 STORE FOB LEASK OB SALE 5-BOOM nouse, rents $25; 7-room house renti Oertrude j. 11. Psse, 42 N. 61nl8tf Cottage. INDUSTRIAL SITE IX HEART OP 8A- lem business section. Corner, 803x165 feet, 10-foot alley, rental of all build ings about $.200 per month, on 2 rail road lines for quick ssle $42,.'00: cash. Socolofsky, 341 State, Real Es tate k Loans-. . 61n23 Real Estate 63 OWN YOUR HOME FOR SALE Pool rooms, lunch and eonfeetionsry, fully equipped and doing a very profit able baaioea. Will accept Ford Truck in part payment and what have yeut TERM IN Alt REALTORS . . '. . Terminal Hotel. Phone 696. 1 3nl8tf REAL BCNGALOW SNAP Praeticly new strictly modern 5 rooms, full cement basement. Furnace, paring paid, two and half blocks of business district clone to High School. Price $3800. with furniture $4200. If look ing for a real buy see this one at Childs t Bechtel, 540 State Street. 63n21tf ML' ST SELL AT ONCE ROOM HOME with cement basement and furnace. On - paving south. Price 2600. Paring aia. ttecke . a Hendricks, 189 N. iigh Street. Heftc Bldg. 63nl8lf ,50 BY ,192' NORTH. $550 LAUREL Park, close to car and eehools. Terms. EXCELLENT GARDEN PROTECTED DISTRICT. BECKE HENDRICKS ' 189 N. High St.- Heilig Bldg. 3nl4tf C ROOMS. EAST SALEM. SEMI-MOD- ern, 3 garages, $3500, will take good lot part payment. 7 rooms, furnace, sleeping porch, ga rage, $4350. 5 rooms, modern, garage, beautiful treea, $4000. 5 rooms north, strictly modern and best construction, $5800. 8 rooms, north, modern and an excel lent bay at $7350. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. ,63al5tf LOOK THESE UP -New 6 -room, bungalow, lights, bath, ga rage, now vacant. Will sell on easy terms, i or rent for 20 per month. Also have 4 room new bungalow for sale at 91750 eav terms. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. Phone 1004. 6Sn24 230 DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT. Small plastered Cottage, 4 rooms. New and clean. Priced 81600. Immediate possession. Becke Hendricks, Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High Street. 63n8tf FOR SALE 4 room attractive bungalow with ce ment basement, fireplace, garage Price $3250. Can he sold on any reason able terms. SEE US TODAY. W. H. GRABENUORST CO. 275 State. St. . 63n22 WHY NOT A HOME IN SALEM WITH fruit, garden, berries, poultry, a cow and rjfom for the kids to playl 7-room S lettered bouse, fireplace, basement, ath, etc. Six large tots, barn, garage, poultry house, 3800. House, garage and poultry bouse with 3 lota, $3200. , Tennsi Owner 849 Rural avenue. 63nl4tf PADDIQH school, section mrMOU Mort eeBtMl nd pp. nlar residence location. Best of fine new homes rapidly filling thia local it v Very few locations left at any price. The following are yet available to early buyers: . . , . 5250 New. modern, 5 rooms, big un finished attic, E street near CapitoL built by owner, best construction. 2350 Fine lot (facing east on Capitol in shadow, of big oaka just north of old Fairish home; 43 feet frontage; 12 foot alley makes- practical frontage of 55 feet; 150. feet long. 3000 Fine eorner 75x125, Lamberson and Capitol; row of ornamental trees; choice, roomy, beautiful. - J650 Fine corner 50x125 facing eaat en Stewart at Shade street; price covers new paving and everything. All new fine homes surrounding. A beauty. 10750 5 large rooms; new; modern; best construction; 960 Parrish street: iut east of Summer; lot 50x150; poor health requires owner to move. All : . eaoh 5,500. Half cash $5,750. -' f3800-NwJ rsfdry; full cement base " meat; - 6 rooms and large ' sleeping porch; half block south ef .Parrish school. $5500 SRAL SPANISH STUCCO Bun galow; parrish Grove Addition, seen di rectly down Shade street from Capitol: . a new standard of construction for houses ef thia type. Now under eon struet'eu. Examine it thoroughly. The foregoing are aplendid values and is order to secure the best service. two-thirds commission will be paid to any tieeasea oroaer m axing sale. HARRIS - Masonic Temple Phone 795. 1942-J . -. - .63n21 FOR SALE H-room home with basement and fur nar.e . located . at 1507 Chemeketa St Immediate possession, garage. Price for quick sale. $3800: $800 down: bal ance $40 per month.! Extra large lot to center of creek. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 27S State St.. 63n22 128 ACRE FARM; '70 ACRES FINE fares land near town. 5,000, terms. 10 acres close in. good bldgs., $4500. very easy terms. 28 acre farm all in cultivation, food bldgs. Near town. 480O. 25 acrea sear town, good bldgs fruit Only $4500. easy terms. 5 acres close in, good bldjt, fruit ; 3800, easy terms. 6ea u before buying. PERRtN'B ft MAKSTERS 312 Com. Club Bldg. 63nl7tf TOR SALE 70-ACRE FARM IN WALDO HillK, 84500; 700-acre stock ranch, clone to paved highway and town on stood read. 35 per acre. Sevea-room modern bungalow en paved street. J:ood location, 3500. Choice elose in ot, suitable for apartment or Court, $3000. F. L. Wood. 841 State St. 63nl9tf BALE LIKE RENT 5 ROOMS NORTH. Irre garden, fruit, vacant today. See at 1703 Broadway. Rck. A Hendricka. 189 N. High Street. Heilig Bldg. V 33n20tf .NEW HOME . Under construction. 4 rooma with basement,- farnaco. fireplace aad garage a bo paved street; 500 down, balance monthly. Thia house is nicely arranged aad the construction is good. Price $3300. W. H. GRABEXHORST A CO. 575 State St. - - 63n23 SPECIAL room houss sad 3 fiss lots. A good buy for . $2500. Dairy farm, steckeft. and equiped, eloae in, will take some trade. roeam bouse aad 2 aire lota good buy for $1000, terms; 80 acres, slose te Salem ea paved road, soma fine timbar, price $71.00 par ears, erne trade. THOMASON, Slltt Stat Street. ' . eu2itt DOUBLE LOTS NORTH 50x192 FOR 550, terms. Protected district. Tfcrea left. Becke Hendricks. 189 N. High 8treet, Heilig Bldg. 63al8tf . , SOME WORKINGMAN LARGE COB ntr lot Plastered home. Fruit and Garden. Garage. 12750 and terms. See 1703 Broadway. Vacant Kovem- Jt0- B"e Hendricka, 189 N. High Street, Heilig Bldg. 63nl8tf SPECIAL BARGAIN 5 aerea all cleared with good fire-room bungalow built about three years aro, located about one mile east of Fair grounds. Price $2000; 500 dews; balance monthly. Immediate posses sion. WHr HESITATE on a bargain like this. W. II. GRADES IIORST CO. 275 State St. Phone 515. 63n22 BEST BCTS AND EXCHANGES 4 room garage house, plumbed, $800, $160 cash, balance $13 and int. month ly. 4 rooms, nook, new, double constructed, stuccoed. North Salem, 3600. $500 cash, balance. J35 and int. monthly. 5 room strictly modern new bungalow, $75 worth of linoleum, shades, a win- wood, garage, owner going away, for quick aale, $4400, $1250 cash, bal ance, $35 and 6 monthly. 14-acre dairy, stocked and equipped, good milk contract, 5 miles out, $6000, terms, 44 sere dairy stocked and equipped, good buildings, silo, seasons feed and wood, want Salem residence or small acreage, as part. $10,500. . SOCOLOFSKY 841. State. 63o21tf FINE FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE On the S. E. corner of Trade and Church Sts.. with 165 ft. front on rail road trackage. .If interested. See Childs A Bechtel, 540 State, or any Agent Multiple Listing Bureau. 63n21tf A. C. Bohrnstedt Victor Schneider Realtors Specialise in' Oregon farms, Salem hemes and write Insurance. 147 No. Commercial Street. Phone 577. 63n3tf PJPPPPp.ppppppp PJPPppppppppp P P 2200 2200 P P EXCHANGES EXCHANGES P P GO DIRECT TO EXCHANGE P P HEADQUARTERS P P Office Salem and Portland P P The demand for exchangee P P has made necesaary our P P GREAT MARKET PLACE P P where the requirements of all P P can be matched. We have P P Just what you have in mind; P P just where you want it; just P P the right price. Our list of P P exchangee (the largest list- P P ing on the Pacific Coast) P P guarantees your complete sat- P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P isfaction regardless of your P P requirements. If you would P P like to exchange yonr pre- P P perty TODAY, come ia TO- P P TODAY, See P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P 409 U. 8. Bank Bldg. P P Com'l at State. Phone 2242 PPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPP FOR SALE ery desirable apartment henne, close in. offered first time. Paying more than 18 on price asked, full furn ished, always full. This wilt not re main on market but few days. Terms can be arranged in part. TERMINAL REALTORS Terminal Hotel. Phone 696. ' 63nl8tf ACRE AND 5-ROOM HOUSE IN WoodOurn, 91000 will take Portland or Salem-lota up to half. Time on balance; G. I want a 5-acre suburban with fair buildings, between 3 and 4- thousand half cash. Come in soon if you have 't. Have several good farms where owners will consider a small acreage or Salem property and assume. Two good lots for 25 below the mar ket value. Mnfct sell. Real snaps. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State St. 63n5tf $3750 BUYS A new modern four-room home wen lo cated on paved street in North Salem; 750 down, balance monthly- will soon be ready to occupy. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME, See W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 275 State St. 63n22 5-ROOM BUNGAI.OW STREET PAVED garage, $2900; 350 down; 5-roora modern bungalow, paved, basement, furnace, fireplace, barn, 4000, Che meketa St.; 5-room house, 3000. 500 down. . . Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. 63nl8tf 6-ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD CONDITION. close to every grade and high school, lot 50x165. alter, street paved, 83500. 8ave on rent and buy this close in property. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 Cottage. 63nl8tf FOR SALE two lots, cloe in. 8 -room and posses- ion at- once! 1 Price 3000 c Good 8-room ' nouse, in good locstioa. s South. Lot 75x150. Price 3750. f N'ew 5-room bunsalow. cement base- ; ment. North. Salem, lot 50x150. Price " 3200. ' Terms. 1 New 5-room modern bungalow on Mar--' ion St. - Price $4500; 1000 cash; bal ' ance terms'. -' Good 8 room "honse with basement, fur nace. East front, garage, near State House. Price 85500. FOR RENT Good 3-room house located on N. 19th St. Ill .per. month. New 5-room furnished house in good location. S36. 8 - room modern house just outside city limits, 40. KRUEGjF.R. Realtor. 147N. Com'l, Boom 1, Phone 217 63n21 FURNISHED HOUSE. SACRIFICE rooma plastered, bath, etc., on larare east front lot north. Fnlly furnished. Priced S30O0 for all. Hecke a Hen dricks, 189 N. High . Street, Heilig Bldg. 63n20tf A REAL BARGAIN In a good location with . rooms, bun rslow style, garage, pared St. Invested on D St, near Winter. Immediate pos sea ion. Price 3000: terms. W. H. GRABEXHORST CO. 275 State S. 3n23 MINUTE MOVIES 2 IN AMP OUT riA JOLR ROOMS FURNACE AND MOD- era; S'-ijlKJ takes; 300 down. Becke Hendricks. 189 N. High Street, Heilig Bldg. 63n20tf 100 DOWN Buys a neat four-room bungalow, plas tered, concrete porch, modern plumb ing and electric lights, double garage, built in kitchen, wired for electric range, pared street and car line. This house was built a little over one year ago and ia in good condition. Imme diate possession. Price $2200; balance payable $30 per month including seven per cent interest. WHY WAIT, IT WILL BE GONE TOMORROW. W. H. GRABEXHORST CO. 275 8tate St. 63n22 4 ROOMS. NOOK. HARDWOOD FLOOR, fireplace, basement, furnace, stucco cona tract ion, North Salem, 83600, 8500 cash, balance 35 and interest month ly. Sorolofsky, 341 State, Real Estate and Loans. 63nl9tf LESS THAN RENT New house with gsrsee and woodshed: lot 45x160; pavement in and paid. Price $1600.00, terms $100.00 down and SI5.00 month inctnding interest. TERMINAL. REALTORS In Terminal Hotel Lobby. Phone 60S. 63n20tf BUY A new fully modern 7 room bungalow, every thing you can ask in an up-to-date home and in , a good location at 6500, easy payments. A Good hop yard. 35 acres in hops, 65 acres good farming land, houwe and good barns, a real bar Rain at 160 per acre, 'easy .payments. HOME Is where man dwells: 4 room new plastered bun galow, 2 lots, garage, at $1700. $200 down, bal. easy payments. ON Terms you can afford to buy a 180-acre timber proposition, more than enough timber to pay far land at $50 per acre aud . easy payments. EASY To start in store business for yourself. A choice stock of groceries and fixtures at invoice pness All new. Rent or bay building on easy pay ments. PAYMENT To suit yon. Two all furnished hotels. Easy payments. PLAN Your own house and we will get it for you; 7 room home, basement, and fruit trees. Large . lot. Easy payments. U I.RICH & 122 No. Com'l. ROBERTS Phone 1351. 63n25 SPECIAL 55 acres with new house and barn. Lots of timber. 7 miles east of Salem, 1 mile from pav.-d road on good gravel road. Price" 5000. Part in trade, small truck or city property, will take 1500 in wood to be corded on place. 25 acres river bottom with fair im provements, stocked and equipped for 4000. Will trade for small tract near Salem. 2 room house and 2 nice lots for 1000. with $250 down; 5-room furnished house. $20.00 per mo. 5 room house for $10.00. THOMASON. 331 ti State Street. 63nl9tt FOR SALE 44 ACRE POULTRY Ranch, well improved and also im proved for hogs: 35 acres in cultiva tion, running water through pasture; C room plastered house, all built in conveniences. Newly fenced and crossed fenced. Good improvements. Immediate possession. 1200.00. Part cash; balance at 40O per year at H'Tt. A. F. Bolton, 525 W. 12th. Albany. O-e. 3o2l Ileal Estate Trades 65 TRADE FOUR-ACRE SUBURBAN home for home in city. Good house, large lot, fruit trees for small farm. For Sale 40 acres with 20 acres real Beaverdam land and buildings, $15,000. Seven-room modern house, paved street at less than it is worth. F. L. WOOD, 341 STATE ST. 65nlltf REALTY EXCHANGES A good farm for a small suburban or town home place. A large close in house suitable for re-renting half for income. Owner wants a cow and chick en acreage within 25 miles with a small house. A fine paying apartment prop osition in good educational town for a farm. A money maker for a good man ager. See Vm. Fleming, 341 State St. - 65nlotf TRADE 160-acre farm, fair bldr. Said to be good alfalfa lanoN 5 miles of Lapine. between forks of the Deschutes, near Highway. Trade and pay cash dif ference for something in the valley. See Childs A Bechtel, 540 State St. 65n21lf Real Estate -Farms 67 45-ACRE FARM 2 MILES TOWS, -5-roora honse, barn, silo, real dairy or ' poultry ranch, only $3750, your terms,; , 35-acre dairy or poultry ranch im proved, $2,500, terms or city prop erly. Salem residence for close in ranch, or anywhere. Clear Washiaj ton land for equity in valley farm, BARBER, 200 Gray Bldg. 67el5tf Real Estate Suburban 69 TWO ACRES FINE BUILDINGS ON Highway outside Salem, $6300. BECKE A HENDRICKS - 189 N. High St.. Heilig Bldg. 69nl4tf Wanted Heal Estate 71 WANTED A few first class listings in residence acreage, farms, lot and business oppor tunities. We have buyers. TERMTNAL REALTORS Terminal Hotel. Phone 696. " ' 71nl8f Automobiles Wanted 77 EikerAuto Co. We pay cash for Fords. t 17mlltf (All rights protected J BIG0SH - Swapped J s . GUAeSO.HUi ON THE FHhSNO.I3'S l .Ll WE WISH TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OCR USED CAR SHOW ' SOMETHING NEW COME. AND LOOK THEM OVER FRED M. POWELL MOTOR CARS Telephone 2126. 350 N. High. 79n20 BCICK TOURING. 22 MODEL. GOOD anap. Rev. Hoffman, 1743 Nebr. 79n22 FOR SALE 1922 OVERLAND SEDAN, completely overhauled, excellent me chanical condition. Phone owner, 1827 or 647. 79n22 (Pettyjohn s Red Tag Sale of Good Used Cars) THE TAGS TELL THE 8TORY Former Sale Price. Price 1924 Ford Roadster 350 300 1924 Chevrolet Coupe 500 465 1923 Star Touring 363 340 1923 Ford Touring 300 273 1924 Overlund Touring .... 450 400 1924 Overland Blue Bird.. 600 550 1924 Stephens Spt. Tour. 1000 945 1924 Gardner Brougham .. 850 795 Late model Chevrolet Touring with Balloon tires 395 Hudson Speedster, all dolled up .. 875 Late model Dodge, panel delivery.. 595 Ford Coupe 223 Ford Touring very fine condition.... 125 New Chrysler Touring, run only a few hundred miles, at a (BARGAIN) We also have Fords Chevrolet Over lands and other small cars at 50.00 and up. Terms Cash or trades. And a small deposit will hold any car tliut you may select. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 365 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260. 79nl7tf GOOD USED PARTS FOR HALF OR less. Why pay more? Money back guarantee. Scheelar Auto Wreck inn Co. Look for the orange front. Day pnone siy. .ignt pnone 503. 108 i. commercial St. 'Built to save money." 79jl3tf 1926 LICENSE FREE WITH EACH CERTIFIED AUTOMOBILE 1923 Superior Model Chev. Tour J 50 1923 Ford Coupe with 150 overhaul $290 19J4 Willys Knight Touring. driven only 14,000 miles ..$88 1923 Maxwell Coupe, new paint $66 1923 Maxwell Sport Tour. .$665 1924 lodge Touring, extras $750 See Our Fine Stock of Reconditioned Cars Before Ituyhttf.-' CERTIFIED PUBLIC MOTOR CAR MARKET Block N. of Post Office. 79n21tf See Our Used Cars before you buy. Onr prices are below the market. e sell new Che vrolet on a small down payment and 18 monthly payments. Newton Chevrolet Co. 79nl8tf I TWO NON-STARTER TOURING FORDS with license. $45 and $55. Too much service in these cars to wreck. Both in good running condition. EIKKR AUTO CO. I Phone 121 79j31tf EIKER'S USED CARS 1924 Touring $345 1924 Coupe ....$435 Ford sedan $250 Our usual guarantee behind all cars. EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121. 79jI8tf USED FORD Our Stock is Complete aud Prices are Right. LIBERAL TERMS Let us explain our plan to you. Valley Motor Co. Local Authorized Ford Dealer. Phone 1995. 200 No. Uifh 79nlttf Say It With a Classified Ad by The George Mathews Adams Sertico Trade Mark Registered HE MUST HAVVE BUCK ajouJ SEES THAT IN SPtTE CF - clothes with ; 7 IHAI SCAKC, AJEUJ CUTTlT, ME motl PURSUED srww r- v. mr- w m iiri -w amjnBan I J i A 1 t (i ' . til I -1 ar-i aaa 1 at r ' J ia '! aa -7 - rvr . ... m " SEtN ANyTHINGy Or f ( f WOW I) A AJO, m - f A FELLER. IMA -wc-r 1 yiDrPrp m i ( m & zHcHEt yw,) "zizzy CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AMBTXLANCE GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 608 and 883-R. Day or night aerrice. f 14tf AUCTIONEERS P. X. WOOD1T Salem's Leading Expert livestock. Fur niture and Real Estate Auctioneer and Appraiser. Kes. and Store. 1610 N. Summer Street Phone 511 For Sale Datea Established Since 1916 o6tf II. F. WOODRY A SON Expert Livestock, Furniture, Real Es tate, and Merchandise Auctioneers. 18 years' experience. .Satisfaction Guar anteed. Office 271 . Com'l. Tel. 75. Res. 998 8. Commercial, Tel. 1843-W for aale datea. ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 831 ft BUte. Phone, 2098-R. alT-'J6 BATTERY AND aUJBCTRICIAJrs R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial . Phone 198 COURT ST JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI- fycles and repairing. 387 Court. BRAHB REUNTNG MIKE PANEK 275 SOUTH COMMER eial St. Phone 102. )8tf CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM fivt - - ' If . Jr.: f Help any known disease. 420-426 Statel a-Botr CHIROPRACTOR DRl 0 L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phone 828-R or 87. H. B. 8COFIELD PALMER CHIROPRAC- tor. 828 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKING PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7" wording, "Liressmaking;" price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, Ground floor. MRS. C. E. MfLLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO, MASONIC building. Phone 1200. - ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1934. 22a N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Istimstes furnished. Phone 980 471 Court 8t. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST fsrm psper send 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention thia ad. POULTBYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps .'or special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal in ' the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the Soultry breeders of the Northwest, orthwsst Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial street, Salem. Oregon. FINANCIAX FOB BALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses . w Pill net 6 to 30. BECKE HKKDRICSI Heilig Bldg., 189 N High St. jitf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY TO loan on rood farm Bseurity. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money on city residences snd business property, at plus a commission. Hawkina 4s Roberta, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. d-14tf FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. FLORAL DESIGNS. Select dahliaa 7hile in bloom. Ben nett Nursery Co., Fairground Road. Tel. 128C. sl5, '26 CUT FlaDWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 380. LN8USANCI Insure Your home or ear now Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Hellle Bldr.. 189 N. H i gh. St. jt-tf LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 263 8 High street. Phone 25, oldest, larg est and beat. Established 1889. TRY THE HOME WTJT WASH LA UN dry. Phone 171. 1356 B Street. jl7tf CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY Phone 165 Service with a smile. Quality work 124 Broadway. jlt LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and woman. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THE Capitol City Beddine Co, 1190 North CapitoL Called for and delivered. All work rnaranteed. Phone 19 fl9tf A California man has announced his candidacy for governor on an evolution ticket. Well, a lot of fetates need an evolution In govern ors. Oklahoma Oklahoman. ( VJOW - HE'S RK3WT , 1 BEWlMD ME? CWillam J . 0 S f'TWASM RIGH'.KID, (LESH BUSINESS and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMKDY Phons 517-W. J4TJ sic STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grapha aewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and stwinx machines. 432 Bute street. 8alen. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW ictor r Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Fnr nitnro Co, Music Dept '.'hi NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning. Tel. 23 or 583. NTJRSEKY STOCK FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearey Bros., 178 S. Commercial. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS GEORGE R. VEHRS. M. D. Physician and Suregon. Diseases of women, obstetrics, surgery. 411-412 U. 8. Bank Bldg., Salem. Office tele phone 615; residence telephone 775. o2Sf PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FCRNRITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store. Phone 941. PAPrSHANGING AST) PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. it Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piauo tuner. Leave ordera Will Music Store PRINTING FOR STATIONARY. CARDS. PAMPH lets, programs, books or any kind of nrintmg. Cat at the Statesman Prim ing Department, 215 8. Commercial. Tel. 583. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros. 141 Liberty St Phone 550. fl9tf RADIO 8PLITDORF RADIO, ALES AND SERVICE No better radio made at any priee Imu i Caaa QUALITY CABS High and Trade fiu RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. S. BARTON, Proprietor Masonic Temple Phone 1200 Radiolas Por Every Purpose Every Puns All Standard Siies of Radio Tubea HALIK ft EOFP-ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court St. Phone 488 REAL ESTATE IP YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if you are looking for s home, farm or business property, see us. BECKE HENDBlCKS U. 8. National Bank Building. J8tf REPAIRING ALYTN B. STEWART 247 Court- St. UMBRELLAS, CUTLERY AND KEYS. Lawomowert, rsior blades, scissors, knives snd toole shsrpened SCAVENGERS CITY GARBAGE CO.. RFMO ES ALL kinds trash and gsrl.ase by the jot or month, reasonable rates. Office phone 35, 157 S. Commercial, res. phone 290. FOR GOOD SCAVENGER SKKV1CE Call 167. Salem Scavensrr, Luuiniins ana. Trotter. n-3tf SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- iug and shoes. Best prices -sid. Csp ital Exchange, 842 North CommerciaL Fhone 136S-W. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, aise 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oila and varnishes, ate, loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP" HOUSE hold rood a Onr specialty ia piano and furniture moving. Ws also make coun m teina. Wa handle the best coal snd wood. Call on us for prices. We give eood measure, good quality and good rw . Til. AA service, warmer irausivr va. .vw CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 a,.,, at Pk... oaa rMatrismtiaK. for warding aad a torses ear apeeialvy. Get onr rates. V. S. Patent Office) And so u'E come lb FARMER 3RAy,jjwo. IS TAklH3- A'load" T(5WN Thb AFTER" HAVA UC J7 ' ' REAL ESTATE 147 N. Com. St. Phone 217 . BVw -W Mt V41 - .aaaaaaaMaw ac Vi f . r i DIRECTORY WATER. SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. Office 304 8onth Commercial 8t. Tea per csnt diacount ea domettie flat rates paid in advance. No dedaetiea for absence er any causa males water in shut off voor PARKER STAGE LINES ANNOUNCING IMPORT AST CHANGES in the Salem to MrKinnviUe Time Schedule Effective Sept. 15, 1925. AM. . 8:30 . 0:45 .. 9:45 .10:25 PM. PM. 2:10 5:1a $:25 6:35 :45 7:45 4:25 1:25 PMl PM. 1:15 5:15 lr55 5:55 2:40 6:45 3:55 8:00 Salem.- Lv McMinnville, Ar. McMinnville. Lv. Newberg. Ar. AM. Newberg. Lv McMinnville. Ar. McMinnville, Lv. 7:20 Salem . 8 :45 CHANGES IN THE SALEM-DALLAS SCHEDULE Leaving Salem for Dallas: 7, 9, 11:25 a. in.. 2:19, 5:15 p. m. Leaving Dallas for Salem: 8, 9:50 a. m. 1. 3:10, 6 :15' p. m. Call 96 for further information. PARRISH JUNIOR HIGH COOKING CLASSES (Continued from page 8) meals, but they are interested in the scientific art of canning. Al ready this year the girls, com pletely by themselves, have put up 100 quarts f tomatoes, 48 quarts of peache 30 quarts of pears, 48 quarts f jmmpkin, six gallons of- hoppedifkl 4Vi pints of small 4picumer s'we pickles, ' and 5 gflasesdlj gratVeS and apple jettyis " rit$ & There are all in all 115 girls taking cooking a. the school, 50 in the 7th grade 0. is- tf&lh grade and 13 in the 9th rgra3e. Each of the grades of 50 are divid ed into classes of 25 as the do mestic science kitchen is built to accornmodate 24, but can accom modate 25. While one lass is be ing taught actual cooking, an other will be in the adjoining room taking notes on cooking. One Of the blessings of the de partment is that there is not text books with which to confuse the girls. " The only written work is a very clear and concise outline compiled by Mrs. Creech herself, and is'built up only of examples based on actual experience in the class room. . The rooms of the department were planned entirely by Mrs Creech. At one end of the space allowed is the pantry, in which there is a roomy cooling system for the milk, eggs, dairy foods, etc., and cupboards and bins for food stuffs. Also at this end there is a small store room for the can ned frnit and pickles. This opeus onto the main kit chen. which is built around the tables in the center of the room On these tables are the gas ranges which the girls use for their laboratory work. Along the sides of the room on the one side are sinks for dishwashing, and on the other side are cupboards con taining the various utensils. The feature . of the room is the large electric range, the only new equipment in the department. This range represents all that Is modern, and -it is to it that Mrs. Creech attributes a part of the remarkable success of the cafeter ia lunches,. ' -- -. The rooms adjacent to the cook ing room is usea as a recitation room for the cooking students. and also as the sewing room. There .are three teachers, Miss Marion Linn, swho also assists in the cooking; Mrs. Harriet Mercer, and Miss Winifred, Eyre. ' , The sewing clauses coopetfarte with the Mario'r. 'county fchild health demonstrafloi. fend , the gtrla are taught irf addiOoht tj their sewing various phases of personal hygiene. The 7th grade pupils are taught sleeping habits and ventilation, the Sth grade, personal hygiene, and the 9th gradej child care.: The girls of this grade also make children's garments, which they may either keep for gifts or may donte them to charity. " Such garments are always in demand, and go as swiftly as tlfey are - made, de clares Mrs. Creech, who is' bead of the entire domestic science de partment. The girls of the 9th grade also make underwear and dresses for themselves. "3 As for the handling of the money taken in at the lunches, the irlrla chanre each day. so that By ED WHEELAN WAL.I VCNOUl VUHERE -TUF; TARNATION VUJ QR4A BEJ -- rZl AMI ( each girl in the - department Is, given ample opportunity to handle the money,-to become acquainted with the banking, and with draw ing the checks. Each girl has the opportunity "several times dur ing the course of the school year to arrange the entire menu for the lunches. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of . Marion. Union Savings & Loan As- ) sociation, art Oregon cor- ) poration, Plaintiff, ) Viola L. Mover, Eva U ) .- Meyers, and Cora E. Sov- ) ' ereign. Defendants ) To Cora E. 7 Soyereign, above- named defendant: ; " In the name of theState of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit, on or before the 2nd day of January, 1926, said time being more than lx weeks from the date of the first publication ot this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint.-. for want thereof, plaintiff will ap ply to the court for relief prayed for in the complaint on file here in, to-wit: First: Judgment against the defendant, Viola L. Moyer. In the sum of $1656.2$ and interest thereon at the rate of ten (10V er cent per annum from the 2nil y of FcbruaY.L?25, until paid,: for.:the: furthir;iim of $97 if faxes and interej&Jthereon at the rate:of ten (10rn nereent .per annum from the 2nd day of le- ruary, 1925, until paid; for .too , further sum of $10.00 insurance and interest thereon at the rate of ten (10'r) per cent per annum, from the 4th day of December, 1923, until paid; for the further sum of $7.2." abstracting and in terest thereon at the rate of ten (10rr) per cent per annum from the 15th day of January, 1925. until paid; for the further sum of $175.00 attorney's fees for the at torney for the plaintiff herein: -and for the plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein. Second: That the plaintiff's mortgage as herein set fortlr b decreed to be a valid and subsist ing lien on the property therein . described and that the mortgage be foreclosed and that the prop erty therein described as: "Lot numbered seven (7), in block numbered two (S, in Wil lamette Addition to the City of Sa lem, in Marlon county, State of . Oregon." be sold by the sheriff of said county as provJded by th laws of the State of Oregon for t ho sale of real property on execution and that the plaintiff herein bo permitted to become a' purchaser at said sale and that the purchas er be put into immediate posses sion of said premises; that the profits of said sale be applied first to the satisfaction of said judg ment obtained by the plaintiff herein; said judgment including principal and interest due, taxes, insurance, costs of abstracting, reasonable attorney's feesand costs and disbursements herein; and that if the said proceeds are sufficient to satisfy the said judg ment, the residue, if any, shall b paid to the defendants as their in terest may appear. Third: That the plaintiff have judgment against Viola L. Moyer for any deficiency ttfat might Te ma'n after said sale. Fourth: That the defendants and each of them and any and ail persons claimirfg by, through . or under them be forever barred bf any right and all right, title aid interest in and to "said property, save and excepting, the statutory right of redemption. : f Fifth: That the right, title and interest of the plaintiff in and to said property herein described and covered by the aforesaid mortgage is superior to that of the defend ants and that the right, title and interest, and claim of each of said defendants be and is inferior to . and subsequent in time to that of the plaintiff herein. This" summons Is served upon you ,by publication thereof 1n The Oregon Statesman, for sir consecu tive weeks pursuant to ian order of the Honorable Judge of the above entitled Court, which ordW is dated the 16th day of Novem ber. 192$. Date of first publication, No vember il, 1925. Date of last publication, Janu ary 2, 1326. - HERBERT DE WART, Attorney for the Plaintiff. 309 Stark street, Portland, Oregon, n 21-2S; d 5-J2-1 9-26 ; J 21 926 Oi A cold means danger. Ovrr i raooo peocL i a year die from pneumonia alone Andcount leas other troubles come from coldev - Stop a cold at the start. Do it in th quickest, most effective way. Take Hill's Caacaraotrjirane. It checks a cob! in 14 hours, and grippe in three dayi. Millions now use ir, for in a years no oai has found a better way to stop colds, v Don't trust lesser treatscnta wbeaTOII can get this. AadroggcttHiTsi . Be Sure Itiel Priced- Spi;;:;;i: